
elisa87I am not installing ubuntu I want to create a disk image which has all the /mnt folders like /bin / lib /lib64 /opt / ... what not so I can natively compiler my benchmarks using gcc inside the chroot00:00
Jordan_Uelisa87: Then it sounds like it doesn't need to be bootable.00:01
elisa87histo:  sudo debootstrap lucid /mnt/installer (what should I use instead of  lucid? )00:01
histoelisa87: what version of ubuntu do you want to "test" with00:01
elisa87but when I create it like that it doesn't have any of those folders when I chroot except lost&found ... histo Jordan_U00:02
histoelisa87: it will00:02
elisa87uname -a00:02
elisa87Linux mona 3.2.0-43-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 15 03:33:33 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:02
elisa87histo my version is 12.0400:02
elisa87so what should I put instead of lucid?00:03
HypothesisFroghi. Bit of a newby question. I want to set up my bouncer so it launches automatical after bootup. But of course, I don't want it to have root privileges. How do I do that?00:03
histoelisa87: precise00:03
histoelisa87: what sort of benchmark testing are you going to be doing?00:04
johan`Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of requests about allowing remote desktop viewing of my laptop lately from random IPs and from some website called http://www.nodosud.com.ar/ and I'm feeling pretty nervous, do you think I could have a virus or something? I don't install any weird stuff on this laptop or anything though...00:04
johan`Of course I've denied the requests00:04
histojohan`: because you have an open port that is common. Try running an ssh server and watch the failed hack attempts mount up.00:04
histojohan`: what are you using for remote desktop?00:05
elisa87histo openmp version of these https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~skadron/wiki/rodinia/index.php/Main_Page benchmarks so basically I will need gcc 4.2 +00:05
johan`histo: I dunno, whatever comes with Ubuntu00:05
histoelisa87: any reason you are doing this ina  chroot vs. on your install?00:06
histojohan`: vnc so probably port 5900 is open.00:06
elisa87because simulator boots the Linux kernel from the .iso it doesn't accept the benchmarks which are compiled with my system so I have to compile them natively histo00:06
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elisa87how long usually debootstrap thing take ? histo00:08
johan`histo: But ok, yeah. I should close them from my router right? And only my router, it's not like the laptop itself is relevant in this situation?00:08
histojohan`: do you ever remote connect to it from offsite?00:08
johan`histo: Nope, I've opened a few ports on my router though.00:09
johan`histo: (which I'll obviously close now)00:10
elisa87histo: I am not getting this? what's wrong? Jordan_U00:13
histoelisa87: few minutes to download packages.  Another option for you maybe to use linux containers00:13
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746796/ histo: I am not getting this? what's wrong? Jordan_U00:13
johan`histo:  Anyway, thank you for calming me down :)00:14
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: You have to run [ sudo mount --bind ] on a couple of those... I'll tell you what they are in just a sec00:14
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: OK, run [ sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/mount_x86/dev ; sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/mount_x86/proc ; sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/mount_x86/sys ]00:17
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746805/ SonikkuAmerica00:17
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Then try chrooting in.00:17
elisa87mount: mount point /mnt/mount_x86/dev does not exist00:17
elisa87mount: mount point /mnt/mount_x86/dev does not exist SonikkuAmerica00:17
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Got it... one sec.\00:18
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Are you doing this from your Live image?00:18
jeremiah_histo,  K, so i burned grml to a disk, and it got stuck at loading grml file... Any ideas?00:19
elisa87histo ... I made a mistake in binding the dev and now everything just got damaged http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746811/ SonikkuAmerica How can I unbind something which was mistakenly bounded?00:19
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: If you do that, just umount the drive and remount it.00:20
thiebaudeDoes anyone have a link to how to install ati radeon hd 4250 graphics drivers in Ubuntu 13.04?00:20
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Then try rebinding.00:21
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elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746819/ SonikkuAmerica00:22
g_byersSo, would anyone have a solution to waking ubuntu when lid is opened?00:23
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Rebooting should fix that problem...00:23
elisa87why rebooting fixes the problem? SonikkuAmerica00:23
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: It'll clear the mounts (because they aren't set to autofs)00:24
jeremiah_histo,  K, so i burned grml to a disk, and it got stuck at loading grml file... Any ideas?00:26
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icerootg_byers: power button00:27
Sazpaimondoes ZFS make sense on ubuntu desktop?00:27
icerootSazpaimon: no00:27
kostkon_Sazpaimon, ext4 is good enough00:28
g_byersiceroot that is not a solution...00:28
icerootSazpaimon: its still not 100% supported by the kernel00:28
g_byerson windows 8, when you open it, it resumes00:28
thiebaudeany suggestions on how to install radeon hd 4250 graphic drivers in ubuntu 13.04?00:28
icerootg_byers: the same here on my ubuntu 13.0400:28
iceroot!amd | thiebaude00:28
iceroot!ati | thiebaude00:28
ubottuthiebaude: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:28
thiebaudeiceroot, thansk00:28
g_byersiceroot knows when the lid is closed, so why not when opened :P00:29
SonikkuAmericaiceroot: Either one works :)00:29
SiecjeI have a hp pavilion dv2000 and the wireless works but the wired doesn't00:31
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SiecjeI just installed ubuntu 12.0400:33
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nick67856Hi all. I've got a lovely new mouse, called a "DXT Ergonomic Mouse" ( http://www.cityergonomics.com/ ). It's great but the scroll wheel doesn't work.00:37
nick67856evtest gives output like:00:37
nick67856type 2 (EV_REL), code 2 (REL_Z), value 100:37
nick67856type 2 (EV_REL), code 2 (REL_Z), value -100:37
nick67856any ideas what I need to do to get this working? I'm using the last Ubuntu LTS release (12.04).00:37
duckx0rI have a postfix mail server on Ubuntu, but I just realized I am sending mail to dovecot instead of procmail. Can anyone tell me what the mailbox_command should be for procmail?00:38
atidoomedhey, anyone has experience in installing ubuntu on a hp laptop with switchable graphic cards?00:42
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Sazpaimonon an EFI system, why doesn't /boot reside on the EFI system partition?00:45
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wwu_tell floodBot hi00:53
ntzrmtthihu777hullo. I should like to try something. I have the followind devices on my network: Current pc (dell inspiron one 2205), my samba server (mutt from hell), and my officejet 8600. My current config has the pc&server connected via an ethernet cable, pc to the wifi ap, and printer to same ip. I have a linksys BEFW11S4, which I should like to use to link the above three devices hard-wired. anyone with experience in this area/good link?00:54
th4tcatmy ubuntu 13.04 is not recognizing my disc drive or any of my usb ports - what caused this and how can i fix it? it all happened one day when i removed and reinserted a usb pen drive00:55
duckx0rntzrmtthihu777, you could probably just use DHCP on all devices, couldn't you?00:56
ntzrmtthihu777duckx0r: you tell me, I'm pretty n00bish dealing with this stuff.00:56
wwu_can someone can include my name in a msg ? just want to test notification00:57
ntzrmtthihu777wwu_: does this help?00:57
duckx0rntzrmtthihu777, actually you might want to use static DHCP. so depending on the device's MAC address it will get the same IP all the time00:57
wwu_thank you it works well :)00:57
wwu_ntzrmtthihu777, thank you :)00:58
SiecjeI just installed ubuntu 12.04 on a hp pavilion dv2000 laptop and the wireless network is working but the wired network is not00:58
duckx0rntzrmtthihu777, i'm not sure how you do that with your linksys, but it's probably in the manual00:58
til4kive got hp dv6985se Siecje hehe00:59
til4kwas yours refurbed00:59
ntzrmtthihu777duckx0r: heh, second had for $3, no manual :P00:59
duckx0rntzrmtthihu777, google it. i'm sure it's online00:59
ntzrmtthihu777duckx0r: have been and continue to do so as we speak, just thought I'd poll the collective knowledge of #ubuntu00:59
Siecjetil4k: not sure, bought it off a friend. Any ideas how to get the wired adapter working?01:00
ntzrmtthihu777Siecje: lspci -nn is a good place to start. gives nice google search clues :D01:00
til4kSiecje: can you plug it directly into a cable modem01:00
sgarbesiI have SSH keys setup between 2 servers and if SSH to either of those servers using their external IPs SSH works fine, I am not prompted for a password. But when I try to connect to either of them via their internal IP addresses, it prompts me for a password. I tried adding the identity to the config file but it seems that isn't working either. Anyone have any ideas?01:00
Fenbare there any good WMs?01:01
ntzrmtthihu777sgarbesi: what do you mean internal vs external? I've got ssh setup between my pc and server, and this sparks my curiosity.01:01
ntzrmtthihu777Fenb: xfwm is good :P01:02
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Siecjetil4k: it is my modem has ports and I plugged it in01:02
SonikkuAmericaFenb: i3wm, stumpwm, xfwm, openbox, fluxbox and xbmc are for trying01:02
sgarbesii have 3 web servers that are in an internal network together, they each have ip addresses of 192.168.x.x. if i'm on 1 web server i can ssh to the other using no problem, but when i try to ssh via 192.168.x.x, i get prompted for the password01:02
SonikkuAmerica!poll | Fenb, but really01:02
ubottuFenb, but really: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:02
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: hey man, aint seen you in a bit :P01:03
sgarbesiexternal being -- the world can access it, internal being -- only anyone inside the network can access01:03
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: Yeah - ltns01:03
SonikkuAmericaI've been around though01:03
sgarbesiI'm been googling and tinkering with this thing for an hour, i can't figure out what's wrong :(01:03
your_dadanyone is able to connect to SIP using Empathy ?01:04
SonikkuAmericasgarbesi: 192.168.x.x designate Cisco internal IPs...01:04
sgarbesiSonikku their already designated...01:05
Siecjentzrmtthihu777: should I do that when the ethernet cable is plugged in01:05
sgarbesii can ping and communicate with the servers without a problem01:05
sgarbesiits the SSH keys that won't work without prompting me for a password01:05
FenbSonikkuAmerica: i have heard about fluxbox openbox, but i just want a replacer for x interface ;)01:05
ntzrmtthihu777Siecje: shouldn't matter.01:05
your_dadWorks fine using pidgin but I would like to make it work using empathy01:05
sgarbesii SSH into box 1… from box 1 i attempt to ssh to box 2 via the 192.x.x.x, prompts for password01:05
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Have you tried Wayland?01:05
sgarbesiif from Box #1 i ssh to Box #2 using Box #2's external IP address, it works fine, no password prompt01:06
SonikkuAmericasgarbesi: But from Box #2 to Box #1 is the problem.01:06
FenbSonikkuAmerica: Nope01:06
sgarbesiit might be I'm not sure?01:06
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Wait... whaddaya mean my "X interface"?01:06
sgarbesithe IPs are already designated01:06
SonikkuAmericaFenb: *by01:07
sgarbesiX being a variable of #'s01:07
jeremiah_Anyone know much about grml?01:07
SonikkuAmericasgarbesi: Right.01:07
FenbSonikkuAmerica: then you dont really have any WM or DE.. you know then you start with startx? :P01:07
your_dadhas anyone managed to make SIP work with empathy ?01:07
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Oh... so you're looking for a replacement for the X window system...01:07
sgarbesiBox #1: ssh 192.168.x.x (box 2s internal network ip), password prompt01:07
FenbSonikkuAmerica: yea01:07
sgarbesiBox #1: ssh 68.33.x.x (box 2s external ip), works01:08
SonikkuAmericaFenb: It might surprise you to know you're ahead of the game... GNOME, KDE, and e17 are expected to be ported to Wayland... we're not sure about the other DEs yet.01:08
energizerWhat's the difference between separating bash commands with && vs with ;01:08
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Or Weston.01:08
jeremiah_Anyone know how to clone a hdd without using liveCD?01:08
sgarbesianyone have any ideas?01:09
FenbSonikkuAmerica: i could live with x window system but, i got no border and i dont like they way you resize and remove windows :P01:10
SonikkuAmericaenergizcer: && is "logical AND"; i.e. if something happens that causes cmd1 (for [ cmd1 && cmd2 ]) to return != 0, cmd2 will not execute. A ; , however, means if cmd1 returns != 0, cmd2 will execute itself anyway.01:10
SonikkuAmericaenergizer: ^01:10
jeremiah_Anyone know much about cloning hdds?01:10
energizerSonikkuAmerica: i get it. thanks.01:11
sgarbesisame exact problem as this guy01:11
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate01:11
wilee-nileejeremiah_, You can clone in a number of ways state what you want for best help.01:12
your_dadHas anyone managed to get SIP to work with empathy ?01:13
jeremiah_I want to copy my Ubuntu os with everything on it to another hdd01:13
jeremiah_the partition01:13
Sazpaimonon an EFI system, why doesn't /boot reside on the EFI system partition? Is it a space issue?01:13
duckx0rjeremiah_, look into dd01:13
jeremiah_duckx0r, I did.. And i ran into issues while trying to use it.01:13
duckx0rjeremiah_, issues?01:13
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Oops, XFCE died on me...01:13
jeremiah_duckx0r,  errors01:14
FenbSonikkuAmerica: haha :o01:14
Nach0zruh roh01:14
duckx0rjeremiah_, more specifically01:14
jeremiah_well, i'll run through the steps, and tell you what errors i get, k? I did it a few days ago, i can't remember01:14
nick67856can anyone help me with the mouse wheel not working on my new mouse or suggest a better channel?01:15
duckx0rjeremiah_, well is the hard drive corrupted or something?01:15
FenbSonikkuAmerica: is it useful now to use Wayland or Weston01:15
jeremiah_duck Not that i know of...01:15
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Speaking of which, it might be ported to Wayland if it embraces GTK+ 3 entirely. Also, LXDE's possible Qt port may make it Wayland-compatible too. So far, though, only GNOME, KDE and e17 have definite plans to incorpate Wayland- or Weston-compatible stuff.01:16
jeremiah_duckx0r,  First error: dd: opening `/dev/sda': Permission denied01:16
jeremiah_command used: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=32M01:16
jeremiah_those are my hdds.01:16
duckx0rjeremiah_, you need to be root to do that01:16
duckx0rjeremiah_, do sudo {{your command}}01:17
duckx0rjeremiah_, make sure the hard drive is not mounted too01:17
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Is it ok if i did sudo su then i did the command?01:17
duckx0rjeremiah_, yeah, as long as you have root access01:18
jeremiah_now it just shows a cursor in terminal. is that what it is suppose to do?01:18
jeremiah_duckx0r,  It says i have to unmount it manually.01:21
* kiyoura is away: Auto-away after 2 mins idle (gone at 9th Jun, 01:21:20)01:21
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duckx0rjeremiah_, that's what i told you. unmount it first01:22
Siecje ntzrmtthihu777 this is what I get when I do lspci -nn https://dpaste.de/W42L0/01:22
duckx0rjeremiah_, type "mount | grep sda"01:22
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Turns out, it is dev/sdc So how do i unmount manually??01:22
duckx0rjeremiah_, umount01:22
FenbSonikkuAmerica: i dont really replacement for X only its GUI. but thx for showing me about Wayland. im just tired of DE that comes with additional applications.01:22
atom_Top cli apps?01:23
jeremiah_So, whats the command for unmounting /dev/sdc? Your last command didnt work01:23
your_dadhas anyone made SIP protocol work with Empathy ?01:23
jeremiah_duckx0r,  So, whats the command for unmounting /dev/sdc? Your last command didnt work01:23
SonikkuAmericaFenb: Oh! Well state your real problem then! :) In that case... that kind of defeats the purpose of having a desktop environment.01:23
FenbSonikkuAmerica: is it better with WM in my purpose?01:24
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duckx0rjeremiah_, you can't mount /dev/sdc, you mount a partition on /dev/sdc. try "mount | grep sdc" to see what is mounted01:24
jeremiah_duckx0r, Brought up nothing. And gparted wont let me format it01:25
duckx0rjeremiah_, /dev/sdc is basically like saying the entire hard drive. you mount partitions on the hard drive, not the hard drive itself01:25
duckx0rjeremiah_, ah, you might have it mounted using the UUID01:25
SonikkuAmericaFenb: DEs and WMs usually go hand in hand: GNOME with Mutter, Unity with Metacity, MATE with Metacity, KDE with KWin, XFCE with Xfwm, LXDE with Openbox, etc...01:25
jeremiah_duckx0r,  It has one partition, and i want to get rid of it.01:25
duckx0rjeremiah_, do you know where it's mounted?01:26
jeremiah_duckx0r,  not exactly...01:26
duckx0rjeremiah_, one sec01:26
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Other than its on hdd /dev/sdc01:26
duckx0rjeremiah_, try "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep sdc"01:26
jeremiah_duckx0r, Partition being /dev/sdc201:26
duckx0rjeremiah_, ah, well you can just "umount /dev/sdc2"01:27
jeremiah_duckx0r,  says it isnt mounted01:27
duckx0rjeremiah_, haha. uhm. did that command I just gave you output anything?01:27
duckx0rjeremiah_, anything besides sdc2 that is01:28
jeremiah_duckx0r, umount: /dev/sdc2 is not mounted (according to mtab)01:28
duckx0rjeremiah_, no, the ls command01:28
FenbSonikkuAmerica: but is it possible to just get the core of the DE or WM rather than the additional applications? its so hard to choose then you have so much to choose from. do you think it would conflict if i try out all that wm and de, just for finding the right one :D01:28
SonikkuAmericaFenb: You can actually do that in Ubuntu with MATE01:29
jeremiah_duckx0r, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun  8 20:24 e04b8749-6bf7-4ef4-ae9f-c9d7cbaf3b18 -> ../../sdc201:29
duckx0rjeremiah_, i'm confused. it says it's mounted, but then when you try to unmount it it says it's not?01:30
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Yea.01:30
duckx0rjeremiah_, does gparted show it as being mounted somewhere?01:30
Siecjeok this is what I get from "sudo lshw -C network" https://dpaste.de/zMOwu/01:30
jeremiah_duckx0r, When i try to unmount it via gparted, it says it can't, and must be unmounted manually.01:31
jeremiah_dThe partition could not be unmounted from the following mount points:01:31
jeremiah_Most likely other partitions are also mounted on these mount points. You are advised to unmount them manually.uckx0r,01:31
duckx0rjeremiah_, is anything from /dev/sdc in your /etc/fstab file?01:32
jeremiah_duckx0r,  i dont understand01:33
duckx0rjeremiah_, i mean, maybe just reboot the computer. of course, if it's in /etc/fstab it will just re-mount it01:33
jeremiah_duckx0r,  So just reboot?01:34
duckx0rjeremiah_, look in your /etc/fstab first01:34
jeremiah_duckx0r,  WHich is where?01:35
duckx0rjeremiah_, do you see anything referencing /dev/sdc2 or that above UUID (e04b8749-6bf7-4ef4-ae9f-c9d7cbaf3b18) ?01:35
duckx0rjeremiah_, type: cat /etc/fstab01:35
duckx0rjeremiah_, /etc/fstab is the location of that file01:36
hacksonhelo everyone!01:36
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Hang on, i have to reboot. my internet wont load pages, but wont drop chat lol01:36
hacksonanybody like lubuntu?01:37
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jeremiah_duckx0r,  Alright, Back. Do what now?01:39
duckx0rjeremiah_, it might just work. try it now01:40
Siecjentzrmtthihu777: this is what I get from "sudo lshw -C network" https://dpaste.de/zMOwu/ any suggestions what to try next?01:40
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jeremiah_duckx0r,  Same error01:41
duckx0rjeremiah_, do you see anything in your /etc/fstab referencing /dev/sdc2 or that above UUID (e04b8749-6bf7-4ef4-ae9f-c9d7cbaf3b18) ?01:42
ntzrmtthihu777Serano_: ethernet cable, right? doesn't show up at all in nm-tool?01:42
jeremiah_duckx0r,  I know some about partitions, and files and whatnot, but not that much01:42
jeremiah_duckx0r,  The output of the cat command you gave is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5746957/01:43
duckx0rjeremiah_, ok, yeah, you're probably gonna screw up your system :P01:44
jeremiah_duckx0r,  lol...01:44
duckx0rjeremiah_, /dev/sdc2 is mounted at /01:44
beethoven2is there an open source alternative to the google spam filter that isn't a pain to set up?01:44
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Isnt that like my filesystem?01:45
duckx0rjeremiah_, yes01:45
beethoven2(if I run my own mail server)01:45
duckx0rjeremiah_, that's the root of the file system01:45
jeremiah_duckx0r,  That isnt good, is it...01:45
ntzrmtthihu777beethoven2: 10minutemail is pretty nice. oh, for a server. idk01:45
ntzrmtthihu777jeremiah_: you can think of / as C:\ on windows01:45
duckx0rjeremiah_, well, for one it's impossible to unmount it unless you're using a live cd01:45
jeremiah_ntzrmtthihu777,  Havent used windows for two years :P01:45
jeremiah_duckx0r,  So it all goes down to liveCD...01:46
duckx0rjeremiah_, and probably whatever you're using to chat with me and all other files are stored there too01:46
c00lh3r3ticah, my kinda people! Linux people!101:46
jeremiah_duckx0r,  But how??? It is a separate hdd, and i can remove it when i want!01:46
duckx0rjeremiah_, it's not a separate HDD01:47
messa4quick question: what is name of tool that allows me to send various signals to process? (like sending SIGKILL with "kill") ?01:47
jeremiah_duckx0r, ?01:47
duckx0rjeremiah_, I would imagine you're getting mixed up at which hard drive is which01:47
ntzrmtthihu777messa4: killall whatever does the trick for me :P01:47
rypervenchec00lh3r3tic: That's what we are^^01:47
messa4ntzrmtthihu777: how? killall only sends SIGKILL01:48
jeremiah_duckx0r,  In gparted, this partition says it is on a different hdd, and it is a different size. so how>??01:48
duckx0rjeremiah_, different than what?01:48
ntzrmtthihu777messa4: what exactly are you attempting to do, then?01:48
rypervenchemessa4: killall sends a SIGTERM. You can change it using -9 for a SIGKILL. Run "man 7 signal" to learn all of the numbers.01:48
jeremiah_duckx0r,  I can see this partition is on a separate hdd01:49
messa4ntzrmtthihu777: i want to send other signals then SIGKILL. there is such tool in every linux i just forgot utility name01:49
jeremiah_duckx0r,  SO how is it in my root?01:49
messa4rypervenche: i know that01:49
rypervenchemessa4: So you can send any signal using killall, kill, pkill, etc.01:49
jeremiah_duckx0r,  WHen i can remove it anytime i want, and still have ubuntu working?01:49
messa4rypervenche: what is the name of utility thall allows me to send OTher signals ? (like for example SIGPROF or SIGXCPU (24) etc )01:49
Ben64messa4: kill01:50
rypervenchemessa4: killall -2401:50
duckx0rjeremiah_, because that's not the hard drive you are removing, you're removing the other one01:50
rypervenchemessa4: or kill, or pkill, depending on exactly what you want to do.01:50
rypervenchemessa4: Just put a dash in front of the number and it will send that signal.01:50
messa4rypervenche: THank you! :)01:51
jeremiah_duckx0r,  wait wha??? I have an external, and that is what i am trying to unmount.01:51
jeremiah_duckx0r,  And it doesnt have my os on it.01:51
bonhoefferi really screwed up -- think i wrote random data to the first 5 mb of my boot disk01:51
bonhoeffernow ubuntu won't boot -- any options?01:51
duckx0rjeremiah_, your external isn't /dev/sdc then01:51
duckx0rjeremiah_, it's something else01:51
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: have a live cd/usb?01:51
messa4bonhoeffer: there are some utilities (gpart i think NOT the gtk one) - that would help u to recover MBR from backup sectors01:51
bonhoefferntzrmtthihu777: making one now01:52
jeremiah_duckx0r,  But it has to be! I can tell via size difference of hdds01:52
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: boot-repair should trick the doo01:52
duckx0rjeremiah_, remove your external HDD and refresh the devices in gparted then01:52
bonhoefferntzrmtthihu777: is that a live cd?01:52
ntzrmtthihu777!grub | bonhoeffer01:52
ubottubonhoeffer: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:52
messa4bonhoeffer: what you need to do is "restore the mbr" (just find proper tool for it. afik gpart cant do it).01:52
jeremiah_duckx0r,  I copied my partition once, and i think i failed at it (It wont boot) so it is a replica of it, but a broken one01:52
bonhoeffera distro or an ap i can run on the distro01:53
jeremiah_duckx0r,  And it dissapears.01:53
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: its a grub-repair ubuntu package. you can install it (temporarily of course) on the live cd/usb and run it to fix your grub/mbr etc01:53
duckx0rjeremiah_, /dev/sdc disappeared?01:53
jeremiah_duckx0r,  I can boot from liveCD, but it will take ten or so minutes...01:54
duckx0rjeremiah_, no need01:54
jeremiah_duckx0r,  Alright, so it disappears when i remove it. now what>01:55
duckx0rjeremiah_, i don't know how /dev/sdc2 has that UUID and your /etc/fstab says that that's the partition for your root filesystem01:55
duckx0rjeremiah_, what is the output of: mount | grep "on / "01:55
jeremiah_duckx0r, /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)01:56
bonhoefferok, i've downloaded 13.04 desktop iso on a windows box -- best way to turn a usb stick into a live boot01:56
bonhoefferunetbootin the best way?01:56
TKinghi please someone help me -- am running ubuntu how do i launch gparted01:57
ntzrmtthihu777TKing: likely you will have to install it first, its not default (it is, however, on the live cd)01:57
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: unetbootin worked for me well enough.01:58
your_dadTKing: sudo apt-get install gparted01:58
ntzrmtthihu777Dad! get off irc, you're drunk!01:58
duckx0rjeremiah_, i'm not sure man. it's weird that it says it's mounted, but you can't unmount it01:58
bonhoefferis that different than pen drive linux01:58
TKingi have live usb with ubuntu 13.04 is gparted inside? if so how do I run it in GUI am trying ubuntu and need to do EFI partion please should i do?01:59
jeremiah_duckx0r,  LiveCD?01:59
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: not a clue, sir. I've always used usb-creator-gtk linux side and unetbootin windows side.01:59
duckx0rjeremiah_, might be a good idea, just make sure you get the right partitions or you could overwrite the wrong one01:59
TKingyour_dad i think its installed but how do i run it02:00
jeremiah_duckx0r,  yea lol02:00
ntzrmtthihu777TKing: search the dash for it (assuming unity)02:00
Vitamin-Dwhat's the lastest version of ubuntu distro that is made available?02:00
ntzrmtthihu777Vitamin-D: 13.0402:00
duckx0rjeremiah_, good luck02:00
jeremiah_duckx0r, so like, see you in 15 minutes? 100% Fact i will need help for some odd reason.02:00
duckx0rjeremiah_, install xchat on the livecd02:01
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
bonhoefferwhat should i format my usb drive to make a live cd?02:04
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: unetbootin handles all of that.02:05
bonhoefferhmm . . . my 4gb usb disk is coming up as only 8mb in windows02:05
ntzrmtthihu777bonhoeffer: perhaps its a format windows does not understand.02:06
bonhoeffercan't i clear it all02:06
ntzrmtthihu777do you have any available linux system that works?02:06
ntzrmtthihu777if all else fails you could just burn a livecd, that will work 100%.02:07
bonhoefferno cd drive or any blank cd's available02:08
ntzrmtthihu777:/ well that sucks.02:08
bonhoefferin windows disk manager -- will format fat3202:08
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, Clean the trash in the usb or format it fat3202:09
tonesformat fat 32, then install Multisystem from the repository02:09
wilee-nileetones, multisystem runs in linux not MS.02:09
tonesok thought you were in linux02:10
tonesthen pendrivelinux02:10
ntzrmtthihu777heh, nope. thats his issue here :P02:10
ntzrmtthihu777scragged his grub, likely.02:11
Jeremiah_duckx0r, k back02:12
tollandsomewhere between kernel 3.2 and 3.8, something is no longer supported on my nc6400, it hangs just after the selection of the kernel version in boot menu02:13
tollandor I can boot in recovery mode, or02:13
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  Unmounted it, and got rid of it. Now what?02:13
duckx0rJeremiah_, got rid of what?02:13
Jeremiah_the old partition on the hdd i am cloning my partition onto02:13
duckx0rJeremiah_, try doing the dd command now02:13
Jeremiah_duckx0r, ^02:13
owliehi.. i can't get X11 Forwarding working through PuTTY on ubuntu 12.0402:14
owlieall enabled in ssh/sshd config, xeyes returns "Can't open display:"02:14
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  So, i take it as it wont show progress.02:14
TKingguys am trying to create a EFI partioion02:15
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  How do i know when it finishes?02:15
owlieis that because my DISPLAY variable isn't correctly set?  localhost0:0 is what i have set in putty for X11 Forwarding02:16
duckx0rJeremiah_, guess not. i can't remember whether it showed progress or not. i haven't used it in a while02:16
duckx0rJeremiah_, it should just go to the next line when it's finished02:16
Jeremiah_duckx0r, k.02:16
duckx0rJeremiah_, how big is the drive?02:16
Jeremiah_The partition i am copying is 25 gb02:16
duckx0rJeremiah_, shouldn't take too long then.02:17
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  With swap, 30 gb02:17
owlieno ideas?  help would be real appreciated :)02:17
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  one last question. I copied it like this once, and i got the grub gnu version screen with grub> input02:17
TKingguys am trying to create a EFI partition, i typed "gdisk -l /dev/sda" in terminal - output said Found valid MBR and GPT which do you want 1. mbr, 2 gpt. enter choice please how do i get EFI?02:17
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  What was the issue? How do i get around it?02:18
bonhoefferwhat the heck is usb-fdd (floppy disk drive)?02:18
duckx0rJeremiah_, you said you were copying the whole drive though, not just one partition02:18
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  That is the whole drive :)02:18
bonhoefferseems to me like usb is just usb -- i don't get the distinction between fdd. and hdd. with usb drives02:18
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  Whole drive is 30gb02:19
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  So, how do i fix the grub version screen?02:19
bonhoefferyeah -- it just hangs on loading operating system02:19
Jeremiah_duckx0r, If it pops up again02:19
owliewould this be the wrong channel for help with something like X11 forwarding on ubuntu02:19
duckx0rJeremiah_, i would imagine the reason you got the "grub>" prompt is because the UUID of the partition changed. you need to re-run I think it's "update-grub"02:20
duckx0rJeremiah_, look up grub repair on your live cd02:20
bonhoefferit looks like the usb drive is never getting queried02:20
duckx0rJeremiah_, i mean on google, using your live cd02:20
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  So, if i get it again, just run update-grub02:20
duckx0rJeremiah_, yeah, or just do it now02:21
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  This was AFTER i repaired the grub the first time02:21
duckx0rJeremiah_, oh, then i don't know02:21
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  First time i got an error about the grub. So i updated grub, then i got the grub> prompt02:21
duckx0rJeremiah_, hmm not sure. i wouldn't want to give you the wrong advice02:23
Jeremiah_duckx0r,  mk...02:23
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, I keep a copy of supergrub at hand to boot in when needed, its easier to fix grub from the intall.02:23
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  What is that?02:24
animushhey guys i have a problem with my ubuntu 12.04 install02:24
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, This will explain. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/02:24
animushyesterday i started doing an update (370 updates to install)02:24
animushit got stuck on configuring grub-pc and hasn't progressed02:25
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  Kthnx02:25
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee, I'll look into it02:25
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, Cool, it is a helpful tool at times.02:25
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  Might as well get it. So, if my grub has issues, i just pop the disk in?02:26
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, Generally yes, however the grub files in ubuntu need to be in good shape, it basically bypasses the mbr.02:27
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  Meaning...?02:27
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, It works by searching for grub files. For example I have 3 OS on my computer and if I boot supergrub it will find all 3 and I can choose which to boot.02:28
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  Ah...02:28
wilee-nilee3 linux setups that is.02:28
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  so would it be useful in my case? I have one linux, and plan on windows...02:29
mymusisewhen i install monodevelop ,it say :"Unknown media type in type 'all/all'02:30
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'02:30
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'uri/mms'02:30
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'02:30
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'"02:30
FloodBot1mymusise: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
wilee-nileeJeremiah_, It is an easy boot when its broken, rather then having to use a live cd to reload the mbr or purge and reload grub...etc, nothing is perfect though so answers that sat always works have variables and outliers.02:30
mymusisewhat happen?02:30
Jeremiah_wilee-nilee,  k...02:31
wilee-nileetiny ISO though about 3 MB02:31
animushthis update has just hung twice, never had this problem with updates before02:31
daemeonHey all. How do I go about finding inspecting a document in ubuntu? What I mean is, if I created a file on computer A, how would I look at identifying information about the file on computer B (ubuntu)?02:32
mymusisehow to deal the problem :02:32
mymusise<mymusise> Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'02:32
mymusise<mymusise> Unknown m02:32
mymusisewhen i install something02:33
jribmymusise: give full input and output in pastebin02:33
Jeremiah_Anyone know the command to see if dd hdd cloning tool is finished? I can find it on the web02:33
jribJeremiah_: dd returns you to a prompt when it finishes02:33
Jeremiah_jrib,  so is it normal if it takes over a half hour to copy a 30gb hdd?02:34
owliehi, can i get some info about why i can't get X11 Forwarding to work from PuTTY?02:34
jribJeremiah_: probably depends on your options and hardware I guess02:34
owlieit's just an "Error: Can't open display" when i run anything like xeyes02:35
jribowlie: are you running X?02:35
Jeremiah_jrib,  kinda slow, no?02:35
owliei'm connecting from windows.  what do you mean running x?02:35
jribowlie: you need to be running an x server on windows if you want to use X11 forwarding02:35
owliei am02:36
jribowlie: which one?02:36
mymusisewhen i install monodevelop ,it say:02:36
mymusise do I go about finding inspecting a document in ubuntu? What I mean is, if I created a file on computer A, how would I look at identifying information about the file on computer B (ubuntu)?02:36
jribowlie: did you enable it on the server?02:36
mymusise/usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime02:36
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'all/all'02:36
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'02:36
mymusiseUnknown media type in type 'uri/mms'02:36
FloodBot1mymusise: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
owliejrib: yes, ssh_config and sshd_config both have all X11 forwarding options set to 'yes'02:37
jribowlie: don't know then, never used windows for X11 forwarding02:37
jribowlie: make sure you restarted sshd after changing options in its config02:38
owliejrib: alright.  could it be i have my display variable set incorrectly?02:38
jribowlie: what is it set to?02:39
bonhoefferfinally got a live boot from usb -- !02:39
owlielocalhost:0:0 is what I have in putty for x11 forwarding to02:39
jribowlie: try just "localhost:0"02:39
daemeonHey all. How do I go about finding inspecting a document in ubuntu? What I mean is, if I created a file on computer A, how would I look at identifying information about the file on computer B (ubuntu)?02:40
owliejrib: ok.  serverside and clientside?02:40
jribowlie: where will you set it serverside?02:40
owliethrough 'set DISPLAY=:0"02:41
jribowlie: in...?02:41
boxerHey guys. I'm trying to install the latest Ubuntu to a laptop currently running Windows 7. At the boot menu, the laptop won't let me install Ubuntu. When I choose the option, it just refreshes the USB Boot menu02:42
boxerany tips?02:42
jribowlie: anyway, no I don't think you need to set DISPLAY server-side02:42
wilee-nileeboxer, The booted cd/usb of ubuntu just loops back the first gui with the try or install options?02:43
boxerwilee-nilee: Yeah, that's correct02:44
owliejrib: hmm ok.  what's the default value for DISPLAY though02:44
boxerwilee-nilee: In fact, any option other than "test memory" and "boot from 1st hard disk" loop back02:44
wilee-nileeboxer, How did you load the cd/usb and have you done a md5sunm check?02:44
jribowlie: set it to "localhost:0" in putty02:44
wilee-nilee! md5sum | boxer02:45
ubottuboxer: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:45
boxerwilee-nilee: I used live USB install, and yes, I did do the md5sunm check02:45
wilee-nileeboxer, Something seems to be wrong with the loading of the usb, there are a bunch of different loaders some for windows, osx, and linux, I would try another.02:46
boxerwilee-nilee:  Sounds good, I'll try unetbootin02:46
