[01:39] silly question time... it is possible to install ubuntu _server_ via nfs/PXE, right? [01:40] atrius`: PXE should be possible though I've not tried. NFS, no idea. [01:41] sarnold: i can get it to boot just fine.. but it then promptly ignores the netboot=nfs bits and complains it can't mount the CD. if i use the initrd.gz from the netboot directory on the iso it ignores the NFS argument again and wants to load everything from the internet [01:43] lots of google hits for doing this on the desktop install, which works fine, but largely nothing for the server image [01:48] atrius`: hrm, indeed, my quick searches turn up the same results. [01:49] sarnold: and it is looking worse.. pulling apart the netboot initrd for server is starting to make it look like it doesn't support NFS installs at all [01:49] atrius`: for some (many? all?) releases, the server installer has been the debian installer.. it might be done differently.. [01:50] checking that [01:51] atrius`: this page seems to suggest it is possible.. it also describes ftp and http. http feels more likely to work than ftp, but that's just me.. :) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Network-Install-HOWTO-8.html [01:52] suggest yes.. but no deatils [01:52] details even [01:52] indeed. this page also suggests HTTP or FTP: http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch02s04.html.en#idp5637360 [01:52] which probably means setting up an entire mirror [01:53] which negates the rather extensive work already done on my PXE boot/NFS install server [01:53] which installs everything else in the universe just fine [01:53] * atrius` kicks ubuntu server [01:53] :( [01:53] can't imagine why they don't use the same installer for both Desktop and Server :( [01:54] atrius`: you might be able to configure a preseed file that leaves out all the gui and network-manager pieces... (not saying that's awesome, but it might get you where you want.) [01:54] i suppose it would be better than nothing [01:56] i'm searching the initrd file for any references to NFS [01:57] lovely.. the only references are via kickseed [02:11] well.. it appears that so far installing _server_ via NFS isn't possible. one guy even resorted to using squid to cache files from an HTTP source on the internet [02:11] if this is true that's pretty bloody lame since pretty much every other distro supports NFS install easily [02:12] atrius`: if you choose to go down the squid route rather than http, there's a squid-deb-proxy package that may help. [02:13] atrius`: please also file a bug. [02:13] sarnold: i'll probably file a bug after i'm less upset and less likely to write something like "lack of NFS install ability is retarded" :D [02:18] atrius`: heh, that's kind :) but once in a great while, an anger-induced bug report can do great good: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYTHON-532 [02:21] lol [02:33] sarnold: That bug report was a thoroughly entertaining read. Thanks. [02:34] tohuw: happy to make your friday night / saturday morning :) [02:35] For awhile, I was wondering if "Jibbers" was actually someone on the pymongo team! [02:56] I was asked by work to see if there is a way to not have the Symantec PGP Universal Server in between a Blackberry Enterprise Server and an MS Server 2008 with Exchange. So the idea I'm entertaining currently is 13.04 with hockeypuck or sks for keyserver then something like either make some procmail rules to encrypt and forward to the MS box, or perhaps something like Google's gpg-mailgate app with postfix to accomplish that part. Is anything [02:56] like this feasible? [03:04] Hey all. I'm trying to set up BitTorrent Sync on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu server instance. [03:05] I've provisioned a new Ubuntu server, installed btsync, and run it. Now, I just need to figure out how to connect to the web UI. [03:05] Anyone able to help me figure this out? [03:11] samglover: there's probably a few things to keep track of ... [03:11] I'm sure. [03:12] samglover: there's the AWS security groups.. and then whatever address the gui server binds to.. and then whatever access controls the GUI server might impose itself [03:13] samglover: if you forward http over ssh, your connections will appear to come from localhost (from the perspective of the GUI server), so it can bind to localhost and allow only localhost -- and not require any new AWS security groups [03:13] Okay, I'm already lost. Is there a tutorial you can point me to? I don't want you to waste your time walking me through it if I can try on my own with some guidance. [03:13] samglover: if you want to connect directly to it with a web browser, that'd require configuring it to listen publicly, setting up security groups to allow it, and maybe configuring some access controls to limit access to you and yuou alone.. [03:13] ah, good thing, it's dinner time ;) hehe [03:14] Or maybe some keywords I can use to find a tutorial? I don't even know what I'm looking for. [03:15] samglover: ssh -L and -R are probably the things to start with. here's a guide, but I don't love what I see so far.