
redtape|renegadechalcedony: Why's that ? What do you call your Wifi Network ?00:00
chalcedonyredtape|renegade, i prefer not to type bad words on irc00:01
redtape|renegadeScopes look good too | Kinda like an associative thesaurus of results in one pane ::: .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzXvZt0TUCg   :::00:14
redtape|renegadeMust have sold 15 pizzas in 15 minutes now the clubs have just closed .. if only they'd all watch on of these ,.... they'd save £15 easy. ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3AcK7-L_R4 :::01:20
redtape|renegadeOT | Happy Caturday .. http://bit.ly/14HglsJ01:35
=== GentileBen is now known as CrispinOnTheCan
AlanBellmorning popey07:37
MartijnVdS\o alans07:37
* AlanBell checks the chickens http://hencam.libertus.co.uk/07:38
popeyaww nice07:40
MartijnVdSso you don't have to go out into the sun 8-)07:40
popeythat works really well07:41
AlanBellpower over ethernet to the henhouse07:43
AlanBellonly using it for power, the camera is wireless07:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: did you use the "bad" cable, or did you get new copper cable?07:43
AlanBellthat is with the aluminum cable, it works fine, nothing feels warm07:44
MartijnVdSAlanBell: and one of those PoE sets? cool!07:44
AlanBellI probably could save a couple of watts by going copper at some point07:44
AlanBellif I put a spade through the cable I probably will07:44
AlanBellmight ajust the focus, it seems a bit short sighted07:46
=== CrispinOnTheCan is now known as GentileBen
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:07
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon09:08
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS09:09
* MartijnVdS "make -j 8"s OpenWRT09:10
MartijnVdSlet's see how fast this machine can go :)09:10
brobostigonthis is so funny, ann widdecombe on saturday kitchen.09:14
MartijnVdSwow, CPU temp is 65°C max.09:37
MartijnVdS(with -j9)09:37
brobostigongood or bad ?09:37
Seeker`65 is pretty acceptable09:38
MartijnVdSSeeker`: I'm using a Cooler Master Seidon cooler09:38
Seeker`given it is probably quite heavily loaded09:38
MartijnVdSSeeker`: it's fully loaded09:38
Seeker`MartijnVdS: Which CPU?09:39
MartijnVdSSeeker`: building OpenWRT on 4+4 cores (4 + hyperthreading)09:39
MartijnVdSSeeker`: 4770k (originally 3.5GHz running at 4GHz)09:39
MartijnVdS\o/ water cooling09:39
MartijnVdSThe Interweb claims: " As a rule of thumb I normally aim (and so do most people) to keep their temperatures below a maximum of 80c, but ideally you would be wanting to find a voltage where the CPU was stable and did not go above 70c under load for 24/7 use."09:40
MartijnVdSso 65 seems pretty good09:40
Seeker`MartijnVdS: Nice. I've got a 3930k clocked at 4.2GHz. Usually stays below 70 when fully loaded, using a corsair H10009:40
MartijnVdSturbostat \o/09:41
Seeker`you should be able to get more out of it than 4GHz09:42
MartijnVdSSeeker`: yeah, I've clocked one (not mine ;)) at 4.5GHz last week at the "overclocking master class" at the place where I bought it09:43
MartijnVdSbut that had a bigger water block on it09:43
Seeker`I really like my H100, only problem with it is that I have to take the side of the case off to change fan speeds09:43
MartijnVdSSeeker`: mine his a 4-lead fan, so it's automatic (PWM on the motherboard)09:44
MartijnVdS4-wire fan lead, actually09:44
=== RadiumCat is now known as Catastrophix
SuperEngineermorninks folks09:54
SuperEngineerbefore I go out, here is today's guessing game...09:55
SuperEngineerhttp://imagebin.org/260645 - that is a snip from my desktop background09:55
MartijnVdSwell it's not 4.10 ;)09:56
MartijnVdSor 5.0409:56
SuperEngineer....which release was it from... #7 for double points, what was the image called?09:56
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: correct so far ;)09:56
* MartijnVdS has to go afk now, sorry09:57
naderp\nick oberluz09:59
=== naderp is now known as oberluz
Seeker`SuperEngineer: 9.10, misty morning10:16
SuperEngineerSeeker`: you win!  ... get the double points bonus as well! [prize is permission to smile]10:17
SuperEngineer[& the virtual cuddly toy koala to with it]10:19
SuperEngineerhttp://imagebin.org/260647 ...& whilst reminiscing - fond memories of netbook remix10:32