wilee-nileeThat one is popular seems to work often, the only drawback is it boots straight in, without that first gui, I think it can be brought up I don't know how though.02:48
boxerRight now it's not recognizing my USB drive anyways. Do you know any other loaders off the top of your head?02:48
wilee-nileeboxer, What is the OS you are doing this in?02:49
boxerRunning off a Windows 7 machine02:49
wilee-nileeboxer, This is a computer that will boot a usb correct?02:49
boxerBoth the one burning the image and the target computer are running windows 702:49
wilee-nileeboxer, If you are getting to that gui on the usb it is be seen.02:50
wilee-nileeI would try unetbootin02:50
boxerright. I'm wondering if there might be some security restrictions02:50
boxerit IS a company laptop, but they gave me the go-ahead to put Ubuntu on it02:51
wilee-nileeboxer, You might talk with their IT if this continues, to check on security, however I would have thought they would have mentioned this.02:52
boxerDitto. I'll check out some other loaders to see if that helps02:52
wilee-nileeboxer, Windows 8 comes in uefi, I wonder if this W7 is as well.02:53
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:53
dunpealHi. I just installed Ubuntu on a desktop, but it won't boot. `sudo fdisk -l` doesn't show the partition where I installed Ubuntu as a Boot partition. Fix?02:57
wilee-nileedunpeal, Ubuntu does not need a boot flag, check out the bootrepair tool, it has a bootinfo summary you can run before a repair to post if you like.02:58
wilee-nilee! bootrepair02:59
wilee-nileedunpeal, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:00
dunpealwilee-nilee, thanks, installing now.03:00
dunpealwilee-nilee, it detected "EFI"03:02
roddhi, anyone running ubuntu on the new thinkpad x1?03:19
dimendhello everyone03:20
duckx0rhi dimend03:20
* dunpeal is so tired03:20
dimendis someone available for some suggestions?03:21
dunpealanyone willing to help me decypher boot-repair output?03:21
TKinghi guys what does EFI mean in ubuntu?03:21
duckx0rdimend, don't ask to ask. just ask.03:21
dimendwell, I've been thinking on switching os to ubuntu, but I really dislike unity and I wish I could go for a GNOME 2.x03:23
dimendI don't know so much about it, but I think a valuable alternative (if I could call it so) it is with a desktop service called MATE03:23
dimenddoes someone of you guys know more about it?03:24
rodddimend linuxmint got some alternative (one is a gnome fork), give it a try03:25
roddcinnamon is great03:25
mainjoin #84949403:26
dimendI've also seen one called snowlinux linux03:26
dimendany advice?03:26
roddid go with mint03:27
TKinghi guys what does EFI mean in ubuntu?03:27
dimendmint it's a whole OS per se03:27
Ari-YangExtensible Firmware Interface?03:28
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:28
rodddimend google "install cinnamon/mate on ubuntu"03:28
kostkon_dimend: if you want an os backed by a company go with ubuntu with e.g. mate otherwise go with mint03:28
dimendand more.. what's the difference between linuxe distros if at the "skins" (if I could call them so) are equal?03:29
dimendI mean what's the change between ubuntu and debian for instance?03:29
rodddimend are you a windows or mac user03:30
Ari-Yangdimend, I recommend you google that question03:30
Ari-Yangyou'll get loads of pages/threads that have answers03:30
cfhowlettdimend, perhaps a good discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic03:30
qindimend: small differences, like big mac and royal with cheese...03:30
dimendmhm.. understand I thought was as "easy" topic that could at least been responded in a nutshell03:31
dimendmhm.. I understand..03:31
qindimend: main differences between distros are: used kernes, inatalling/updating system, interface, default applications, configs.03:32
dimendall right03:33
qinand logos03:33
dimendwhat a kernel is?03:33
dimendis it some sort of language that's machine-OS compatable?03:33
qinkernel is linux, but you really would want to hook up on wiki for a while03:34
cfhowlettdimend, http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=kernel03:34
sporkboyokay... so my hard drive got full and I got a bunch of errors. freed up some space and everything was fine... except firefox can't find any servers. tor browser (which /is/ firefox) is fine. purge and reinstall didn't help03:35
dimendwhat makes you people choose for ubuntu instead of others OS03:35
dimendand why ubuntu seems to be so popular among other distros?03:35
cfhowlett!off-topic|dimend let's keep this channel clear for actual support, yes?03:35
ubottudimend let's keep this channel clear for actual support, yes?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:35
cfhowlettsporkboy, how did you free space?03:36
cfhowlettcanaima172423, greetings03:36
sporkboycfhowlett, deleted the files I'd been downloading to the wrong partition on accident.03:36
cfhowlettsporkboy, hmm.  doesn't explain the server issue.  Anyway... clear space with sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get clean03:37
kostkon_sporkboy: start with a fresh ffox profile maybe?03:37
cfhowlettsporkboy, then run terminal and ping www.google.com03:37
SuperLagIs there any way to delete something you sent to paste.ubuntu.com?03:38
sporkboyI did sudo apt-get purge firefox; rm -rf ~/.mozilla; rm -rf .cache/mozilla; sudo apt-get install firefox03:38
ChuiboBrand new to linux trying to partition my drives have an ssd and hdd. confused at mount points in the installation any help would be much appreciated.03:38
kostkon_SuperLag: no03:38
SuperLaglovely *headslap*03:38
cfhowlettsporkboy, well that should pretty much clear it.  ping nonetheless ... DNS issue?03:39
sporkboycfhowlett, and I think it's not my overall connection, since I'm on irc, and tor browser is loading pages.03:39
kostkon_SuperLag: just don't share thevurl with anyone03:39
sporkboycfhowlett, I can connect in my terminal, or apt-get wouldn't have worked.03:39
cfhowlettsporkboy, could tor be redirecting then?03:39
cfhowlettsporkboy, apt-get clean doesn't need internet.  those 2 commands clear out old .debs from local machine03:40
sporkboycfhowlett, firefox isn't set to go through the proxf03:40
sporkboycfhowlett, but apt-get update and apt-get install do.03:40
Chuibodo i need a mount point for / /home /home /tmp /usr/ /var /srv/opt /usr/local or do i just need a root and maybe put the home on the ssd to save ssd life?03:41
Chuiboi mean hdd sorry03:41
sporkboyoddly, I can't ping anything.03:41
cfhowlettsporkboy, ah, well now ...03:41
sporkboythat is weird.03:41
cfhowlettsporkboy, I'd suspect your DNS got nabbed somewhere ...03:42
sporkboywtf? I just apt-get installed it, and now apt won't connect.03:42
cfhowlettsporkboy, you03:42
cfhowlettyou'll hate this but turn off tor and do your stuff03:43
greenhornlinuxquick question about recent updates. I have three computers running 12.04. I use the keyboard shortcuts pretty heavily, windows + number key to jump to my applications. I have recently discovered that if an application gets closed either by a mouse click or alt+f4 my keyboard shortcuts stop responding. Windows + number key or ctrl + alt + arrow key to jump to a different workspace. I can get the keyboard shortcuts to respon03:43
greenhornlinuxd by hitting alt to activate the hud or windows key to bring up the dash. After this, things seem to work normal until I close an application. This happens on all three of my systems. Anyone else have this issue? I am wondering if it was a recent update.03:43
sporkboycfhowlett, but it was working before. gonna see if that does the trick, but it was working before.03:43
cfhowlettsporkboy, fingers crossed.03:43
sporkboystopping tor didn't change anything.03:45
cfhowlettsporkboy, as you can't google! I'd say see your DNS settings.  Sadly, I don't know enough to be more specific.  Ask in channel and provide details03:47
sporkboycfhowlett, I'm using and and can't nslookup google! wth?03:47
sporkboybut I can open my gmail in tor browser.03:48
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
Campfirehi guys03:51
Campfireand gals03:51
Campfirecan we go over security holes in ubuntu03:52
Campfireand little term code03:52
IdleOneCampfire: better to report bugs and security holes on launchpad.net. This is a support channel and not meant for bug reporting, you might try #ubuntu-bugs.03:53
Campfirei,m a newb asking a guru to to walk me threw some comon commands03:53
IdleOneAsk a specific question and someone will try to help if they can.03:53
Campfireok ty03:54
Campfirewhats the first thing you do to secure your ubuntu instal03:54
cfhowlettCampfire, a regular desktop user has limited use of such.  once you start doing servers and such, you might want to revisit the issue.  ubuntu is pretty dern secure by default03:54
cfhowlettCampfire, secure from what?03:55
klyncfolks, i'm upgrading a laptop running maverick now. after I dist-upgrade, do I keep pointing at the archive and go to natty first? or, how do I get to current?03:55
wilee-nilee! eol | klync03:55
ubottuklync: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:55
klyncthx wilee-nilee !03:55
cfhowlettCampfire, personally, I'd recommend you create a daily use account for ... daily use.  use your administrative account only for system admin type stuff03:55
wilee-nileeklync, You would be better instaling your final goal fresh, and backing up what you want.03:56
Campfireok so don,t run as admin will sudo still work03:56
cfhowlettklync, torrent the iso you want (12.04 LTS recomended), make a usb/cdrom and clean install.03:56
cfhowlettCampfire, sudo will work within the admin account not the daily, normal desktop user account.03:57
klync i just might, wilee-nilee, cfhowlett ... thanks03:57
Campfireoh i see03:57
Omega11ubuntu is a peace of shit03:58
Omega11and u can take your tearms of service annd shove them up your fucking ass03:58
ubottuOmega11,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:58
Campfireruning as admin will that make it easy for a hacker to get in , i figured if you where in sudo no one esle could be in it03:58
cfhowlettCampfire, you do NOT want to "run in sudo".  run as an unprivileged user for daily use.03:59
Campfirei see03:59
ubottuCampfire,: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:59
wilee-nileeCampfire, Does admin mean root to you or a standard install account?03:59
Campfireok i,m learning04:00
Campfireok whats it called when you make a image of your system in ubuntu so if all fails04:01
Campfireyour bake up04:01
cfhowlettCampfire, image ... see the dd command04:01
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate04:02
cfhowlettkostkon, better than my suggestion ... thanks04:03
Campfirei here alot of people while surfing are running sandbox type vm,s04:04
wilee-nileeCampfire, Not in linux sandbox wont run.04:04
Campfirevertual box i mean04:05
Campfirebear with spelling04:05
cfhowlettCampfire, virtualbox ... mostly used for testing04:05
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Campfirehmm wonder what to use as a vm online sesion in ubuntu so can,t mess up your main distro04:07
cfhowlettCampfire, what's your main distro?04:07
cfhowlettCampfire, then why do you need a vm?04:08
SenjaiDoes anyone know the command/keybinding to move across desktops?04:08
cfhowlettCampfire, meaning what are you hoping to achieve with a vm?04:08
LadonI'm new to Ubuntu and looking for a certain functionality.. anybody mind helping me?04:08
Senjai!ask | Ladon04:09
ubottuLadon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:09
kostkon_Senjai: ctrl+alt+left-right arrows?04:09
Senjaikostkon_: No luck, I guess they are different in KDE04:09
Campfirerun in a vm atmosphere so if catching a virus when you shut the vm down the virus hack is gone is what i,m interested in04:09
Senjaikostkon_: Thought they'd be the same.04:09
kostkon_Senjai: oh04:09
LadonI currently run a windows server and want to switch to ubuntu.. the only functionality that I haven't been able to replace is comicrack on windows will sync with my tablet/keep track of my libraries. Are there any programs for ubuntu to sort/organize comics and sync them with a tablet?04:09
cfhowlettCampfire, have some fun ... google "linux + virus" to see how many hits you get ...04:10
cfhowlettLadon, yes there are. see the software center for "comics"  or consider loading them in google play or kindle app04:10
Dr_willisComic books? ;)04:11
Ladonyeah but will any of those allow me to read them via SAMBA (or Ubuntu equivalent) without copying all of them over to the SD card?04:11
cfhowlettCampfire, I appreciate what you're attempting but I think you're overthinking things.  linux viruses are RARE.04:11
Campfirethis hands on typing is how i learn the the best sort of co dependent learning more motivation live to remember04:11
cfhowlettLadon, kindle app synchs across platforms so yes04:12
Campfireok ty04:12
juniourhi guys how can i increase or decrease my screen brightness via fn keys shortcut04:14
jayprois there another program that runs tcl files besides tclsh?04:14
cfhowlettjuniour, depends on your machine ... no universal key coding04:14
cfhowlettjuniour, for instance, on mine, it's F4 F504:14
jayprojuniour yeah mine is fn + F5 or F604:15
juniourcfhowlett i have fn key shortcut for brightness but it dosent works, but for sounds it works04:15
Campfirecf what do you recommend for learning linux inside out like a good web site04:15
qin!tab | Campfire cfhowlett likes it04:16
ubottuCampfire cfhowlett likes it: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:16
cfhowlettCampfire, "linux from scratch"04:16
jayprois there another program that runs tcl files besides tclsh?04:17
juniourjaypro yes its fn+f5 for decrease and fn+f6 for increase04:17
Dr_willisjaypro,  perhaps ask in #TCL if it exists..   ive not used tcl in years.04:18
jayprothats good, juniour04:18
jayprooh thanks Dr_willis... had no idea there was a channel for that04:18
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:18
Campfireubottu ty i booked marked the site04:19
ubottuCampfire: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:19
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
Campfirecf are you running through a bot on irc i thought you were founders and ops on here04:21
libpenguinI can't connect and disconnect lan and wifi connections from network drop down menu bar...also i cannot open edit conditions from it and Vpn sub-menus are also not showing up....although i can connect and disconnect from system settings network....same issues with bluetooth ( it all started while I was trying to pair my mobile with laptop - suddenly it hung and all this problem started)....btw all the lan and wifi connections are w04:21
Dr_willisfile not found04:22
soy_el_pulpohi Dr_willis04:23
juniourjaypro yes its fn+f5 for decrease and fn+f6 for increase04:23
cfhowlettCampfire, hardly.  like you, I'm merely a desktop user with SLIGHTLY more experience.  I don't code, so this is how I support Ubuntu and learn in the process.04:23
juniourjaypro and mute shortcutworks but brightness dosen't work04:23
juniourany help04:23
Campfireoh your text is in red for me must be your using my nick before your text i,m learning ty04:24
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:24
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:25
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines, and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.04:25
Campfirerepitition helps to remember04:25
Dr_williswash, rinse, repeate.04:26
tonesDr_willis, what are some of your favorite long term use  linux/computer books?04:26
Dr_willisI buy (or used to) whatever i could find in the bargin bins at the various bookstores on topics i was interested in, rexx, perl, awk, sed, using vi, regular expressions and so forth.04:27
greenhornlinuxI use keyboard shortcuts pretty heavily. Running 12.04. When using unity and I close an application, either mouse click or keyboard (alt+f4), the rest of my keyboard shortcuts stop working. Example, crt+alt+arrow. I can "fix" this by hitting alt to activating the hud, or hitting the super key to activate dash. After this, things return to normal. Anyone else run into this issue? This happens on both of my laptops running 1204:28
Dr_willisMost of the time it was the Oreially books.. i found the 'one book covers everything' type books rather useless after reading 1 or 2 ofthem.. they were all too general04:28
cfhowlettI've found the "... for dummies" highly appropriate for my use.  Wait ...04:28
Dr_willisanything with 'for dummines, or idiots' in the title = avoid04:28
guideXcfhowlett: I really perfer the sams 21 days books04:29
Dr_willisthey often dont even fully cover the basics.04:29
Campfireyeah i down loaded alot of oreillys stuff04:29
guideXlike c++ in 21 days :D04:29
guideXone of my favorite books04:29
Dr_willisonly codeing i need to do - i can do in perl, or python, or rexx  ;)04:30
=== Fenaralan is now known as kawaii-neko
Campfirei got that one somewhere  dr.w04:31
guideXrexx eh?04:31
libpenguinI can't connect and disconnect lan and wifi connections from network drop down menu bar...also i cannot open edit conditions from it and Vpn sub-menus are also not showing up....although i can connect and disconnect from system settings network....same issues with bluetooth ( it all started while I was trying to pair my mobile with laptop - suddenly it hung and all this problem started)....btw all the lan and wifi connections are w04:31
guideXI thought I was the only rexx coder left on earth04:31
Dr_willisUsed my amiga for years.. i can still do rexx for a lot of things. ;)04:32
Dr_willisI miss the rexx 'ports' in  my old amiga apps.04:32
guideXI keep getting work for rexx for a bank which needs to support their os/2 junk04:32
Campfirestill on win 9504:33
Campfireserver 9504:33
guideXhmm os/2 is something different04:34
Dr_willisradically differnt. ;)04:34
Campfireoh my bad04:34
Dr_willispredates windows 95 by some time i recall.04:34
guideXos/2 actually has an windows 3.1 shell inside of it04:34
Campfiredod they run dod on that04:34
Campfirebanks run dod i,m guessing04:35
ClientAlivewhat is the best way to align partitions across multiple disks? Is there a way to do it that doesn't involve creating partitions on the other disks just as spacers? My problem is, I'll have a raid array but not everything on this systeam can be in a raid array (the uefi system partition for instance). I still want the partitions in the raid array to lign up on the physical platters across all disks though.04:35
guideXhmm the one i'm dealing with doesn't04:35
guideXthey run like ibm as400 stuff, but this is for their atm software.. it runs some rexx code04:36
cfhowlettClientAlive, might aslo ask in #ubuntuserver ...04:36
Reckuhi :)04:38
Campfireseems like more advanced widows systems make more default vulnerbilities = job security04:38
cfhowlettRecku, greetings04:38
ReckuI want to ask you about sharing files between connected computers in hotspot (adhoc) network04:39
cfhowlettCampfire, as in most OS's, the greatest risk factor lies between the keyboard and the display ....04:39
ubottuRecku,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:39
Campfireyeah firmware can be a prob too04:40
Campfiressd technolegy geting better04:41
SangeetKhatriHey guys i have a problem my laptop brightness is stuck at low and there is no way to change it after the boot.04:42
Dr_willishow many ways have you tried to change it?04:42
SangeetKhatriI have encountered the same problem under many linux OS. What might cause this problem04:43
SangeetKhatriBy using the brightness keys04:43
SangeetKhatriand going in to the settings04:43
Reckunetwork is made from ubuntu 10.04 which is broadcasting redirected signal from usb 4g modem to wlan and then to all laptops as there is connection between wlan cards I suppose there would be a easy way to share files using samba but I can't see those files from other computers04:43
Dr_willisbios/firmware/apci/ quirks in how themakers do the task.04:43
SangeetKhatrinothing worked apparently04:43
SangeetKhatriwhat?? I didn't get it?04:43
Dr_willischecked askubuntu.com and the forums for issues with that exact make of laptop?04:43
Reckuwhat I should configure further... I suggest the reason is ad hoc type of broadcasting should I try with infrastructure04:44
Dr_willisRecku,  see if the 2 pcs can ping each others ip.. and if so. try ssh/scp - that would be the easiest way to transfer files.04:44
Campfirethis is intertaining i have a brightness prob to that i learned to live with till i learn04:45
SangeetKhatriI have googled it a lot for past few days i got nothing that worked for me so i thought that anyone on the forums must have the solution as i can contact people in realtime04:45
SangeetKhatriI tried a lot many things but they are not doing anything to reset the brightness.04:46
Clintegerhi guys and gals04:46
Clintegeractually, nevermind.04:47
wilee-nileeSangeetKhatri, Have you confirmed the display works in other OS besides linux?04:47
Clintegeractually, I was wondering if anyone knows how ubuntu boots on efi macs04:48
ubottuClinteger,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:48
libpenguin12.10 - I can't connect and disconnect lan and wifi connections from drop down menu bar...also i cannot open edit conditions from it and Vpn sub-menus are also not showing up...although i can connect and disconnect from system settings network....same issues with bluetooth ( it all started while I was trying to pair my mobile with laptop, suddenly it hung and all this problem started)...btw all the lan and wifi connections are work04:48
SangeetKhatrii haven't confirmed because there is now way i can? I mean i don't have money to buy Windows. Hence i just have a lot many Linux distros iso04:48
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  what ubuntu release are you useing?04:49
wilee-nileeSangeetKhatri, in other words could it be a hardware item in screen setup a dual bulb with one out maybe?04:49
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  the only issue is you cant change brightness?04:49
Clintegerwell cfhowlett my mac isn't in the list. and I would like to install without keeping an os x partition around04:49
Dr_willisor is it totally blank/black?04:49
Clintegerand for that matter: ubuntu installs and boots just fine, but I want to know how it does that so I can use the same method to install debian :x04:49
cfhowlettClinteger, OK.  sorry, but I have no mac experience.04:50
libpenguinanyone ?04:50
wilee-nileeClinteger, There is a #debian channel04:50
SangeetKhatriI am using Linux Lite which is based on Ubuntu 12.04 , but apparently every Ubuntu distro i have used in the past say "Linux Mint 14" and "Lubuntu 13.04" have at some time showed some similar problems.04:50
Clintegerwilee-nilee indeed, but if ubuntu does it correctly, why not find out how it's done?04:50
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  id test out the actual ubuntu 13.04 not any unsupported (by this channel) spinoffs.04:50
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  and check askubuntu.com for your exact make/model laptop and see if its been mentioned there.04:51
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i'm trying to reinstall grub using the following command: sudo grub-install /dev/sda....but i get the following error: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!., /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..04:51
wilee-nileeClinteger, This channel only helps with ubuntu, ask if you like but ts just not supported is all.04:51
libpenguinDr_willis: ?? solution to my lan and wifi problem ??04:51
SangeetKhatribut this problem also existed when i used "Lubuntu 13.04" Now that is the distro officially supported by Ubuntu, isnt it?04:51
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  the support tools for luubntu may not be as tested.04:52
SangeetKhatriand i just switched over the linux lite 2 days ago04:52
Dr_willisand askubuntu.com and other sites will be focuesed on ubuntu04:52
Dr_willisIve never heard of  linux lite.. and its not supported here..04:52
SangeetKhatriOkay guys, thank you for your time i appreciate it. Bye :D04:52
Dr_willisSangeetKhatri,  its VERY likely that some kernel update/fix may make your system just 'work' but its hard to tell04:52
Campfirei wonderif the firmware in lappy and the ubuntu conflicting04:52
Campfireif even possiple04:53
ReckuIt seems it can't as the default configuration for hotspot didn't work I make a strict ipv4 config so I can broadcast... the configuration is: on 1-st computer (which broadcasts) Address:; mask:; on the second (which receives) and any other connected to the network device I configure as follow: address:; mask: same as above; gateway: and from 2-nd computer I tried to access 1-st with address bu04:53
Reckut ping didn't made am I doing something wrong?04:53
Dr_willisRecku,  sounds like the 2 are not networked.. or have wrong/bad ip #'s04:53
ReckuI have connection from second computer but can't access the first computer (now I'm typing from second one)04:54
Campfiremy monitor talks to my pc when i adjust from buttons on monitor maybe thats how mine got messed up04:54
Campfirewhat do you call drivers for ubuntu04:55
Dr_willisdrivers are normally kernel modules for specific hardware04:55
Dr_willisthe kernel loads the module as needed04:55
libpenguin12.10 - I can't connect and disconnect lan and wifi connections from drop down menu bar...also i cannot open edit conditions from it and Vpn sub-menus are also not showing up...although i can connect and disconnect from system settings network....same issues with bluetooth ( it all started while I was trying to pair my mobile with laptop, suddenly it hung and all this problem started)...btw all the lan and wifi connections are work04:56
Reckuurh my mistake I've tried with seems I lied sorry04:56
Dr_willisthen theres the other support 'software; that lets you use the actual drvivices04:56
Campfirecan you get a kernal tree that tells conflics then kind of like device manager for windows04:56
mst3kfangot a question04:56
Reckuwell I've ping can I use the default ssh manager in nautilus with gui04:56
mst3kfanubuntu was giving me an internal error re. vlc-nox04:57
mst3kfanversion 2.0.604:57
Dr_willistest with the ssh cli client.. to see if its aworking04:57
mst3kfananyone know why or how that's caused?04:57
cfhowlettmst3kfan, vlc is a media player04:59
mst3kfanyeah i know04:59
mst3kfanit used to give me ubuntu internal errors for some reason04:59
mst3kfanim using xubuntu04:59
mst3kfanalso had a problem related to line 57 of my sources list file05:00
mst3kfanbut that's resolved now. seems to have stopped with the errors05:00
mst3kfanwonder if the sources.list file had somethin to do with vlc-nox causing xubuntu errors05:00
SangeetKhatriHey guys i am back again, this time booted the computer with a Lubuntu Live CD, and it is showing the similar brightness problem. What could the problem be since it is also giving the similar behavior with "Other OS"05:00
Dr_williswhats the exact 'brightness problem' ?05:01
Dr_willisjust the fn keys not working? or slider?  I recall there being some cli/command ways to also adjust it.05:01
SangeetKhatriThe problem is that my laptop is booting with "Lowest Possible Brightness" and when booted up completely there is no way of changing it.05:01
Campfirety dr willis and cfhow and rest are you helping same time everyday , just asking so i can take a bit of your help in bit by bit05:02
SangeetKhatriThe function keys are showing the the brightness is being changed but infact it is not.05:02
cfhowlettCampfire, no worries.  have fun, be safe05:02
SangeetKhatriand i am stuck with the lowest brightness which is pain to for the eyes05:02
Dr_willisand the exact make laptop is?05:03
SangeetKhatriAcer Aspire 573805:03
libpenguinSangeetKhatri: looks like hardware problem....get it checked05:03
SangeetKhatriwell, let me completely describe the problem. For the most of the times the brightness is fine but sometimes i don't know what happens that the brightness randomly goes down on say "a new laptop boot on a new morning" and then after everytime i boot i am stuck with the same brightness05:05
Br3dhey I need to really get unity-shopping outta my system. :S I've even purged unity shopping lense but I can't disable amazon ads from popping up without disabling all online content.05:05
SangeetKhatrii cannot find any settings in my BIOS related to brrightness05:05
SangeetKhatriand even in the BIOS the brightness is stuck to minimum05:06
Dr_willisseems to have a 'fix'05:06
SangeetKhatridid i mention that i am also having dimmed brightness even in the BIOS which is not a part of the Operating System.05:06
Dr_willisit may be several models have similer issues05:06
Br3ddear canonical, why would we even want to search amazon products, everytime we search for something... :S05:06
=== christophe is now known as Guest43782
Dr_willisBr3d,  turn it off then.. and rant elsewhere.05:07
=== Guest43782 is now known as griffon
Br3dDr_willis, I can't. that's what this rant is about.05:07
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ05:07
Dr_willisyes you can.05:07
Br3dI want to keep my youtube lense enabled. but remove amazon ads.05:07
Reckuwhen I try 'ssh radkos@' it stays inactive nothing happen05:07
Reckuand then connection timed out... should I make some changes to host machine which I'm trying access to05:08
Br3dthis is an honesty cry... not a rant... I've been using ubuntu since 5.04 probably... this is a heartbreak, to realize that my system almost feels hijacked at this point by amazon. :S05:08
Dr_willisRecku,  you did install the ssh server on both machines?05:08
Dr_willisRecku,   Just checking. ;)05:08
libpenguinUbuntu 12.10 - I cannot connect and disconnect lan and wifi connections from drop down menu bar...also i cannot open Edit Connections and Vpn sub-menus are also not showing up...although i can connect and disconnect from system settings network....same issues with bluetooth ( it all started while I was trying to pair my mobile with laptop, suddenly it hung and all this problem started)...btw all the lan and wifi connections are wor05:10
Br3dDr_willis, I've removed purged unity-lens-shopping and the musicstore too.05:10
Br3dI still get ads.05:10
Dr_willisI belive you need to log out/back in after doing that.. I dont disable them.. so never really noticed05:11
Br3dif i turn on allow online content... from settings. which I would like to allow to use other unity lenses.05:11
Br3dI've tried.05:11
Br3dlogged in logged out. nothing.05:11
Dr_willisI belive askubuntu.com and the omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites also mention how to tweak the lense05:11
ReckuHm 'ping' outputs positive result but 'ssh radkos@' timed out what am I doing wrong05:11
Reckuresponse from first command is about 1.4 ms05:12
Dr_willisRecku,  you do have a radkos user ON the server? same username on bothmachines?05:12
Reckuno its different05:13
ReckuI have radkos on server it's active right now05:13
Dr_willisyou are using the user name that exists on the server? the server you are sshing to may have some log entries in the /var/log/auth* log file or the sshd* log files about what its seeing05:13
Dr_willisalso you can do 'ssh -vvv foo@ip.num.be.r   to see verbose info about what its doing05:14
Reckuon second machine user is loni (my girlfrined name) :D05:14
Dr_willis-vvv = most verbose output i think05:14
Reckuok I'll give a try05:14
elisa87somebody please help me ! I faced initramfs  busybox ubuntu error when booting! And don't know what to do ! I am using a liveCD right now05:15
aumhi - ubuntu 13 liveCD can't bring up the desktop when running on an HP d530 slimline PC - any suggestions for solving?05:16
juniourhi i have hd partations its not showing but if, i will do mount it will show05:16
wilee-nileeaum, A detailed description of "can't bring up the desktop" would help.05:17
wilee-nileewhat s the path there?05:17
aumwilee-nilee: compiz crashes unexpectedly, and then all i see is a screen full of the colourful background - no panels or widgets05:18
aumwilee-nilee: i have linux mint running ok on this box, but would prefer ubuntu with untiy05:19
wilee-nileeaum, Have you tried a nomodeset boot and if working run a update/upgrade and check for graphic drivers maybe. Is the cd good have you md5summed checked it?05:19
elisa87fsck: error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs-3g for /dev/sda1  (what should I do ?)05:19
Dr_williselisa87,  if its a NTFS partition/filesystem.. checkit from windows05:19
aumwilee-nilee: cd is good - but how do i do a nomodeset boot?05:20
elisa87Dr_willis: what do you mean?05:20
elisa87Dr_willis: also fsck: error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs-3g for /dev/sda105:20
wilee-nilee! nomodeset | aum05:20
ubottuaum: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:20
Dr_williselisa87,  its checking a NTFS partion from what i can read.. 'ntfs-3g' is whats used to read NTFS filesystems in linux05:20
Dr_williselisa87,  its saying it has an error of some kind. so its VERY likely the filesystem is damaged05:20
elisa87So what's wrong and I should do ? Dr_willis05:20
aumwilee-nilee: how do i enable this when booting off the liveCD? it doesn't show the GRUB menu05:21
Dr_willisso use windows to check the NTFS filesystem in question would be what i would do.05:21
aumwilee-nilee: ignore that - it's on that page you linked :)05:21
wilee-nileeaum, That link has a boot from cd info portion slightly down the post05:21
elisa87You mean I should boot into my windows 7? Which program I should use? I am not familiar with Win7 programs ? How should I check NTFS? Dr_willis05:22
TheUsDIs there a good free "photoshop" program for Ubuntu?05:22
Dr_williselisa87,  the #windows channel will help you use windows.05:22
Dr_williswindows might even notice/check it automatically05:23
wilee-nileeelisa87, Not sure what is up for the w7, but f you have a recovery or install dsc/usb or can bet to the desktop you set up a chkdsk.05:23
elisa87I am using Ubuntu! This problem has happened to my Ubuntu boot...Are you kidding? Dr_willis05:23
Dr_williselisa87,  if the NTFS (the windows filesystem) is Badly damaged. you will want to use the WINDOWS tools to check the WINDOWS filesystem05:24
TheUsDelisa87: what win7 issue are you having?05:24
elisa87ah I don';t know ...I never used it till today05:24
cfhowlettelisa87, time to ask in #windows then05:24
Dr_willisLinux/Ubuntu will Not want to  access your WINDOWS NTFS damaged partion - because it MIGHT damage it MORE.05:24
TheUsDelisa87:  <----------- Windows/PC tech here, explain your issue(s)05:25
elisa87TheUsD: are you a win tech?05:25
cfhowlettTheUsD, take it to PM please05:25
TheUsDelisa87: yes05:25
TheUsDIs there a good free "photoshop" program for Ubuntu?05:26
Dr_willisthere seems to be some OLD bug  where the fsck.ntfs-3g command does not exist   you could also double check that..  mentioned here --->  http://freshtutorial.com/forum/getting-%93fsck-error-2-while-executing-fsck-ntfs-dev-sdb1%94-error-while-checking-disk-operation-fsck-command-linux-15.html05:26
aumTheUsD: gimp05:26
cfhowlettTheUsD, one problem at a time?05:26
Dr_willis!find  fsck.ntfs-3g05:27
TheUsDcfhowlett: I have no other issue.05:27
ubottuPackage/file fsck.ntfs-3g does not exist in raring05:27
vicsarTheUsD The GIMP rocks I use it almost daily05:27
Dr_willis!find  fsck.ntfs05:28
ubottuPackage/file fsck.ntfs does not exist in raring05:28
Reckuin /var/log/auth.log there is only about cron session info05:28
TheUsDvicsar: aum: thank you, will check it out.05:28
Ben64!find ntfsfix05:28
ubottuFile ntfsfix found in libguestfs-gobject-dev, ntfs-3g, partclone05:28
Ben64there is no fsck for it05:28
ReckuI tried to connect from server to second machine and find output Connection refused05:28
Reckuthe ping is made05:29
Reckuit seems something about configuration on second machine should be changed05:29
Ben64Recku: whats going on?05:30
Reckuwell I'm trying to share files between computers in adhoc hotspot network05:31
Reckubut it seems configuring infrastructure network from broadcasting machine will be easier05:31
Ben64or use a router...05:32
ReckuI don't have one on that place where I'm temporary living and I like the hardest way :D It's good to learn something new05:33
Reckuand on the other hand with infrastructure I can access the network from android devices05:33
juniourhow plz help how can i ger partations filesystem type05:34
ineedhelp_i have a android device im trying to mount by doing  mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9/system05:34
Dr_willissudo fdisk -l    or sudo blkid   perhaps juliustemp05:34
Ben64juniour: ger?05:34
ineedhelp_but i get mount: you must specify the filesystem type05:34
juniourhow plz help how can i get partations filesystem type05:34
Dr_willisoops juniour  ^^05:34
Ben64ineedhelp_: you should try #android05:35
Dr_willisineedhelp_,  old android devices where mounted via the usb stuff. newer ones use that MTP method.. which can be a pain on the older ubutnu releases05:35
juniourDr_Willis that at last column its sytem that is same as filesyatem type05:35
juniourDr_Willis as i have to add the partation to fstab05:35
Dr_willisjuniour,  im not on a linux box to look at the output. so no idea.05:35
Dr_willisi tend to know what fs my partions are. ;)05:36
ineedhelp_Ben64: thank you Dr_willis thank you05:36
Dr_willisext2/3/4 vfat/ntfs05:36
ineedhelp_join /android05:36
juniourDr_Willis ype i need how can i find what typeis it??05:36
Dr_willisjuniour,  fdisk, or blkid command should show you05:37
Dr_willisjuniour,  or try 'auto'05:38
elisa87does anyone know what's the fix to this busybox initramfs ? here's the screenshot http://postimg.org/image/wqcqcyqvh/8d29e6e5/05:38
juniouryep blkid05:38
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:38
Reckujuniour, fdisk also shows you but in column ID05:39
elisa87Dr_willis:  (what should I do ? ) sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt---> Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.05:41
Reckudo you already tried to mount it with nautilus or some partition edition program is opened05:43
Reckuif nautilus hangs with mounting it you may kill nautilus05:43
Dr_willisthe ntfs-3g command may be able to unmount it.05:43
Dr_willissee what 'mount' says about the device/mountpoint05:44
Dr_willisits ntfs issue night it seems ;)05:44
Dr_willissudo umount /dev/sda1      should unmountit.05:46
=== Tylerjd is now known as Tylerjd|Away
elisa87can you please look at this and tell me what I should do for busybox error and initramfs prompt http://paste.ubuntu.com/5747307/05:49
Dr_williselisa87,  tried seeing if the 'boot-repair' tool can get grub going again?05:49
elisa87Dr_willis: I tried it but id didn't help! When I rebooted it was the same busybox prompt :|05:50
elisa87Dr_willis: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1-->Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/sda1.05:51
Dr_williselisa87,  like it said you dont try to 'fix' a fileystem thats mounted read/write/ either unmount it. or remount it read only.05:52
Dr_willisif you just had wndows scan/fix that filesystem.  it shouldent be having that error.05:52