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding [03:15] samglover: oh, my fault, there's a argument at the end of the examples of "local port forwarding". they're tolerable examples. :) [03:15] good luck :) [03:16] Thanks. I'll come back if I can't figure it out (which will probably be the case). But hopefully with more-informed questions. [03:24] Okay, so my btsync process is listening: [03:24] Here's what netstat -lp shows: [03:24] tcp 0 0 *:8888 *:* LISTEN 951/btsync [03:25] And the btsync manual says: WebUI is the default way of accessing BitTorrent Sync. It can be reached at: YourLocalIP:8888/gui [03:27] But when I try it with my EC2 instance, like this, I get nothing: ec2-##-###-##-##.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8888/gui [03:27] The private DNS doesn't work, either. [03:28] So what I gather from sarnold's comments are that I could access it using local port forwarding. But wouldn't I need to insert my key pair somewhere in the command, in order to make it work? [03:28] that netstat line means that it should be listening from any address, so it sounds to me like an AWS problem [03:28] I don't know enough about AWS to tell you how to fix it, though [03:29] to SSH with an arbitrary key, use the -i parameter [03:29] FWIW, it's a clean Ubuntu 12.04 server, updated, with btsync. [03:30] e.g. ssh -i /path/to/private_key -L 8888: youramazonserver.com [03:31] Cool. I'll try that. [03:31] if establishing that connection works, you'd then browse to your local host on 8888 to get to it [03:32] You mean I'd enter in my web browser? [03:32] yes [03:34] this also assumes you're running linux on your local computer, or at least a system with openssh client [03:34] if you're on windows you'll need to use putty and configure the port forwarding the GUI way [03:34] It's a Mac, so I think I'm good. [03:35] The Ubuntu PC is at my office, but I'll need to connect that, too, at some point. [03:35] Holy shit, that worked! [03:35] Hello [03:37] My port 5060 is open filtered but will not allow SIP registration. Anyone had this problem with Ubuntu Server 12.04? [03:39] I changed the ports to 5070 and presto everything registered. [03:40] the port can't be open and filtered, it's either open, closed, or filtered [03:41] You guys rock. Thanks! Now I'm rolling my own Dropbox. [03:41] which corresponds to Accept, Reject, or Drop respectively [03:41] Up yours, NSA. [03:41] samglover, neat, I'll have to check out that software [03:44] I'll post a tutorial shortly. How do I turn off the local port forwarding? I want to make sure it keeps working. [03:44] ok here it comes [03:44] small flood [03:44] only way [03:44] 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-06-07 23:42 EDT [03:44] Nmap scan report for cinsolar.com ( [03:44] Host is up (0.0011s latency). [03:44] PORT STATE SERVICE [03:44] 5058/udp closed unknown [03:44] MAC Address: F4:CE:46:0F:44:74 (Hewlett-Packard Company) [03:44] Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds [03:44] jacksonkirka@jacksonkirka-HP-ProBook-4520s:~$ sudo nmap -p 5060 -sU cinsolar.com [03:44] Starting Nmap 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-06-07 23:42 EDT [03:44] Nmap scan report for cinsolar.com ( [03:44] Host is up (0.0011s latency). [03:44] PORT STATE SERVICE [03:45] please use a pastebin [03:45] Sorry about the small flood [03:45] !pastebin [03:45] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [03:45] Thanks [03:46] samglover, exit from the SSH session, and the tunnel goes away [03:46] Why is my port 5060 closed? [03:47] jacksonka, it means either nothing is listening there or the firewall is filtering it [03:48] Hm, that doesn't seem to have done it. I can still access the server using my browser. [03:49] I assume if the tunnel goes away, I shouldn't be able to access the web UI, at least. [03:49] After I disabled ufw it still blocks this port although my router is from Cincinnati Bell and the router may be blocking the port. [03:51] you can check on the server side with netstat -tulanp | grep 5060 [03:52] k, logging in using ECDSA 521 ssh. [03:52] if you find that is listening on udp 5060 on the correct interfaces, then it's probably a firewall somewhere down the line [03:54] no [03:54] UDP ports do not listen. [03:54] ONly tcp ports listen [03:55] so it means you don't have anything listening, which answers the question [03:55] Using nmap with -p 5060 -sU [03:56] -sU with nmap specifies udp [03:56] yes, which is why I said UDP [03:56] while UDP is stateless the software still needs to bind to the port [03:56] and will remain