
Jordan_Uikonia: "if you are unable to see that I've provided him the answer - you really have no clue" could have been phrased with less hostility. As it is it sounds like an insult.06:56
ikoniaJordan_U: to be honest - I don't care06:57
ikoniathe guy just told me to shove it up my ass06:58
ikoniaafter I helped someone and gave them all the info06:58
ikoniajust because I didn't give him the exact telnet commands to use06:58
ikoniathe guy has no clue - that's why he's not helping people and he's just told me to shove it up my ass for helping someone - I have zero issue in informing him to stop06:58
ikoniayou're welcome to talk to him in PM and explain06:59
Jordan_Uikonia: And yet insults aren't appropriate in #ubuntu, and especially as an op you should try to be a catalist. Maybe stepping away for a bit would be a good idea as you're now also swearing.06:59
ikoniawhere did I insult ?06:59
ikoniaand where am I swearing ?06:59
Jordan_Uikonia: I meant swearing just now in this (publicly logged) channel. And "you really have no clue" can easily be interpreted as an insult.07:00
ikoniaI'm not swearig - I'm quoting what he said to me (paraphrasing actually)07:00
ikoniaI'm sure it can be seen as an insult07:01
ikoniahowever it's a clear statement07:01
ikoniathe guy has just moaned at me for not helping the guy - when he has no idea07:01
ikoniaI've just explained that I helped him and if he can't see that he doesn't have a clue about it, after being told I'm blowing smoke up peoples ass07:01
ikoniaand as you can see I'm still getting hassle about it07:01
ikoniaso perhaps you should speak to him07:02
Jordan_UThey're being silly, but as they've now said they're finished I think it's best to just let it be. I don't think anything productive will come from responding.07:02
ikoniathey are not being silly07:02
ikoniathey are being rude07:02
ikoniathis is why I stopped helping07:02
Jordan_Uikonia: I meant sere was being silly for hastling you.07:03
ikoniaI'm getting hassle of someone for actually helping someone with the right information, and when I tell them to stop - I'm now getting hassle of you after he told me to stop blowi smoke up his ass07:03
ikoniaJordan_U: no - he was being rude07:03
Jordan_UThat too.07:03
ikoniaJordan_U: what is the point of helping users, if some fool who has no idea of the problem and solution just butts in and moans that you're not helping him and then is pretty offensive saying I'm blowing smoke up peoples ass07:04
ikoniawhich now - I'm not going to help, so the user can stick in limbo and seve can can making stupid comments blocking help and making rude comments to people07:04
IdleOneI scrolled back and I didn't see exactly where you provided an answer to the mail question.07:04
IdleOneit was kinda vague.07:05
ikoniareally ? explaining him to use a telnet test and check the postfix logs to confirm deliver and to google the telnet test ?07:05
ikoniaseems pretty clear to me07:05
IdleOnewhen he asked for the commands and said he is new to ubuntu, that was a clear sign he isn't able to find the answer on his own.07:07
ikoniabecause he had no idea, so I gave him the infrormation to resolve it07:07
ikoniaand to be honest - if he can't google "telnet mail tests" he shouldn't be running a mail server07:07
IdleOneI'm sorry but I agree with sere. You were vague and rude.07:07
ikoniabut thats fine - I'll return to not helping07:07
IdleOneI agree he shouldn't be running a mail server with his apparent skill level.07:08
ikoniait's not a problem to be told to bloke smoke up peoples ass - but it is a problem that I tell someone to google telnet mail tests after explaining that his current tests are invalid07:08
IdleOneI'll deal with sere and his use of language later.07:09
ikoniayeah yeah07:09
IdleOneright now I am concerned with how you dealt with him and the user you were helping07:09
ikoniayeah yeah07:09
ikoniaI'm terrible for explaining that his tests where invalid and asking him to google the telnet mail test07:10
IdleOneClearly you don't want to discuss what seems to be a bad attitude on your part. I'll drop it for now.07:10
ikoniawhich if that is so bad....no-one appears to have googled it for him yet07:10
