
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest55638
=== Guest23811 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest29778
osltMaybe I have something like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/98051904:56
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 980519 in Fedora "Random log off in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS" [Undecided,New]04:56
osltGet logged off, all of a sudden. Then Login Screen. Some programs popping up. That are not in austostart.04:57
osltUbuntu 13.0404:57
osltSome assistance?05:11
maxiaojunHow to deal with bugs fixed in 12.10+ but not 12.04 LTS?08:44
jtaylormaxiaojun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates08:49
maxiaojunbut the problem is that such bugs already marked as fixed08:51
jtayloryou can request nomination for an older series08:52
maxiaojun_for example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa-demos/+bug/91463109:17
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 914631 in mesa-demos (Ubuntu) "[mir] mesa-demos" [Wishlist,Fix released]09:17
maxiaojun_how can i request nomination for precise09:18
mitya57maxiaojun_: why do you need a nomination for a MIR bug?09:22
mitya57(and only members of ~ubuntu-bug-control can request nominations)09:22
jtayloronly members can accept them09:23
maxiaojun_it is a concrete bug that Detials in the System Settings always shows Unknown out-of-the-box09:23
mitya57I don't think we can "backport" a main inclusion, sorry09:25
mitya57(and without mesa-demos in main the issue can't be resolved)09:25
jtaylorthe main inclusion is unrelated to the bug09:27
jtaylorI don't see why they have been duped09:27
jtaylormoving from components does not fix normal bugs09:27
jtayloror is it a default install issue?09:28
jtaylorok that is problematic09:28
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jtaylorbut possible unless its a huge maintainence burden for the LTS09:29
jtaylorwell ok I don't know if its possible, don't now canonical procedures09:32
jtayloryou'll have to ask who is in charge of mesa, probably better duing weekdays09:34
hggdhMIR nonminations will not be accepted for alread7-released versions17:37
ishanaba_hi i ve got an powermanagement issue can any one help me to clarify is it a bug?19:21
penguin42I don't know much power management, but ask a bit more detail and lets see where we go19:22
ishanaba_when power management mechanism enabled for example suspend after 5 mins. although some one is working remotely via ssh or remote desktop machine suspends after 5 mins19:24
ishanaba_of idel19:24
ishanaba_ssh shell crashes as well as the remote desktop session19:24
ishanaba_I feel it is a bug what do you guys think?19:25
penguin42does the machine completely suspend?19:26
ishanaba_I ve noticed this from 11.04, 11.10, and in 12.0419:27
ishanaba_after suspend we have to wake it using HW switch19:27
ishanaba_or wake on lan19:27
penguin42ok, I don't know enough to know whether there is anything in there that's supposed to stop it suspending if someone is remotely logged in, but I'd agree it would be sensible for it not to19:28
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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bipulHello i am new to finding, I wants to learne how to find bugs20:41
bipuls/finding/finding bugs20:41
penguin42well, what do you mean by finding - do you want to look through the bug list or test things?20:46
bipulpenguin42, Both20:52
penguin42bipul: OK, so there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures   for testing the releases - although obviously doesn't test every package20:54
penguin42bipul: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs  for helping with triage20:54
bipulpenguin42, Thank you.20:56
penguin42no problem20:58
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia

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