Dr_willisunless you are not shutting down windows.. but are hibernate/suspending windws instead..  dont do it that way05:53
elisa87Dr_willis: I tried this and http://paste.ubuntu.com/5747339/ it worked fine should I now mount the /dev/sda1 to /mnt again?05:54
Dr_willisntfsfix dosebnt really 'do' any fixing..  it sets a flag on the ntfs that notifies windows  to then verify the FS. I think05:56
Dr_willisntfsfix is a utility that fixes some common NTFS problems. ntfsfix is NOT a Linux version of chkdsk. It only repairs some fundamental NTFS inconsistencies, resets the NTFS journal file and schedules an NTFS consistency check for the first boot into Windows.05:56
Dr_willisso it seems it fixes some  'common' problems. but does not do a full scan.05:56
mst3kfangot another question re xubuntu05:56
mst3kfanevery so often i no longer am able to connect to the internet05:56
mst3kfanchecking the wireless network list05:56
mst3kfanshows the first part of my network SSID followed by a mess of garbage characters05:57
mst3kfani have to click on my proper ssid to reconnect05:57
mst3kfanis this a problem with hardware or device05:58
mst3kfanthat is, drivers05:58
mst3kfani have two netgear wn111v2 usb wifi05:58
Dr_williswonder if it could be some interfearance with other wireless devices/channels05:58
mst3kfani have only the one wifi capable computer powered on atm05:59
mst3kfanthe one i am using now which also has the problem05:59
mst3kfanand only the one gateway for internet05:59
mst3kfanit does this even when there are no other computers in the house06:00
mst3kfanthat are turned on06:00
Dr_willishow many other ssids do you see from the neighbors?06:02
mst3kfanall are secured06:03
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Dr_willisi got like 30 here. ;)  I had to change my homes default channel to ones that were not overused.06:03
Dr_willisbut ive never seen the SSID get currupted06:03
monkeycan anyone please tell me how can i delete terminal history permanently? i used history -c but as i close and restart the terminal, ts there again.06:06
Dr_willisclose all the terminals  and only leave one open monkey  perhaps? any still open will resave the history06:08
Dr_willisi also recall there being a .history file06:08
Dr_willisand a way to set where no history ever saved. but ive not ever wanted that. I just recall others in  here doing it befor06:09
chaotixin ubuntu 13.006:17
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Governadori have problem in my ubuntu06:18
Governadorno update system06:19
chaotixin ubuntu 13.04, has anyone here been able to add their facebook account to online accounts?  i tried the fix here:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/295722/cant-connect-facebook-to-online-accounts-in-13-04   and i tried changing the default browser to chromium, firefox, midouri, and epiphany, and still couldnt get it to work06:19
Governadorno update06:19
Dr_willisErr http://archive.canonical.com raring Release.gpg06:20
Dr_willis  Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)06:20
Dr_willisYou got some sort of local proxy setup?06:20
Dr_willis'connection refused'06:21
Governadori have equals problem06:21
Governador http://paste.ubuntu.com/5747353/06:21
Ben64smplayer is much slower at skipping through a video than mplayer, anything i can do to remedy this?06:21
chaotixno matter what i do, i still get "SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.", but facebook is still not added to online accounts06:21
Dr_willisI recall smplayer having a lot of settings for things Ben64  could be the time its set to skip ahead is differnt then the mplayer default06:22
Ben64bah, this is why i prefer command line06:22
Dr_willisI even recall setting smplayer once ages  ago with some sort of 'macro'  i made. to skip forward 2:30   to skip the anime intro ;P06:22
Governadormy ubuntu no update06:22
Dr_willisGovernador,  your sources.list/ppa listing.. seems  very confused to me.06:23
Dr_willissince i only read englsh.. imjust guessing what the error says,,,06:23
Dr_willisW: Falhou ao buscar http://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu/dists/raring/Release.gpg  Não foi possível ligar a
Dr_willisbut it looks like its connecting to some Local proxy06:24
GovernadorI update, but it is happening several errors. Up to install some program from the terminal gives error06:24
Dr_willisGovernador,   every source/ppa  on your system seems to be failing to connect to    so it looks like like you altered your sources.list and other files. and donthave the proxy set right06:25
Dr_willistheres a way to make the error messages show up in english i belive.. but i cant recall how.06:25
wilee-nileehere is a source generator to compare if needed  http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/06:26
Governadornever changed anything06:26
Dr_willisLC_ALL=C    commandtorun-in-english06:26
Dr_willisGovernador,  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list perhaps?06:27
Dr_willisits defaintaly looks non-standard from the error messages06:27
Dr_willisso translate this to english? it definatly seems to be mentioning some sort of proxy06:35
Dr_willisW: Falhou ao buscar http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/Release.gpg  Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)06:35
Dr_willisFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/Release.gpg Could not connect to ( - Connect (111: Connection refused)06:36
GovernadorKnow how I can fix this?06:37
SecretFirecan someone help me mount my phone? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5747411/06:37
Dr_willisno idea.  looks to me like you have it set to use some sort of local proxy,  but i could be wrong06:38
SecretFireits an mtp device06:38
theadminSecretFire: Is of Android?06:38
SecretFirei have had it working before06:39
SecretFireon 12.1006:39
SecretFireall of a sudden this error06:39
wilee-nileeSecretFire, There is a ppa for an android mount.06:39
Dr_willisseems to mentionhow the browser proxy settings can affect apt.. some how06:39
theadminSecretFire: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/12/how-to-mount-android-40-ubuntu-go-mtpfs.html06:39
Dr_willisGovernador,  so see  the url i just gave.. it seems to show a fix.06:39
theadminSecretFire: There are other tools too06:39
SecretFireim gona check it out06:40
Dr_willisIm so used to using AIRDROID on my android devices.. :) i dont even want to use MTP/usb cables..06:40
wilee-nileeSecretFire, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/12/how-to-mount-android-40-ubuntu-go-mtpfs.html06:41
ubottupippo2: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».06:41
SecretFirethank you06:41
Dr_willisbe interesting to see if Canocal does anything with their Ubuntu OS and Ubuntu phone OS - to  make them more 'seamless' in doing things..06:42
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Dr_williswould be nifty if i could have my ubuntu phone forward SMS or other info straight to my desktop automatically ;)06:42
theadminDr_willis: Try Airdroid, close enough, lets you send/receive SMS from your browser06:42
Dr_willistheadmin,  ive been using airdroid for months now. ;)06:43
Dr_willisbe nice to have  Ubuntu actually  do somthing 'more' to  make it stand out.06:43
sarge1221Quick question but where does ubuntu store the .ttf files at? I am trying to make vlc video player show japanese characters instead of boxes.06:43
Dr_willisThey just dont seem to be having any 'nifty, impressive' features  :P06:43
wilee-nileeDr_willis, I have run the desktop and touch on a nexus 7, needs some work as developments.06:43
Dr_willissarge1221,  your user can put them in the /home/yourusername/.fonts directory i belive06:44
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/06:44
SecretFirehave you guys heard of the tianhe-2?06:44
theadminsarge1221: /usr/share/fonts/truetype, but you can also put them in  ~/.fonts. There's also a bunch of Japanese fonts in the repositories.06:44
Dr_williswilee-nilee,  yea. i got a Nexus7 - i just cant justify the time to put Ubuntu on it  - the N7 android stuff does most all i need.06:44
drecuteI'm trying to do an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 but the upgrade got stuck at Configuring libpopt006:44
theadminsarge1221: However, I think Ubuntu comes with Japanese fonts preinstalled. Are you certain it's not an encoding problem with the subtitle file?06:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:44
wilee-nileeDr_willis, I have grown to really like android as far a an easy backup and lots of apps platform.06:45
theadminsarge1221: Has to be UTF-8, or configure your player for appropriate encoding06:45
sarge1221theadmin, I already installed them. According to the web I need ot either set the local to japanese or I am wondering if i stick the japanese fonts in the fonts folder for vlc if it will stop showing blocks.06:45
Dr_williswilee-nilee,  yea. I even have some 'desktop' android devices here.06:46
theadminsarge1221: For instance, I often have Russian subtitles in cp1251, but my player reads UTF8 so I do "iconv -f cp1251 -t utf8 -o mysubtitle_fixed.srt mysubtitle.srt"06:46
wilee-nileehehe, I have run it partitioned on my laptop as well.06:47
sarge1221theadmin, oh it isn't sutitles but it is the fiels themselves that have japanese characters in them. they don't show when i use vlc though. :(06:47
sarge1221the names of them06:47
drecuteI'm trying to do an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 but the upgrade got stuck at Configuring libpopt006:48
vipzrxwhen I installed ckermit  ,it issue the warning :penSSL libraries do not match required version:06:56
roniesolola pessoal06:57
roniesolalguem pode me ajudar?06:57
roniesolso novo por aqui06:57
roniesolnão entedo ainda a interface do programa06:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:59
theadminsarge1221: Oh... That has to do with Qt, probably.06:59
theadminsarge1221: The easiest fix would be to install kde-l10n-ja06:59
wilee-nileedrecute, Looking on the web I saw one error with conflicts with libpopt0-dev. When I look in my synapse and libpopt0's dependencies I sit it marked as a conflict, not sure of a fix though.06:59
theadminsarge1221: May be a bit excessive but will do the thing06:59
sarge1221theadmin, Nice. ironically I just got done purging kde completely out of my ubuntu. ><'07:00
theadminsarge1221: VLC is a KDE player :P07:00
drecutewilee-nilee: I killed the process07:00
drecuteand the upgrade resumed07:00
roniesolok vou a procura07:00
wilee-nileedrecute, Cool. ;)07:01
sarge1221theadmin, Yeah i was reinstalling apps.07:01
drecutewilee-nilee: Now I guess I have to reconfigure it once the upgrade finishes07:01
wilee-nileedrecute, maybe so yeah.07:03
vipzrx /df07:03
sarge1221theadmin, says it is already the newest version07:03
vipzrxUnknown command.07:03
theadminsarge1221: ...durr. Hm. Open Language Support in the Control Centre and see if it complains about "incomplete language support", and if it does tell it to fix it07:04
moondoggyDoes anyone know of a simple way to send & receive encrypted messages with maybe gmail and firefox, or something else that's easily available?07:05
theadminmoondoggy: See http://webpg.org/07:05
Dr_willisPGP perhaps moondoggy07:05
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moondoggynice, theadmin .  Thanks.07:06
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Jeeves_Mosshow can I DD a VMWare server so I can load it on physical hardware?07:08
Dr_willisI thought there were vdi tools to do that sort of stuff Jeeves_Moss07:09
theadminbrrf. Where is the firefox.desktop file? I changed the Icon in /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop but the change isn't showing up07:09
roniesolalguem pode me informar se existe algum canal em portugues, já procurei e não encontro07:09
theadmin!pt | roniesol07:09
ubotturoniesol: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.07:09
Dr_willisor use somting like clonezilla in the image.07:09
SecretFirerhythmbox keeps crashing I get Segmentation fault (core dumped)07:09
Dr_willistheadmin,  there may be some icon cache thats its still using perhaps?07:10
theadminDr_willis: Ah there we go, took a while...07:10
Dr_willisCaches are cachy! ;)07:10
roniesolalguem poderia me informar um canal em portugues, ja procurei e não encontro07:10
theadminroniesol: /join #ubuntu-br07:10
arjuna123hi guys07:11
roniesolok friends07:11
arjuna123how to run gsettings in chroot??07:11
arjuna123how to run gsettings in chroot??07:12
arjuna123how to run gsettings in chroot??07:12
arjuna123how to run gsettings in chroot??07:12
arjuna123how to run gsettings in chroot??07:12
FloodBot1arjuna123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:12
sarge1221theadmin, I opened it up and got a message saying it wasn't fully installed.07:12
theadminsarge1221: Well, there's a button called "Install" or "Fix" or something07:12
theadminsarge1221: Click it07:12
sarge1221theadmin, probably where i took out kde before though.07:12
sarge1221theadmin yeah it seems to be working fine now.07:12
theadminsarge1221: Well, tada.07:14
sarge1221theadmin, no i mean i installed the packs.07:14
ShapeShifter499does anyone have experience with fail2ban?  I'm getting this error when trying to restart it or send any other command to its init.d script,  "/etc/init.d/fail2ban: unrecognized service"07:14
theadminsarge1221: Ah. Well restart VLC and see if it's sane now07:14
sarge1221theadmin, It might help to mention i'm using a custom vlc skin also. :(07:14
Dr_willisShapeShifter499,  whats the exact command you are uysing to restart it?07:14
theadminsarge1221: ...eh, I have no idea whether skins can affect something like that.07:14
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, sudo service fail2ban restart07:15
Dr_willisShapeShifter499,  hmm.. i seem to recall that working for me in the past.07:15
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, also "sudo service /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart"07:15
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, it worked once07:15
sarge1221theadmin, before I applied it the blocks still showed though so i wouldn't think it was the problem.07:15
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, now it's failing everytime after, even after a reboot07:15
theadminsarge1221: Well, okay then. Again, restart VLC and see if it works now07:16
Dr_willisShapeShifter499,  weird.  perhaps its logs give a reason why.07:16
sarge1221theadmin, still showing blocks for filenames.07:16
theadminsarge1221: Damn. I never had any problems like that but I'm out of guesses07:17
sarge1221theadmin, not sure if this is related but i'm on gnome 2 and not unity.07:17
theadminsarge1221: ...Gnome2? There's no such thing anymore, what Ubuntu version are you running?07:17
sarge1221theadmin, 12.04. i switched to classic mode.07:17
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, not sure what to make of it but here it's log http://pastebin.com/CuJNyE2R07:18
theadminsarge1221: Err, "classic mode" isn't Gnome2. It's GNOME 3 but with a different look.07:18
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, there was an error setting iptables commands07:18
sarge1221theadmin, ok thanks for correcting me.07:18
sarge1221theadmin, hmm thats weird i wonder why i couldn't get gnome 3.0 skins to install before then i jsut seem to have a lot of issues with the gui.07:19
Governadorroot@vinicius-VPCSE15FB:/etc# chmod 777 resolv.conf07:19
Governadorchmod: alterando permissões de “resolv.conf”: Operação não permitida07:19
Governadori am root07:19
sarge1221theadmin, shell installs.07:19
theadminGovernador: You're not supposed to do that... And you're not supposed to use the root account for that matter.07:20
Dr_willisGovernador,  why are you even trying to do that?07:21
GovernadorI'm trying to change a file, but it will not.07:21
Dr_willisGovernador,  yes.. but WHY are you trying to change that file?07:22
sarge1221theadmin, Not sure if these problems are related but I seem to have this weird thing with mp4 files not showing thumbnail previews in some windows. Also i can't install shell themes since the area selector thing is greyed out where you are supposed to install them in advanced configuration.07:23
SkellingtonGovernador, do you need some help in Portuguese? 'Cause I also don't get why change permissions of resolv.conf file.07:23
moondoggytheadmin, I installed it in Firefox for Ubuntu, but I don't know how to send anything.  Is there a button?07:24
OpenStage7597what are you trying to send?07:24
Governadorfala portugues?07:24
bazhang!pt | Governador07:24
ubottuGovernador: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.07:24
GovernadorNinguem responde lá07:25
SkellingtonYes, I do speak Portuguese. But in here we need to speak in Portuguese. ;)07:25
SkellingtonHere we need to speak English only.07:25
ShapeShifter499Dr_willis, I'm still pretty noobish at linux, any ideas why fail2ban is not working for me?07:25
ShapeShifter499weird the restart command is working now07:27
theadminmoondoggy: You need to install the gnupg2 package for it to work, after that go to Tools -> WebPG -> Key Manager and generate an encryption key07:27
theadminmoondoggy: Then in the options enable integration07:27
moondoggyOk, generating...07:29
moondoggyI didn't know it was in the Tools menu!07:29
moondoggytheadmin, Ok, now I don't see "integration" in the options for webpg.07:31
moondoggyOk, looks like netsplit.07:35
moondoggyI'll be back later.07:35
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Campfirewhats this07:38
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Campfirecan i get a radio check ruber ducky07:39
bazhang!ot | Campfire07:39
ubottuCampfire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
Campfireis now known as Fire07:40
Campfirehow do you let a trusted op remotly fix your ubuntu distro07:42
IdleOneyou don't, you state your problem and you wait for someone to help you do it.07:43
Campfirelet me find what distro i have07:44
Campfirej sec07:44
lazorsCampfire: Open a terminal. "lsb_release -a"07:44
Campfirety lazors07:46
Campfireok ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS07:46
auronandaceCampfire: if that is a desktop install then it is no longer supported07:49
Campfireok i,m  on ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS i have a error msg ---the panel encountered a problem while loading OAIID:Gnome Brightness Applet07:50
auronandaceCampfire: desktop support has ended for 10.04, use something supported (12.04)07:50
Campfirethis  happens after i sign in and07:51
Campfirewell anyways i,m on a slow pc and i love 10.4 what to do07:52
auronandaceCampfire: if you keep 10.04 we can't support you07:52
auronandace!lubuntu | Campfire07:52
ubottuCampfire: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:52
Campfirei,m not going to push the issue 10.4 is not supported but can i apt get and reinstall the brightness applet i messed up or deleated or turned off07:55
histoauronandace: 10.04 isn't eol07:55
auronandacehisto: for the desktop it is07:56
histotrue forgot they were doing that sillyness07:56
Campfirethis might be a great way to learn term07:57
drecuteIs ubuntu 12.04.2 using kernel 3.5.0 for real?07:57
Campfirefor me and fix things i mess up in the future on newer ubuntu distros07:57
histo!info linux-image-generic precise | drecute07:57
ubottudrecute: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB07:57
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drecutehisto: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#PrecisePangolin.2BAC8-ReleaseNotes.2BAC8-CommonInfrastructure.Ubuntu_Kernel_3.5.0-23.3507:58
histodrecute: the quantal kernel was backported if you install 12.04.2 from DVD I believe you will be using quantal07:59
histodrecute: one.07:59
drecutehisto: so if i did a upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.2 what kernel version is installed?08:00
histodrecute: on 12.04.3 they will all get the quantal kernel08:00
histodrecute: you will probably get the -lts-quantal package08:00
drecutehisto: I don't think08:01
drecutehisto: I'm currently seeing this in the upgrade: run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-45-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-45-generic08:01
histodrecute: Is there an issue with 3.5 that you don't want it?08:01
lazors!info linux-image precise08:01
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB08:01
histo!info linux-image-lts-quantal precise | lazors08:02
ubottulazors: Package linux-image-lts-quantal does not exist in precise08:02
histo!info linux-image-generic-lts-quantal precise | lazors08:02
ubottulazors: linux-image-generic-lts-quantal (source: linux-meta-lts-quantal): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)08:02
histodrecute: it's optional08:02
wfpkhcGood evening..08:02
histodrecute: so if you don't download the DVD you should have the older kernel.  Either way right now you can switch back and forth08:02
drecutehisto: cool08:03
wfpkhcif i have a piece of hardware that is certified - http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200804-264/08:03
code46_staticwfpkhc: its bright and early here in Ghana.. lol08:03
wfpkhcdo i install that version of ubuntu?08:03
Campfireanyone know if i up grade to lubuntu from 10.4 lucid the packages are adaptable08:04
wfpkhcHere in Australia it is evening...08:04
drecutehisto: Just a quick one please08:04
drecutehisto: seems my upgrade is stuck at: run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-45-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-45-generic08:04
wfpkhcif i have a piece of hardware that is certified - http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200804-264/  do i install that version of ubuntu? or can i just install the latest  LTS 13?08:04
drecutehisto: it doesn't look appropriate for me to kill it. is it?08:04
histodrecute: how many old kernels do you have installed?08:05
Campfirei need to do back ups if i,m going to change to lubuntu08:05
histodrecute: it's trying to update grub to reflect the new kernel right now.08:05
Campfirenot worth spending hours redoing everthing08:05
Campfirei,ll what till you guys get sorted08:06
histoCampfire: what do you want to do?08:06
histo!upgrade | Campfire08:06
ubottuCampfire: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:06
drecutehisto: how do I check that? In menu.lst I only have
histodrecute: I wouldn't kill it. Unless it's truely hung08:06
drecutehisto: it's a custom kernel from emperorlinux08:07
histodrecute: I can't remember if it would make the switch to grub2....08:07
histodrecute: wth is emperorlinux?08:07
wfpkhc....should i restate the question?08:07
drecutehisto: prebuilt linux laptops08:07
Campfirewell being 10.4 lucid is not supported in this chat and lucid is if i,m correct  i want to back up my packages and files bookmarks and speedials08:08
histowfpkhc: 13.04 is not lts08:09
wfpkhcthat is not what i asked..08:09
histowfpkhc: Yes it was08:09
wfpkhc18:04] <wfpkhc> if i have a piece of hardware that is certified - http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200804-264/  do i install that version of ubuntu? or can i just install the latest  LTS 13?08:09
drecutehisto: it's been trying to execute that script for more than 20mins now08:09
wfpkhcis what i said08:09
Campfireinstal lubuntu and add the code and be back up fast08:09
histowfpkhc: there is no LTS 1308:09
wfpkhci will rephrase the question then grammar nazi08:10
histodrecute: You are kind of hosed.08:10
histowfpkhc: You can install whatever you want08:10
wfpkhc18:04]if i have a piece of hardware that is certified - http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200804-264/  do i install that version of ubuntu? or can i just install the latest  LTS 12?08:10
histowfpkhc: Is it going to be server or what are you planning on doing with it?08:10
histowfpkhc: I would install the current LTS version 12.0408:11
wfpkhceven if its not certified?08:11
drecutehisto: Any way out?08:11
wfpkhcwith the hardware?08:11
histodrecute: I'd try canceling it I guess what other option do you have. Then I'd be backing up my ~ incase you are going to have to reinstall08:11
Campfirei,m seeing hosed and not supported there is always a way08:11
Campfirethis is linux08:12
histowfpkhc: I would ask canonical if you are that concerned about it being certified08:12
histoCampfire: What?08:12
plvin Ubuntu 11.04 PDF file with embedded audio is not playing.  For my system (64bit Linux with AMD processor) which pdf readers support embedded audio?08:13
Campfireany ops here from old school i could wait for08:13
histoCampfire: What do you want to do?  Is there a reason you won't upgrade?08:13
Campfiremy bad there are no ops08:13
histo!eol | Campfire08:13
ubottuCampfire: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:13
histo!eol | plv08:13
ubottuplv: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:13
Campfirei have a slow pc 10.4 has ran best on this08:14
histoWhy is every eol person in here tonight08:14
histoCampfire: Your system will be fine on 12.0408:14
histoCampfire: but it's up to you. Either way if they stopped support for the desktop stuff. I don't doubt it's probably out of the repos for 10.0408:14
Campfirecan i make 12.4 look like 10.408:15
histoCampfire: you can run mate   if you want the old "gnome looks"08:15
histo!notunity | Campfire08:15
ubottuCampfire: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.08:15
Campfirei tryed the latest and spent a lot of time getting it less gui remember i,m on a slow pc08:16
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histoCampfire: then try lxde, xfce, or mate even running another desktop is your choice.08:17
Campfirety for last text starting to make sence08:17
histoCampfire: lubuntu, xubuntu   are just ubuntu+lxde or xfce  respectively08:18
Campfiredo some kernals run better on different brands of cpuz and sockets08:18
histoCampfire: not that you will notice08:19
plvubottu: if I upgrade to 12.04.2 will it be supported in that?08:19
ubottuplv: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:19
histoalso you would probably have to describe "runs better"08:20
dadei have installed ubuntu alongside win7 but it doesn´t run ubuntu it only loads win7 as usual, what should i do?08:20
Campfirei think i,m on 512 ram08:20
histoplv: 12.04 is supported for 5 years.08:20
Campfirewhats the term comand to show pc specs08:20
histo!grub | dade08:20
ubottudade: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:20
histoCampfire: lshw08:20
Flynsarmyis the best way to shut a machine down from the termal to use 'sudo shutdown -h now'? I ask because I've been getting corruptions on my drives which have been repaired on boot according to dmesg and wondering if it's the way i shut down that's causing it08:21
dadeok i will try that, thnx08:21
icerootFlynsarmy: yes thas way is fine. what filesystem you are using? are these network-shares?08:22
plvhisto: yes i Noticed, but i have problem with embedded audio with 11.0408:22
histoplv: what does that have to do with current releases of ubuntu?08:23
icerootFlynsarmy: or maybe you mounted them with some special sync options in /etc/fstab?08:24
Flynsarmyiceroot: EXT-4. dmesg will occasionally say EXT4-fs (sdk1): recovery complete and sometimes drives won't mount on boot - two in particular. when attempting to mount them I get mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdi1 missing codepage or helper program, or other error. i fix with fsck and it mounts fine again for a few boots08:24
wfpkhchistro even if the website does not certify it?08:24
Flynsarmyiceroot: it could just be a bad drive but smartctl —health is returning fine and that wouldn't explain why a bunch of drives are showing that recovery message every now and then08:25
histowfpkhc: Why are you so hung up on if it's certified or not?08:25
wfpkhcbecause im learning linux and im new08:25
wfpkhcand im trying to understand it08:25
icerootFlynsarmy: i dont see a reason why a shutdown should "kill" the filesystem on a normal ext4 system08:25
plvHisto: ubottu told EOL, actually i won't find specific softwares for AMD processor on 64 bit Linux to install Acrobat reader in current version of Ubuntu.08:25
wfpkhcpeople keep saying "only use certified hardware"08:25
histowfpkhc: Is this going to be a production machine?08:25
uvalaI lost my password to my website, and the reset password doesnt come. is there a way to see any clipboard where I can see my password (because I'd copy-pasted it earlier in the same session)08:26
histoplv: What?08:26
Flynsarmyiceroot: me neither. however one of the first lines of the fsck said "drive_name was not cleanly unmounted, check forced."08:26
icerootplv: why not using another pdf viewer? for installing software on eol releases you have to change the names in /etc/apt/sources.list  old-releases.ubuntu.com or something like that, exaclty name can be found in the link from ubottu which is coming next08:26
iceroot!eol | plv08:26
ubottuplv: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:26
elisa87Hi, I am receiving http://askubuntu.com/questions/159829/what-to-do-if-disk-utility-shows-bad-sectors-pending-in-smart?rq=1 error so I believe buying a new hard drive will fix the problem , right? but I don't know which hard drive should I buy for hp pavilion dv3 ..any guide?08:27
icerootFlynsarmy: do you have any warning during the shutdown itself in syslog?08:27
plvif i install  acrobat reader in 11.04 Ubuntu, does it support embedded audio?08:27
histowfpkhc: Well you want to stick with LTS... I have no idea why if it was listed as certified with 10.04 why it would not be listed as such with 12.04. You would have to contact canonical on that one if you are that concerned about it. That being said you should have no problems running 12.04.08:27
uvalacan you help please? is there a clipboard somewhere to see formerly copy-pasted things?08:27
wfpkhchisto, understood: thank you...08:27
icerootplv: i hope pdf-format is not supporting audio but i guess adobe reader will do such silly things08:27
histoplv: you can't install anything from the repos in 11.0408:27
lazorsplv: The issue is not related to PDF at all. The issue is that your computer's OS is outdated. Upgrade. You might get newer PDF reader version. Also, try and use native pdf reader instead of relaying on Adobe. :)08:28
icerootuvala: glipper for example, which can be found in the repositories08:28
icerootuvala: using ubuntu software center08:28
wfpkhcNow - on another machine - that is custom built (no brand name) - is there anything I should know about - before installing?08:28
uvalaiceroot, if I install it now, can I see the copied items before installation?08:28
histowfpkhc: is it a efi based machine?08:28
histowfpkhc: EFI vs BIOS08:29
histowfpkhc: Then you need to use 64bit version of ubuntu when installing to get UEFI to work.08:29
histo!uefi | wfpkhc08:29
ubottuwfpkhc: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:29
wfpkhcanything else? (i know the difference between 64 and 32)08:30
uvalaiceroot, cant install it, it says requiring installation of unauthorized packs, and asks OK or repair. nothing happens when either is chosen08:30
icerootuvala: yes08:31
plvlazors: yes i will do upgrade for 12.4,02.08:31
icerootuvala: could you please paste the output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install glipper"08:31
Campfireok i got 10.4 runing 1 gig ram 333 mhz p3 ide hdd i wonder how to make faster just with bios and distro08:32
histowfpkhc: No not really it's pretty straight forward to install on any computer.  Now if you want to install linux on a toaster then that gets tricky08:32
histowfpkhc: you can always boot any of the DVDs/USB installers and test if all your hardware works. They are all live disks08:32
plvthanks to all : ubottu, histo, iceroot, and lazors.08:33
histoCampfire: remove desktop08:33
Flynsarmyiceroot: hmm. not sure. the /var/log/syslog file is quite long.  nothing is jumping out at me though. just the occasional kernel: [   23.680318] EXT4-fs (sdi1): no journal found08:33
histoCampfire: No run a smaller desktop environment like xfce or lxde08:33
icerootFlynsarmy: did you disable journal for your ext4 system?08:34
Campfirei,m hearing you08:34
Flynsarmyiceroot: nah. i think it disappears after i fsck to repair. i've turned it back on once before08:34
icerootFlynsarmy: normally people do something "silly" like that when on a ssd08:34
uvalaiceroot, I get no output with the first two, only the terminal line this time starts with >08:34
uvalaand with the terminal starting with >, I cannot sudo08:35
Campfireyeah there is a bit to know for install on a old ide  drive08:35
icerootuvala: you dont get any output when using   cat /etc/issue ?08:35
histo!lowmemory | Campfire08:35
ubottuCampfire: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.08:35
Campfirei,ll check that out08:36
Campfirethat might go into the format process of ext3 or 408:36
wfpkhcif i install ubuntu 12.4 LTS and upgrade - will that upgrade me to 12.10?08:36
icerootwfpkhc: yes08:37
wfpkhcthank you08:37
lazorsCampfire: Openbox probably would be suitable for you. So minimal. No panel. Simple and lightweight (iirc). :)08:37
icerootwfpkhc: but not with "sudo apt-get upgrade" if thats what you mean08:37
wfpkhcno i meant just from the gui08:37
icerootwfpkhc: yes, that will bring you to 12.10 (when you disable the option  only upgrade to next lts release) then you will be on 12.1008:38
wfpkhcis it better then to just install 12.10?08:38
wfpkhcif you are doing a clean install?08:38
oooaaaooooHi guys, how do i execute a bash command onto all files in a directory? Im trying to convert all *.jpg to *.pdf08:38
m0eetap on it's back then ask it nicely to change for you >:D08:39
icerootwfpkhc: for a clean install you should use directly the version you want08:39
wfpkhck thanks08:39
icerootwfpkhc: i would recommend 12.04 or 13.0408:39
wfpkhcbut isnt 13.10 a non lts?08:39
Campfireif you op out of google will it make your browsing faster on ubuntu08:39
icerootwfpkhc: 12.04 if you want long term support, 13.04 if you want the latest software08:39
icerootwfpkhc: the next lts will be 14.04, the latest lts is 12.0408:40
wfpkhcso 12.04 for long term support is better - for practicing on08:40
Campfirei have a need to learn about speeding up ubuntu distros08:40
m0eeulimit your procs08:40
m0eeanyone with experince in patching and compilicing custom kernels?08:40
iceroot!kernel | m0ee08:41
m0eei've been customizing and debugging grsecurity kernel for a month now :(08:41
ubottum0ee: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)08:41
wfpkhcok thank you for your input08:41
histoCampfire: check out midori web browser08:42
Campfirety for your guys info i have enough to study now08:43
histooooaaaoooo: why don't you use the rename command08:43
histooooaaaoooo: rename08:43
Campfirewhat do you like about midori08:43
histooooaaaoooo: rename 's/\.jpg/\.pdf/' /some/directory/*08:43
Campfirethe best i mean08:43
histoCampfire: it's lightweight08:44
Campfirewhat search ingine do do you use with it or works best08:45
histoCampfire: duckduckgo08:45
Campfireso you like that08:46
Campfirei can,t stand the seo of google these days08:46
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Campfirei basicly want results when i search on s engine not advertisments08:48
histoCampfire: https://duckduckgo.com/about08:49
histoCampfire: and read this http://donttrack.us/08:49
Campfireoh i checked it out a while back08:49
Campfirethe track thing has to slow down your mobo exp08:50
Campfireanyone here good whith xchat here08:51
Campfireand ubuntu08:51
Campfirei want to make a doc out of my logs08:52
Campfirejust saying good info to sort threw and save the key stuff08:53
Campfirei was trying to convert some windows users to linux by using that package that makes ubuntu look like xp a while back and did not have time has anyone used that08:56
uvalaiceroot, sorry I was trying to tackle the original problem..no I didn't get any output..but the former problem is solved now, thankfully!08:56
lazorsCampfire: Terrible idea.08:57
lazorsCampfire: You're *making* things worse for them -- and then you're telling them that's linux!08:57
Campfirecool if we could do it like win 708:58
Campfirei know but this is like teaching a old dog new tricks08:59
Campfiremost people that are used to windows starting out will be into a linux pc unless it looks like well09:02
icerootCampfire: just tell them "look how win8 is looking" and now decide if you want to learn win8 or GNU/Linux09:05
icerootCampfire: there will come the point when people have to use win8 interface, then you can also switch to GNU/Linux09:06
icerootCampfire: but its off topic here, we normally do only technical support here09:06
digitalirony_whats going on09:08
mst3kfanit's pretty much dead here09:09
=== digitalirony_ is now known as digitalirony
Campfiregetting facebook itunes email download folders for new linux users or pc users that are used to windows 7  will be a challenge09:11
Campfireto make it user friendly09:11
iceroot!ot | Campfire09:12
ubottuCampfire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:12
Campfireok bake to topic09:12
Campfireor back09:12
Campfireice when you did that did you use tab to fill in my name09:13
Campfireyour helping me relearn irc commands pluss well09:14
Campfireyour nick is hard to tab09:16
Campfireok back to ubuntu09:16
Campfireok ubuntu server09:17
Campfireis ubuntu server like being your own web host09:17
Campfiresay on static ip you could remot into anywhere on earth09:18
Campfiresay host a web site and modify09:19
Campfiresorry i,m going offtopic again changing room now09:20
Campfirety for all your guys help agian09:20
nbubuntuanyone know aobut openoffice spreadsheet ? how do I display my column A-E only and row 1-14 ? how to hide other row and column ?09:21
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MonkeyDustnbubuntu  #openoffice09:23
diverdudehow do i enable mod_proxy_fcgi on apache on ubuntu?09:23
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nbubuntuMonkeyDust : no one inside at all09:24
bazhangits #openoffice.org09:24
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nbubuntubazhang : oh ,  thanks :) how are you lately ?09:25
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diverdudehow do i enable mod_proxy_fcgi on apache on ubuntu?09:28
rigo88hi if i install ubuntu 12.10 server minimal to a usb stick it would be damn slow right?09:29
Kai_p_IEjust a heads up Campfire is about to spam the chan09:30
vlad_starkovQuestion: before `apt-get upgrade mysql-server` should I manually shutdown mysqld?09:31
diverdudevlad_starkov, no09:31
diverdudevlad_starkov, not necessary09:31
vlad_starkovdiverdude: the apt app will do it automatically for me?09:31
diverdudevlad_starkov, indeed09:31
handuelvlad_starkov: mysqld will be loaded into memory to run, so it doesn't matter if the files get changed09:31
handuelvlad_starkov: and apt manages services for you anyway09:32
vlad_starkovdiverdude: ok then09:32
vlad_starkovhanduel: thanks!09:32
vlad_starkovdiverdude: thanks!09:32
diverdudevlad_starkov, yw09:32
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diverdudeis libapache2-mod-fastcgi the same as mod_proxy_fcgi ?09:35
