
osirisx11ntzrmtthihu777: purged and reinstalled many times.00:00
Jordan_Ujonascj: Ubuntu never creates "512 byte" partitions, but I guess you're talking about the installer creating an ~ 1 MiB BIOS Boot Partition since you're using a large disk which requires GPT. That BIOS Boot Partition is the embedding area, where grub's core.img is stored.00:00
histoosirisx11: the skype page ubottu sent to you explains it00:00
osirisx11histo: i ran add-arch and it didn't change anything00:02
osirisx11and i have installed from the partner repo00:02
histoosirisx11: I believe you will ned ia32-libs00:02
osirisx11histo: i have installed and reinstalled that many times00:03
histoosirisx11: sudo apt-get purge skype && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype00:03
histoosirisx11: btw does skype work without this library?00:03
osirisx11histo: sorry?00:03
histoosirisx11: Is skype currently working?00:04
osirisx11fatal error00:04
jonascjJordan_U: I'm just pretty sure that during install (fooling around with LVM on raid1) LVM reported something 512 something (bytes, kb, mb) which was unusable to create a volume group on. I'll closer if I redo the setup at some point.00:04
osirisx11i ran  sudo apt-get purge skype && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype - no change00:04
osirisx11it is related to libgl and not skype00:04
veryhappyhey guys, something really has to be messed up in my system cause since a few days my network manager is not running automatically anymore. every time i start up the system the network manager panel says "network-manager not working - please start it"00:05
veryhappyhow can i get it to run automatically again?00:05
elisa87I don't know how to fix this: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: locales is broken or not fully installed00:07
veryhappyelisa87: your system seems to have a problem with the locales on your system, perhaps it should be regenerated.00:08
elisa87veryhappy: What should be regenerated and how?00:09
g_byersCorrect me if i'm wrong, but you can't dual-boot with uefi?00:09
veryhappyelisa87: pardon my mistake, locales always should be installed. but it depends on what you did before that the locales perhaps were removed.00:11
elisa87veryhappy: http://pastebin.com/BDiA1HzN00:13
veryhappyelisa87: look, it always tells you where the error appears: dependency problems prevent configuration of locales, you always have to look also in the previous lines, the lines down below are most times just consequential errors00:16
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
bvangennipJust curious does anyone know what the acronym PuTTY stands for /00:18
chloeHow do I make a selection of any shape 50% translucent over top of the rest of the image in GIMP00:19
MonkeyDusttty is a terminal screen => "put tty", i guess00:19
bvangennipthanks MonkeyDust, someone just asked i didnt know.00:21
veryhappychloe: "PuTTY" has no meaning[1], though 'tty' is sometimes used to refer to the Unix terminals, as an acronym for 'teletype'. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY00:21
veryhappybvangennip: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY00:22
veryhappybvangennip: PuTTY" has no meaning[1], though 'tty' is sometimes used to refer to the Unix terminals, as an acronym for 'teletype'. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY00:22
veryhappydoes someone know how to get network-manager (the service) to start automatically/00:23
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bvangennipthx veryhappy :)00:29
Fenbwhere should i add my user in sudoers.tmp? wheel or root?00:35
th0rFenb: sudoers.tmp? I think maybe you are doing it wrong00:37
Fenbth0r:i did EDITOR=nano visudo00:38
MonkeyDustFenb  use visudo00:38
MonkeyDustFenb  no, type sudo visudo00:38
FenbMonkeyDust: What?00:40
FenbMonkeyDust: Do you know which wheel or under root?00:41
heikoowhy is installing grub2 to a partition instead of the mbr "a BAD idea"?00:42
Fenbheikoo: efistub is recommended00:42
MonkeyDustFenb  not sure what you mean by "wheel" and "under root"00:42
=== salisbury is now known as salisburyshake
th0rFenb: you are misunderstanding the construct of the file. Wheel is a group, and root is a user, if I remember correctly00:43
th0rFenb: and both are in the file as examples, I believe00:44
Jordan_UFenb: efistub has nothing to do with installing grub's boot sector to a partition ([U]EFI doesn't even have boot sectors).00:44
FenbJordan_U: i thought he/she wast installing bootloader for uefi :)00:45
Jordan_Uheikoo: Because extN doesn't have a space reserved for an embedding area, so when installing grub's boot sector to a partition blocklists need to be used that are pointing to blocks on an active fileystem, and that is unreliable (and insecure). Also, the MBR is what your BIOS loads, so that is where the bootloader should be.00:45
FenbJordan_U: sorry notice now.00:45
Jordan_Uheikoo: BTW, what I just said is equally true for any BIOS based bootloader, not just grub.00:46
Fenbth0r: i dont know wheather i should use wheel or just put in under where root is placed? :S00:46
heikooJordan_U: ok, thank you00:46
Jordan_Uheikoo: You're welcome.00:46
=== whoever is now known as Guest60259
garyguys i have a question! new to ubuntu00:48
=== gary is now known as Guest50977
Guest50977help please!00:48
bvangenniphi gary00:48
Guest50977hi can you help me install the program wine I tried lots of stuff00:49
Guest50977how do i add someone as a friend on here00:52
Guest50977someone help me please!00:53
c|onemanhow would I go about finding the source code ping.c, and compiling it for MIPS00:54
msdaisylol there are no friends on irc. join the forum for that. ubuntuforums.org Guest5097700:54
Guest50977what do you mean no friends?00:54
Guest50977i need real time help here00:54
Guest50977im a newbie to ubuntu00:54
Jordan_Uc|oneman: What is your end goal?00:54
c|onemanto get a full ping utility running my router00:55
Guest50977i want to get wine running on my ubuntu 12.0400:55
c|onemanrather than busybox version00:55
th0rGuest50977: sudo apt-get install wine00:55
pixlepixIs there a way to dual boot ubuntu and osx using bootcamp00:55
Guest50977i tried that it says i dont have wine00:56
pixlepixWithout the use of a usb drive or a disk00:56
MonkeyDustGuest50977  wine is i t00:57
Guest50977gary@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install wine00:57
Guest50977[sudo] password for gary:00:57
Guest50977Reading package lists... Done00:57
Guest50977Building dependency tree00:57
Guest50977Reading state information... Done00:57
FloodBot1Guest50977: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
Guest50977Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:57
MonkeyDustGuest50977  wine is in the repos00:57
MonkeyDustGuest50977  what ubuntu version?00:57
Ari-Yangsudo apt-get install wine1.400:57
Ari-Yang^ that's what you'd type00:57
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:58
pixlepix_Sorry, my internet borked out00:58
=== pixlepix_ is now known as pixlepix
pixlepixAny replies?00:58
Jordan_Upixlepix: Don't use the bootcamp utility. It will create a "hybrid" MBR, which is ugly and not needed for GNU/Linux (only for Windows on Apple hardware). It's probably possible to install Ubuntu without any external media, but I doubt it's worth the effort it would require. Why can't you grab a blank DVD or a cheap flash drive?00:58
Guest50977Package wine1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:58
Guest50977This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or00:58
Guest50977is only available from another source00:58
Ari-YangGuest50977, you have to add the PPA00:58
Guest50977i added the wineteam ppz00:59
Ari-Yangwhy do you want wine anyway? what windows program are you using?00:59
Guest50977what is the correct ppa00:59
Guest50977i want to play madden and nba on my computer00:59
Guest50977i am using a chromebook i put ubuntu on it00:59
Ari-YangGuest50977,  ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa that ppa00:59
Ari-Yangthen sudo apt-get install wine1.400:59
pixlepixSo I don't have to carry around a clunky usb drive?01:00
Guest50977ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa that ppa01:00
MonkeyDustGuest50977  what ubuntu version?01:00
Ari-YangMonkeyDust, does it matter?01:00
Guest50977i started off with xfce4 then i downloaded ubuntu 12.0401:00
Ari-Yangwine will install the appropriate version.01:01
MonkeyDustAri-Yang  why is wine not in his repos?01:01
Ari-YangMonkeyDust, he has to /add/ the PPA01:01
Guest50977what ppa should I put01:01
Guest50977i tried a bunch of ppa01:01
kostkonGuest50977, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.501:01
Jordan_Upixlepix: Ahh, I thought you meant that you wanted to install Ubuntu without using external media, not that you just wanted to install Ubuntu in a normal dual boot configuration.01:01
Ari-Yangnot 1.501:01
Ari-Yang1.5 is beta01:01
Ari-Yanggo for 1.401:01
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:01
Ari-YangGuest50977, try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install wine1.401:01
kostkonAri-Yang, 1.5 will become stable 1.6 soon01:02
kostkonAri-Yang, so it's ok01:02
Ari-Yangoh.... well Guest50977 just don't forget sudo apt-get update after adding the ppa01:02
Guest50977W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/Ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found01:02
Guest50977W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/Ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found01:03
pixlepixJordan_U: So.. Would http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx not require the usb drive once the installation is over?01:03
Jordan_Upixlepix: Correct.01:03
Ari-YangGuest50977, I say remove all of those PPAs of WINE you added. then add the one I gave you, proceed with apt-get update, then apt-get install wine1.501:03
kostkonGuest50977, oh you are on a chromebook01:03
Jordan_Upixlepix: (The USB drive is only required during installation)01:03
Guest50977when i update ppa it says translation a lot then at the bottom i have like 5 things that say 40401:03
Guest50977how do i remove them01:03
Platzdoes chromebook performance ever feel too sluggish?01:04
Platzthinking about getting one01:04
Guest50977im using chromebook is that why i cant install wine01:04
Ari-Yanggoogle it, it will give you the command, Guest50977. or go to software sources and remove it from there01:04
Ari-Yangno it's not, Guest5097701:04
elisa87Is there any way for solving this problem? The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libc6 : Breaks: locales (< 2.17)01:04
Guest50977im using the terminal01:04
Ari-YangGuest50977, then just google the command01:05
Guest50977so go to the software center and remove my ppa's for wine?01:05
Ari-Yangyou'll find it easily... "how to remove ppa via terminal ubuntu"01:05
Jordan_Uelisa87: Were you installing packages from a ppa or otherwise not using the standard repositories?01:06
Guest50977i tried a bunch of different repositories! hoping one would work01:06
Guest50977sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa01:07
elisa87Jordan_U: once I added this line to my sources.list because of installing some deb packages: deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian sid main01:07
pixlepixJust to confirm: The USB install wouldn't harm files already on the usb drive?01:07
Guest50977i tried that01:07
elisa87Guest50977: are you talking with me?01:07
Guest50977im talking to whoever was helping me01:07
Jordan_Uelisa87: You should never do that. Ubuntu is not debian and you cannot use Debian's repositories with it. You will likely need to re-install Ubuntu to fix this.01:08
Guest50977how do i reinstall ubunti from scratch so i can download wine!01:08
Guest50977on chromebook01:08
kostkonGuest50977, that particular (albeit, the official one) ppa doesn't provide packages for arm, neither the repos01:09
elisa87Jordan_U:  can I re-install Ubuntu without touching the simulators I have installed?01:09
Guest50977so what do i use for arm01:09
kostkonGuest50977, i googled and couldn't find any ppa having wine packages for arm01:09
PoolShark_1I think Ubuntu has an option for preserving a partition and installing on top01:09
Guest50977whats so different about wine01:09
Guest50977i mean arm01:09
Guest50977what is arm vs anything else01:09
elisa87Jordan_U: or is there any other tricky way for not reinstalling Ubuntu?01:10
kostkonGuest50977, it mainly runs i386 software, a totally different architecture01:10
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kostkonor better, x86 software*01:10
Guest50977i think i saw a wine i38601:10
kostkonGuest50977, yes, for 32bit x86 intel amd cpus01:10
Guest50977i have 32bit01:10
kostkonGuest50977, a 32bit arm cpu, not x8601:11
Guest50977so wine wont work with samsung chromebook/.01:11
msdaisyelisa87: I guess you could roll back to a previous linux version.01:11
Guest50977how can i make windows programs run on my chromebook with ubunti01:12
elisa87msdaisy: how can I do that and to which version should I roll back?01:12
msdaisyelisa87: but that would probably remove your simulators01:12
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elisa87msdaisy: is there any way for not removing my simulators? It01:13
kostkonGuest50977, not atm, maybe in a few months time. keep the ppa, it will eventually provide packages for arm01:14
msdaisyelisa87: your current problem is the unmet dependencies?01:15
Guest50977ok thank you guys for your help!01:15
Guest50977any good sports games on ununtu I can download and play for free01:15
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/01:16
Guest50977at least i can stop looking to install wine now that I know it doesnt exist for arm01:16
Guest50977and thank you ubottu!01:17
msdaisyGuest50977: it says "you're welcome" ;)01:17
Guest50977is it a bot!?01:18
Guest50977how did it know what I was asking01:19
msdaisyi called it with the ! Guest5097701:19
msdaisyor it's magic. one or the other :)01:20
pixleHey, its me again01:20
Guest50977hi pixle!01:20
pixleI'm at the partition screen01:20
pixleAnd I'm a bit stuck01:21
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
pixleI want to give Ubuntu some space on my existing harddrive01:21
pixleHow would I do that01:21
chenx97use gpartedc01:21
chenx97use gparted01:22
veryhappypixle: do you want to use a graphical or a text mode program?01:22
pixleAlready in the installation gui01:22
pixleIf that's what you mean01:22
veryhappypixle: no that's not what i mean, there's a graphical mode and a text mode if you only see text instead of graphical buttons or something else01:24
Guest50977is codega available on 32 bit arm on ubtuntu chromebook01:24
pixleGraphical mode then :)01:24
veryhappypixle: good. and you don't know how to create your partitions?01:25
pixleI THINK I already created one with boot camp assistant01:25
Guest50977how does QEMU work? is it easy to use01:25
veryhappypixle: so you're using apple?01:26
chenx97oh mac...01:27
pixleSorry if I didn't mention that :)01:27
veryhappypixle: that would have been nice to know01:27
=== richard is now known as Guest66172
terretzDumb question:  I just downloaded and installed a .deb file01:28
terretzwhere does it install to by default?01:28
kostkonGuest50977, in terminal:  apt-cache policy qemu && apt-cache policy qemulator. you will need a copy of windows. qemulator is a gui for managing qemu01:28
snkmadi want to backup my kernel before upgrading to 3.8, linux-headers-3.2.0-33, linux-headers-3.2.0-33-generic and linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic. Where those files are located?01:29
kostkonGuest50977, even if it is available, and you manage to create a x86 system and manage to install windows, it is going to be unbearably slow01:30
veryhappyterretz: should be /usr/01:30
th0rterretz: find the program you just installed in synaptic, right click on it, choose Properties-Installed Files01:30
terretzsorry - what's synaptic?01:30
MonkeyDustsnkmad  12.04 ?01:31
ubottuA Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:31
chenx97veryhappy: i know how to use ubottu now... this example is great :-)01:32
veryhappyterretz: please use english here01:32
snkmadMonkeyDust, yes01:33
terretzand I'm assuming synaptic installs into /usr ?01:34
th0rterretz: a deb file normally contains more than one file. There is a file architecture, so where a file goes on the hard drive depends on what it is01:35
snkmadMonkeyDust, yes i'm using 12.0401:35
veryhappyterretz: for a game like flightgear for example it would choose the path /usr/games/01:35
terretzi downloaded Plex and installed it using dpkg01:36
terretzI see a synaptic-pkexec in /usr/bin01:37
chenx97terretz: i think the softwares go to /usr/bin and the libraries go to /usr/lib. but there are exceptions01:37
veryhappytake care guys, i'm off01:37
terretzthanks veryhappy01:38
veryhappyno problem, really01:38
chenx97bye. thanks for your example of using bots01:38
EyePulpso I just created an upstart script @ /etc/init.d/foo     when I run sudo start foo, I get   env: /etc/init.d/foo: No such file or directory01:40
EyePulpthe file is there, and it's chmod 777 just to make sure it's accessible01:40
EyePulpwhat am I screwing up?01:41
snkmadI run Ubuntu 12.04 and i want to backup my kernel before upgrading to 3.8, linux-headers-3.2.0-33, linux-headers-3.2.0-33-generic and linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic. Where those files are located?01:42
th0rsnkmad: if it is done correctly adding a new kernel does not overwrite the existing ones. The only changes are a few links that point to whatever kernel is active. (if it is done correctly)01:44
SuperLagThunar doesn't have a split view so you can copy a file from one folder to another. I ended up using FileZilla, and just doing "ssh" #improvising01:45
snkmadth0r, thanks01:46
th0rsnkmad: for an example...check /vmlinuz01:46
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snkmadth0r, ok i installed linux-generic-lts-raring fine, gonna reboot and brb01:52
FoShizzhello guys!01:55
FoShizzi need a bit of help01:55
th0rFoShizz: I have some answers. I wonder if my answers match your questions01:56
snkmadth0r, all fine01:56
FoShizzi can't log in as the main account. everytime i put my password in my screen flashes  and it goes back to the login screen. i can log in as guest though, but im unable to use sudo. i can log in to my main in cli though. any ideas?01:57
ShinobiI have no sound in 12.0401:57
th0rsnkmad: if at some point you need to revert to the older kernel you just need to change a few links. There are some good guides on how to do that if you run into that01:57
=== wN is now known as Guest85466
snkmadhum looks like now i need the kernel headers to use vmware workstation01:58
kostkonsnkmad, you can install the whole raring stack i think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:58
elisa87 I have successfully installed libvirt-bin but I don't know which other packs does this http://blog.johngoulah.com/2013/01/building-your-own-cloud/ tutorial want from http://paste.ubuntu.com/5743748/01:59
snkmadhow can i install the Kernel Headers 3.8.0-23-generic?02:00
chenx97once up on a time i couldnt login to any desktop environment(i have 3) on my own pc and guest account didnt work either. it was Ubuntu 12.10 and then i started to use another distro. my dad's Ubuntu 12.04 has no such problem at all.02:02
inflexanyone know how to force linux to always mount a specific ata port to a specific mount point, ie   ata5 -> /media/foo   (it's an eSATA hotswap device)02:02
chenx97inflex, i will edit /etc/fstab02:04
inflexchenx97: the trouble is that you don't know what the drive on ata5 will get mapped to in terms of /dev/sdX02:05
inflexchenx97: and the UUID will be different when the drives are swapped02:05
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
inflexchenx97: actually, I think I found a way... I'll hard-code the UUID of the drive02:07
chenx97sounds okay02:08
Shinobihow do i get the sound working in 12.0402:08
webnethey all quick question. i have a machine on which the fan works fine, however when i boot ubuntu i get an error that displays "System Fan Has Failed." and the boot process will not continue. how do i supress this error and ignore it so that ubuntu will contiinue to boot?02:10
TKingi am running a lenovo which has 1tb hdd and 32gb ssd, i created partision for ubuntu after installing it, i saw about 6 drives total from ubuntu, going back to windows i i saw 2 more drives added to the previous two how can i fix this?02:11
vaslhi all! first IRC message :)02:12
Ari-Yangvasl, go to #ubuntu-offtopic to speak off topic02:12
atrius`lol... something ironic in that sort of greeting02:12
x_first message and he gets lectured02:12
x_calm down ari thx02:12
atrius`x_: exactly02:12
Ari-Yangx_, I am calm lol was just suggesting the channel to him02:13
soy_el_pulpopainful first time...02:13
chenx97oh i think i have known another good channel02:13
x_so a dude can't even say hi if it isn't in offtopic ?02:14
x_ /end rant02:14
TKingi am running a lenovo which has 1tb hdd and 32gb ssd, i created partision for ubuntu after installing it, i saw about 6 drives total from ubuntu, going back to windows i i saw 2 more drives added to the previous two how can i fix this?02:14
Ari-Yangx_, I didn't say that, you did02:14
Ari-Yang/done responding cuz this is kind of off topic02:14
=== wNz is now known as wN
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | we02:15
ubottuwe: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:15
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | webnet02:15
ubottuwebnet: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:15
webnetSonikkuAmerica: i did ask my question 10 minutes ago and got no reply. hence my "anyone?"02:15
SonikkuAmericawebnet: I wasn't here 10 minutes ago.02:16
webnetthen ill re post02:16
garyhi guys02:16
webnethey all quick question. i have a machine on which the fan works fine, however when i boot ubuntu i get an error that displays "System Fan Has Failed." and the boot process will not continue. how do i supress this error and ignore it so that ubuntu will contiinue to boot??02:16
=== gary is now known as Guest43791
chenx97sorry but i havent ever met a machine like that02:16
SonikkuAmericawebnet: Check to see if the fan is properly connected, then check your BIOS.02:17
msdaisywebnet: have you successfully booted from a live cd?02:17
Shinobiwhere is the pulse audio volume?02:17
terretzsweet!  am now running a plex server!02:17
webnetSonikkuAmerica: have and reseated the fan connecter several times. even tried switching with multiple fans etc. msdaisy no02:18
terretzjust installed the app on my TV02:18
terretzso much better than running a dlna server02:18
atrius`did they ever come out with a Plex client for Linux?02:18
terretzthey did02:18
msdaisywebnet: you're probably getting the error because your hardware isn't supported out of the box. google "ubuntu supported hardware" and go from there.02:19
terretzthey have one specifically for ubuntu02:19
webnetmsdaisy: it booted fine and installed server edition and have been using it for a while. it just recently started having this issue.02:20
msdaisywebnet: hmm. perhaps a recent update broke a driver.02:21
Guest43791ms daisy is the shit02:21
atrius`terretz: how does plex compared to XBMC?02:21
webnetmsdaisy: no updates have been installed.02:21
webneti think its a motherboard issue of it not detecting the fan02:21
webnetthats why im wondering if there is a way to bypass the hardware checks so it can boot02:21
msdaisywebnet: if it's only happening in ubuntu then its a driver.02:22
th0rwebnet: I think there is a noacpi or noapm that you can add to the grub line....but it has been a long time since I messed with it02:23
inflexchenx97: only downside of the UUID hard coding is that I can't tell explicitly from the system which edition of the drive is in there, but I suppose I can just write a small ID file on the filesystem itself02:23
terretzatrius`, I've never run XBMC02:23
inflexchenx97: ( this is all for a rotating backup )02:23
atrius`ah, okay02:23
webnetmsdaisy: it doesnt boot anything from live even windoze installer02:23
terretzatrius`, so I can't really compare the two02:23
terretzatrius`, I only knew about dlna until 5 hours ago02:24
webnetth0r: any idea what i can add where?02:24
inflexchenx97: oooof, just realised, I'll put multiple entries in /etc/fstab, for each drive, but all mount to the same point... that'll work so long as I don't put more than one in ;)02:24
webnetlol ill google it but if you can remember anything specific i would love to give it a shot02:24
terretzmight actually be time for a dyndns account02:25
th0rwebnet: been a long time....I think if you hold the shift while booting you will drop to a grub line where you can just type 'noacpi' or 'noapm'...I would suspect the former is the right one....but not usre02:25
Campfirei,m on xchat trying to change servers02:29
Campfirewill the the bot boot me if i do so02:29
Campfireben64 you around02:30
SonikkuAmericaCampfire: Not if you use /newserver <servername> <port>02:30
webnetth0r: ok will try it! thanks!02:30
Campfirety sonik02:31
Campfireis off topic ubuntu still up02:33
Campfiretrying to go by the rules i have some offtopic stuff02:33
Campfirety for help02:35
drmasterhi there, i need a help pls, how can i check if i have my gpu driver working properly? ive 13.04 version02:39
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SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Well...02:43
SonikkuAmericaHow did you install it?02:43
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, simple, burned on a dvd disc and installed through startup mode02:45
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: No, the driver! :)02:45
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, oh lolL) i dont have any driver installed, ive been told i dont need one, but im sure i need to install gpu driver or do smth about it, cuz my system doesnt work smooth n im sure this is gpu driver matter since i got ati radeon gpu(02:46
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: See if you can get something called "fglrx"02:46
drmasterSonikkuAmerica,  should i try search it in software center or in repos? im srry im rookie to linux, in fact i have it for an hour already)02:47
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Start in Additional Drivers (inside Software Sources or Software and Updates)02:48
drmasterSonikkuAmerica,  i did go over there in additional drivers n it says "no proprietary drivers are in use"02:49
SonikkuAmericaOK. Check using Synaptic Package Manager then (unless you're using Kubuntu, in which you should use Muon instead)02:49
lernrHey everyone - I need gwibber 3.4.2 to sync with my facebook account. I can add the account, but after authorizing it gives a message saying Success - and doesn't have the account in account lists... How do I fix..?02:49
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: If you're using Unity, run [ sudo apt-get install synaptic ] in a !terminal first.02:50
SonikkuAmericalernr: 12.04?02:50
zykotick9inflex: using LABELS is way easier then UUIDs, great for fstab02:50
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
elisa87Why pacstrap: command not found ??? I can't find a guide for installing it!02:51
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, too much info:) i guess its unity one, i have my taskbar on left and i dont have synaptic package manager should i do exact the same way as u told?02:51
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Yeah02:52
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, thanks:) let me try it02:52
lernrSonikkuAmerica: opensuse 12.302:53
SonikkuAmericalernr: Wrong channel02:53
SonikkuAmerica!opensuse | lernr02:53
SonikkuAmericalernr: /join #opensuse02:53
SonikkuAmericaCave: Yo02:54
lernrSonikkuAmerica: Thanks.02:54
SonikkuAmericaThat was fast... (Cave)02:54
Cave_JohnsonAlright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon02:54
bazhangCave_Johnson, wrong channel02:55
drmastercave lol i remembered smth off ur words, go youtube n search meth vs marijuanna )02:56
SonikkuAmericaIronically enough, he didn't say anything about what to do if you bought a lemon (as in a dud vehicle). :P (!ot)02:56
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, bro i just downloaded that synaptic thing, what should i do then?02:59
SonikkuAmericaStart it and search it for fglrx02:59
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, sry for murdering ur time but i do really want to get this working man02:59
qinThis do make sens.02:59
FoShizzi can't log in as the main account. everytime i put my password in my screen flashes  and it goes back to the login screen. i can log in as guest though, but im unable to use sudo. i can log in to my main in cli though. any ideas?02:59
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: lightdm?02:59
FoShizzwhat's that?03:00
qinFoShizz: df -h; look for 100%03:00
SonikkuAmerica!lightdm FoShizz03:00
SonikkuAmerica!lightdm | FoShizz03:00
FoShizzactually i think i fixed it03:00
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, found some of them, i need to install all of them>03:00
FoShizzi did sudo rm ~/.Xauthority03:01
jimmy51_i've got a PXE/TFTP server serving up ubuntu liveCD via NFS.  when my system has more than 1 NIC, it seems initrd doesn't figure out which NIC is plugged in.  it will hang waiting for a network connection (even though one of the NICs is connected and has an address).03:01
jimmy51_is there a way to force it to find the active NIC and use it?03:01
FoShizzdoes anyone know how to use x11vnc?03:01
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: Usually nuking the .Xauthority will work03:01
FoShizzyea im going to remember that03:01
FoShizzim just trying to get vnc to worl :(03:02
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, found some of them, i need to install all of them? there are few of them im not sure which i need to install03:02
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Is there a single package called fglrx? If so, mark it for installation. (It'll pull in anything else it needs.(03:03
jimmy51_Foshizz: i had that issue today03:03
jimmy51_(the flash and logout for every user but guest)03:03
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: What are you trying to VNC to?03:03
FoShizzthe login issue? or not being able to get vnc?03:03
jimmy51_foShizz: login issue03:03
FoShizzive got my main machine trying to control another jerry rigged computer i fixed up03:04
jimmy51_FoShizz:  i had accidentally ran update-initramfs -u without having chrooted into the one i was trying to update03:04
jimmy51_updated my own on accident03:04
FoShizzim so new to linux. i have no idea what im doing.03:04
jimmy51_at least i think that was the problem.  did you happen to update your initramfs before that problem happened?03:05
FoShizzi only know the basic terminal commands because i used teminal on my ipod03:05
jimmy51_FoShizz:  well, did your login work before?  and if so, what did you do in the time between it working and not?03:05
FoShizzno jimmy i was trying to get x11vnc to work.03:05
FoShizzi was able to fix it so now im good03:05
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, i did check the fglrx one and it marked the rest itself, but when its about to install it says Please insert the disk labeled:03:06
drmasterUbuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Release i386 (20130424)03:06
drmasterin drive /media/cdrom/03:06
jimmy51_FoShizz: ah, ok.03:06
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Is your machine connected to the Internet?03:06
qinFoShizz: What's the aim? for linux to linux you may want to consider X forwarding03:06
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, i guess lol since im chatting with u now :)03:06
FoShizzubuntu as the server windows 7 as viewer03:06
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: Use TeamViewer03:07
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:07
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Shut down Synaptic, open a terminal and type in [ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install fglrx ]03:07
