
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Kilosmorning all07:24
Cantidehello :)07:27
Symmetriaheh the economy was only 22k07:37
Kilosmassive diffs hey07:37
Symmetriaheh travelling in the "developed world" isnt terribly expensive, but the moment you wanan go to out of the way places, it gets crazy07:37
SymmetriaI mean, the hotel fees in africa are nuts for example07:37
Symmetriadecent hotel in kenya will start at like $300 a night and go upwards of $500 07:37
Kilosrough it then the savings can buy lekker pc stuff07:41
Kiloslike what can the business peeps get extra07:42
Symmetriaheh a seat that turns into a bed07:57
Symmetriaits all about being able to be comfortable 07:57
Symmetriaits not worth it though07:57
Kilosnope 07:58
Kilosrather stay awake or sleep uncomfy for one sleep for 100k07:58
Cantidehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/06/progress-on-ubuntu-touch-for-phones-demoed this looks good :)08:10
* Cantide agrees with Kilos about the R100K sleep08:10
magespawngood day all08:14
Kiloshello magespawn 08:15
magespawnHow is i going in ubuntu-za?08:19
Kilosquiet lad08:22
Kilostoo cold to chat looks like08:22
magespawnMaybe to cold for cell signal.08:25
magespawnToo even08:25
magespawnBrain is off line08:25
Kilosyou on the fone thing08:25
Kilosin bed?08:26
magespawnNo not really, had a bit of a heat wave yesterday, now a bit cooler, but still in shorts.08:28
magespawnSo sitting on the bed.08:28
magespawnOne of the advantages to living in KZN.08:33
* Kilos jealous08:34
Kilosreally miss them heat waves08:34
magespawnI have thought that this part of KZN is not that good to work in, but very nice for a holiday or retirement.08:36
Kilosya hot to work in at times08:38
magespawnWork up there in summer, here in winter, that would be the way to swing it.08:40
Kilosbut these peeps complain when its hot here08:41
Kilosmust have mexican blood08:41
Kilosall wanna siesta in the heat08:41
magespawnThe heat i can handle, the humidty is something else08:49
Kilosone should get used to it08:51
magespawnI just never seem to adjust, wife loves it here though09:00
Kilosnorthen natal is lekker09:01
magespawnI find myself missing funny things though, city stuff09:03
Kilosi hate cities09:04
Kilostoo much bad stuff nowadays09:04
Symmetriaheh I think for me it depends on the city09:17
SymmetriaNairobi is awesome if you could remove the damn traffic09:17
Symmetria(Nairobi traffic is *insane*)09:17
magespawnIs that not the worst part of most cities?09:20
Symmetriamagespawn well, lol, see after you spent time in nairobi most other places dont seem to have traffic ;p09:20
SymmetriaNairobi, Dar Es Salaam, Cairo, Lagos, Rome are 4 places where the traffic will drive you insane 09:21
Symmetriaoh 5 places haha09:21
Symmetriaand Nairobi is probably at the top of those lists09:21
Symmetriathoguh even the traffic in mombasa last week was pretty bad09:22
Symmetria;p and if you think south african minibus taxis drive badly hahaha wait till you get to Nairobi and see their version of the minibus taxis (called Matatus) 09:22
magespawnI understand the paris traffic is also a bit insane09:25
Cantidesubways help a lot :)09:26
magespawnThats the other thing about africa at the moment very few reliable mass transport systems09:28
Cantidei can't imagine Seoul without the subway09:29
Cantidewould be crazy to have 20 million people in there without it09:29
Cantideat least we've started with the Gautrain09:30
Cantidebut we need a lot more than that09:30
Cantidewe need high speed rail between JHB, DBN and CT09:30
Cantideand a subway in each city09:30
magespawnYup and the problem with most of the sa rail system is that it is narrow gauge09:40
Cantideso it can't be upgraded easily09:40
Cantidealso, i'd catch the train here in Durban if it were safer09:40
Cantidethey need to put security on the coaches09:41
magespawnIt will come in time09:42
Cantidetoo slow unfortunately09:42
Cantidedecent rail infrastructure would be a massive boost09:42
Cantidebut government is taking too long -.-09:42
magespawnThey always do09:42
magespawnMore interested in their own pockets for one09:43
Kiloswill cost big bucks and lotsa work to tunnel under all the cities09:47
Kilosand all the cave ins09:47
Kilosyou are better off there magespawn 09:48
Maazkbmonkey: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell kbmonkey http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=11881" 1 day, 22 hours, 5 minutes and 2 seconds ago09:49
Kiloshi kbmonkey 09:49
kbmonkeythanks Maaz I got that message last night09:49
kbmonkeythank Kilos for that ;)09:49
Kiloshope it helps you09:49
kbmonkeyit is very interesting09:49
kbmonkeyvery windy today!09:50
Kiloshere too09:53
magespawnLooks like all over09:55