diverdudeis libapache2-mod-fastcgi the same as mod_proxy_fcgi ??09:39
sanjayi have windows 8 system after installing ubuntu 13.04  as dual os. but after installation  in ubuntu 13.04   i cant access other  3 hard disk.. ppls help me09:39
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:40
elisa87http://askubuntu.com/questions/137904/stuck-at-busybox-v1-18-4-ubuntu-11-18-4-2ubuntu2-built-in-shell-ash-enter-h any idea?09:47
sgo11hi, what is the best screencast program in ubuntu nowadays? I used to using eidete, but it's not installable anymore. thanks.09:52
lazorssgo11: gtk-recordmydesktop, maybe?09:54
lazors(or recordmydesktop if you don't need gtk)09:54
sgo11lazors, I haven't used that program for a long time. is that still under active development? thanks.09:55
sgo11I found two screencast programs under active development. vokoscreen and kazam.09:59
jeevanushai, in my system hibernate and suspend is not working, how to correct it?10:01
lazorssgo11: I'm a bit slow right now...10:02
lazors!best | sgo1110:02
ubottusgo11: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:02
dddai would like to install server applications on ubuntu desktop, how do i do that?10:03
leonvvIs there anyway to get the battery status programmatically ?10:03
sgo11ddda, just sudo apt-get install <your package>10:05
MonkeyDustddda  what do you mean by server applications?10:05
lazorsleonvv: "acpi -V" -- Try that?10:06
dddaok i found what i was looking for. (lamp)10:06
lazors!lamp | ddda10:06
ubottuddda: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.10:06
MonkeyDustddda  try tasksel10:06
ironfoot495Hello how do you start-up mysql and apache2 at boot?10:06
dddathanks guys10:07
wfpkhcHello all - i am back - on my ubuntu machine10:07
ironfoot495on ubuntu 10.04?10:07
leonvvlazors: Thanks, will try it10:08
wfpkhcis there any documentation for how to run windows programs on ununtu?10:09
lazorswfpkhc: What programs?10:10
s_faraday1I installed gnome 3 and gnome shell by this commands,10:10
wfpkhcadobe creative suite 510:10
s_faraday1ubuntu 13.0410:10
s_faraday1sudo apt-get install gnome-shell10:10
s_faraday1sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop10:10
s_faraday1sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome310:10
s_faraday1sudo apt-get update10:10
s_faraday1sudo apt-get upgrade10:10
FloodBot1s_faraday1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
s_faraday1sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-default-settings10:10
lazors!appdb | wfpkhc10:10
ubottuwfpkhc: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:10
wfpkhcthank you10:11
sgo11lazors, FYI, I just tried kazam. It's very good. I will use it for now.10:11
lazorswfpkhc: You better check that list first. I don't think it's supported. (Too heavy/fat/whatever) but that's a random guess. Check the list first. Also, see !wine (if it's supported).10:11
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
wfpkhcim a web developer - AND MUST HAVE adobe photoshop :(10:12
lazorswfpkhc: We have gimp. :D10:12
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  ubuntu comes with gnome3, what are you tryig to do?10:12
wfpkhc.....ferrari - or vdub? is that your point?10:12
wfpkhc(sorry that was slighly rude - my apologies)10:13
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: changing my desktop10:13
s_faraday1but when restart laptop, no keyboard or mouse key dosen't work10:13
lazorswfpkhc: None taken. I was looking up on vdub, never heard of it. :)10:13
s_faraday1at gnome login screen10:13
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  changing your desktop? you mean the desktop environment?10:13
wfpkhcvdub = http://www.speedace.info/speedace_images/VW_bus_t1_v_split_screen_wagen.jpg10:14
ironfoot495Hi lazors: How do I get mysql and Apache2 to start at Boot?10:14
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: yes,changing unity10:14
lazorsironfoot495: I don't know. I thought apache2 do starts at boot. Not sure about mysql.10:16
ironfoot495I can't seem to find session options on ubuntu 10.04?10:16
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  change the looks of unity, or use something else?10:17
RuhHello everyone, how are you all?10:17
wfpkhccan i ask about wine here?10:17
lazorsironfoot495: 10.04 Desktop or Server?10:17
ironfoot495with xubuntu.10:17
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: I wanna use this: http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/10:18
wfpkhccan i ask about wine here?10:18
lazorsironfoot495: Desktop is !eol for 10.04, just letting you know.10:18
Ruhwfpkhc: What would you like to know about Wine?10:18
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  simply type      sudo apt-get install gnome-shell       then logout, change, login10:19
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  first remove the ppa10:19
wfpkhcRuh,  on the home page stable is marked as 1.4.1 and development is 1.6 but on the download the install is marked as 1.5 - which one do i use???10:20
ironfoot495lazors: Well thanks had to try.10:20
s_faraday1monkeDus: i have a problem now10:20
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  yes, this is the support channel10:20
lazorsironfoot495: You might want #httpd for your questions.10:20
_dreamerHello, I am installing a webserver with apache mysql and php. I ran into some trouble while trying to connect to my mysql server (from a local machine that's not the server). I get the Can't connect to [local] MySQL server error and I do not understand how to fix it even after reading this, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/can-not-connect-to-server.html. Can anyone help me?10:21
Ruhwfpkhc: I would just go for Stable 1.4.1, you are more than likely going to have more availible support with it and an easier time.10:21
lazorswfpkhc: New to linux (right)?10:21
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: any key doesn't work in login screen since i run that command10:21
_dreamerI have followed the ubuntu server security guide and there might be a problem with the mysql server being blocked by one of the recommended security applications10:21
wfpkhcsudo apt-get install wine1.5 - so for that command i would use sudo apt-get install wine1.4.1  ?10:21
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  what command?10:21
ironfoot495ok I'll try it.10:22
evelyette_beneter, phaedra hi, okay the ubuntu 12.04 installs fine on some other system, so CD has burned fine onto the system ...  this brings me to the previous question: why when booting I get "kernel panic not syncing vfs wn-block" ? hmm ... so it must be hardware or the bios ?10:22
RuhYou can do that or you can install the package and open it in the software center.10:22
wfpkhcsadly - yes i am - but i have been using it on and off for 12 years - but just starting to really get into it now - to replace windows 810:22
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5747849/10:22
RuhDownload the package rather*10:22
wfpkhci wish to learn the command line and not be dependant on a gui - thus why im not trying to use apt package10:23
RuhI cannot stand Windows 8. They should have just used the Windows 8 system with a nice, simple Windows XP interface.10:23
lazorswfpkhc: First, aptitude search wine -- and see what turns up -- then you "sudo aptitude install <that-package>"10:23
wfpkhctest received nicks10:23
Ruhsudo apt-get install wine10:23
wfpkhcruh thank you10:23
wfpkhci will try that10:23
lazors!apt | wfpkhc10:23
ubottuwfpkhc: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)10:23
RuhRather sudo apt-get install wine1.4.1, I believe.10:24
lazorswfpkhc: If you want the manual, see !manual. :)10:24
wfpkhcthat does not tell me which package it will install10:24
Ruhsudo apt-get install wine1.4.110:24
wfpkhc <=== <3 ubuntu bot :D *hugs*10:24
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  that's why you have to remove the ppa10:24
wfpkhcthank you10:24
RuhThat should be the stable release.10:24
MonkeyDusts_faraday1  can you do ctrl-alt F1 ?10:25
wfpkhclazors,  and ruh thank you to both10:25
wfpkhci will try that now10:25
RuhYou're welcome sir, that's what the open source community is about.10:25
wfpkhcsudo apt-get install wine1.4.1   - did not work10:26
MonkeyDust!info wine10:26
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu5 (raring), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:26
wfpkhcE: Unable to locate package wine1.5.110:26
wfpkhcE: Unable to locate package wine1.5.110:26
_dreamerHello, I am installing a webserver with apache mysql and php. I ran into some trouble while trying to connect to my mysql server (from a local machine that's not the server). I get the Can't connect to [local] MySQL server error and I do not understand how to fix it even after reading this, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/can-not-connect-to-server.html. Can anyone help me?10:26
MonkeyDust_dreamer  #ubuntu-server10:26
RuhPerhaps you should try wine-1.4.110:27
lazorswfpkhc: Try "sudo aptitude update" -- Not sure if you need it. New installation and all.10:27
MonkeyDustor wine1.410:27
sarge1221Just wondering but could someone explain how to setup apparmor? I'm mostly interesting in if it could be used for added security protocols on wine applications. Thanks to anyone willing to explain it briefly. :)10:27
RuhOr 1.4.1-0ubuntu1~precise1~ppa410:27
wfpkhci have already done that lazors10:27
somsip_dreamer: check the bind-address in /etc/mysql/my.cnf allows external connections10:27
wfpkhcthe instructions that i am using sir's is - http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu right at the bottom of the page10:27
s_faraday1MonkeyDust: yes, i did it10:28
Ruh# sudo apt-get install wine1.310:28
MonkeyDust!purge-ppa | s_faraday110:28
ubottus_faraday1: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:28
RuhWine sounds depressins. I am suprised so many people are alcoholics.10:29
RuhDepressing* *sighs*10:29
MonkeyDustRuh  it's because windows is depressing10:29
wfpkhcyes that wanted to work10:29
wfpkhcsudo apt-get install wine1.4 worked as well10:29
RuhCooleo. I am on Windows right now, only as I'm using dreamweaver and I cannot be bothered installing Wine.10:30
RuhNoice. :D10:30
MonkeyDustdreamweaver is the only windows program i miss in linux10:30
Aussie_matthi all, is anyone familiar with mdadm and imsm or isw?10:30
RuhSame. I wish adobe would release their applications for Linux.10:30
wfpkhcwell played - im going to see if i can get photoshop to work because that is what is stopping me from moving to linux - i was able to migrate to nginx as my webserver and postgre as my database - im just stuck on photoshop(and games)10:31
sarge1221MonkeyDust, I got that working before well cs4 in wine. :)10:32
s_faraday1i will test it and back again10:32
RuhI see, so you're a graphics artist/website developer I assume?10:32
sarge1221Ruh, I have done some web design yes.10:32
wfpkhci handle both front end and backend development10:32
lazorswfpkhc: Lot of people run dualboot (or different hard drives/machines). Also, consoles. :X10:32
RuhI run dual-boot on all my systems.10:33
wfpkhcARG no - never dual boot - for that i have special hardware - no need to dual boot it just causes problems10:33
RuhExcept my netbooks, they have Ubuntu 10.04 installed.10:33
RuhI have never had any problems dual booting my system, what problems have you had?10:33
* gordonjcp has never run into problem with dual-boot either10:34
gordonjcpOSX and Ubuntu co-exist quite happily10:34
wfpkhchttp://2.imimg.com/data2/NJ/ID/MY-4082698785/p1080824-500x500.jpg  - better then dual boot!10:34
RuhThere's some open-source alternatives to dreamweaver too. Sadly they do not compare to it. They just don't have that live view in which is usefull for checking up.10:34
gordonjcpdreamweaver sucks10:35
RuhI have trio-booted without problems too. Ubuntu 10.04, Windows 7 and Backtrack 5 R3.10:35
gordonjcphaven't tried Windows10:35
Ruh: <10:35
wfpkhcRuh - there is not a small enough print with the worlds largest toilet roll that i could write out all the problems i have had with linux (including dual booting)10:35
sarge1221gordonjcp, Have to agree soem nice alternatives on linux distros especially kde builds.10:35
gordonjcpwfpkhc: you must be doing something wrong, then...10:35
wfpkhci hate dreamweaver that is such a crap application - if you want a real editor - learn the language and become a programmer not a application reliant nub - use notepad++10:36
wfpkhcthats what i use on linux anyway10:36
gordonjcpwhen I get handed stuff in dreamweaver I take a screenshot of the finished rendered page, scrap all the HTML, and start again from scratch10:36
RuhI generally just use gedit.10:36
MonkeyDustgordonjcp  you're a geek :p10:36
gordonjcpyeah, gedit here too10:36
RuhI like to use dreamweaver for live view.10:37
sarge1221wfpkhc, how i learned it starting out was on windows notepad. xD10:37
RuhI can checkup without switching to my browser.10:37
gordonjcpMonkeyDust: I could untangle the dreamweaveryness but it's quicker *and therefore costs less* just to go from scratch10:37
gordonjcpI should really put my own website up10:38
millk788any plan to drop the unity ?10:38
wfpkhcmy experience with linux goes back to 1998 - and i have tinkered with it - and have been happy with keeping windows up until now - windows 7 is the last of the good operating system - windows 8 is a disaster - and if im going to learn new operating system im going to learn linux - now ive had very little problems with ubuntu - and have not tried dualboot in this version of linux10:38
MonkeyDustmillk788  install someting else, logout, change, login10:38
wfpkhcbut i must make sure before i migrate that i can support myself :D10:38
gordonjcpwfpkhc: there's not a lot to go wrong10:38
gordonjcpwfpkhc: what kind of things are you doing with your computer?10:39
sarge1221wfpkhc, I completely agree windows 8 slave boot is the worse thing ever developed by microsoft in there entire career.10:39
wfpkhctry wifi on puppy - that was a disaster10:39
g0thhow do I go back when using aspell?10:39
gordonjcpwfpkhc: that's drifting very much towards #ubuntu-offtopic10:39
g0thor undo10:39
g0this there a nice gui for using aspell10:39
millk788i got gnome 3.8 but it has problem10:39
RuhThere isn't much to go wrong, no. I suppose it just depends on your experiences and knowledge of linux operating systems.10:39
wfpkhclol you think that was the worse thing? lets start with "ribbon" in word - then move on top "select no extension" in file explorer - then move onto "remove start button" - these guys are destroying themselves  lol10:40
wfpkhcsorry gordonjcp10:40
wfpkhcill keep it on topic now10:40
RuhI heard they're adding the start button in windows blue upda.. *get kicked for off topic* NUUUUUUUU10:40
drecuteI ran an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.210:40
drecuteI ran an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.2. Along the way, some packages failed and I have identified them10:41
wfpkhcwell i have just installed wine - im going to see what i can do with it - thanks heaps again guys10:41
RuhYou're welcome, sir-mc-sir. XD10:41
sarge1221anyways, anyone played with apparmor before? Just like to learn it from someone who has played with it before. Like to examine seeing what customizations are available mostly like to make wine installations more stricter with it.10:42
drecutethey are memtest82+, grub-pc, zz-update-grub, friendly-recovery10:42
MonkeyDust!apparmor | sarge122110:42
ubottusarge1221: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor10:42
drecuteI tried to run partial recovery, but the packages are still failing. So I'm thinking of doing a kernel upgrade, then rerunning the partial upgrade10:43
histodrecute: How are you upgrading?10:43
histodrecute: are you doing sudo do-release-upgrade  ??10:43
RuhI must go, my people need me! Adios everyone. :D10:43
drecutehisto: I'm using update-manager10:43
sarge1221MonkeyDust, I requested a walk through not a link to a source I already have saved in my reference notes. ><'10:43
histodrecute: ahh...10:44
drecutehisto: I'm on ubuntu desktop10:44
histosarge1221: You want someone over irc to walk you through setting it up etc.. for your specific application and needs....10:45
histosarge1221: you may be waiting awhile to find the right person to do that.10:45
drecutehisto: what would you suggest?10:45
histodrecute: Why are the packages failing?10:46
drecutehisto: while installing, they get stuck for a long period of time. So i kill them10:47
mamedafter fresh installation of ubuntu and restricted extras i still cannot watch youtube videos10:47
histomamed: which browser? and is flash installed?10:47
ufkif i run crontab -e as root, everything i execute there will be executed as root permissions right ?10:48
mamedfirefox. and flash from ubuntu repositories10:48
histoufk: right10:48
histomamed: go to about:plugins10:48
mamedyou mean addons histo right?10:48
histomamed: no in the url bar type about:plugins   and make sure flash is being seen10:49
mamedshockwave flash10:49
mamedi see it10:49
mamedhisto, i see shochwave flash . is it ok?10:50
sarge1221lets start with why i get this> sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox > sudo: aa-enforce: command not found.10:50
YcareneI'm trying to install libstk but it wants me to remove some applications that I'd rather not lose.10:50
histomamed: yeah what issue are you having with youtube?10:50
mamedhisto, "an error occured . please try again later".10:51
drecutehisto: If I do a kernel upgrade, what's the implication? Do you think the failing packages will now install successfully?10:52
drecutehisto: My current kernel version is
mameddrecute, if you have a toruble with broken packages you must ruhn  apt-get -f install10:54
mamedalso update your packages so that broken packages will be corrected10:54
drecutemamed: I'm doing an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04.2. So along the way, some packages failed. This is the root of my problem10:55
drecutemamed: It is a known bug in ubuntu 12.04.2 about memtest86+10:56
drecutemamed: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116296810:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1162968 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 completely freezes" [High,Incomplete]10:56
mameddrecute, it is better to make a upgrade from a cd image10:56
drecutemamed: same goes for grub-pc10:56
mameddownload the cd image and burn it and make a fresh installation it is better10:56
mamedof course before doing it backup your data10:57
jhonnyhi, i have a rtl8188CE wifi adapter and it have aleatory disconnections. I've tested Ubuntu 12.10, Mageia 3, Fedora 18 and opensuse 12.3 which gives me more stability than the others, but still disconnects from time to time11:06
jhonnyis that a bug or something?11:06
wfpkhcis there anyway for me to see applications?11:08
wfpkhcwithout searching?11:08
wfpkhchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLRLWEfdFqY   what this guy is doing at 4 minutes 50 seconds11:10
gordonjcpwfpkhc: bring up the Unity dashboard, click the second icon on the left at the bottom and click on "Installed"11:10
tux9thhiya guys, quick question. Do you think it's normal that X + compiz use 700mb ram?11:11
tux9thi'm on 13.0411:11
OerHekswfpkhc, play with the white icons at the bottom of the dash11:11
wfpkhcthats irritating11:11
wfpkhcthank you for advice sir's11:11
kristenbbHow can I install gnome15 on ubuntu 13.04 ?11:11
OerHekskristenbb, gnome 15 ?11:13
wfpkhcis there anyway to see what items are related to a particularly installed application?11:13
kristenbbOerHeks: yes. http://www.gnome15.org/11:13
wfpkhchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLRLWEfdFqY  at 4 minutes 55 seconds11:13
abdelis there any software i can install in ubuntu that i can use to view private pictures in facebook or badoo11:14
Rootbrianwfpkhc: If you install gdebi, you can. I don't know why ubuntu removed it and synaptic package manager.11:14
wfpkhcanyway without installing additional things?11:15
Rootbrianabdel: no. Privacy settings cannot be changed that way.11:15
wfpkhcjust on default installation?11:15
Rootbrianwfpkhc: nope, you've got to get both those installed first I believe.11:15
wfpkhc:( bugger - thank you for that sir11:16
abdelhow do u change it then rootbrian, because with photopuket it woked on windows11:16
abdelbut i dont know which one to use in ubuntu11:16
OerHekskristenbb, ah, that is why i did not know gnome 15, it is a 3th party something.  the give install instructions with a PPA >>  ppa:tanktarta/gnome1511:16
Rootbrianabdel: it relates to facebook's own privacy settings that no piece of software has any control or influence over.11:16
OerHekskristenbb, ubuntu has G15 tools too11:17
kristenbbOerHeks: yes, but it doesn't work with ubuntu 13.04, hence my question.11:17
kristenbbOerHeks: really ? Where?11:17
abdelhmmmm, well i was able to hack facebook and badoo pictures via photofucket but i guess ubuntu is not techy yet.......11:18
Rootbrianabdel: you would just have to add somebody on facebook to get at their pictures I guess.11:19
Rootbrianabdel: perhaps it's been patched since then? Facebook does have it's facedesk's sometimes.11:19
OerHeks!info libg15-dev11:20
ubottulibg15-dev (source: libg15): Library for interfacing with the Logitech G15 keyboards. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-2 (raring), package size 8 kB, installed size 68 kB11:20
abdeldont worry rootbrian, i wanted to change to ubuntu but since it doesn't have this technology i will contiue with my windows 811:20
Rootbrianabdel: I suggest dualbooting that and ubuntu. That's what I do anyways with winXP.11:21
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
Rootbrianabdel: You can use ubuntu instead and have windows 8 running within virtualbox too, if you prefer.11:21
om26erhe signed out btw :p11:21
Rootbriansigned out already? Damn. Lol11:22
kristenbbOerHeks: well in any case I've used gnome15 with 12.04, and I liked it. I'd like to use it with 13.04 now. How to do that ?11:22
wfpkhcdoes anyone here use photoshop and gimp?11:23
wfpkhci guess not11:24
wfpkhcthanks anyway im off11:24
Rootbrianbummer. I use gimp.11:25
OerHekskristenbb, i see the wiki is outdated > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Logitech_G15 not sure how you can install those tools11:28
kristenbbOerHeks: is it possible to download the sources and build it ?11:29
histowow waited a whole 32 seconds for an answer11:29
BluesKaj_Howdy all11:30
=== root is now known as Guest80149
s_faradayMonkeyDust: hi again11:35
s_faradayMonkeyDust: thanks for helping11:35
=== accc_ is now known as accc
s_faradayMonkeyDust: i removed ppa but my desktop doesn't look like gnome 3 yet11:37
histo!notunity | s_faraday11:39
ubottus_faraday: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.11:39
kristenbbCan someone please help me with building a software from source ?11:41
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
brontosaurusrexkristenbb, which one?11:43
kristenbbbrontosaurusrex: gnome1511:43
MuelliO_o what would that be..?11:44
Muellianyway, what's the problem, kristenbb11:44
kristenbbwell the problem is that I'm not an expert on this, and the documentation seems outdated, so I don't know what to do.11:44
Muellikristenbb: ./configure && make && make install.11:44
kristenbbthere is no configure file11:44
Muellithen autogen.sh11:44
kristenbbthere isnt such a file either11:45
brontosaurusrexwhy do you need to build it? there seems to be an ubuntu version11:46
kristenbbnot for 13.0411:46
brontosaurusrexand this is not working http://www.gnome15.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=3411:47
Muelliah, kristenbb. try autoreconf.11:47
kristenbbthat's what I did11:47
JohnRainI installed ubuntu through wubi to E:\drive through windows, which is in my C:\ drive. However I didnt get any boot option for Ubuntu, is it installed or not?11:47
kristenbbup to the ./configure, since there is no such file11:47
kristenbbmuelli there is no autoreconf file either11:48
brontosaurusrexkristenbb, hold on ..11:48
Muellikristenbb: I konw. Execute it11:48
Muellikristenbb: or download the release http://www.gnome15.org/downloads/Gnome15/Required/gnome15-0.9.2.tar.gz11:48
kristenbbMuelli: ok this release contains a configure file, but if I run it,  I get "configure: error: You must also provide the location of your distributions udev rules using --enable-udev=path-to-rules-directory"11:49
reisihi there! is anywhere any documentation on what do apparmor audit messages in dmesg actually mean?11:49
Muellikristenbb: yeah, there you go.11:50
rushboyhello I have the following error when configuring a software : http://pastebin.com/wZWTv9KU . Any help on how to solve this in ubuntu ?11:50
minimeckristenbb: I have an old Logitech z10 here, and thx to you I stumbled on that gnome15,org thing. According to the forum, the packages are outdated. A user named 'russo79' has put together an updated repository for 13.04... I am downloading and installing now for my Logitech z10... ;) http://www.russo79.com/gnome15/download/ubuntu11:50
minimeckristenbb: Forum thread here... http://gnome15.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=4&id=862&Itemid=7#3016811:50
kristenbbminimec: I'm sorry I don't understand the content of the thread.11:51
reisirushboy: it looks like you need to find whatever package provides "matio"; the error message you see is most likely wrong; the case is really that no MATIO_CFLAGS were returned by pkg-config11:51
Jordan_UJohnRain: Either way, I would recommend running the Wubi uninstaller and installing Ubuntu in a normal dual boot configuration.11:52
Muellirushboy: try to install libmatio-dev11:52
minimeckristenbb: The forum post is just for information... The other link is more interesting... ;) http://www.russo79.com/gnome15/download/ubuntu11:52
kristenbbminimec: well how do I know this person is trustworthy ? Since I'm close, I'd rather use the build from sources instead...11:53
Jordan_UJohnRain: Wubi, now no longer included in new Ubuntu releases, was poorly maintained and had known issues with installing to a partition other than "C:" (and if you are willing to create a new partition, you might as well do a normal install anyway).11:53
historushboy: what package are you trying to install?11:53
minimeckristenbb: That's ok, if you want to do it that way.11:53
histoJordan_U: I though wubi installed a disk image on C11:53
reisirushboy: try installing libmatio-dev11:54
reisiMuelli: sorry, didn't see you already answered it :)11:54
kristenbbminimec: so what to do if ./configure doesn't work ?11:54
JohnRainJordan_U:  alright, but the problem is my D: E: F: drives are all shown as a single drive if I try to install it elsewhere than windows11:54
JohnRainJordan_U:  and I dont want to lose my stuff i those drives, so I am not sure how to do it in a safe way, if I cant install it through windowsd11:55
JohnRainthey're in raid 011:55
Jordan_Uhisto: My comment was specifically about installations to partitions *other than* "C:". (Though Wubi was/is generally poorly maintained and I don't recommend it)11:55
minimeckristenbb: Install the needed dependencies... ;) You might need the -dev header packages of some dependencies.11:55
reisiJohnRain: if you have drives in raid0, you better have very up to date backups anyway11:56
kristenbbminimec: this is all gibberish to me. What am I to do exactly ? The error message is "configure: error: You must also provide the location of your distributions udev rules using --enable-udev=path-to-rules-directory"11:56
Jordan_UJohnRain: Are these really separate drives or just separate partitions? What do you mean by "my D: E: F: drives are all shown as a single drive"? Where do you see this and what exactly are you seeing?11:57
Muellikristenbb: yeah, provide that path!11:57
kristenbbMuelli: what path ? I don't understand the error message.11:57
reisikristenbb: what ever project's ./configure you are trying to run, it requires a patch to udev rules (in my current os, those are /etc/udev/rules.d, yours may be in different path)11:58
Muellikristenbb: the error message is clear. You have to call ./configure --enable-udev=path-to-rules-directory. I.e. --enable-udev=/etc/udev/rules.d/ or so11:58
reisikristenbb: a patch/a path (typo)11:58
JohnRainJordan_U:  I have 2 drives in 4 partitions as raid 0. I have an ubuntu usb-stick I tried for use to install, the installation can only recognize C: drive where my windows is, and the rest d: e: f: as one bit partition11:58
gordonjcpkristenbb: building stuff from source isn't really recommended, if there's a packaged version available11:58
JohnRainJordan_U:  but if I install it through windows, it recognizes E: drive11:59
minimeckristenbb: I am sorry. I cannor guide you through that process, if compiling from source is 'gibberish' to you. Basicallly you have to check the dependencies for the software on gnome15.org. Then you need to install the -dev packages for the mentioned software from the ubuntu repository. Normally the error message of ./configure will indicate the missing dependency...11:59
kristenbbok so I did ./configure --enable-udev=/etc/udev/rules.d/, now the error message is: configure: error: Requires Python Virtkey Library11:59
rushboyhisto, scilab12:00
Muellikristenbb: yep. and so it goes on. Try to find that piece of software, install it, try to configure again. Rinse and repeat.12:00
reisikristenbb: if you don't know what udev is, just try googling it. afair it's an infrastucture component for deciding how to react to plugged-in devices (or any devices not found at boot time)12:00
JohnRainJordan_U:  and I had ubuntu 12.10 before in my e: drive, until its' boot got messed up, and I formated my computer, but I am unable to reinstall it to e:drive, or I have installed it there, but it doesnt show up in boot menu, hence I am unsure if its properly installed12:00
Jordan_UJohnRain: Please post a screenshot of what you're seeing and pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".12:00
Jordan_UJohnRain: Forget Wubi entirely.12:01
historushboy: sudo apt-get install scilab12:01
cfhowlettJohnRain, wubi is dead ... let it go12:01
kristenbbI think I understand. So how can I install the Python Virtkey Library ?12:01
rushboyhisto, no i am building from source12:01
rushboy./configure gave me that error12:02
reisikristenbb: just as you would install anything else on your system; apt-get; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware12:02
historushboy: sudo apt-get build-dep scilab12:02
JohnRainJordan_U:  I just did how they told me to install ubuntu through usb-stick12:02
JohnRainJordan_U:  in ubuntu.com website12:02
kristenbbreisi: but I mean how to know the package that contains this software?12:02
reisikristenbb: i'd first try: apt-cache search virtkey12:03
reisikristenbb: or search in your package manager application (if you prefer one)12:03
rushboyhisto, i did that already12:03
=== jinie is now known as jinie_
kristenbbThere are two, python3-virtkey and python-virtkey, which one do you recommand ?12:03
Jordan_UJohnRain: Please boot from an Ubunt LiveUSB and create screenshots of what you're seeing in the installer, and also open a terminal, run "sudo parted -l" and post the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com (and post a link to it here).12:04
=== jinie_ is now known as jinie
historushboy: No idea then ask the scilab people what package you need to fix the configure error12:04
Jordan_U!screenshot | JohnRain12:04
ubottuJohnRain: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.12:04
reisikristenbb: well select the one which requires the least amount of dependencies (it's pretty much always a good rule of thumb unless you have some clue which it should be)12:04
JohnRainJordan_U:  okay brb it's going to take awhile12:04
kristenbbreisi: ok, how can I know the number of dependencies of a given package?12:05
Jordan_UJohnRain: I will probably be gone then, but others can likely help you.12:05
minimeckristenbb: You might have two python versions installed 2.7 and 3.3. You can install both of them...12:05
reisikristenbb: i use apt from the command line, so i'll just test it with sudo apt-get install -s <package>12:06
JohnRainJordan_U:  well jordan it doesnt recognize other OS, but it lets me install ubuntu to a partition, either sd3 which is c: or sd4 which is everything else12:06
=== jinie is now known as jinie_
reisikristenbb: simulating an install with apt-get will find calculate all the dependencies this package install would require12:07
kristenbbminimec: I tried python --version, and it returned 2.7. Should I then install python-virtkey ?12:07
minimeckristenbb: I guess so.12:07
reisiin at least the current ubuntus, python --version will always be < 3; that's why there are python3 packages which install "python3" executable, which will always --version > 312:08
rushboyhisto, installing libmatio-dev worked :-)12:08
rushboyreisi, thanks for the suggestion :-)12:08
kristenbbreisi: well that's weird, I tried the command you mentioned (sudo apt-get install -s python3-virtkey) but it says it's already installed. Why would ./configure say otherwise ?12:08
Muellirushboy: you're welcome12:08
minimeckristenbb: Try pyth<TAB> once in a terminal. I have both version installed...12:08
Jordan_UJohnRain: sd3 and sd4 aren't valid device names, and even if it were sda3 and sda4 I would be worried since you said you are using RAID0, presumably fakeRAID, in which case the devices you want would be /dev/mapper/ devices.12:08
kristenbbminimec: right, I have a few as well.12:09
Muellikristenbb: because 'python -c "import virtkey"' failed.12:09
kristenbbMuelli: what does this mean ?12:09
reisikristenbb: that tells us that the application you are installing will only use python 2.x packages (as in packages that start with "python-")12:09
kristenbbok so I need to install the other one afterall12:09
Muellikristenbb: that means that python cannot import the virtkey library.12:10
kristenbbnow to the next error: configure: error: Requires PyUSB, python bindings for libusb12:10
MuelliFWIW: You can run sh -x configure to get more insight into what's going on.12:10
reisikristenbb: try solving this one yourself first12:10
kristenbbreisi: I tried apt-cache search libusb but there are quite  a lot of results, I have no idea which one to pick12:11
reisikristenbb: my first instict would be to filter python results like: "apt-cache search libusb | grep python"12:11
kristenbbreisi: ok only 2 left12:12
reisikristenbb: but that does not leave any good candidates, then, i would google "python bindings for libusb"12:12
Muellikristenbb: it's really better to get support from the gnome15 community. so that they will know that they have to improve their documentation. Bonus points if you write up what your problems and solutions are so that other can benefit from that later.12:12
kristenbbpython-ftdi and python-usbtc0812:12
reisikristenbb: those two left sound wrong to me, but Muelli has a good point there as well12:12
kristenbbMuelli: I tried getting help from the gnome15 community but got no answer, that's why I came here to get help from you to install it12:13
kristenbbso maybe libusb++-0.1-4c2 ?12:13
kristenbbthat's the first one recommended that starts with libusb.12:14
reisikristenbb: to plus signs hints it's a c++ library12:14
reisikristenbb: to/two/12:14
kristenbbwhat does that mean?12:14
Muellikristenbb: that's annoying :-\ But this isn't a good place either. You see, in the future no one will ever benefit from the knowledge exchanged here.12:14
kristenbbI will12:14
reisikristenbb: you want a python library, not a c++ library (python and c++ are both languages, and have different library requirements, so to speak)12:14
kristenbbreisi: but you just said that none of them with python seemed good candidates12:15
reisikristenbb: then i told you i'd next use google with the phrase12:16
MonkeyDu1tunity in chroot != good idea12:16
kristenbbwhen asked with geek stuff, google almostt answers in geek terms, so it's hard to understand any of it.12:16
reisikristenbb: though you might be able to solve this if you learn how to better search with apt-cache; i've never needed to go further than simple keyword search and a grep i already demonstrated; take your pick12:16
citricIs there a way I can install ubuntu from within windows? I don't want to use a VM I actually want ubuntu on this harddrive I just dont want to reboot to install it :P12:17
kristenbbI just want to be able to use my keyboard with linux, I'm trying really hard to follow up but I'm a bit lots12:18
reisikristenbb: look at the search results for the exact phrase i gave you as an example, especially the top 312:18
kristenbblook at all the commands you have to input to just get a keyboard to work, it's pretty incredible12:18
samgabbaydoes anyone know how to generate a full list of installed packadges to a text file?12:19
kristenbbI came here for help, not to be redirected to google12:19
reisikristenbb: i've got no idea what kind of keyboard you are trying to use, but i've never encountered one that required python libraries and compiling a project12:19
histo!clone | samgabbay12:19
ubottusamgabbay: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate12:19
kristenbbreisi: well g15 series12:19
MonkeyDu1tsamgabbay  dpkg -l > list12:19
samgabbaywere is the test file @monkey12:20
histoMonkeyDu1t: that doesn't work as it will get removed but configured packages still12:20
reisikristenbb: well i was trying to teach you the generic way to solve your problems, you know the "give a man a fish vs. teach man how to fish" thing?12:20
citricSO I am going to assume you can't do a full install from within windows eh?12:20
Muellikristenbb: I understand your frustration. But we are not here to hold your hands. Redirecting to google is a bit rude but in this case I deem it appropriate. Your questions are very basic, you see. So you have to find out how to find out stuff yourself.12:20
samgabbaywereee is the text file12:20
kristenbbright, really basic, like knowing about python and apt-get and all this stuff. Everyone in this earth knows how to do that.12:21
Muellicitric: if wubi is not supported anymore, then you could try to run a cygwin like environment and debootstrap an ubuntu from there. But I doubt that that will work.12:21
MonkeyDu1tsamgabbay  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5748169/12:21
Ben64citric: you have to reboot to use it, why not reboot to install it?12:21
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
citricBen64, cause im having a good IRC conversation and don't want to reboot yet.. lol :P12:22
Muellicitric: you could probably download an image with an installed ubuntu and bytecopy it right on your harddrive.12:22
merrillthere is also the use virtual machine as a option12:22
Ben64citric: you can still irc from the livecd as it installs... i think12:23
gordonjcpyou can12:23
gordonjcpcitric: just ssh to your server where you run irssi in tmux ;-)12:23
brontosaurusrexkristenbb, the bzr seems incomplete, so i'am out of ideas, ask on their forums12:23
citricBen64, that is true, didn't think about that :D12:23
kristenbbbrontosaurusrex: I did but received no answer.12:24
