
cjwatsonWaiting for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/204-0ubuntu3/+build/4652462 plus next publisher run after it uploads00:00
* cjwatson &00:01
xnoxplars: slangasek: busybox drop is expected, one should gain busybox-static instead.09:56
* xnox ponders if the above systemd bug was also affecting ogra.09:59
* ogra looks through backlog10:00
xnoxogra: nah, it wouldn't, unless you run d-i in phone images.10:00
xnox (debian/extra/udev.startup is used nowhere else than d-i)10:00
ograheh, nope10:00
ograha, that one, yeah, i read the changes mail10:01
ograindeed, didnt affect us10:01
xnoxogra: /me ponders if I should finally cron my rss feeds + changes into daily kindle news and read them with the morning coffee =)10:01
ograhaha, thats what i usually do10:02
ogranot actually using a kindle ... an email reader on the tablet/phone does as well10:02
xnoxI need to do something soon. As google reader will be dead in less than a month..... both online and tablet/phone =(10:03
ograi use gReader, the devs promised to transparently swithc backends ...10:03
ogra(third party thing that exactly looks like the google one)10:04
xnoxI've tried feedly (didn't import folders), newsblur (still in the queue to register), theoldreader  (no tablet/mobile app)10:05
* ogra ponders if powerd dieing on the touch image is caused by the upstart job ...10:08
ogralooks like the exec lives inside the script stanza10:08
xnoxwhich is fine.10:08
ograis it10:08
xnoxyou do need to indicate within the script which command is the one you wish to actually track.10:08
ograthe upstart cookbook discourages it10:08
xnoxhuh, true. http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#using-expect-with-script-sections10:10
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