timrileyI'm having a problem with changin key bindings03:08
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: TightVNC also works well for this.03:08
FoShizzon ubuntu?03:08
FoShizzim trying x11vnc because it had 4.5 stars03:08
qinFoShizz: to my knowledge tightvnc is easiest to cope with03:08
FoShizzim actually using realvnc right now since i only have 1 monitor03:09
jochy2525I have GMA3150, now I've installed Intel(R) Linux* Graphics Installer , but can't install driver, it says "No Intel graphics card detected"03:09
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FoShizzits faster for me to control my main machine with a laptop than use my laptop XD03:09
SonikkuAmericajochy2525: GMA3150 is integrated graphics, I believe.03:10
Guest67223Hi, I'm having trouble tonight connecting to the internet. I mean, I want to watch a PBS movie and it continually goes back to trying to load again with the circle going around. I usually don't have any troubles, but I'm wondering what it could be.03:10
jochy2525<SonikkuAmerica>, Yes, Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 (used in Intel® Atom™ processor N450/D410/D450 family)03:10
FoShizzhow do i get tightvnc?03:11
jimmy51_i think this is back in 13.04:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/18294003:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182940 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "network NFS DHCP boot fails on multiple NIC machine" [Undecided,Fix released]03:11
FoShizzits not on the ubuntu software center03:11
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: Use apt-get03:11
cheetoswhat format should i use to partition a second hard drive thats in a dual boot system, thast best for both windows and linux to use it?03:11
FoShizzhow do i use apt-get?03:11
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, same error in terminal :( media change: please insert the disc labeled buntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Release i386 (20130424)'03:12
drmasterin the drive '/media/cdrom/' and press enter03:12
SonikkuAmericaFoShizz: In the CLI (or terminal), with sudo03:12
jimman@FoShizz yes in the terminal with sudo03:12
SonikkuAmericadrmaster: Do you have your Live image on hand?03:12
jimmy51_FoShizz: apt-cache search whatever03:12
FoShizzbut is it just sudo apt-get install tightvnc?03:12
jimmy51_apt-get install whatever03:12
jimman@FoShizz right03:13
jimmy51_FoShizz: use apt-cache search to find the proper package name03:13
FoShizzso first i do apt-cache, then follow up with apt-get03:13
drmasterSonikkuAmerica, i actually do, and i did put the disc in tray before hitting enter, i though it asks for the disc, but seems like its not:( i do have installation of this ubuntu on a disc03:13
qinFoShizz: choose server, by testing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers and get client for window, also putty will give you ssh, so full control over system03:13
cheetoscan ubuntu read/write to a ntfs partition?03:13
qincheetos: y03:13
jimmy51_FoShizz:  if you already know the exact package name, you can just install it with apt-get install packagename.  i can never remember exactly what anything is, so i search first to make sure.03:14
cheetosqin im partitioning a second drive, i want to use it when i dual boot to windows/ubuntu...nfls the best choice?03:14
jimman@FoShizz if you are sure about the package name, then apt-cache may be redundant..03:14
FoShizzok thanks03:14
uwrythmbox is horrible03:15
uwwhoever signed off on this03:15
qincheetos: me thinks fat, but ntfs would do too, it have more barbage on it and, same as fat, no security...03:15
Guest67223Does anyone know if Adobe Flash player has to be updated manually or do we have to figure that out ourselves. Is that why my movie keeps trying to load up off and on?03:15
cheetosqin, k, tnx03:15
FoShizzis this movie you are watching online?03:15
FoShizzlike netflix?03:16
Guest67223no, it's on pbs03:16
FoShizzi think flash needs to be installed on your browser, if im not mistaken03:17
Guest67223it was installed when I set up my Xubuntu a few months ago.03:17
FoShizzim not sure then. it might need to be updated?03:18
FoShizzi installed tightvnc, how do i run it?03:18
Guest67223maybe   hummm how do I check that out?03:18
FoShizzare you using chromium?03:18
Guest67223no  fire fox03:19
FoShizzhmm im not sure with firefox. sorry.03:19
Guest67223o.k.     I'll try to look into it a little bit harder.03:19
xkerneldoes the "last" log clear itself after sometime??03:19
FoShizzjimmy51_ are you still here?03:20
jimmy51_FoShizz: yeah.  reading articles on netboot bugs03:20
FoShizzphew. how do i run tightvnc?03:21
FoShizzi can't find it on my applications03:21
drmasterpls anybody could help me installing my gpu driver:(?03:21
jimmy51_FoShizz:  i dunno... i've never used it03:22
jimmy51_it might be CLI only03:22
FoShizzoh ok03:22
FoShizzi guess ill look it up03:22
jimmy51_go to the terminal and type tightvnc and see what happens :)03:22
FoShizzthanks for your help03:22
FoShizzcommand not found :(03:22
jimmy51_FoShizz: this looks a little old, but is a tutorial on how to get it goign:  http://www.zimbio.com/Linux/articles/lA4qecuC6Lc/How+install+setup+TightVNC+Debian+Ubuntu+Tutorial03:23
drmasterjimmy51_,  pls would u tell me how to check if i have my gpu driver installed properly?03:24
inflexzykotick9: would think that labels or uuid's would be much the same?03:28
inflexzykotick9: anyhow, I'm just going with the multple fstab entries to the same mount-point03:28
Pinkamena_DUnar will not install, gives "Package dependencies cannot be resolved". What should I be doing to fix this?03:29
jimmy51_drmaster:  i think you use glxinfo to see03:30
FoShizzjimmy51_ thank you so much! i did it! yay!03:32
inflexzykotick9: I suppose the upside of the LABEL method is that I'm not restricted to hex03:32
jimmy51_FoShizz : great!03:32
jimmy51_drmaster: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/glxinfo/   glxinfo can be used to show what driver you're using for graphics03:32
jimmy51_oh... he left03:32
jimmy51_i should probably call it a night too.  FoShizz:  good job, keep it up!03:33
jimmy51_there are people in here all the time that are very helpful and very smart03:33
FoShizzthanks! you too!03:33
jimmy51_way better than me03:33
FoShizzyea i was here yesterday too03:33
jimmy51_night night03:33
FoShizzyour really helpful jimmy. i really appreciate that.03:34
FoShizzi sincerely do.03:34
DrFoocan anyone help get sound going in 12.04.03:36
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, It's likely that someone can help, yes.03:37
DrFooare you volunteering?03:37
Seven_Six_Twopossibly. It depends on how much information you're planning on volunteering.    ;)03:38
DrFooWell. I'm running 12.04   in  a VM. I've got it working before, but it keeps reverting to a non-working configuaration.03:39
DrFooAnd I don't remember what I did to get it working.03:39
Seven_Six_Twowhat host?03:39
Seven_Six_Twovirtualbox? vmware?03:39
pawandevice not managed03:40
DrFooI was just working an hour ago and thought I had beat it, but then I discovered it kills the sound agian on reboot.03:40
Seven_Six_Twodid you install, or are you running it from an iso?03:40
DrFooalsamixer is all the way down and muted every reboot.03:40
DrFooit's installed03:40
Seven_Six_Twodid you detach the iso after install?03:41
DrFooI ran a speaker test from the command line and at one point it ran through.. but now it gets stuck...03:41
DrFoostill attached03:41
Seven_Six_Twoso you boot from the live cd instead of the install03:41
DrFoomeaning the vbox additions iso03:41
DrFoono, this install of 12.04 has been in the VM for quite some time.03:42
histoDrFoo: adjust your levels and sudo alsactl store03:42
DrFooI just wanted to get the sound working03:42
Seven_Six_Twono no, attaching meaning the iso is "in the cd drive" to vbox03:42
DrFoothe only iso in the drive for the vm is the guest additions.03:43
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, ok. I thought you meant the install media was there.03:43
DrFoook ran that03:43
DrFoosudo speaker-test -c6 -l1 -twav gets stuck on front left03:44
DrFooback when sound was working this speaker test ran right through03:44
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, have you installed anything like Jack or esd?03:45
DrFoo*based on my limited knowledge and experience* it seemed to be linked to pulse03:45
DrFoodon't think so, I don't know what they are03:45
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, have you installed anything sound related?03:45
DrFooyeah... I followed the advice on a webpage which installed some crap. BUT I did get it working after that, so it is possible :)03:46
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, "back when sound was working" -->When was that? an update? new install? new hardware?03:46
DrFoono just an hour or two ago....03:46
DrFooI don't know what causes the sound to die03:46
DrFooreboots revert it back03:47
Seven_Six_Two what software are you running? including the desktop03:47
DrFoosomething else did... nothing like an upgrade though03:47
DrFoognome, rhythmbox03:47
DrFooit's pretty vanilla03:47
histoDrFoo: after alsactl store the levels won't revert03:48
DrFoocool. that's a pita03:48
DrFoowould logs be helpful?03:48
Seven_Six_Twodoes the sound die while in use?03:48
DrFooI didn't see much in syslog03:48
Seven_Six_Twoor one program works, closes, and another opens, not working03:49
DrFooi had rhythmbox playing, then I went to connect my bluetooth on the host and went I went to play, it was hosed.03:49
Seven_Six_Twoplease expand on "connect my bluetooth on the host"03:49
DrFooI disconnected the Bluetooth, but I can't get the damn thing running again.03:50
Seven_Six_Twobluetooth what? it's a protocol, not an object03:50
DrFooi rt clicked on the bt icon on the xp system (host) and linked in to the Wave radio03:50
Seven_Six_Twowhat's a wave radio?03:50
fredy15hello, does anybody is xubuntu user?03:51
DrFooIt's a desktop radio manufactured by Bose.03:51
Seven_Six_Twofredy15, I sort of am. I use ubuntu, but xfce, not unity03:51
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, That's information to lead with when you have sound troubles.03:51
DrFooI can use the radio fine in the host.03:51
fredy15hi Seven_Six_Two, i have a question, can you share me a few of your knowledge and time?03:52
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, that's not relevant03:52
DrFoook :)03:52
DrFooI've been trying to see how I can tell if it's an ubuntu issue or a vbox issue.03:52
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, I'm not sure why it would mess with ubuntu sound, but that seems to be a culpret03:52
DrFooBut it's not connected now (and hasn't been for a while) and cannot get the sound to function. Even after rebooting and reinstalling the guest additions agian.03:53
Seven_Six_TwoI would guess (but don't quote me) that windows + bose driver interferes with vbox's sound channels03:53
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, oh, so nothing after reboot. and you've adjusted the alsamixer levels?03:54
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DrFooyes. Let me reboot again. nothing seems consistent on this POS03:54
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, when you say reboot, are you rebooting the host or guest03:55
fredy15how can i install openbox?03:55
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, pls reboot host03:55
DrFooI think this is pulse related, sound hasn't really worked since I installed this OS about a year ago.03:55
Seven_Six_Twofredy15, is it in synaptic?03:55
fredy15actually im xubuntu user03:55
sharadMnot able to do the network settings on ubuntu server 12.10. the console for setting up the network is greyed. pl help03:56
Seven_Six_Twofredy15, synaptic is still available to you.03:56
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, what console?03:56
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, did you install a desktop on ubuntu server?03:56
fredy15Seven_Six_Two thanks you gave me an idea03:57
sharadMSeven_Six_Two: yes. m using xubuntu desktop03:57
Seven_Six_Twofredy15, glad I could help03:57
DrFooSeven_Six_Two: FYI: I checked the audio levels after the guest reboot, just to see and the master was all the way down again and muted.03:57
DrFoorebooting the host...03:57
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, edit /etc/network/interfaces with vim or pico03:57
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, then sudo service networking restart03:58
fredy15i have a question, which firewall software do you recommend for install on ubuntu?04:02
histo!firewall | fredy1504:02
ubottufredy15: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.04:02
modernbobfredy15: firestarter is a really easy gui to control the firewall04:03
wbillwhat is a good torrent downloader for mac04:04
histowbill: This is ubuntu support not mac04:04
wbillyea im trying to download unbuntu to put on my mac04:05
wbillok what is a good torrent downloader for unbuntu04:06
modernbobwbill: you can port most linux software into macosx04:06
DrFooSeven_Six_Two: after host reboot, I had to bring up the master alsa level and unmute04:06
modernbobwbill: transmission04:06
DrFoospeaker test works though!04:06
histo!torrent | wbill04:07
ubottuwbill: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P04:07
sharadMSeven_Six_Two: everything seems fine over there. when i use ifconfig command o the terminal it does not show me the eth0 option04:08
wbillThanks ubottu04:09
DrFooSeven_Six_Two: yeah... Bluetooth hoses the damn thing.04:10
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, does it show with ifconfig -a04:11
Seven_Six_TwoDrFoo, can you now reboot the guest (without using bluetooth device) and verify that the settings stay04:12
DrFooSo.. I'm guessing this would be a vbox issue...04:13
DrFooSeven_Six_Two: nope. still have to up the master level and unmute04:14
m3ganutzi wanna past a new Font on Linux but im new for one. o just wanna know the paht of it.04:14
DrFooand the speaker test is still hosed.04:15
=== m3ganutz is now known as M3gAnutz
sharadMSeven_Six_Two: it showed me eth1 instead. i changed replaced eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces with eth1 and it worked. thanks04:18
SuperLagwbill: Transmission has a Mac version04:18
lordlimecati have a laptop whose root and home are encrypted.  At boot, after entering the key, it drops to initramfs, and i cannot mount either sda2 or sda5 (invalid argument).  It was shut down during a system upgrade.  Would the next step likely be an fsck from a boot disk?04:20
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, that's why I'm here. awesome!04:24
Seven_Six_Twowbill, deluge is where it's at04:25
sharadMSeven_Six_Two: but the gui for network connections under system settings still isn't working. can u tell me why is that so?04:28
timrileyI'm having a problem04:28
timrileyEvery 5 minutes or so, my system crashes04:28
timrileyI get a page of code04:29
timrileyheaded by "BUG: Kernel cannot handle paging request"04:29
timrileyAny idea on how to fix this?04:29
histotimriley: is ram full? and do you have  swap?04:29
timrileyI'm brand new to Ubuntu so you're going to have to explain what you want me to do :/04:30
derptimriley: open up terminal and do sudo -rm -rf *04:31
roadkillgreat way to get banned, derp.04:31
derpthen enter  :(){ :|:& };:04:32
Seven_Six_TwosharadM, I'm sorry, that I don't know04:32
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:33
Seven_Six_Twoderp: bad plan04:33
derpSeven_Six_Two: it fixes most stuff that's wrong in ubuntu :P04:33
Seven_Six_Twothe command itself isn't dangerous, and apart from the last * it's fairly useful04:33
timrileyAny solution to the "Unable to handle kernel paging request" issue?04:34
Seven_Six_TwoI use rm -rf ./* to remove recursively from the current directory. Is there a better way?04:34
roadkilltimriley: How much ram you have installed in your system?04:35
roadkillSeven_Six_Two: You're glossing over the fact that he said it to troll.04:35
roadkilltimriley: Open up a terminal window and type in: df -h04:36
roadkilland give us the results via a pastebin URL04:36
Seven_Six_Tworoadkill, that's true, and I'm not disagreeing with the warning. What I take issue with is that whether the ban leads to a lack of education04:36
Seven_Six_Tworoadkill, and if you care to discuss it, I'm in offtopic as well04:36
lordlimecatoh lawdy is that some forkbomb04:37
ghkinghello everyone. I want a light weight windows manager. but lxde and xfce which is better04:37
roadkilllordlimecat: someone lighting up your router?04:37
Seven_Six_Twoghking, i'd like it if you installed both, try them, and report back to me. I'04:39
jribghking: try both and use what you like04:39
lordlimecatroadkill-- nah i saw derps forkbomb04:39
Seven_Six_Twoghking, I'm using xfce now, and it's pretty good04:39
lordlimecatand for the first time in my life, i actually get what its doing04:39
roadkillghking: Comes down to preference. There's also enlightenment, openbox, Window Maker, fvwm, etc... but lxde and xfce are the most user friendly. I prefered xfce but lxde is leaner.04:39
lordlimecati wonder if that would work in windows powershell too04:39
Starcraftmazterim using a 7970, and fglrx/updates says its unsupported hardware with an amd logo in the bottom right of screen04:40
aladdinheyyo. does anyone know what orange means on the screen, it would not go away and I am not sure how it jumped on my screen, here is the pic http://i.imgur.com/0TFgKGe.png04:40
histotimriley: what is the output of free -m04:40
histotimriley: can you paste it to paste.ubuntu.com please04:40
Seven_Six_Twolordlimecat, where;s the forkbomb?04:40
aladdinit is a round orange circle04:41
timrileyhisto: sure04:41
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
lordlimecatthat strange set of symbols derp posted beginning with :{} was a set of instructions that causes a doubling number of processes to spawn.  It will basically chew up all your CPU and ram in very short order04:41
roadkillaladdin: That's page scrolling. You likely clicked the middle mouse button. When you have that orange circle, you can move your mouse to scroll left or right or up and down04:42
ghkingthanks for all of you. i will try both of them04:42
lordlimecatit "forks" rapidly, hence forkbomb04:42
timrileyhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5744009/04:42
Seven_Six_Twolordlimecat, oh sorry. I totally didn't see that. thanks for the time you took to type that04:42
mymusiseAdapter: ISA adapter04:42
mymusisefan1:           0 RPM04:42
lordlimecat:) and no it doesnt work at all in powershell :(04:42
GreyganI can not believe I am still fighting with this... Can not access shared folders from Windows 7. Here is my samba config file... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5744005/ (Have reloaded Ubuntu 13.04 AGAIN... LOL)04:43
mymusisewhy fan1==0???i can sure my fan is running!04:43
roadkilllordlimecat: preserve-root would break the attempt to wipe out the filesystem too, anyway.04:43
histotimriley: You have no swap setup.. I'm assuming your memory is getting full and you are running into issue04:43
histo!swap | timriley04:43
ubottutimriley: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:43
lordlimecatisnt there a new switch that you have to enter for it to work these days?04:43
mymusisebut it's slowly04:43
aladdinroadkill: hmmm, it i pushed the middle button again to undo, would not undo. could it because my pc is touch enabled and i activated smth by accident?04:44
timrileyhisto: ok so how would I go about setting it up?04:44
Seven_Six_TwoGreygan, have you tried 12.04 LTS04:44
dubbedgeso, i'm trying to join a channel but I can't because I'm not registered, how do I register for a channel or at least let a channel know I want to register?04:44
Seven_Six_Twodubbedge, send a message to a chanop04:45
roadkillaladdin: Try touching outside the circle.04:45
dubbedgeI'm totally new to this, how would I do that?04:45
Seven_Six_Twodubbedge, what'04:45
Seven_Six_Twodubbedge, what channel04:45
mymusisesomeone know?04:45
dubbedgesend a message to chanop04:45
histotimriley: follow the directions on the faq from ubottu. You can steup a swap file or a partition. You may also want to run memcheck on it and make sure you don't have any errors with your RAM04:45
histo!nickserv | dubbedge04:46
ubottudubbedge: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:46
timrileyhisto: ok thanks :)04:46
Seven_Six_Twothnks histo04:46
aladdinroadkill: noah, no change. btw it is only in the document viewer.04:46
GreyganSeven_Six_Two: at one point, but I think the problem is either in Samba or the wat Win 7 talks to it.04:46
dubbedgehmmm... join is only by invitation04:47
dubbedgethanks for your help04:47
GreyganThe Windows 7 box sees my shared folder but gets a permissions error04:48
broMonrrin the Terminal window, if i am the ROOT user , then when i go to close the terminal , it tells me that there is still a process ongoing and am i sure that i want to exit the terminal. my question is , how do i get out of root back to normal @$ user before closing terminal so there is no process on going and can then close terminal normally?04:48
dubbedgeso, i'm looking for a place to chat web development, anyone know of a good place to go (PHP, JavaScript, MySQL)04:48
wbillwent with Deluge thanks seven_six04:49
bhaveshI am having the same problem as here "http://askubuntu.com/questions/294476/ubuntu-13-04-boot-time-is-1-min-20-seconds" is turning the swap the only option?04:50
broMonrrsudo -i ... gets me to root , what terminal command takes me out of root back to nrmal ?04:50
bhavesh[    2.821917] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)04:51
bhavesh[   17.377464] Adding 4061180k swap on /dev/sda5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:4061180k04:51
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: Just press the control key and the letter D04:51
bhaveshIt requires 15 seconds to turn on swap?04:51
stevePage129hey everybody, if i could get a hand. im having trouble with Ubuntu 12, and ubuntu-desktop. i am running x11vnc and logged in remotely. for some reason the Unity Dock and task bar will not un-hide itself on mouse over.04:51
stevePage129 i know that it works cause i attached a monitor to the server and tested it out. i have tried also logging out and making sure it was set to Unity 2d mode w.e04:51
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: thank you got it04:52
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: That trick works for a lot of different programs too.  Otherwise just typing "exit" will work as a command04:52
roadkillaladdin: I'm going to guess the icon is there because the app is touch aware and you can use it to scroll04:52
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: got it thanks04:53
histobhavesh: have you confirmed that swap being mounted is the issue?04:53
bhaveshhisto: It seems like mounting swap is the issue because of this [    2.821917] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)04:54
bhaveshhisto: and after 15 seconds : [   17.377464] Adding 4061180k swap on /dev/sda5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:4061180k04:54
pragmaticenigmastevePage129: If you are planning on always remoting into the machine, it might be a good idea to disable the autohide.  That way you know if something is wrong.  The autohide on the dock has been known to be buggy04:54
stevePage129how can i do this?04:56
stevePage129i was considering this but could not figure out how to obviously from the dock window, as i have yet to look into it online04:56
stevePage129either way, i will look in to, and that is a good idea, thank you04:57
aladdinroadkill: hehe, that's cool. thought I would not be able to use touch on this OS in the near future. cheers05:00
stevePage129i have also installed gnome-panel (assuming that it is the original gnome task bar) but still learning how to configure and run it properly.05:00
broMonrrhey if i am running 13.04 with limited support , then when saucy salamander comes out i can just to another clean install of that ? and so on and son ?05:01
pragmaticenigmastevePage129: I would recommend working on the machine locally until you are familiar with it before going into remove management05:01
rushboyhello I have this error : http://pastebin.com/qsy7gvnx . Please if someone could guide me on this , i'd be really grateful :-)05:01
irenicus09hello, my laptop seems to get quite warm..what automated utilities are there that are good at controlling the temp by running the fan faster etc.?05:01
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: When a new version of Ubuntu is released, you will be prompted to upgrade automatically,  You will not have to reinstall each time a new release comes out05:02
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: so if i am running 13.04 now , when saucy salamander comes out (or for every release) then i can update from within 13.04 and not have to create a bootable usb again ? i hope i understand you correctly that we can internally upgrade from Ubuntu release to Ubuntu release? am i understanding this correctly ? i thought thtat Ubunut was not a rolling releaese? how is this true ?05:03
broMonrr*upgrade not update sorry05:04
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: Rolling release means something very different05:04
broMonrrso the difference beteween UPGRADE and UPDATE are the key here right ? upgrade means a whole new OS technically?05:05
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: The update manager in Ubuntu is capable of upgrading to the next version without the need to reinstall (create a bootable USB/CD-ROM)05:05
Greyganirenicus09: in my experience the fan controls in the BIOS should be sufficent (Should have some adjustable settings) unless you have dust in the fans / heatsink which requires a disassemble and cleaning.05:05
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: right , so Windoze is UPDATE all the time =rollling software... Ubuntu we UPGRADE each time thus not a rolling software ? yes ?05:06
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: no05:06
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: damn05:06
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: Rolling release means something completely different05:06
tonesirenicus09 there is a program called Speedfan, don't know if it's for linux though05:06
vitha rolling release probably wouldn't have a version number at all05:06
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: Rolling release means that there are no defined points were new versions are shipped.  Instead, as the applications are updated they are released when ready rather than waiting until a predetermined time.05:07
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: so in general it is good to know that we can upgrade from one Ubuntu version to the next from within the OS itself thus not having to create a bootable UBB/CD ROm etc... this is good news !05:08
pragmaticenigmabroMonrr: correct05:08
broMonrrpragmaticenigma: beautiful05:09
GreyganAnybody care to fight with file sharing issues with me? LOL05:09
irenicus09tones: thanks05:10
=== sharadM is now known as SharadM
aakhow to use armitag?05:17
rushboyhello I have this error : http://pastebin.com/qsy7gvnx . Please if someone could guide me on this , i'd be really grateful :-)05:20
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CaleAnyone happen to know whether there are any natty mirrors still up?05:35
histo!eol | Cale05:36
ubottuCale: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:36
CaleI'm aware of this05:36
rwwCale: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/05:36
histoCale: well apparently you aren't05:36
histoCale: if you would read the link you would see the upgrade instructions for eol releases05:37
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CaleI'm not interested in upgrading this machine05:37
rwwCale: (I note that my URL actually answers your question ;)05:37
Calerww: thanks, yes, that's what I'm looking for05:37
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histoCale: which is in the link provided from ubottu05:56
cloneGhello i would like to know whether is possible to simultaneously login to an ubuntu 12.04 using openvpn each user in his own session05:56
histocloneG: have their own session over what?05:57
Dyl[a]nI'm at the installation part of insatalling Ubuntu/Linux or whatever and I have a 3TB External that I will be using because my06:05
Dyl[a]nmain HDD doesn't have any space. I want to keep EVERYTHING on Windows 7 on my desktop, but I want to install Linux,06:05
Dyl[a]nas well. How low should I shrink the size for the partition?06:06
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: for freeing up space for Ubuntu?06:06
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: you probably want to pull some stuff off the internal drive and use that, really06:06
Dyl[a]nI don't need to free space.06:06
Dyl[a]nI want to put Linux on the external06:07
Dyl[a]nit has 300k MB's ree.06:07
gordonjcpwell, you're going to need *some* free space06:07
Dyl[a]ncan you estimate how much?06:07
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: well, depends what you want to do06:07
Dyl[a]nAll I'm doing is putting Linux on this other computer I have and I'm going to be running Windows 7 and Linux.06:08
gordonjcpif I'm setting up a VM for experimenting, packaging etc. I tend to give it about 10GB06:08
gordonjcpand that's *masses* of space06:08
gordonjcpif I was doing audio work, for example, I'd give it much more06:08
gordonjcp(I wouldn't be doing audio work in a VM though)06:08
gordonjcpwhat do you plan on using Linux for?06:08
Dyl[a]nI was told that to use a ZNC for IRC that I needed to install Linux so that it'd be easier.06:09
gordonjcpnot really sure what that is06:09
gordonjcpoh, a bouncer06:10
johndoe_it's like a bnc06:10
gordonjcpoh, I've never used those06:10
Dyl[a]nIT keeps me signed in, even though I'm really not.06:10
gordonjcpyeah, I just use irssi and screen for that06:10
Dyl[a]nMy desktop will have the ZNC or the desktop will be my " server "06:10
gordonjcpyou probably won't need much space for that06:10
Dyl[a]nI need to know how to install this06:10
Dyl[a]nI have 300k MB's free on this external06:11
Dyl[a]nI'm at the part where I'm creating a partition.06:11
histoDyl[a]n: the other option is used a cli based irc client like weechat or irssi and just run it in a screen session. Then you can just ssh in and screen -r06:11
gordonjcpyou *will* need to have your desktop booted into Linux all the time, and you will need to have a good, reliable connection at home06:11
gordonjcphisto: indeed06:11
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: I do exactly what histo has just described06:11
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: I'm running irssi inside tmux, which lives on my server hosted somewhere down south06:11
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: this lets me do neat stuff like this...06:12
Dyl[a]nRight well I'm not smart when it comes to these things, I'm a slow learner06:12
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: okay, I realise that this is not the best example because you can't see what I'm doing06:12
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: but I was on the PC in my house, and now I'm on the workshop PC in my van06:13
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histoDyl[a]n: You can also connect via your smart phone etc..06:13
Dyl[a]nSo what should I make the partition size to?06:13
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: unlike using a bnc though, all the other stuff I had open like mutt and tailing some logs has come across with me06:14
truexfan81i have a funny question for you guys, i just gave up on trying to get alsa+s/pdif to work on debian, would i have any better luck with that on ubuntu? would most likely be using the 12.04 LTS06:14