kristenbbbrontosaurusrex: but I was able to retrieve a working source code, I'm trying to get it to work now.12:24
merrillwhat is the issue kristenbb ?12:24
kristenbbbrontosaurusrex: I'm stuck at the ./configure part, where it asks for a file named libusb12:24
kristenbbmerrill: right now, the issue is getting ./configure to work without errors12:25
kristenbbmerrill: the last error message is configure: error: Requires PyUSB, python bindings for libusb12:25
merrilldo you have synaptic installed12:25
Muellikristenbb: When I google for "ubuntu libusb python" it returns a myriad of good looking results. Have you tried searching for that?12:25
yeatskristenbb: every time it stops because of a missing dependency you have to install the missing dependency, then run ./configure again12:25
Znooseyapt-get install libusb-dev <-- have you tried that kristenbb?12:26
Znooseysometimes libusb on its own wont work12:26
kristenbbZnoosey: no, I didn't know which package to install12:26
Znooseytry that one :)12:26
kristenbbno I still get the same error12:27
kristenbbhow to uninstall it ?12:27
Znooseyremove instead of install12:27
brontosaurusrexalso apt-get install python-usb12:27
merrillkristenbb, what application are you attempting to load?12:27
kristenbbmerrill: gnome1512:27
yeatskristenbb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyusb - note that ppas are technically not supported here12:28
merrillkristenbb, what version of ubuntu do you have?12:28
merrillkristenbb, is it updated12:28
yeatskristenbb: 'sudo apt-get install python-usb'12:28
* yeats found it with 'apt-cache search pyusb'12:29
kristenbbyeats: yes it works, thank you12:29
b1n4ryHi, How  to check what kernel driver is in use for your wireless card?12:29
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:29
yeatsb1n4ry: 'lsmod' shows all the loaded modules12:29
MonkeyDustb1n4ry  start from the beginning, what goes wrong12:30
b1n4ryi tried lspci which lists it12:30
Muellib1n4ry: it's bit of a hack, I use lsmod and check for either ath, iwl or realtek or the like.12:30
kristenbbyeats: now the error is configure: error: Requires RSVG for Python. Should I install python-rsvg ?12:30
reisib1n4ry: i'd throw in 'dmesg|grep wlan'12:30
yeatskristenbb: I would probably do that, yes12:30
b1n4rybut modinfo gives me that the module does not exist12:30
reisikristenbb: on a side note, it sounds really crazy that you'd need gnome15 for a *keyboard*; have you validated that this is really the case?12:31
kristenbbreisi: well the keyboard and the features that come with it.12:31
kristenbbreisi: I'm typing with it, so it works as is, but the advanced features don't.12:32
reisikristenbb: and why do you think that gnome15 is going to help you with those?12:32
kristenbbreisi: I've used it before with 12.0412:32
kristenbbreisi: but it doesn't work with 13.04 anymore12:33
merrillkristenbb, what is the keyboard you are using?12:33
kristenbbmerrill: logitech g1912:33
reisikristenbb: aah yes, i mistook gnome15 for gnome at version 1.5 or something like that; it's really some applet for your keyboard12:33
kristenbbreisi: yep12:34
kristenbbyeats: ok, now I get configure: error: Requires Python uinput and libsuinput. Should I install libsuinput-dev?12:34
b1n4ryI get this12:35
reisikristenbb: honestly no idea, i've never heard of such libraries/programs/packages12:35
Ben64!broadcom | b1n4ry12:36
ubottub1n4ry: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:36
reisilooking at the forum of gnome15 it's overrun by spammers, project has died?12:36
YashpalJadejaHow can I bring back the "Not Enough Disk Space" Error Message. I accidently made the tick mark to not to show it, but now I want to enable it...12:36
reisii wonder what kind of crazy application would allow that kind of error message to be hidden in the future12:37
MonkeyDustYashpalJadeja  try to create a file or folder12:37
azarDoes anyone know, how kernel crypto api support asynchronous algorithm such as RSA?12:37
YashpalJadejaI can create a file or a folder12:38
MonkeyDustYashpalJadeja  0 space left, or just not enough?12:39
ispirtowhat language is this12:39
YashpalJadejanot enough space12:39
MonkeyDustYashpalJadeja  look for a very large file and copy it a few times, until you get the error message12:40
yeatskristenbb: 'sudo apt-get install python-uinput libsuinput-dev'12:40
reisiazar: RSA is not asynchronous, it has nothing to do with time (synchronization); perhaps you might find the answers in kernel docs?12:41
reisiazar: RSA is asymmetric vs. symmetric AES for example12:41
YashpalJadejaMonkeyDust: ok12:42
azarreisi: Yes , You are right. I mean Asymmetric12:42
reisiazar: i found crypto docs at https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/Documentation/crypto12:42
reisiazar: i12:44
reisiazar: i've got no further knowledge on the kernel crypto api (not throwing links at you to be a dick) :)12:45
=== Subo1978_ is now known as Subo1978
azarreisi: Thx for your technical help ;)12:46
reisiazar: np :)12:46
pii3can i use ubuntu 13 repo on ubuntu 10?12:48
reisipii3: no12:49
nedbatIn the past, i've edited ~/.fonts.conf, but I just installed raring, and there is no file like that.  Has it moved?  Or was I supposed to create it somehow?12:49
pii3what if i change the kernel ?12:49
cfhowlettpii3, expect breakages.  why not upgrade?12:50
reisipii3: i'm not quite sure what you are trying to do/fix?12:50
pii3i cannot work with gnome 3 unity and fallback12:50
siliconhello. Would anyone be adept in reading bootcharts to reduce boot times ?12:50
auronandacepii3: then use something else: xfce, lxde, kde, enlightenment12:51
cfhowlettpii3, so install lxde or xfce4 or any of a dozen other desktop environments ...12:51
Walexnedbat: there is no default for '~/.fonts.conf'12:51
kristenbbyeats: sudo apt-get install python-uinput libsuinput-dev returns ' python-uinput : Depends: libudev0 (>= 147) but it is not installable12:51
kristenbbE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'12:51
reisipii3: while you are at it, i'd backup everything and do a fresh install of the latest; once you are finished trying out different desktops, do another fresh install (if you for example select kde, try kubuntu) and then get your data back from backups12:52
Walexnedbat: it is a purely per-account file. Some KDE/GNOME/... settings programs create one for you.12:52
reisikristenbb: sounds bad; could you pastebin the whole apt-get command + output?12:53
nedbatWalex: hmm, my notes say to edit it and add a line, i wonder how I got the file in the first place?  I use gnome12:53
reisikristenbb: "pastebin it" as in to use paste.ubuntu.com as is stated in the topic12:53
downinitim sorry if this is a "newbie" question but is there a program to sync my iphone as well as put music on it. Im currently using 13.04 raring ringtail12:53
MonkeyDustdowninit  try rhythmbox12:54
kristenbbreisi: yes I know about it but thanks for the info.12:54
auronandace!iphone | downinit12:54
ubottudowninit: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:54
kristenbbreisi: here it is: http://pastebin.com/xKBgQUuY12:54
downinitthank you very much!12:54
reisikristenbb: pastebin plain "sudo apt-get install" output as well12:55
pii3gnome t12:55
pii3gnome 2 was cool with 2bar on top and functional taskbar at buttom12:55
kristenbbreisi: how do you mean ? Just apt-get install without anything after 'install ' ?12:55
auronandacepii3: xfce can be set like that too12:56
reisikristenbb: yes; install without any package arguments attempts to finish any unfinished business12:56
kristenbbreisi: http://pastebin.com/6p08SDhP12:56
siliconWould anyone know anything about bootcharts12:57
reisikristenbb: thats odd.. the above some hinted you to use ppa's, did you add ppa repositories?12:57
kristenbbreisi: no12:57
nedbatin gnome, how do I create a ~/.fonts.conf properly?12:57
reisisilicon: i've never used them, but i think at least phoronix runs often articles about boot speeds and i have seen some charts up there; perhaps you find more information there?12:58
pii3you mean i install xubuntu ?12:59
brainwashkristenbb: libudev0 got replaced by libudev1 starting with 13.04, you will have to download libudev0 manually12:59
pii3and config it like gnome 2??12:59
auronandacepii3: why not?12:59
kristenbbbrainwash: what does that mean ? Where can I download it from ?12:59
siliconreisi: Thanks. I'll check that out. I have a 70 - 90 second boot time and would like to reduce it!12:59
RobertFaptopdo you people know what a fucking stable release channel means?12:59
pii3yeah no problem i dont like better to say that i hate unity i prefer to do anything else13:00
pii3i tried kde but too many bugs and not stable13:00
reisisilicon: i hear they have at least active forums, if there's no usable article13:00
RobertFaptopit means not having my network and whole computer fuck up each time i update flash13:00
RobertFaptopcanonical suck my dick \m/ ill see you in hell13:00
chaosmospii3: try http://mate-desktop.org/13:00
ubottuRobertFaptop,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:01
auronandacechaosmos: not supported here13:01
chaosmosok, sorry13:01
RobertFaptopi swear ubuntu is a plot by microsoft to give open source a bad name13:01
histosilicon: what is taking so long during boot? use bootchart and find out13:01
RobertFaptopholy fuck13:01
reisipii3: please note that your 10.04 installation is *very* old, every desktop environment has gone leaps forward in the latest distribution13:01
histo!language | RobertFaptop13:01
ubottuRobertFaptop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:01
MonkeyDusthisto  ignore the kid13:01
cfhowlett!ops|RobertFaptop, profanity13:01
ubottuRobertFaptop, profanity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:01
siliconhisto: I've tried taking a look at the chart.... but I'm not sure how to read it....13:02
histosilicon: can you paste it to imgbin or something so we can look13:02
pii3reisi: yes i know i dont have problem with upgrading i have problem with Unity13:02
pii3anyone here using MATE?13:02
MonkeyDustsilicon  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add13:02
auronandacepii3: mate is not supported here13:03
siliconhisto: ok13:03
siliconmonkeydust: thanks13:03
siliconhisto: sorry, how does one do that?13:03
brainwashkristenbb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/libudev0 that's the quantal deb13:04
auronandace!screenshot | silicon13:04
ubottusilicon: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.13:04
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
reisibrainwash: kristenbb: i'm not sure if it's correct to install an older version of such core library across distributions13:04
auronandacebrainwash: if you are suggesting he use a quantal package on raring then that isn't supported13:05
kristenbbreisi: so what am I to do ?13:05
reisikristenbb: well.. for me it seems like the gnome15 project is dead (look at their forums, full of spam), and their dependencies (not their code) have not been kept up to date with 13.0413:06
reisikristenbb: i'd wait around, perhaps the devs of gnome15 realize this and will fix it, release packages etc13:06
kristenbbreisi: but it worked for 12.04, so it should work with 13.04 too...13:06
auronandacekristenbb: things change over time (like that dependency you are having trouble with)13:07
reisikristenbb: actually there's no logic in that (works in 12.04, should work in 13.04); when the major version upgrades, there's usually something the devs need to fix, given the high speed of progress in the community13:07
kristenbbit makes no sense not to be retrocompatible13:07
siliconhisto: I think this should work...http://imagebin.org/26079913:08
brainwashkristenbb: people who did dist-upgrade during beta will have both libs, only fresh installations of Raring are missing the older lib13:08
fendurusing 12.04lts, can't get compiz to start. I checked /usr/share/gnome-sessions/sessions/ config files. the "ubuntu" file is set for compiz, but it seems to fail back to "ubuntu-2d" which calls metacity. I can't figure out why it's failing to start.13:08
fendurAny ideaS?13:08
brainwashkristenbb: so it might work13:08
silicontell ubottu: http://imagebin.org/26079913:08
kristenbbbrainwash: I installed it from a live cd.13:09
Walexfendur: usually it is that you don't have accelerated 3D enabled13:09
fendurWalex: I believe I do, though. I can play an openGL game (openarena)13:09
fendurWalex: and opengl is enabled in the compiz config.13:09
binyamcan anyone tell me where i get proxy servers??? my isp keeps filtering me!!13:10
auronandace!ot | binyam13:10
ubottubinyam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:10
reisisilicon: can't see anything strange right away, but it really shouldn't be taking that long on your hardware13:11
reisii wonder what's check-new-releases doing there that much13:12
siliconreisi: I agree. I've tried different things suggested in the ubuntu forums befor, but it didn't really help13:12
brainwashkristenbb: you will have to decide, if you want to install it manually, it might break something, but it actually shouldn't13:12
Walexfendur: perhaps you don't have some specific 3D accel feature.13:12
reisisilicon: what kind of disk setup you've got there?13:12
Walexfendur: anyhow, look at the Xorg server logs and at the session log in your home dir13:13
fendurWalex: can you advise how to compare what I have to what I need?13:13
fendurWalex: ok thanks.13:13
kristenbbbrainwash: is it just required for the installation process ? Like, I can remove it afterwards ?13:13
Walexfendur: no, I don't use GNOME. More of a Kubuntu user.13:13
Walexfendur: also I disable all the fancy GUI effects...13:13
siliconreisi: I'm rather new to computer things... what does that mean ?13:13
fendurWalex: kubuntu can't use compiz?13:13
reisisilicon: is your computer a laptop or a workstation?13:14
Walexfendur: I use KDE...13:14
brainwashkristenbb: the package your are trying to install depends on libudev0, so you won't be able to remove it afterwards13:14
siliconreisi: it's a 2007 macbook13:14
Walexfendur: KDE can use 'compiz' as a window manager, but it has its own default.13:14
fendurWalex: I suppose I didn't know compiz was gnome specific13:14
fendurWalex: anyway. thanks.13:14
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
Walexfendur: IIRC GNOME 3 does special stuff that is not quite the same as 'compiz', but again, not familiar.13:15
reisisilicon: i think all the hardware in such old macbook should be very supported; with this little information, i'd check if the hard disk was about to fail13:15
problematic_guyupon login to an admin account today, I got the message "Stopping anac(h)ronistic cron" "Stopping save kernel messages" "Starting anac(h)ristic cron"13:15
problematic_guythen with two line breaks13:15
problematic_guy"Stopping anac(h)rostic cron"13:15
problematic_guyany idea what the problem is?13:15
problematic_guyit return to login screen after that13:15
kristenbbbrainwash: you mean it's the software that requires it, rather than the building process ?13:15
siliconreisi: In other words maybe the laptop will just die soon?13:15
problematic_guyThis was on 12.04 x64.13:15
reisiproblematic_guy: i wonder if you had some updates installed?13:15
problematic_guyno, but does anyone know how to disable startx via terminal in a guest acct?13:16
reisisilicon: well, if it were my laptop i'd investigate that out, sadly it's nothing trivial or easy to do13:16
problematic_guy(the guest acct is working perfectly fine at the moment)13:16
reisisilicon: given the age and the life expectancy of laptop hard disks, i'd start taking backups often13:17
problematic_guy(yesterday, I typed 'startx' into terminal, and, well...)13:17
siliconsilicon: Well, thanks for the advice.... I mean it seems to run well the rest of the time....13:17
brainwashkristenbb: to not harm your system try to install it using a live cd or a 2nd (test) installation of ubuntu13:17
kristenbbbrainwash: that's getting a bit too complicated just to get a keyboard working...13:18
problematic_guyargh, I'm going to reboot and see if that could fix it-13:18
reisikristenbb: too bad the gnome15 project has not (at least yet) added support for 13.04, they might, eventually13:19
brainwashkristenbb: then contact the maintainer of the project13:19
kristenbbbrainwash: I tried that.13:19
gordonjcpkristenbb: looking at the pages for the gnome15 project, it all looks a bit like it's unmaintained - the forum is spammy and it looks like the code hasn't been updated in a while13:20
reisikristenbb: however if you really want to make the most of your keyboard, you can always fix it yourself but that might take a lot of learning i'm afraid13:20
gordonjcpkristenbb: looks like you have a new project13:20
gordonjcpkristenbb: get it working yourself.  Congratulations, you're now an open-source developer ;-)13:20
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Janeks991hi everyone13:22
reisisilicon: if you want to pursue checking if your disk is about to die, smartctl is an utility to read self diagnostic data off the disk (they are rather "intelligent" or self monitoring nowdays)13:22
reisisilicon: the net is full of user guides and articles and whatnot, but i'd first backup everything important on the laptop13:23
difficult_personOk, now - does anyone know what startx's process name is13:23
algerinod4rk0wl hi13:23
siliconreisi: I'll look into that smartctl.13:23
reisidifficult_person: afaik startx is a bash script (or at least has been before), so it should show up on any process listing13:24
difficult_personuh, is it safe to kill sh?13:24
gordonjcpwait wait what?13:24
gordonjcpwhy are you using startx?13:24
reisidifficult_person: though in the modern distributions i think it's very rare that anyone would start X like using that script13:25
difficult_person'cause I followed some stupid instructions :<13:25
DrFoops -ef | grep startx13:25
DrFoo(for linux)13:25
difficult_personSpecifically, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Supportstorm/sandbox13:25
gordonjcpstartx is dead13:25
gordonjcpwe don't do it that way any more, not for about ten years13:25
zeroxiaThe shell script "startx" calls `xinit' ultimately.13:25
difficult_person"117       2720  2664  0 09:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto startx"13:25
gordonjcpyou ought to be able to run something like xinit -e xterm13:26
reisidifficult_person: startx will not persist over a reboot, if you were wondering that13:26
difficult_personI still can't login to my admin acct.13:26
DrFooHow do i do a rewrite then a proxy-pass with nginx?13:27
difficult_personLemme reboot (again), and I'll see13:27
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
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dakotawulfycan some one help me not sure what i am doing wrong cant get the shared dir to work on a computer works fin from other one using samba13:32
compdocyou cant access a samba share form on epc, but you can from another?13:33
SangeetHey, I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 and i like it but the problem is that i have by mistrake just mounted the "/" and i have not mounted the "/home" "/tmp" and "swap" . So since i have already installed the whole Operating System is there any way to mount the points.13:33
SangeetThere is around 250GB Unmounted free space13:33
dakotawulfycompdoc well i was trying to run the dir with vlc  has songs in it13:34
dakotawulfysays permission denied13:34
dakotawulfycompdoc i can pull up the dir in nautilus13:34
SangeetAnyone knows how to change mount points after the Ubuntu Installation13:35
compdocdont know anything about vlc. can it provide credentials?13:35
dakotawulfycompdoc works from the other computer fine13:35
paskotyyhi i want te setup some settings of the terminal of my ubuntu server (which is only terminal) where can i find the settings?13:35
dakotawulfycompdoc the other way  so think i have something wrong13:36
compdocdakotawulfy, the PC that doesnt connect, what is the username that is logged in? does that user exist on the samba PC?13:37
zykotick9paskotyy: what settings are you looking for?13:38
chipotlehi, i want to set up a dlna compatible file server. should i use ubuntu or freeNAS?13:38
chipotlethe latter seems rather limited, but it has zfs...13:38
dakotawulfycompdoc: no it connects  i pulled it up in nautilus had to have password for that to work   right13:38
dakotawulfycompdoc then when i try to open it up with vlc it does not work13:39
compdocfor me, its easier to create a user with the same name and password on the PC connecting, and on the PC sharig13:39
dakotawulfycompdoc well I have 4 computers with different users13:41
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dakotawulfycompdoc:I got it working on the other computer  works fine not sure why the other on does not work13:42
difficult_personI've just used Ctrl-Alt-F1 to login into my main admin account, but returning to -F7, I still can't log in - still giving me the starting/stopping anarc(h)ostidsfdsgdsgdfg thing...any help?13:44
Guest14779Hi, I have a big issue. Every time I start torrent when downloading Ubuntu, the HTTP protocol is completly denied while the download process is continue. The Internet connection is still on all the time. What the heck is this?13:45
* difficult_person pokes13:45
Guest14779I am using latest Ubuntu with updates.13:45
difficult_personjust set auto-logon13:46
phoenixhi all13:50
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Guest40339это русский канал?13:50
DJones!ru | Guest4033913:50
ubottuGuest40339: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:50
oblivianIs there a way to start VNC server and allow for connections from console?13:52
nedbatin gnome, how do I create a ~/.fonts.conf properly?13:52
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reisinedbat: still no ideas? how did you get an error on that in the first place?13:55
stillcantloginstill encountering the same problems and becoming increasing frustrated. Also, note that I'm doing hard restarts.13:56
nedbatreisi: I have no error.  I have notes about how I have configured ubuntu in the past, and it says, "edit ~/.fonts.conf, and add a line blah blah..."  Maybe my notes are crap... :)13:56
Guest14779Hi, I have a big issue. Every time I start torrent when downloading Ubuntu, the HTTP protocol is completly denied while the download process is continue. The Internet connection is still on all the time. What the heck is this?13:57
reisistillcantlogin: i don't think that restarts help, you are not using windows you know? :)13:57
citricok, just installed ubuntu 13.04 on my system, I am trying to dual boot windows 8, for some reason I don't get a GRUB option when starting it boots right into ubuntu, how can I fix this?13:58
reisinedbat: well fonts.conf include things like font hinting and antialising settings, i don't think that the step you are reffering is needed any more; you can find font configuration in ubuntu/kubuntu/*ubuntu settings13:58
OerHeksstillcantlogin, what happens when you try ? return to login again ?13:58
nedbatreisi: this is so that it will find fonts from my guest OS, I'm using virtualbox.13:58
reisinedbat: then asking on "how to use host fonts in guest os (virtualbox)" might be better13:59
nedbatreisi: you are right.  But it isn't a virtualbox issue.  I have an ubuntu file path to the fonts, I just need to get the font config set up to use them.  How can I amend the font config to use a pile of fonts I have in the file system?14:00
reisinedbat: thats even better question, hopefully someone will now help you14:01
ridders24Hi, can anyone tell me about sg_io ioctl14:01
reisinedbat: i've never done anything related to what you describe, but please note that fonts.conf has a manual page ('man fonts.conf' in shell) that might help you before someone has time to answer14:02
=== Guest83357 is now known as rylinaux
TKingplease i how do i remove ubuntu? due ot UEFI settings i cant seem to go to BIOS and i want to remove it and install windows14:02
reisiridders24: it'd be easier if you asked what you want to know, or else googling "sg_io ioctl" or "sg_io syscall" might get you the information you need14:03
cfhowlettTKing, install windows, format the drive.  ubuntu no more ....14:03
ufkwhy does apache sometimes returns error code created 201 ?14:03
reisiufk: 201 is not an error code, it's a successful status code (codes between 200 (inclusive) and 300 (exclusive) are considered successful)14:04
reisiufk: it means that a resource was created (what ever you were most likely POST:ing to the server or your application running on that server)14:04
ridders24reisi: im doing research into hardware write blocker validation, and its been suggested, using sg_io ioctl to send read / write commands to a drive to test the validation, however im not sure how to use sg_io ioctl14:04
ufkwhy sometimes 201... it's confusing.. i can't understand what it means.. and my requests fail..14:05
ufki googled.. i stackoverflowed.. and i still can't resolved the issue14:05
reisiridders24: ok i've heard of hardware write blockers; they should block (or drop) any disk write commands on physical level? i guess the hint you received was for issuing raw commands to the device and see if they change anything14:06
ridders24reisi: correct14:06
reisiufk: perhaps the program that fails on 201 request is the problem? sending out 201 responses is most likely correct (in the spirit of http 1.1 rfc)14:07
ridders24reisi: the current method does not identify which of the commands the blocker might be missing, hence the recommendation for sg_io ioctl14:07
reisiridders24: ioctl is the kernel api to issue commands to devices; i cannot help you more than to refer the man page: ioctl14:08
ufkwhy 201 ? after reading the RFC i still can't understand what it means14:08
reisiridders24: if you dont want to dive deep into c coding (which i assume you are not familiar with) there might be python binding or something similar allowing you to implement validation in python14:09
paskotyyhow to scroll the output in a terminal? when i use the up down arrows it shows the last commands14:10
ufkis there a way to force apache not to send 201 ?14:10
reisiufk: 201 Created follows a POST/PUT request that is basically asking create or update this resource (described by the uri); apache is most likely being told by an application running on it to send a 201 response14:10
reisiufk: what application are you running on your apache (assuming httpd server)?14:11
ufkphp server14:11
ridders24reisi: ok thanks for the help14:11
reisiufk: and what php application you have running on the "php server" (which is just apache asking php to produce the response)?14:12
ufki'm just producing and xml and displaying it in the body14:12
citricSo I have no Grub or anything to select windows 8 or ubuntu, how do I go about fixing this issue?14:12
luigi_ciao a tutti14:12
souliaqWhen I select "only delete packages which are no longer available" in GUI Synaptic, this apply also for "apt-get" command?14:12
TKingcfhowlett am trying to do the format but cant boot to cd i have done bios and changed boot order14:12
reisiufk: i think that you have a bug in your php code; please see #php for php support14:12
ufkok.... so it's not something in apache..14:13
ufksomething in my php code is generating a header of 201 ?14:13
reisiufk: most definetly not14:13
reisiufk: yes14:13
ufkyou've been most helpful!!14:15
reisiufk: np14:15
=== shantorn- is now known as shantorn
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
TKingPLEASE how can i format my drive.. ubuntu is not letting me boot from cd or usb i want to remove it and its let letting me boot to BIOS14:21
bitnumushi can someone tell me if this codec is installed from restricted?    x-msvideo14:21
BluesKajbitnumus, don't see it any repos14:23
Janus4TKing: what exactly is your problem?14:23
SonikkuAmericaIs there a way to switch Ubuntu !flavors using a !live image, but without destroying my /home folder? (I want to install it onto the same partition.) I've heard of a way to do it; I just forgot what is was.14:23
CalimeroTeknikJanus4, it's that he thinks ubuntu disables the bios14:23
Janus4alright :)14:24
bitycan someone help me with some basic iptables14:24
zykotick9bity: i'd try using alis to find an iptables channel, if i where you.  see "/msg ubottu alis" for details how it works.  good luck.14:26
TKingJanus4, i have ubuntu on my pc using UEFI configuration in bios and also removed all OS to have it installed an now i can not boot to bios i want to remove UBUNTU14:26
Guest14779Hi, I have a big issue. Every time I start torrent when downloading Ubuntu, the HTTP protocol is completly denied while the download process is continue. The Internet connection is still on all the time. What the heck is this?14:26
CalimeroTeknikbity, look at tutorials or people doing almost what you want (since you say "basic")14:27
CalimeroTeknikhint: search engines14:27
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, do you mean install a different OS to / ? without changing anything on /home , if so yes , just don't format the /.home partition and use the /home mountpoint when installing14:27
bityi've tried but im not sure whats its call14:27
bityi have 2 nic's14:27
bitnumusBluesKaj, whats it from ?14:27
garrick_fuck you\]14:27
bitnumusVLC player is just scrambled14:27
zykotick9BluesKaj: assuming /home is on a separate partition...14:27
bityeth0 / eth1 , i want to port forward over eth0->eth1 but to a specific ip on eth1's network14:27
TKingJanus4, but also when ubuntu loads i can see System setup, from there i can access the Bios, when i get to bios i changed boot  order to cd first and when it reboots it doesnt boot from cd and bios reset back to how i haven't set it14:28
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: But /home has to be on a separate partition for that to work...?14:28
bityis that bridging14:28
BluesKajit doesn't appear in any repos , bitnumus14:28
bitnumusso i cant play it period ?14:28
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, yes14:28
chipotlehi, i want to set up a dlna compatible file server. should i use ubuntu or freeNAS?14:28
chipotlethe latter seems rather limited, but it has zfs...14:28
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: I was afraid of that. Oh well. I was thinking of using the "Reinstall" option on a Live image of a different flavor of Ubuntu...14:29
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garrick_yo chipotle14:29
chipotlesup garrick_ ?14:30
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, well when you do make / and /home as separate partitions14:30
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: OK14:30
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, it makes things a lot easier when testing different OSs14:31
garrick_anyone play sift heads14:32
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: Has point, will travel.14:32
Jordan_USonikkuAmerica: BluesKaj: Ubuntu's installer allows re-installing preserving /home/, even when /home/ isn't on a separate partition.14:33
chipotlegarrick_: sorry i got dc'ed14:33
chipotlewhat's up?14:33
SonikkuAmericaJordan_U: I thought so.14:33
SonikkuAmericaJordan_U: It also tries to "preserve apps wherever possible," right?14:33
BluesKajJordan_U, how so ?14:34
garrick_not much14:34
Jordan_USonikkuAmerica: No. It does nothing to preserve applications, you have to re-install any apps (though if their preferences are in /home/ then they will of course still be there when you re-install them).14:35
Jordan_UBluesKaj: What do you mean by "how so"?14:35
BluesKajJordan_U, of course I've never seen that since I always use separate partitions for / and /home , since i use manual partitioning14:35
Snake2kSonikkuAmerica, /home doesn't usually keep your apps.. /home folder has your stuff.. like your configurations and settings etc..14:36
SonikkuAmericaJordan_U: OK. So if, say, I wanted to replace Ubuntu with Xubuntu, it would, e.g., replace Nautilus with Thunar, gedit with Leafpad, etc.14:36
SonikkuAmericaSnake2k: Right.14:36
Jordan_USonikkuAmerica: Correct.14:36
TKingJanus4 yes,delete ubuntu and install windows 714:36
SonikkuAmericaJordan_U: OK. Much clearer now. Thanks!14:37
jpequodwhat's up guy14:39
garrick_fuck you to14:39
* BluesKaj still thinks using separate / and /home partitions is a cleaner method for future changes14:39
BluesKajhey watch the laguage , garrick_14:40
garrick_ you all are mother fuckers14:42
BluesKajvery productive14:43
TKingJanus4 its windows 714:44
garrick_im sorry14:44
TKingJanus4 original14:45
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WalexBluesKaj: I like to do that too. Also because I backup by copying linearly entire partitions.14:45
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TKingJanus4 it doesnt say anything its just boots to windows14:46
TKingsorry to ubuntu14:46
garrick_i'm back14:46
BluesKajWalex, yeah In used ddo to copy /home to another drive , then installed kubuntu to / on it14:47
BluesKajer dd14:47
WalexBluesKaj: indeed great minds think alike :-)14:47
BluesKajWalex, let's not go any further with that thought :)14:47
TKingJanus4 this is what i see in my BIOS https://www.dropbox.com/s/ll4tcggob1tbu6i/6.jpg boot setup, i think if i can remove ubuntu listed there it whould work14:48
TKinghttps://www.dropbox.com/s/ll4tcggob1tbu6i/6.jpg how can i remove ubuntu from here and cos resetting to default BIOS didn't fix it14:49
BluesKaj!efi | TKing14:50
ubottuTKing: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:50
garrick_tkking want to talk14:50
mojtabaHi, Is ubuntu 13.10 released?14:51
kirankumarsir, it is possible any package through we can install and use a .exe or .dll  file in ubuntu14:52
DJonesmojtaba: October 201314:52
TKingBluesKaj, i want to remove Ubuntu not install it, because i remove windows 8 and installed Ubuntu perfectly, but now i dont need it back till i restore pc to default as i bought it. Then i will reinstall ubuntu14:52
mojtabaDJones: Thanks14:52
DJonesmojtaba: 13 is the year, 10 is the month14:52
kirankumarplease info how to install a .exe  file in  ubuntu14:54
DJones!wine | kirankumar Although wine can be used to install a windows exe file, it may not be fully reliable,14:54
ubottukirankumar Although wine can be used to install a windows exe file, it may not be fully reliable,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:54
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ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:56
kirankumarsir  DJones: I want to use Visual Studio 2010 for wen devloping .it reliable14:57
DJoneskirankumar: I couldn't say, I don't use wine myself, you could check the winehq database in ubottu's info, or maybe better to join ##winehq and ask there14:57
kirankumarthanks DJones sir14:59
kirankumarplease give response who have use wine  it reliable15:00
paskotyyhallo i am using ubuntu as a guest in a virtualbox and have problems scrolling the output in the terminal pageup and shift pageup does not work - what might be reason?15:01
histopaskotyy: wrong keyboard selection?15:04
paskotyyhisto: what you mean ? what migth be wrong15:07
Mitchell92Hi all... having trouble staying connected to a specific router, notably a Comcat In-Home WiFi device... Using the RT2800PCI driver15:08
histopaskotyy: check /etc/default/keyboard15:08
Mitchell92This was not an issue a year ago.15:08
niarghWhat's the best way to know which software version you're about to install before you issue the apt-get install command?15:10
paskotyyhisto: XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="pl" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS=""15:11
bipulI Need to know that, How can we perform Video streaming with VLC in between Server client. while we are using Ubuntu 12.04 as a server.15:11
=== Termana is now known as Guest99129
epsilonorion_just reinstalled ubuntu on my laptop.  I have a ssd with windows and a second harddrive that I installed the root and home partiitions for ubuntu.  It is setup to boot from ssd.  Every boot I get "fsck from util-linux 2.20.1" on the root and home partitions, though each time it comes back clean15:12
epsilonorion_is there something I am doing wrong in the settings15:12
epsilonorion_It seems like home and root are not being unmounted correctly, but I am not sure how to fix it15:12
histobipul: /join #videolan  or #vlc15:13
gundasHi all. I have a fresh install of ubuntu 12.10 and when ever I do a sudo apt-get update I get a "E: Sub-process returned an error code" - is there a way to fix this15:14
niarghIs there something like an "apt-get inspect" command I can run to see what's going to be downloaded/installed?15:14
epsilonorion_any help would be appreciated.  It is slowing everything down on boot horribly15:14
histoepsilonorion_: do you have /forcefsck files present on the disk?15:15
epsilonorion_histo: nope.  Did an updatedb and locate to see, no luck15:15
Mitchell92Hi all... having trouble staying connected to a specific router, notably a Comcat In-Home WiFi device... Using the RT2800PCI driver... I didn't have this issue a long time ago... but it's become an issue now. I'm wondering if I should just buy a MicroUSB WiFi adapter or a Nano USB Adapter.15:15
Mitchell92Comcast, rather15:15
histoepsilonorion_: dumpe2fs -h /dev/diskname15:18
epsilonorion_histo: specific option you are looking for or you want a pastbin15:19
epsilonorion_the filesystem state shows clean15:19
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epsilonorion_so did the boot.log when I checked it15:19
histoepsilonorion_: the mount count and check etc... just pastebin15:20
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: I wonder if your computer's clock is giving bogus dates in the future triggering an automatic fsck since the last one performed was "20 years ago". (the clock could subsequently be fixed by ntpd once you're connected to the internet). Usually at boot you get a message explaining why the fsck was performed though.15:20
mnms_guys i've installed 13.04 and i cannot change sound settings like subwoofer cause it is disabled15:21
asharasI all! Is there a way to reconfigure my server? I mean, having the same dialog boxes as the first install?15:21
mnms_it this driver probelm ?15:21
histomnms_: select the proper output device15:21
mnms_histo: i have one, buil-in audio Speakers15:21
epsilonorion_histo: http://pastebin.com/ZBhr1mCs15:22
histomnms_: the Mode: Analog Stero Output change that to Dolby or whatever15:22
Jordan_Uasharas: Do you want to change package settings or install new packages?15:22
asharaspackage settings15:22
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: at least in boot.log, it is not giving me a reason for the fsck15:22
mnms_histo: Is there any gui for change this ?15:22
asharasI already tried dpkg-reconfigure -a but no dialogbox15:23
histoepsilonorion_: that should not be checked on next boot unless there is an error15:23
mnms_cause in output tab in sound settings i dont have option for chane mode15:23
asharasJordan_U: package settings15:23
Jordan_Uasharas: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a" didn't give you any prompts at all?15:23
epsilonorion_histo: agreed, but every boot fsck runs15:23
