
hacksonno keybord logo in the right side of the lxpannel. How can i do?01:40
hacksonI am using ibus-pinyin input method.01:40
hacksonAny help?01:40
SixtyFoldwhen i hit windows key on my keyboard in fresh installs of lubuntu 13.04 and any arrow key i get my windows to snap to the edges of my desktop perfectly, either taking up half the screen vertically or horizontally, which is awesome05:04
SixtyFoldin VMware05:04
SixtyFoldbut so far if i try to do this in a VM Fusion with an upgraded version from 12.10 to 13.04 or just a regular netbook EEE PC 1000h with lubuntu 13.04 upgraded as the main OS, this doesnt work05:05
SixtyFoldA) is this a new feature in 13.04? and B) does it only work for whatever reason if you do a fresh install?05:05
SixtyFoldor does it have something to do with the windows version of VMware workstation helping it work?05:06
SixtyFoldit seems that scenario A && B are true.05:07
cptHey, when installing ttf-mscorefonts the end-user agreement pops up and I can't get past it. Any advice?05:46
Unit193Why can't you?05:46
cptI tried clicking on ok and pushing enter, but nothing happens. lol05:47
Unit193If using apt-get, try tab or left and right.05:47
Unit193Mmmm... Different dialog method, don't think I've seen it.05:48
cpt...and you rock. TY for your time helping me. :)05:48
cpttab did the trick05:48
Unit193Sure, have a good one.05:49
cptIs pacman any better than apt?05:50
cptor are they two different things05:50
Unit193I've been too lazy to actually use Arch yet, the commands a shorter in pacman though. (pacman -Syu vs apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.)05:51
Unit193Different systems.05:51
cptAh. It looked as though I could use either in lubuntu05:52
cptYou could also set an alias for apt-get, right?05:53
Unit193Yep, options may be harder.05:54
cpthey, thanks again05:58
=== Mortvert_ is now known as Mortvert
pongwhat is the login and password on intial boot for lubuntu 13.04?17:11
=== Denat- is now known as Denat
jcontraHello-- I'm gearing up to produce t-shirts for several open source projects-- does anyone know if the logos available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Marketing are available for use under the CC-SA license linked here-- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/License19:40
jcontraor does anyone have a contact on the artwork/marketing team?19:41
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phillwjcontra: easiest way to get in touch is via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams/ there you can find the wiki and launchpad links to all the teams.20:18
jcontraThank you, phillw :)20:21
phillwjcontra: as far as I know, the logos are under the commons creative licence, but that team will best know.20:22
Logan_How do you get rid of the shadow for the font in the Lubuntu task bar? I disabled flat buttons, but now it's ugly white text with gray shadows. I'd rather just have the white text.20:33
=== daker_ is now known as daker

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