
j`eyanyone tried mir in virtualbox?09:30
j`eylooking on here: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/using_mir_on_pc.html "lsmod | grep drm" doesnt show drm09:30
j`eyit's using vesa/pixman09:31
j`eywell, I enable 3d acceleration in vbox, and got the drm module09:51
j`eybut getting "problem opening DRM device", operation not permitted09:51
j`eyok, trying to build mir from source, it says to run this command:10:25
j`eymk-build-deps --install --tool "apt-get -y" --build-dep debian/control10:25
j`eybut I get:10:25
j`eyk-build-deps: Unable to find package name in `apt-cache showsrc debian/control10:25
j`eyI executed it in the wrong dir10:28

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