histomnms_: go to sound settings in the bottom right area of the window there is Mode: Whatever15:24
histomnms_: just above "Test Sound"15:24
histoepsilonorion_: no idea what is going on then perhaps someone else can help.15:24
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: Try shutting down then booting from a liveCD and see if the filesystem is still marked clean.15:24
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: It is15:24
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: I found a few links online with suggestions, that was one15:25
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: Does your computer connect via ethernet or wireless?15:25
asharasNo Jordan_U , not any prompt15:25
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: currently wireless, but it hasn't made a difference15:25
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: if wired15:25
mnms_histo: if I dont have it ?15:25
histomnms_: are you running ubuntu or some derivative ?15:26
mnms_i have only test subwoofer fade and balance15:26
mnms_ubuntu 13.0415:26
histomnms_: screenshot please15:26
mnms_myabe im blind !15:26
mnms_ok wait a momment15:26
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: Try checking what date your computer says it is with wireless not connected automatically at boot, or from a LiveCD. Is it literally every boot or are there some boots where it's not checked?15:26
histomnms_: I just want to see what they changed... You are on the output tab right?15:27
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: the date is correct.  It has been with every boot that this has happened.  I used to have ubuntu installed on my ssd, but decided to move it to the hdd.  On the ssd never had this problem.15:27
mnms_histo: yes of course15:27
histomnms_: do you have the proper sound card selected?15:28
histomnms_: if you have digital selected on the left you will be unable to change to the surround options15:29
mnms_histo: oh imageshack.us is not free now ?15:30
epsilonorion_niargh: not sure if anyone ever answered you but the way I always use is apt-cache show <pkg-name>15:30
epsilonorion_niargh: it isn't pretty but it works15:30
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: Could you pastebin this boot.log?15:30
mnms_histo: http://postimg.org/image/wn1sspclb/15:31
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histomnms_: can you pastebin lspci -k15:32
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mnms_histo: of course15:32
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/g6GF2i9Y15:32
histoepsilonorion_: it's not checking your disks15:33
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: Ahh, you're just misunderstanding. fsck is always run at boot, but it does nothing if the filesystem is marked clean. There is no problem with that output.15:33
becom33can we make ubuntu login to look like http://www.gauthampdas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/gnome3.8-login.png that15:34
becom33I have the default login of 12.04 version15:34
epsilonorion_histo: ??15:34
mnms_histo: I cant find there my sound device15:34
histoepsilonorion_: It's not running a complete fsck15:34
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: I knew that nothing was wrong with the device15:34
claypool_microsfot taking not owning your own software to a new level with xbox one15:34
epsilonorion_histo: Jordan_U, ah15:34
epsilonorion_Guest it is just going very slow15:35
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: That's why you'll notice that "fsck /dev/sdXY" when sdXY is clean will take an almost imeasurably small time, whereas "fsck -f /dev/sdXY" (to force a full check even though it was unmounted cleanly) will sometimes take hours.15:35
mnms_histo: http://pastebin.com/8J0CNtDu15:35
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: that is true.  I just thought the fsck was still taking a while, but I can agree with you there15:36
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: You can use bootchart to see what is taking up time / CPU cycles / disk usage at boot.15:36
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: so just excruciatingly slow on other things15:36
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: I will try that15:37
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: How long does it take to boot?15:37
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epsilonorion_Jordan_U: Before everything is happy and good to go, over a minute15:37
Jordan_U!ot | claypool_15:37
ubottuclaypool_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:37
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: sad that I call that slow, but now days15:37
claypool_you are right, sorry15:37
Mitchell92Can someone help me with a problem with the RT2800PCI driver while connecting to a Comcast In-Home Wifi Device? I keep getting disconnected.15:38
histomnms_: does cat /proc/asound/cards   only show one card?15:39
histomnms_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/211201/how-to-activate-subwoofer-in-inspiron-17r15:40
asharasI all! Is there a way to reconfigure my server? I mean, having the same dialog boxes as the first install?15:40
asharasHi all! Is there a way to reconfigure my server? I mean, having the same dialog boxes as the first install?15:40
histoasharas: sudo tasksel15:40
mnms_histo: yes15:40
histomnms_: check the link I posted15:40
histoasharas: yes try it15:40
histoMitchell92: you can try an updated driver from realtek and see if it helps15:41
epsilonorion_actually, here is another question.  Does anyone have a good resource for splitting opt into a separate partition (or would they suggest it as an option).  I thought about installing root on the ssd and opt/home/etc on the hdd, but not sure if it is a good idea15:41
histoepsilonorion_: you can put /opt anywhere you want15:42
histo!fstab | epsilonorion_15:42
ubottuepsilonorion_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:42
EaglemanCan i call another script from inside a script, for example, at the end of my script:  /scripts/backups/test ?15:42
histoEagleman: yes15:42
Mitchell92histo: Can you guide me as to how to do that?15:42
epsilonorion_histo: that is what I thought.  Seemed like it, just haven't ever done that myself.  Opt is just where I install all my applications from source, so wasn't sure15:43
epsilonorion_if it is suggested15:43
Mitchell92histo: Do you have a moment to help me in a pvt chat?15:43
epsilonorion_histo: thought having root on the ssd would increase boot speed while having opt and home on the hdd would help save space15:43
histoMitchell92: go to realtek's website and search their downloads for your card. Download the driver read their instructions and install. Blakclist the one you are currently using.15:43
Mitchell92How do I blacklist it again?15:43
histoMitchell92: You may want to search askubuntu.com and perhaps someone else has a fix first15:43
histo!blacklist > Mitchell9215:43
ubottuMitchell92, please see my private message15:43
histoepsilonorion_: it will15:44
histoepsilonorion_: Also you can mount /tmp and some things in /var to tmpfs also you can mount your browser cache to tmpfs to reduce writes as well.15:44
Mitchell92histo: how do I find out what the module I'm using is specifically named?15:45
epsilonorion_histo: how much space would you say the minimum I should give root in this situation.  I can always give more if needed, just thought I would ask.15:45
histoMitchell92: lspci -k15:45
epsilonorion_histo: thanks for the suggestion.  Will definitely do that15:45
histoepsilonorion_: also there are options for certain filesystems to help with SSDs to reduce writes and speed over time. like discard,noatime  etc...15:45
histoMitchell92: I would search askubuntu.com first15:46
Mitchell92ok... search what? just RT2800PCI?15:46
epsilonorion_Jordan_U: thanks for the help15:46
epsilonorion_histo: thanks for the help as well15:46
Jordan_Uepsilonorion_: You're welcome.15:46
epsilonorion_now time to play15:46
histoMitchell92: your card model would be a good start15:46
mnms_histo:  sudo alsa force-reload should reload my sound system without rebooting ?15:48
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Mitchell92Histo: Talink RT529015:48
histomnms_: If you say so15:49
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epsilonorion_histo: actually, one last thing.  How much space is it agreed that should be the minumum for root to start15:49
mnms_histo: ehh.. nothing happened.. i still cannot control subwoofer15:50
Mitchell92histo: It is reported on askubuntu once or twice with no answer. I will look on the realtek website for a driver.15:51
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mnms_i feel little frustration :)15:52
brian234Hi guys. How do  i mount samba shares over ssh from ubuntu to ubuntu computers?15:53
histomnms_: I would make a new post on askubuntu if no one here knows or the forums15:54
histo!sound | mnms_ You can also check here15:54
ubottumnms_ You can also check here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:54
histobrian234: Samba over ssh?15:54
histobrian234: why not just use sshfs15:54
asharashisto: didn't do what I wanted15:57
asharasI'm trying to reconfigure my network from the beginning, with the wizard because I don't know why my hostname isn't properly recognized on my network15:58
brian234histo: i was playing around with sshfs. But I want it to appear like i'm on the filesharing network, not just to get the files on that one computer. can sshfs do that?15:58
AfgghHi all15:59
AfgghCan i ask fedora question here?15:59
DJonesAfggh: Fedora have their own irc channel16:00
AfgghThere are very few people there...they dont reply16:00
johnjohn101that's why it's better to use ubuntu!!16:00
Mitchell92histo: I can't seem to get the rt5390-dkms package for 13.0416:04
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* bathroom slaps FloodBot1 around a bit with a large trout16:06
* bathroom slaps FloodBot2 around a bit with a large trout16:06
* bathroom slaps FloodBot3 around a bit with a large trout16:07
* bathroom slaps 13WAAGT5J around a bit with a large trout16:07
* bathroom slaps [0x1a] around a bit with a large trout16:07
FloodBot1bathroom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
DJonesbathroom: Stop that16:07
* bathroom slaps [_-S1L3NC3-_] around a bit with a large trout16:07
* bathroom slaps [_-S1L3NC3-_] around a bit with a large trout16:07
* bathroom slaps [cannibalera] around a bit with a large trout16:07
* bathroom slaps [muttox] around a bit with a large trout16:07
FloodBot1bathroom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
AfgghTouchpad clicks are not working in fedora 18. Any idea why?16:09
daniel1Hi, i am searching a pdf reader where I can highlight things fast in multiple colors16:09
AfgghPeople at fedora arent replying.16:09
DJonesAfggh: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, I'm afraid you'll have to be patient in the Fedora channel16:09
daniel1okular can highlight but it is a pita to mark things and then change the color16:10
DJonesAfggh: You could try asking in ##linux which is a general linux channel16:10
AfgghDJoned i am waiting since hours in fedora.16:10
DJonesAfggh: We can't help with that, this channel policy is only support for the official releases of Ubuntu16:11
AfgghDJones can we talk in private? If you dont mind16:12
DJonesAfggh: Sorry no, I don't use pm's16:12
udhayarajhi , i cant able to open my software center can any one guid me16:12
johnjohn101afggh: i don't see you in #fedora.  are  you trolling?16:12
AfgghI am there16:13
daniel1udhayaraj: alt+ f2. name of your software center16:13
AfgghSee i messaged there16:13
udhayarajubuntu soft cent only afggh16:13
mnms_histo: anyway, thanks !16:14
AfgghJohnjohn101 i dont see YOU there16:14
daniel1so no1 knows aboud pdf readers ?16:16
udhayaraj@afggh its showing command nt found only dude16:16
jwtiyarhow can i remove completely firefox and reinstall fresh one in ubuntu 13.04 ?16:16
daniel1jwtiyar: sudo apt-get purge firefox16:17
asharasback again16:17
jwtiyardaniel1, will remove every thing including .mozilla folder in home directory?16:17
AfgghDo i need to do something else thre? I jst joined the channel.16:17
daniel1jwtiyar: it should16:17
jwtiyardaniel1, i used it before its not work , i will do again thxx .16:18
daniel1jwtiyar: whats actually your problem ?16:18
daniel1jwtiyar: most problems with ff are within the ff-profile16:19
jwtiyardaniel1,  my FF full of bugs like one week its just damaging while opening an page , so i want to remove every thing and install again16:19
diverdudeis there a terminal program for browsing internet where form elements work? (elinks is not working)16:20
daniel1diverdude: not realy sure about forms but maybe u givve lynx a try ?16:22
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daniel1I am searching a pdf reader where I can highlight things fast in multiple colors16:23
jwtiyardaniel1, didnt work , i removed when i installed again its just installed previous files no download from zero .16:23
daftykinsjwtiyar: perhaps you should be trying a clean firefox user profile instead16:25
daniel1jwtiyar: yes it gets allways the same sinc it puls it from the repos16:25
diverdudedaniel1, how do i enter new address in lynx?16:25
daniel1jwtiyar: purge should kill your settings but if not just delete the .mozilla folder16:26
johnjohn101is there anyway to refresh the unity desktop. I have a the outline where it looks like when you drag a window to the top, but it's not being removed.16:26
daniel1jwtiyar: If it still bug maybe you should consider to install ff from the firefox ppa16:26
asharasany help guys?16:27
daniel1diverdude: sry I just know that it exists but I never actually used it16:27
diverdudelynx is even worse than elinks :/16:29
johnjohn101unity --replace    thanks all16:29
junkHello Ubuntu16:30
williangliaokvm: disable by bios16:30
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daftykinsasharas: what's your issue?16:32
RipperI'm new to Linux can someone point in the right direction ....16:37
daftykinsRipper: if you have something specific to ask, ask away16:38
drecuteI just upgrades to 12.04.2 successfully16:38
drecutenow I need to go up to 12.1016:39
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo16:39
drecuteBut ubuntu says there are no updates16:39
drecuteI also did do-release-upgrade and it says "no new release found"16:40
RipperI'm new to Ubuntu daftykins .. I need to know ..How to install it16:40
asharasdaftykins: I cloned my server to a bigger hard drive and now when I do a nslookup on the name, I have a NXDOMAIN return16:40
asharasalready changed my hostname, etc...16:40
daftykinsRipper: ok, what kind of computer are you going to install on? have you downloaded ubuntu yet?16:41
zykotick9drecute: an LTS will only, be default, upgrade to the next LTS.  there is some way to change this behaviour.  good luck.16:42
RipperI have Ubuntu 2.30.216:42
ldurosif you add a line e.g.: `aprogram &` inside the .profile file, it should run at startup right?16:42
daftykinsdrecute: just run "sudo update-manager -d" i believe, in a terminal16:42
asharasany idea daftykins ?16:42
daftykinsRipper: that's a kernel version really, not a version of ubuntu.16:42
daftykinsasharas: what are you typing exactly when you run nslookup? why are you even doing that?16:43
marko-_-hey guys. I have a dell E5330 and it works perfectly. I tried to make the fingerprint work and it does. I added the repo to the repositories and installed fingerprint-gui, i scanned my 10  fingers but when i want to test it, it says (run it 2 times for 1 finger) it says "Finger print NOT verified!"16:43
asharasdaftykins: nslookup ashserv01 (which is the name). when dumping IP traffic I noticed the name was PartedMagic.domain.com instead of AshServ01.domain.com (happened after a clone to a new hard drive16:44
drecutethanks daftykins16:45
daftykinsasharas: ah yeah, i saw you mention that yesterday. is the content of your /etc/hosts file correct? as well as the hostname?16:45
drecuteI'll leave it as it is16:45
daftykinsdrecute: is it working?16:45
asharasyeah daftykins , I already tried a lot of things like reconfiguring my packages, changing hostname16:46
drecutedaftykins: But does that mean that once Ubuntu releases a new LTS, I can upgrade from 12.04 to [the new LTS version] without upgrading to 12.10 first?16:46
daftykinsasharas: also you know that it's not correct to name your computers with FQDNs if they're not fully routed from the internet?16:46
daftykinsdrecute: i've read that LTS releases can be skipped between yeah16:47
asharasI don't name them with FQDN, my router does it automatically16:47
daftykinsasharas: other than you seeing something you didn't expect within a program, i don't really see any problem that you've had so far?16:48
asharasevery computer on my local network appears as NAME.ISPDOMAIN.FR16:48
drecutedaftykins: cool! I love Ubuntu!16:48
asharaswell, if I try to ssh connect to my server without declaring its name in /etc/hosts, I can't reach it16:49
asharaswell, if I try to ssh connect to my server without declaring its name in /etc/hosts, I can't reach it daftykins16:49
asharasit use to work properly daftykins , but the cloning operation changed something and I wanna know where ^^16:49
daftykinsasharas: that's common. on my windows PCs i can't use a hostname to connect to my Linux VMs unless they're running SAMBA and advertise themselves on the LAN. IPs are necessary instead.16:50
daftykinsasharas: what you've encountered is a fact, not a problem :)16:51
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drun2Привет, посоны16:52
drun2есть тут русские?16:52
asharasas I said daftykins , it used to work correctly before16:53
DJones!ru | drun216:53
ubottudrun2: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:53
asharasI wanna know why not anymore16:53
daftykinsasharas: i'm thinking16:53
daftykinsasharas: i have to admit, i don't see any reason to waste any time on that because you can just put the IPs in as you say and forget all about it16:55
asharasI'm a perfectionist, I wanna know why :)16:55
asharasimportant to me16:55
daftykinsso what program did you clone this drive with?16:55
asharasI wanna know what changed, why the clone is not exactly the same as original16:55
daftykinsmaybe you should contact the maker16:56
asharasor, other possibility, it's my router that shits up16:56
asharasI'll try to reset it16:56
Shoggothlvm isn't picking up a change in the size of a physical volume... how do I fix it?16:57
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drun2I cant join in #ubuntu-ru17:07
pfifoHi guys17:09
daftykinspfifo: hi17:09
MonkeyDustShoggoth  60+ people in #lvm17:09
pongwhat  is the login and password on initial boot for Lubuntu 13.04?17:11
daftykinspong: 'ubuntu' as username and no password - maybe?17:12
hilarieOdd question, is there a way to bind rsync over ssh to a specific network interface?17:12
hilariewould it be after -e ssh in there? am I looking at the wrong man?17:14
pfifohilarie, it looks like you need the --address switch17:14
b3rz3rk3rI'm getting screen tearing on nvidia 310 drivers. I've tried lots of guides to fix this and nothing has worked. Has anyone fixed tearing before?17:14
pongdaftykins, I tried a bunch of combinations but nothing took17:14
daftykinshilarie: do you not trust the network you're backing up over?17:15
BluesKajb3rz3rk3r, which ubuntu release ?17:15
ponglinux, admin, password17:15
b3rz3rk3rBluesKaj, 13.0417:15
daftykinspong: there is no password, is what i'm trying to say17:15
hilariedaftykins its a backup over wan, and have 2 would like to use one for backup the other for things that matter for latency17:15
BluesKajb3rz3rk3r, look in the software center for nvidia 313 driver17:15
Grub_I need some help with a grub error, trying to reinstall ubuntu17:15
b3rz3rk3rBluesKaj, I'll give that a go, cheers17:16
daftykinshilarie: two internet connections/WAN links? your answer doesn't really refer to needing encryption or not17:16
demoniohi all how can i set the program startup by terminal'?17:16
hilariedaftykins I don't need encryption really, would be nice, but the important part is it goes over eth1 instead of eth017:17
MonkeyDusthilarie  don't change a winning team, or whatever the proverb is17:18
daftykinshilarie: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14955344/how-to-bind-rsync-to-a-specific-interface17:18
hilarieMonkeyDust it's not winning, I can't VoiP or anything during backups, and I want to be able to access both WANS via this computer17:19
SecretFirewhy do rhythmbox and banshee keep crashing on the account of a segmentation fault (core dumped) error? This wasn't happening before and now all of the sudden it effects both programs. Can someone help me fix this bug?17:19
daftykinshilarie: you can only ever have one default gateway. does your host *have* to be the one performing the backups? why not a slave PC or VM?17:19
hilariedaftykins the google is strong with you!17:19
MonkeyDusthilarie  i missed that part in your question17:19
hilariedaftykins was thinking about using an old netbook for that, I just might17:20
garrettkajmowiczGreetings! I just upgraded my server from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS and the newly-installed kernels will not boot. Specifically, I get dumped to a busybox shell. If I boot a kernel from 10.04, everything comes up fine. The funny thing is that if I am in the busybody shell, the root volume isn't mounted, but "mount /dev/md0 /root" works just fine. Any thoughts?17:20
hilarieThank you for your help Daftykins and Monkeydust17:21
daftykinshilarie: i seem to be on form with my syntax today ;)17:21
daftykinshilarie: np, good luck with it17:21
MakkusuHey guys, I have Windows 8 installed on Disk 1 (UEFI) and I want to install Ubuntu 13.04 on disk 2. Anything special to do?17:21
MonkeyDustgarrettkajmowicz  maybe the people in #ubuntu-server know best17:21
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:21
MakkusuI can choose disk 2 as a destination but do I need to create an EFI partition on disk 2? How do I get the boot menu?17:21
daftykinsMakkusu: just boot in EFI mode, run the installer, select the right disk and go for it :)17:21
MakkusuYeh, I looked at that17:21
MakkusuIn the past, I've installed GRUB on the first (Windows) disk to get a choice17:22
Makkusuis it the same with EFI?17:22
PunkRiderSecretFire: try running banshee from terminal , not from menus , it spits a lot of info , i think you can deduce the problem from there . if not , try dmesg , then strace banshee17:22
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, boot into your system anyway you can ant try running 'sudo update-initramfs -k all'17:22
daftykinsMakkusu: yep it should take care of it auto17:22
Makkusuok, I'll try. Thanks!17:23
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I've booted into the system and updated the initramfs for the most recent (12.04) kernel.17:24
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I don't want to wreck the initramfs which works currently.  :-)17:24
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, thats fine, you can use -k <insert your kernel version here>17:25
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, make sure it updates grub too, it should trigger automatically though17:25
SecretFirePunkRider: i tried that, thats where I saw the segmentation fault error17:26
PunkRidersecretfire:  just a segfault , no message?17:26
SecretFirePunkRider : Im doing it with rhythmbox17:27
PunkRidersecretfire: i see that banshee spits a lot more info in console than rhytmbox, maybe you could see from there what is the problem17:28
SecretFireIll run both17:28
b3rz3rk3rBlueEagle, still tearing after upgrading to 313 drivers17:28
b3rz3rk3rBlueEagle, anything else I can try?17:29
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daftykinsb3rz3rk3r: visual issues with recent nvidia drivers? i heard going back 4 versions or so helped with that17:30
SecretFirePunkRider : banshee wont open17:30
b3rz3rk3rdaftykins, lol, to whats that? 304?17:30
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: How would I know if grub has been updated? I do get a warning about "cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/md0 cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab". I've manually run grub-install /dev/md0 and that finds the backing devices and reports no error.17:30
b3rz3rk3ror previous?17:30
PunkRidersecretfire: tell me some error message , maybe i have an ideea17:30
daftykinsb3rz3rk3r: that far might do it :)17:31
SecretFirewell I had to xkill banshee earlier because it had frozen17:31
pfifoSecretFire, if you want more debug info about segfaults run the target program under valgrind17:31
daftykinsb3rz3rk3r: unless you're running a latest generation 7xx series i see no reason to keep on the bleeding edge of graphics drivers :)17:31
SecretFirerhythmbox seems to be doing ok17:32
wjtaylorwhat does an s in the execution permissions bit mean?17:32
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, is you /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab setup properly, update-initramfs uses those files to determine what to boot. Also are you using disk encryption?17:32
daftykinswjtaylor: example?17:33
PunkRidersecretfire : try this in console : strace banshee 2>outuput.log and paste the output.log to me on a private irc window17:33
b3rz3rk3rdaftykins, fair point I suppose. I'll try roll back to 304 then17:33
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I'll dig through fstab and see if there's anything iteresting in there. I am not using encryption. I am using RAID1 with 2 disks.17:33
wjtaylor# ls /usr/local/bin -la17:34
wjtaylortotal 3217:34
wjtaylordrwxrwsr-x  2 root staff  4096 Jun  9 13:21 .17:34
wjtaylordrwxrwsr-x 10 root staff  4096 Feb 12  2011 ..17:34
FloodBot1wjtaylor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
wjtaylor-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  24415 Jun  9 13:21 vboxtool17:34
=== Mi-- is now known as SugarMi
diverdudehow do i cat line 55 to 89 of a file?17:35
SecretFirePunkRider: I did strace banshee>2output.log and nothing happened17:35
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, softraid, fakeraid or realraid?17:35
daftykinswjtaylor: "s in the place where 'x' would normally go is called the set-UID or set-groupID flag."17:35
PunkRidersecretfire : put a space between bannshee and >17:36
PunkRidersecretfire : just copy this command17:36
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: ? In-kernel mirroring with md device. 2 physical disks.17:36
PunkRidersecretfire : just copy this command : strace banshee 2>output.log17:36
SecretFirePunkRider : wow big output17:36
SecretFireok Ill pm you17:37
PunkRiderlook at the end17:37
PunkRidermaybe you can figure it out, it's pretty obvious(sometimes)17:37
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Looks like the warning I saw is related to the cryptsetup code (which I am not using) flaking out: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64166217:38
ubottuDebian bug 641662 in cryptsetup "cryptsetup: assumes root is crypt" [Minor,Open]17:38
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, ok, you need to ensure update-initramfs knows howto setup your array during boot, if you can get rid of the warnning your getting the new kernels should work. Im not sure howto do the raid side of things, ive only dealt with the encryption side of this.17:39
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garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I can manually run grub and that works. The new initramfs is built correctly. Once booted, the array is assembled correctly, too. That's the funny thing. If I type "mount /dev/md0 /root" it works perfectly.17:40
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, pastebin your /etc/fstab please17:40
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: With bonus data! http://pastebin.com/KJRyBXkm17:43
hdshi there17:44
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ShoggothMonkeyDust: sorry... was afk... thanks I've sorted my problem but thanks for responding...17:45
Guest221trying to fix a friends box. ubuntu 12.04, lightdm as default window manager, doesnt start at boot, does however when i start it manually via console. any ideas where to look_?17:45
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pfifogarrettkajmowicz, take a look at this, seems to be the fix you need, http://serverfault.com/questions/209379/what-tells-initramfs-or-the-ubuntu-server-boot-process-how-to-assemble-raid-arra17:53
evandrohi, does anyone know how to install ubuntu on a windows 8 machine? i have followed instructions from foruns but still wasn't able to do it =(17:53
daftykinsevandro: what goes wrong?17:54
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I'm not getting any error about no root device. I don't need to type anything to assemble the md device - it's ready to go.17:55
evandrodaftykins: it simply cannot boot from usb17:56
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I'm going to disconnect for a moment and reboot (severing network connection). I'm going to try and stop the framebuffer from being enabled and perhaps I'll see extra text which had been cleared before.17:56
daftykinsevandro: is it a laptop? make/model? is this 13.04 on the flash drive?17:56
evandrono, 12.0417:56
Slartevandro: I don't think it's windows 8 that is being the problems.. it might be that the computer uses uefi instead of the regular bios17:56
evandroslart: i agree, but i cannot deal with this issue either17:57
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, then, perhaps its just jumping the gun, there is a way to make it wait for a few seconds before mounting disks, i think you just add 'waitusb' to the kernel line17:57
Slartevandro: perhaps this helps? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:58
evandroSlart: have tried, but no success17:59
daftykinsevandro: i think 12.04.2 can boot in EFI mode - no?17:59
daftykinsevandro: so... laptop? make + model?17:59
evandrodaftykins: samsung core i3...pretty new...18:00
evandrodaftykins: i have already disabled secureboot and quickstart18:01
daftykinsevandro: i'd recommend updating to the latest BIOS for the system. samsung publish windows BIOS update .exe's18:02
evandrodaftykins: ok, will try this18:02
daftykinsevandro: also your flash drive definitely has 12.04.2 ?18:02
evandrodaftykins: definitely yes18:03
evandrodaftykins: it boots...and it gives the option to read flashdrive...but when i choose this option, it doesn't do anything18:04
daftykinsevandro: are you picking the flash drive generic option, or UEFI option? should be one for each18:05
daftykinsevandro: er swap 'generic' for 'legacy'18:05
evandrodaftykins: do you mean when i download it?18:06
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garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Rebooted, nothing interesting on the console by disabling the framebuf. I was booting the updated initramsfs. md0 still auto-assembles. I still get kicked to the busybox shell. Sadly, passing "debug" as a parameter doesn't get me much more. Any other suggestions?18:08
daftykinsevandro: no, some laptops implementations of EFI display two boot entries per device, one for EFI mode and one for non-EFI18:08
daftykinswhere non-EFI = legacy18:08
evandrodaftykins: ah sure, i pick the generic option. the uefi option simply goes straight to windows18:09
daftykinsevandro: interesting. you're doing this from a cold boot also? you have to make the UEFI flash drive option work18:09
campohola sabeis donde buscar repositos para ubuntu18:09
chopixhow to check if a upstart script is being loaded ?18:09
jackw411Hi guys: I've just managed to get my first win7 vm going on Ubuntu... How the hell do I transfer files to and from the VM from the Host?18:10
jackw411I've googled but not found a lot18:10
evandrodaftykins: yes, from cold boot...the uefi option doesn't work...maybe should i try with ubuntu 13.04?18:10
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, add 'rootdelay=n' to your kernel line, try a value of 10 for n as a starting point.18:10
daftykinsevandro: try the BIOS update first if you're comfortable with that, then a newer ubuntu18:10
MartynKeigherhey all..what a good quick cli command to get system info of a 12.04 server?18:10
chopixhow to check if a upstart script is being loaded ? im trying to get faxgetty of hylafax getting respwaned18:11
chopixbut im failing18:11
evandrodaftykins: ok!18:11
MartynKeighermainly focused on disk space used/free.18:11
daftykinsMartynKeigher: sudo lshw > ~/info.txt18:11
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, that will make it pause for 10 seconds before trying to mount the device18:11
OerHeksMartynKeigher, lshw / lsusb / lspci / lscpu18:11
xebrahi, is the time in Ubuntu synchronized at startup? In several years, I've never had to adjust it, so I thought it did something automatically. However, I just found out I don't have "ntp", so what does it actually do?18:14
MonkeyDustjackw411  ask in #vbox18:15
samgabbayhi when i use skype i hear weired noises like it sounds kind of distorted18:16
jackw411MonkeyDust: it's fine, I solved it =]18:16
Slartxebra: it's been some time since I did a clean install.. but I seem to recall having to install the ntpclient manually.. although my memory might be hazy18:16
samgabbaywhen i use skype i hear distorted sounds18:17
Slartxebra: it wouldn't surprise me if ubuntu has some kind of lightweight time-keeping stuff installed from the start that doesn't do all the fancy stuff ntp does18:17
DJonesxebra: If you look at Time & Date in system settings, there is an option to manually or automatically set the time18:18
urbano1hey guys, how to register?18:18
urbano1!register urbano118:18
DJones!register | urbano118:18
ubottuurbano1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:18
daftykinsurbano1: say hello to nickserv18:18
Slartxebra: this page seems to imply that ntp isn't installed by default https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime18:19
urbano1i need to register in #python, how to?18:19
kostkonxebra, it connects to canonical's time server which in turn may connects to another time server and so on. the last server in the chain must be a server connected to an atomic clock18:19
samgabbaysomeone help me with skype i hear distorted sounds18:19
DJonesxebra: Mine is set to automatically get the time from the internet, from memory, it runs a check at boot  up to set the time18:19
daftykinsurbano1: go join #freenode and ask18:19
daftykinssamgabbay: people only reply when they have an idea. nobody has so nobody has an idea.18:19
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MonkeyDust!register | urbano118:20
ubottuurbano1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:20
Slartxebra: ah.. that url I sent mentions that ubuntu comes with ntpdate installed by default and it sets the time when you boot up.. ntp does a bit more than that, it constantly updates the internal clock and makes all kinds of voodoo stuff to make your clock run accurately18:20
AGX2hello everyone, i need some help here i cant install ia32-libs on ubuntu 13.04 and i need it to run WPS office can someone help me out please18:20
cristian_cI've installed xbindkeys-config18:21
jackw411AGX2: look thru the missing dependancies its moaning about18:21
daftykinscristian_c: please ask on one line18:21
=== urbano1 is now known as urbanonymous
jackw411install each one before installing ia32-libs18:21
cristian_cIf I try to get the key with GetKey, nothing is printed in the application. How can I check the right identification of my key?18:21
cristian_cAny ideas?18:21
AGX2it says it depends on ia32-libs-multiarch18:22
AGX2can t even install it18:22
MonkeyDust!info ia32-libs-multiarch18:22
ubottuia32-libs-multiarch (source: ia32-libs): Multi-arch versions of former ia32-libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 20090808ubuntu36 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 39 kB (Only available for amd64; ia64; i386)18:22
Bossmanhow are u all18:22
jackw411AGX2: yeah i had the same thing18:22
pfifocristian_c, try using 'xev' program18:22
AGX2and how did u passed it ?18:23
cristian_cpfifo, I've already tried xev18:23
jackw411i just looked at what ia32-libs-multi was missing and installed those, then did ia32-libs-multiarch18:23
jackw411theres a flag on sudo apt-get install you can pass that lets you chase up those dependencies if u wanna do it with 1 cmd, but i cba finding it for you18:23
xebraSlart, thanks. I guess it just uses ntpdate then. Earlier at boot, my network didn't work, so I noticed the time was wrong (and is still wrong even after rebooting). I find it weird though. If the time got so wrong in one night, do I have a problem with the mobo battery?18:23
pfifocristian_c, and what happened?18:24
AGX2jackw411: its an endless list18:24
jackw411AGX2: pastebin it18:24
AGX2trying to install missing dependencies and have more missing depencies to install the dependencie for ia3218:24
jackw411AGX2: yeah18:25
jackw411pretty much same story18:25
aurorahackerquem tem18:25
Slartxebra: perhaps, try setting the clock manually, reboot and then see if the clock starts acting up18:25
cristian_cpfifo, a similar output:     keys:  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0              0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   018:25
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Slartxebra: but as long as you keep the computer connected to the internet keeping the clock accurate shouldn't be a problem18:26
cristian_csimilar, not exact, pfifo18:26
xebraSlart, ok thank you. Need to go now, bye18:26
AGX2jackw411: thanks for the help18:26
jackw411no problem18:27
PunkRider AGX2: try this shortcut: install (by force if you have to) your office? program and then sudo apt-get -f install . it should update all missing packages18:27
jackw411PunkRider: thats what i was talking about earlier^18:27
=== Denat- is now known as Denat
PunkRideroops sorry18:27
pfifocristian_c, thats not really what I expect as output from xev, what key are you pressing?18:27
jackw411t remember it18:27
PunkRiderdidnt see it18:27
PunkRidermy bad18:28
cristian_cpfifo, the sleep button18:28
pfifocristian_c, hmm, maybe you missed the important part, heres the result I get from xev when i press sleep, http://fpaste.org/17577/13708026/18:30
pfifocrimsonmane, XF86Sleep would be what you need18:32
cristian_cpfifo, no, it's similar to this: KeymapNotify event, serial 41, synthetic NO, window 0x0,18:32
pfifocrimsonmane, disregard that, sorry18:32
cristian_cpfifo, and keys: 0 0 0 0 blah blah blah18:32
cristian_cpfifo, I think it's that the problem18:33
cristian_cpfifo, it should print state 0x10, keycode 150 (keysym 0x1008ff2f, XF86Sleep), same_screen YES, but it doesn't18:33
chuck_ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY is set in /etc/default/ufw.  The page on setting up IPv6, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6#ufw_and_Routing, says to set it as DROP and the wiki page about setting up MASQ, https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/serverguide/firewall.html#ip-masquerading, says to set it to ACCEPT.  How can I set IPv4 to ACCEPT and IPv6 to DROP?18:34
