
snap-lrick_h__: So, doing the camping thing this year, or just getting ready for next year?00:03
rick_h__snap-l: this year. Hopefully, if all goes well will be putting in to buy a trailer end of this week and then work on getting it tweaked and setup00:05
rick_h__it'd be awesome if we could use it for the 4th of july, but might be later in july we get going with it.00:05
rick_h__but I think we've got 3 or four trips planned for this year and a big one of taking it to VA for the family visit00:05
rick_h__cool, mako is going to be in ann arbor greg-g00:06
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snap-lGood morning14:32
wolfgerGood morning14:45
wolfgerrick_h__: is always so noncommittal about the quality of the morning...17:02
rick_h__wolfger: well, sometimes it's hard to tell17:25
snap-lCould be a good morning, but could be a bad morning all the same17:27
snap-lsounds like an A.A. Milne story. :)17:27
greg-grick_h__: yeah, saw that, kinda jealous. 4 weeks of mako should be a fun time.20:10
* greg-g watches the Snowden interview20:54
rick_h__greg-g: yea, read that stuff. Interesting21:51

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