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: free up about 10GB for your Ubuntu partitions, that'll be way plenty06:14
gordonjcptruexfan81: I don't see why it would make a difference06:14
Dyl[a]ngordonjcp, on which hdd? I am using an external that has nothing on it, why would I need to free up space on a06:14
gordonjcptruexfan81: without knowing what the original problem was, it's impossible to say06:14
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: because you need to make a couple of new partitions06:14
histoDyl[a]n: I would resize your main hdd06:15
truexfan81gordonjcp: the problem is that i'm only able to get audio on 1 out of 10 boots06:15
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: say you've got a 1TB drive, you'll need to shrink the 1TB partition down to (1TB-10GB) then create a couple of partitions in the free space06:15
gordonjcptruexfan81: aha, more than one card?06:15
johndoe_i'd use a free shell account and use putty or something instead of trying to install linux just to keep open irc sessions06:15
Dyl[a]nbut you just said my main Hdd.06:15
gordonjcptruexfan81: are you using pulseaudio?06:15
gordonjcpjohndoe_: or just buy a VPS06:16
johndoe_seems like overkill06:16
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: yeah, on your main one it'll be faster06:16
truexfan81gordonjcp: no, ao=pulse does not support s/pdif06:16
gordonjcpjohndoe_: five quid a month?06:16
histoDyl[a]n: do you plan on switching to linux?06:16
Dyl[a]njohndoe_, I've done bought the blank dvd-r's and the external lol. why stop now.06:16
uwrythembox is worthless06:16
uwwhat a terrible program06:16
histoDyl[a]n: the other option is running cygwin in windows to accomplish all of this.06:16
gordonjcptruexfan81: the application level doesn't care about where the audio goes from pulse06:16
Dyl[a]nhisto, I don't know. I want to be able to always run both06:16
Dyl[a]ncygwin blows06:16
gordonjcptruexfan81: you just need to set pulse up to use the s/pdif output06:16
gordonjcpDyl[a]n: if you want both with the minimum of dicking about, install Ubuntu on your internal drive and dual-boot06:17
truexfan81gordonjcp: i did some reading about that, quite confusing06:17
johndoe_gordonjcp: there aren't any free ones that let you use irc anymore?06:17
gordonjcpjohndoe_: no idea06:17
Vivekanandahey everyone got lubuntu  12.04 lts and have gecko-media player. I cannot play xvid videos on firefox and it asks me to download plugin. What do I do06:17
gordonjcpjohndoe_: it's handy having a VPS or two in various parts of the world, though06:17
gordonjcpjohndoe_: for, uh, "reasons"06:17
Dyl[a]nAlright now how do I install it on the internal?06:18
histoDyl[a]n: well I would resize your main HDD and create a small like 10GB partition for nix. You could even go smaller than that if you wanted.  running off an external or usb is painfully slow compaired to hdd06:18
Dyl[a]nDo you mean internal as in my MAIN HDD? The?06:18
gordonjcpjohndoe_: if you're outside the UK, you want a VPS *in* the UK that you can proxy BBC iPlayer through ;-)06:18
histoDyl[a]n: yes06:18
truexfan81gordonjcp: what i'm trying to do is bitstream ac3 and dts over s/pdif06:18
histoDyl[a]n: when you run through the ubuntu installer it will ask if you want to install along side windows.06:18
Dyl[a]nI clicked that06:18
truexfan81i think have my problem is that i can't disable the the hdmi audio on my nvidia gpu06:19
bhaveshI am having the same problem as here "http://askubuntu.com/questions/294476/ubuntu-13-04-boot-time-is-1-min-20-seconds" is turning the swap the only option?06:19
Dyl[a]nI chose install ubuntu alongside with Windows 7 and it still brought me to the part where I have to select partitions or06:23
Dyl[a]nwhatever. This stuff confuses me so much.06:23
zph the first time i am here06:24
histoDyl[a]n: what question is it asking you?06:25
histoDyl[a]n: basically you have to resize your windows partition to make room for ubuntu.  Is it asking you to do that/06:25
Vivekanandaxvid plugin help anyone ?06:25
Vivekanandazph: post your question. :)06:26
histo!anyone | Vivekananda06:26
ubottuVivekananda: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:26
Vivekanandahisto: :) already did . Here it is again -- e got lubuntu  12.04 lts and have gecko-media player. I cannot play xvid videos on firefox and it asks me to download plugin. What do I do06:27
timrileyI'm having a problem with swap06:27
timrileywhen I do the "free" command, it shows that none of my swap is being used06:27
timrileyI can't figure out what to do06:27
truexfan81no swap being used and this is a bad thing?06:28
truexfan81timriley: how much ram do you have?06:28
timrileyYes, because my system crashes because of not being able to access swap06:28
histotimriley: did you do a memtest?06:28
timrileyNo idea how06:29
histotimriley: so you enabled swap and it's still crashing?06:29
timrileyIt has crashed once06:29
truexfan81just curious is the swap parition mounted correctly in /etc/fstab?06:29
timrileyumm how would I check?06:29
histotimriley: free -m  does it show swap ######  used 0 #####06:30
HeyMan7-CloudDoes anyone know how to calibrate brightness/contrast in ubuntu?06:30
truexfan81timriley: also gparted will tell you if the swap partition is activated or not06:30
histotimriley: what version of ubuntu are you running?06:30
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histotimriley: press shift on boot to get the grub menu. You can select memtest as an option from there06:32
timrileyShould I do try it now?06:32
truexfan81timriley: do what histo immediatly after the machine runs post06:32
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/brightness-control-ubuntu06:33
histotimriley: when did this crashing start btw?06:33
timrileyI tried to install Ubuntu earlier today, and since then it has happened06:33
HeyMan7-CloudNot like laptop brightness. Like color contrast06:33
timrileyboth from the CD and from hard disk06:33
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, http://askubuntu.com/questions/247251/how-do-i-change-display-settings-like-brightness-contrast-etc-on-my-notebook06:34
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, looks like thats brightness too06:35
timrileyI'll be back06:35
HeyMan7-CloudYeah it is06:35
HeyMan7-CloudI need like color calibration06:35
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, see the second answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/91195/how-do-i-adjust-the-screen-contrast06:36
=== el_seano_ is now known as el_seano
KxTwoHey guys i was just looking for opinions.  I want to do set up a dual boot on an old pc for a friend.  It is an amd athalon 2800 with 512 megs of ram.  I am going to put  some emulators on it so he can play all of his old games in one place.  My question is which version would be best to use?06:38
HeyMan7-Cloud"xcalib -co 70 -a" means contrast down. What is contrast up?06:39
HeyMan7-CloudI really want something that can adjust my gamma06:39
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, on the next line it says "PS. number means percentage, -a means alter if you want to adjust more, ask "man"! lol"06:40
bhaveshHeyMan7-Cloud, xgamma was answered here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/247251/how-do-i-change-display-settings-like-brightness-contrast-etc-on-my-notebook06:40
Ari-Yanghow would I uninstall something that has been installed via python setup.py install (in terminal)? I'm on ubuntu 12.1006:41
geniiKxTwo: Probably Lubuntu, with those specs06:41
Vivekanandahi everyone e got lubuntu  12.04 lts and have gecko-media player. I cannot play xvid videos on firefox and it asks me to download plugin. What do I do06:41
KxTwo newest versions always the way to go?06:41
satyanashAri-Yang: A good behaving python script should also have an uninstall option like -> python setup.py uninstall06:41
mikedawsonI have a runaway process that hangs my system during bootup. What is the best way to suppress it from starting on bootup? Is there a way to edit the upstart job prior to it starting?06:42
satyanashAri-Yang: or else, it might come accompanied with another script -> uninstall.py06:42
satyanashAri-Yang: or similar06:42
gordonjcpmikedawson: best thing is to solve the underlying problem06:42
Ari-YangI see....06:42
geniiKxTwo: Latest stable is usually pretty good, yes. If you want long support then choose the most recent LTS instead06:42
gordonjcpmikedawson: what's the process and why does it fail?06:42
KxTwogenii,  so what is the difference between lubuntu and ubuntu?06:43
satyanashlubuntu uses Lxde, Ubuntu uses Unity06:43
satyanashKxTwo: Both are different GUIs.06:43
satyanashKxTwo: The underlying system is essentially the same06:43
geniiKxTwo: All *buntu use same underneath, on top is the difference in the desktop interfaces they use. Lubuntu uses Lxde which is not so resource-heavy06:44
KxTwosatyanash, Im a little outdated but if I remember correctly they are the same with just different interfaces and lubuntu is gnome 2?06:44
mikedawsongordonjcp: it's a chicken and egg problem created by a distributed system looking for quorum, but none of the systems that could achieve quorum can start right now due to a bug (software starts looks for quorum before networking is up).06:44
johndoe_KxTwo: i'd use blackbox/fluxbox, etc for a game emulator build06:44
KxTwojohndoe_, now those I have no familiarity with?06:45
satyanash KxTwo No. Lubuntu is Lxde. Where LXDE != Gnome06:45
KxTwosatyanash, ahh I feel like I didnt like lxde but like I said its been a while since I played06:45
mikedawsongordonjcp: basically I just need to change runlevel / chkconfig / change upstart or something to suppress buggy the service, boot the machine, then fix the bug06:46
satyanashKxTwo: Depends on what you like/want/need/do06:46
johndoe_lxde is like windows.. the box variants are about as lightweight as you can get with reasonable function. you can install them side by side and try. no harm to our system and the myriad of *box desktops environments are very small on your drive06:46
johndoe_they won't break anything if you try them out06:47
KxTwomore importantly is that the friend whom I am setting this up for needs to be able to navigate his OS.06:47
satyanashYea. Plus you could try them directly by starting them using xinit06:47
johndoe_they're basically just a right click menu and a task bar06:47
satyanashOr I guess Apt-Get installs the .desktop session files for each *box too06:47
HeyMan7-CloudDoes anybody know what wom is06:48
HeyMan7-CloudMinecraft Classic06:48
satyanashKxTwo: I would recommend Lxde06:48
KxTwoI think I will take the advice on lubuntu just for a learning experience06:48
KxTwonot sure what the blackbox/fluxbox is06:48
johndoe_lxde is probably fine if your friend is not very familiar with desktops.. it will seem familiar enough06:48
HeyMan7-CloudBecause I need to figure out why it flashes when I close it06:49
satyanash*box are a series of Window managers that  well... scratch different kinds of itches06:49
johndoe_install fluxbox after you try lxde.. yet another learning experience =]06:49
HeyMan7-CloudIt runs off of java06:49
KxTwoYou know what I am surprised about.  I thought I would only be able to run up to SNES emulation but apparently I can run as high as a ps1 on a linux machine with these specs.06:50
HeyMan7-CloudNo one?06:50
gordonjcpmikedawson: try looking in /etc/default for some settings for that, and in one of the files you'll find something like "RUN=yes"06:50
KxTwook they have changed the download page06:54
HeyMan7-CloudHere is my problem: http://mcdzienny.cba.pl/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=211906:54
stevePage129feature or bug: after installing ubuntu server 12.04, everything i run logged in asks for a password and Nothing works. i tried to refrain from using sudo passwd, but i did, and now everything works great. however, i am told this is not the desired functionality. can any body care to explain to me what exactly is going on?06:54
KxTwook I feel idiotic but I can't get to lubuntu, it used to be on a drop down list06:54
satyanashstevePage129: Were you using sudo with each command?06:55
satyanashstevePage129: When it asked for passwrod each time.06:55
satyanashKxTwo: IIRC, lubuntu is not officially supported, so I dont think you can get it from ubuntu.com06:56
stevePage129satyanash: sudo synaptic for example, would work just fine. however, every app launched via gnome would ask for credentials and nothing would be accepted06:56
KxTwosatyanash, ah so if thats the case there is no LTS and I should just get 13.04?06:56
satyanashstevePage129: You said you installed Server?06:56
KxTwousually I get lts as they seem more stable06:56
johndoe_steeve1: is it just gnome based apps?06:56
johndoe_stevePage129: does it do the same for kde apps?06:57
DarthExpeditorI'm having some difficulty setting up my vsftpd server. I have the server installed and when I attempt to connect to it I am unable to log in as if it doesn't recognize my username and password.06:57
stevePage129johndoe_: havent had much time to test any other apps. i am running ubuntu server 12.04 and i have installed ubuntu-desktop, and gnome-session-fallback06:57
KxTwoim thinking 12.04 still might be the better way to go06:58
stevePage129satyanash: yes06:58
KxTwoany opinions on which to go with considering?06:58
satyanashstevePage129: You get LightDM on startup?06:58
satyanashKxTwo: I think, since it runs Ubuntu below the GUI, it would really depend on what you want.06:59
satyanashKxTwo: I am currently on LTS 12.04, and it's running fine.06:59
stevePage129satyanash: i am running Ubuntu 12.04 server with ubuntu-desktop, and gnome-session-fallback, so therefore i believe that yes? i am running lightDM06:59
KxTwosatyanash, want as in?  I want the setup that will free up as much resources as possible so those resources ban be used towards gaming/emulation07:00
satyanashKxTwo: You probably dont want to mess around much with this machine, get 12.04. It's supported till 201507:01
satyanashstevePage129: Can you give me names of apps that ask for password?07:01
HeyMan7-CloudHow do you install wine?07:01
KxTwosatyanash, I thought yous said lubuntu is not supported?07:01
johndoe_KxTwo: 12.04, download something small after it finishes and check guides for shutting off unwanted services07:01
johndoe_KxTwo: he means the actual distro07:01
x-os_palhello! I'm looking for a 13.04 image for the nexus 7.07:01
johndoe_KxTwo: lxde is still in LTS for 12.0407:02
satyanashKxTwo: They both run Ubuntu under the GUI.07:02
stevePage129satyanash: anything that is launched from the GUI window manager, i.e. synaptic07:02
satyanashUbuntu base07:02
satyanashstevePage129: Synaptic requires password regardless07:02
johndoe_KxTwo: just grab lxde or fluxbox (try both) after you install 12.0407:02
satyanashstevePage129: try launching a game or text editor or something trivial07:02
KxTwojohndoe_, im going to grab 12.04 light as soon as I find it07:03
satyanashKxTwo: Cool.07:03
kapcom01hello, i am in ubuntu 13.04 and nautilus doesnt open the sidebar even if the option is enabled. if I untick and tick again the option then the sidebar appears and if i close the window its gone again.07:03
KxTwowhy do they make it so hard to find old distros anymore lol07:04
satyanashstevePage129: synaptic/aptitude/apt-get all require root, hence you WILL be asked for a pwd07:04
stevePage129satyanash: this is not my problem. the problem was the not password was accepted07:04
stevePage129my question was that my understanding was to not run sudo passwd07:05
DarthExpeditorI'm having some difficulty setting up my vsftpd server. I have the server installed and when I attempt to connect to it I am unable to log in as if it doesn't recognize my username and password.07:05
stevePage129i had to so that i could gain access to synaptic07:05
stevePage129well, it would load, just not operate07:05
satyanashstevePage129: You did `sudo passwd` and now it's working right?07:05
stevePage129now it IS working07:05
stevePage129the problem was that it was not working before07:05
stevePage129i am trying to understand why07:06
satyanashstevePage129: when you did `sudo passwd` you set the passwrod for the root account.07:06
KxTwooh 12.04 is only supported until october, little suprrised about that07:06
johndoe_this sounds like the same gnome keyring problem i had a few months back.. kde worked fine but anything gnome based was borked07:06
KxTwooh you were talking about core, nvm07:06
HeyMan7-CloudI'm having trouble installing wine 1.5 on Ubuntu 12.10 Plz Help07:06
Ben64KxTwo: 12.04 is supported until 201707:06
KxTwoBen64, im referencing lubuntu07:06
satyanashKxTwo: Server: 2017 Desktop: 2015, IIRC07:07
johndoe_KxTwo: use LTS and add lxde after install07:07
stevePage129satyanash: my understanding was the it is not of standard procedure to run sudo passwd, and that sudo should drop me into root privs and everything else should run sudo and access root that way07:07
bazhangsatyanash, 5 years for both07:07
satyanashbazhang: Cool, they changed it I guess07:07
bazhang#winehq   HeyMan7-Cloud get their repos07:08
KxTwoone thing that is going to suck is that he does not have internet access so no updates and I am not sure how I am going to install the emulators yet07:09
DarthExpeditorI'm having some difficulty setting up my vsftpd server. I have the server installed and when I attempt to connect to it I am unable to log in as if it doesn't recognize my username and password07:09
satyanashDarthExpeditor: Check the logs07:09
satyanashDarthExpeditor: /var/log/somethinssomething.log07:10
DarthExpeditorit doesn't say why it just says FAIL LOGIN07:10
DarthExpeditorI checked the logs before I asked the question07:10
mikedawsongordonjcp: thanks. got it with recovery mode, then mount -o remount,rw /, then update-rc.d grumpyservice disable07:11
johndoe_KxTwo: use synaptic on an internet connected machine to grab the packages without instaling and check /var/cache/apt/archives/ by date07:11
satyanashDarthExpeditor: Did you restart the ftpd ?07:11
HeyMan7-Cloudbazhang: Maybe you can help? No one is responding on #winehq07:12
johndoe_copy to thumbdrive, etc.. manual install07:12
KxTwojohndoe_, I was thinking of installing manually, my only option for net would be to bring it to my house which is a bit of a hassle07:12
Ben64HeyMan7-Cloud: sudo apt-get install wine07:12
johndoe_KxTwo: nope.. see above.. just use download anly in synaptic and filter by date to copy the right files07:12
HeyMan7-Cloud"Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have07:13
HeyMan7-Cloudrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable07:13
HeyMan7-Clouddistribution that some required packages have not yet been created07:13
HeyMan7-Cloudor been moved out of Incoming.07:13
HeyMan7-CloudThe following information may help to resolve the situation:07:13
FloodBot1HeyMan7-Cloud: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
HeyMan7-CloudThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:13
HeyMan7-Cloud wine : Depends: wine1.5 but it is not going to be installed07:13
satyanash!paste > HeyMan7-Cloud07:13
KxTwojohndoe_, what about my machine where they are installed.  I have pcsx and snes9x07:13
ubottuHeyMan7-Cloud, please see my private message07:13
KxTwoim wondering if I am better off just installing it on the windows xp partition07:14
HeyMan7-Cloudbazhang: Does that make sence07:15
johndoe_KxTwo: same drill.. just download only first before installing to your machine. if you already installed them, synaptic can tell you which packages are used by what app07:15
smrtz|nixHey, where does nMap install by default?07:15
satyanashsmrtz|nix: whereis nmap07:16
smrtz|nixsatyanash, that's what I'm asking?07:16
smrtz|nixwait, nevermind.  thanks!07:16
KxTwojohndoe_, is there a reason why I can't just download and install?07:16
R44TW4NGNULLhi guyz once agin07:16
khryscan anyone help me pls? i just installed xubuntu but i have no sound, im using a cmi 8768 wich linux recognize, within alsamixer everything is at max volume and that card is set to be predefinite, but i still cant hear the sound, in the audio config (from the icon at the top) i can see the bar moving like there would be sound :7 anyone have any ideo how to help me pls?07:17
johndoe_KxTwo: no, just make sure you only install the packages you need to move during that one particular update so you can see them when you filter by date. trying to keep it simple07:17
R44TW4NGNULLhay anyone knows free online brute froce site07:17
bazhang!ot | R44TW4NGNULL07:18
ubottuR44TW4NGNULL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:18
mogajwhile installing any software iam getting this error http://pastebin.com/McPuqGpa07:18
R44TW4NGNULLokay mr admin07:18
mogajwhat should i do to rectify this error http://pastebin.com/McPuqGpa07:18
R44TW4NGNULLcan i we create own password list07:19
KxTwook synpatic is not finding anything07:19
KxTwoIm used to using the software center and just typing in snes and it finding all things related, synpatic isnt doing that07:20
KxTwooh wait07:20
johndoe_KxTwo: whatever packages you need for your emulators, check their pages for repositories07:21
johndoe_pretty sure even the software center has most of waht you need07:21
khryscan anyone help me pls? i just installed xubuntu but i have no sound, im using a cmi 8768 wich linux recognize, within alsamixer everything is at max volume and that card is set to be predefinite, but i still cant hear the sound, in the audio config (from the icon at the top) i can see the bar moving like there would be sound :7 anyone have any ideo how to help me pls?07:21
KxTwook johndoe_ snes9x-gtk is highlighted in synpatic pm as already there07:21
KxTwobut its not in the archive directory07:21
Us3r_Unfriendlymy youtube video of my Arch desktop:          http://youtu.be/xXe-qew7LvI07:22
aeon-ltdkhrys: are headphones plugged in?07:22
KxTwosame with pcsx07:22
khrysyes .s07:22
aeon-ltdUs3r_Unfriendly: offtopic07:22
aeon-ltdkhrys: try with speakers only07:22
Us3r_Unfriendlywoops sorry wrong room07:22
khrysnothing changed :(07:23
khrysi even tried all the spot07:23
aeon-ltdkhrys: aswell as being maxed out are all outputs unmuted in alsamixer?07:24
johndoe_KxTwo: curios now.. trying to remember how to download only to the cache. had a similar issue with offsite machine07:24
Us3r_Unfriendly(pulse audio)     "pavcontrol"         works wonders07:24
khrysits quite strange07:25
mxjust say something07:25
KxTwothere is no package for project64 so I am going to have to do at leats oen manually anyway07:25
khrysi can see the sound bar moving like the sound is there but no sound come out07:25
johndoe_KxTwo: synaptic default is not to delete unless package is no longer available07:26
x-os_palanyone know where I can download a 13.04 image for the nexus 7? I can only find the 13.10 daily image..07:26
x-os_palright on07:27
wilee-nilee!touch | x-os_pal07:27
ubottux-os_pal: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:27
khrysno idea what could it be?07:28
x-os_palthe touch image is a start. I just wanted to try 13.04 cause with the 13.10 image the on screen keyboard doesn't quite work07:29
khryscan anyone help me pls? i just installed xubuntu but i have no sound, im using a cmi 8768 wich linux recognize, within alsamixer everything is at max volume and that card is set to be predefinite, but i still cant hear the sound, in the audio config (from the icon at the top) i can see the bar moving like there would be sound :7 anyone have any ideo how to help me pls?07:30
johndoe_KxTwo: mark installed packages for reinstallation but use download only when you hit apply07:30
johndoe_KxTwo: i am assuming it grabs the dependencies.. could be wrong07:31
KxTwoI think at this point I am just going to download the packages from the source sites07:32
johndoe_up to you. synaptic is way faster and you can just filter them afterwards07:33
KxTwoexcept I have no idea what I am doing07:33
KxTwoseems just as easy to get source code compile and run07:34
KxTwoor at this point just run it on his windows partition where I can just download executables and be done07:35
rawrzorsmost commonly asked question probably.. how do i move this fugly launcher? I know you arent supposed to be able to btw.07:36
johndoe_use synaptic to find the packages you need to copy to a thumbdrive or whatever, mark them for reinstallation and use download only, copy the cache, done07:36
KxTwoits not working the way you say its supposed to lol07:37
KxTwothanks for the help thoughj07:37
KxTwoI think its best to just run it on xp at this point, makes things easier for him and for me07:37
johndoe_is it not downloading the dependencies?07:38
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
rawrzorsehhhhhh....... forget unity... im going gnome07:39
rawrzorswho makes a static launcher in 2013 :P07:40
mogajplz help am uunable install software in ubuntu 13.04 http://pastebin.com/McPuqGpa07:40
mogajplz help am unable install software in ubuntu 13.04  getting this error pastebin.com/McPuqGpa07:45
ElvanoI'm having some problems with my videocamera. when I try to acces the videostream in luvcview, I'm getting: "ERROR: Requested frame format MJPG is not available and no fallback format was found."  (full log: http://www.pasteall.org/42918 )07:48
johndoe_so.. after testing, that method does work. you can mark for reinstallation and get the dependencies as well if you already have the packages installed.07:52
johndoe_not that he's anymore.. but for those curious types07:52
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Ravaillacmogaj: It seems packages lists are broken for unknown reason. You can erase these, and then fetch the lists anew: 'sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ; apt-get update'07:57
manornkHi, after i upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 version my internet started to work bad, any now and then it would connect, but not often07:58
mogajThank you Ravaillac07:59
cristian_cI've installed xbindkeys-config08:00
cristian_cIf I try to get the key with GetKey, nothing is printed in the application08:00
cristian_cHow can I check the right identification of my key?08:01
cristian_cAny ideas?08:01
mogajit worked thankyou Ravaillac08:04
RavaillacYou're welcome!08:06
ElvanoAt gstreamer I get this error: "Error running pipeline 'Video for Linux 2 (v4l2)': Could not negotiate format [gstbasesrc.c(2830): gst_base_src_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline2/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src2:08:14
ElvanoCheck your filtered caps, if any]08:14
asdjaputraso what's your question?08:15
ElvanoElvano> I'm having some problems with my videocamera. when I try to acces the videostream in luvcview, I'm getting: "ERROR: Requested frame format MJPG is not available and no fallback format was found."  (full log: http://www.pasteall.org/42918 )08:16
Nisstyre-laptopElvano: are you missing some kind of library?08:17
Elvanopossible, Nisstyre-laptop08:17
ElvanoThis I don't know08:17
Kai_P_IEi seem to get Unable to resolve the server's DNS address. for google chrome but on my windows laptop it works ok any ideas?08:18
ElvanoI've been looking this up and I've come up with plenty of v4l1 issues, but I'm using l4v2. Do't know if that is the cause, Nisstyre-laptop08:19
nascentmindHi. I want to improve my fonts in ubuntu. The present font which I am using has a lot of washed away look at the edges. How can I fix this.08:19
ElvanoYou want to change the system font, nascentmind ?08:20
Nisstyre-laptopElvano: sorry I'm not really familiar with that08:20
Nisstyre-laptopI don't even own a camera08:20
brainwashcristian_c: which key are you actually pressing?08:20
nascentmindElvano, no. The hinting. Its all screwed up.08:20
Nisstyre-laptopwell, my laptop has one08:21
nascentmindElvano, the edges of fonts are not crisp and thick.08:21
nascentmindElvano, this is problem as the fonts get smaller.08:21
ElvanoSorry, don't know about that, nascentmind08:22
ElvanoI'm suspecting that my video problem hassomething to do with an unexpected/unknown format =x08:24
Kai_P_IEi seem to get a DNS timeout and i cant see websites on firefox on xubuntu and google chrome on ubuntu and this has been going on for 8 weeks now but i can use telnet and irc oddly08:26
nikolamhi, I have a bit of trouble to understand why something works on 12.04 and not on 12.10 (setting memmap kernel parameters for bad RAM in /etc/default/grub) It works on 12.04... (12.04 is 32-bit but mine 12.10 is 64-bit install)08:27
_Bauerguys, can anyone pls help me setup samba sharing on Ubuntu? I can see the shared folders from my Win 8 laptop, but I cant access them :( it asks for password, but doesnt work using my Ubuntu's user account password :( ideally I want them accessible without any password08:30
ubottubello: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:33
razzledazzle_Bauer: you have to disable password protected sharing on Windows08:33
razzledazzlealso you use your Windows' user account password08:34
razzledazzleoh sorry, I misread :|08:35
_Bauerrazzledazzle: it is the same user/pass as in Ubuntu, one sec disabling it now08:35
knittldoes gnome-sound-recorder work in ubuntu 13.04? It does not here, the "record as" list is simply empty08:35
knittlclicking the record button does not do anything08:36
RavaillacKai_P_IE: If you believe the origin of trouble is DNS you currently uses, try highly reliable Google DNS: 'sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf ; invoke-rc.d networking restart' and see the network performance08:36
knittlI can see that the microphone records audio in the audio settings dialog08:36
walltenderWill some one help on this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/303115/networking-interface-prevents-system-to-shut-down08:37
_Bauerrazzledazzle: ok I have just disabled it and tried accessing the ubuntu share again - it still asks for password, and the user/pass from Ubutnu give error "The specified network password is not correct"08:38
razzledazzle_Bauer: let me look in to this as well08:39
razzledazzleI thought it was the other way round08:39
Kai_P_IERavaillac, ok i did that thanks08:40
_Bauerrazzledazzle: ok, would you like to see/try things yourself over remote control over both machines?08:40
Kai_P_IERavaillac thanks shes working now08:41
Kai_P_IEone more thing is there a way that i can use hibernate i need to move but i dont want to close all of my stuff08:44
razzledazzle_Bauer: I'm trying this myself, I had done this before08:46
paranoiko_koalakneed help08:47
_Bauerrazzledazzle: ok, but I have tried to follow many "guides" already in the past few months, and always gave up since nothing worked. but today I have guests coming, and I'd like to finally get it working properly08:48
razzledazzleI see08:48
Ravaillacwalltender: It seems there's some trouble with 'Upstart' event-based init daemon. See this bugreport https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/98146108:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981461 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Precise) "Network interfaces are not correctly brought down on halt, disrupting Wake-on-LAN" [High,Triaged]08:48
razzledazzlemaybe you could manually modify ownerships08:48
razzledazzleare you trying to share a folder?08:48
_Baueryes razzledazzle , I also tried the samba GUI tool, but no joy08:49
Ravaillacubottu is smart bot, indeed08:49
ubottuRavaillac: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:49
paranoiko_koalakI want to install a usb wireless with antenna in order to receive better. I use ubuntu studio 13.04 and I want to install it without ndiswraper. any suggestion?08:49
gordonjcpheh, even08:49
basiclas-ubottu i lub u08:50
ubottubasiclas-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:50
basiclas-but i lub u ubottu08:50
Ravaillacubottu bot is reading my thoughts...08:50
walltenderRavaillac: What makes you think that's the problem, I don't see a similar sympthon.08:53
pycHi , I use eclipse in xubuntu 13.0408:57
pycbut the font can't display clearly ,08:57
pyccan anyone help me08:57
