
Kilosmorning all06:37
magespawngood day06:52
Kiloshi magespawn 07:06
Kiloswe shrunk again07:06
inetproKilos: good morning07:07
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:07
inetprogood morning all others 07:08
* inetpro and plustwo_ might go down for a minute or two in a few minutes from now07:09
Kiloswhat you breaking now07:10
inetproswitching to alternative power sources to avoid more downtime 07:10
magespawnhey Kilos07:25
Kiloswb inetpro plustwo 07:31
Kilosthatwent smooth and quick07:31
inetproKilos: thanks, I'm back07:40
Kilosgood man07:41
Kiloswhat kinda alternative power?07:41
Kiloshi somaunn 07:45
somaunnHi Kilos 07:46
somaunnSo fast07:46
somaunnso tell me what's new here07:49
Kilosnot much everyone been quiet and busy07:49
Kiloscoupla new guys needed some help07:49
somaunnokay let's help htne07:51
somaunnlet's help them07:52
Kilosthey have been sorted i think07:52
somaunnOuch !!! coming too late then07:52
Kilosone wanted a dvd in durbs07:52
Kilosother had some xfce prob07:52
Kilosya man you gotta be here all week07:53
Kilossome noobs dont know it can take time to get help so they park a while then leave07:59
inetproKilos: we have UPS power maintenance tomorrow so we are just making sure we have all server's 2nd power supplies on non-ups power08:04
inetproideally we should have two UPS feeds08:05
somaunnso the channel will go off tomorrow08:06
inetproand ideally we should have even switches with two power supplies08:06
Kilosideally gets expensive hey08:09
inetproKilos: obviously08:09
Kilosnot this one somaunn 08:09
inetproKilos: ok, I'm done08:09
Kiloswell done inetpro 08:10
Kilosonly where the pro works08:10
inetprono we hope eskom will stay online08:10
Kilosyeah lets hope08:10
inetprojust for the sake of the switches with one power supply08:10
Kilostell everyone no heaters or geysers tonight08:10
Kilosor till you got it all sorted08:11
Kilossabc puts the power usage on after the 7pm news daily08:12
somaunnWhoa that's very hard method08:13
magespawninetpro you have one ups or multiple?08:14
inetpromagespawn: actually thinking about it... our alternative power is from another UPS08:15
magespawnso then it does not matter wat eskom does08:16
inetpromagespawn: yep... but I will have to make sure about that08:17
inetproanyway, will have to upgrade all switches to also have two power supplies somewhere in the future to prevent this kind of exercise entirely08:17
magespawnthat does seem the smart way, to have both power supplies on ups08:18
inetpromagespawn: on two alternative UPS feeds that is08:18
inetproin our new building we have that in place08:18
magespawnas all ways the budget is what allows us to do what is needed 08:19
inetpromakes the life of the sysadmin so much easier08:19
magespawnyeah two seperate ups08:19
inetprothe budget is somebody else's worry08:19
magespawnindeed when nothing ever goes of08:19
* inetpro wbb08:20
Kilosserious business moving a big company08:28
somaunnsomeone here using fedora or only ubuntu users08:48
Kilosnot sure about fedora but lots of others08:48
KilosSquirm-, has done the fedora courses i think08:49
somaunnthanks Kilos 08:49
Kilossome on mint slitaz and so08:50
somaunni Squirm- 08:50
inetproKilos: this had nothing to do with our move.... is in a another data centre 09:14
Kilosoh my09:14
inetproand fortunately I was not all on my own09:14
inetproin fact I was cosy at home and just coordinating the process09:15
inetproand testing... to make sure all is up09:16
KilosMaaz, delegate09:17
MaazGetting others to do what you are too lazy to do yourself.09:17
inetprogood morning Georgl09:17
Kilosyou doing it from your lappy of fone thing09:17
Georglmorning inetpro09:17