* SuperEngineer is off out to enjoy some sunshine10:44
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
StevenRhrrm. looking for a download queuing application.... basically feed it a load of URLs and it'll grab them in the middle of the night when b/w is "cheap"11:23
dwatkinsat and wget?11:32
popeyyeah, i tend to just chuck a load of wgets in a script and run it later12:06
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
shaunowget will take a list of urls from a file with -i; I'd assume it's not too much work from there, some use of --no-clobber so you don't refetch them every night, and cron?12:25
MartijnVdSshauno: will that read a named pipe? :)12:35
shaunoI guess so?  but pipes don't tend to like that.  I think if there's nothing reading from it, the write will hang until there is ?12:36
MartijnVdSah yes.. hmm12:36
shaunoso if you cron wget to fire at midnight, echo url>pipe is going to be waiting quite a while12:36
MartijnVdSyou'd need something that reads URLs, then writes them to the named pipe wget -i is using when bandwidth becomes cheap :)12:36
shaunoactually, that sounds like a fairly sane start for a useful tool.  something that writes the first line of a file to stdout, and then writes the rest of the file back to the original12:44
shaunogive it a non-zero exit status if the file is empty, and it'd live in loops quite happily12:45
daftykinswhen you create init.d scripts, do you have to run something to tell the system 'i just made these, run them at boot please' ?13:21
MartijnVdSdaftykins: yes, update-rc.d13:22
MartijnVdSdaftykins: with some options usually13:22
MartijnVdS(check the man page, I haven't done it in ages)13:22
daftykinsah righty-o :) thanks13:22
daftykinsaaah what another glorious sunny day13:22
MartijnVdSyes, a bit of a cold wind though13:22
daftykinsmy townhouse here is sheltered on all sides pretty much13:23
daftykinsproper sun trap little courtyard off the kitchen :>13:23
shaunoit's not often I'd rather be here than the continent, but it's pretty stunning here.  25º by the ocean is perfect.  shame it's so rare13:24
MartijnVdSwe're having a 20°C day today, after a week of 25s13:25
MartijnVdSstill a lot of sun though13:25
shaunoit's kinda back-to-front having no clouds in ireland, but reading about flooding in central europe13:26
daftykins25 over there!? wow13:27
daftykinsthis pub landlord last night, typically a quite old-man like pub, he gave a couple of my friends lifts home because their taxis hadn't turned up - hah!13:28
shaunoI'm torn.  I want to go for a wander with the camera, but I'm not sure I want to put a shirt on.  but the weather's giving us 6 days of rain starting tomorrow, so perhaps I shouldn't spend the day evaporating13:30
daftykinshaha one day of good is your little window, ouch13:30
daftykinsenjoy it while you can!13:30
MartijnVdSalso, Formula 1 (quali) in 20 minutes13:30
daftykinsso even more reason to leave the house? ;)13:31
MartijnVdS<no comment>13:31
daftykinsi tease13:32
daftykinsa friend and his gf were at the last F1 actually, as they're both fans13:32
daftykinsthey had pics up of them sat on the grass at one corner13:33
redtape|renegadeMorning.. 'noon' Whatever .. Allo14:15
redtape|renegade^aDaM, Thought I'd share a message as I like the style of yur nick :) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/This%20Developer%27s%20Life%20-%202_0_4%20Taste/scaled_full_e5d5653cc32b6d4a7fb8.jpg14:17
redtape|renegadeLookind at a post on "End Game" & thnking about my close brush with deathr last night .. [ | Just because | ].. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5745210/14:20
redtape|renegadeDoes anyone think these book are a good read ?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endgame_%2528Derrick_Jensen_books%252914:21
redtape|renegadeWhoopsie .. Looks like the 3rdway of the wiki is not doing so well .. --> Here's the Proper Weblink :::: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endgame_(Derrick_Jensen_books) :::14:23
=== GentileBen is now known as BenInTheTub
daftykinsimpressive ^14:51
redtape|renegadedaftykins: opening ..15:15
redtape|renegadeYa .. thanx .. I'll hack that for 5mins ..15:16
redtape|renegadeS.0 .. this symbol .. http://bit.ly/UnLuckyForSomeMaybeLBS15:19