Ravaillacwalltender: I assume the origin of your trouble is some misconfiguration of init scripts or upstart jobs. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpstartHowto for general description08:59
Llewxamanyone around to help out for a moment? seem to have lost all sound on my machine and the hardware is no longer listed. using ubuntu 10.04 here.09:01
walltenderRavaillac: Although I couldn't recall I have made any modification on that. But I am uncertain if some software has done that. But I didn't disable some services through boot up manager09:04
Ravaillacwalltender: What version of Upstart do you currently use?09:10
JohannKrausshello. how can i remove this error?09:12
JohannKraussupdate-alternatives: error: cannot stat file '/etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme': Too many levels of symbolic links09:12
JohannKraussI'm trying to install some cursor theme09:13
walltenderRavaillac: init (upstart 1.5)09:13
JohannKrausscan someone help me?09:13
manornkHi all, my wireless is bad, after i upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 my connection keeps ending all the time, on the windows it works great, so its not hardware, and it used to work great on previouse version09:14
kirang89_manork: You should've waited longer before upgrading to 13.0409:17
kirang89_Next time, remember to do a dry run in a VM or using the live CD, and test everything before installing09:17
manornkkirang89_, so is there any solution? i did upgrade and update apt-get09:17
kirang89_Not really sure, but could be a driver issue09:18
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
manornkkirang89_, what should i do, i am installing additional drivers program right now09:19
acerimmer__manornk, how did you install the driver originally?09:20
manornkacerimmer__, i didn't i installed system and everything worked09:20
acerimmer__manornk,  but you had a network cable plugged in during install, right?  I suspect you need to go to system settings and check Additional Drivers ... once you've plugged in a cable of course.09:22
Ravaillacwalltender: I could suggest you reinstall (or update) Upstart installation, but first try this: 'sudo initctl reload-configuration' and see whether there are changes09:23
JohannKrausshow to resolve Too many levels of symbolic links09:24
manornkacerimmer__, no, wireless always worked, even on 12.10, and then i upgraded to 13.04 and restarted my computer of course, and then it started making problems09:26
manornkJohannKrauss, please ask your question in one line, don't use enter every second!09:26
JohannKraussmanornk: sorry. my bad09:26
acerimmer__manornk, ow.  well, if it worked out of the box before, you'll have to manually configure the drivers .  I can guide you through the broadcom process09:27
me__is the nvidia driver offered by "Additional Drivers" the same as the driver from nvidia.com?09:27
manornkacerimmer__, sure, thanks09:27
acerimmer__manornk, so you're confirming you've got a broadcom wifi chip?09:28
walltenderRavaillac: Any danger with sudo initctl reload-configuration, I shall reboot afterwards isn't it?09:28
manornkacerimmer__, yes09:28
walltenderreboot ...09:30
saurabh_Hi, I installed gnome-devel-docs and tried 'yelp gnome-devel-demos'. But, it fails to work.09:30
saurabh_couldn't find any help on how to read those docs. Any suggestions.09:30
saurabh_I didn't clone git, just used apt-get install gnome-devel-docs.09:30
saurabh_yelp ghelp:gnome-devel-demos doesn't work.09:34
saurabh_yelp error: URI doesn't point to a valid location09:35
Ravaillacwalltender: That command should not require reboot of machine09:36
saurabh_does anyone have any idea??09:41
walltenderRavaillac: No, it doesn't help.09:42
cristian_cbrainwash, Sleep key09:42
anonymous_ravaillac ?09:42
anonymous_sleep key no09:42
saurabh_hi anonymous_ ,09:42
Kai_p_IE!ask , just ask and wait thanks | anonymous_09:42
ubottuKai_p_IE: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:42
Kai_p_IEoh opps09:43
walltenderRavaillac: No, it doesn't change the shutdown problem.09:45
Kai_p_IE!chat | anonymous_~09:45
saurabh_hi anonymous_ , yelp ghelp:gnome-devel-demos won't work09:45
ubottuanonymous_~: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:45
Kai_p_IE!chat | anonymous_09:45
ubottuanonymous_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:45
ubottuanonymous_,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:45
manornkacerimmer__, here, i fixed and sow, wireless connection dippends on lap top position, and it is not case with windows. I fixed problem, but  i am not sure what fixed, it still drops when i change its position09:47
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:47
acerimmer__manornk, hardware or signal issue then ... antennae do fail, and signals do get blocked, but it should be the same on win and ubuntu .  Best of luck09:48
manornkacerimmer__, thanks again09:48
cristian_cbrainwash, Any ideas?09:50
Ravaillacwalltender: Straight-forward solution: Try to manually update Upstart to 1.8 version. See http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/upstart09:51
ThePendulumI have an Ubuntu NAS/HTPC. It boots, works and is connected, yet both Synergy and SAMBA won't work. Any ideas?09:55
brainwashcristian_c: xbindkeys won't recognize special keys like FN-keys, they are managed by the hardware09:56
zeroxiaCould you recommend some ppa source of Oracle JDK 6 for Ubuntu 13.04. Thanks.09:56
ThePendulumHeh, this is odd. SAMBA works in the Network, but doesn't  mount.09:59
walltenderNew findings when shutting down: http://postimg.org/image/8zovyix4t/725d5c8a/10:04
Niels__i've dl'ed 13.04, i'm on osx now, i need to make a bootable usb for a pc where i'm going to install it 13.04 on - how do i do that? couldn't find a proper guide10:04
walltenderBut still couldn't shut down10:05
gordonjcpNiels__: dd the image onto the USB stick10:05
gordonjcpNiels__: it's a hybrid image so that'll work fine *for a PC*10:05
Niels__gordonjcp: could you elaborate a bit? dd?10:05
Niels__drag and drop?10:05
Niels__and that's it?10:05
gordonjcpNiels__: something like "sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/path/to/usb/stick10:05
Niels__gordonjcp: so this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx will work ?10:06
gordonjcpNiels__: yeah, that'll be fine10:06
gordonjcpyou might not need to do the hdiutil thing10:06
gordonjcpie. go from step 510:07
cristian_cbrainwash, What can I do to solve this problem?10:09
Niels__gordonjcp: okay, i'm lost. sorry for my ignorance. shouldn't the usb for the pc just use .iso?10:10
jeevanushai, i have a problem in my ubuntu studio, all auidio/video is working from file, but audio from youtube is not clear, it get struck when playing, it was fine till yesterday, i updated the Power Manager, then this happened. can some one help me in tis?10:10
Niels__gordonjcp: also, how can i be sure if it's the 32bit or 64b i should install? there's win7 running on that machine now10:11
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Ravaillacwalltender: Now it happens with Upstart 1.8 ?10:19
j`eyI have this problem "mk-build-deps: Unable to find package name in `apt-cache showsrc debian/control'", anyone know how to solve it?10:20
ActionParsnip!info devscripts10:23
ubottudevscripts (source: devscripts): scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier. In component main, is optional. Version 2.13.1 (raring), package size 814 kB, installed size 1700 kB10:23
ActionParsnipaccc: hi10:23
j`eyActionParsnip: right, I installed devscripts10:24
ActionParsnipj`ey: that's all i know, try in #ubuntu-devel10:24
ActionParsnipj`ey: also check the configs. Make sure mk-build-dep is in the right place for it10:25
j`eyis in the right place for what?10:26
ActionParsnipj`ey: you may need to modify it, or symlink to where mk-build-dep is expected. The right place where the makefile or whatever you are using expects the mk-build-deps to be10:27
j`eyActionParsnip: I didnt realise it was a local file10:28
AfgghHi all10:28
j`eyi thought debian/control was a package name10:28
FerixHello all :)10:28
AfgghI am trying to install ubuntu through usb. I made bootable usb using yumi. But when i boot usb and select install ubuntu option it takes to some dos type think with initramfs prompt.10:29
Ravaillacwalltender: As you can see, Upstart doesn't recognise S20acpid, S20network-interface jobs. Check corresponding files in /etc/init/ for syntax errors10:30
AfgghI have formatted my windows installation. What to do now?10:30
ActionParsnipj`er: none of the package names (to my knowlege) have slashes in10:32
Kai_p_IEanyone use dosbox10:32
ActionParsnipafggh: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?10:33
ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: many do10:33
FerixHmm, I got ubuntu up and running again (and killed W8 in the process, whoops...) but I got 2 screens and every time I boot I have to execute "sudo amdcccle" and tell it I really don't want them mirrored, that all works but I need to do it every time I boot, any way of fixing that>10:33
Kai_p_IEi need help with it as i am new with it ActionParsnip10:33
Ravaillacwalltender: You can do that by '$ init-checkconf <file.conf>' or inspect these files yourself10:34
ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: give details and people may reply10:34
AfgghIt is an old iso...i dont have broadband to download latest version10:34
Kai_p_IEi just want to play DOS games and i dont get how to mount and get it to work as i just play on windows DOS system10:35
ActionParsnipwho was havin radeon issues? my tablet rebooted :-(10:37
Kai_p_IEif you can help send it in a pm10:37
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ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: can you restate the issue please. i missed it10:38
Kai_p_IEi just want to play DOS games and i dont get how to mount and get it to work as i just play on windows DOS system < ActionParsnip10:38
AfgghWhat should i do now?? I am stuck :(10:41
ThePendulumOh WOW.10:43
ThePendulumWait, wrong channel.10:44
Ben64Afggh: how are you on irc right now10:44
AfgghBen64 by mobile10:46
T4b1How can I change the locale for one single program? I've got an Ubuntu installation which runs in English, but I would like to change the language of one program to German to check whether the translation is any good, preferably without setting my whole system to German.10:47
ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: if you run dosbox with the binary it will automount for you10:48
Kai_p_IEisnt doing that sit10:48
ActionParsnipt4b1: you may be able to export the locale varialbe to something else, then launch it10:48
T4b1ActionParsnip: How is that variable called exactly? Wouldn't this also influence other programs?10:49
martin_lindelofmy wacom scroll wheel has siezed to work in 13.0410:49
martin_lindelofit was working fine in 12.1010:49
ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: so if you run: cd /path/to/folder; dosbox filename.exe ,it doesnt run?10:49
martin_lindelofanyone know how to fix this? kinda anyoing when I use it lots in 3d.10:50
ActionParsnipt4b1: just the ones launched from that shell. If you make a script then only that command will be affected10:50
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: did you upgrade or is it a clean install?10:51
martin_lindelofI did a upgrade from 12.10, you know software upgrade.10:51
maxiaojunwacom scroll wheel?10:52
martin_lindelofthe one on the tablet I got a intous510:52
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: was 12.10 working ok?10:52
AfgghActionparsnip I have ubuntu iso and i booted through ophcrack live cd. Can i install ubuntu from here?10:52
martin_lindelofcircular wheel, I had it mapped to scrolling in 12.10 was pretty sweet.10:52
martin_lindelofanother thing I noticed is that map to single monitor keeps on resetting it self even if I want my tablet to be mapped to one of my two displays.10:53
ActionParsnipkai_p_ie: can you copy the command you run as well as the output please and make a pastebin at http://pastie.org10:53
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: was Quantal working ok?10:54
martin_lindelofI upgraded a long time ago, but haven't touched the tablet until now.10:54
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: so you fixed something that wasnt broken to get shorter support?10:55
RavaillacKai_p_IE: Look in here http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/MOUNT10:55
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: why?10:56
martin_lindelofActionParsnip: what are you talking about, Raring is supposed to be the LTS release, Quantal wasnt.10:56
AfgghActionparsnip ?10:57
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: raring is not lts10:57
maxiaojunraring's support period is 9 months10:57
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: LTS are 8.04 10.04 and 12.0410:57
administrator_anyone here?10:58
ActionParsnipmartin_lundelof: the next LTS is 14.0410:58
Ben64administrator_: about 1526 people10:58
maxiaojunadministrator_: you, but for Chinese discuss go to #ubuntu-cn10:58
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: raring is only supported til January 2014. Quantal is supported April 201410:59
martin_lindelofOk well, in 13.04 solved other bugs I had.10:59
ActionParsnipafggh: were you having ati issues?11:00
ActionParsnipmartin_are there bugs reported?11:00
ActionParsnipafggh: ive always used unetbootin11:02
martin_lindelofAP: I dunno, seems lots of folks on askubuntu has similar problems, regarding wacom when upgrading to 13.04 from 12.10. Should I bug report?11:03
ActionParsnipmartin_lindelof: i suggest you do11:03
RavaillacT4b1: That's simple: 'LC_ALL=<locale> <program>' , e.g. 'LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 man passwd' for to read manual for 'passwd' in French11:03
AfgghActionparsnip is it a linux app?11:04
ActionParsnipafggh: yes, and mac and windows11:05
Oweoqiif I am running UBuntu with a different DE (other than Unity) am I still sending data of any kind to Cannonical?11:10
ActionParsnipOweoqi: Unity isnt a DE. It is a shell11:10
Oweoqithat aside11:10
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ActionParsnipOweoqi: only Unity sends searches (you can just remove the shopping lens and you wont in Unity)11:11
FerixI installed KDE, tried it, went back to Unity, when I boot I get a Kubuntu logo but I installed ubuntu :D11:11
OweoqiNo worries :) thanks for the info11:11
pixlepix_I installed ubuntu to dual-boot my OSX11:12
ActionParsnipferix: you can reconfigure plymouth if you care11:12
pixlepix_Now, I want to get a file from my OSX drive11:12
pixlepix_Perferably without rebooting11:12
auronandace!hfs | pixlepix_11:12
ubottupixlepix_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:12
pixlepix_When I go to username/library, it says I don't have permissions11:12
Phryqrawr, are there no ubuntu programs with the same functionality of mspaint?11:12
FerixActionParsnip: I could, don't really care too much11:12
Phryqjust to draw, some text, resize, crop etc.11:12
olegbpixlepix_: use sudo11:12
ActionParsnipphryq: mtpaint, tuxpaint, gpaint11:12
Phryqthanks, will try11:13
ActionParsnip,tuxpaint makes cool noises11:14
_alpha_I have a file that is missing from my Ubuntu One folder on this machine (but I can see it on my laptop's Ubuntu One folder) - how can I force it to sync?11:14
ActionParsnip_alpha: could move itout, then reinstate it11:14
_alpha_not a bad idea, let me try that11:15
_alpha_aha, yes that worked - thanks!11:15
jakey1is there a way of removing a password protected excel file11:16
Phryqhmmm, none of those allow me to right click - copy - paste?11:17
ActionParsnipjakey1: http://superuser.com/questions/83112/recovering-password-of-an-excel-spreadsheet-file11:18
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems11:18
jmmyjakemp, use linux, it should be able to delete it11:19
PoolShark_1so I have these two filesystems... both of them have 4k blocks. One is 14TB via a hardware RAID controller and the other is 24TB via md... I copied 8.4TiB from the former to the latter, and the size on disk grew from 8.4 to 9.0TiB... what would cause that given identical block size between the two filesystems?11:20
jakey1ActionParsnip, the file has a password to get into it11:20
jakey1I cant access the document at all without the password11:20
jmmyjakey1, you can access with linux?11:20
jakey1open calc asks for password11:20
PoolShark_1jakey1: have you tried entering the password?11:21
jakey1before it opens up it asks for a password11:21
jmmymount with linux live cd and delete it11:21
PoolShark_1so enter the password11:21
jakey1I dont have it11:21
PoolShark_1are you supposed to have access to this document you're trying to open?11:21
jakey1on an excel file11:21
PoolShark_1then how about asking the person who protected it for the password?11:22
jmmyits a windows question11:22
jakey1We dont remeber the password11:22
jmmybruit force attack11:22
jakey1its a password on open calc to11:22
jakey1is brute force the only way11:23
PoolShark_1if brute force were not the only way then there would be no point in even having a password protection system11:23
gordonjcpMicrosoft can open it11:23
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:24
gordonjcpyou should just ask the NSA, they probably already have a copy11:24
PoolShark_1hah yeah11:24
jakey1If I ask them nicely :)11:24
PoolShark_1the NSA probably watched it being created11:24
jakey1nsa a watching this now11:24
jmmythere are programs I see when I google "hack password protected excel file"11:25
jakey1true probably a bunch of viruses on them11:25
PoolShark_1HAHHA LOL11:25
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:25
PoolShark_1now the NSA is coming out and saying they spied on millions of Americans "by accident"11:25
jakey1google = us gonvernemt11:25
jmmyis it .xls or .xlsx?11:26
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:27
jakey1I guess I can use the wondows crackers in a virtual machine11:27
jmmyjakey1, then it is easy11:27
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* contrapunctus wishes scroogle was still around...although DDG is there...11:27
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:27
Guest58374I had a power outage during apt-get upgrade, no I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5744785/  (12.04)11:28
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:28
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:29
PoolShark_1quit parroting for christ sake11:29
contrapunctusPoolShark_1, jakey1 - Speaking of Google, how good is riseup.net for email?11:29
PoolShark_1contrapunctus: never heard of it11:30
contrapunctusThen what do you guys use for email? =\11:30
PoolShark_1contrapunctus: I'm going to colo my own server for email next week11:30
contrapunctuss/email/secure email11:30
jakey1gmail of course :)11:30
PoolShark_1colocate even11:30
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:30
PoolShark_1do my own mail server11:30
contrapunctusPoolShark_1 - Doesn't that require your computer to always been on and connected to the internet?11:31
PoolShark_1contrapunctus: hence the colocation11:31
* contrapunctus starts searching11:31
contrapunctusfor what the heck is 'colocation'.11:31
JRixDriving me insane. xtest, xdotool, xkb, xvkbd, none of these allow keys to be sent when a key is held down. WTF is going on11:32
PoolShark_1contrapunctus: you basically send a server to a datacenter and it lives there11:32
HeinHtetI must solve error (no such partition, grub to rescue) using ubuntu demo. but i asking for username and password. Help?11:32
contrapunctusPoolShark_1 - How is that any better than Riseup, or even gmail? Your dataz = still on someone else's server. =\11:32
contrapunctusPoolShark_1 - One subpoena and the data's with the feds, right? o.O11:33
gordonjcpcontrapunctus: #ubuntu-offtopic I suspect11:34
contrapunctusgordonjcp - Aye aye cap'n.11:34
xomrkhi how many you have process ? htop show me i have 245 it's a lot of not?11:35
PoolShark_1contrapunctus: no, it's on YOUR server, that YOU build, and ship to the datacenter11:35
PoolShark_1and of course physical security is always an issue11:35
gordonjcpPoolShark_1: #u-ot ;-)11:36
gordonjcpxomrk: depends what you're doing11:36
PoolShark_1gordonjcp: should have opened your mouth an hour ago... that baby's been born already :p11:36
xomrki sufing on internet11:36
PoolShark_1gordonjcp: welcome to #excel-hacking11:36
xomrkrun ff11:36
xomrknothing special11:37
xomrkhow many you have tasks?11:37
gordonjcpxomrk: that sounds pretty normal then11:37
contrapunctusPoolShark_1 - Oh. Sounds expensive. o.O And join #u-ot already ;)11:38
asharashi all11:39
asharasI'm in trouble with a text file created on linux and opened on windows notepad11:39
gordonjcpasharas: line endings11:39
gordonjcpdon't use notepad, it sucks11:39
gordonjcpget something like notepad++11:40
Znooseyasharas, use notepad++11:40
asharasthat's not for me11:40
asharasthat's for common user, to make a list of files available11:40
RavaillacGuest58374: Just try to resynchronize the package index files by 'sudo apt-get update' and then retry to upgrade11:40
Znooseywindows use line endings \r\n while linux just use \n11:40
Znooseyso notepad wont understand that \n is a line ending11:40
asharasso this should be good then11:41
asharasls -R ./ | awk '{print $1 "\r"}'11:41
Znooseywouldnt that give \n\r11:41
RavaillacHeinHtet: I think you'll find help at #grub channel11:42
asharashow can I make a recursive list of files on my server that would be readable on notepad?11:46
minasasharas, notepad? get real editor man11:46
asharasonce again, it's not for me, it's for lambda user, people who don't even know notepadd++ exists11:47
minasasharas, if YOU are going to provide this file list, you can open in notepad++ and re-save it. I think it will save it in windows encoding11:48
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asharasminas: yeah but I don't wan't to do this every time, I want it scheduled11:57
minasasharas, I see. The command you were given about doesn't work? the one that uses ls -R | awk11:59
lasersasharas: tree is nice. :)11:59
asharasminas: no, sorts every word >_<12:01
asharaslasers: yeah but indentation chars don't print correctly on notepad12:01
pdc876571anybody have idea regarding cairo programming around here?12:05
gordonjcppdc876571: you'd be better joining #cairo possibly12:06
gordonjcppdc876571: you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic I guess12:06
pdc876571gordonjcp: thanks for suggestion12:07
minasasharas, let me see if I can help12:09
SomelauwWhat does this mean? sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 94558F5912:10
Somelauwand does it only work with ubuntu?12:10
jrtappersSomelauw, Adds a key, should work on most debian based systems, I think12:11
Somelauwjrtappers: Do I need to add that key in order to use apt-get?12:14
jrtappersSomelauw, Not necessarily, but it is for security, otherwise it alerts as an insecure source12:15
Somelauwjrtappers: ok, thanks12:15
pdc876571 a handy data packet dump utility on a conky theme!!!! will it be cool or not?12:16
minasasharas, I have written a small script in C for you. Do you know how to compile C programs?12:17
Soul_Samplehas anyone experienced unity becoming much slower after screensaver activates and then you unlock the desktop? if I lock the screen manually, it works fine, but if it times out (10 minutes), unity is painfully slow after unlocking. the only thing that helps is restarting the system12:19
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jrtappersWhat is the best alternative to fraps [screen capture for gaming] for ubuntu?12:37
minasjrtappers, do you just want to see the framerate or record?12:40
dayaAny one have tried the ubuntu from scratch using debootstrap, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch12:41
jrtappersminas, Record,12:41
Peter-CMouse input problem: After using Ubuntu for 1 min (every time) I am unable to use my mouse anymore and need to use my up/down/left/right keys on my keyboard. What causes thisproblem and how do I fix it?12:42
minasjrtappers, I use kazam, but I dont know if it can record fullscreen programs. you can try it12:44
RavaillacPeter-C: Run 'xinput --list' and check whether your mouse is present or not12:47
Peter-CWhat if it is not there, what do I do?12:48
Peter-C(I am running Windows now because this makes Ubuntu unusable)12:48
jrtappersPeter-C, Install the driver12:48
jrtappersSo you can read it, then look at xorg logs12:49
jrtappers*driver = EXT4 driver for windows12:49
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RavaillacPeter-C: Check syslog and X.org logs for input-related issues.12:54
jordanrx123hello i'm from bali,indonesia.12:59
OerHekshi jordanrx12313:02
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libpenguinI cannot connect and disconnect to any networks in ubuntu 12.10......its connecting to the default lan and wifi connections.....connections are fine and working good but i can't switch them or turn them on or off !13:15
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jordanrx123where are you from ?13:21
snqlmade in china13:22
Cyclohexanehow do i stop curl forking?13:26
libpenguinanyone ??13:28
gordonjcp!anyone | libpenguin13:29
ubottulibpenguin: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:29
cnsanfaklnfoklafIs there a problem with ICQ server ?13:30
cnsanfaklnfoklafI know this is not a legimate question here13:30
cnsanfaklnfoklafbut I guess some people of this channel also sit on ICQ13:30
HoNgOuRuhi, I have ubuntu 12.04 installed... what happens if I install through a ppa source a program intended for a higher ubuntu version ?13:31
cnsanfaklnfoklafso I wanted to confirm whether all r having the same problem or not ?13:31
DredTigerHey, anyone in here today have an 8,1 or similar Macbook Pro running 13.04?13:31
jrtappersHoNgOuRu, Depends, if you have the dependencies then very little13:31
DredTigerOr experience with such?13:31
HoNgOuRuppa should fix that or not ?13:32
jrtappersHoNgOuRu, It should work, but if there are unmet dependencies it can cause problems13:32
jrtappersHoNgOuRu, Should do13:32
HoNgOuRuoh ok... I want to upgrade codeblocks to 13 something, I have 10.513:32
HoNgOuRucause the source installation is giving me a headache13:33
Re-LWhat I need to make Xwindow  transparent13:33
Re-LI meen  any Xorg modules&13:33
foolovehow can i allocate more diskspace to a mount or set diskspace for a given mount13:35
foolovemount -o inode64 /dev/sda1 /opt/installlocation13:36
AdimHello Welcome To My Channel13:37
DredTigerAnyway, I have a MBP 8,1 with a solid state drive, 16GB RAM and I5 4 core CPU at 2.30GHz13:38
AdimAnyone Need Help If You Do Please Open Dialog Window13:39
OerHeksAdim, lets keep support questions here in the channel, thanks13:39
DredTigerWhen I reboot it takes 5.5 minutes to shutdown and get back to what passes for a post on a MBP13:39
DredTigerHas anyone else seen anything like such slow reboot times?13:39
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HoNgOuRujrtappers, thank you13:42
FloodBoot4Anyone Need Help I Can Do Remote Help To13:43
FloodBoot4Anyone Need Help I Can Do Remote Help To13:43
qurskguys im on ubuntu 13.04 and having error on terminal that "unable to locate package"13:44
qurskhow am i gonna solve this problem :13:44
OerHeksqursk, what package exactly?13:45
qurskE: Unable to locate package telepathy-butterfly13:45
qurskE: Unable to locate package libtelepathy-farsight013:45
qurskE: Unable to locate package python-tpfarsight13:45
qurskwhen i wanted to install xChat from terminal i had this error so  I had to install from software center13:46
Walexqursk: BTW unless you *really* know what you are doing never install anything by building from source...13:46
jrib!info telepathy-butterfly raring13:46
ubottuPackage telepathy-butterfly does not exist in raring13:46
jribqursk: how are you trying to install xchat exactly?13:46
qurskwell i tried13:47
qursksudo apt-get update &&  sudo apt-get install xchat13:47
jrtappersqursk, You can just apt-get remove the problem ones13:47
jribqursk: so what happened when you did "sudo apt-get update &&  sudo apt-get install xchat"?13:48
qurskunable to locate package13:48
jribqursk: give exact errors.  Use pastebin.13:48
jribqursk: stop pasting here13:48
qurskand python-tpfasrsight13:48
sulphur16boot Ubuntu 12.04 with i8042.debug kernel parameter, dmesg gives me output like13:51
sulphur16[  222.207245] i8042: [55399] 4f <- i8042 (interrupt, 0, 1)13:51
jribqursk: do you know how to use pastebin?13:51
sulphur16Anyone have idea what '55399' is in that line?13:51
qurski do13:51
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jribqursk: ok, let me know when you have a pastebin url for the full output to "sudo apt-get install xchat"13:52
qursknow im doin it13:52
jribqursk: that was the FULL output?13:56
demonoid_mehello i have a problem with openvpn13:57
demonoid_me when i write command ./build-ca13:57
jribqursk: you should copy EVERY line.  In any case, what's the output of "apt-cache policy xchat"?13:57
demonoid_me this is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5745114/13:57
DrFoodemonoid_me - try this: . ./build-ca13:57
DrFoo(source the script)13:57
demonoid_meDrFoo:wanna source the script build-ca?13:58
DrFoojust put a .  in front of the ./build-ca13:59
DrFoo. ./build-ca13:59
DrFooI just built my ovpn out13:59
DrFoootherwise your variables don't export to the current shell13:59
microswhat is the proper way to launch a user program (socket server) on system startup? edit rc.local and just add a line?  Also, if i invoke a .sh from rc.local, and the .sh is located in a different directory (lets say the user home directory), are all of the paths in the user .sh relative to the location of rc.local, or relative to the location with the user .sh is placed?14:00
jribmicros: ideally you would use upstart14:00
demonoid_meDrFoo:oo it's ok i forgot rename openssl-1x.cnf to openssl.cnf :D14:00
demonoid_meDrFoo:10x :)14:00
microsdoes it make any difference if its an amazon ec2?14:00
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:00
micros(with ubuntu)14:00
DrFoodemonoid_me: cool. good news!14:01
DrFoothat dot in front got me good a few weeks ago. haha14:01
jribAdim: please stop doing that.  You can help in-channel.  But please do not spam the channel asking if anyone needs help.  If someone needs help, they will ask a question (and then you can reply in this channel if you know the answer).  Thanks14:01
demonoid_meDrFoo:xaxaxaxax :D14:02
Guest9373hi, im french user of ubuntu, is this forum exist in french?14:03
gordonjcp!fr | Guest937314:04
ubottuGuest9373: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:04
microsi think in linux in general... if i cd /etc and invoke /usr/sbin/script.sh  thats different than cd /usr/sbin and then ./script.sh from the scripts point of view. right?  The first way, the item referenced in the script isnt found. The second way, the referenced path for the executable is found.14:05
Guest9373Merci beaucoup14:05
tom[]is there a standard howto for installing php without suhosin?14:05
gordonjcpGuest9373: there you go, non seulement francais mais deux sorte de francais ;-)14:05
jribmicros: it's different, but not in the way you described14:06
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:06
gordonjcpGuest9373: s/non/pas/ ;-)14:06
Adimu de14:06
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:07
jribAdim: this is your last warning to stop, asking if anyone needs help.  If someone needs help, they will ask a question.  That is how you know someone needs help.  I'll have to kick you if you don't stop14:07
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:07
weianybody here ?!14:07
weiAnybody here to talk ?14:07
Znooseyno, there are 1600 people and everyone just idles14:08
DJoneswei: General chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is just for support issues14:08
jribwei: if you have a support question related to ubuntu, just ask.  If you just want to chat, join us in #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
gordonjcpit's too hot to talk, even in #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
juniourwhere i can buy ubuntu phone??14:09