kbmonkeythis is a public service announcement about the dangers of drugs: http://youtu.be/sHzdsFiBbFc10:01
Kiloshi nlsthzn 11:04
Kilossend some summer11:05
nlsthznsure, we seem to have enough for three countries11:05
kbmonkeyhello nlsthzn 11:09
kbmonkeywinter is nice because soup is too!11:09
nlsthznhiya kbmonkey :)11:11
* nlsthzn doesn't like soup11:11
nlsthznthis has been a hectic week-end... just basically got back from Dubai... was awesome...:p11:24
Kiloswhen does your daughter arrive nlsthzn ?11:35
nlsthznthe date for her arrival has been accelerated and she flies this coming Thursday night (that has put a lot of pressure on me to get her VISA done ASAP) which is why I am off to Abu Dhabi again tomorrow morning 11:37
Symmetriahrm, how do I take a screenshot in linux again11:49
Symmetriathe easy fast way ;p11:49
Symmetriagod I love USB-3 + SSD btw11:50
kbmonkeyprint-screen button? XD11:50
SymmetriaIm sitting here wanting to take 120gig of data home with me, copies the whole lot in 8 minutes 11:50
Symmetria160meg/second or smething stupid 11:50
kbmonkeythat is disgusting Symmetria. 11:50
Symmetriaheh, I dont think I will ever go back to crappy usb-2 external drives again ;p this is awesomeness11:51
kbmonkeyis that a vfat partition type Symmetria ?11:51
Symmetriakbmonkey no, ext3, I run an ext3 driver on my doze box at home11:52
Symmetriavfat = slow as hell :(11:52
kbmonkeyyar it is :(11:52
Symmetriaheh, vfat uses fuse, and as a result, vfat and ntfs are both crap slow 11:52
Symmetrialike, half the damn speed 11:52
SymmetriaIm pretty convinced its fuse that sucks 11:52
Symmetrialol also pretty convinced th at this machine here at the office had an SSD disk in it instead of a sata, this USB-3 would be copying a lot faster than 160meg/second 11:53
kbmonkey120Gig is twice as large as my desktop's OS hdd, lol!11:53
Symmetrialol, the harddrive read light on the normal disk is on solid11:53
Symmetriakbmonkey *lol* I have 4 x 768 gig SSD's and 3 x 3TB sata disks in my home desktop 11:54
Symmetriaand a 256gig SSD and a 120gig SSD in usb-3 bays11:54
kbmonkeyyou must have some collection of distros...11:54
Symmetriapricey but soooo worth it 11:54
Symmetriakbmonkey lol, nto about distros, its about video processing and photo editing I do11:54
Symmetrialol, you start screwing around with 1080p video in adobe premiere or something, you better be prepared to burn some serious disk space on some seriously fast drives if you dont wanna wait forever11:55
Symmetriaok, copy done, time to go 11:57
Symmetriachat later from home11:57
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Vince-0 Mezenir 15:25
Kiloswinter here15:25
Kilosany news about the new guy getting his ubuntu from william Vince-0 ?15:36
Vince-0Ray's organised last time I checked the list15:37
Kilosc ool ty15:37
Kiloshope he dont forget us now15:37
Kilosyo georgelappies 16:01
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are you doing?16:01
Kilosok ty and you?16:01
Kilossometimes sick but always ok because i use ubuntu16:02
georgelappieslol, cool. Well hope you feel better soon ;)16:06
Kiloshaha ty flu seems to be breaking thank heavens16:07
Kiloslo Squirm 16:45
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi psy Xethron Trixar_za 17:39
Kilosgonna friz here tonight17:39
Kilos-1°c expected17:39
magespawngood evening17:40
Kiloshi magespawn 17:42
Kilossend heat man17:43
magespawnwould do, but i am a bit out at the moment17:44
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetprogood evening18:05
Kiloshi inetpro 18:05
inetprohello Kilos18:05
Kilosons vrek vanaand en more18:05
magespawnevening inetpro 18:05
inetproeish, baie koud!18:05
inetprosuperfly: surely you must be home now?18:07
inetproKilos: I wed jou hy is nou poegaai18:07
Kiloslol hy was gisteraand hier18:08
inetproKilos: ek wed jou hy is nou poegaai18:08
Kilosya must go to work to recover18:08
psychicisthi Kilos 18:10
psychicisthi magespawn 18:10
psychicisthi inetpro 18:10
inetprohello psychicist18:11
psychicistI'm running Kubuntu off an external USB 3.0 drive, it works great18:11
trenderthats a neat party trick18:11
Kilosthe install iso or a full install to external?18:12
trenderim running win7 of a resord player18:12
psychicistit's a full install18:12
psychicistso I don't have to touch the internatl hard drive, which contains windows18:13
psychicistbut I will only have to touch that at work, at home I can use my own software18:13
magespawnhey psychicist 18:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:39
magespawngood night all20:25
psychicistgood night magespawn 20:25
trenderyo maaz you awake ?21:13
trendermaaz wakeup21:13
Maaztrender: Sorry...21:13
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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