redtape|renegadeOfcourse these are all the work of RedBubble .. any acquaintance .. http://www.redbubble.com/people/robbrown/works/8613327-ubuntu-linux-for-human-beings15:20
redtape|renegadei wonder iif al of these symbols in the original Poster canj be adapted for use in Public Environs ? [ Que the vox of the mistorons ..]15:21
daftykinswhat are all the work of who?15:23
redtape|renegade.. Lets pic a public amenity .. Maybe A Bench .. Like this one ---- >  http://r.ebay.com/lIDqqJ15:24
redtape|renegadedaftykins: Hangon .. I've not finshed the hack yet ..15:24
=== BenInTheTub is now known as GentileBen
redtape|renegadeOh .. my 5 mins is up .. My G-shock baby watch says so ..15:25
redtape|renegadeOh well .. how did I do .. lets have a looksie ..15:25
redtape|renegadeA public bench .. in a commuter area .. Costco .. £1.95K15:26
redtape|renegadeComplete with 129x customised stickers from Redbubble .. at $3 each .. that's £248.75 GBP..15:29
redtape|renegadeand a ongoing cost to clean up the beanch .. Prob.ly £5 per week ..15:30
redtape|renegadeTotal cost .. £2198.75 ~(initially).. Plus £305.50 a year (cleaning-up-task) ..15:32
MartijnVdSwhat kind of bench is that?15:32
redtape|renegadeA victiorain one .. very comfy ..15:33
MartijnVdSa gold-plated one?15:33
redtape|renegadeGold was scarce in that era .. but a good decentralised currency all the same ..15:33
redtape|renegadeMM .. looking at the post by Claude .. [ http://bit.ly/11MpIoT ] i wonder why he would ask me to 'fruish' a meme for £32748.75  .. well to do it ethically in a Britich juristiction .. all so I can enjoy the sun (?) ...15:37
* redtape|renegade slaps his cerebral- forehead to shut the fud up !15:38
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: (tip: if most of the screen is you typing things, people aren't responding ;))15:38
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: I know I was geting to that ..15:38
daftykinssunny day, peeps still wearing coats walking along the high-street15:39
daftykinsthings i do not get.15:39
MartijnVdSdaftykins: when I was at the very first "UDS" (it wasn't called that yet) in december '04, in Mataro (near Barcelona), it was 20-25°C outside15:40
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: I was wondering if there was a way to get messages thru to people on 'flickr'  .. or don't you bother .. (redtape is bemused by the process)..15:41
MartijnVdSdaftykins: and those weird Spaniards were walking around in *winter coats*15:41
redtape|renegadedaftykins: I know a guy ..15:41
redtape|renegadeWho is in the front beach ..15:41
redtape|renegadesat in a a dingy with a Tennants .. singing ..15:41
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: there's a flickr-mail system, if you go to their profile, there's a "Send FlickrMail" in the "..." dropdown on the right15:42
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: if you're logged in15:42
redtape|renegade"Return to Innocence " by Enigma .. Some people call it a day if the cops are out of reach ..15:43
daftykinsMartijnVdS: haha that was like aus15:43
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Right .. I'll make a note .. and test the beligerent sys.. of yours ..15:43
redtape|renegadedaftykins: i wouldn't mind but I can only tell he has no top on .. Everyone seeing is wondering if the singer is planning Full Monty before the air seeps out ..15:45
ali1234gimp 2.8 has a really nasty memory leak15:46
ali1234it will exhaust 16GB of ram in a couple of hours with no user interaction15:46
ali1234this will freeze the computer15:46
ali1234if i hadn't disabled swap i probably would have lost a few hours work because of this15:47
daftykinsyou turned it on once you freezed to rescue it?15:49
ali1234because i have disabled swap, the kernel simply killed it when it hit 16GB15:49
MartijnVdSshould have used gimp:i386, then it couldn't have used >4GB :P15:50
ali1234if swap were enabled it would have completely frozen the computer15:50
ali1234i would have to press ctrl-alt-f1, wait 10 minutes, log in (typing 1 character per minute) and then kill gimp (again, typing 1 character per minute) because as soon as linux uses any swap at all it totally freezes up the entire system15:50