weiubuntu has phone ? nice to hear it14:09
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:09
exadIsn't it still being developed?14:09
juniouri dont know if it released or available in market14:09
juniourbut i want one :)14:10
juniourany one have idea14:10
weiubuntu could be installed on some android phone I think14:10
AdimAnyone Need Help I Can Remotely to14:10
exadThe dev preview is coming out on the 21st February. Be patient young Padawan. See:14:11
exad 14:11
exadSorry for spam14:11
exadcopy pasted from ask ubuntu forums14:12
juniourexad hum.........14:13
juniourit will be released soon i thin , they are working hard on it14:13
juniourhi all of you ubuntu geeks,watch the video here the power of ubuntu, http://www.ubuntu.com/phone14:14
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apothecariushi guys, i got a little weird problem14:15
Myrttijuniour: right? did you have a Ubuntu desktop related problem or support issue?14:15
exadThere isn't an Ubuntu Phone you can buy yet. You can install Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 4 or Galaxy Nexus, or a number of other Android devices.14:15
juniourits awesome by mark shuttleworth14:15
apothecariusim logged into my work PC via ssh and wanna start nsight, but I can't start it via console, however I can start it with the application launcher when I sit at my workPC14:15
apothecariusso ALT+F2 works, but not with terminal14:16
juniourexad right14:16
apothecariushow can I then start the program?14:16
juniourMyrtti no issue14:16
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Myrttijuniour: great, because this is for support issues! if you can help people with their problems, please do, otherwise let's keep the discussion about Ubuntu Phone at #ubuntu-touch, #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic14:17
Myrttijuniour: thanks for understanding14:17
juniourMyrtti anytime bro :)14:20
juniouralways welcome14:20
BluesKajHi folks14:21
jiltdilIs ubuntu 13.04 working fine. I have to install it.14:23
Tm_Tjiltdil: it's stable release14:24
jiltdilTm_T, 13.04 stable release?14:25
microsis there a way to launch a script file and executable that use relative paths, from say, /etc/ and still have the items in the script remain relative to the scripts locationon disk?14:25
Slartmicros: are you the one writing the script or you want to do this for any random executable?14:27
Tm_Tmicros: in the script you can change working path just the same way you change working path in the command line14:28
microsim not sure how to do that.14:29
microsquick explanation please.14:29
microsone line for cd /path/ and another to invoke the script?14:29
Tm_Tmicros: for example, yes14:30
Tm_Tmicros: within a script, that is14:31
cloneGhello I would like to know whether is it possible multiple simultaneous logins with openvpn or not14:34
junioury they are replacing ubuntu with chromium???14:39
Slartjuniour: ubuntu and chromium isn't really the same thing.. where did you read/hear about this?14:39
JamesMackereli use Firefox just because its gesture addon.14:40
junioury they are replacing firfox with chromium??? sorry mistake in typing14:40
juniourSlart mistake sorry :)14:41
junioury they are replacing firefox with chromium???14:41
Slartjuniour: ah.. I found some articles about it.. from the article it seems like chromium has more users than firefox.. I don't know of any other reasons14:41
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juniourSlar but firefox is good14:42
JamesMackerelaccording to the ranking it seems that IE owns the most users...14:43
JamesMackereli can't see the difference between chrome and Firefox.14:44
Slartjuniour: I don't think they are saying that firefox is bad.. just that chromium is better and more popular..(oh and Mark Shuttleworth seems to like chromium)14:44
Slartjuniour: but this isn't really a good channel for these kinds of discussion.. try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps14:44
cabralesjosei think that firefox is better14:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:44
rockworldmican we use rhythom box's lyrics fetcher to iphone?14:45
tristan622Do you think it is a big issue? Perhaps you can still download firefox from apt-get14:45
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marinaHi, how can I check for updates from terminal?14:54
sigvmarina: sudo apt-get update14:54
Slartmarina: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:54
sigvreplace update with upgrade to install.14:54
sigvor as Slart, dist-upgrade for forced update installation.14:55
sigvcheck `man apt-get`14:55
dhciI have debootstrap on 12.04 precise but I notice that the scripts mostly point to a gutsy distrubition, which I think is 10.10. Is that intentional?14:57
superlinux-hplet me rephrase it : Whenever I open nautalis "Opening blah blah" hangs for like a minute and a half even though I've already went like 8 directories deep, opened a file and started editing it.14:58
superlinux-hpso what i should do regarding this issue?14:59
dhcii tihnk it does pull it in by name. its just a template file because nothing much has changed.15:02
Slartsuperlinux-hp: nautilus is a weird little application.. or perhaps it's something behind the scenes that is messing up.. have you tried another file explorer like thunar (XFCE default) or dolphin (KDE default) ?15:03
superlinux-hpSlart, i am used to nautilus15:04
przemekhow to create bios -dos iso more then 2.88 mb ... i need 10mb iso with bios files and dos15:05
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Slartsuperlinux-hp: yes, but just to see if it's the file system that's acting up.. I'm not suggesting you switch permanently, just to try an alternative and see if the problems persist15:05
jrtappersWhat is the best fraps equivelent for ubuntu, OpenGL games fullscreen15:06
superlinux-hpSlart,yes it looks like nautilus is slow. what would be the best GNOME alternative to nautilus?15:07
Slartsuperlinux-hp: unfortunately I don't know of any good alternatives or I would have switched myself.. nautilus has never been a friend of mine15:08
auronandacesuperlinux-hp: i've always used pcmanfm instead of nautilus15:09
Slartsuperlinux-hp: I'm not even sure how to clean up nautilus.. I doubt reinstalling the nautilus-package will make things better15:09
mogaj_my screen is freezing with horizontal lines my os is 12.04 ubuntu  .... what should i do to rectify this ?15:09
sw-ubuntuhi, anyone familiar with workings of linux partitions?15:09
auronandace!anyone | sw-ubuntu15:09
ubottusw-ubuntu: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:09
marinawhat is the best netbook or laptop to work with ubuntu?15:10
superlinux-hpi also use the idea of open-in-terminal . auronandace i want something like that too15:10
statlsuperlinux-hp: does it have to be a gtk application? cli filen managers like mc, ranger, vifm have much to offer!15:10
auronandacesuperlinux-hp: both thunar and pcmanfm have those options15:10
auronandacemarina: no such thing as best15:11
superlinux-hpstatl, i would love to, but i am on desktop environment with a GUI.15:12
sw-ubuntuOk, here goes:  I am currently running 13.04 and Accidentally deleted my encrypted main partition trying to free up space to make another partition grow.   is there anyway of recovering the files inside the encrypted partition?15:12
superlinux-hpauronandace, thanks15:12
marinawhat command to check version?15:12
sigvmarina: version of what?15:12
auronandacemarina: lsb_release -sd15:12
marinalsb_release -sd15:13
marinaaurondandace: thanks a lot!15:14
Um3ggh1Uhello, I have a problem with 13.04  desktop fresh install and touchscreens, after 1 or 2 clicks the system stops to recognize clicks, someone experienced the same problem?15:14
scxcan anyone show me result of that?: ls -la /etc/default/grub*15:15
auronandacescx: 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1237 Apr 26 12:29 /etc/default/grub15:16
Um3ggh1Uls: cannot access /etc/default/grub*: No such file or directory15:16
scxauronandace: thx15:17
scxauronandace: what version of ubuntu do you have?15:17
auronandacescx: 13.0415:17
Um3ggh1U-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1263 mag 26  2012 /etc/default/grub15:17
scxauronandace: ok, thx15:17
Um3ggh1Uscx, my is 12.0415:17
scxUm3ggh1U: thanks you15:17
sw-ubuntuaccidentally closed xchat, can i post my question again?15:20
kostkon_sw-ubuntu: sure15:20
auronandacesw-ubuntu: have you wrote anything on the disk since you deleted the partition?15:20
sw-ubuntuAuronandace: I went straight into liveusb15:21
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auronandace!undelete | sw-ubuntu15:21
ubottusw-ubuntu: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:21
sw-ubuntu Auronandace: the original partition is now split as some of the space went straight into growing another patition15:21
Um3ggh1Usw-ubuntu, maybe gpart can help you15:22
sw-ubuntuUm3ggh1U: how so?15:23
auronandaceUm3ggh1U: he's deleted a partition, gparted can't undo that15:23
Um3ggh1UAnother program that can scan drives and re-create a partition table based on "guesses" is Gpart15:24
sw-ubuntuAh, I see15:24
sw-ubuntuI will look into it.15:24
auronandaceUm3ggh1U: ah, sorry15:24
Um3ggh1Uno problem15:24
sw-ubuntubut since a part of the original partition was allotted to another partition should i delete that other partition and just have gpart scan the whole unallotcated section?15:25
frenck__server irc.openjoke.net15:25
unixnotphoenixhi guys... planning to install ubuntu 13.04 on my old mac powerbook g4... downloading it now... is there anything I should know beforehand?.. any errors expected? what changes?15:25
auronandace!mac | unixnotphoenix15:25
ubottuunixnotphoenix: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:25
statlsw-ubuntu: If you only deleted the partition and did not overwrite it yet, testdisk may also be helpful15:25
tacomasterI am trying to get rid of lightdm and when i install it used to just ask which login manager you wanted to use by default i know gentoo's is in /etc/init.d/xdm. Is this the same way to do in ubuntu? Or is there a more preferred way to do this?15:26
auronandaceunixnotphoenix: ah, g4, i think the link i just gave you was for intel macs15:26
Um3ggh1UI do not know but I would recommend you make a complete backup of the entire hard disk with dd15:26
auronandace!ppc | unixnotphoenix15:26
ubottuunixnotphoenix: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ15:26
sw-ubuntustatl: can testdisk recover the whole encrypted partition?15:27
unixnotphoenixhmm.. any hiccups expected?15:28
marinahow can i check if i have mysql installed on ubuntu?15:28
jribtacomaster: when you install a new one, you should get prompted.  /etc/X11/default-display-manager may be the file you are asking about though15:28
statlsw-ubuntu: i've never used it on encrypted partitions before; sry, can't tell you that15:28
unixnotphoenixubottu: is there anything i need to know b4 install? can i simply insert the dvd and continue on install as i wud do on intel machines?15:29
ubottuunixnotphoenix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:29
Um3ggh1Umarina: dpkg -l | grep mysql15:29
tacomasterjrib: i have tried to install mdm and slim both didn't give me an options to set as  default. I do know what you are talking about last time i messed with a login manager it use to give me an options? any idea why im not getting the optons to choose now?15:29
unixnotphoenixauronandace:  is there anything i need to know b4 install? can i simply insert the dvd and continue on install as i wud do on intel machines?15:29
sw-ubuntuthanks for the advice15:30
auronandaceunixnotphoenix: i've never owned a mac so i couldn't tell you, hence i gave you the powerpc wiki link15:30
unixnotphoenixany other forum to ask?15:30
auronandace!forum | unixnotphoenix15:31
ubottuunixnotphoenix: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums15:31
unixnotphoenixthat was not that helpful.. anyway thank u.. there's not much u can do :)15:32
dominic_i have a problem with 13.0415:32
dhciso is there a way to use flash media (ext3 or ext4) so that the system really uses the buffer cache and rarely reads the slow medium, kind of like an rsync to /dev/ram but optimized and automatic15:32
auronandacedominic_: you better tell us or we can't help15:34
dominic_my laptop is connected on a monitor and when i close the lid i lose my display15:34
jribtacomaster: try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE"15:35
unixnotphoenixdominic_: its not recovering from sleep?15:35
Znooseydominic_, that is supposed to happen... the linux kernel will go into sleep mode when you close your laptops lid15:35
dominic_i set it to not doing anything15:35
tacomasterjrib: ok i ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdm" and it just dropped down15:36
newerhey everybody15:36
dominic_i didnt have any problem with 12.0415:36
dosequishey all - different question - I am running ubuntu and I noticed that I can cat /dev/ttyACM0 on a freshly rebooted system with no problem - it reads in the serial data  fine. But if I use the arduino IDE and modify my code, then cat'ing the /dev/ttyACM0 yields nothing and returns immediately to the prompt - i.e. nothing happens. I15:36
newercan somebody help me to create little script with 3 commands (macchanger)?15:36
tacomasterjrib: ok im going to restart and see if that helped15:36
dosequisany ideas? haven't found a way to reset the /dev/ttyACM0 to the state when the computer boots - unplugging and replugging doesn't help15:37
tacomasterjrib: i still booted in to lightdm15:38
auronandacenewer: perhaps the people in #bash can15:39
jribtacomaster: right.  Umm, what display manager do you want to use now?15:39
tacomasterjrib: mdm15:39
jribtacomaster: and you installed it through the repositories?15:40
TKingplease can someone help me on how to fix Lenovo u410? In short i have mistakenly formated all drives including cache drive of ssd 24gb and my whole 1tb hdd so i only have ubuntu running15:40
dhcidosequis can you run something like minicom -s and see if you can get it into a good state, perhaps it runs com functions properly15:40
auronandacetacomaster: mint's display manager isn't supported here15:40
tacomasterauronandace: its in the default repo's15:40
auronandace!info mdm15:40
dominic_when i open the lid it should come back and it doesnt15:40
ubottumdm (source: mdm): Utilities for single-host parallel shell scripting. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.3-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 152 kB15:40
TKingplease can someone help me on how to fix Lenovo u410? In short i have mistakenly formated all drives including cache drive of ssd 24gb and my whole 1tb hdd so i only have ubuntu running? i want to have it back to default windows and still have ubuntu15:40
newerauronandace thx15:40
tacomasterauronandace: ahh nvm lol15:41
tacomasterauronandace: only getting rid of lightdm because even if you change the wallpaper on lightdm the branding still has that ugly purple15:42
dominic_ my laptop is connected on a monitor and when i close the lid i lose my display15:42
dominic_anybody can i help me15:42
paulens12hello, is there an application similar to after effects, but for linux?15:43
TKingcan i install windows on my lenovo? after having ubuntu as a default OS and primary? by this i mean no any other OS15:44
auronandaceTKing: you can have up to 4 primary partitions15:44
Um3ggh1Uanyone using ubuntu  13.04 with a touch screen?15:45
IdleOneUm3ggh1U: you can try asking #ubuntu-touch15:46
Um3ggh1Uthank you IdleOne15:46
dominic_anybody can help me with my lid problem15:47
paulens12IdleOne: ubuntu touch is a whole different version of ubuntu...15:48
TKingaurondanadace i have sdb = 24gb ssd card (i have formated it as its cached for RAID0) also have 1tb hdd seperated as /dev/sdc free space, dev/sdc1 - 30gb for ubuntu, dev/sdc2 4gb - for swap area  and dev/sdc3 for bootgrub 40mb --- others are free space15:51
TKingauronandace i have sdb = 24gb ssd card (i have formated it as its cached for RAID0) also have 1tb hdd seperated as /dev/sdc free space, dev/sdc1 - 30gb for ubuntu, dev/sdc2 4gb - for swap area  and dev/sdc3 for bootgrub 40mb --- others are free space15:52
SkeiMorning. I'm trying to download the i386 64-bit version of Ubuntu, but I'm always redirected to the amd64. Where can I find the Intel version ?15:52
SonikkuAmericaSkei: amd64 is not strictly for AMD processors.15:53
auronandaceTKing: sdc1/2/3 make up 3 partitions, you can have 4 primary partitions15:53
SkeiSonikkuAmerica: ah, that's fine then. Thanks.15:53
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit15:53
auronandaceTKing: windows only requires 1 primary partition15:53
dominic_how could it be possible that 12.04 works perfect and 13.04 bug on a simple thing like close the lid on my laptop15:54
SonikkuAmericadominic_: Do you have the latest updates?15:54
TKingauronandace so does this mean i can't have windows since i have 3?15:55
SonikkuAmericadominic_: OK; explain what bug shows up when you close the lid... Give full hardware specs.15:55
SonikkuAmericaSkei: Also, i386 64-bit is an oxymoron; i386 == 32-bit only15:55
auronandaceTKing: i've told you you can have 4 primary partitions, you've used up 3 so that leaves 1 left (windows only needs 1)15:56
dominic_my monitor become black15:56
SonikkuAmericaSkei: You'll find x86_64 is supported on the amd64 ISO15:56
SonikkuAmericadominic_: That's what it's supposed to do...?15:56
kostkon_dominic_: black or you mean it goes into stanby?15:56
SkeiSonikkuAmerica: yep - I usually use "x64" but get told off for that :P15:56
dominic_non my setup says do nothing when close the lid15:57
SeppoHey, I just did boot-repair and now I have no boot menu, how to get atleast win7 back so I can download and install fresh ubuntu?15:57
SonikkuAmericadominic_: Oh...15:57
SonikkuAmericaSeppo: Actually that's a better suited question for the ##windows channel15:57
kostkon_dominic_: what happens if you open the lid afterwards15:58
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dominic_nothing change15:58
AfgghHi all15:58
SeppoSonikkuAmerica:  but I did boot-repair for linux, and it took both linux and windows off15:58
SonikkuAmericaAffgh: Yo15:58
SonikkuAmericaSeppo: What error message showed up?15:58
kostkon_dominic_: your system keeps running fine though?15:58
juniourSeppo BOOT with live cd install boot repair and click recommended repair, it will do all for you15:59
dominic_probably i dont see anything15:59
Seppojuniour:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5745379/15:59
AfgghI was installung ubuntu and  checked the option of "install over windows" and it deleted all my files.15:59
kostkon_dominic_: have you tried to setup your monitors again after upgrading to 13.0416:00
SeppoSonikkuAmerica:  that I have no OS or whatever16:00
SeppoSonikkuAmerica:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5745379/16:00
juniourSepo you tried boot_repair16:01
kostkon_dominic_: does it go ingo standby or just the screen becomes black16:01
Seppojuniour:  yes you want me to do it again??16:01
juniourSepo again16:01
dominic_my monitor lose power16:01
auronandaceAfggh: so what is the problem?16:01
AfgghAny way to recover my pics??16:02
juniourAfggh installing ubuntu over windows means it will replace windows and install ubuntu. so you all file will lost16:02
=== kcristiano is now known as kcrist
auronandaceAfggh: why didn't you back them up beforehand?16:02
AfgghJuniour it deleted and formatted my hdd.16:02
juniourAfggh yep i know16:03
auronandaceAfggh: beccause you told it to16:03
juniourAfggh you must have selected install alongside windws16:03
AfgghIt didnt tell me that i will lose my personal files too.16:03
AfgghWell can i recover some of my pics anyhow?16:03
SonikkuAmericaAfggh: It should have, right in the installer (ubiquity)16:04
nopfhi. i'm on an older ubuntu (and am not willing to upgrade atm), but i think i'm missing something more basic here: i have a soundcard card 0: DMX6Fire [TerraTec DMX6Fire], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi] but speakert-test says: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave, Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy... any hints?16:04
juniourAfggh it the cloud generation keep most of your important files or pic in clodu16:04
AfgghI thought it will dual boot with that option.16:04
auronandaceAfggh: if your personal files are on the same partition then of course they are going to be gone16:04
gordonjcpAfggh: look into testdisk or photorec16:04
juniourAfggh it  give dual option but you have to select, install alongside windows16:05
AfgghOh...i didnt know.  I just installed16:05
auronandaceAfggh: theres a nice big fat warning during that selection screen16:05
juniourAfggh next time be carefull, think and ask wt you are doing, if you dont know16:06
AfgghDo i need some software to create partition s now? Or i can do it through terminal.16:06
jonas36474747858hello everyone! Does anyone have some experience with the Zyair B-120 PCMIA wireless card? I tried to get it to run with Lubuntu 13.04, but I do not get an wlan0 interface16:06
juniourAfggh there is a software buil-in called disk-utility it can do wt you want16:06
AfgghYeah juniour...16:06
AfgghI didnt read the messages properly i think.16:06
tacomasterI am trying to change the lock screen's wallpaper but every tutorial i seem to find online completes with no errors but, I can't get it to change?16:07
juniourAfggh disk-utitlty can be used to format and create paration in ubuntu16:07
gyre007is there any way how I can export PATH ? I have put a script into /etc/profile.d/ which I'd hope would export env variables I put in that file but that does not seem to have done anything16:07
gyre007anyone idea ?16:07
juniourtacomaster just change your desktop wallpaper it will be auto se to lock screen wallpaper16:10
juniourtacomaster wt version of ubuntu you using16:10
Mage_DudeOk, just finished install of 13.04-maas. After install (which was a PITA) I try to login and it just boots me back to login. WTH? I tried SSHing in and I get an error message (Could not chdir to home directory: Connection closed)16:10
tacomasterjuniour: not if its not one of the default pictures! 13.0416:10
Mage_DudeWhy didn't the install create a home directory for the root user?16:11
juniourtacomaster it changes i tried just choose the desktop wallpaper of your choise, auto it will be your lock screen wllpaper too :)16:11
felix_francuhi guys16:11
tacomasterjuniour: ..... I already have changed my wallpaper16:12
tacomasterjuniour: my lock screen is still purple background16:12
juniourtry to choose from the default one16:13
juniourtacomaster i dont know y its not working but, its works its the default feature of ubuntu 12.04 and ahead i think :)16:15
faktor4u@tacomaster: try to change your wallpaper permisions to 64416:16
felix_francucan any1 help me about darksiders instaled thru wine and not running?16:17
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auronandace!appdb | felix_francu16:18
ubottufelix_francu: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:18
felix_francuok, ty16:18
SeppoHello, I did boot-repair to fix my ubuntu boot, but now BOTH my windows and ubuntu are gone from boot menu. How can I bring back atleast windows? So I can fresh install ubunutu16:18
smallsummerdo you like lubuntu?16:19
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Seppojuniour:  didnt work16:20
louis-caravellereinstall ? Or, if you have saved your master boot record, you can go to the MBR wiki to repair16:20
Mage_DudeAh ha. Ok everyone, if you ever install the MAAS server edition your username *cannot* be 'maas' even if that would make sense. This is from a bug posted in October of last year. There's no warning in the install that this is a system user. If you try to login you will be Mega Screwed. Just FYI.16:21
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theadminMage_Dude: No big deal, is it? You can just add the user at a later point by chrootin16:22
theadminMage_Dude: Or booting into recovery mode16:22
areplogledoes anyone know the initrd option for using the minimal virtual guest install?16:22
jova4installing ubuntu 13.04. doing check disc for defects. when finishes i dont get any message. does this mean there is problem with disc?16:22
jova4how to do check disc for defects in text mode?16:23
MonkeyDustjova4  no error message means no error16:23
theadminjova4: No message = no problem16:23
Mage_Dudetheadmin: Would have been nice to have some warning. You MUST boot into recovery mode. If it's the initial install...you can't login!16:24
theadminjova4: That's how Linux usually is16:24
MonkeyDustunlike windows :p16:24
theadminMage_Dude: I know, crazy... I have no idea, the text installer of Ubuntu seems to be Debian Installer and Debian's not aware of MAAS16:24
jova4has not been like that for all previous versions of ubuntu. there used to be always the message "no errors found" or something like that.16:24
Mage_Dudetheadmin: Still a bummer. There should be a 'check' for that. Since I set a password for that user, did I just mess up system services? Oh well. Reinstall #487 here we go.16:26
SeppoHow can I set my windows a boot flag through live-usb ubuntu?16:26
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jova4maybe not all but i have been around since version 8 or 9 and there was always the message confirming no errors were found16:26
jova4that is why now that i dont get that message i am thinking just the opposite (that there is an error)16:27
jova4how do i do the check disc in text mode?16:27
theadminjova4: md5sum /dev/sr0 and compare to the one on the website16:28
jova4thank you. is it possible to check disc in text mode at boot?16:29
scotticusi'm having an issue when i try to launch software-center: http://pastebin.com/BeZi8xEK16:29
scotticus13.04 Xubuntu16:30
jova4i was thinking maybe it's a graphic problem. the text is there but it doesnt show.16:30
theadminscotticus: Is ubuntu-sso-client installed?16:30
scotticustheadmin: yes http://pastebin.com/uKhVgL1d when i try to run ubuntu-sso-client16:31
kostkonjova4, you mean do a fsck on your discs?16:31
scotticusthe odd thing all this is installed.16:31
dominic_anybody found my problem yet16:31
scotticustheadmin: zope.interface is installed16:31
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theadminscotticus: Hm... That's odd, are you using some third-party repo for python modules?16:32
jova4i mean doing the same thing at boot (check disc for defects) but without the graphical interface. in text mode.16:32
scotticustheadmin: not that i know of, i'll check.  most of my dev work is in python and i rarely have import issues like this16:33
acovrigI am currently using a camera to get S-Video | ffmpeg (via dvgrab-the camera supports S-Video->FireWire), is there a USB devices that isn't expensive that would work better?16:33
theadminscotticus: Yes, certainly is odd16:33
scotticustheadmin: also i had this problem in 12.10, thought i'd upgrade to 13.04 and maybe it would get resolved...16:33
theadminscotticus: Eh, well what version of python-zope.interface do you have installed?16:34
AnganaHI Team..16:34
AnganaI am facing one issue..16:35
Anganaonce i upgrade my ubuntu 12.416:35
Anganait is not booting16:35
gbear14275anyone else getting BADSIG gpg errors with the ubuntu  ftpmaster@ubuntu.com key?16:35
theadmin!enter | Angana16:35
ubottuAngana: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:35
acovrigAngana: define not booting16:35
Anganaonce post finishes16:36
acovrigbecause when i run dvgrab, it tends to only capture 3-4 frames 98% of the time...16:36
acovrigAngana: are you getting any GRUB errors?16:36
Anganaonce post finishes, purple window will come, then it shows hung state16:36
acovrigAngana: when it is in that state, press Esc (or Tab, don't remember) to get more details, what does it say?16:37
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Anganayes, i tried to use Esc, but no change. I got Grub Menu. I choose Ubuntu 12.4 also. after that showing hung state.16:38
jova4ok well will see. thanks everybody16:38
Anganai tried Alt_Cntrl f1, f2 etc.. not working16:38
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gbear14275W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com raring Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:39
acovrigAngana: when you get to the grub menu, press e to edit, then find 'quiet splash' (toward the end) and change 'quiet splash' to 'verbose text' and see what you get16:40
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scotticustheadmin: Installed: 4.0.5-0ubuntu116:41
theadminscotticus: ...hamsters.16:42
scotticustheadmin: ?16:42
theadminscotticus: I mean, I have no idea why the problem appears then16:42
scotticusokay :( appears to be a bug listed.16:42
ghkingis there some applet like system monitor in gnome for xfce416:42
scotticustheadmin: the other bizzare bit, is i can run that line from zope import interface16:43
scotticusand no problems16:43
theadminscotticus: >.< I guess the version check function in Twisted is malcoded then16:44
scotticustheadmin: hacky hack time :)16:45
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auronandaceghking: there is cpu graph and net load plugin if you're after the things in the panels, if you mean an actual application then xfce has its own task manager16:46
sw-ubuntuHello again.   When ubuntu resizes a partition w/ free unallocated space, is there any writing involved directly to the sectors?  or do they work like with Fat32 where it just erases the allocation table?16:47
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acovrigwhat do you recommend I use to capture S-Video (pipe to ffmpeg)?16:48
auronandacesw-ubuntu: if you are still looking to recover stuff its best to make a dd of the disk and work with that16:49
dominic_i have a problem my monitor turn off when i close the lid16:49
theadmindominic_: ...That's normal16:51
auronandacetheadmin: he has connected his laptop to an external monitor16:51
theadminauronandace: Oh, my bad, I didn't get that16:51
scotticustheadmin: weird, ipython was doing something wonky, but when i use the python shell it barfs, can't find that zope lib.16:52
sw-ubuntuauronandace: Sorry, what is dd?16:53
dominic_theadmin no its not16:53
acovrigdd can make images of partitions/drives (among other things).16:53
auronandacesw-ubuntu: its a utility that performs a direct copy of whatever is on disk (regardless of format)16:53
theadmindominic_: gconftool --type string --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac "nothing" # Try this16:53
sw-ubuntuauronandace: is it built-in with 13.04?  or obtainable by apt-get?16:54
auronandacesw-ubuntu: built in16:54
theadminsw-ubuntu: Built in to most Linux distros16:54
sw-ubuntuauronandace, theadmin: thanks for the help, I will attempt that.  right now scanning sector by sector with testdisk16:55
n0sqwhen i run kmail though an SSH tunnel, why can't I sign and/or encrypt an e-mail with GPG? the encryption keys are on the local PC16:55
johnyquestsi have set up isc-dhcp-server on ubuntu...querying its status returns that it is up but dhcping returns no answers16:57
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ikoniajohnyquests: have you defined a subnet and allocated a range for it ?17:00
ikoniajohnyquests: do you see the dhcp request in the syslog ?17:00
johnyquestsnot even on tcpdump or dhcpdump17:01
tacomasterwhere is the default wallpaper for the lock screen located?17:01
ikoniatacomaster: ok so it's the client not the server then17:01
ikoniatacomaster: sorry17:01
ikoniajohnyquests: it's the client not the server then17:01
ikoniajohnyquests: how are you checking it's status ?17:01
johnyquestsikonia:service isc-dhcp-server status17:02
ikoniaok that doesn't prove it's listening17:02
ikoniajohnyquests: what interfaces is it bound to ?17:02
johnyquestsikonia:anyway else i can check?17:02
ikoniajohnyquests: is the subnet and address range you've allocated within the IP range of the interface ?17:02
ikoniais the firewall open ?17:03
ikonia(for example)17:03
ikoniaall things to check17:03
johnyquestsikonia:it's a private ip range...