bound to that port in order to accept connections [03:56] Notice in the print nestat printout the udp ports don't say listen [03:57] if netstat does not show any software bound to 5060 then that is your problem [03:57] Port 5070 is bound [03:58] No I can use 5070 and the phones work [03:58] Why would 5060 be closed if Asterisk sip.conf is configured for [03:59] I disabled ufw. [03:59] I changed the port to 5070 [03:59] it's closed because you're not using 5060 right now [03:59] you will need to change it back in order to trace down the issue [04:00] Addr->IP : [04:01] This is text from Asterisk cntl [04:01] It is shows my phone at home on 5060 but it works and Asterisk PBX is configured for 5070. [04:02] Like you say 5060 isn't accepting data. [04:02] I have the phone Polycom 321 expressly configured to use port 5070. [04:02] It matches the port in Asterisk. [04:03] So the phone works but it reports its still on 5060. [04:04] what device is [04:04] Some party I am associated with Ubuntu, Asterisk, Yaai, Cincinnati Bell or other is intentionally blocking my ports. [04:05] does that IP belong to the asterisk server or to the polycom? [04:05] The Polycom 321 TCP/IP parameters [04:05] ....................................................... [04:06] IP: [04:06] ok [04:07] what that output is telling you is that the polycom's sip port is still 5060, that is not telling you about asterisk's sip port, which should be 5070 based on what you've said [04:07] both ends have a sip port set up [04:07] What I am saying is I used 5070 when I discovered that 5060 was being intentionally block and not by me because it was working for a long time. [04:08] well, if it worked before, it's a simple matter of finding out what changed [04:08] No sir, I have the phone expressly set up on the line as port 5070 [04:08] if you didn't change server config for it to break, it wasn't your server [04:09] Absolutely [04:09] no, you have the phone set up to connect to asterisk on 5070, which is a separate setting [04:09] the phone still has a sip port on it configured elsewhere, which that output says is 5060 [04:09] Oh, I don't know or have info to confirm this. [04:09] it may not even be changeable depending on the device [04:09] I will double check everything on the phone. [04:10] it shouldn't need to be changed [04:10] If I change it to 5060 it will not work because that port is closed. [04:12] I have the sip server Asterisk in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf set up on [04:12] actual server address left out [04:12] yes, and we cannot troubleshoot it unless you change it back to 5060 [04:12] It is absolutely changeable [04:13] that is not what I was referring to [04:13] OK [04:13] I will [04:13] edting /etc/asterisk/sip.conf now..... [04:13] ok [04:13] also pastebin the output of iptables -nvL | grep 5060 [04:14] done [04:14] assuming there is any [04:14] My address is [04:15] so udpbindaddress: [04:15] ok [04:15] it's showing as open from here [04:15] rebooting asterisk [04:15] restarting daemon [04:16] Changing extenion 101 to port 5060 [04:16] ok\ [04:19] Ok furthermore, my router is and server is configured on the internet as public interface /etc/network/interfaces. [04:20] I could log on physically near the server on lan but not from wan or public internet infrastructure [04:21] ok, that is a separate issue [04:21] SIP and NAT don't get along well at either end, you have to configure your phone device to play nice with NAT, and make sure the routers at both ends don't break anything [04:22] I can log on now on 5060 as before but have to wait until I get to work to test with I can from public infrastructure log on thru 5060. See, when I changed the port to 5070 I could log in thru public internet without being on lan. [04:23] I don't use port forward to server address but configure my server on Cincinnati Bell's public IP4 address. [04:23] correct [04:23] I am referring to the client side [04:24] Yes, client side ok on 5060 lan. [04:24] the phone which you are connecting with at work is behind a NAT router [04:24] so the phone itself must be configured in a NAT friendly mode [04:24] Yes and configured as nat=yes and qualify=yes [04:24] ok [04:24] It has worked for a long time. [04:25] After some event, the port 5060 status changed. I will check status of 5060 now. [04:25] you may also be running into UPnP causing you trouble [04:26] Oh, I saw a post about this. Can you explain further. [04:26] Do you have a link? [04:26] UPnP is basically a dynamic port forwarding system [04:26] so if some other device requested 5060 be forwarded somewhere, it may have interfered with your ability to connect [04:26] Port 5060 appears to be ready. [04:27] via nestat [04:27] via netstat [04:28] due to the dynamic nature of UPnP, this failure would have been temporary and difficult to diagnose [04:28] and yes, 5060 appears to be working from where I'm sitting as well [04:28] Nmap reports : 5060/udp open|filtered sip [04:29] Do you have a sip phone [04:29] Do you have a sip phone? Softphone would do. [04:30] yes, if you would like to /msg me an account I can test it for you [04:30] sudo apt-get install ekiga [04:30] thans [04:30] thanks [04:30] editing sip.conf to add [04:36] k. Try login 105 passwd 3593 [04:38] qman you there? [04:38] yes, trying now [04:38] Its ok I can delete the account afterward. [04:39] I get a request timeout [04:39] correct [04:39] Now, sudo apt-get install nmap [04:39] yes, I have nmap, it shows as open [04:40] if you open the asterisk console, do you see me attempting to register? [04:40] Use sudo nmap -p 5060 -sU [04:40] also, was the output of iptables -nvL | grep 5060 blank? [04:41] logging back in [04:42] I restarted asterisk a second time just to make sure. [04:43] sip show peers [04:44] 105 is (unspecified) [04:44] yes, it still has not registered [04:44] checking iptables.... [04:44] ok [04:44] ufw is just a front end to iptables, so this will check if there is anything at that level interfering [04:46] you will also need to check the policy, you should probably not actually grep it and just read it [04:46] sudo iptables -nvL shows only labels with no output when logged in to the server. [04:46] ok [04:46] are they all accept? [04:46] No there is no output at all [04:46] sudo iptables -nvL [04:47] only header with no data [04:47] you should at least have something along the lines of "Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)" [04:47] policy ACCEPT 4331 packets, 404k bytes [04:47] ah, ok [04:48] I have no expertise with iptables. [04:48] Sorry for the ignorance. [04:48] don't need to, that's what I was looking for [04:48] so it's not being blocked there, and it works from LAN so the server is working [04:48] the next step in the chain is your router [04:49] You bet. [04:49] I believe that Cincinnati Bell is intentionally block incoming 5060 because they are a phone company. [04:49] the exact steps for it can vary wildly based on model and ISP, so I can't really tell you exactly [04:50] Checking router.... [04:50] that's entirely possible, you may want to call customer support and ask [04:50] Westell router [04:50] however, they normally only apply such restrictions to residential, non-static customers [04:51] they meaning ISPs in general [04:51] Firewall is set to low only known security holes are protected. [04:51] SIP may have been added as a "known" security hole [04:51] I would recommend turning it off/allow all at least for the testing phase [04:51] I am static and have both a residential and commercial ip account with Cincinnati Bell. [04:51] k [04:52] I will allow one minute. [04:52] go [04:52] The firewall is down [04:52] at the router [04:52] ok [04:52] All traffic is allowed. [04:53] timed out again [04:54] It said the outbound ports were all available but inbound it says may be configured via port forwarding. [04:54] I get nothing in port forwarding tab [04:54] ok, it should be blank, as your server should have its own address [04:55] so they are clearly block the incoming port on the wan router [04:55] maybe, one way to test for sure [04:55] install tcpdump on the server [04:55] at the nearest station to my house. [04:55] and run it with these parameters [04:55] doing it [04:55] tcpdump -n udp dst port 5060 [04:56] by doing this, it should log all incoming SIP connections to the screen [04:56] already have it. [04:56] all attempts [04:56] udp as well [04:56] I will attempt to connect a few times and you should see me [04:56] if you don't, it's being blocked [04:57] no suitable device found [04:57] ah, add -i eth0 where eth0 is your network card that has your external IP configured [04:57] in front, so like [04:57] tcpdump -i eth0 -n udp dst port 5060 [04:58] ok go [04:58] ok [04:58] wait I need -v option [04:58] It is listening now. [04:59] ok, I just attempted [04:59] did you see any output? [04:59] yes [04:59] from [05:00] tcpdump: eth0: You don't have permission to capture on that device [05:00] (socket: Operation not permitted) [05:00] jacksonkirka@hpm110g6:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n udp dst port 5060 [05:00] tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode [05:00] listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes [05:00] 00:59:16.827851 IP > SIP, length: 658 [05:00] 00:59:16.890484 IP > SIP, length: 440 [05:00] Sorry [05:00] hmm, that's odd [05:00] is work? [05:01] Yes that is Geils in New York [05:01] It is my trunk [05:01] oh, ok [05:01] makes sense [05:01] but you don't see any from me [05:01] This is my expertise. [05:02] I trunk to geils and deploy Asterisk PBX on port 5060 along with many other services. [05:02] if you don't have anything coming