MartijnVdSooh.. Ubuntu/saucy is installing libwayland*..?15:51
redtape|renegadeali1234, Surely this is just a value in the package , right . have you tried the mailing list ? http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/15:51
ali1234actually i was just going to go to their irc and ask how to debug memory leaks15:52
ali1234but the answer is valgrind anyway15:52
ali1234this leak is really bad. i mean it's crashed 3 times today so its not hard to reproduce15:52
ali1234it leaks about 3MB/sec15:52
MartijnVdSthat's a lot15:52
ali1234gotta love gtk15:52
MartijnVdSa bad Qt app would leak just as much15:53
ali1234the other weird thing is that it makes the mouse pointer turn into a "wait" logo regularly (like every 0.5 seconds)15:53
MartijnVdSali1234: my gimp stays at virt: 505m res: 64m shr: 20m15:53
MartijnVdSali1234: 2.8.4-1ubuntu1 (saucy)15:54
MartijnVdSali1234: mine doesn't use CPU at all15:54
ali1234look at the mouse pointer and notice it's pegging the cpu and allocating absurd amounts of memory15:54
ali1234it doesn't do this when  first start it up15:55
MartijnVdSali1234: so it's a problem on your system15:55
MartijnVdSeven after loading an image15:55
ali1234only after i have been using it for a while15:55
ali1234please try applying filters to the image15:55
ali1234and drawing on it15:55
MartijnVdSoh, so some tool or script is broken, probably?15:55
ali1234and then applying for filters15:55
ali1234for about 3 hours15:55
ali1234yes, probably15:55
redtape|renegadeali1234, All In know about QA is wat UbuntuUk podcast tells me .. i.e. last one @ 20mins40s  .. [ shameless plug ]15:57
ali1234i have a feeling it is undo related15:57
daftykinsredtape|renegade: are you IRC'ing from the beach or does your room have a view?15:59
MartijnVdSdaftykins: isn't the Isle one big beach? :)16:00
redtape|renegadeali1234: No, but this #channel isn't all about gimp .. AKA 'Dork' on Linux Tycoon ..16:00
redtape|renegadedaftykins ..I'll PM you a puicture v. good view BTW..16:00
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Beaches and bike crashes .. Thomas the Tank engine .. makes a splash now and again ..16:01
daftykinsMartijnVdS: a fair assumption16:01
daftykinsredtape|renegade: also 'front beach' as opposed to...?16:01
redtape|renegadedaftykins: Yes, that was a typo .. I was going to say **MY** front beach which is more explanatory to the way I see things .. but my spigot of expresion got lost in "Is that to the High water mark" or not ? .. and bottleed it in the millisecond ..16:03
mungbeananyone used http://tuxonice.net/16:07
mungbeanmy laptop is suffering suspend issues16:12
daftykinsdoesn't resume?16:16
redtape|renegadeI'm buying a back-up phone for travelling to conferences .. just in case the U-phone doesn't work .. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/micro-phone-the-tiny-mobile-device-with-a-big-idea16:17
daftykinsthat guy is rocking ext2 in his vid16:18
mungbeandaftykins: doesn't suspent most of the time16:19
mungbeanfan comes on, goes crazy, tries to burn house down16:19
mungbeanhappens with windows too sometimes16:22
mungbeantis my work laptop i had no choice over16:22
* redtape|renegade looks for usage of his 8x AA batteries on thinkgeek.com . [ o the import chages AAaargh !]16:23
daftykinsmungbean: ah, don't wanna risk say - a BIOS update then?16:25
redtape|renegadedaftykins: Soo it looks like I've got two options for Xmas present for my family this year .. This one http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c4e1/ Or this one .. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ef56/16:33
daftykinsthink that's the Guernsey boat to England16:37
redtape|renegadeopening ..16:37
=== mh0 is now known as clop0
redtape|renegade.. where's ENGland .. ? Oh you mean Angleterre . very good ... ^_^16:38
penguin42mungbean: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume16:38
=== clop0 is now known as mh0
redtape|renegadeOT | Caffrey's shandy time .. only got blueberry's on the fridge thou for afters ..16:54
daftykinsi have heated pains au chocolat \o/16:54
* popey makes pancakes16:55
redtape|renegadev. quick there daftykins | are you playing portal today or something ?16:55
redtape|renegadeArrr damn ..16:55