ikoniaprivate/public range has nothing to do with what I just said17:03
johnyquestsikonia: alright.. when i type ifconfig eth0 that's the range i see17:04
marinawhat is an .egg file17:04
johnyquestsikonia: is that what you meant?17:04
ikoniajohnyquests: is the range within the subnet of the address on the interface17:04
marinahow to extract .egg file in terminal?17:05
theadminIs there a way to stop certain services when running on battery power and start them back when on AC, for example, an Upstart event or such?17:05
ikoniamarina: please run "file" against it17:05
johnyquestsikonia: http://pastebin.com/wC4S1c7k my /etc/network/interfaces file17:06
theadminmarina: Extensions mean nothing. What is the actual type of the file? file --mime-type /path/to/file.egg17:06
ikoniajohnyquests: I didn't ask for that17:06
ikoniajohnyquests: I asked if the range you have assigned to your dhcp server is within the subnet of the address on the physical interface17:06
jeremiah_Alright. Anyone good with HDDs partitioning, and cloning?17:07
ikoniajeremiah_: just ask the question17:07
jeremiah_Ok... How do i check if an external ssd is healthy?17:07
johnyquestsikonia: the subnet is and range is
johnyquestsikonia: the subnet is and range is sorry17:08
jeremiah_Anyone know how to clone a partition from one hdd to another?17:09
theadminjeremiah_: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 given they're the same size.17:09
ikoniaok, so as long as your mask is open that shouldn't be a problem17:09
ikoniajeremiah_: look at the tool clonezilla, you'll find it easier if you are new to using this sort of thing17:10
jeremiah_The Hard drives are different sizes17:10
ikoniajeremiah_: try clonezilla then, it will do it all for you17:10
jeremiah_Does it have to be done on liveCD?17:10
ikoniajeremiah_: it's best to so the disks are not in use17:10
johnyquestsikonia: so how else can i check if the dhcp server is up?17:11
jeremiah_crap. Do any distros have it installed on them? (Like, i don't have to install it on liveCD.)17:11
ikoniajeremiah_: the clonezilla livecd is all you need17:11
jeremiah_Ahh. Ok.17:11
OerHeksjeremiah_,  see http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live.php17:12
jeremiah_And one more thing. How do i make sure my hdd doesnt have any errors? I tried to make a partition on it, and got an error17:12
ikoniajeremiah_: clonezilla does a check17:12
daftykinsjeremiah_: since Ubuntu is a file orientated OS, you can just clean partition the new disk, copy the data then reinstall grub17:12
theadminjeremiah_: As for healthiness, sudo smartctl -h /dev/sda will tell you.17:12
dominic_theadmin it didnt work17:12
theadmindominic_: Well... I dunno. Doesn't the monitor come back on if you move the mouse around?17:13
unixnotphoenixi've a powerbook g4 ppc mac... installing ubuntu 13.04 ppc version on it... getting junk screen... pls help me install17:13
theadminjeremiah_: Err, -H17:13
jeremiah_daftykins,  I tried that. I couldn't get grub working17:13
ikoniajeremiah_: check ports 67 and 68 are open17:13
theadminjeremiah_: Uppercase H17:13
ikoniajeremiah_: sorry - not you17:13
unixnotphoenixi've a powerbook g4 ppc mac... installing ubuntu 13.04 ppc version on it... getting junk screen... pls help me install17:13
ikoniajohnyquests: check ports 67 and 68 are open17:13
tacomasterwhat is the default lock application in ubuntu?17:13
johnyquestsikonia: alright17:13
theadmintacomaster: Wat?17:14
ikoniajohnyquests: as at the moment you are not seeing requests come through, so until that is fixed, nothing else matters17:14
tacomastertheadmin: i mean when your computer xorg server is locked and it requires you to put in a password what program is that?17:14
theadmintacomaster: Oh, that. gnome-screensaver17:14
jeremiah_Does Clonezilla fix grub issues? I tried to copy the partitions in gparted, but when i wanted to boot, i got the no partition found error. Then i updated my grub, and all i got was a flashing cursor right after BIOS17:14
tacomastertheadmin: I don't think thats what i am looking for i can change the screensaver this is the actual lock17:15
theadmintacomaster: The screensaver handles locking.17:15
theadmintacomaster: That's how it's normally done17:15
theadmintacomaster: gnome-screensaver-command -a # Will lock the screen17:16
tacomastertheadmin: how do you change the wallpaper for the lock portion then because i have the screensaver changed?17:16
jeremiah_So, does clonezilla fix grub issues?17:16
tacomastertheadmin: thats why i figured it was a different program.17:16
theadmintacomaster: Hmms... I have no idea, I never bothered.17:16
ikoniajeremiah_: it won't fix a broken grub...no17:16
ikoniajeremiah_: it will clone your grub though17:16
ikoniajeremiah_: the clonezilla channel #clonezilla can give you more info17:17
jeremiah_ikonia, will my grub on my hard drive work on a larger hdd?17:17
johnyquestsikonia:67 and 68 are closed but 53 is listening17:17
jeremiah_And a different hdd at that mater17:17
ikoniajeremiah_: size of hard disk has no impact on grub17:17
ikoniajeremiah_: 53 is not dhcp17:17
ikoniajeremiah_: darn, sorry not you17:17
johnyquestsikonia:netstat -an should be enough for checking right?17:17
ikoniajohnyquests: 53 is bind17:17
ikoniajohnyquests: well that will show you that something is listening yes17:18
ikoniajohnyquests: you can also telnet to the port17:18
jeremiah_Well then, wish me luck! Lets go try clonezilla out... If i am not back within an hour, lets all hope it worked shall we?17:18
harddriveproblemhey all17:19
unixnotphoenixi've a powerbook g4 ppc mac... installing ubuntu 13.04 ppc version on it... getting junk screen... pls help me install17:19
unixnotphoenixi've a powerbook g4 ppc mac... installing ubuntu 13.04 ppc version on it... getting junk screen... pls help me install17:19
unixnotphoenixi've a powerbook g4 ppc mac... installing ubuntu 13.04 ppc version on it... getting junk screen... pls help me install17:19
FloodBot1unixnotphoenix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
theadminunixnotphoenix: Patience. Also I don't think Ubuntu has PPC versions.17:20
daftykinstheadmin: the official mirrors would disagree17:20
johnyquestsikonia:cant telnet to localhost 67 or 6817:20
harddriveproblemI just installed a new HD and someone both /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb are showing up in my /dev/disk/by-uuid folder instead of only the /dev/sdb1 partition - none of my other hard drives do this and I can only assume I made an error along the way while formatting it. Anyone know what I did wrong or what I can do to fix it?17:20
theadmin...yep, does not17:20
ikoniajohnyquests: that's not massicly suprising actually if I think about it17:21
ikoniajohnyquests: dont worry about the telnet test17:21
daftykinstheadmin: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/raring/release/17:21
theadmindaftykins: Where? I find no images with ppc or powerpc in the name on releases.ubuntu.com/raring/17:21
johnyquestsikonia:any other suggestions?17:21
unixnotphoenixtheadmin: x2t.com/1304ppc17:22
theadmindaftykins: Those are unsupported images, according to the releases website, soo...17:22
ikoniajohnyquests: try the tool dhcping17:22
ikoniajohnyquests: quite a useful tool for debugging dhcp server status17:22
johnyquestsikonia:did. it replies no answer17:22
unixnotphoenixtheadmin: x2t.com/1304ppc17:22
ikoniajohnyquests: if you do "ps -ef | grep dhcp" do you see anything listening17:23
theadminunixnotphoenix: Does unsupported mean anything to you?17:23
daftykinstheadmin: so you're not gonna help the guy? nice move.17:23
theadmindaftykins: Well... Not supposed to have people running unsupported things... Then again.17:23
johnyquestsyup: dhcpd -d17:23
ikoniajohnyquests: what command are you using with dhcping to test it17:23
theadmindaftykins: I mean, there's a bunch of people coming in here running Mint, Backtrack or heck,  even Debian, can't help those right17:24
johnyquestsikonia:dhcping localhost17:24
ikoniajohnyquests: come on !!!! that's not smart17:24
ikoniajohnyquests: 1.) you've already told me it's bound to eth0 - so how is it going to respond on localhost17:24
johnyquestsikonia:sorry :D what should I be doing?17:24
ikoniajohnyquests: 2.) you've not even read the syntax of the tool - you have to specify arguments with it17:24
unixnotphoenixall ppc versions though not suppoted officially by canonical... are supported & maintained by the community... so on what basis are u saying its not supported?17:25
johnyquestsikonia:alright..so which interface should i test it from?17:26
unixnotphoenixtheadmin: ^17:26
theadminunixnotphoenix: Oh... So it's like Xubuntu and such?17:26
theadminunixnotphoenix: Hm... hamsters.17:26
theadminunixnotphoenix: Sorry, is of my bad.17:26
ikoniajohnyquests: you can test it from any interface17:26
ikoniajohnyquests: I suggest reading man dhcping17:26
daftykinstheadmin: a different distro is a completely different matter.17:26
johnyquestsikonia:doing it now17:27
theadmindaftykins: Well, I guess. Sorries.17:27
daftykinstheadmin: hey i don't care, i'm not trying to install it. just easy to spot a rather daft rule17:27
ikoniajohnyquests: if you don't know how to use a program, check the man page rather than just typing blind, as you've just given me false information17:28
johnyquestsikonia: sorry..17:29
ikoniajohnyquests: not a problem, no need to be sorry17:29
ikoniajohnyquests: just making sure it doesn't bite you in future17:29
ikoniajohnyquests: could you also pastebin your dhcpd config file please.17:30
TKingplease anyone here using ubuntu on lenovo u41017:30
SnypeMyrtti, what you smoking buddy? :D17:32
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johnyquestsikonia:i've updated the dhcp.conf file17:36
johnyquestsikonia:and also used the -s -c -h syntax...still not answer17:36
harddriveproblemI just installed a new HD and someone both /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb are showing up in my /dev/disk/by-uuid folder instead of only the /dev/sdb1 partition - none of my other hard drives do this and I can only assume I made an error along the way while formatting it. Anyone know what I did wrong or what I can do to fix it?17:36
jribharddriveproblem: I don't understand what you are saying17:38
harddriveproblemwhen i get a listing of my /dev/disk/by-uuid directory, i see all my drive UUIDs with their respective partitions17:39
ikoniajohnyquests: that looks a sane config file17:39
harddriveproblembut, for some reason, this sdb drive shows up twice - once as sdb1 with one uuid, and again as just sdb with a different uuid17:39
auronandace!uefi | TKing17:39
ikoniadon't forget to restart dhcpd to get it to re-parse that config file17:39
ubottuTKing: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:39
johnyquestsikonia: oh ok17:39
johnyquestsikonia: i'm doing dhcping -c localhost -s localhost -h [myhardwareid]17:40
johnyquestsikonia:it's okay to run it from localhost right?17:40
ikoniajohnyquests: -s localhost will not work !!!! it's listening on eth0 !!!17:40
ikoniajohnyquests: the server is listening on eth0 -s is the server, is not eth017:41
johnyquestsikonia: I'm running the dhcp server on my machine itself17:41
ikoniajohnyquests: so ?17:41
ikoniajohnyquests: you've told it to bind to eth017:41
harddriveproblemthat clear it up some jrib?17:42
ikoniatherefore -s argument can't be localhost, as localhost runs on l0 - not eth017:42
johnyquestsikonia:i've tried changing -s localhost to -s now...still no answer17:42
ikoniajohnyquests: so can you get a client to request an address17:42
ikoniasee if the syslog shows a DHCPREQUEST17:43
johnyquestsikonia:my pi is supposed to be doing that...but nothing yet...i don't have another device with me now17:43
jribharddriveproblem: yes, I understand now though I don't know offhand why17:43
ikoniajohnyquests: that looks like something on your network is blocking it then17:44
ikoniajohnyquests: I'd suggest disabling any firewalls for the moment17:44
johnyquestsikonia:it's a direct cable17:44
johnyquestsikonia:crossover and it used to work before17:44
ikoniajohnyquests: that doesn't mean somethings not stopping it17:44
drecuteI'm doing an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 but I'm experiencing a frozen upgrade at "Configuring libpopt0"17:45
johnyquestsikonia:alright...so use clear iptable rules?17:46
ikoniajohnyquests: just for a test yes17:46
harddriveproblemjrib: i can remove it using rm -rf (the drive is empty so i'm brute forcing commands all over the place with it) but it seems to reappear on reboot17:47
jribharddriveproblem: why do you care it's there? :)17:47
harddriveproblemjrib: because it could be a signal of an underlying problem; the fact its inconsistent makes me uneasy to store sensitive data on it17:48
jribharddriveproblem: but why would you rm it from /dev then?17:48
jribharddriveproblem: how did you format the drive?17:48
harddriveproblemjrib: the correct, partitioned label is there as well, as i said - /dev/sdb1. so i'm removing something that shouldnt be a filesystem to the uuid folder17:49
harddriveproblemjrib: i deleted the partitions and created a blank one using fdisk, then use mkfs.ext417:49
johnyquestsikonia: i followed this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-how-to-flush-all-rules.html , still no reply17:49
jeremiah_Alright. So, i burned clonezilla to a disk, and it didnt work...17:49
jribharddriveproblem: meh, just start over and use parted.  See if your issue repeats itself17:50
_098v_Can someone help me with a USB problem I'm having?17:50
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johnyquestsikonia: any suggestions?17:58
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harddriveproblemwow parted is a nightmare to use18:00
Walexjohnyquests: sometimes repeat the question...18:00
Walexharddriveproblem: naaah. it does not make partitioning any harder than it is.18:01
harddriveproblemit's giving me warnings about the resulting partition not being properly aligned for best performace18:01
harddriveproblemwhich i can't find an easy answer to18:01
rypervencheharddriveproblem: I prefer fdisk, but to each his/her own.18:01
harddriveproblemalso why can't i specify -1 as the end boundary for partitions :\18:01
johnyquestsalright my question was about configuring the dhcp server on ubuntu..it's not working even though all the rules are set correctly and the server states that it is running18:01
harddriveproblemi prefer fdisk too but someone suggested i try parted to see if it would fix my weird uuid problem18:02
martin__Hi! I just received this error during boot: "The disk drive for /tmp is not present or not ready yet". It appeared for ~5 seconds, then re-appeared for ~5 seconds again. What could this be? How can I diagnose this?18:02
daftykinsjohnyquests: use a packet sniffer on the client PC18:02
urioli can't open firefox, it says it is allready running, but there is not a firefox process in system monitor18:03
johnyquestsdid that..i was using tcpdump..it doesn't show any DHCPOFFERS18:03
johnyquestsor requests18:03
daftykinsjohnyquests: perhaps you bound the DHCP daemon to the wrong interface18:03
Walexjohnyquests: wrong interface sounds very likely.18:03
johnyquestshow would i check that?18:04
Walexjohnyquests: the general ways to debug daemons is: look at logs, use 'strace' to see what they actually do.18:04
johnyquestsi do have a ppp0 interface that is active now18:04
Walexjohnyquests: just that one?18:04
johnyquestsother than eth0, yeah18:04
johnyquestsbut dhcpd -d gives listening on eth0!18:05
Walexjohnyquests: anyhow, the ISC DHCP3 server can print a lot of stuff in verbose/debug mode that tells you what it is doing.18:05
daftykins^ yeah run it in non-daemon mode to see what's going on18:06
daftykinsalso check your config, maybe your scope has a typo18:06
johnyquestshow do i run it in non daemon mode? just dhcpd?18:06
daftykinsor read its' docs18:06
Walexjohnyquests: for example, open a terminal, 'sudo service isc-dhcp-server stop' and then 'sudo dhcpd -f -d' and see what it prints18:06
Walexjohnyquests: standard ways to find docs: 'man -k SOMETHING' and look under '/usr/share/doc/' for the manual18:07
martin__Hi! I just received this error during boot: "The disk drive for /tmp is not present or not ready yet". It appeared for ~5 seconds, then re-appeared for ~5 seconds again. The error is not causing any problems, I can use the /tmp folder once I am logged in. How can I diagnose this? Thanks18:08
johnyquestsalright..it says the same as before...listening on eth018:08
Walexmartin__: that is exceedingly bizarre...18:08
johnyquestssending on eth018:08
johnyquestsand also sending on fallback18:08
Walexmartin__: check in the '/var/log/' files if something is sending that out.18:08
Walexjohnyquests: and what is sending requests?18:09
johnyquestsdhcpd's output18:09
Walexjohnyquests: oh my... 'dhcpd' is a server. it waits for requests. Which other client system is sending DHCP requests?18:10
Walexjohnyquests: if you are running a DHCP server you must have some client system that requests to be assigned some IP address and other parameters...18:10
johnyquestsWalex: i have a pi connected to the system via an ethernet cable18:10
Walexjohnyquests: perfect. Does 'tcpdump' show its requests?18:11
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:11
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:11
johnyquestsWalex:it didnt before...i'll try again now18:11
Walexjohnyquests: if 'tcpdump -i eth0 dhcp' does not show anything, the DHCP server will do nothing.18:11
felix_francuhi, how can i get Xlib/Xfree86 development packages?18:13
johnyquestsWalex:Nope..nothing whatsoever on 'tcpdump -i eth0'18:13
Walexfelix_francu: 'apt-get cache search development xorg' might help18:14
Walexjohnyquests: then your RPi is not asking for any IP addresses.18:14
johnyquestsWalex: alright..but the dhcping was also not getting any replies18:14
Walexfelix_francu: more precisely 'apt-cache search development xorg | sort | less'18:15
Walexjohnyquests: that's another matter.18:15
Walexjohnyquests: 'dhcping' from which node? From the RPi?18:15
nekinikI have some free space. I would like to merge it with /home partition. How to do that?18:15
Walexnekinik: that is usually a bad idea. However if they are contiguous you can reside partition and filesystem with something like 'parted'. It usually works. Hopefully you have backups.18:16
Walexjohnyquests: that's not a good idea...18:16
martin__Walex: None of the files in /var/log contain this error message18:17
nekinikwalex, how do I mount it as some /path?18:17
Walexjohnyquests: if you can login into the RPi run the DHCP client program manually.18:17
nekinikgparted doesnt show option to assign the path to partition18:17
johnyquestsWalex:i'll try that...18:17
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:17
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:17
DJonesEnglish | CHIKO18:18
Walexnekinik: 'gparted' just allocated the space. Then  you either use the 'mount' command (as in 'man 8 mount') or you add a line to '/etc/fstab'.18:18
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:18
CHIKO main nate apow dale ni18:18
DJones!en | CHIKO18:18
ubottuCHIKO: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:18
felix_francuwhat to choose from that list?18:19
CHIKO sorry18:19
CHIKO sorry18:19
Walexjohnyquests: something like 'sudo dhclient -d -v'18:19
johnyqueststhanks people...i'll try it18:19
CHIKO!bank 26985318:20
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Areckxwhere are the info documents located? I am trying to find where the path is, there is no /usr/local/info ; also, how can I find locations of files, such as the script being executed, using a command?18:25
felix_francu:)) now i need FreeType18:26
AreckxI used mlocate and learned about strace, thank you18:29
deadmundI have a second harddrive in my desktop (currently not formatted).  What is the best way to utilize this space considering I don't want to reinstall my OS?18:29
handueldeadmund: is it a hard driver or partition18:29
deadmundhanduel: It is an unformatted hdd18:30
handueldeadmund: Ok, you need to look into setting up fstab to use /home on a seperate hdd18:30
deadmundhanduel: why move home?18:30
handueldeadmund: easiest to do, and makes most sense18:31
handueldeadmund: most other folders can be needed at boot18:31
deadmundhanduel: Why?  Then I will have a bunch of empty space on my first hdd (where /home used to be)18:31
handueldeadmund: leaves you lots of room for docs on /home on second drive, and lots of room for more programs on first drive18:32
shankstaByteshey how can i see if a program is installed in the command line?18:32
deadmundhanduel: my / partitions is never going to grow to fill a hdd.18:32
deadmundshankstaBytes: try to run it, do you know the name?18:32
handueldeadmund: in that case don't bother using the second drive18:32
th0rdeadmund: you can format the drive and then mount it someplace within home....'data' maybe. You can then use it for large data items like pictures, music, video18:32
handueldeadmund: if there isn't a space issue on the first drive, a second one isn't needed18:33
deadmundth0r: is it proper to mount it in /home/deadmund/  ?  Seems it should be in /mnt  ?18:33
deadmundI'll follow this guide:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive18:34
deadmundseems legit18:34
th0rdeadmund: /home/deadmund would be fine. I would then move all my large data folders to /home/deadmund/data, or whatever you decide to call it. You could also create several partitions on that drive and mount one as /home/deadmund/pictures, one as /home/deadmund/music...etc18:34
deadmundth0r: clever idea! :)18:35
wjtayloranyone know how to remove the path with nginx?18:37
jeremiah_To clone an hdd, would "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb" work?18:41
deadmundjeremiah_: If those are the correct hdd's (I believe it's fine that you didn't spec partitions)18:42
jeremiah_deadmund, K thanks.18:42
deadmundjeremiah_: It is slow and it will not show you progress by default18:43
jeremiah_deadmund,  Any way to have it show prgoress?18:43
JPetersonhow do i navigate back from18:43
JPetersonD     : show the differences between the versions18:43
mkaniAny idea if the office productivity will have major changes as nothing has really come to note for me.18:43
myrmidettehello, I have no sound in ubuntu precise. When I try to play something with mplayer, it says18:44
myrmidette[AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory18:44
landlordhello guys18:44
myrmidetteI googled the error and none of the solutions I saw at first worked18:44
JPetersonin `do-release-upgrade`18:44
myrmidetteI just did a full upgrade18:45
myrmidetteof packages18:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:45
JPetersonwhy don't i get a colored diff?18:45
JPetersonwhy are these options missing18:47
JPeterson4. show a side-by-side difference between the versions18:47
JPeterson5. show a 3-way difference between available versions18:47
JPeterson6. do a 3-way merge between available versions (experimental)18:47
FloodBot1JPeterson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
myrmidettefor some reason everything works when I run as root, any ideas for locating the issues18:48
myrmidetteeverything is turned on and unmuted in alsamixer18:48
Walexmyrmidette: for various reasons OSS is no longer much used as a sound system.18:48
blues_have an annoying problem. I've got a 13.04 ubuntu server box setup as a media server for my house running deluge, plex media server, etc...  Data is stored on an NFS share that mounts at boot.  My problem is that deluge is apparently starting prior to the nfs mounting.. so torrents through errors and i have to pause then manually recheck to make them "see" the data on the nfs shares.  Is there something i can do to ma18:48
blues_ke nfs shares come up faster / delay deluge starting?18:48
Walexmyrmidette: configure 'mplayer' to use ALSA or PulseAudio as the sound system it uses.18:49
blues_through = throw18:49
myrmidettebut aplay doesn't work either18:49
SonikkuAmericamyrmidette: Which Ubuntu flavor are you using? (Type !flavor for more info)18:49
myrmidettedefault with mate18:49
Walexmyrmidette: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html#troubles18:50
Llewxamcan anyone help me out here please? lost all sound on ubuntu 10.04 on a hp pav dv6700 laptop. hardware is not recognized in any way, not even with livecd. all i get is dummy output. tried all forum posts and troubleshooting guides and nothing has helped fix it.18:50
gorav I am using command CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/sss and its giving me error CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH: command not found18:51
goravwhat's the issue?18:51
WalexLlewxam: as a rule the easiest solution in cases like yours is to use a little USB sound card.18:51
Walexgorav: that probably is not a command, it is an assignment to a Bourne-style environment variable.18:52
JPetersonwhich key navigate back from this option in `do-release-upgrade`18:52
JPetersonD     : show the differences between the versions18:52
goravWalex, What should I use instead ?18:53
shankstaBytesi have a prorgam installed in /opt how can i remove it?18:53
blues_maybe a better way of phrasing my question : How do i delay the start of a program set to start on boot?18:53
SlartLlewxam: was the audio card recognized in earlier versions of ubuntu or this is the first time you've tried it?18:54
LlewxamSlart: was recognized in all earlier versions i've used. been with 10.04 since launch. first time this ever happened.18:54
Slartblues_: shouldn't systemd or whatever "run-things-in-proper-order"-framework handle this? I'm assuming you don't just want to start it some time later but that you're waiting for something.. network connection perhaps18:55
myrmidetteWalex, can I remove oss?18:55
trismblues_: you might try: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/InitScript/Ubuntu%2011.04%2B%20(Upstart%20Job) combined with http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#start-a-job-when-a-particular-filesystem-is-about-to-be-mounted18:55
myrmidettefrom my system18:55
blues_slart: need to hold my torrent client from starting till my nfs shares are up18:55
Liam`i just switched to 13.04, and i'm using a nvidia graphics card. i had the issues with the drivers before on 12.10, and i don't remember how i fixed it, before. i used the guide (here: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-ringtail-nvidia.html), but after i restart/restart lightdm, it loads the ubuntu background with right click, but no unity18:55
SlartLlewxam: try it with a livecd, if that doesn't work I would report a bug against the kernel.. of course google around to see if it's a known problem18:55
Liam`would installing another desktop work? (cinnamon maybe?)18:56
Liam`if cinnamon even works on the current release18:56
trismblues_: this is assuming deluge still hasn't be converted to upstart, doesn't seem to be from a quick look at the package18:56
LlewxamSlart: already tried with livecd had the same issue. not just with ubuntu livecd's but also with other distros.18:56
blues_trism: no i dont think it has been18:56
Slartblues_: I would look into writing a small script that starts your torrent client and make it wait until that nfs share is up and running.. a for loop with a delay and some kind of "check if this file exists" logic18:56
trismblues_: yeah bug 1096267 seems to confirm18:57
ubottubug 1096267 in deluge (Ubuntu) "Please provide an upstart job" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109626718:57
SlartLlewxam: ok, and you're sure that it's not a hardware malfunction? if not I would look into reporting it as a bug against the kernel or similar18:57
shankstaBytesi have a prorgam installed in /opt how can i remove it?18:58
minimecLiam`: If switching means, that you still use your 'old' /home directory (I have a seperate /home partition), I would try to reset unity... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0418:58
LlewxamSlart: doubt it'd be hardware wise. could be.18:58
JPetersonwhich key navigate back from this option in `do-release-upgrade`18:58
JPeterson   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:18:58
JPetersonD     : show the differences between the versions18:58
Liam`no, clean install18:59
Liam`minimec: ^18:59
SlartLlewxam: just to make sure you're not wasting the kernel-developers time reporting a bug that isn't a bug18:59
LlewxamSlart: any way i CAN detect if it's hardware related?18:59
SlartLlewxam: well.. you said it worked in earlier versions of ubuntu, try to get an older livecd/live usb and try it again19:00
SlartLlewxam: installing windows on it might also be an option (although that is a bit of kludge since there are no windows live cd's)19:00
marinahow can i remove directory via terminal?19:01
daftykinsrm -r 'directory'19:01
daftykinslearning some CLI huh?19:01
SonikkuAmericaJPeterson: The N key will terminate the release upgrade... the Y key will proceed with it... the D key will list the updates, the new packages, and the obsolete packages.19:01
LlewxamSlart: i'll dig around for older versions. gotta have one around here some place. and no, no windows. ever.19:01
JPetersonSonikkuAmerica: the question refer to the key after D has been selected19:03
SlartLlewxam: here's to hoping it's a easy fix for the kernel developers.. so they can get back to fixing my network drivers =)19:03
LlewxamSlart: here's to hoping. thanks. i'll keep on tinkering. hopefully fix it too.19:04
Walexmyrmidette: why remove OSS? Unless you mean the OSS kernel driver, which no longer exists19:04
kristenbbhi, I have just installed ubuntu 13.04. My left edge of the screen, instead of being whatever is on the left  (such as the unity panel color) is filled with about 2 pixels of purple  color, from top to bottom. If I do a screenshot, it doesn't show these 2  pixels. Is that expected, and if not, how to get read of it ?19:05
myrmidetteWalex, nevermind then19:05
myrmidetteWalex, the troubleshooting page wasn't much help19:05
Walexmyrmidette: don't believe you.19:05
JPetersonthe answer is: the viewer is less, the key that navigate back is therefore q19:05
Walexmyrmidette: for example does it show something when you say 'aplay -L'?19:06
myrmidetteyes, plenty19:06
felix_francuback again with this problm19:06
SonikkuAmericaJPeterson: What happens after the D key is [ cat $changes_list | less ], where $changes_list is the list of what I just mentioned. Once you've seen the list, it cycles back to the y/n/d prompt.19:06
felix_francucannot create directory `/usr/local/lib/wine': Permission denied19:06
felix_francumake: *** [/usr/local/lib/wine] Error 119:06
JPetersonSonikkuAmerica: i didn't know that q navigate back19:06
Walexfelix_francu: just use the WINE precompiled packages. Don't do it yourself.19:06
myrmidetteWalex, I went through all the steps and got mostly-normal responses19:06
myrmidetteWalex, everything works when I play something as root19:07
felix_francutriyng to get darksiders to work...19:07
Walexmyrmidette: that's one of the questions in the troubleshooting guide.19:07
myrmidetteWalex, and I'm in the audio user group. Problem is in probably a config file19:07
SonikkuAmericaJPeterson: That's part of [ less ]; the q key will send you back to the y/n/d prompt when you're inside [ cat $changes_list | less ]19:07
Walexfelix_francu: I have bought a Crossover license, it is cheap and it works pretty well.19:07
myrmidetteI just don't know where or what it is19:07
JPetersonwhy are these options missing19:08
JPeterson4. show a side-by-side difference between the versions19:08