from then it looks to me like an issue on your router or futher upstream stopping the traffic from getting there [05:02] and you may need ISP support to get that resolved [05:02] Here's my BTSync on Amazon tutorial: http://samglover.net/bittorrent-sync-amazon-ec2/ [05:03] Tell me if I screwed anything up. [05:05] I'm also seeing other open ports so I'm pretty sure your IP setup works, which leads me to believe that 5060 is explicitly blocked [05:05] Thanks qman I will contact Cincinnati Bell because they are the only culprit left. [05:05] sure, glad I could help [05:05] With your permission I will delete exten 105 [05:05] yeah [05:06] How do I stop tcpdump [05:06] ctrl+c [05:06] Wait -vvv [05:06] ok I increased the verbosity [05:07] the account is still good [05:07] ok, I sent a few more packets that way [05:12] qman I cannot see your IP at all [05:12] ok, that further confirms the diagnosis, 5060 is being blocked somewhere [05:13] most likely the ISP or router, and since you don't have any config saying it's blocked, you will probably have to contact them about it [06:00] I have a RAID 5 array in ubuntu server where one of the hard drives died--I got a replacement under warranty and am now trying to add it to the array and have it resync, but using mdadm --manage /dev/md127 --add /dev/sdd1 is not working or giving any response (I verified sdd1 is the new hard drive) === greppy is now known as nm9o === nm9o is now known as kc9uls === kc9uls is now known as nm9o [12:28] I'm trying to install a backport of cacti and despite following instructinos to add the ppa, et.c it's still consistently installing the version i don't want. If I prefix the package with the version number in apt-get, it says that the version is not found [12:28] does anyone have any ideas how to solve this? [12:35] this morning I had a high I/O rate. I checked it out and it was high. my httpd server is still running but my sql is not. I'm assuming it's something with fake accounts creating wiki comments on mysql and blocking it or something of that sort [12:35] when i go to any website htat has a db i get an "error conencting to database" and when i do "mysql" in terminal, I get the following error "ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)" [12:42] any one have tried the ubuntu from scratch, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch [12:42] I am able to make the Live CD, but could not add installer, === acrocity_ is now known as acrocity [13:38] hello i have a problem with openvpn [13:39] when i write command ./build-ca [13:42] this is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5745114/ [13:43] pls hellp me [13:43] :) [13:45] can you help me please?!?!?! [13:56] exooooooooooooo [13:56] hijos de puta [14:18] !language [14:18] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [15:56] I have an ubuntu server where a bunch of stuff is suspect now. I don't have the time to do a reinstall completely, is there some way to tell apt or aptitude to verify every installed file against the version from repos? [16:02] debsums does what you're describing, but I fear it'll just lead you to misplaced trust. it's nothing close to a proper audit, just one tool in the box [16:14] shauno, I can manually verify my configuration if I can verify the binaries. The only issue then is the dying disk, which I've replaced. [16:17] guys I need to export PATH globally on the server...so I thought sticking a script into /etc/profile.d/ with export PATH="$PATH:/foo/path" would do it but it doesnt seem to do the job... [16:17] anyone ideas how to do this ? === mrmist is now known as mist === egersdorfer_ is now known as egersdorfer === ejv_ is now known as ejv [18:31] G'day everyone .. I was wondering; can I have a startup script on a headless server box that'll run a rsync command and shut-back-down? (I can have the bios start the box; and the script shut it down). [18:32] It's an old computer that I don't want running all the time; just startup/backup via rsync to my media box and shut back down. [18:32] * nineteen67comet I'd love it if Ubuntu-Server worked on Raspberry pi === _KaszpiR__ is now known as _KaszpiR_ === neunon_ is now known as neunon === alex88_ is now known as alex88 [20:22] Hi guys, I'm trying to install OpenVPN on my Ubuntu server 12.10 using an offcial guide from Ubuntu.com and I'm hanging on this one command === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [20:31] hi all [20:31] at the moment my webserver default home is at /var/www/ how can I change this to /var/www/laravel/public_html? [20:44] How do I add multiple IP addresses to one NIC? (I want a block of say 5 addresses on the same physical card). [20:45] I can still do eth1:1, eth1:2, etc...right? === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia === aard__ is now known as aard [22:54] so much activity here ^^