TLoFPHi all, I want to install ubuntu on an SD card, but have the bootloader live on the main hdd. Is this possible?18:34
TLoFPthe main HDD also has windows on it. Will the ubuntu bootloader still find the windows partition even if I install Ubuntu on a different drive?18:35
pfifocristian_c,  are you sure, xev dumps lots of crap your not intrested in, look for a KeyPress event and ignore the KeymapNotify event18:35
daftykinsTLoFP: yeah should be fine18:36
wilee-nileeTLoFP, Is this sd card a plugin type or internal?18:36
daftykinsTLoFP: just make sure you don't create a swap on the SD card18:36
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: No luck with rootdelay. I cranked it up to 30 and I was dropped to the busybox shell within 5 seconds of boot.18:36
TLoFPwilee-nilee: plug in type18:36
TLoFPdaftykins: can I get away without swap partition? 8 gig memory18:36
cristian_cpfifo, when I press this key, it doesn't appear any keypress event18:37
cristian_cpfifo, but those strings18:37
b1n4ryHi, is it not possible to configure hostapd in raring ringtail with broadcom BCM431318:37
wilee-nileeTLoFP, May run a bit rough that way, slow in general. all your questions have yes and no answers depending on varibles.18:37
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, likely cause is the initramfs dosent use rootdelay, check and see if the kernel line for the old/working kernel has something similar.18:38
TLoFPwilee-nilee: I see, performance shouldn't be an issue, will be doing mostly command line stuff18:38
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Nope.18:38
* TLoFP forgot to backup disk18:39
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Other than the filenames the kernel lines are identical.18:39
TLoFPbetter make backup before experiementing : )18:39
A1ReconHow to rename all jpg files in a folder in this manner ... 1.jpg , 2.jpg , 3.jpg18:40
pfifocristian_c, im not sure, perhaps the button is broken?18:40
new_122101104101how to diet our kernel?18:41
cristian_cpfifo, it worked with keytouch, I think18:42
cristian_cpfifo, it worked with windows18:42
uskerinehi, could someone kindly help me to find the equivalent in ubuntu 12.04 to /sbin/chkconfig and /sbin(service ---   http://pastebin.com/p6w00AJW18:42
sambagirlhi i am running ubuntu 13.04 with the gnome 3.8 including the ppa attributes thingy.  my question is whether there is anything associated with gnome that will allow me to have the minimize, full screen, exit prompts on windows and/or apps?18:42
cristian_cpfifo, I'l try some experiments18:42
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cristian_cpfifo, that message in xev appeared with audio buttons too18:43
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cristian_cpfifo, but audio buttons work18:43
stevePage129hey all, im having an issue with my UPS (Emerson Liebert Power Supply Unit). it works just fine in Windows. i am migrating to a new Ubuntu Server, and my issue is that after removing the stock battery application, and installing NUT along with its Graphics Application nut-monitor, it shows the correct power supply, and the service is able to connect using the Nut user, however, all the Values seem to be "off", some incorrect, some18:44
hacktus0I search a FREE VPN (virtual private network) FOR UBUNTU. can you help me ?18:45
SonikkuAmerica!vpn | hacktus018:45
sambagirlwhen i unplug from ac i get this critical battery state. this is a brand new laptop and i know the battery is fully charged.18:45
ubottuhacktus0: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:45
jeevanusubuntustudio 12.04 suspend not authorized, can some one help?18:45
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, this really looks like your problem, http://askubuntu.com/questions/218251/disks-not-ready-in-array-causes-mdadm-to-force-initramfs-shell18:45
hacktus0thank ubottu, verry much.18:46
sambagirljeevanus probably cause you are in #ubuntu and not #ubuntustudio :D18:46
drorhi. i'm using 12.04, and would like to extract CD audio to ogg in 320kbps. using rhythmbox i'm unable to control the bitrate (the "settings" button is disabled). any solution for this?18:47
Ellixtuse banshee18:48
A1ReconHow to rename all jpg files in a folder in this manner ... 1.jpg , 2.jpg , 3.jpg , 4.jpg , .....18:48
pfifocristian_c, maybe the sleep button isnt really a sleep button, perhaps its all taken care of in hardware or a software driver for windows.18:48
rypervencheA1Recon: It depends on what is in the folder right now. You might be able to use "rename", but I would just write a loop.18:48
pfifoA1Recon, there are a bunch of utils for that, take your pick http://askubuntu.com/questions/10607/what-mass-file-renaming-tools-are-available18:49
A1Reconrypervenche: just .jpg files are in the folder18:49
A1Reconpfifo: I will look into that but i am more interested in a command18:50
MonkeyDustA1Recon  ask in #bash18:50
flux242A1Recon: the command you're looking for is called - rename18:51
cristian_cpfifo, it's a moon icon18:51
pfifoA1 bash allow for this 'for file in /etc/*'18:51
pfifoA1Recon, see above18:52
cristian_cpfifo, I remember it executes the suspend function18:52
pfifocristian_c, is this a laptops built in keyboard?18:52
cristian_cpfifo, I'll try some experiments18:52
cristian_cpfifo, no, it's an external keyboard18:52
A1Reconflux242: I know its rename but i dont know how to make it rename in a logical progression like 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg18:53
rypervencheA1Recon: x=1; for file in *.jpg; do mv ${file} ${x}.jpg; x=$[x+1]; done18:53
flux242A1Recon: doing it in a loop is also simple. Just use a counter inside of the for loop18:53
flux242A1Recon: google for bash arithmetics18:54
samgabbayCan someone help me instzll aritix it wont work when i put the commands that are on the site18:54
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: which site?18:54
PunkRiderA1Recon: x=1;for i in `ls *`;do mv $i $x.jpg ;x=$((x+1));done18:54
A1Reconrypervenche: Thanks!! How did u do that??18:54
PunkRiderA1Recon: x=1;for i in `ls *`;do mv $i $x.jpg ;x=$((x+1));done18:55
samgabbayActionParsnip, here http://www.atrinik.org/page/installing_atrinik_client18:55
rypervencheA1Recon: I typed it out :P18:55
A1Reconrypervenche: I mean what is that??18:55
pfifocristian_c, It really looks like its not an actual keyboard key.18:55
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: what is the output of: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atrinik-packages.list18:56
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: I'll give that a shot.18:56
rypervencheA1Recon: It renames all files in your current directory to numbers.18:56
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: and what is the output of: cat /etc/issue18:56
pfifoHello ActionParsnip18:56
samgabbayActionParsnip,  it gives medeb http://packages.atrinik.org raring/18:56
samgabbayand for the other if i put it sepreatly it just wont do anything18:57
cristian_cpfifo, i've didn't understand18:57
arminhi, when pressing the <alt> (meta) key in ubuntu unity, i get a menu in the top panel. can i disable this?18:57
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: the ppa doesnt support raring18:57
ActionParsnippfifo: hi18:57
ActionParsnipsagabbay: http://packages.atrinik.org18:57
samgabbayActionParsnip,  is there anyway i can get it18:58
pfifocristian_c, instead of sending XF86Sleep to the OS it seends some data that only the windows driver is equipped to handle, im not sure of this, but it seems to be working in this matter18:59
samgabbayActionParsnip,  is there any way i can get it to work on raring18:59
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: you could switch the source to squeeze by editting the source file, or change it to maverick. Id contact the devs directly18:59
cristian_cpfifo, ok18:59
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: have you searched for a ppa?18:59
cristian_cpfifo, I don't know how to solve it19:00
samgabbayActionParsnip,  what do you mean and ive only enterned whatever it said on the actual website19:00
A1Reconusing the convert command to convert jpg files to pdf but it doesnot start from 1.jpg19:00
fjodorhi, i'd like to create my own kind of ubuntu/linux distro. i want to my private xbmc distro which automatically installs all my nintendo-roms19:00
haimananyone know a distribution that is easy to install, is using sysv init scripts, and has a descent package manager or ports system?19:00
fjodori am not sure if i want a live-system or a regular install which runs from usb19:01
fjodori dont know which tool i should use19:01
MonkeyDustsamgabbay  try here http://www.atrinik.org/index.php/board,11.0.html19:01
samgabbayone secodn19:01
samgabbaywhat do i do ?? 0.o19:02
auronandacehaiman: ask in ##linux19:02
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: yes but the source package doesnt support your release so you need to edit the file19:02
samgabbayMonkeyDust,  like what do i do19:02
pfifocristian_c, well if it really is the way I explained, there is no fix aside from writing a kernel module for your keyboard.19:02
haimanauronandace: i cant send there19:02
samgabbayActionParsnip,  what do i do ? how do i do that19:02
haimanit says @cant send@19:02
rypervencheA1Recon: use convert19:02
rypervencheA1Recon: It comes from imagemagick19:02
auronandace!register | haiman19:02
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: https://launchpad.net/~atrinik-dev/+archive/ppa you may be able to find something if you contact that team19:02
ubottuhaiman: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:02
MonkeyDustsamgabbay  ask your question there, or maybe you find an answer there19:02
cristian_cpfifo, lol19:02
rypervencheA1Recon: convert 2.jpg 4.jpg output.pdf19:02
MonkeyDustsamgabbay  it is not an ubuntu question19:02
keith_hey folks. running ubuntustudio and lost the ability to change the desktop via settings or from the desktop itself. Anyone know how to restore this?19:03
samgabbayActionParsnip, do i add the ppa?19:03
A1Reconrypervenche: i used convert but the pdf has 1.jpg somewhere in the middle and 2.jpg somewhere else... Its going random19:03
MonkeyDustkeith_  there's also #ubuntu-studio19:03
sambagirli can't get a garbage can to appear anywhere in 13.04. i can't believe this is what everyone was waiting for…laugh. oh my god..19:03
A1Reconrypervenche: i am using convert *.jpg new.pdf19:03
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Sadly, no luck. Same result. (Yes, I rebuilt the initramfs).19:03
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: no,it doesnt support your release, you would have known that if you'd dropped the release dropdown.....19:04
samgabbayActionParsnip,  soooooo i contact them??19:04
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atrinik-packages.list ,and edit the raring word to maverick19:04
keith_MoneyDust: will try there, thanks19:04
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: yes, contact them. What does this app do anyway?19:05
samgabbayActionParsnip,  its a fun game19:05
rypervencheA1Recon: I'll help you in a PM.19:06
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, im running out of ideas, might be easier to just install fresh with a freshly formatted array... In all honesty, if you really want to use raid for root, you should get an actual raid controller, then the array will just appear as a /dev/sdXY style drive.19:07
pfifogarrettkajmowicz, I need to got eat, afk19:07
samgabbayActionParsnip,  i wrote the command down but what do i write in the text fiel19:08
ActionParsnipsamfabbay: read what i wrote earlier.....19:09
samgabbayi catn im  on xchat19:09
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: The whole purpose of upgrading is to avoid re-installing. That's also why I'm sticking with the LTS releases as well.19:09
samgabbaywotn elt me]19:09
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: change the word raring to maverick19:09
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: xchat will scroll back you know...19:10
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ActionParsnipsamgabbay: try the mouse19:10
garrettkajmowiczpfifo: Any suggestions on where I might be able to go from here or who I should contact?19:10
babyswizzplease how can I upgrade my ubuntu 12.10 vm to 13.0419:10
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:11
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: raring is EOL before quantal, just so you know19:11
samgabbaywait a seccccc then i do what?19:12
samgabbayafter i put marevik19:12
IdleOnemake sure you didn't typo any of those edits you made19:12
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: save the new file and close gedit19:12
samgabbaywhat next19:13
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: then run the commands on the page you posted19:13
babyswizzactionparsnip; I don't understand what you mean by EOL19:13
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: is it not obvious? based on what has been said so far...think about it.....19:13
samgabbaysorryu im soo dumb19:14
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: no longer supported19:14
IdleOnebabyswizz: EOL is End of Life, means that 13.04 will reach the end of its support cycle before 12.1019:14
seronisbabyswizz: EOL = end of life  (no longer supported)19:14
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: no, you just need to think a little. nothing you cannot do19:14
IdleOnebabyswizz: that said you will be able to upgrade to 13.10 at that point.19:14
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: the repo doesnt support your release so we changed the file to use one that it does support by editting that file.19:15
chimeracoderMy speaker is working (speaker-test) but I can't play audio from any other program (chrome, etc.)19:15
poeehi, can i use nokia lumia 710 to connect to internet in ubuntu?19:15
Wiz_KeeDhello guys!19:15
chimeracoderhow do I fix that?19:15
Wiz_KeeDanyone here use Deluge as bit torrent client?19:15
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: now it is pointing to a folder that exists the guide will work. simple isnt it19:15
samgabbayActionParsnip, one second19:16
ActionParsnipwiz_keed: many do19:16
samgabbaystill gives me raring when i enter the command19:16
Wiz_KeeDActionParsnip, would you or anyone else who uses it for that matter have any clue why the files from a downloading torrent might have the priority options grayed out?19:16
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: did you run sudo apt-get update19:17
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: after the file edit?19:17
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: in the output, did you see the word 'maverick'19:19
samgabbayyea i put that19:19
samgabbayin the text file19:19
Stephen_NoobI'm logged into a x11vnc server and I receive a terminal, how do I start gnome?19:19
IdleOneStephen_Noob: sudo service lightdm start19:20
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: what is the output of: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atrinik-packages.list19:20
samgabbayActionParsnip,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atrinik-packages.list19:21
samgabbayActionParsnip,  deb raring19:21
samgabbaydeb http://packages.atrinik.org raring19:21
Stephen_NoobIdleOne: ightdm start/running, process 775919:21
IdleOneWiz_KeeD: probably want to try #deluge19:21
Wiz_KeeDahh they have a channel19:22
Wiz_KeeDthank you IdleOne !19:22
ActionParsnipsamgabba: then you havent editted the file...19:22
IdleOnesamgabbay: that shows it is using raring as the release version to use which is not supported. This means you didn't edit the sources.list properly19:22
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: remeber "change raring to maverick" which I told you twice....19:22
samgabbayi did19:23
samgabbayfine il do it again whats the commad19:23
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: then why does the file have raring in it19:23
samgabbaydont know19:23
IdleOneActionParsnip: get a paste of sources, edit it and have them copy the whole thing. will take you less time.19:23
ActionParsnipsamgabay: use the up cursor in the terminal19:23
Stephen_NoobIdleOne: I'm hoping to use gnome through terminal. Just not sure how to do that.19:23
IdleOneStephen_Noob: me either19:23
Stephen_NoobIdleOne: Boo...19:24
ActionParsnipidleone: its one file with one lune :-)19:24
Stephen_NoobAnyone know how I can start gnome from terminal through x11vnc?19:24
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: wait, did you run ALL the commands from the website again after you editted the file?19:24
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: what is the reason for connecting to the remote system?19:25
samgabbaynow i changed it19:25
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: ok, run: sudo apt-get update19:25
stevePage129would anybody mind checking out my Ubuntu 12.04 Server problem that i am having with my Emerson Liebert UPS -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/305701/my-emerson-liebert-ups-is-not-reporting-correctly-but-works-in-windows19:26
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: then run: sudo apt-get install atrinik-client19:26
Stephen_NoobActionParnsip: It's a headless install, I've been using SSH to set everything up.19:26
samgabbaynow il run update19:26
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: doesnt answer the question. Why do you need to connect via vnc? what are you doing on the remote system?19:27
samgabbayActionParsnip, this is what i got after typing install and editing the file atrinik-client19:28
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: I think it would be easier for me to use a GUI... linux noob19:28
samgabbayi got E: Unable to locate package atrinik-client19:28
ActionParsnipsamgabbay: ok, what is the output when you cat the file?19:28
MonkeyDustsamgabbay  i guess, what you want is not possible19:29
samgabbayit just wotn work19:29
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: but what will you be doing on the remote system? there may be a sleeker solution for what you want to achieve. not everything going to a remote pc is cli based19:29
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: I'm not really having difficultly setting anything up, I guess I'm just more comfortable in a GUI environment. Background in windows and macos. Sort of experimenting with linux for the first time.19:31
pfifoi need that garret guy to come back, I do know who could try and help19:31
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: eg transmission has a web ui which you can interface with ising transgui19:31
arminany way to completely disable mnemonics in ubuntu unity?19:31
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: again, not everythin is non-gui19:31
Lyte101Can anybody help retrieve missing LVM?19:32
MonkeyDustarmin  system settings, privacy19:33
pfifoLyte101, are you garret from before?19:33
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: you can manage files using sftp which you get with the ssh server you already have installed19:33
arminMonkeyDust: sure we talk about the same thing?19:33
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: Hmm... I guess I just want the learning experience? I don't have some concrete objective. I can work in SSH just fine just though it would be more "fun" to try the GUI side19:33
Lyte101pfifo, no I'm not19:33
pfifoLyte101, ok disregard that then... also just ask, if someone knows well answer19:34
MonkeyDustarmin  no, not clear what you mean by mnemonis, i thought you meant history19:34
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: thats why I always ask. People are too quick to jump to vnc when lighter more efficient solutions exist19:34
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: Yea, like I said I can work in terminal I just want to see the perty GUI :) Is it a difficult step to set up gnome to run in VNC?19:35
Lyte101any know of a way to retrieve a missing lvm? (can't mount after server went down)19:35
jeevanus_http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749477/ - some one help with this error19:35
jeevanus_how to make "Authorized to suspend: False" to True?19:36
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: never had to use it in Linux. The servers available mean its simply not needed for me. vnc is such an old unsecure protocol19:36
pfifoLyte101, what kind of LVM, raid or encryption19:37
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: if its for the sake of doing it then groovy but i suggest you look at sleeker solutions to what you want to achieve19:39
th4tcatmy ubuntu 13.04 is not recognizing my disc drive or my usb ports. this all happened one day after i removed and reinserted a usb pen drive. i am still getting power to the usb ports since i still charge my phone through it. i have looked everywhere online and i cannot find any similar cases (both disc drive and usb not being recognized). i did find some vague information on how to remount the drives but i do not know which is19:39
th4tcatwhich and it just didnt seem to work right19:39
Lyte101pfifo, I only used the lvm create so not 100% sure but I'll say encryption19:40
wilee-nileeth4tcat, Have you used the usb devices as plug and pull or added them to fstab?19:40
ActionParsnipth4tcat: when you last unplugged it, did you use the safe removal feature in your OS before physically removing it?19:40
wilee-nileethat to ^^^19:41
th4tcatI did not see the safe removal tool unfortunately19:41
cazazohi guys19:41
th4tcati tried adding them to fstab i think but i didnt know which is which and i couldnt figure it out19:41
ActionParsnipth4tcat: right click the storage icon in the Unity panel...19:42
cazazomy calendar on ubuntu classic is showing the next month's date...19:42
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: Orly @ vnc. Are there better solution to transmit a GUI environment remotely?19:42
cazazoany idea to fix jit...19:42
pfifoLyte101, can you pastebin your /etc/crypttab file then please19:42
ActionParsnipth4tcat: is it ntfs based?19:42
* th4tcat is looking for the unity panel19:42
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: no idea. its terribly inefficient19:42
cazazowhen I click on the calendar at the right top of the screen... it does show the july month instead of the present month...19:43
th4tcatoh nevermind i found it19:43
ActionParsnipth4tcat: then i suggest you shove it in a Windows PC and chkdsk it. Then remove it safely and I bet it works. If you just pull the device then you arent letting the caches sync and you'll get issues19:44
MonkeyDustth4tcat  if all else fails, join #ubuntu19:44
ActionParsnipth4tcat: thats why its the first thing I ask. People mistreat USB storage then wonder why they get issues19:44
th4tcatthe pen drive still works on windows, but my ubuntu notebook doesnt see anything19:44
th4tcathold on19:45
Lyte101pfifo, alright I'll get that but actually that info is within my fstab.19:45
ActionParsnipth4tcat: check it and eject it the correct way (use the icon in the system tray) and I'll bet its fine19:45
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: omg got it working, command was "gnome-session" (go figure)19:45
wilee-nileeth4tcat, You can run the check drives from a right click on them in computer in windows19:45
ActionParsnipstephen_noob: sweet, what will you do on the desktop now?19:46
th4tcatwilee-nilee: ubuntu isnt recognizing *any* drives including my disc drive19:46
Stephen_NoobActionParsnip: I will look in awe as I admire my nooby genius :)19:46
th4tcatim looking for the storage thing on the unity panel19:47
ActionParsnipth4cat: id start with the storage, make sure its ok. also check usb is enabled in bios19:47
wilee-nileeth4tcat, Right but as suggested a chkdsk or the tool check in the computer right click in windows will probably get you going.19:47
ActionParsnipth4cat: is it showing in nautilus19:47
pfifoLyte101, might as well pastebin fstab too19:48
becom33after login in from my ubuntu login page it takes about a minit to get the desktop envirment load . Im not sure why can some one help ?19:49
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becom33it started after I reinstalled my nVIDIA VGA19:50
Lyte101pfifo, only have a fstab it turns out: http://pastebin.com/wR4C37Xr19:50
djonous there a good track pad utility for ubuntu this new trackpad is killing me19:51
th4tcatActionParsnip: it does not show up in nautilus19:51
th4tcatso i guess my next guess is to check the bios and report back thank you19:52
pfifoLyte101, what about /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf19:52
Lyte101pfifo, don't have a /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf19:53
wilee-nileedjono, You might explain your problem.19:54
djonothe touch pad on it doesnt allow me to use two fingers. example index to click and middle to move the cursor19:55
pfifoLyte101, sorry but your using LVM in a manner that Im not experienced with. I cant help :(19:56
becom33after login in from my ubuntu login page it takes about a minit to get the desktop envirment load . Im not sure why can some one help ? it started after I reinstalled Nvidia VGA19:56
djonobtw its an acus19:57
wilee-nileedjono, I see a two finger scroll it just is using both fingers at once.19:57
djonoi can scroll vertically like a mouse middle button. previous laptop i was able to keep me index near the bottom left and use the middle to move the cursor.19:59
th4tcatunforunately i cannot see any usb drives or disc drives in my bios but i can never see them anyway because i am unable to enter the advanced stages of bios. it is on an hp pavilion dv500020:00
TheGrey o/ My wifi keeps dropping. I have a Atheros chipset. But when it goes off I get r8168: eth0: link down. Should i blacklist this mod?20:01
Lyte101pfifo, alright thanks anyway tho20:02
th4tcatwhen i run fsck it looks like only /dev/sda1 is mounted20:02
wilee-nileeth4tcat, Have you right clicked the usb's in computer in windows then tools and run a check on them?20:03
emadhello < how can i backup my installed packages on ubuntu 12.0420:03
Sazpaimon_is there a reason why grub doesn't install the kernel and initramfs files in the EFI system partition?20:03
th4tcati dont have windows on this machine20:03
wilee-nileeemad, you can make a install list with  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages20:04
AfgghHi all20:04
daftykinsAfggh: still not helping you with Fedora, sorry20:04
wilee-nileeth4tcat, YOu will have to fix this from windows period.20:04
AfgghWhat will happen if i install ubuntu over dual boot if Fedora and win7?20:05
AfgghWill it manage everything itself?20:05
daftykinsAfggh: you might have to tell it to use the fedora partitions manually and format them for itself20:05
wilee-nileeAfggh, That is a confusing question, can you be more exacting.20:05
wilee-nileeAfggh, Is it that you want to replce fedora and W7 with ubuntu or add another OS?20:06
AfgghActually i had win7 installed and i installed fedora along with it. Now i want ubuntu along with them.20:07
pfifoIs there a reason why some dev packages do not install a pkg-config *.pc file even thought if I compile and install manually from source I DO get a *.pc file installed? Its almost like debain/ubuntu is trying to obsolete pkg-config with something that dosent exist yet.20:07
daftykinsAfggh: you could boot into Windows and resize its' partition to make more room for Ubuntu, then install.20:07
poeewhat issues does ubuntu have with nvidia graphics cards?20:08
trismpfifo: do you have an example?20:08
wilee-nileeAfggh, Easy of you have unallocated space and can add more partitions. There are partition limitations in certain circumstances.20:08
AfgghDaftykins so it will make it triple boot itself?20:08
daftykinsAfggh: yep should be fine20:08
pfifotrism, no I dont, im way outdated, SDL used to do this... and a few others.20:09
AfgghOkies...thanks a lot20:09
MonkeyDustAfggh  backup first, in case something goes wrong20:09
AfgghYeah...i already lost all my data yesterday20:09
wilee-nileeAfggh, If I were you I would take a screen shot of gparted and post it, we have not determined the partition types there already, rather important info.20:09
AfgghWilee-nilee i had 4 partitions in windows . I shrinked one of them to get 20 GB free space for fedora.20:11
AfgghNow fedora did whatever it wanted to with that 20 GB20:11
AfgghWell but i will post the screenshot before playing with partitions.20:12
AfgghI dont want to lose my data again.20:13
wilee-nileeAfggh, Can you take a screen shot of gparted in fedora and post it?20:13
AfgghEverything is so complicated.20:13
AfgghWilee-nilee i dont have gparted. Will disk management screenshot from windows work?20:14
AfgghI will have to download gparted.20:15
pfifoAfggh, cant you just yum gparted?20:15
wilee-nileeAfggh, No, it will not show all the partitions, gparted is in the fedora repos.20:15
AfgghPfifo i dont have broadband. Cant download from laptop.20:16
wilee-nileeAfggh, Or just boot the ubuntu disc and use its gparted, however as suggested earlier if you need to resize windows you want to use its disk manager20:16
AfgghGparted for windows works?20:17
wilee-nileeAfggh, Not sure if the gparted for windows works for what we need, probably. THe goal here is to see exactly what is there and the types of partitions.20:18
AfgghOk..i have ubuntu 13 live usb. I can boot through it and use gparted.20:19
pfifowilee-nilee, fedora should have 'fdisk -l'20:19
wilee-nileepfifo, True, personally I like a picture.20:19
wilee-nileehonestly from the description, it looks like a lot of resizing and adding the ubuntu to an extended if that was made by the fedora install20:21
AfgghMeans its gonna be difficult?20:22
wilee-nileeAfggh, For me no, you I would not know.20:22
zissoui want to make changes to a root owned file. dont know how to do that20:22
daftykinszissou: is it a configuration file?20:22
zissouyep, for apache20:22
AfgghOfcourse no for you.20:22
daftykinszissou: sudo <name of your preferred text editor> /path/to/file20:23
zissoudaftykins, tnx20:23
AfgghI dont know how people remember ubuntu commands.20:23
citricI need assistance from someone with experience with Eclipse+PyDev+ubuntu please :/20:24
wilee-nileeAfggh, In general it is fairly easy, with correct info though we can get you going and you can learn this and move on to other stuff, you got this far and it can seem harder than it s.20:24
arminso why is there a dnsmasq running by default in a fresh ubuntu installation?20:26
wilee-nilee! details | citric state the problem20:26
ubottucitric state the problem: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:26
aminosamigoshello is it possible to get some ubuntu one support in this channel ?20:26
wilee-nilee! ask | aminosamigos20:27
ubottuaminosamigos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:27
citricwilee-nilee, do you use eclipse with pydev on ubuntu ?20:27
pfifoAfggh, its all in the procedural memory, our fingers just press the right key sequences on the cli cause weve done it a million times20:27
wilee-nileecitric, The channel works with you stating your problem, not asking for help this way.20:28
citricno point in stating my problem if people arent in my environment20:28
jribcitric: assume "yes"20:28
citricso I will wait untill someone does use eclipse+pydev+ubuntu this way I don't clutter that chat for no reason.20:28
daftykinscitric: finding a channel where people use eclipse might be more fruitful than asking dev questions in an OS channel20:29
jribcitric: you actually don't care if someone is using your environment, you just care about the answer to your question.  Just ask your question and then we can see if we can answer it. There's no clutter, just ask the question on one line20:29
citricdaftykins, thanks for your input but #ecplise is dead atm :)20:29
MonkeyDustcitric  and maybe we can point you to the right channel20:30
th4tcati would like to add my disc drive to fstab but i am not sure what the device directory is. i have looked in /dev/disk and i have multiple entries containing the same model number20:31
jribth4tcat: have you mounted it?20:32
th4tcatcan i just mount the entire directory on fstab20:32
pfifocitric, there is likely someone in here that is experienced with that combo, after all there is 1600 users here20:32
th4tcatit did not mount automatically20:32
jribth4tcat: so it's not mounted?  Or you mounted it?20:32
th4tcatnot mounted and i would like to add it to fstab so that i can mount it manually20:33
th4tcatbecause earlier i was having a problem where my ubuntu does not mount anything at all20:33
oracleofdreamshello, I'm having problems restore emails in evolution from backup.20:33
jribth4tcat: in general, you use fstab to set it up so that it mounts automatically.  You don't need to use fstab if you want to mount it yourself20:33
citricpfifo, if they did they would have said something if they were here, right?20:33
aminosamigosI just upgraded to 13.04 and i had my documents and ubuntu one folders both synced i just logged in to ubuntu one what should i do to make it download from the cloud the old my documents folder ?20:33
th4tcatgood to know, but it would be nice to have it mount automatically - in that case how can i mount it manually? because i need to burn a cd asap20:34
wilee-nileeth4tcat, Adding to fstab is not a manual mount per-say20:34
th4tcatall i get is /dev/disk/lots of stuff20:34
wilee-nileeor make that more possible20:34
jribth4tcat: what does burning a cd have to do with anything?20:34
th4tcati cannot burn a cd if my disc drive is not mounted20:34
th4tcatcd drive20:35
wilee-nileeth4tcat, You need to run a check on those usb's in windows.20:35
th4tcati know wilee-nilee but i do not have windows on this notebook at all20:35
th4tcatand the cd drive is not a usb drive20:35
wilee-nileeth4tcat, That is your problem, we can't fix your problem from linux, you are wasting your time doing it.20:36
jribth4tcat: you don't mount your cd drive.... Do you have /dev/dvdrw?20:36
pfifocitric, Im 2/3 the way there, i might know, been using eclipse for android dev recently.20:36
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citricpfifo, thanks, but thats java :P20:37
pfifocitric, yes, but I know python much better than java20:37
th4tcatwhen i do try to mount something it refuses to do it because it cannot find it in fstab or elsewhere20:37
jribth4tcat: what are you trying to mount?20:37
citricpfifo, so you are familiar with PyDev and ubuntu then?20:37
jribcitric: just ask your question...20:38
citricjrib, i just did, thanks though20:38
MonkeyDustcitric  ask your question so we can tell where to go20:38
th4tcati tried to mount my usb drives manually but it said not found in fstab20:38
th4tcatso thats why i was trying to add them in fstab20:38
jribcitric: no you didn't.  Because you're going to ask another one once someone says "yes".  Even though replying "yes" doesn't mean they can help you20:39
th4tcatbut my most important priority is to make ubuntu recognize my cd drive because i need to burn a cd20:39
citricjrib, you are flooding the channel :P20:39
SecretFirean mtp device was crashing my rhythmbox!20:39
pfifocitric, I dont use eclipse for python, so no, not really an expert with pydev20:39
jribcitric: yes, in an attempt to help you get help20:39
citricjrib, im good, thanks.20:39
pfifohence 2/320:39
th4tcatstupid ubuntu i never saw anything that said "safely remove usb drive"20:39
Random832th4tcat: it's the eject button in the file manager20:40
pfifoth4tcat, theres an eject button on pcmanfm in lubuntu20:40
th4tcati should just reformat with debian and use mate desktop20:40
Random832⏏  is the universal symbol for eject20:41
pfifoth4tcat, can always tri-boot :)20:41
th4tcatdual boot sure20:41
th4tcatubuntu is all that i am running20:41
oracleofdreamsI'm very new to ubuntu, but I backed up my evolution emails and now I"m having a hard time trying to restore them back into evolution. I tried several workarounds in the forums, but they're not showing any emails or my mailbox folders.20:42
oracleofdreamsthe folders are not a factor, I just need the emails.20:42
aminosamigosI just upgraded to 13.04 and i had my documents and ubuntu one folders both synced i just logged in to ubuntu one what should i do to make the app download from the cloud the old my documents folder ?20:43
MonkeyDustcitric  quote alis : "The place to discuss Ubuntu Python is with Debian/Ubuntu  Pythonistas in #debian-python on irc.oftc.net"20:43
oracleofdreamsI tried to make a dummy account in evolution to pull back all my emails that were backed up, but that is not reading my back up emails at all.20:49
oracleofdreamsall folders say that there were no files in the folders that showed up.20:50
acovrigI'm trying to record from my webcam to a file, and I am getting errors from ffmpeg and mplayer, but not VLC; from ffmpeg I get Cannot find a proper format for codec20:51
acovrigfswebcam says the pixel format is GRGB, how do I feed that into ffmpeg?20:52
_nothing__how to remove themes that we don't need?20:53
_nothing__example:i want just have one theme20:54
pfifoacovrig, ffmpeg and mplayer automatically use the right codec *IF* its installed... so you are likely missing the right codec20:55
MonkeyDust_nothing__  look in /usr/share/themes/ and in ~/.themes/20:56
acovrigpfifo, what codec do you think I need (I have video4linux2)20:56
_nothing__monkeydust thx20:56
neogtoim having an issue with a pendrive20:57
neogtocan anyone help me out20:57
neogtoim having issues with installing ubuntu20:58
neogtoi could use some help20:58
acovrigpfifo, I'm using 'ffmpeg -f v4l2 -r 25 -s 384x288 -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec libx264 out.mp4'20:58
pfifoacovrig, I think there is a codec pack in the multiverse, something like 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'20:58
neogtosooooo quite20:58
neogtoi guess im not installing linux today20:58
neogtoreminds me of the lack of chatting in yahoo lol20:59
soy_el_p_neogto: drop the bomb (problem/question) and somebody will help20:59
MonkeyDustneogto  ask your question20:59
neogtoi have ubuntu 13.04 gnome on a pendrive21:00
neogtoit boots21:00
soy_el_p_neogto: drop the bomb (problem/question) and somebody will help21:00
acovrigpfifo, do you know what codec specifically (I compiled ffmpeg myself to get fdk-aac and x264 support)21:00
acovrigwhen I run the above, I get [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x9e20f00] Cannot find a proper format for codec 'rawvideo' (id 14), pixel format 'rgb24' (id 2)21:00
neogtobut gets session failed "gnome"21:00
neogtowhen it tryes to log in21:00
neogtowhen i run it from the drive21:00
neogtoand i have to test it21:00
pfifoacovrig, no I dont, but for a webcam I suspect something very common like mpeg221:00
neogtobfore i can install it21:00
neogtowhat do i do to fix it21:01
pfifoacovrig, that is raw uncompressed AVI (rawvideo rgb24)21:01
pfifoacovrig, which is built into ffmpeg, so your problem isnt a codec21:02
