
Quix86xubuntu keeps trying to update zsnes, I don't want it to because the latest version doesn't work on 13.0400:11
Quix86how do I keep it from trying to update it? These notifications are annoying00:11
Unit193Quix86: Is there a bug reported about it not working?00:12
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:13
Quix86yeah there's one somewhere00:13
Quix86cba to look it back up I just want it to not update00:13
Unit193Sure, good enough for me.00:14
configxHey all. Just installed 13.04 and I'm loving it. One minor thing though...how why does bluetooth icon show twice? See what I mean --> http://i.imgur.com/84LUnUO.png01:21
configxLooks like the black one is in the notification area and the light one is in the indicator plugin?01:23
configxNevermind, I figured it out. One was the Blueman applet (light) and the other was the Bluetooth applet (dark). I disabled the bluetooth one.01:34
dunpealHi. I just installed 13.04 on a desktop, but it won't boot.02:31
dunpeal/dev/sdg1   *        2048    31256575    15627264    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)02:31
dunpealApparently, "/dev/sdg1" is the boot partition.02:32
dunpealNot sure what that even is (it's a new desktop)02:32
xubuntu582Why doesn't linux ask for my password to login when I start the computer?05:32
Unit193Because you set it not to when you installed?05:32
xubuntu582I just changed it so that it is forced to ask for it.05:33
xubuntu582Looking at it now it says: "Password: Asked on login"05:34
xubuntu582Nobody knows?05:39
cfhowlettxubuntu582, did you reboot?05:39
xubuntu582Yes I've tried restarting, shutting down, and logging out and shutting down. Same result05:40
Unit193Should edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf05:40
oxezHello. I installed 13.04 (x86-64) on a laptop, installation went smooth, except it didn't install any boot loader, and so Windows' is loading up instead of grub. Is there a way to run the grub-install script on the livecd so I don't have to go through the install process all over again? (I assume that under normal conditions, the GRUB setup detects windows partition automatically?) thanks05:42
xubuntu582[SeatDefaults] autologin-user=user autologin-user-timeout=0 autologin-session=lightdm-autologin greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter user-session=xubuntu05:42
Unit193oxez: Yep, by using chroot you can install it just fine.05:44
Unit193oxez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing05:45
oxezUnit193: Yea I know I can chroot and do it myself, I should rephrase my question: Is there a script that xubuntu runs to setup grub all automagically that I cxan execute?05:45
oxezAh, maybe I'll find something in that page, thank you05:45
Os_Maleushi all!05:52
Os_Maleusdoes somebody know how to split a multilayer tiff-file into single picture files (tiff, jpeg or jpg)?05:53
Noob2174wow....chances of getting a question answered here are good?05:53
ubottuNoob2174,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:54
Noob2174Very "Simple" I want to be able to type in Chinese in my computer, other computer have a fast toggle between languages...is this something I have to set, or is there a default that I have to click on?05:55
Os_Maleuscorrection of my question: does somebody know how to split a multilayer tiff-file into single picture files (tiff, jpeg or jpg) *on the command line*?05:55
Noob2174SOrry...Xubunu 13.0405:55
cfhowlettNoob2174, you probably have to install the language pack ... BUT have you consider ubuntukylin?  distro specially designed for the Chinese user ...05:56
cfhowlettNoob2174, official canonical/ubuntu product, fully supported05:57
Noob2174cfhowlett I'm an american user...just started learning chinese (& ubunutu) ;) just want ot be able to keep up my srudies on the Xubunut machine05:57
Noob2174(sorry, spelling)_05:57
cfhowlettNoob2174, ah.  ok.  i think language packs are in the software center05:58
Noob2174sweet...I'll go check them out! Thanks for your help! Many good vibes being sent your way! cfhowlett!05:59
cfhowlettNoob2174, have fun, be safe05:59
Os_MaleusNoob2174: Keyboard Layouts Plugin is a plug-in for the taskbar, which shows You the activated language output of Your keyboard.05:59
Noob2174Ahhh....that would be really useful too05:59
Noob2174[nods to Os_Maleus]06:00
Os_MaleusI have configured the settings for shortcuts over scripts to change between the keyboard layout.06:00
Noob2174I'll look into that as well06:01
Noob2174Thanks Open Source Gods!06:03
Os_Maleusno one there with experiences in splitting a multilayer tiff-file into single picture files (tiff, jpeg or jpg) on the command line?06:04