* penguin42 burps ice cream16:55
* redtape|renegade runs for the DVD collection .. to console his recent spree of no-moderator happiness | It had to end sometime .. I'll take off my blaggard badge now like the sheriff of loneliness I am ..16:57
daftykinsshouldn't we... notify the parents, or the Isle of Man authorities or something?16:59
daftykinsif i got much money for committing him i'd donate it to Canonical.17:00
penguin42can you get money for committing people, if so I think there are a few people I could make a profit off17:01
daftykinsi hear that you can17:01
daftykinsnot sure if it's universal though :(17:01
shaunoI'd like to point out I'm in a different juristiction :)17:01
penguin42I'm sure we can get around that17:02
DJonesIf you got money for commiting him and donated it to Canonical, they'd have more free cash than Apple and could but Microsoft with loose change17:02
daftykinsshauno: don't worry i have friends in Irish places17:04
czajkowskihow may I be of service :)17:05
shaunowhat on earth would you buy msft for?17:05
daftykinsperhaps he had a dream of riding the Titanic17:05
daftykinsczajkowski: any ideas if you earn money for committing people in Ireland?17:05
shaunoin my mind, msft have been a non-entity ever since they killed Flight Simulator.  just ignore them and they'll go away :)17:06
czajkowskidaftykins: narp17:06
daftykinsgenuinely though, redtape scares me.17:10
shaunohe's certainly a character17:12
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)17:26
daftykinshow do?17:27
bigcalmBe do be do be do17:33
bigcalmNibbling beef jerky and enjoying the afternoon sun from the safety of indoors17:33
bigcalmHope I'm not missing much17:33
penguin42you'r missing ice cream in the sun17:34
daftykinspenguin42: are you IRC'ing from outside? ;)17:35
penguin42no, not today - I've been out and walked around in the sun, sat around slowly eating lovely ice cream17:38
penguin42nice italian ice cream place in manchester; do a lovely dark chocolate sorbet17:40
daftykinspenguin42: wellity wellity17:44
daftykinswhy can't they separate builds of Steam so i'm not getting updates to fix issues on other platforms than mine :(17:44
popeylo bigcalm17:45
penguin42daftykins: You see the same things in .deb's as well - package updates where the package has been rebuilt for a different arch17:45
penguin42popey: Back on solid ground?17:45
popeyroom was still swaying earlier though17:45
penguin42haha - the waves on the canals aren't quite that high are they?17:46
daftykinsoh the dilemma, meant to go to a social function this eve but don't want to17:50
bigcalmEvenin' popey :) Welcome back you scurvy sea dog17:54
penguin42popey: So what tech were you running on it, you said it had it's own IRC server, what was it running on?17:57
popeypenguin42: an android phone18:08
popeyone of the guys shared his 3g over wifi and put an irc server on the phone too for fun18:09
popeyI took a battery with me to keep my phone topped up because we were led to believe there were not many sockets, turned out there were plenty, but the battery was handy anyway18:09
shaunono pi?18:13
popeythere were a few laptops there18:19
popeythey didn't get a lot of use18:19
diploevening all19:55
diploAny suggestions, got some videos on a dvd19:56
diploTrying to copy off but getting can't copy on one19:56
diploJust about to get error, files with play ok, tried dding the disc and copy that way and still fails19:56
diploSo maybe an issue with the file ?19:56
penguin42diplo: Is it a commerical disk or one you recorded?19:57
diploIf I can watch it, maybe a way of copying it off another way ?19:57
diploSome recorded stuff19:58
diploIt's not a drm issue if that's what you meaning.19:58
penguin42commercial disks have encrypted stuff at the drive layer that needs decoding to let you even read the files19:58
daftykinsdiplo: ddrescue19:58
diploCopies about a few hundred mb, about half way before stopping19:59
penguin42(then I'm not entirely sure what happens given that I think video sectors are longer sectors - wth happens to those at the file level?)19:59
penguin42diplo: Doesn't it happen on the 1st sector of the file you're trying to read?19:59
daftykinsif it's a production film DVD, Sony ARccOS can be a pain19:59
