
=== jpds is now known as Guest72281
bkerensaugh launchpad timing out when I need it to work21:46
bkerensago figure21:46
bkerensaWe will be in #ubuntu-meeting folks21:51
dsmythiesIs this where the doc meeting will be, in a few minutes?21:54
godbykdsmythies: It will be in #ubuntu-meeting21:55
kotuxhi dsmythies21:55
dsmythiesThen there will be confusion, because other notices say here.21:55
bkerensago there :)21:55
bkerensaAgenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda21:57
godbykLooks like the ' Business' heading is mangled a bit.21:57
godbyknot even sure if any of that still applies or not.21:57
bkerensaprobably not21:58
bkerensaI through the agenda on top21:58
bkerensameetings were in-frequent before21:58
kotuxhey godbyk, I need to learn something23:01
godbykkotux: What's that?23:01
kotuxSo, I worked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/108393723:02
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1083937 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Desktop Guide keyring folder location wrong" [Undecided,In progress]23:02
kotuxI've made the fix and I would like to merge it.23:06
godbykOkay, so you've checked out the saucy branch and modified the file already?23:06
godbykHave you committed and pushed your changes?23:07
kotuxThat's what I would like to know23:07
godbykIn your saucy directory, run 'bzr status'.  What does that show?23:09
kotuxgive me a sec23:10
kotuxbzr status23:11
kotux  ubuntu-help/C/tips-specialchars.page23:11
kotux  ubuntu-help/C/user-forgottenpassword.page23:11
godbykDo the modifications for both pages apply to this bug or only the second page?23:12
kotuxthe tips* page is for a bug I reported.23:12
kotuxNo, only the second page page.23:12
godbykOkay. The next step will commit the second file changes to your local bzr repository.23:13
kotuxSo I have two in queue for separate commits.23:13
kotuxBut before I do that, is it possible I test the changes?23:13
godbykbzr commit --fixes lp:1083937 -m 'A note here describing your fix. LP: #1083937'23:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1083937 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Desktop Guide keyring folder location wrong" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108393723:14
kotuxI've been trying it, but trying to convert .page into html was such a hassle.  It didn't render some images when I viewed it in Firefox.23:14
godbykI'm not sure if the validate script they mention applies to Docbook only or also to the Mallard stuff.23:14
godbykSo for now, we'll just commit it and whoever merges it can glance at it to make sure it looks okay.23:15
kotuxRight, we could use a script that validates Mallard if it doesn't exist already.23:15
godbykAdd that to our to do list. :)23:15
godbykDid the bzr commit command go okay?23:16
godbykNow we're going to push the changes to a bzr repository on Launchpad.23:17
godbykSince you don't have direct commit access to the ubuntu-docs repository, you'll have to push it to your own.23:18
godbykRun the following:23:18
godbykbzr push lp:~thinkndev/ubuntu-docs/saucy23:18
pleia2kotux: I didn't realize how many bugs there were, nice job23:18
kotuxthanks pleia2.  There certainly was an unbearable amount.23:18
godbykpleia2: Yeah, kotux has been blasting through them!23:18
godbykkotux: The push may take a while since it has to upload all the files to Launchpad.23:19
kotuxok, btw, it's not going to reflect my tips-specialchars page right?23:20
godbykkotux: Correct. Those changes won't be reflected until you commit and push them.23:21
godbykkotux: Those changes will only exist on your local hard drive.23:21
kotuxBut this is what happened:23:22
kotuxjohn@kotux:~/sdoc-1310/13.10_LP#1189280$ bzr commit --fixes lp:1083937 -m 'Updated the location of keyring folder. LP #1083937'23:22
kotuxCommitting to: /home/john/sdoc-1310/13.10_LP#1189280/23:22
kotuxmodified ubuntu-help/C/tips-specialchars.page23:22
kotuxmodified ubuntu-help/C/user-forgottenpassword.page23:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1083937 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Desktop Guide keyring folder location wrong" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108393723:22
kotuxCommitted revision 215.23:22
kotuxIt committed both modified pages, then the push.  :(23:22
godbykkotux: Ah, whoops! My mistake.23:23
godbykI forgot to have you specify just the one file.23:23
godbykIf you don't specify specific files, it commits everything by default.23:23
kotuxYeah, no worries.  How do I backtrack?23:23
godbykWe can roll that back, though.23:23
godbykSee if 'bzr uncommit' works.23:23
kotux'roll back23:23
godbykIt may not since you've pushed already.23:23
kotuxI was able to pull23:24
godbykOkay. What does 'bzr status' say now?23:24
kotuxback to23:25
kotuxjohn@kotux:~/sdoc-1310/13.10_LP#1189280$ bzr status23:25
kotux  ubuntu-help/C/tips-specialchars.page23:25
kotux  ubuntu-help/C/user-forgottenpassword.page23:25
godbykOkay, run the same 'bzr commit' command as before but add 'ubuntu-help/C/user-forgottenpassword.page' to the end of the line so it only commits that one file.23:25
godbykOnce you've committed just the one file, you can run 'bzr push' to push the changes to Launchpad.23:27
godbykYou might get an error about diverged branches. If that happens, the simplest solution (in this situation, at least) is to delete your branch on Launchpad and then push a fresh copy again.23:28
godbyk(Actually, you can try 'bzr push --overwrite' if you get an error.. that might be enough to push it through.)23:28
kotuxbzr push --overwrite worked23:30
godbykOkay, great.23:31
godbykNow find your branch on Launchpad and create a merge proposal.23:31
kotuxcool.  Should I specify a reviewer?23:33
godbykNah, you can leave that blank.23:34
godbykIt'll email all of us23:34
kotuxOk, and in effect of the meeting today, I'm assuming you, ben, and doug will have commit rights.23:35
godbykEveryone on the -committers team can commit: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/+members#active23:37
kotuxnvm, you guys are succeeding mdke23:38
kotuxok, guess I'm done for today.  Thanks for the help godbyk23:41
godbykkotux: Thanks for all your hard work!  I'm merging your changes in now, so you might get a couple emails.23:41

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