oxezSo after install grub with boot-repair, I'm stuck at the splash screen on the first boot. Surely this is not normal behavior..?06:04
oxezPressing up-arrow, and it tried to load  "Bonjour remote printer browsing daemon", nothing else after that06:05
dunpealHi. How do I rename a panel?06:12
dunpeale.g. I have a "Panel 2", I'd like to rename it to "Panel 106:12
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siliconhello. Would anyone be adept in reading bootcharts to reduce boot times ?12:49
MortvertOh hello.13:05
MortvertI'm getting 'no route to host' on local network for whatever reason13:05
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juan_hi all, i cant use skype in xubuntu 12. this works only 4 me?14:20
pii3i have xubuntu installed16:39
pii3and ihave all my drivers mounted and i have their icon on my desktop!16:39
pii3How can i hide theme from desktop?16:39
aienaIs anyone successfully using gnash with xubuntu 12.04?16:56
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Aiena1I am sortoff irritated with flash atm17:05
Aiena1brb reboot17:05
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b3rz3rk3rhey guys, im getting tearing on the proprietary nvidia drivers. does anyone know how to fix it?17:29
Belial`the native compositor doesn't do opengl.17:30
Belial`the only way to get rid of the tearing is to use something like compton.17:30
b3rz3rk3rBelial`, only thing that is coming up for that is on arch17:31
b3rz3rk3rcould you give me a howto link?17:32
Belial`which version of xubuntu?17:32
Belial`12.04, 12.10, or 13.04?17:32
b3rz3rk3r13.04 Belial`17:33
Belial`follow that.17:33
xubuntu522OK TANKS17:33
pii3Hi agian17:33
pii3i sortcut to all my partitions and drives on my xubuntu desktop how can i hide them ?17:34
elfysettings manager - desktop - icons - select from default icons17:35
pii3elfy, i have Home, Trash and File system but i can just hide xubuntu file system i have other partition and disk on my computer17:37
Belial`pii3, what happens when you uncheck removeable drives?17:38
elfythen select removable devices then17:38
b3rz3rk3rBelial`, Compton works fantastic! No more tearing! :D17:51
b3rz3rk3rBelial`, thanks for the help, so happy!17:52
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pii3ahh cool works18:00
pii3what is the different of desktop and alternate ?18:00
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Belial`b3rz3rk3r, np18:10
Janeks991good day18:37
SonikkuAmericaIs there any way (in !Studio btw) to disable the touch pad while typing in XFCE settings?18:53
xubuntu363Hi all. I need some help please.... My Desktop is now showing the contents of my home folder. Don't know how that happened but would love to revert to my original Desktop folder. Any ideas? Thx18:57
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b3rz3rk3rI've installed openvpn but I'm only seeing PPTP under VPN options in the network manager. How do I fix this?19:39
flux242b3rz3rk3r: are you missing openvpn plugin for the networkmanager?19:44
koegsb3rz3rk3r: install network-manager-openvpn19:44
b3rz3rk3ryup that was the problem, thanks guys!19:45
AienaIs there a way to set an alarm/timer to beep in 30 minutes for linux from terminal or do I need an app if so can someone suggest a good one20:10
Sysisleep 1800 [vlc|mplayer|aplay] /path/to/file20:11
Aienathere no system beep?20:12
Aienacnat i call sleep 1800 beep(freq)20:12
David-AAiena: in terminal:  sleep 30m && printf "\a"  (if motherboard speaker is enabled)20:12
xubuntu376salve a tutti. ho un problema con skype. esso non si avvia, ma crash. Ho un pc vecchio.20:12
xubuntu376 Hello everyone. I have a problem with skype. it does not start, but crash. I have an old pc.20:13
xubuntu376please help me20:13
SysiAiena: it seems there is a »beep« command20:14
Aienathere was a beep in windows20:15
AienaI used to have fun messing with it20:15
David-AAiena: if you have sox installed you can use the "play" command and synthesise sounds, e.g. ''play -q -n synth 3 pluck''20:15
Aienacool sox seems lightweight20:16
flux242(sleep 30m; dd if=/dev/urandom | aplay) &20:17
David-Aflux242: will that ever stop playing? (could be a bit annoying)20:19
flux242killall aplay20:20
AienaDavid-A: flux solution is awesome annoying and easy to rememeber20:20
Sysior don't use & just hit ctrl C20:21
Aienahmm ctrl c works well to stop it20:21
Aienabenefits of terminal20:21
AienaIU wonder if the noise is bad for the ears though flux242 is white noise generated too?20:22
Aienaand can i replace /dev/urandom with path to a file?20:22