diploOoh, I've heard of that but never used it. I'll google a mo ta20:00
diploError splicing file: Input/output error20:00
diplonah, just a personal vid20:00
penguin42diplo: Does it always stop at the same point?20:00
diployep, exactly the same point20:01
penguin42tried another drive?20:02
diploThat's the only thing I haven't yet, but copied about 5 discs so far20:02
diplojust 1 file on 1 disc :)20:03
diploI've probably got a backup somewhere else, but rather not have to find it :)20:03
penguin42yeh so you've got something between marginal and duff sector, with any luck another drive might read it20:03
diploJust trying ddrescue, but will try another drive tomorrow20:06
daftykinsdiplo: that's exactly what happens with ARccOS infected DVDs, when ripping ones collection to ISO.20:11
daftykinspenguin42: i was trying to be funny about the nickname and the netsplit ;)20:12
penguin42oh, didn't see a split here20:12
bigcalmExcess flood, not a net split20:12
bigcalmWhoop* needs to sort out their connection20:12
* diplo googles arccos20:15
diploah defo not protected files20:16
daftykinsanyone remember that US show 'Boy Meets World'? heh20:17
bigcalmWould a channel op like to set a fancy ban on Whoop?20:18
daftykinsthat would be spiffing20:18
bigcalmMyrtti: ^^ :)20:18
daftykinsMyrtti: i'll top up your wine if you do20:19
popeystupid lag20:19
Myrttiho hum20:19
Myrttiyeah, indeed20:19
popeynickserve isn't working20:19
Myrttistypid lag20:19
popeyso i cant20:19
daftykinswho keeps hammering freenode of late?20:20
diplohBeing ddos'd20:20
MartijnVdSalso, why would they?20:20
daftykinsFOSS could be a bit of a target20:20
daftykinsfor some20:21
popeycant fathom why people would do that20:21
popeyto an irc network20:21
bigcalmI think it's grifferz - network envy ;)20:21
mungbeanhave a friend who runs ircnet stuff and it seems to be constant20:21
mungbeanstill odd though.20:22
bigcalmMyrtti: thank you :)20:24
* daftykins tops up Myrtti's wine as promised20:25
mungbeanapt-get install wine20:25
daftykinsoh it was installed alright20:26
popeybigcalm: grifferz doesn't run blitzed20:44
mungbeananyone get HIB?20:44
bigcalmpopey: aww, not that then20:44
bigcalmmungbean: lots of us I'm guessing20:44
bigcalmI haven't bothered with the Serious Sam one though20:44
bigcalmSometimes the HIB is too frequent20:44
popeyyes mungbean20:45
mungbeandecided not to get anymore20:45
mungbeanbut 8 looks great20:45
mungbeanso i got it20:45
bigcalmTiny and Big is ful20:45
mungbeandear esther20:45
MartijnVdSthe problem with HIB for me is that I'll play the games once.. or not even once20:45
MartijnVdSso I stopped buying20:45
mungbeanthats me MartijnVdS20:45
mungbeanbut hoped one day i would have time20:45
mungbeanand a powerful machine20:46
bigcalmI like getting the steam keys and maybe getting around to installing/playing some day in the future20:46
MartijnVdSThomas was Alone looks OK20:46
mgdmI think I got a free Steam key for Portal about 2 years ago20:47
mgdmnever bothered to run it20:47
daftykinsit's great20:47
mgdmwonder if it'll work on my Mac20:47
mungbeani got that, tried to run on wine, was a fail20:47
daftykinslemme check20:47
mungbeannow its native20:47
diploI couldnt get into portal, tried it the other day20:47
MartijnVdSPortal runs on Macs20:48
daftykinsmgdm: yeah it shows up with mac logo too20:48
MartijnVdSand on newer (Sandy Bridge+ I think) intel!20:48
daftykinsso must be good20:48
mgdmdaftykins: ooo20:48
MartijnVdS(on linux)20:48
mgdmMy Linux box and my current laptop can run it, then20:48
mungbeanlaptop fans seem to be the right pitch to wake babies]20:53
daftykinsmungbean: haha20:55
mungbeanstupid picasa/facebook/youtube20:55
mungbeanok ..most sites20:56
popeyi replayed some portal 2 earlier, sophie came in and said she remembered from the last time i played portal, which was some time back20:57
^aDaMHi popey :D21:00
^aDaMand daftykins an mungbean21:00
popeyhey ^aDaM21:00
daftykinshello mr. mixed case sir21:00
* ^aDaM *burps*21:01
^aDaMdear god!21:01
penguin42searching for giggle-author.c assertion (from a bug I just triggered) got a google hit with launchpad as the 1st hit, Jon Stewart's wikipedia page, the Garden of Earthly delights, and a Daily mail article entitled 'Outraged Philadelphia mayor calls for investigation into'disgusting magazine article'21:02
