
=== a16g_ is now known as ypwong
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maxiaojunanyone taking care of add-apt-repository ?06:05
=== Claudinux is now known as Guest18186
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j`eyI'm getting the following error: mk-build-deps: Unable to find package name in `apt-cache showsrc debian/control10:26
cjwatsonCan you pastebin your debian/control?10:27
j`eywhen running "mk-build-deps --install --tool "apt-get -y" --build-dep debian/control", anyone know how to solve it?10:27
j`eycjwatson: where does that live>?10:27
cjwatsonIn your source tree ...10:27
cjwatsonI mean, relative to whatever your current directory is10:27
j`eysorry, I see10:27
j`eyI thought debian/control was a package name or something10:27
j`eymy bad, it works now :P10:27
cjwatsonOh, indeed, build-dep debian/control makes no sense, that's a file name :)10:28
cjwatsonAlthough mk-build-dep is supposed to be able to operate on a debian/control file10:28
j`eyI was just in the wrong directory10:29
ricotzjamespage, hi, libunwind8-dev is missing the pkg-config file14:28
g25d554gfim mehdi18:11
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infinityRiddell: kdev-python ships a lot of libraries that looks suspiciously more like plugins: libkdev4pythonduchain.so, libkdev4pythonparser.so, etc.22:10
infinityRiddell: Are you sure those shouldn't perhaps be in /usr/lib/kde4 instead of /usr/lib?22:10
infinityRiddell: Also, ./usr/lib/libpython2.7-kdevelop.so.1.0 and ./usr/lib/libpython2.7-kdevelop.so both being real files instead of one being a symlink seems a bit suspect.22:11
Riddellinfinity: I'll ask upstream22:15
Riddellinfinity: upstream says..22:16
Riddell23:15 < scummos_> probably all of that is right22:16
Riddell23:16 < scummos_> I'll report a bug to myself and take care of it before the 1.6 release22:16
infinityRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746560/ <-- Being the full contents of /usr/lib, for reference.22:17

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