JPeterson5. show a 3-way difference between available versions19:08
Walexmyrmidette: it is not a config file probably if you cannot hear anything with 'aplay ....'19:08
felix_francuis any version of wine prepatched with raw3 and double buffer?19:08
SonikkuAmericafelix_francu: Even better, install PlayOnLinux.19:08
JPetersonwhy don't is the diff not colored?19:08
blues_trism: thanks, i think that has me taken care of, the piece i was missing was that second part from the recipe link19:08
myrmidetteWalex, any other ideas for why root can play but I can't?19:08
Walexmyrmidette: have you tried the 'speaker-test' program?19:08
felix_francuok, will try that19:08
SonikkuAmericafelix_francu: [ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:playonlinux/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install playonlinux ]19:08
felix_francuty :)19:08
pine734So... What do I use to burn a goddamn disc? The creator(s) of Brasera Disc Burner should be shot.19:09
pine734Brasero* Stupid name.19:09
myrmidetteWalex, works as root, doesn't as andrey19:09
JPetersonhow do i use my changes in case of a merge conflict?19:09
SonikkuAmericafelix_francu: From there you can select from a list of Windows apps and games to install. I used it to install League of Legends on Ubuntu (with some tweaking)19:09
myrmidetteoutput is the same in both cases19:09
myrmidettewell, mostly19:10
myrmidetteactually not the same, lemme pastebin19:10
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Walexmyrmidette: it ought to tell you if something is wrong.19:10
derpsup piggies?19:10
pine734So... What do I use to burn a goddamn disc? The creator(s) of Brasero Disc Burner should be shot.19:11
SonikkuAmerica!violence | pine73419:11
SonikkuAmerica!o4o | pine73419:11
ubottupine734: Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct19:11
pine734SonikkuAmerica: Instead of being an idiot, maybe you could answer my question?19:11
SonikkuAmericapine734: I was about to, kthx19:12
myrmidetteWalex, http://pastebin.com/HYnuxt7v19:12
pine734SonikkuAmerica: Troll.19:12
SonikkuAmericapine734: You can use K3b or Xfburn. Probably the latter is better if you have Unity.19:12
Walexmyrmidette: check the permissions on '/etc/asound.conf'19:13
SonikkuAmericapine734: Throwing a flag at you for citing a potentially illegal activity is not trolling.19:13
Walexmyrmidette: but thats strnage that the bugger and period sizes are so different.19:13
kristenbbhi, I have just installed ubuntu 13.04. My left edge of the screen, instead of being whatever is on the left  (such as the unity panel color) is filled with about 2 pixels of purple  color, from top to bottom. If I do a screenshot, it doesn't show these 2  pixels. Is that expected, and if not, how to get read of it ?19:13
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myrmidetteWalex, I don't have such a file :(19:13
Walexmyrmidette: also perhaps as 'andrey' you are using PulseAudio actually.,19:14
myrmidettequite likely19:14
Walexmyrmidette: also check what is in '~/.asound.conf'19:14
myrmidetteI don't have asound.conf anywhere19:14
martin__kristenbb: Have you installed video drivers?19:14
kristenbbmartin__: no19:14
martin__kristenbb: maybe it will fix it19:15
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!19:15
Walexmyrmidette: try again with 'speaker-test -D hw:0'19:15
kristenbbRicardio: what that for me ?19:16
kristenbbRicardio: was* that for me ?19:16
myrmidetteWalex, http://pastebin.com/RQBdn7SD19:16
myrmidettestderr also said Channels count (1) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument19:16
Walexmyrmidette: try again with 'speaker-test -D plughw:0'19:17
myrmidetteWalex, works now19:17
myrmidetteas andrey19:17
Walexmyrmidette: then your PulseAudio setup is probably wrong.19:17
Walexmyrmidette: in some way or another.19:17
Walexmyrmidette: there are a few online resources on how to test your PulseAudio setup.19:19
myrmidetteyeah, looking at them now19:19
myrmidettethank you!19:19
PhysmartHello. I have a problem. When I insert mi SD card, my system doesn't recognize it. What is the command line to list all devices?19:20
WalexPhysmart: depends... have a look at 'lshw', 'lsscsi', 'lsusb'19:20
SonikkuAmericaPhysmart: I'd think in your case [ lspci ]19:21
martin__Physmart: Try 'mount' as well19:23
JPetersonhow do i stop on these `do-release-upgrade` messages only in case of 3 way merge conflict?19:24
JPetersonConfiguration file `/etc/file'19:24
JPeterson ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.19:24
PhysmartI get an error.19:25
blues_ok, i was overly optimistic... i changed my deluge.conf to reflect the following change : start on (mounting TYPE=nfs MOUNTPOINT= /nfsmounts/Downloads and networking) or runlevel [2345]19:25
blues_and now deluged isn't starting at all..19:25
PhysmartHappened after I unplugged the devide.19:25
SonikkuAmericaAfggh: Hello again.19:25
AfgghI am having a hard time using ubuntu . :l19:25
AfgghNo audio video is getting played.19:26
Doomhammerhi, i have a usb wireless adapter, and i can see my wireless network with "iwlist wlan1 scan", but when i try to connect it more or less acts like my password is wrong19:26
Doomhammeri.e., it just re-displays the password prompt without an error or anything19:26
AfgghAre there no click to install setups in ubuntu?19:27
treetreetr33thgere are some19:27
AfgghHow to get them?19:28
AfgghI just downloaded vlc and it gave me a tar.xz file19:28
IdleOneAfggh: use the Software Center19:29
AfgghUsb modem not workng...bluetooth too19:30
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:31
AfgghFedora was lot easier.19:31
AfgghOnce i installed fedora...atleast video and audio were playing19:33
MonkeyDustAfggh  try installing restricted-extras19:35
AfgghWhat is it?19:35
daftykinsa package of extras that are restricted.19:35
AfgghWhy are they restricted?19:36
daftykinssome codecs can't be bundled in certain countries19:36
AfgghIt gives some codec errors.19:37
MonkeyDust!info ubuntu-restricted-extras19:38
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB19:38
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shadejcan any body tell me how to setup mail server on ubuntu 13.0420:05
shadejcan any body tell me how to setup mail server on ubuntu 13.04?20:06
ospi3is it possible with thunderbird to backup all emails as text files (one email one file)?20:06
StevenRospi3: how are you storing your mail currently?20:06
shadejor to make my question shorter20:07
shadeji am setting up a mail server for ubuntu as a course project20:07
shadejdo i need to first setup DNS server or20:07
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ospi3is it possible with thunderbird to backup all emails as text files (one email one file)? if not which email client permits to do that?20:08
ospi3help :)20:08
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SonikkuAmerica!patience | shadej20:09
shadejSonikkuAmerica: ok, i am repeating my question because the page scrolling up quickly20:10
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OiCoryHey guys, I'm installing OpenVPN on my Ubuntu server 12.10, I'm following an official Ubuntu.com guide, but I'm stuck20:10
SonikkuAmericashadej: OK20:11
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: link please? (to the page)20:11
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openvpn.html20:11
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Mage_DudeI've got my nodes registered with the MAAS regions controller, but they're stuck at commissioning. The docs say to look at a specific help page online, but going to the page says look at the docs! Documentation infinite loop?20:12
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: I couldnt find 12.10 specific docs, but I was told 12.04 is the same20:13
Mage_DudeThey start doing the PXE boot, but then it seems to timeout and try to boot from the harddisk, but nothing has been installed.20:13
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: However, when I get to the block about "cd.... source vars" i get Please source the vars script first (i.e. "source ./vars")   Make sure you have edited it to reflect your configuration."20:14
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OiCorySonikkuAmerica: Then when I try "source ./vars" it says "error: source command not found"20:14
ubottujswizz8: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:15
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: Make sure gcc, g++ and make are all installed.20:15
ospi3StevenR: any idea?20:15
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: All installed and uptodate.20:16
ospi3is it possible with thunderbird to backup all emails as simple text files (one email one file)? if not, which email client permits to do that?20:16
shadejcan any body tell me how to setup mail server on ubuntu 13.04?20:16
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: Try installing "source" via apt-get20:16
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: No such package20:16
ospi3help! help!! help!!! :)20:17
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: You are inside /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ right?20:18
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: yessir/ma'am20:18
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: Sir is good, I'm a guy20:18
SonikkuAmericaOiCory: At this point, if you have that all set up correctly before... I'd probably want to check to see if someone's in #ubuntu-server .20:19
ospi3is it possible with thunderbird to backup all emails as simple text files (one email one file)? if not, which email client permits to do that?20:20
OiCorySonikkuAmerica: Alright. brb20:21
seppohey, I am unable to install ubuntu 12.04 from usb stic, I am currently running it live from it20:22
seppoWhat to do_20:22
seppoEverytime I click install it restarts and comes back to the screen try or install20:22
seppolike a loop20:22
Nimbledoes anyone know how I can see what binary blobs are in my kernel?20:24
ospi3is it possible with thunderbird to backup all emails as simple text files (one email one file)? if not, which email client permits to do that?20:24
sandrodonofriociao list20:24
ospi3well guess nobody here knows....bye bye20:24
shankstaBytesi have a prorgam installed in /opt how can i remove it?20:26
SonikkuAmericashankstaBytes: How did it get there?20:26
shankstaBytesSonikkuAmerica: dont remember20:27
SonikkuAmericashankstaBytes: Try cd'ing into the folder inside /opt where it's located, then type "make uninstall"20:27
seppoAnyone know why my usb-stick-ubuntu-64 wont install, it restarts and brings me back to menu to try it live or install, it works perfectly except it doesnt install20:28
Slartseppo: no error messages? the install goes through the motions and looks like it's doing things?20:28
seppoSlart:  after asking all the questions how to perform install it  restarts, looks like intentionally, but then comes back to the screen of try  or install20:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:29
seppoeverything starts from beginning20:29
seppoSlart:  like a loop20:29
Slartseppo: odd.. I don't really recall what the installer looks like any more but I don't think it's supposed to restart if you're doing the install from a live cd20:30
Mitchell92Hi... Running Xubuntu. Just installed the nVidia Driver on my desktop computer, but now it looks like I have no 3D acceleration.20:30
seppoSlart:  im doing it from live-usb-stick20:30
yousafhi all20:30
Slartseppo: if I remember correctly it just does its thing and you can play mine sweeper or do some casual web-surfing until the install is done20:30
yousafat the moment my webserver  default home is at /var/www/ how can I change this to /var/www/laravel/public_html?20:31
Slartseppo: usb live stick / live cd... I'm assuming they act the same way20:31
MonkeyDustyousaf  #ubuntu-server20:31
seppoSlart:  can my computer be the cause ? I have i7 64 almost 3y old, and it says you should have win8 logo or similar. i am trying to install 12.04. However I had 12.10 earlier and it worked fine20:31
usr13yousaf: symlinks is how I do it and I just use /home/user/public_html20:31
Slartyousaf: last time I read up on apache I think you were supposed to create separate configurations for each web-site... not change the default site20:31
seppoSlart:  i think it was 64bit too20:32
yousafSlart, how do I do that?20:32
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Slartseppo: I doubt your computer is to blame.. I run an old 64 bit amd piece of crap.. perhaps it's to new =)20:32
usr13yousaf: Set up a new user for each page if you want, that way, everyone's files are owned and accessed only by the user they belong to.20:32
seppoSlart:  but are you running the 64bit version of ubuntu or 32_20:33
Slartyousaf: I don't really remember I just remember being surprised when I read it because I had always done it the way you're trying to do it20:33
Slartseppo: 6420:33
seppoSlart:  you got 12.04 ?20:33
usr13yousaf: But you can just have /home/user/public_html-1 and /home/user/public_html-2 etc. etc.  no problem.20:33
Slartseppo: 12.10 at the moment.. but I upgraded from 12.0420:33
usr13yousaf: ... as many as you want.20:33
seppoSlart:  should I try with 13.x ? then, only that they said they wont support it as long as 12.04 so it was confusing20:34
Slartseppo: I think 12.04 is a Long Term Support (LTS) release.. 12.10 is just a normal release..20:35
Slartseppo: you can see how long each version is supported here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS20:36
usr13seppo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases20:36
Mitchell92I activated Nouveau but only 1monitor is turning on, on my dual monitor setup. Any suggestions?20:36
shadejcan any body tell me the things i need inorder to setup an email server on ubunt13.0420:36
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usr13yousaf: symlinks are easier (IMO).20:38
usr13yousaf: And the files are easier to deal with when they are just in /home/user/what-ever/20:38
usr13shadej: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer20:39
OiCoryAnyone else see the flood bot in this channel?20:44
PoolShark_I see three of them20:45
mladouxyeah, they are there to stop people from flooding.20:45
shadejusr13: do i need to install DNS server ?20:46
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usr13shadej: No20:46
shadejusr13:  so if i selected to use mail.example.com as my domain name20:47
shadejhow will the sever know it?20:47
usr13shadej: That is an issue you'll solve on the router.20:47
shadejusr13: oh, i dont have access to the router20:48
shadejam just a student20:48
shadejcan't i use my localhost just for test purpose20:49
usr13shadej: Yes, and in that case, edit /etc/hosts20:50
shadejusr13: that is what i want20:50
shadejso i can put mail.example.com
usr13shadej: Other way around.     mail.exammple.com20:52
shadejusr13: sure20:52
usr13shadej: With that line, you ping mail.example.com and you'll be pinging the localhost20:52
shadejusr13: yeah20:52
ScatterBrainHow do I add multiple IP addresses to one NIC?  (I want a block of say 5 addresses on the same physical card).20:53
ScatterBrainI can still do eth1:1, eth1:2, etc...right?20:53
usr13ScatterBrain: Yes20:53
ScatterBrainAnd in 12.04, the out of "ifconfig" for the "virtual" interfaces looks different than older versions....20:54
ScatterBrainthat's expected too, right/20:54
ScatterBrainthere are no stats reported on the virtuals.20:55
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usr13ScatterBrain: sudo ifconfig eth1:1 up ; sudo ifconfig eth1.2  etc. etc.20:55
shankstaByteshow can i remove a menu item?20:55
shankstaBytesi remove the folder from opt now i want to remove the menu item20:56
sharadMi had windows on my system. somebody formatted it to ubuntu. is there any way i can recover my lost data?20:56
usr13shankstaBytes: It will be gone next time  you login (I think...)20:57
usr13sharadM: Not if it's been re-formatted.20:57
kostkonshankstaBytes, check in ~/.local/share/applications20:58
usr13sharadM: ... but if it's a dual boot system, or if Ubuntu was installed "alongside" MS Windows, no problem, your datta will still be there, (on the other partition(s).20:58
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. looking to clone a win7ultx64 boot usb to a slightly smaller one using dd. I understand that if the target drive is smaller you have to take some extra steps. could anyone please give me a hand here?20:59
usr13sharadM: sudo fdisk -l  #To see what partitions you have.20:59
sharadMusr13: m afraid it was formatted21:00
usr13sharadM: Ok. Never mind then...21:00
ntzrmtthihu777usr13: Ah, thankya. I could not remember the exact syntax on that one.21:00
sharadMusr13: so is it impossible to recover my lost data now?21:01
ntzrmtthihu777sharadM: depends, but it will be a tricky proposition to do so.21:01
ScatterBrainHA!  Looks like the issue was on my ISP end.  I moved those IPs from one server to another and they thought it was spoofing or something.21:01
ScatterBrainThey fixed it and now all is well in the world!21:01
ScatterBrainThanks for the help usr1321:02
ntzrmtthihu777sharadM: depeding on the data type you can grep the /dev/sdxy for it21:02
fission6the time on my ubunutu server seems off when i do date21:02
sharadMntzrmtthihu777: can you plz elaborate?21:02
fission6how can i keep this synced/updated21:02
daftykinsfission6: NTP21:03
fission6i installed it21:03
fission6still not synced21:03
ntzrmtthihu777sharadM: say you had a text file you are trying to recover. boot a live usb/cd on that system, and grep the partition that housed the file for some of its contents (could take a while depending on drive size)21:03
daftykinsfission6: it syncs slowly if you don't manually set it21:03
fission6so give it time?21:03
fission6what is slowly21:03
kionComputer can not find or activate ethernet internet or wireless21:04
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fission6ah it synced21:04
joelmoI have to install a newer kernel image, I have ubuntu raring, can i choose saucy from this list or is it alot better to stich with raring from this list http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/21:04
fission6where should i put the ntp service so it runs on startup21:04
usr13fission6: /etc/rc.local21:05
sharadMntzrmtthihu777: but inmy case, i already have my system formatted from windows to ubuntu. the filesystem for the entire disk is now ext4..21:05
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kionComputer can not find or activate ethernet internet or wireless21:06
daftykinskion: you tend to only get replied to once you ASK A QUESTION21:06
ntzrmtthihu777sharadM: its kinda a dark art. I've never done it myself. Yeah, it could still be possibly recoverable, but with an entire reformat from ntfs/fat to ext4 i doubt anyone short of a pro could get it.21:06
fission6usr13 do i add sudo service ntp start21:06
usr13fission6: you can just use something like  ntpdate pool.ntp.org21:06
usr13fission6: no sudo21:06
aj_hi, I see that my gpu gets turned on periodically without me switching it on.21:06
ntzrmtthihu777!caps | daftykins21:06
ubottudaftykins: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:06
aj_any solution?21:06
daftykinsntzrmtthihu777: fo.21:06
kionok how do i get internet on to a computer that does no recognize any form of connection21:06
fission6thanks usr21:07
usr13kion: "a computer that does no recognize any form of connection"?21:07
kionto the internet21:08
sharadMkion: use sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces21:08
usr13kion: What doesn't it recognize?21:08
ntzrmtthihu777well aren't we rude :  daftykins> | seriously you highlight me again with that bullshit, go fuck21:08
ntzrmtthihu777          yourself pal.21:08
kionany internet connection what so ever21:08
FloodBot1ntzrmtthihu777: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:08
daftykinsntzrmtthihu777: don't flood :)21:08
sharadMntzrmtthihu777: haha. thanks anyways. it will be a nice task to do. anyone wanna take the challenge?:P21:09
=== Playb3yond_ is now known as Playb3yond
kionit says vim: command not found21:10
usr13kion: vi21:11
sharadMkion: type in ifconfig on your shell. now see whether the adapters shown by ifconfig are present in /etc/network/interfaces21:11
sharadMkion: u may use vi21:11
usr13kion:  What is your problem?21:12
DarwinSurvivorHi, does anyone know what the default partition table is for a new 13.04 install (just the list of partitions, not the sizes)?21:12
kionit says #interfaces (5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown (8) auto lo iface lo inet loopback21:12
kionno internet even when i plug it in directly21:12
usr13kion: Does your LAN have DHCP server running?21:13
kioni have no idea how would i find that out21:13
usr13kion: Do you know the IP of your gateway router?21:14
sharadMkion: what does ifconfig say?21:14
kionwhen i type in ifconfig it says link encap:local loopback21:14
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histokion: route -n21:15
kionno i do not21:15
usr13kion: What is on the line that starts with "21:15
usr13 inet addr:21:15
ntzrmtthihu777histo: oo, thanks for that. I could likely use that info :P21:15
kion"/etc/network/interfaces" 3 lines, 82 characters is the only thing that has " infrount of it21:15
kionthe route -n doesnt have ANYthing besides gate way gen mask flags metric ref or use Iface21:16
histokion: is this a desktop machine?21:16
jayseeI was wondering, now that the flames around secure boot have dies down a bit, is it possible to convert a currently running system running only ubuntu to allow for secure boot. It's already running in uefi mode. If so, any suggestions on how to do it?21:16
histokion: are you trying to use wired or wireless?21:16
histokion: So it's a command line based system?21:16
usr13kion: In the output of ifconfig;  What is on the line that starts with "inet addr:" ?21:16
kionbut wired does not work either21:16
zykotick9kion: you really should install vim, using vi (which is really vim-tiny) is horrid compared to vim ;)21:16
histokion: lspci | grep Network21:17
histokion: what chipset is your wireless card21:17
usr13kion: iwconfig  #What does that say?21:17
ntzrmtthihu777ok, question. If I know the exact amount of 512b sectors both my usb devices have could I use the count parameter to copy from a slightly larger usb to a slightly smaller one with dd?21:17
sharadMkion: are you getting wlan0 or something like that when you run ifconfig?21:17
kionit says inet addr: mask 255.0.0 it is a broadcom 4311 i do belive21:17
histo!broadcom | kion21:17
kionno it just says lookback21:17
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:17
usr13kion: (Does iwconfig say "no wireless extensions"?)21:18
histokion: You need firmware for your wireless card21:18
usr13kion: For all devices?...21:18
kioni have downloaded A:: firmware21:18
usr13kion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:18
kioni have tried it21:19
kionI have been here over 15 times so all the links have been given to me and do not work.21:19
usr13kion: Maybe you just need to reboot.21:19
kionnope i have tried that as well21:19
ntzrmtthihu777kion: don't suppose you are anywhere near corpus christi? :P21:19
jugglehow can i install mysql with apt-get install ?21:19
sharadMkion: is your wifi device fine?21:19
usr13kion: You may have missed a step in the process.21:19
kionuhhh no21:19
kionyes the wifi is fine21:19
kionhow would i correct missing a step21:20
usr13kion: Try again...21:20
kioni have reinstalled it 3 times21:20
histokion: which driver did you install?21:20
kionwhat do you mean21:20
sharadMkion: wifi driver21:21
histokion: well on that page it tells you to download firmware and run a wifi driver21:21
fluffybunnyuk_hi heres a wierd one. does anyone have the ubuntu motd21:21
kioni did that21:21
kioni have tried all combinations21:21
histokion: you should be able to install bcmwl-kernel-source and sudo modprobe wl21:22
sharadMkion: are you just starting with ubuntu?21:22
kioni have that downloaded21:22
histokion: which driver is currently loaded?  if you lspci -k   it will show you which kernel driver is in use21:22
Ben64easy solution - get a different wireless card21:22
histokion: the easiest way to sort this mess is to plug in a wire get internet working and use the Additional Drivers dialog to install the proper drivers21:23
fluffybunnyuk_since its a short script i was hoping someone could pastebin it for me plz21:23
ntzrmtthihu777do I need to format a usb stick to the correct fs before cloning onto it with dd? or does dd'ing do that for you?21:23
histofluffybunnyuk_: hold up21:23
kioni did plug in a wired conection it won't show up either21:23
histofluffybunnyuk_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746424/21:23
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: if you do a partition, dd will do it for you.21:23
sharadMkion: goto step zero. install ubuntu again. it will be a good exercise..:P21:24
fluffybunnyuk_the one that prints system information. thx :D21:24
usr13kion: ifconfig   #Does it show a section for eth0 ?21:24
histokion: Won't show up where? Is this a command line system or do you have a desktop installed?  What are you using to manage the network connection?21:24
kionthe proper drivers are installed and when i install them it stoped the wired internet from working and i already said i reinstalled it 3 times21:24
ntzrmtthihu777usr13: I'm attempting a full clone. I don't have a windows install available, so I don't have a way to reburn the windows iso to usb21:24
histokion: lspci | grep Ethernet21:24
histokion: what chipset is your wired card21:24
ntzrmtthihu777usr13: so I don't wanna ruin/lose it, but i need the usb its on for a particular purpose, so I wan't to clone it over to the other usb21:25
fluffybunnyuk_the one that shows System load: 0.0               Memory usage: 8%   Processes:       75  Usage of /:  12.0% of 7.49GB   Swap usage:   0%   Users logged in: 0 i meant :p21:25
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: top will do that for you :P21:25
kionbroadcom corporation bcm4401-bo 100base-yx21:25
fluffybunnyuk_i think or heard its an ubuntu thing controlled by the pam_motd21:26
sharadMkion: use lspci|grep Wireless as well21:26
usr13kion: ifconfig   #Does it show a section for eth0 ?21:26
fluffybunnyuk_top consumes clock cycles21:26
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: or inxi :P -- CPU~Dual core AMD Athlon II X2 240e (-MCP-) clocked at 800.000 Mhz Kernel~3.2.0-45-generic x86_64 Up~23:05 Mem~1415.0/2943.5MB HDD~516.0GB(26.0% used) Procs~197 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.421:26
jayseeI was wondering, now that the flames around secure boot have dies down a bit, is it possible to convert a currently running system running only ubuntu to allow for secure boot. It's already running in uefi mode. If so, any suggestions on how to do it?21:27
histokion: what are you using to manage your network?21:27
histo!uefi | jaysee21:27
Ben64fluffybunnyuk_: what happened to yours21:27
ubottujaysee: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:27
kionwhat do you mean21:27
fluffybunnyuk_aha cool thx inxi is what i want21:27
usr13kion: lsusb -a   #Tell us what version number you have.21:28
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: it has several levels of verbosity, can give you quite alot of information about your system. I can demo it to you if you like in a query :P21:28
usr13kion: lsb_release -a   #Tell us what version number you have.21:28
histokion: You still have answered if this is a desktop or command line based system21:28
fluffybunnyuk_what happened to mine? well i dont run ubuntu and i needed something similar21:28
kionit doesnt say21:28
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: inxi is a bash script, no install per se. I can pastebin it for you would you like :P21:28
fluffybunnyuk_interesting.is it difficult to script? i mean time consuming21:28
usr13kion:  Release:   xx.xx  ?21:28
kiondoes not say21:29
fluffybunnyuk_sure plz so i can have a lok at it21:29
usr13kion: lsb_release -a    doesn't say anything?21:29
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: depends. simple scripts are simple, lol. basically the cooler it is the harder it is XD21:29
kioni see it syas 12.0421:29
ntzrmtthihu777fluffybunnyuk_: but, all you have to do with this is drop it somewhere in you $PATH variable21:29
Ben64kion: are you on something other than ubuntu21:29
fluffybunnyuk_tell me about it my giant bunny with my name under it took me hr to do with ascii coloured art21:29
kionno it is 12.0421:29
fluffybunnyuk_cool /etc/screen tho21:30
usr13kion: What does Distributor ID: say?21:30
Ben64kion: bodhi, backtrack, etc etc21:30
kionim using ubuntu21:30
usr13kion: Did you do a full install?21:30
* ntzrmtthihu777 obligatory "wubi sucks" post21:31
urbano2hello guys - hola gente, algún español que sepa de debian, necesito ayuda con python21:32
ntzrmtthihu777!es | urbano221:32
ubottuurbano2: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:32
usr13kion: See:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/14970/broadcom-bcm4401-b0-100base-tx-issues21:32
histousr13: he probably rmmod'd the module for his wired21:33
usr13histo: He said that when he tried to install software for the Wireless chip, his ethernet quit21:34
urbano2guys, please help! I need to know the volume level (people talking ) in my raspberry. I'm working with python21:35
urbano2nobody know python ? ...21:36
histourbano2: as in the #raspberry-pi channel21:36
histourbano2: sorry #raspberrypi21:36
ntzrmtthihu777urbano2: or maybe the #python channel?21:36
urbano2I'm jumping like frog from channel to channel jaja21:37
OerHeksor #ubuntu-arm ?21:37
kionit did not woek21:37
enkwiringmindzhow to install ubuntu on windows 8 without wubi?21:38
histourbano2: what do you want to do with the volume level exactly?21:38
ntzrmtthihu777enkwiringmindz: very carefully. !uefi21:38
histoenkwiringmindz: you just install along side windows. Make sure you download a 64bit version and it will work with uefi21:39
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:39
urbano2in simple : ilumine leds .21:39
histourbano2: based on volume level?21:39
chrisd__i have a question about a home network in ubuntu21:39
urbano2yep :)21:39
kostkonurbano2, with gstreamer maybe?21:39
histourbano2: please ask in #raspberrypi i'll be able to help you there.21:39
urbano2histo, i cant talk there :/21:40
urbano2Here is my proyect :21:40
histourbano2: Why can't you talk there?  PM me21:40
enkwiringmindzok, not gonna lie, sounds scary...thanks21:40
histoenkwiringmindz: it's not scary it's how windows 8 is booting right now21:41
Ben64need to be registered for #raspberrypi21:41
histoenkwiringmindz: ubuntu works with uefi so it's a smooth transition21:41
histo!register | urbano221:41
ubottuurbano2: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:41
urbano2Study of the acoustic pollution in higschool classroms21:41
enkwiringmindzok going to give it a try21:42
rootedhow can i format a usb stick in ubuntu ?? 13.0421:42
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MonkeyDustrooted  gparted is one way21:42
MonkeyDustrooted  you mean: deleted everything on it?21:43
chrisd__can anyone help me with a home networking issue?21:43
ntzrmtthihu777rooted: gparted is good for any partition manipulation :P21:43
chrisd__ok here is my problem21:43
chrisd__I have a windows 7 machine, that gets its internet connection through my android phone, using pdanet.  I have a raspberry pi, that i want to connect either by router or direct ethernet connection to the desktop, and i want the raspberry pi to use the internet connection through my win7 machine how would i do this?21:45