penguin42oh, and T.S.Eliot poetry foundation21:02
lubotu3Hi! I'm #ubuntu-uk's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:02
MartijnVdSOK, Thomas Was Alone == cool21:15
daftykinsthis one looks interesting, but pricey21:15
MartijnVdSthe sarcastic voice-over does it :)21:16
MartijnVdSdaftykins: you get a lot of game for that price thoguh21:17
MartijnVdSThe game is split into five acts, of which the first is available now.21:17
mgdmApparently I have Civ V on Steam, too21:18
MartijnVdSonly for another day21:18
MartijnVdSit's a "Free weekend"21:18
mgdmno fun21:19
MartijnVdSit's cheap though21:19
MartijnVdS(which is why they do it: more promotion)21:19
mgdmthe last game I sank significant time into was Alpha Centauri, wonder if that's on there21:19
MartijnVdSI have civ-call to power21:19
MartijnVdSfor linux21:19
MartijnVdSported by Loki Software21:19
mgdmerr. There appear to be 4 games available for the Mac. Is that correct?21:20
MartijnVdSmgdm: 4 total, or 4 you have?21:21
mgdmah, never mind, I've just not used this before and so I've no idea what I'm looking at21:21
popeyyou've never used steam?21:22
mgdm(well, not for any longer that was required to get the free Portal key a couple of years back)21:23
MartijnVdShas anyone tried the surgeon sim?21:24
bigcalmRead as "sturgeon sim"21:29
mgdmthat'd be a fishing game21:29
mgdmwhich sounds even more dull21:29
popeyyes MartijnVdS21:29
MartijnVdSbigcalm: no, a "darkly humorous surgeon simulator"21:29
bigcalmmgdm: :D21:30
MartijnVdSsome videos on youtube suggest it's VERY funny21:30
popeyits quite hard21:30
popeyand yes, quite funny21:30
* bigcalm sticks to his ale and beef jerky21:30
daftykinsugh getting a serious talking to by a main chan op for three capital words in a row21:30
daftykinsthis is pathetic21:30
bigcalmWORST IRCOP EVER21:30
bigcalmOops, chan not irc21:31
bigcalmSorry Myrtti :)21:31
Myrttioh man21:33
MyrttiI dont want to get on my laptop to sort you people out21:33
daftykinsdo we need sorting?21:34
Myrttiamong many others21:34
daftykinsbigcalm: you come first alphabetically, we'll call it there21:34
Myrttiyall need slappin'21:34
bigcalmdaftykins: that's what I was thinking21:34
daftykinsMyrtti: i might enjoy that :(21:35
Myrttier, sorry, catalysing21:35
daftykinsanyway back to family friendly mode.21:35
daftykinshrmm do i crack one of my ales from the fridge21:35
Myrttithats the word christel wants me to use21:35
daftykinssurely to catalyse someone would only be making things worse if they were acting out?21:36
Myrtticatalytic towards freenode mission etc21:37
AlanBella catalytic conversion as it were21:37
* bigcalm sticks christel in an exhaust pipe21:38
AlanBellwith a catalytic 2 by 421:38
Myrttibut in essence, in the lugradio live 2008 spirit, don't be an ass.21:38
* popey hugs mjg5921:39
* bigcalm wants it to be RAT time already21:39
AlanBellkeep calm and carry on looking at chickens http://hencam.libertus.co.uk/21:39
mgdm'08 was the only one I made21:39
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AlanBelloh, I should turn the light out in the playroom ;)21:40
bigcalmAlanBell: you should wire all room lights up to an internet service21:40
dwatkinsor just use motion detectors21:40
bigcalmWhich reminds me of a BBT episode21:41
dwatkins...so the lights go out when you watch a film21:41
AlanBellI should, so people on the other side of the world can turn them off for me21:41
bigcalmThis chilli beef jerky is getting a little hot. I need more ale21:41
dwatkinsturn your house into one of those christmas decoration places with a website full of buttons to switch stuff on and off21:41
dwatkinsI had Duvel, it was nice.21:42
AlanBellnight all21:42
bigcalmNow I find myself looking at beef jerky on Amazon because the super markets suck21:43
daftykinswow this banana bread beer is amazing21:47
popeyyeah, i like banana bread beer21:48
MartijnVdShmm banana & beer bread21:48
daftykinsthis ones by Wells21:48
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
daftykinsAsus employee learns to type22:05
bigcalmTime to stop working and have a nap22:10
popeybed time22:10
bigcalmYes, that indeed22:10

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