Aienaand have it loop over20:22
David-AAiena: I assume you will read the man page of play to find out different synth sounds and how to customize freq, duration, fadeout, and such20:23
Sysiyou need to use some player unless you want to hear the raw bytes20:23
xubuntu376can you help me20:24
Sysipiping a file directly to aplay could sound interesting20:24
cesarflores vvvvvvvvvvvvv20:24
flux242check this out http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/tagged/1195/aplay20:25
David-AAiena: to play wav and mp3 and things like that, you could use "play", or "vlc" or "mplayer" as suggested above, or "mpg123"20:26
Aienaplay is very powerful20:26
AienaDavid-A: I need your help though20:26
David-AAiena: to loop an mp3 forever in mplayer, use ''-loop 0'' option20:27
Aienaplay -n synth sin plays a long even beep which is good enough for this purpose but is there a way to make the beep choppy like an alarm?20:27
Aienanot sure how that is done20:27
Aienais it possible to break up a synth sound the manualjust gives suggested uses but is not very clear20:30
nest34ls -a20:33
xubuntu376 Hello everyone. I have a problem with skype. it does not start, but crash. I have an old pc.20:34
David-AAiena: try ''play -q -n synth 3 sine 200-400'' then change "200-400" to "400-200", change "3" to "1", and change "sine" to "sawtooth"20:34
Aienahmm all play one contiguous sound20:35
Aienai want to break up the sound at say one second and have play loop that one second synthesized output with a 1 second delay20:36
Aienathe manual is very vast20:36
Aiena*have "play" loop...20:36
Aienaany suggestions David-A20:37
Aienait is like " play -n synth sin (freq)"  for 1 second then 1 second delay then  "play-n synth sin (freq)" again for 1 second in a loop20:38
David-AAiena: something like this?   for i in 1 2 3 4; do play -q -n synth 0.8 sine 400-800; sleep 1; done20:38
David-AAiena: change sleep 1 to sleep 0.8, it sounds better20:40
Aienaoh great so the 0.8 is the time period for the beep great20:40
Aienaand sleep 1 is the delay20:40
Aienaand can the for loop be written as for i in 1..4 ?20:40
Aiena1 to 4 works20:41
David-AAiena: bash has a syntax {1..4} that will be expanded to 1 2 3 4, but dont use that for thousands of iterations20:42
Aienait doesnt work here for some reason20:42
Aienahowever specifying "for i in 1 to 4"20:42
Aienadoes work20:42
Aienasp will stick with that20:42
David-AAiena: to see what really is happening, try:   for i in 1 to 4; do echo "i = $i"; done20:43
David-AAiena: you see, "for i in 1 to 4", does *not* work, not as you expected20:44
Aienayour write20:46
Aienathanks for pointing it out20:46
David-AAiena: does this work for you?   for i in {1..4}; do echo "i = $i"; done20:48
AienaI missed the parentheses20:49
David-AAiena: note that the {1..4} syntax only works in bash, not in sh20:51
AienaDavid-A: "sleep 2s && for i in {1..4}; do play -n synth 0.1 sin;sleep 0.1; done"20:52
AienaI never knew you could execute a for loop directly from terminal linux is so cool :)20:52
Aienaok David-A I am relatively new to linux so still need to learn lots I am not comfortable with sh yet20:53
AienaI think the normal terminal is a bash terminal20:53
David-AAiena: what the shell in the terminal is, is determined by user settings in /etc/passwd, but in most systems it is bash by default20:55
AienaOk I need to buy a linux book and study it so far I know the basics and what you have taught me !! THanks a lot David-A20:56
David-AAiena: "buy a book"? 2013? do you have access to the internet?20:57
Aienasox is very good I can jsut syth the sound rather than having to specify a path to a file with vlc etc all the time and its more efficient :)20:57
AienaDavid-A: E books are still bad for heavy reading20:57
AienaI still resort to books because of the scroll back scroll forward issue with e books !20:58
AienaBut FBreader is ok20:58
Aienaso I can manage ebooks with that20:58
Aienabut its not so great20:58
David-AAiena: not books, not e-books, just web sites with guides, examples, courses, all for free20:58
AienaHmm IRC is great. You've been a lot more help. Searching on google didnt give me the right answer20:59
Aienasearching for a timer on linux pointed me to a cpu timer event :P20:59
AienaI had never heard of sox before I am going to experiment a lot more with it now :)20:59
AienaTHanks a lot :)21:00
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David-AAiena: what some more fun? generate graphical plots from numerical data?21:21
xubuntu975hi! I just want to ask about how long can laptop work from batary?21:42
