=== Logan_ is now known as Guest68 === Guest29778 is now known as Logan_ === Logan_ is now known as Guest27218 === Guest68 is now known as Logan_ === Sp4rKy_ is now known as Sp4rky === geser_ is now known as geser [07:17] good morning [07:18] hi [09:03] AlanBell, OT | As you use a good webcam . Do you think this 'superior scan quality' webcam/s will work with 13.04 ? http://ur1.ca/e9lmr | soz in advance if I'm in the wrong #channel. === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [09:11] AlanBell: I'll check the logs at supper .. so just leave a message/response ... and I'll see it later .. [09:11] leaves === Sp4rky is now known as Sp4rKy [09:55] Hello, few days I uploaded xpra 0.9.5+dfsg-1ubuntu1 to raring by mistake [09:56] it was supposed to be for saucy (which I've already done today) [09:56] the one for raring didn't get accepted yet, so I dunno if should do anything else [09:57] AnAnt: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-release for it to be rejected [09:59] Laney: coming to think of it, I am using it in raring, so I'm not sure should about asking for it to be rejected [09:59] Laney: thing is, I am not willing to go into the SRU headache [10:02] Unless it fixes important bugs you shouldn't [10:02] fixes /only/ important bugs, at that. Backporting is an option though. [13:46] anyone know what is wrong with packages.ubuntu.com? I'm searching for packages containing files in /etc/acpi/events, and it says nothing found... [13:50] psusi: ask Rhonda [13:50] looks to me like it only searches filenames and not directories [15:00] any MOTU actively alive want to check on something? [15:01] !ask | TheLordOfTime [15:01] TheLordOfTime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:02] tumbleweed: this came up on the bugcontrol ML from someone, asking for tortorisehg in raring to be "updated". I'm looking into a response from someone who could legitimately answer whether there's any feasibility in updating [15:02] i know if saucy's updated a backport could happen but... [15:02] yes, that's how it works [15:02] reason is apparently "The tools is broken since Qt 4.10" [15:02] looks like it was updated a couple of days ago [15:02] http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/tortoisehg.html [15:02] so answer is: "No, the version won't be updated as in the repos, however if Saucy is updated to a latest working version from Debian, then it could be backported which is a separate process"? [15:03] yeah that's what i noticed [15:03] when's the next sync from Debian -> Saucy [15:03] already done [15:03] 5 days ago https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tortoisehg [15:03] so, explain the backport process [15:09] i linked them to the wiki in the email [15:09] since i CBA to rewrite what's already on the wiki :P [15:09] :) [15:09] IMO they shouldn't have emailed the bugcontrol list about it, but *shrugs* [15:09] i did also offer to build-test it because i'm BORED [15:09] you know, in case they want to actually go through the whole backports thing [15:09] * TheLordOfTime yawns [15:10] making it easy for new people to get started is always a good thing [15:10] we always need people, and don't want to turn them away [15:10] yep [15:10] i always tend to stick to what i know, though, so if it FTBFS as is i'm not digging in code [15:10] znc backport FTBFS, i can probably solve. [15:11] packages i don't keep under my wing (so to speak), less so. [15:21] tumbleweed: know of a workaround so i can get dch to stop whining about this? dch warning: Recognised distributions are: {hardy,lucid,maverick,natty,oneiric,precise,quantal} ... [15:22] * TheLordOfTime is using backportpackage and uploading to a PPA so if he can fix it so it has one less warning that'd be good :P [15:23] TheLordOfTime: we made dch use distro-info [15:23] but I can't remember when [15:23] this is a precise system, was it sometime after precise? [15:23] 2.12.0 apparently [15:23] yes, after precise [15:23] bleh [15:23] that explains it [15:23] * TheLordOfTime just ignores the warning then [15:24] you can edit /usr/bin/dch by hand :) === Logan_ is now known as Guest75538 === Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [15:25] tumbleweed: you're right, i can [15:25] * TheLordOfTime groans' === SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS === Lasall42 is now known as Lasall === yofel_ is now known as yofel === TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === hrww is now known as hrw === jpds is now known as Guest72281 [19:26] I'd like an opinion on whether or not something i'm working on is SRU-worthy, anyone have 5 mins to discuss? [19:28] mfisch: the people who have final say are the SRU team, and such discussion tends to happen in #ubuntu-release, but sure [19:28] tumbleweed: this is a pre-discussion discussion, thanks [19:28] tumbleweed: there are some massive memory leaks in Rhythmbox [19:28] tumbleweed: I cherry picked some fixes for them from the upstream bug [19:28] tumbleweed: we're going to try it in Ubuntu for Android for a week or so [19:29] tumbleweed: the upstream code has been in-use for a year and applied cleanly (well with minor < 10 line fuzz) [19:29] sounds like a reasonable SRU candidate [19:29] can your reproduce it reliably? [19:30] yes [19:30] I'd say go for it [19:30] I had 50 tracks and cycled through them, although this is not my cleanest data set, check out the memory usage before and after [19:31] before: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5752689/ [19:31] after: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5752687/ [19:31] there has been talk about tighting the criteria for SRUs, but this seems a pretty reasonable bug fix [19:31] for hardcode music fans, RB will eventually cripple their box, I stream 1 stream all day, so I'm not as affected [19:31] tumbleweed: thanks for the feedback [19:32] generally speaking, a minimal patch and a easily-reproduced bug are SRUable [19:32] if the impact is significant [19:34] thanks again [19:35] np === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === Logan_ is now known as Eating === AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell [22:28] does pbuilder-dist work with sparc qemu chroots (from debian)? [22:28] got '/debootstrap/debootstrap': No such file or directory [22:31] * tumbleweed can't remember [22:31] need something tested on a porterbox? [22:32] yes [22:32] cd - === Eating is now known as Logan_ === Logan_ is now known as Lafawnduh === Lafawnduh is now known as log === LoganCloud is now known as logcloud