Georglmorning Kilos09:17
Kiloshi Georgl  all good?09:17
inetproKilos: I now have 8ta 10+1009:18
Georgli am good thank you09:18
Georgland you?09:18
Kiloswhew thats good inetpro 09:18
Kilosyeah im good too ty09:18
Kiloswhen you have time inetpro look at polipo09:18
Kilosmight save you some data and makes browsing quicker09:19
Kiloshi trender 09:19
inetproKilos: interesting, did you install it?09:25
inetproI don't think it will save you a lot as a single user09:25
Kilosits in the repos inetpro 09:25
Kilosany saving is good09:26
inetproKilos: did you install it?09:26
Kilosbut havent browsed muc09:26
inetproKilos: it will only if you go to specific places multiple times09:27
Kilosn8wulf told me about it here yesterday09:27
inetprooh and oviously you would have to change proxy settings in your browser09:27
Kilosya did that09:28
inetproah, ok...09:28
Kilosyou dont get time to read logs and moan anymore even09:28
* inetpro have not read the logs09:28
inetproKilos: the thing is that even your browser does caching09:29
inetprobut when you have multiple users the savings will be more09:30
magespawnvery useful if you are running a network10:20
magespawnlater all. going to a church bazaar11:02
Kilosyo Squirm 11:40
charlgood afternoon11:57
charlMaaz: coffee on11:58
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:58
AlphaGuyyGood afternoons12:01
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!12:02
* AlphaGuyy breathes12:02
AlphaGuyybeen a while12:02
Kiloshi AlphaGuyy 12:03
Kiloscharl, 12:03
Kiloswhere you been12:03
AlphaGuyywheres the coffee at?12:04
Kilosyou ask the bot12:04
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:04
* Maaz starts grinding coffee12:04
AlphaGuyyany idea why this channels list wont close?12:05
Kiloswhat list?12:06
* AlphaGuyy listens to the sounds of fresh beans being ground12:06
AlphaGuyyits closed..12:07
AlphaGuyynew mirc app installed 12:07
AlphaGuyylast i used this it was on 6.0212:08
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!12:08
KilosMaaz, ty12:09
MaazYou are welcome Kilos12:09
AlphaGuyyMaaz, coffee on12:10
* Maaz washes some mugs12:10
KilosAlphaGuyy, when someone else tells him coffee on you can just ask coffee please and he servers everyone that has asked12:12
Kilosmaa`coffee please12:12
KilosMaaz, coffee please12:12
MaazKilos: Yessir12:12
AlphaGuyyMaaz, coffee please12:13
MaazAlphaGuyy: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses12:13
Kiloshehe yours is coming12:13
MaazCoffee's ready for AlphaGuyy and Kilos!12:14
KilosMaaz, danke12:14
AlphaGuyyMaaz, ty12:17
MaazYou are welcome AlphaGuyy12:17
charlhi Kilos 13:11
charlsorry was afk13:11
charlhow's it going here13:12
Kilosok ty and you13:16
charlhow's the flu doing13:20
Kiloscoming right slowly ty14:05
Kilosohi superfly 15:10
* superfly is back in the Western Cape15:21
Kilosgood they have missed you15:21
Kilospoor hawkeyes even forgot where irc is15:22
superflyYeah. He doesn't see me logged in. I'll be back at work on Wednesday. 15:27
Kiloskick his butt15:28
Squirm[M]superfly: up this way and you didn't say hi15:39
charlwb superfly 16:14
Kiloshe was all along the coast Squirm- 16:15
charlhas anyone seen this? http://youtu.be/BRAM8MpqIeA16:15
charlit's a prank where they put up an electronic bill board at a bus stop and photoshop people live16:15
charlwow amazing cosplay http://youtu.be/6RB5NGKYdWI16:26
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=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:07
magespawnMaaz tell superfly hi and thanks for the visit18:19
Maazmagespawn: Okay, I'll tell superfly on freenode18:19
magespawnMaaz botsnack18:19

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