
pragmaticenigmaI'm having difficulty with MythTV re-recording shows that I have previously recorded and watched.  I have checked the old recordings and the programids are the same.  Why is it still recording the episode again? what might I be missing in my scheduling rules?04:45
humehi all.... my mythweb shows only a blank page in browser after server upgrade to ubuntu 13.04 - anyone got advice on this? what could be wrong?11:05
Jay2k1have a look into apache's error log, see if there's anything11:08
humecan I paste two lines from it here?11:12
humeah...here it is, last lines from error.log. last two lines are from attempt to access mythweb11:14
Jay2k1go on11:14
Jay2k1which mythtv version are you using?11:18
humeii  mythtv-backend 2:0.25.2+fixes.20120802.46cab93-0ubuntu1.12.10 amd6411:19
humeubuntu package11:19
Jay2k10.26 is current11:21
Jay2k1the very last post from the ticket i linked says you should upgrade11:21
humehrm.... seems not be in standard ubuntu repo11:21
humeyes, saw that, thanks11:21
Jay2k1also, look at comment #1511:21
Jay2k1probably that fixes it11:21
Jay2k1also look at https://sites.google.com/a/mythbuntu.org/website/repos11:22
Jay2k1if you have the mythbuntu control center, you should be able to choose 0.26 there11:22
Jay2k1or probably with dpkg reconfigure mythbuntu-repos11:23
dekarlhmm, why did it redirect you there instead of simply to http://www.mythbuntu.org/repos strange11:23
Jay2k1i was wondering about that too11:24
Jay2k1dekarl: i was coming from the "upgrading to next release" section on http://www.mythbuntu.org/upgrading11:25
dekarltgm4883: superm1, clicking on the MYthbuntu logo at any page will redirect you to the google url11:25
dekarloh, the link at the bottom of http://www.mythbuntu.org/upgrading redirects there, too11:25
pragmaticenigmaCan someone help me figure out why Myth is re-recording shows that it already has recorded in the past?  I have check the "oldrecord" table and episodes have the exact same program id, title, subtitle and description.  However, Myth still schedules them to be recorded.12:41
dekarltgm4883: superm1: while I forgot what was broken until I changed the paths in mythweb.conf.apache I still had fixing the package on my list. Does that look sane? http://pastebin.com/KjZZ5zBs13:03
tgm4883dekarl, yea, there isn't a fix for that :/15:34
tgm4883the site logo always redirects to that page15:35
tgm4883I don't see the other link you are talking about though15:35
dekarlits "Mythbuntu-repos" in the last line of http://www.mythbuntu.org/upgrading15:37
tgm4883dekarl, that patch looks fine to me. I don't recall me having to fix that on mine though15:38
tgm4883ah sec15:38
tgm4883fixed the bottom link15:40
tgm4883dekarl, while that looks like a sane patch, I'd wait for superm1 to weigh in. Since I don't recall fixing mine it's entirely possible that we have some other process that fixes that either during install or when setting something up that might break if we add that patch without changing the process as well15:41
tgm4883I'm looking to see if it's in MCC15:41
dekarltgm4883: if i understand it correclty your config contains the right path wizhouz manual editing?16:07
tgm4883dekarl, yes I believe so, but it's been a while since I installed it16:11
dekarloops https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/92378516:13
tgm4883dekarl, :)16:14
dekarllooks like t never made it to packaging16:14
dekarlor it got replaced as you said http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythtv/mythtv-master/revision/533 i'll just drop the patch :)16:17
=== _Jay2k1 is now known as Jay2k1
ZinnSorry I don't know about duplicate22:17
pragmaticenigmaIs anyone available to assist me with setting up program scheduling?22:25

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