holsteinxubuntu975: depends on the hardware.. the battery.. the hardware driver support.. what you are doing on the machine, and what is turned on or off, such as wifi/bluetooth21:43
holsteinxubuntu975: i get 6+ hours on my EEEpc, and less than an hour on an older acer21:43
xubuntu975is it longer then in windows?21:44
holsteinxubuntu975: depends on hardware support21:44
holsteinxubuntu975: for me? i have no idea, since i have not used windows on either of those machine.. but, typically, the hardware is designed to run, and intended to run windows.. thuse with optimized drivers that do power management better than linux can, without similar attention from a vendor21:45
AienaDavid-A: Indeed21:47
AienaWOuld love to21:47
xubuntu975holstein: i see.  i just asked becouse in institute some times should work a lot, and in win my laptop works longer, then kubuntu21:49
David-AAiena: can you install "ploticus" from the repos?21:49
AienaI'll check !! Just building a package21:49
Aienayes David-A21:50
AienaI thik so I'll learn linux way faster with tiny exercises like these :)21:50
AienaDavid-A:  Installed21:51
holsteinxubuntu975: in the future, consider purchasing hardware that is designed and intended to run linux instead of windows (assuming you want to run linux instead of windows, primarily).. something like system76 for example21:52
Aienaholstein: where do you get good configurations for CG which are completely linux compatible?21:54
holsteinAiena: CG?21:54
Aienacomputer graphics21:54
AienaSay for 3D21:54
David-AAiena: are you using a graphical environment? (that is, the terminal is just a window in a windowing system, a desktop system)21:55
AienaI am using a graphical environment but I prefer the termi al for most of the core work21:55
xubuntu975holstein: thanks for advice. i`l be smarte in feature)21:55
AienaDavid-A:  I use xubuntu it leaves a lot of ram for CG etc.21:55
holsteinxubuntu975: my EEEpc was not that way.. i juse bought intel, and had done my research21:55
Aienawith the xfce desktop21:56
David-AAiena: to see boring data in a terminal:  for i in {2001..2010}; do echo $i $RANDOM; done21:56
holsteinAiena: im not sure about the question.. you mean, 3d hardware? for gaming?21:56
Aienahmm yes specifications will be very similar for gaming both need good cpu's and gpu's and truckloads of RAM21:57
Aienaholstein: Animation21:57
Aienalike 3d movies (finding nemo) but yes I intend to get a good gpu as well as a good cpu21:57
holsteinAiena: blender is the tool we have that i know folks do 3d in... i mean, i use other 3d capable applications, such as sweethome3d, but it depends on your needs21:58
AienaI use blender a lot (blender.org)21:58
Aienaholstein: said it at the same time21:58
holsteinthings like openshot use blender as well, for some 3d effects21:58
Aienayeah I need that kind of pc21:58
holsteinAiena: are you asking about a machine made to run linux that will do 3d graphics?21:59
AienaImean vendors who sell a 100% compatible machine21:59
holsteinAiena: i would look at system76, and at least get an idea of what is available.. you might find cheaper.. but you likely wont find better21:59
Aienaholstein: does system 76 sell nvidia gtx 580 cards the 690 cards are good for gaming but not gpu rendering22:00
Aienahmm doesnt seem so22:01
AienaI could buy that seperate thanks holstein22:04
holsteinAiena: i would call/email them.. they will be able to provide you information on what you would need... if you want to discuss, we go to #xubuntu-offtopic.. thanks :)22:04
AienaDavid-A: lol22:12
David-AAiena: lol? the boring data?22:16
David-AAiena: my thinking was repeating the for loop but pipe its output to ploticus. do you know about up-arrow to repeat a previous command?22:19
David-AAiena: so after the for loop that generates data, append:   | ploticus -prefab vbars data=- x=1 y=222:25
AienaDavid-A: the random function is generating out of bounds data which ploticus cant handle22:27
David-AAiena: my ploticus handles it, version 2.41-Mar200922:31
AienaDavid-A: can you give the full command maybe I am doing something wrong22:31
David-AAiena:  for i in {2001..2010}; do echo $i $RANDOM; done | ploticus -prefab vbars data=- x=1 y=222:32
Aienaah works now22:34
Aienaforgot a tiny element22:34
David-AAiena: try again and change "vbars" to "lines" in the command22:35
AienaDavid-A: got to sleep good night22:37
Aienawill have loads of fun later22:37
AienaWas a pleasure talking to you22:37
Aienatake care22:38
David-AAiena: no, this is as fun as it gets22:38
Aienaok ciao22:38
photonhi. which gcc version is in xubuntu 12.04?23:07

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