ikoniaIdleOne: discuss what ?07:10
ikoniaIdleOne: and I've not got a bad attitude, I'm just not agreeing with what you are saying07:10
IdleOneyou have a bad attitude right now and earlier with that user you were helping.07:11
ikoniaIdleOne: please show me a bad attitude towards the user I was helping07:11
ikoniashow me one line that was not helpful to the user I was helping ?07:11
IdleOne<shadej> ikonia: OMG how should i check it then07:13
IdleOne<ikonia> shadej: with a valid mail test07:13
IdleOne<shadej> ikonia:  tell me if you know it please07:13
IdleOne<ikonia> there are various tests, you can try to send mail with a telnet test, you can send mail and verify it with the logs,07:13
IdleOne<ikonia> shadej: there are many documented tests on the web07:13
IdleOne<ikonia> I'm not googling them for you07:13
IdleOneessentially you told him to google07:13
ikoniaI gave him the info and asked him google the exact commands07:14
ikoniaafter stopping him wasting his time with his usless test07:14
ikoniautter nonsense07:15
IdleOneI'm going to ask sere to join here for a minute. Please step back and let me speak to him.07:15
ikoniaI'm not interested in speaking to him07:15
ikoniaand to be honest, I'll return to non-participation07:15
ikoniaI suggest you google the commands and help walk him through it if telling him to google the telnet mail test is unaccapteble07:15
ikoniaas no-one has googled it for him yet07:16
IdleOnetskorte: Can I help you?07:16
IdleOnesere: I wanted to talk to you about starring out words like you did earlier, it is unacceptable use of language and also telling people to quit being a jerk and calling them jerk for that matter is not acceptable.07:17
IdleOneI understand your concerns earlier but there was a better way for you to voice them.07:17
IdleOneI hope you understand.07:18
serei do.. and apologize07:18
IdleOnealrighty, thanks for your time, have a good night.07:19
serei just got frustated.. especially when it took me 30seconds to pullup the link07:19
IdleOnefrustration is normal, but we can't take it out on each other.07:19
serei agree and sorry again07:20
IdleOneno worries.07:20
serethanks for looking into it07:20
IdleOneno problem that's what we are here for.07:20
IdleOneplease make sure to /part this channel unless there is anything else07:21
sereim off to watch my movie... have a good night aswell07:21
IdleOnethank you.07:22
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:30
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (hens,  smite please)10:30
geniiAh, was the same guy that was posting the feces link another time16:15
* genii smacks LjL with the coffee urn17:00
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1672 users, 1 overflows, 1673 limit))18:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1661 users, 1 overflows, 1662 limit))18:54
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ubottujacobw called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()20:39
PriceyApparently there was some flooding but stopped before I joined.20:42
jbroomeyou mean joins/parts by LjL ?  :)20:42
PriceyNo idea, I wasn't there. I suspect it was something equally innocent though.20:43
geniiYes, joins and leaves but not Ljl, was codepython77721:00
LjLyou think this is troublesome for YOU? don't you think of ME, who now have to find out a) whether i was in ##fix_your_connection intentionally, b) if not, which channel sent me there? ;(21:23
Unit193umode+Q, depending on the client, will make it so you just don't rejoin the channel you were banned from.21:25
LjLyeah but i'm not sure that helps me finding out which channel it was very much. i guess if it's a channel i need, i'll find out soon!21:29
geniiLjL: Just your ISP is bad, or you fiddling with connection?21:37
geniiis the bot UNITDLG2 allowed?21:38
geniiin #u21:39
jbroomeyes, send guidelines to a bot.21:42
LjLgenii: i was trying to convince my router of various things, such as that when italians say "20dBm tx power at most" they really mean 22 or so is basically legal too ;(21:42
k1l_not really sure if its a bot21:42
jbroomewant me to kb or quiet?21:42
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell

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