acovrigpfifo, 'ffmpeg -formats | grep mpeg' lists mpeg,mpeg{1,2}video,mpegts{,raw},mpegvideo21:02
AfgghGreat...i am now struggling to send a file through Bluetooth. Fedora wontvlet me turn the visibility on.21:02
wilee-nileeneogto, Have you checked th md5sum on the ISO?21:03
pfifoacovrig, try 'mplayer tv://0' and see if you get a feed21:03
neogtoi have not21:03
neogtoim a newb21:03
wilee-nilee! md5sum21:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:03
acovrigpfifo, ffmpeg -pix_fmts | grep -i rgb doesn't show grgb which v4l-ctl --list-formats-ext shows the pixel format to be21:03
_nothing__if we hungry can we put backery or some food from our monitor in ubuntu?21:03
MonkeyDustneogto  try not to press enter too often, so you can easily repeat your question21:04
acovrigpfifo, from mplayer: Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x4742524721:04
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_nothing__how to compress size our system,?21:05
acovrigand v4l2: 2 frames successfully processed, 3 frames dropped.21:05
Grmcrkrsso, this is my very first time on an irc... anybody can tell me what to look for if my purpose is learning?21:05
acovrigpfifo, BTW: this is an *old* camera that came with a Windows Millennium Compaq system...21:06
ManDayDoes launchpad have a "download archive from BZR" option?21:06
tradaterGrmcrkrs:  google.com21:07
tradaterGrmmcrks: what are you looking for?21:08
MonkeyDustGrmcrkrs  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows21:08
GrmcrkrsMonkeyDust: pretty much...21:09
Grmcrkrsyeah, trying to learn the ins and outs of Linux/Ubuntu21:09
neogtoim doing the hash ceck like u said21:11
neogtoand it matched21:11
neogtoand i used the tool for formating the pendrive21:11
zissouhow to add a quicklist shortcut?21:11
neogtothat was suplied on ubuntu's website21:11
neogtobut im cannot log into the live cd21:11
MonkeyDustzissou  add what list and where?21:12
zissoui want to have run as root in the quicklist for nautilus21:12
soy_el_pulponeogto: have you tried with a cd/DVD insteas of a usb drive?21:12
neogtoit gives me session failed "gnome"21:12
neogtoi dont have any21:12
neogtoits jsut the gnome shell loading21:12
tradaterGrmcrkrs : a little more specific would be helpfull21:12
neogtoidk if its the case21:12
soy_el_pulponeogto: have you tried with 12.04 LTS image?21:12
neogtoi have nto should i try it?21:12
neogtoi want one that works is all21:12
neogtoi have to get into the desktop21:13
neogtoso i can test the network driver21:13
neogtothen i can go an install it21:13
MonkeyDust!info nautilus-scripts-manager | zissou21:13
ubottuzissou: nautilus-scripts-manager (source: nautilus-scripts-manager): simple tool for nautilus scripts management. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-1 (raring), package size 30 kB, installed size 253 kB21:13
Grmcrkrstradater: right, well the thing is I don't know what I need to know. I'm currently learning my way around the system, like apt-get and how to change passwords etc.21:13
neogtoonce i know it will work21:13
neogtoso 12.04 ubunutu?21:13
neogtoand dont update?21:13
soy_el_pulpo12.04 is fine21:14
Grmcrkrstradater: Is this a place people come with their problems, or like a place to talk about cool stufff they found, or what just random stuff?21:14
soy_el_pulpono updte, test your stuff21:14
neogtothey have a 12.04 gnome right?21:14
neogtoi cant run it as unity21:14
neogtomy video would poop21:14
soy_el_pulponeogto: why?21:14
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SonikkuAmericaGrmcrkrs: There's #ubuntu-offtopic , #kubuntu-offtopic , #xubuntu-offtopic , and #lubuntu-offtopic . #ubuntu- and #xubuntu-offtopic are the most common.21:15
tradaterGrmcrkrs: every great journey starts with a single step21:15
soy_el_pulponeogto: mae that is t reason wy you are getting te "gnome" error...21:15
MonkeyDustGrmcrkrs  the link i sent you explains a lot21:15
b0n1hey there! I am doing a "make" and i get /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto21:15
tradaterGrmcrkrs: I don't know is my first time in these room either21:15
b0n1I have all libssl-dev libraries installed21:15
SonikkuAmericatradater: See my above message to Grmcrkrs21:16
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
GrmcrkrsSonikkuAmerica: ok. I'll run that down. thanks21:16
Grmcrkrstradater: thanks.21:16
b0n1when I search for libcrypto I get /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so this path. How can I add this .so file to the linker?21:16
b0n1do I have to add a line in the make file?21:17
neogtoits an older laptop21:17
neogtoim trying to drop it on it21:17
neogtoso thgat it will run better21:17
GrmcrkrsSonikkuAmerica: ok, so when you say you sent me a link... I only see that MonkeyDust sent me a link... you and he are the same? or...21:18
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_nothing__how to manualy remastering current our ubuntu version after we diet it?21:18
tradaterGrmcrkrs: you can use the man function man function to get helpfull information: type man (command)21:18
SonikkuAmericaGrmcrkrs: I didn't send you a link. MonkeyDust did.21:18
GrmcrkrsSonikkuAmerica: ok, sorry. I missunderstood21:19
kubotsuhow to make Evolution display images in messages?21:20
tradaterGrmcrkrs: man apt-get21:21
sporklogin and password for lubuntu 13.04 on intial boot?21:22
kubotsuspork: your user21:22
mccartneycan someone recommend a good dvd burner ? i need to burn iso to dvd21:23
daftykinsmccartney: what OS are you in now? most come with a tool.21:25
mccartneycurrently i am in ubuntu 13.04. it has brasero? but im afraid it wont burn correctly it only has 2 stars21:26
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TLoFPi just agot the fatal error: grub install /dev/sda1 failed any idea what that means (occured during install)21:27
wilee-nileeTLoFP, What is sda1?21:28
TLoFPwilee-nilee: that is my hdd21:29
mccartneydaftykins: i purchased a copy of windows 7 for the wife online. was a download in iso. so i need to burn it correctly21:29
daftykinsmccartney: sure, but what's the OS you're running right now?21:30
mccartneydaftykins: i think its ubuntu 13.04 the newest one21:30
daftykinsmccartney: just double clicking an ISO might well give a writing program straight off then21:31
zykotick9TLoFP: actually sda1 is your first partition... sda is the drive.21:32
daftykinsmccartney: although if you have a flash drive that would be nicer21:32
wilee-nileeTLoFP, sda1 is a partition sda is the HD21:32
mccartneydaftykins: it does , its <brasero>. it only has 2 stars, and i need the disk to be perfect. its a double layer dvd. im currently in service so dvd supplys are limited21:33
TLoFPzykotick9: wilee-nilee: sda1 is the partition which held the windows bootloader21:33
daftykinsmccartney: 7 is only ~3.5GB so you don't need a dual layer disc to write it. also enable 'verify' if you can21:34
TLoFPI wanted to replace the windows bootloader with grub, allowing me to boot into Windows (which lives on sda2) or Ubuntu, which lives on SD card21:34
billy_whats the best channel to go to for help with some html scripting21:34
wilee-nileeTLoFP, Don't you have a uefi setup?21:35
mccartneydaftykins: i know but its all my naighbor had. im active duty and theres not much for recourses here on base.21:35
TLoFPwilee-nilee: don't knwo what that is21:36
daftykinsmccartney: righty-o21:36
tradaterbilly_ :  try #html21:36
TLoFPwilee-nilee: I can not boot from sd card21:36
mccartneydaftykins: ill try the built in one i guess. thank you for the reply. first time ever in 6 years on xchat lol21:37
wilee-nileeTLoFP, I would like to see the bootinfo summary generated by the bootrepair app to see what is up.21:37
wilee-nilee! bootinfo21:38
ubottuBoot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).21:38
TLoFPwilee-nilee: I wouldn't know how to access that21:38
TLoFPI can't run the script if I can't boot into the OS, can I?21:38
daftykinsmccartney: hehe, np - good luck21:38
TLoFPi can run it form a live boot, but would that help?21:39
wilee-nileeTLoFP, What you have described makes little sense, so without asking 100 question this script will show a lot of info that will get to the heart of the problem and what you actually understand.21:40
billy_join #html21:41
isn0rt  /21:41
tradaterbilly_   : /join #html21:41
tradaterbilly_  /join #html21:42
mikodoI am thinking of installing Windows 7 too, on a new  singular new HD, I am going to install. I am going to use a /mnt/DATA partition to sym-link to other distros. For Windows, should I have the DATA partition in NtFS? Would that be a problem for linux distros to read, and would it be hard to symlink the DATA to Windows? I know nothing of Windows. If not, does anyone have any guides pointing to this for windows?21:47
billy_hi can someone tell me how i can align the navbar to center on this http://pastebin.com/8ELmnpsw21:49
wilee-nileeTLoFP, Here is the bootrepair app it can be run from the live cd/usb, just run the bootinfo summary and post and save the url of the script. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  You described an error with loading grub to the sda1 windows boot partition, that is problematic along with your description as to why. However you said yesterday you wanted the ubuntu on the sd to run as a cli so I21:49
wilee-nilee think your are more than able to do this.21:49
daftykinsbilly_: i think you clicked on the wrong channel, this is #ubuntu21:49
AfgghHelp!! I messed up...deleted fedora partitions thinking i will be able to boot into windows recovery and now i am stuck.21:50
Ben64Afggh: try ##windows21:50
wilee-nileeAfggh, Do you have a windows recovery or install disc/usb21:50
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Guest64149join #perl21:50
AfgghI have ubuntu live usb.21:50
zissouwhy does gnome terminal close when i click away? how to prevent this21:51
afflictoHey all. I have a laptop with win 7 on it, the HDD has 2 partitions tho. One of them are empty. Can I install ubuntu on that or do I need to re-install windows as well?21:51
wilee-nileeAfggh, JUst install the ubuntu in the place fedora was and you will have windows access through grub.21:51
AfgghI had recovery partition that came with my laptop but cant even getvinto it21:51
AfgghOhk...thanks a lot. I will try21:51
wilee-nileeAfggh, And make a recovery disc from windows when you get in.21:52
wilee-nileethat disc would be all you need right now to fix windows21:52
kubotsuto change message body image display behaviour: edit>preferences>mail preferences>html messages21:53
kubotsuevolution *21:53
kubotsuthen select 'always load images from the internet'21:53
AfgghI thought the recovery partition is for such situations.21:54
AfgghBut it is not even coming into play21:54
wilee-nileeAfggh, the recovery partition is usually a image of the purchased windows, the disc gets you access to it and the windows command line and repairs ...etc21:55
AfgghHmm...but its useless if i cant boot into it.21:55
wilee-nileeAfggh, If you install ubuntu you wll be in with grub and can make the recovery disc. I had a acer that allowed me to boot the recovery for XP from grub as well.21:56
AfgghOk should i select install ubuntu along windows and it will take care of partitions?21:57
wilee-nileeAfggh, IF you had the disc you would just boot it to the command line and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr and windows would now boot.21:57
AfgghHmm..but i dont have.21:58
AfgghI am goin with the first option. Install alongside windows21:59
wilee-nileeAfggh, Yeah, it should put it where fedora was. I'm just telling you what that recovery disc would do for you rather then having to reinstall a linux to get grub.21:59
jnewtI need help getting wifi working on my dell d620 laptop.  i've been following several forum questions, but when i try to install or remove the kernel module or do modprobe, the commands don't complete.  it says it may take awhile, but 10-15min and it's still running (can see via ps aux | grep )21:59
AfgghOk...i will make a recovery disc after installing ubuntu.22:00
jnewtdo i kill the processes that are running and try again or let them keep trying22:00
histoAfggh: I would make a recovery disk first incase something goes wrong22:00
IdleOneAfggh: recovery disc won't work if you can't make it after installing because you lost your windows install22:00
histojnewt: what chipset is your wireless22:01
b0n1hey there! I am trying to install a programm that needs the crypto c library. It should be contained in the openssl lib , but I always get /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto when I do "make"22:01
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histoAfggh: Actually I should rephrase that. You should make a recovery disk before installing. I wouldn't even have windows installed period22:01
freddofrogso I've got a networking problem that I hope someone can help me with....22:02
histo!find lcrypto22:02
ubottuFile lcrypto found in libcryptokit-ocaml22:02
b0n1strangely the libcrypto.so file is not in my /usr/lib dir. It is in the /lib/i386-linux-gnu dir22:02
histo!ask | freddofrog22:02
ubottufreddofrog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:02
histo!find libcrypto.so | b0n122:02
ubottub0n1: File libcrypto.so found in libssl-dev, libssl0.9.8, libssl0.9.8-dbg, libssl1.0.0, libssl1.0.0-dbg22:02
AfgghHisto before installing fedora or ubuntu?22:02
histo!find libcrypt0.so | b0n122:02
ubottub0n1: Package/file libcrypt0.so does not exist in raring22:02
b0n1I already installed libssl-dev22:03
histoAfggh: Yes create a windows recovery disk first, if you value windows at all. Unless you have a factory recovery partition than there is no need. I don't use windows so I can't help you there.22:03
AfgghBut i already messed up histo.22:03
histob0n1: dpkg -S libcrypto.so22:03
b0n1I created a link from /usr/lib/libcrypto.so to the file in /lib/i386-linux-gnu, but doesnt work22:04
histoAfggh: ahh well then.. not much you can do22:04
freddofrogI've got two virtual machines connected together via a bridge... A <--br1--> B. A and B can both ping each other, B can connect to A (eg. ssh) but if I try and connect to B from A I get "no route to host" .. any suggestions?22:04
mikodoWill 2 platter drives in  a tower need more than 350 watt power supply. I have just the one drive now. I don't anything CPU intensive. Here is my machine only modifications to that is that I have 4 gib of RAM:http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/ca/en/ho/WF06b/12132708-12133156-12133158-12133158-12133158-80626463-81225089.html?dnr=122:04
AfgghOk i am installing ubuntu now. Atleast my system will boot.22:04
jnewthisto: i've got the broadcom 1390 wlan mini card internal with the 4311 controller22:05
TLoFPwilee-nilee: pastebin.com/LLt0RV6822:05
sarge1221when i run add-apt-repository it says "python-software-properties is already the newest version.22:05
sarge1221python-software-properties set to manually installed.22:05
sarge1221 How can I fix this problem?22:05
histo!broadcom | jnewt22:06
ubottujnewt: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:06
b0n1histo, a dpkg-S libcrypto.so told me that there is also a file libssl-dev: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so22:06
b0n1I linked it too doing ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.822:07
histob0n1: I would create a link to that whereever you need it22:07
b0n1without success...22:07
jnewthisto: yes, that's one of the ones i tried to fallow.  the bcmwl-kernel source command never completes22:07
histojnewt: what is the error when you install that package?22:07
jnewthisto: no error, it just says it's complete, then never kicks back to the prompt.  ps aux shows it's still running22:08
jnewtif i kill that process, then try the modprobe, no error, no message, just runs22:08
AfgghI got my windows back :) thanks22:09
b0n1histo any suggestions?22:09
AfgghUbuntu looks more beautiful than fedora22:09
histojnewt: sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source    package ... then rmmod whatever driver you currently have loaded if you lspci -k  and sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source.  Or you can just use the GUI additional drivers dialog22:09
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b0n1/usr/bin/ld: Inkompatible /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../libcrypto.so wird übersprungen bei der Suche nach -lcrypto22:09
sarge1221anyone know how to fix> "sudo: add-get-repository: command not found"  "sudo: apt-get-repository: command not found" tried installing >"python-software-properties is already the newest version" and "python-software-properties set to manually installed." Any help please? :(22:10
trismsarge1221: add-apt-repository22:11
histosarge1221: yea it's add-apt-repository22:11
trismsarge1221: also in newer versions it is in a different package22:12
trismsarge1221: software-properties-common22:12
jnewthisto: how long should that purge command take?22:14
mikodoI have to go. bye22:15
sarge1221Thanks guys i got handbrake installed finally. :)22:16
JainAmberWhat is the recommended way to change a user's password with password provided in plaintext on command line?22:17
histojnewt: few seconds22:17
jnewtyeah, still running.  something's not right.22:17
sarge1221one last question if I may. Could someone direct me to a scripting tutorial. I would like to see if one could make a script to run rkhunter, root kit scanner, and clamav from terminal tabs by executing from a script.22:17
histoJainAmber: you'd have to pass the pass to the crypt stuff to /etc/passwd   Why would you want to do this?22:18
JainAmberhisto, I need to do this to auto-change the password for postgres user in a Vagrant vm... not going to use this for production purpose.22:18
histoJainAmber: just passwd postgres22:19
JainAmberhisto, with 'passwd postgres', user will need to type the password manually. I instead want to setup this up automatically. When vagrant sets up a vm, it runs a script automatically after VM boots up and I want to add a command to this script to change the password to a predefined string.22:21
histoJainAmber: you can use mkpasswd something to get the cyrpt frontend22:21
histoJainAmber: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/add-a-user-with-password-without-prompt-156676/22:22
histoJainAmber: something like usermod blah blah -p 'mkpasswd something'22:22
TLoFPwilee-nilee: ran boot-repair, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749903/22:22
TLoFPwilee-nilee: now my computer does not boot from disk, only from live cd22:23
TLoFPwilee-nilee: the error is that 29f02103-2b47-42b0-9031-d276134b89b1 can not be found22:24
JainAmberThanks histo!22:25
aumhi - just installed ubuntu 12.04LTS - cannot change wallpaper or enable launcher autohide - is there a workaround?22:27
jnewtso it's frozen doing that burge at update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.5.0-32-generic.  what should i do?22:30
keke-lulzaum: i, think, my good sir, you're using live-cd, so your settings does not save after reboot, so your wallpaper resets to default!22:31
Dr_willis:)  i recall ages ago disrtos that could write their changes back  to a cd+RW :)   Never did figure out how they did it..22:32
elisa87I followed http://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-up-fails-drops-to-initramfs-prompt-12-04 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair#A2nd_option_:_install_Boot-Repair_in_Ubuntu yet no success and I see busybox initramfs prompt when I reboot !!! I Linux is in /dev/sda5 and here's some more info  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749948/22:33
Dr_williselisa87,  been at this for 2 days now?22:33
keke-lulzDr_willis: yeah-yeah, good ol'times, install linux to msdos fat, then look through tons of documentation to setup dial-up connection22:34
Dr_williskeke-lulz,  actually i think this one used some sort of open second session on the cd.. I cant even rember the disrto. :)   msdos fs trick. the  precursor to WUBI ;P22:34
elisa87Dr_willis: this is the second day! I performed fsck on /dev/sda5 it was successfully done after fixing all those problems but when I reboot I was dropped to initramfs prompt :| any idea?22:34
Dr_williselisa87,  not really. i havent had to right with grub in ages.22:35
Dr_willisand what issues ive had - boot-repair always fixed22:35
Dr_willisI also tend to keep linux on its own second hard drive.22:35
TKingPlease is anyone using Lenovo U410? i have screwed my new laptop while trying to install ubuntu? now i cant get any OS  to work. Cant install windows7/8 and ubuntu? please i need original BIOS setup i am begging22:36
Dr_willisTKing,  the windows restore dvd set dosent even work?22:37
Dr_willisWhat have you done to the bios?22:37
Sazpaimon_is there a reason why grub doesn't install the kernel and initramfs files in the EFI system partition?22:37
Dr_williswell ive seen  the kernel files and stuff take up several hunderd mb befor.   what would it gain by putting them there?22:38
TKingDr_willis it doesn't come with it, i have formated all drives SSD - used for intel response intel  Response tech and my HDD22:39
daftykinselisa87: how many times have you run through the installer from the liveCD? just once, then tried to fix things afterwards?22:39
Dr_willisTKing,  err.. if it was a windows machine.. it should of had a windows tool tio make the dvd set as one of the first things.22:39
ranticHey everyone, this might sound like a dumb question but I just bought a beginners NAS box and I'm trying to figure out if Ubuntu is mounting my share with NFS or SMB? I do it through the file manager and I'm not sure where that information would be?22:40
daftykinsrantic: most likely you're using SMB22:40
Dr_willisrantic,  look at the address its using (ctrl-l)   and id guess its samba22:40
Dr_willisyou normally dont have user moiunting NFS on the fly like you do with samba22:40
Dr_willisif the NAS supports SSH, you could use sshfs also :)22:41
tom[]does a standard server 12.04lts not have any log rotarion configured?22:41
daftykinsif you hate having high throughput22:41
daftykinstom[]: doubt it22:41
daftykinsactually, i've seen multiple log files so maybe on some22:41
Dr_willistom[],  id imagine it has log rotate allready set as a cron job.22:41
TKingDr_willis, but now i want to start all over because i backed up my files so I believe i can reinstall  windows 8 using dvd, drivers and make pc like it was before so i can reinstall ubuntu using uEFI method22:42
ranticdaftykins, Dr_willis: Thanks, it is indeed SMB. The real question now is SMB vs NFS. :D22:42
tom[]i would hope so but i suspect there's nothing22:42
Dr_willisTKing,  how are you going to reinstall windows 8 if you dont have a DVD restore/reinstall disk>22:42
aumkeke-lulz: i installed off the live cd, and rebooted from my hard disk, but cannot change wallpaper or set launcher autohide22:42
daftykinsrantic: at this point i'd recommend the old adage 'if it ain't broke...'22:42
Dr_willisTKing,  the people in #windows will know more about reinstalling windows also.22:42
Dr_willisrantic,  does the NAS even support NFS...22:42
daftykinsTKing: obtain yourself a windows 8 DVD next then.22:43
ranticDr_willis: Yes it has a big list of protocols, and both NFS and SMB were enabled. I was trying to disable one to save some memory.22:43
aumeven 'qiv -z' and 'xsetbg' won't change the wallpaper - it's like the wallpaper gets covered by some other window22:43
Dr_willisaum,  what desktop/winmdow manager are you using?22:43
aumDr_willis: have tried both Unity and Unity 2D - same problem22:44
TKingdaftykins Dr_willis i have windows cd22:44
Dr_willisaum,  why are you using those 2 tools and not the normal background/wallpaper change setting tool?22:44
aumDr_willis: because the normal background/wallpaper change setting tool has no effect22:44
Dr_willisaum,  try making a new user, see if it works for them as a test22:45
aumDr_willis: ok, bbiab22:45
tom[]https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles#Log_Rotation says logrotate is the default utility, that "you may encounter" rotated, zipped logs but it's ot installed on my new server install22:46
tom[]very odd22:46
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mojtabaHi, I have connected another monitor to my laptop. How can I assign a workspace to that monitor?22:47
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I do that? Now all of my workspaces have been duplicated.22:49
mojtabaanybody there?22:50
aumtried as a different user, can set wallpaper and auto hide, but can't as my normal user22:55
boaircdoes the linux full disk encryption support Intel AES-NI hardware acceleration?22:58
AfgghHi...my Bluetooth isnt working.22:58
boaircalso, what is better TrueCrypt or default?22:58
Afgghhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/286834/bluetooth-not-working-in-ubuntu-13-04 will help?22:58
mojtabaaum: could you please explain more?22:58
serewhy would the kernel and wine be held back from an upgrade?22:58
EM15How do I write for example an heart with ASCII? I mean alt + 3 (numpad)22:59
aummojtaba: i just installed ubuntu 12.04LTS, kept my /home from an older linux mint, but everything else fresh. Can not set wallpaper or enable autohide of launcher. Created a different user - no problem22:59
wilee-nileesere, Try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:59
AfgghThere is a bluetooth option in settings but nothing happens from there.22:59
AfgghHey wilee-nilee23:00
serety wilee-nilee23:00
AfgghI thought ubuntu has drivers preinstalled for everything.23:00
AfgghWhat does the message kvm: disabled by bios mean?23:02
AfgghIt comes on startup on some black screen.23:03
wilee-nileeAfggh, Not necessarily if generally available in the repos though unless it s for a fresh release hardware that has not been driver reversed23:03
AfgghWhat does that mean??23:04
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AfgghI didnt get it.23:04
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM23:05
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mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I assign a different workspace to the monitor which I have attached to my laptop? At the moment all the workspaces have been duplicated.23:06
wilee-nileeAfggh, Not sure, I would check the sum of the disc, your description does not have context details.23:06
Dr_willismojtaba, you can have extended workspaces across monitors23:06
EM15How do I insert @ with Alt + 64? Is there any complement to ASCII code?23:07
mojtabaDr_willis: How can I set a workspace for a specific monitor instead of extending all workspaces?23:07
AfgghWilee-nilee for what?23:08
kubotsumojtaba: look in system settings>all settings>displays , uncheck the option 'mirror displays'23:08
AfgghWhile sending file through bluetooth it gives '' gdbus.error:openobex.error.failed:unable to request session''23:10
citrici installed ubuntu alongside of windows 8, although I do not have GRUB or any way to select OS, it just goes into ubuntu, how can i fix this?23:12
benbloomwhat is the best supported and currently recommended unification file system in ubuntu?23:13
kubotsucitric: there is hope if you can still see the windows partition23:14
mojtabakubotsu: It is unchecked. But I want to assign a workspace to the monitor. and when moving between other workspaces in my laptop's display, the display in the monitor be there all the time.23:14
Dr_willismojtaba,  as far as i knwo.. you dont23:14
citrickubotsu, i can still see the partition23:15
Dr_willismojtaba,  if you want a specific app always on the right side monitor.. make it always on top and 'sticky'23:15
hydrox24I've got issues with REALLY slow file transfew between partitions on my supposedly fast drive. One partition is smaller, ext4 and works fine, the other is quite large (it's a data partition) and ext3 formatted and I get transfer speeds of 18KB/s. It's ridiculous. How can I fix this/toubleshoot it?23:15
mojtabaDr_willis: Do you know how can I do that?23:16
kubotsucitric: then there are two possibilities, one: you need to reisntall windows MBR23:16
citrickubotsu, if i reinstall the MBR then I wont get ubuntu...23:17
kubotsucitric: two: you can try pressing ESC while booting see if you can get into grub23:17
kubotsucitric: however, reinstalling MBR and then reisntalling grub can be more work but its straight forward23:18
Dr_willismojtaba,  do what?23:18
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mojtabastick one application to one monitor.23:18
Dr_willisThe default unity.compiz window manager does not do workspaces where the left/right side of an extended setup are differnt.. theya re ONE wide desktop23:19
Dr_willisyou can use the  'always on top' and 'sticky' options in the windows settings to make one stay on the other side as i said earlier23:19
Dr_willisjust watch out for windows that may popup UNDER the other app window23:19
Dr_willisi set up xbmc this way all the time23:19
mojtabaDr_willis: suppose that I want to put chrome on. Is the option in the application menu?23:20
Dr_willisits in the windows setting menus.. right click around the title bar and look23:20
deezedHey guys! Yesterday my graphical login screen stopped working, and now my login is only made by text. I have to do 'startx' to actually starts gui. I'm using here an Ubuntu 12.04 with kde 4 and the last thing I've updated was the java files...23:20
Dr_willisim not on ubuntu so cant spoon feed you exact GUI actions23:20
deezeddo you know what can I do?23:20
Toph2in 12,04, how does backup work, I backup on schedule  onto a separate drive. It appears as though each backup creates its own file and doesn't erase the one from the time before,, my drive fills up23:20
Dr_willissticky/always on top - has been a Linux (well X) feature for Decades.23:20
mojtabaDr_willis: Thank you very much23:20
Dr_willissad that i have to use 3rd party tools to give windows the same feature. ;)23:21
kubotsucitric: option three: just reinstall grub or do sudo update-grub23:21
Dr_willisCCSM/Compiz has settings where you can auto set the sticky/ontop/positon of windows on creation also.23:22
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Dr_willisi set my 'file copy' dialog to always be on top on the far left monitor23:22
Piphellopat, anyone one on Dell XPS ?23:22
Dr_willisDell XPS - is a rather broad line of machines i think.23:22
citricit is23:23
citricmy dell xps laptop runs ubuntu23:23
PipSandybridge i7 Quad-core23:23
citricmine is sandy bridge i523:23
PipThe fan is crazily and weirdly rolling for no particular reason23:23
citricrolling? :/23:24
PipLooks like the temperature sensor and fan control mechanism is dumb23:24
PipYou guys don't have such problem?23:25
PipI use the stock kernel23:25
kubotsuPip: schedule a dust cleanup23:25
PipI don't think so23:25
Dr_willissome laptops have issues with fan control in some kernels/releases23:25
PipIt's a new and clean machine23:25
kubotsuthen thats one less thing to worry about23:26
Pip 3.9.5-123:26
Dr_willisdue to various bugs.. Id check askubuntu.com and the forums for your EXACT make machine and see if others have the same issue and if they use any boot options23:26
Sazpaimon_How can I use gparted to move a partition that's of an unknown type?23:26
Sazpaimon_I just want to do a sector-by-sector move23:26
PipI would say this is a universal issue for all Dell users23:26
PipSazpaimon_, delete it23:27
Sazpaimon_I'd rather not delete and re-create it if it can be avoided23:27
Sazpaimon_I just want to move it to the "right" of free space on the disk23:27
deezedHey guys! Yesterday my graphical login screen stopped working, and now my login is only made by text. I have to do 'startx' to actually starts gui. I'm using here an Ubuntu 12.04 with kde 4 and the last thing I've updated was the java files...23:29
Dr_willisresize it to the right (grow it) then shrink it from the left. :) but that may take 2x as long.23:29
Dr_willisand if its  unknown.. that may not work23:29
Dr_williswhat FS is it anyway?23:29
hydrox24deezed: look into turning off automatic login. if you're in ubuntu and not kubuntu, then your login manager would be ldm. Look at solutions for that.23:32
deezedhydrox24: no, my login manager is kdm, sure23:32
Dr_willisi was thinking lightdm was getting used by lubuntu these days.. but i may be wrong.23:32
Dr_willissudo service kdm restart      to force kdm to restart perhaps?23:33
Dr_willisit may show some error messages if it has an issue23:33
deezeduhm, nice23:33
deezedDr_willis: but should I do that now, or just when I reboot?23:34
c|onemanis there a difference between sudo su and typing sudo before each line?23:34
Dr_willisdeezed,  it will force X to quit (or might) and restart the KDM service at any time23:34
Dr_willisc|oneman,  dont use 'sudo su'23:34
Dr_willisif you need a root shell use  'sudo -i'23:34
zykotick9c|oneman: don't use "sudo su" it leads to tears.  if you _must_, and you probably don't, use "sudo -i" instead.23:34
c|onemanso I should prepend sudo to every line?23:34
deezedDr_willis: ok, thank you!!23:35
c|onemanis there an equivalent to typing sudo for each line23:36
Sazpaimon_Dr_willis, I can't resize it as gparted cannot recognize it (it's encrypted)23:37
zykotick9c|oneman: is this a script?  just run the script with sudo foo.sh perhaps?23:37
Sazpaimon_is the only way to decrypt the partition, move it, and then re-encrypt it?23:37
c|onemanthis is me typing commands23:37
zykotick9c|oneman: you should probably just learn to put sudo before your commands that need root.  or, be bad, and run "sudo -i" to get a root prompt.23:38
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c|onemanis there a difference other than soome bullshit "best practice" and "you will make a mistake"?23:38
gordonjcpc|oneman: best practice is to use sudo23:39
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Guest41628Whats a good website for quickly uploading snapshots and sharing them via link?23:39
gordonjcpc|oneman: having a valid root login is obsolete, and has been so for about 20 years23:39
jribGuest41628: imgur23:40
zykotick9gordonjcp: ubuntu is 20 years old my friend...23:40
c|onemanI want to not have to type sudo more than once, and have 1:1 results as if I had.23:40
gordonjcpGuest41628: like screen grabs?  imgur, maybe?23:40
Guest41628jrib,  Does it need an account?23:40
jribGuest41628: nope23:40
gordonjcpzykotick9: first release of Ubuntu was 4.1023:40
gordonjcpzykotick9: in, uh, 2004 ;-)23:40
gordonjcpzykotick9: Ubuntu isn't even nine years old yet23:40
c|onemanwhen I sudo a command, does it run as me with elevated privileges, or as "root"23:41
zykotick9gordonjcp: sorry, perhaps you missed my correction there, i had meant "gordonjcp: ubuntu isn't 20 years old my friend..."23:41
gordonjcpzykotick9: yeah, and sudo is not unique to Ubuntu23:41
Pipc|oneman, depends on the sudo configuration file23:41
gordonjcpzykotick9: I can't remember which Unix I first used that had sudo, possibly SCO23:42
zykotick9gordonjcp: true, but i think ubuntu (and it's derives) are the only distro which "avoid" root account.23:42
kubotsuyou're putting too much thought behind 'root' .. you need to read more wikis23:42
gordonjcpzykotick9: right23:42
gordonjcpzykotick9: but they should all avoid having a valid root account, realy23:42
jeussalam bache ha23:42
gordonjcpzykotick9: we got rid of a lot of horrible old cruft like a.out23:43
gordonjcpwny not root too?23:43
jeushi .23:43
jeremiah__Alright, i am having an issue with dd/partition cloning.23:43
gordonjcpanyway, I'm off, nn all23:43
jeusi copy font ".ttf" into ~/.fonts .23:43
jeusthen log out and login .23:43
jeremiah__So, after using dd, i got this in gparted http://imgur.com/BtSbfKB23:44
jeusbut not show fonts in writer and other program23:44
jeremiah__IS that bad?23:44
Techie-MichealDoes anybody know anything about why 13.04 sets file ownership incorrectly on /var/log files? auth.log for example is empty and remains empty until I change ownership from messagebus:adm to syslog:adm. It's kinda important to have log files written to.23:45
serejeus: sudo fc-cache -f -v .... will update the font cache so you dont have to restart23:45
jeremiah__So, anyone know much about partitions/dd?23:45
jeussere, not work23:47
jeremiah__Nobody knows about partitions/dd/hdd cloning?23:47
wilee-nileejeremiah__, Why are you using dd, is the HD its on going bad?23:47
serejeus: not work? whats the error?23:48
jeremiah__No, i am upgrading my hdd.23:48
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  No, i am upgrading my hdd23:48
jeussere, /home/jeus/.fontconfig: invalid cache file: 5c568772b6f555ec9101966aad8a986b-le32d4.cache-323:48
jeusfc-cache: succeeded23:48
wilee-nileejeremiah__, Do both HD's show in gparted?23:48
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  And i didn't want to loose all my work, and modifactions23:48
jeremiah__wilee-nilee, yes. The issue is i get an error on the hdd i copied it onto in gparted23:49
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  See here: http://i.imgur.com/BtSbfKB.png23:49
Techie-MichealThis is a fresh install of 13.04. It also happens on upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04.23:49
wilee-nileejeremiah__, You can copy and paste partitions between HD's on gparted. I am assuming the original is still there.23:49
ZiberOn ubuntu 13.04, why does the screen go dim within just a few seconds if I'm not touching it?23:49
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  Yes, and i have tried that. Never seemed to work23:50
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  So, what does this error mean??23:50
wilee-nileejeremiah__, No idea23:50
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  Erm, warning23:50
serejeus: whats the font file name?23:50
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  Hmm...23:50
jeussere, MitraUnicodeEdited.ttf23:51
jeremiah__wilee-nilee,  Well, lets all hope for the pest, and see if it boots. Is there anything i need to do after i clone partitions? Something about some sort of file i need to change or something?23:51
deezedDr_willis: hey, I just rebooted and ran sudo service kdm restart, and it has perfectly restarted. But when I rebooted again, the problem was still there. I think kdm is working, but isnt in automatic. Do you know how can I change it?23:53
serejeus: check the output of that command and see what file is invalid..23:53
jeussere, ok23:54
jj123I have a xorg.conf.d file which I don't believe is getting processed.  The Xorg.log says it's looking at the xorg.conf.d directory, but I don't see my settings applied.  If I put them into my xorg.conf file, they do get applied....any ideas?23:55
niarghOn Precise - My laptop hibernates despite setting 'Do Nothing' when the lid is closed in the Power setting. Any suggestions?23:57
zissouhow to find where are package's files installed?23:57
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Dr_willisdeezed,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm   be sure kdm is selected23:58
seredoes rhythmbox still show album art in the bottom left?23:58
neirpycHas support for intel cards gotten any better with 13.04?23:59
jeussere, http://paste.ofcode.org/zt2RnuEPBX5APpcQSNGCSR , i can't know how find it23:59

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