
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan
JohannKrausshello. how to resolve update-alternatives: error: cannot stat file '/etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme': Too many levels of symbolic links09:37
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:47
pepijnWhat is the best way to have keyboard shortcuts work like on Mac, instead as like Windows?10:51
Sysisettings -> window manager10:51
Sysithough I don't think you can change copy&paste shortcut10:52
pepijnwell, that's kind of the most important one10:52
Sysihmm, you could map ctrl to be super/cmd but I'll need to look up a nice way to do that10:53
pepijnbut if you do that you'll break the terminal, which uses ctrl+c to erminate10:54
Sysino, then you'll just do cmd-C for that too10:55
pepijnSysi, that is what I mean, I'll have t do cmd+shift+C to paste in the terminal10:56
pepijnThe beauty of sing cmd is that you have ctrl for other stuff10:57
Sysiwell that just isn't possible afaik10:58
Sysibut when you hilight text you can paste with middle click10:58
pepijnthen I might as well not bother, because It'll never work the way I want.11:02
pepijnIf I remap cmd to ctrl, I'll still need to use tab to cycle windows11:02
pepijnand press cmd+shift+C for the terminal11:03
Sysihmm, I don't have xfce terminal at hand right now, so could you check if it has option for changing the paste key combination?11:05
Sysisome other terminal might have it even if xfce4-terminal doesn't11:06
Sysiso you could use cmd-c everywhere else, but ctrl-c in terminal11:07
Oweoqihi all, does Xubuntu send any data of any kind to Canonical?11:13
Sysiyou mean when you install it? no11:15
Oweoqi oh no, just during every day use such as how (by default) Unity send search data to back to them11:16
OweoqiAnything similar in Xubuntu?11:16
Sysino, on unity you can prevent that by removing one package11:16
Oweoqiof course, this is just an example to provide context to my question11:17
SysiI kind of figured it by myself11:17
Oweoqicool cool, so the base of Ubuntu doesn't have anything like this?11:18
Sysinope, it's just done by the amazon-addition in unity dash11:19
brainwashwhat about software center? or ubuntu one?11:19
brainwashor even package updates?11:20
brainwashthey all send data to canonical :)11:20
Oweoqioh really11:20
OweoqiUbuntu one makes sense11:20
Oweoqibut the other two :-.11:21
SysiI'm doubtful about "sending" data via updates but of course they know how much stuff is downloaded, maybe even from mirrors11:21
brainwashyou said "any data of any kind"11:21
SysiI just think there's difference11:22
Sysithough I just started to reconsider that11:23
OweoqiI'm just trying to learn about the system is all11:23
Oweoqiany data being transferred outside of a web browser is something I need to know about11:24
Oweoqi(I already know what I'm doing in the browser)11:24
Sysihttp://popcon.ubuntu.com/ not sure if this is enabled by default (do you really?)11:25
Oweoqiyeah I do, it's locked down pretty tight too11:26
OweoqiNope popcon isn't default11:27
anders_hello there. anyone here using xubuntu and a nexus 7? I'm used to working from windows, and I cant seem to get fastboot to work etc. Googled some guides, but don't really get them. Do I need to install drivers or what is the process here? Starting from scratch16:21
anders_brb reboot16:23
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jlackI think there's something wrong with my sound19:56
jlackLike the pitch is higher19:56
TheSheepyou sound ok to me19:56
jlackit's not my headphones19:56
jlackoh it's just chrome20:13
Mitchell92Hi.. I just installed my nVidia driver, now it seems like I'm using a minimaliztic theme and I can't figure out how to get it back... my top bar and such is all silver.20:14
Mitchell92it apears like 3d Acceleration isnt working.20:15
rowboatnickMitchell92: did you change any theme settings?20:18
seroniswhat kind of connectivity options are available with android phones and xubuntu ?20:28
SonikkuAmericaseronis: The same as any other Ubuntu flavor - get the Android SDK, connect up and run [ adb devices ]20:30
TheSheepI don't think he meant debugging20:31
seronisSonikkuAmerica: in not referring to development.  i mean integration (already have the sdk)20:31
SonikkuAmericaseronis: Oh. What kind of integration do you need? Xubuntu, like Ubuntu, can read data from Android devices OOB20:32
=== Belial is now known as Belial`
seronisnothing specific.  more curious what options are available/popular other than airdroid and vnc20:33
seronisbecause neither of those are xubuntu specific (or even linux specific)20:33
SonikkuAmericaI don't think there's anything Xubuntu-specific20:35
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