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noodles775 | Hi wedgwood! When you've got some time, I had some problems using the execd_preinstall() helper from charm-helpers - https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charm-helpers/mock_call_unimportable_on_precise/+merge/168015 | 14:21 |
noodles775 | Let me know if I've missed something there, or if you'd prefer something done differently etc. | 14:22 |
vds | hi all I'm trying to run the postgres charm using non ephemeral storage but I keep getting the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5751820/ | 14:31 |
mthaddon | stub, gnuoy: do you guys have any ideas here? ^ | 14:32 |
mthaddon | (pg persistent storage issues - not sure if something else needs configuring) | 14:33 |
stub | No, I haven't looked into the storage stuff yet. | 14:33 |
wedgwood | noodles775: yep, that looks saner. I think I was trying to avoid side-effects a little to aggressively. I'll merge that now | 14:38 |
wedgwood | vds: oh hi. Is that ^^ what you messaged me about? | 14:39 |
noodles775 | sweet, thanks wedgwood | 14:40 |
vds | wedgwood, yep | 14:47 |
wedgwood | vds: mthaddon: It's been a long time since I looked at that storage code. I suspect that thedac may have looked at it more recently, but I could be wrong about that. | 14:47 |
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* wedgwood looks at the actual error | 14:48 | |
thedac | sorry not specific to postgres which uses the regex for device name | 14:48 |
vds | wedgwood, you recall how the configs should look like? | 14:48 |
gnuoy | vds, at what point are you attaching the storage ? | 14:48 |
wedgwood | vds: yeah. which charm are you using? what's the bzr revno? | 14:49 |
wedgwood | vds: or even better, the repo path and revno | 14:50 |
gnuoy | vds, I can get you a config example | 14:50 |
vds | gnuoy, I'm not attaching the storage myself, how/when should I do it. lp:~charmers/charms/precise/postgresql/trunk/ revno 50 | 14:50 |
vds | gnuoy, that would be great! :) | 14:51 |
gnuoy | vds, is this openstack you're using ? | 14:52 |
vds | gnuoy, yep | 14:52 |
gnuoy | vds, config example http://paste.ubuntu.com/5751886/ | 14:52 |
gnuoy | vds, you need to create the volume and then gets its euca name | 14:53 |
gnuoy | once you have that change setup the juju config with the unit name and euca volume name ( i.e. volume-map: '{"postgresql/0": "vol-00000007"}' ) | 14:55 |
vds | gnuoy, thanks, the volume must exixts, right? Should it also have a file system already? | 14:57 |
gnuoy | vds, you just need to create the volume and attach it, you don't need to format it | 14:57 |
wedgwood | vds: looking at the code, it looks like that error message might actually mean "the volume is already mounted" | 14:58 |
gnuoy | I seem to remember that error message covers a multitude of sins | 14:58 |
wedgwood | bah, actually I can't tell. it's either that or it's complaining that the volume is NOT mounted | 14:59 |
gnuoy | vds, if this helps this is an example of attaching storage after the unit is up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5751998/ | 15:24 |
vds | gnuoy, so the persistent storage is created after the postgres unit is fired up? | 15:26 |
gnuoy | vds, you can create the storage whenever and attatch it as the juju env comes up or afterwards as I've done in the pastebin | 15:27 |
gnuoy | vds, fwiw I always attach the volume as the env is being initialised, not sure what the charm does with the existing data when you add attach after its started up and established its relations | 15:32 |
vds | gnuoy, this means you deploy the postgres charm first and then you attach a new volume to the juju unit, right? | 15:34 |
gnuoy | vds, yes, I usually attach as soon as nova list shows the unit as active | 15:35 |
gnuoy | ( well actually a python script does it ) | 15:36 |
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vds | gnuoy, thanks | 15:36 |
gnuoy | np | 15:36 |
jcastro | evilnickveitch: I want to add 2 pages to the Charm Authors section for the newdocs | 17:07 |
evilnickveitch | ok | 17:07 |
jcastro | I would name these "authors-blah.jade" right? | 17:07 |
jcastro | from looking at the naming convention | 17:07 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, that would be best | 17:07 |
jcastro | is there a way to generate a blank jade from a template? or should I just copy and paste from an existing one? | 17:07 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, just take the beginning bit from one of the existing pages... | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | i.e. | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | extends inc/layout | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | block vars | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | - var title='Relations' | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | - var page='charms-relations' | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | block content | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | article. | 17:08 |
jcastro | nod | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | then slap in your html after that | 17:08 |
evilnickveitch | jade requires an indent | 17:09 |
evilnickveitch | four spaces for the <section> | 17:09 |
evilnickveitch | six for <h1> | 17:09 |
evilnickveitch | if you run a make when you are done, it will helpfully spit out loads of error messages at you :) | 17:10 |
jcastro | ack | 17:10 |
evilnickveitch | but I am working on ditching jade in the long term | 17:10 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, if you run into difficulty getting it to build properly, just push it anyhow and let me know and I will sort it out. | 17:18 |
jcastro | yep | 17:19 |
jcastro | almost got policy done | 17:19 |
jcastro | then I'll do best practices | 17:19 |
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jcastro | evilnickveitch: proposing crashes bzr! | 17:48 |
jcastro | bzr lp-propose lp:juju-core/docs | 17:49 |
jcastro | is that correct? | 17:49 |
jcastro | bzr: ERROR: exceptions.Exception: lp:~jorge/juju-core/policy-draft is not mergeable into lp:~evilnick/juju/go-juju-docs | 17:49 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, hurrah! No, i have no idea of the arcane spells needed to fix that | 17:53 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, don't you just push it back? | 17:55 |
evilnickveitch | hang on, i will try and merge it from my end | 17:55 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, done! | 18:05 |
jcastro | also I get some weird jade error about - | 18:05 |
jcastro | so I wasn't able to test | 18:05 |
jcastro | but hopefully I contributed enough for you to fix my niggles. :) | 18:05 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, that's fine, I'll sort out your mess :) | 18:06 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, oh yeah, i forgot to mention, jade hates tabs | 18:07 |
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evilnickveitch | which is one of the reasons it has to die | 18:07 |
evilnickveitch | but i will fix it | 18:07 |
jcastro | evilnickveitch: when does the evilnick.org stuff regen? | 18:17 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, i operate an on demand service at the moment... I will do it when i have fixed your indents! | 18:25 |
jcastro | hmmm, I was adding spaces | 18:25 |
jcastro | are they all over? | 18:25 |
jcastro | the indents I mean | 18:25 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, there are tabs in there as well, it likes one or the other, not both. | 18:26 |
evilnickveitch | I know... it's too fussy | 18:27 |
jcastro | ok, I'll pay more attention next time | 18:27 |
jcastro | I could have sworn I was all spaces | 18:27 |
evilnickveitch | it mostly was, but there were a few. It's a real pain! That's why I am going to ditch it once the nav stuff is finalised | 18:30 |
evilnickveitch | okay, it is up on evilnick now | 18:30 |
evilnickveitch | there are no links from the nav though, so you will need to go to | 18:30 |
evilnickveitch | www.evilnick.org/juju/authors-charm-policy.html | 18:31 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro:, i will fix the english tomorrow :) | 18:32 |
jcastro | no worries! | 18:38 |
jcastro | evilnickveitch: hmm, the 2nd section is missing | 18:39 |
jcastro | unless I messed that up | 18:39 |
evilnickveitch | jcastro, it's there in the source, but i guess there must be a missing </> somwhere, i'll hunt it down | 18:46 |
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marcoceppi | jcastro: evilnickveitch: good standards are not being fussy :P | 19:03 |
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