Doomhammerhi, i have a rtl8192cu usb wireless card, which can see networks but cannot associate -- i'm using the latest raring git kernel, and still no luck - any ideas?21:45
Myrttichrisd__: how is this a ubuntu problem?21:45
chrisd__i know it has to be done through the ip settings but how?21:45
Doomhammernamely, i think it is this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/85219021:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852190 in linux (Ubuntu) "7392:7811 Edimax EW-7811Un USB dongle won't connect to networks (rtl8192cu module)" [Medium,Confirmed]21:46
chrisd__because im using ubuntu on the raspberry pi21:46
rootedits seems gparted cannot format my usb stick for unknown file system , any idea ?21:46
ntzrmtthihu777Doomhammer: sug sug21:46
Doomhammerntzrmtthihu777: what?21:46
NickGrooted: what type of filesystem was it?21:46
ntzrmtthihu777Doomhammer: lol. your nick. its a character in WarCraft, twas a blizzard orcish greeting :P21:47
rootednickg its says unknown, but i fix it i need to unmount it21:47
Doomhammerntzrmtthihu777: ah, ofc21:47
NickGrooted:  you've already fixed it?  In your list of devices (location is dependant on which version of Ubuntu and your personal configuration) right click and click unmount21:48
guideXcan I upgrade 12.04 to the latest?21:48
Liam`when i try to shut down, it goes to the "Ubuntu 13.04" purple window, and shows a modem-manager error, then proceeds to show "root@mynetwork:~#" as if i opened a a virtual terminal21:49
Liam`this is a tad odd isn't it?21:49
NickGGuideX: you would need to go through the 12.10 upgrade21:49
Liam`like, it allows me to enter commands too >.>21:49
NickGand then from there to 13.0421:49
MonkeyDustguideX  12.04 --> 12.10 --> 13.0421:49
NickGLiam: type "shutdown"21:49
ntzrmtthihu777guideX: I would not suggest it, however :P21:49
ntzrmtthihu777Liam`: actually sudo shutdown -h now21:50
MonkeyDustguideX  backup and fresh install is faster, easier and cleaner21:50
NickGSorry, right21:50
NickGI've never done upgrades to be honest.  I've always done fresh isntalls21:50
ntzrmtthihu777guideX: what MonkeyDust said. a separate /home partition is your biggest friend in upgrading/distro hopping :P21:50
Liam`yeah, that doesn't work21:50
ntzrmtthihu777Liam`: sudo reboot?21:50
MonkeyDustntzrmtthihu777  +121:50
Liam`well, it attempts to shut down, then goes back to the login screen21:50
Liam`and THEN shuts down21:51
NickGLiam: cold shutdown21:51
NickGGood stuff then21:51
Liam`lemme try rebooting it and seeing if it does it again21:51
Liam`ok, so it only happens when i type "sudo shutdown now" from terminal21:53
Liam`if i use gnome/unity/cinnamon and it's menu option, it works fine21:53
Liam`thanks for the help.21:53
ntzrmtthihu777Liam`: np :P21:54
=== Neo is now known as pearler
evelyette_when I boot the 32-bit ubuntu livecd I get this error: ubuntu +livecd kernel panic not syncing vfs wn-block  ... why ?21:55
evelyette_I'm pressing "Install ubuntu" ...21:55
evelyette_I'm not sure why the livecd wouldn't boot ... I've just downloaded the new 12.10 iso and burned it to cd21:55
evelyette_any ideas anyone?21:55
OPSJonoAny ideas on what? (I've just joined)21:56
evelyette_ when I boot the 32-bit ubuntu livecd I get this error: ubuntu +livecd kernel panic not syncing vfs wn-block  ... why ?21:56
phillyjevelyette_: maybe it is corrupted during burning?21:56
Jean-Pierre_Dollmaybe cd is broken21:56
ntzrmtthihu777evelyette_: how did you burn the iso?21:56
beneterevelyette_: have you checked hashes?21:56
phaedraevelyette_, 12.10 insn't really the new one.  13.04 is the latest. are you sure you're not using the 13.10 iso?21:56
evelyette_I downloaded 12.04 because it has LTS21:58
ntzrmtthihu777and unless you have a genuine reason, i generally discourage jumping to the latest version simply because its the latest.21:58
phaedraevelyette_,  run a md5 check on the iso to make sure it's not corrupted21:58
evelyette_phaedra, is there any good tool for that on Windows?21:59
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OPSJonoIf you want a good ISO burner for Windows (free) try 'astroburn lite'22:00
OPSJonoReally good program and it's never let me down22:00
beneterOPSJono: WTF?22:00
phaedraevelyette_,  let me check. not sure about a win version22:00
ntzrmtthihu777evelyette_: if you'r burning an iso from windows i find burncdcc to be excellent. it made my transition to ubuntu painless :P22:00
OPSJonoOh, sorry I missed some of the chat, thought that Evelyette was asking for a program on windows to burn an iso, my mistake22:01
evelyette_I'm using cdburnerxp22:01
phaedraevelyette_,  you can try this for md5 on win.  http://www.winmd5.com/22:02
histoevelyette_: md5sum the iso and the cd your are burning. Also do you have a 32bit CPU or 64bit?22:02
evelyette_it's 32bit22:02
evelyette_where can I get the original MD5 ?22:03
ipkafhello ppl22:03
OPSJonoevelyette_: It should be listed on the download website22:03
ipkafubuntu everything is possible22:03
phaedraevelyette_,  the original is installed with ubuntu22:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:04
evelyette_it's not: I'm downloading from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop22:04
OPSJonoYeah, I just checked and it's not there for me either - I could of swore it used to be listed on the download page22:04
ipkafwell my question is :22:04
ipkafi got this file http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746463/ + this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746466/22:05
evelyette_yeah, the hashes are the same22:05
beneterevelyette_: what hardware are you trying to bootß22:06
MonkeyDustipkaf  that would be for the #bash channel22:06
ipkafwell bash ppl don't understand MonkeyDust22:07
ipkafthat's why i m here22:07
ipkafwell i got this list + this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746466/22:07
MonkeyDustipkaf  the #bash people are more skilled in bash than we are22:08
ipkafi don't think really22:08
ipkafwell i got a very basic question MonkeyDust22:08
ipkafi got this list + this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746466/22:09
MonkeyDustipkaf  if the #bash people don't understand it, it's not basic22:09
ipkafi got this list http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746463/ + this script  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746466/22:09
ipkafi m looking for a feature22:09
ipkafeach time you update the list22:10
evelyette_beneter, it's AMD sempron 2800+22:10
ipkafthe script able to do 3 things CHECK / ACTION / CHECK22:10
MonkeyDustipkaf  you may want to submit it on a forum or so, it's beyond this channel22:10
ipkafhow to do ?22:10
beneterevelyette_: shoud work....22:12
evelyette_what should I do, MD5 are correct and the system results in " kernel panic not syncing vfs wn-block" ...22:12
histoevelyette_: Why aren't you using 64bit version of ubuntu btw?22:12
evelyette_histo, 32-bit processor22:13
histoevelyette_: You should check the md5sum of the cd you burned22:13
histo!md5sum | evelyette_22:13
ubottuevelyette_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:13
ipkafdo you get MonkeyDust ?22:14
ipkafit's a very basic question22:15
ipkafi got a list with a script22:15
beneterhisto: how is he supposed to do this? ^^ there are no hashes avaliable for the burned cd, are there?22:15
ipkafeach time  you update the list the script should able to run that 3 command22:15
ipkafso that we got : one for CHECK one for ACTION and one for CHECK22:15
ipkafhow to do ?22:15
beneterk sry, i was wrong22:16
evelyette_histo, can I check that on windows ?22:16
histobeneter: it's the same hash when you use has the proper size on the disk22:16
beneterhisto: have seen it now, sry ;)22:16
histobeneter: s/has/hash/22:16
R4v3nhello, im running ubuntu 12.04 on my HTPC and i have a Nas4free at home, when i try to add NFS as video source in XBMC i can  see the share name the mountpoint on the remote machine22:17
R4v3n(00:15) ( R4v3n_) but in XBMC nothing happens.. is this a bug perhaps? i can mount it and view content on my ubuntu machine22:17
R4v3n(00:16) ( R4v3n_) so the nas server is properly working..22:17
ipkafdo you get MonkeyDust ?22:18
onebitxajaxhi to all22:18
onebitxajaxi have installer installed ubuntu and make crypt disk22:19
onebitxajaxall disk is crypted22:19
onebitxajaxbut now i can't boot22:19
onebitxajaxhow can repair rub?22:19
beneteris there an error message?22:19
evelyette_beneter, phaedra the cd works in another system ... any ideas ?22:20
onebitxajaxbeneter: no it's simple don't boot22:20
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: I hope to Richard Stallman you meant GRUB22:20
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: Anywho, have your Live image handy?22:21
beneteronebitxajax: have you tried installing it agian, or is that no option?22:21
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: GRUB22:21
onebitxajaxbeneter: yes i can22:21
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: yes22:21
beneterevelyette_ have you tried updating your bios?22:21
benetereveylette_ or an other OS?22:22
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: Boot from it and connect to the Internet.22:22
evelyette_beneter, no, but I'm not sure that I want to get into that ... the CD should work, why doesn't it ?22:23
beneterevelyette_ maybe your hardware is not compatible to ubuntu22:23
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: Then, in a terminal: [ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install boot-repair ; boot-repair & ]22:23
evelyette_beneter, I've had ubuntu 10.10 installed beforehand22:24
beneterevelyette_ then try installing with an older kernel... maybe it works that way...22:25
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: and after that use boot-repair?22:25
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: I included the command to run Boot Repair in the cmd line above, but yeah.22:25
ipkafanyone understand my question ?22:25
SonikkuAmericaipkaf: We do. /join #bash22:26
MonkeyDustipkaf  wrong channel, bash scripting is for #bash22:26
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: ok i wil do ti, thank you22:26
ipkafi m allready there22:26
ipkafno one understand22:26
ipkafit's just a very basic question ?22:26
MisterXhi there22:29
scxcan anyone show me result of that?: ls -la /etc/grub*22:29
=== Playb3yond__ is now known as Playb3yond
MisterXscx: → .  ..  00_header  05_debian_theme  10_linux  20_linux_xen  20_memtest86+  30_os-prober  30_uefi-firmware  40_custom  41_custom  README ← for me; you don't need ctimes; all owned by root/root; rights: -rwxr-xr-x22:31
OerHeksMisterX, all, but the readme22:33
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: are you tehre?22:36
SonikkuAmericaAny luck?22:36
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: i have this options22:37
onebitxajaxreccomanded repair oppure create a bootinfo summary22:37
onebitxajaxreccomanded repair OR create a bootinfo summary22:37
SonikkuAmericaHit "recommended repair"22:37
histoevelyette_: I would try burning at a slower speed or booting off of a thumb drive rather than keep wasting CDs/DVDs22:38
straemerI'm having trouble importing my "Purchased From Ubuntu One" folder into rhythmbox. There's a yellow bar that says "scanning", but it hasn't made any progress yet22:39
straemerI'm running 13.0422:39
evelyette_histo, ok, I'll try, thank you22:39
b3rz3rk3rHi guys, I'm getting tearing on video and games on my GTX560 (NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  310.44  Wed Mar 27 14:51:30 PDT 2013 GCC version:  gcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1)) The fixes suggested in google searches haven't worked. Anyone know how to fix this?22:40
histob3rz3rk3r: Improper refresh rate?22:41
scxMisterX: do you have symbolic link to /boot/grub/grub.cfg? For example /etc/grub, /etc/grub.cfg or /etc/grub.conf?22:41
MrBIMCguys, how do i delete line from file without sed command?22:41
MisterXscx: researching for statistics or what? ;)22:41
MrBIMCor append a symbol at the beginning of a line?22:41
MisterXMrBIMC: man sed ?22:42
MisterXah, sorry, without22:42
MrBIMCI can't se sed22:42
scxMisterX: i need to help my friend but i dont have ubuntu22:42
statlMrBIMC: if you can identify that line uniquely, simply use grep -v22:42
MisterXscx: what's the exact problem?22:43
onebitxajax SonikkuAmerica http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746623/22:43
b3rz3rk3rhisto, seems fine. 60 on monitor and card settings22:43
onebitxajaxSonikkuAmerica: what i must do?22:43
MisterXscx: ls /etc | grep grub → grub.d22:43
scxMisterX: grub menu is not displaying or not display "recovery mode", but in /etc/default/grub everything is fine22:43
tollandon my old hp laptop nc6400 which I upgraded to 13.04, it doesn't boot off the 3.8 kernel, (I think due to graphics issues), but does off the 3.222:44
LoCoZeNoz_ZUEhi, currently as i am forced to use you distro, i need to spawn a getty on start on serial. How do i do that (ubuntu doesnt seem to have initab like normal people do)22:44
MrBIMCstatl: example?22:44
MisterXscx: checked if /etc/default/grub is the file where grub takes the info from?22:44
scxMisterX: no22:44
MisterXlike, changed something it does display and see if it's shown correctly?22:44
tollandI tried installing the intermediate kernels and see which version actually broke it, but it says "no candidate for install"22:44
tollandany pointers on forcing installation of older kernels that are not listed22:45
MisterXthere should be some display-names where you can put in all the text you want22:45
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: Let me look at it.22:45
statlMrBIMC: grep -v "some content of that particular line (or regexp or whatever grep accepts)" myfile22:45
MisterXscx: i'd configure the menu via /boot/grub/menu.lst22:46
MrBIMCthat lists all lines that are not contain regexp'd phrase22:46
SonikkuAmericaonebitxajax: Reboot22:46
scxMisterX: so you have GRUB v1?22:46
scxGRUB v2 use grub.cfg22:47
SonikkuAmerica!grub | MisterX22:47
ubottuMisterX: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:47
MisterXSonikkuAmerica: thanks but you could have referred that to scx who's actually having the issue with grub22:47
MrBIMCthe whole story looks so: i need to append "#" symbol to "qemu.hwkeys=0" line in build.prop file22:47
SonikkuAmericaMisterX: Oops22:48
statlMrBIMC: open it in your favorite editor and add it ;)22:48
MisterXSonikkuAmerica: ;)22:48
MrBIMCand i cant' use sed cuz android's busybox does not have it22:48
SonikkuAmerica!grub1 | scx22:48
ubottuscx: grub 1 is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub for Karmic onwards22:48
SonikkuAmericascx: GRUB v1 is EOL22:48
MrBIMCcommand will be launched from my app22:49
scxSonikkuAmerica: i know22:49
scx(in Ubuntu)22:49
scxEL3-EL6 still use GRUBv122:49
MrBIMCi know, that's weird to use console commands in android apps, bt i need to22:50
statlMrBIMC: Wouldn't it be better for the app to read the file and write it again including the changes instead of launching shell commands?22:51
statlMrBIMC: But there is of course a shell solution :)22:51
MrBIMCi prefer shell soltion22:52
Mage_DudeAnyone familiar with DHCP and PXE when booting nodes for MAAS?22:52
MrBIMCso, i need equivalent of sed '/qemu.hw.mainkeys/d' build.prop"22:53
statlecho "#" > tmp_file && grep "qemu.foo" file >> tmp_file && grep -v "qemu.foo" file >> tmp_file && mv tmp_file file22:53
statlmight actually work :D22:53
S4LStupid q: doing release upgrade via command line, hit details on obsolete packages, dont know how to get out of details list to answer the prompt22:54
Mage_DudeWill the nodes only get their boot image from the DHCP server? Or will they get just the IP from DHCP, then try to contact the MAAS server for the boot image?22:54
scxMisterX: could you show me: find /boot/ -type f | xargs file22:54
MrBIMCwill try now22:54
MisterXscx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746660/22:56
MrBIMCyeah, i could actually jst push every line except "qemu to a new file" and tthen rename that file into original name22:56
scxMisterX: thx22:57
MisterXscx: np22:57
statlMrBIMC: You also could try a simple bash loop and match that string inside22:57
=== Playb3yond_ is now known as Playb3yond
MrBIMCanyone here have android phone without navbar (i.e. real buttons) ?22:58
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
MrBIMCcan you check your /system build.prop file. are you even have this qemu.hwkeys... line ?22:59
jeremiah_What is the simplest way of cloning a hard drive without using liveCD?22:59
beneterMrBIMC: wait a sec ;)22:59
histojeremiah_: dd over the network to something else22:59
histojeremiah_: you could use nc with dd23:00
jeremiah_histo,  i had errors with that...23:00
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: There is no simple way of cloning the hard drive your root FS is on, while the system is running.23:00
statljeremiah_, histo: therefore, the sector sizes have to be equal, don't they?23:00
statli mean cloning a hdd using dd23:00
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: histo: Using dd to copy a filesystem that's mounted rw is a terrible idea.23:01
beneterMrBIMC: S3 having no line starting with qemu23:01
histojeremiah_: what errors were you getting23:01
jeremiah_I need to copy the ubuntu partition i am using right now onto a bigger hdd23:01
MrBIMCok, that's good23:01
histoJordan_U: It's not a terrible idea if you know what you are doing23:01
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: Does the system in question need to be running, or do you just not have external media to boot from?23:01
histojeremiah_: why do you not want to boot to something and just do it.23:01
Jordan_Uhisto: In what case is it ever save to dd an in use filesystem?23:02
elisa87 I have mounted a disk image I have created myself with ext2 filesystem but none of those common folders has been created in the disk image which is mounted...can you take a look at this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746669/23:02
jeremiah_histo,  time. I tried, and the liveCD takes too long to boot....23:02
jeremiah_and i get bunches of errors.23:02
elisa87 I have mounted a disk image I have created myself with ext2 filesystem but none of those common folders has been created in the disk image which is mounted...can you take a look at this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746669/ Jordan_U you might know about this23:02
jeremiah_Jordan_U,  I have liveCD, but it takes forever to boot, and i loads of errors23:02
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: It sounds like you have a bad liveCD then. Did you try the integrity check at boot? What liveCD are you using?23:03
histoJordan_U: You have to do what you have to do sometimes. He is just being lazy though and it's not worth the headaches he is going to create.23:03
jeremiah_Jordan_U,  Ubuntu 12.04 IOS. It isn't bad, because i burned it multiple times, with different liveCD files, all taking about 5 minutes to boot.23:03
histoJordan_U: he could mount ro and image23:04
OerHekssure, live cd can take 5 minutes to load, that is almost normal23:05
histojeremiah_: you can use a lighter livecd just to imgae23:05
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: Did you do an md5sum check of the iso itself? Did you actually try the boot time check (which will check that the iso was good, the CD is good, *and* your CDROM drive is good)?23:05
jeremiah_I don't have to computers to use, thus flopping between live and hdd, takes forever.23:05
histojeremiah_: the mini iso probably has dd installed23:05
=== kevin is now known as Guest80406
S4LGoogle is being surprisingly unhelpful on such a simple thing... :-/ just want to finish this darn upgrade23:05
histojeremiah_: it's going to take you more time to work around the caveats created by imaging a live system that it would to boot the cd and just do it.23:06
jeremiah_K, give me an iso that has good imaging software on it, is light, and has xchat IRC on it.23:06
histoS4L: what version are you running?23:06
jeremiah_and is less than four gigs, so it fits on my flash drive. I don't have any blank cds with me23:06
histojeremiah_: grml  would work perfectly... Not sure if xchat is installed23:07
histojeremiah_: is there a reason you need xchat?23:07
jeremiah_for your guys's help. i know for 100% fact something wont go right.23:07
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: You can install Xchat in pretty much any LiveCD if you want it over other clients/ http://webchat.freenode.net .23:07
histojeremiah_: the grml full iso has irssi irc client23:08
S4Lhisto: 12.04, stuck at (END) and don't want to ctrl-c23:08
jeremiah_i am getting it as we speak.23:08
histoS4L: can you paste the error23:08
histojeremiah_: may I ask why you are trying to clone the drive to something else?23:08
jeremiah_histo, Upgrading hdd.23:09
jeremiah_to a much larger one.23:09
S4LI'm on my phone due to being in the middle of an upgrade. No error, just cant get out of details screen23:09
histojeremiah_: you're going to have to expand the partition later on and grow the filesystem as well.23:09
jeremiah_histo,  And after a year of personalization, and tweaking, i don't want to start from anew.23:09
jeremiah_histo,  I don't need to expand it actually. I plan on duel booting, so i needed a larger hdd. And i got one.23:10
histojeremiah_: ahh23:10
Jordan_Ujeremiah_: How big is the new drive? If it's over 2 TiB you may need to convert from an msdos partition to GPT.23:11
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jeremiah_Jordan_U,  Nope, its a 260 gb solid state23:12
S4LI know I've done this to myself before. do-release-upgrade really needs to make it obvious how to get out of the damn details screen23:12
Jordan_Uelisa87: If you were the one that created the image I would expect you to know why it contains what it does.23:13
Alabuliehello. anybody knows if it's possible install MonoDevelop 4 under Ubuntu 12.04 ?23:13
raven_mounted windows share using cifs: no permission to rename files - how to solve that?23:13
histoS4L: I'm not familiar with the details screen you are talking aobut.23:14
historaven_: where did you mount it to:?23:14
elisa87Jordan_U: sudo chroot /mnt/mount_x86/ -->  chroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory23:15
raven_histo, local folder in mount23:15
historaven_: does your user have permissions to the directory you mounted to?23:16
Jordan_Uelisa87: How did you create this image?23:16
MonkeyDustraven_  first on my mind: windows is installed on ntfs, but it's mounted on ext, that may be the cause... i guess you have to add an option to cifs, accordingly23:16
S4Lhisto: when you do a release upgrade and it asks you if you want to remove obsolete packages, thw options are yes, no, details. I hit details to see what would be removed, cant get back to answer the question. If i could send you a pic from my phone i would :-D23:16
raven_histo, locally yes23:16
raven_MonkeyDust, which one ?23:17
histoS4L: is this a curses screen or GUI23:18
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raven_histo, oh wait - i have to mount with sudo of course so the folder is owned by root23:18
jeremiah_Alright, lets see if this ios boots fast, and does what it is suppose to23:18
historaven_: I have no idea what you mean by locally. Since you won't provide details I can't help you.23:19
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raven_histo, i did23:19
histoS4L: have you tried hitting esc  key or tab to get the ok or cancel buttons if it's curses.23:19
raven_just read23:19
historaven_: No thanks23:19
spacebarbarianwhy do i get permission denied trying to ls this dir, im in the SVN group  "drw-rwSrw-   3 root svn  4.0K 2012-04-07 13:19 svn" ?23:20
S4Lhisto: this is a booted to command line http://i.imgur.com/Lv8QU75.jpg .23:21
histoS4L: press "q"23:21
histospacebarbarian: cuz you don't have x permissions23:22
S4LSee what i mean? Such a simple damn thing and it cant even make it obvious. Thanks histo23:22
histoS4L: it's using less or more to display the output there23:22
spacebarbarianhisto, i need execute to list a directory o_O ?23:22
spizzoAfter installing ubuntu 13.04 and visiting a couple of websites, firefox prompts me to install some of them, which... I'm not sure what that's referring to.23:22
histoS4L: actually less23:22
histospizzo: to get into a directory it needs to be x23:23
spizzoI got a little notif in firefox asking if I wanted to install youtube.com for easier access and such23:23
Jordan_Uelisa87: To chroot into another system you need to have an actual system to chroot into. You can't just chroot into an empty directory, or one without libraries and executables in the correct places. Given that your image doesn't have a "/bin/bash" it's entirely expected that chroot can't find /bin/bash (and there are many more files than just /bin/bash needed to enable you to chroot).23:23
MonkeyDustraven_  is this useful? look for ntfs on this page http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/mount.cifs.8.html23:23
MisterXwhen i login, i have to start xfwm4 manually. any idea where i can do that automatically? (running Xubuntu)23:23
Jordan_Uelisa87: If you want to create a proper image/directory you can look into debootstrap.23:24
raven_MonkeyDust, tnx i think its solved by the -o gid and uid options23:24
spacebarbarianhisto, what do you mean it needs to be x ?23:25
histospacebarbarian: execute23:25
spacebarbariangive it 755 ?23:25
spacebarbarianah ok23:25
histospacebarbarian: yeah or chmod ug+x /whatever/directory23:26
spizzoI think what I'm discovering is unity lenses23:27
histospizzo: What is your question?23:29
lehthanishey all. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Studio 13.04 and I'm getting a black screen.23:29
HypothesisFroghi. Bit of a newby question. I want to set up my bouncer so it launches automatical after bootup. But of course, I don't want it to have root privileges. How do I do that?23:29
spizzohisto, I just had no idea what the firefox prompt asking if I wanted to "install reddit" meant. It didn't make sense.23:29
elisa87Jordan_U: I want to create a disk image which is bootable and boots linux and then I want to mount it to /mnt/mount_x8623:29
lehthanisI choose either try or install, and it does a few things, then goes black and monitor goes to sleep.  I've tried setting nomodeset and that doesn't work23:29
elisa87Jordan_U: are you aware of any good tutorial?23:30
jeremiah_Grml got stuck, and after 7 minutes i gave up23:30
histospizzo: web apps I believe they are calling them.23:31
histoelisa87: debootstrap to /mnt/mount_x8623:32
elisa87Jordan_U:  histo: can you take a look at what I've done http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746724/ ? thanks23:35
weradCould someone share me this file: sys/socket.h23:35
elisa87also I don't know how to do this  histo: elisa87: debootstrap to /mnt/mount_x86 any tutorial?23:36
weradI don't use ubuntu currently but I need to do some researches.23:36
histoelisa87: let me find you an easy one.23:36
histoelisa87: actually I created a video awhile back hold up23:36
elisa87histo: also please let me know if the steps done in  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746724/ are ok23:37
histoelisa87: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiM9GOKvTI423:37
histoelisa87: watch my video if you want. and I linked reading to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without_CD23:39
jeremiah_I need help partitioning my flash drive. whenever i do it in gparted, i get an error23:39
angeliteJeremiah, is the flash drive mounted?23:39
histojeremiah_: what error?23:39
jeremiah_histo,  It says, error formating flashdrive.23:40
histojeremiah_: How do you want it partitioned?  and can you paste.ubuntu.com the output of parted -l && mount23:40
jeremiah_histo,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746735/23:42
histojeremiah_: lsblk  please23:42
raven_find: how to ignore files beginning with _ or -?23:43
jeremiah_histo,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746743/23:44
histojeremiah_: is /dev/sdb your usb that are you are trying to work with?23:44
jeremiah_histo,  Yes.23:45
histojeremiah_: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb     output please23:45
jeremiah_histo,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746748/23:46
histojeremiah_: so you want just one big partition on this thing?23:47
jeremiah_histo,  Yes.23:47
histojeremiah_: sudo umount /dev/sdb2 && sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb        then delete all partitions and create a new one and write it.23:47
elisa87histo that was a great video..thanks anyway  I just need to do the debootsrap stage? right?23:47
histojeremiah_: I think your error is from /dev/sdb2 being mounted23:47
Jordan_Uelisa87: Another option is to install Ubuntu normally in qemu-kvm and use that image for what you want.23:48
jeremiah_histo,  Ah23:48
histoelisa87: if you want to boot to it...You will have to install a kenrel and setup networking fstab etc...23:48
histoelisa87: if you just want to chroot to it you can just debootstrap you don't need the kenrel23:49
elisa87histo: I need to have the whole linux-x86 image inside it23:49
histoelisa87: What is the ultimate goal? perhaps there is another option...23:50
elisa87As I mentioned I need a bootable kernel  histo which I can chroot into23:50
elisa87histo I am using a simulator which does full system simulations and I need to have a bootable disk image (.iso) for mounting on a specific folder23:51
histoelisa87: then you will need to follow all steps. debootstrap DOES NOT:install a kernel, setup networking, setup fstab, install grub etc....  You would need to do all those if you want to boot to it.23:51
elisa87by all the steps,,,which manual are you referring to? histo ? I am a newbie!23:52
jeremiah_It says it is unknown in gparted23:52
jeremiah_And i can no longer mount it23:53
elisa87histo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without_CD this?23:53
jeremiah_histo, it says it is unknown in gparted, and i can no longer mount or open it23:54
elisa87also in sudo fdisk /dev/sda can I use /dev/loop0 instead? I am  really afraid to mess up with my own system23:54
histoelisa87: the video or that site23:54
histoelisa87: I thought you said you already have a partition mounted?23:55
Jordan_Uhisto: Do you see any downside for elisa87 to just installing Ubuntu via kvm? "kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom ubuntu.iso -boot d"23:55
elisa87histo yes I have a partition mounted but it doesn't have linux inside it~ is that OK? so I am confused! If I have a mounted partition which is not bootable which step should I continue from Jordan_U23:56
histoJordan_U: no, I think he would be able to install to physical disk rather than disk.img also23:57
histoelisa87: so now you debootstrap CODENAME /path/to/mountpoint23:57
elisa87Jordan_U:  I have downloaded a Ubuntu disk image but I don't know how to make use of it in my mounted disk image23:57
histoelisa87: is there a reason you are trying to install this way?23:58
Jordan_Uhisto: That could be done via qemu as well, though it's dangerous if you accidentily mount the same filsystem in the host and guest at the same time.23:58
elisa87this is the simulator script for creating an empty disk image which I followed and showed you the result https://github.com/andysan/gem5/blob/master/util/gem5img.py histo23:58
histoelisa87: What is this going to be used for and why are you installing ubuntu in this fashion?23:59

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