
geniiGnite :)00:33
Ben64derp in #ubuntu advising forkbomb and rm /04:33
derpCorey: i'm kidding :P04:51
IdleOneget your other nick out of #ubuntu please04:55
IdleOneYou should have behaved to begin with.04:57
derpqueue eye roll04:58
IdleOneyou may go now.04:58
elkyoh yay, derpycream.05:03
elkygenii, are you op in -ot currently?05:59
elkyok i need to go do stuff, can you keep an eye on that bag of fun?06:00
geniiHehe, OK06:01
geniiOk. almost 3am here so I'm out...06:53
ikoniaapologies all, I just removed someone with a channel with the remove message "please visit #ubuntu-ops to discuss your removal", sorry about that, if he joins please apologies for the mistake and explain this is the wrong channel08:10
ikoniamy misake/fault, sorry08:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Ravaillac said: ubottu bot is reading my thoughts...08:50
Adim by peer)14:11
Adim* You have been kicked from #ubuntu by jrib (visit #ubuntu-ops if you have questions about your ban)14:11
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:12
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:12
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:12
jribI spoke with Adim in pm but he's not very receptive14:12
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:13
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:13
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:13
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:13
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!14:13
ubottujrib called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()14:13
Tm_TAdim: you're doing it wrong14:13
MyrttiAdim: no, remote help is not allowed.14:13
AdimFuck You!!! No Rule14:14
AdimAbout That14:14
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:14
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:14
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely Help To14:14
Myrttimight be a remnant of mine14:17
=== mrmist is now known as mist
SnypeWhats up Myrtti17:30
SnypeWhat you smoking today? :D17:30
MyrttiI've never smoked anything.17:30
SnypeOh don't lie.17:30
SnypeI know it!17:30
SnypeYou smoke sh!t all the t!m317:30
DJonesSnype: Stop trolling17:30
IdleOneMind your language please17:30
MyrttiI don't know why you bother joining this channel with that attitude17:30
SnypeIts fun17:31
SnypeYou gotta try it17:31
MyrttiI'm sure you'd have better things to do than coming here17:31
SnypeSadly I don't17:31
SnypeMy life is sad and miserable17:31
SnypeAnd the only pleasure I can draw17:31
SnypeIs by trolling you my little black gay friend17:31
Myrttiyou're wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to correct you17:31
derpIdleOne: what did i do again?19:15
IdleOneyou joined the channel19:16
IdleOneyou may go now.19:17
derpno shit sherlock.19:19
derpbut was it the sup piggies thing i did?19:19
Tm_Tderp: good night, see you next decade or so19:20
derplove you .19:20
Tm_T♥ indeed (:19:21
derpI'll be back on a new IP ? maybe19:21
Tm_Tdoesn't matter, your ban stays19:21
derphow long?19:21
IdleOnea decade = 10 years.19:22
derpnice to know19:22
Tm_Twell, technically next decade is waiting us in less than 7 years19:22
derpso insta-ban when i com on?19:22
Tm_Tderp: unfortunately until your initial ban is properly resolved19:22
derpbai <319:23
ntzrmtthihu777not sure whether this is worth reporting, but hey.21:10
ntzrmtthihu777daftykins> | seriously you highlight me again with that bullshit, go fuck yourself pal.21:10
ntzrmtthihu777I gave him !caps for shouting at someone, and he pm's me with this. *shrug*21:11
zykotick9i assume that ntzrmtthihu777 post a few moments ago in #ubuntu was the contents of a PM with daftykins.  that's kinda a problem, with daftykins.  thanks #ubuntu ops people!21:12
ntzrmtthihu777yep. floobot got upset over me, lol21:13
elkyntzrmtthihu777, i'm not going to bring him in here to discuss it with you here21:13
ntzrmtthihu777elky: ah, lol. just tell me I needa scat and I scat :P21:14
elky^ rickroll script21:14
elkyin case anyone wondered21:14
elkyaccording to daftykins, he was right everyone else was wrong.21:19
elkyand he's still completely adamant that because he has helped for a long time that he has the right to abuse people like that.21:31
Myrttihe couldve been asked nicely21:31
Myrttiand hecould have replied better21:31
elkyhe didn't even consider that the person asking may not be a native english speaker21:32
elkyand apparently this is irrelevant.21:32
elkyand boring.21:32
MyrttiI think I might have sorted him out21:40
Myrttiat least I told him off21:41
Myrttisee logs of -uk once they update21:45
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia

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