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canadianchrishiya folks. running the latest build on my Nexus 4 - getting it loaded was simple, but is there any documentation out there on how to *use* Ubuntu Touch? The UI isn't terribly intuitive I need a little primer on the basics of getting around, finding settings etc.02:00
canadianchriseven if there's no settings app, all good - but is there anything out on the interwebs to talk about the basics of connecting , etc? I can connect to wifi (whee!) just trying to sort out how to do something useful and actually test out features/functions02:06
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Guest30830how do i send sms on ubuntu touch03:18
Guest30830ok i found out how03:31
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razor1101What's so special about ubuntu touch compared to android04:41
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robin4291is the network working on the daily builds ?05:29
rigvedhi everyone.06:19
rigvedi have installed Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7. But I am not able to connect it to my home wi-fi.06:19
rigvedIs there some time-out when connecting to the wi-fi? It seems that by the time I have completed typing the wi-fi password, the connection has timed out...06:20
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dholbachgood morning07:17
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sil2100didrocks: ouch, new failures in the app stack07:35
sil2100didrocks: I'll poke oSoMoN and nerochiaro07:35
oSoMoNsil2100: present, where are the failures?07:36
sil2100oSoMoN: looks like it might be something bigger broken, as I think suddenly all webbrowser tests failed, hm, let me paste the link07:36
didrockssil2100: ahah, nice timing, thanks!07:37
didrockssil2100: that + the copyright fix :p07:37
sil2100didrocks: would you mind if we re-ran check for apps?07:43
sil2100didrocks: since this looks like an autopilot issue07:43
sil2100I would like to see if it's reproducible07:43
didrockssil2100: not at all, use "foo" as usual :)07:43
sil2100Ok ;)07:44
sil2100oSoMoN: I'll re-run the stack and let's see if it happens again07:44
didrocksoSoMoN: btw, tell us once the copyright issues are fixed so that we can NEW them into distro and remove the freeze on the app stack07:44
didrocks(of course, if tests pass :p)07:44
sil2100didrocks: I just hope one day we won't have a real 'foo' package under release, as this would break all our release processes!07:45
didrockssil2100: ahah, I'll figure something out once moving to a dashboard07:45
didrockssil2100: but still quite a little bit down the line in term of priority :p07:45
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sil2100didrocks, oSoMoN: yep, it seems to have been a problem on the machine - I'll poke the autopilot guys about that, but the tests now succeeded, all of them \o/08:13
didrockssil2100: ah good :)08:13
sil2100didrocks: I'll check the other stacks and then prepare the MR08:13
didrockssil2100: speaking about it08:13
didrockssil2100: do you think it will make more sense that you handle autopilot?08:14
didrocksI mean, the QA stack08:14
didrocksas it's the first stack of the day?08:14
sil2100didrocks: I wouldn't mind if cyphermox won't mind08:14
didrocks(like, we have autopilot ignored right now, and we need to reconciliate with the version in distro, see my comment on the spreadsheet)08:14
didrockssil2100: I think he will be delighted :)08:14
didrockssil2100: assigning to you the manual dep then and updating the owners of stack08:15
deiuHi all and sorry about the silly question, but how long do you reckon it will take until data connection is functional?08:17
sil2100didrocks: hmmm, I'm looking at the test runs, and it seems like autopilot is not being run with the -r parameter in the autopilot-saucy-daily_release08:24
sil2100didrocks: is that intentional?08:24
sil2100didrocks: this way we have no failure videos at all now08:24
sil2100i.e. /var/local/autopilot/autopilot.log: I: Running autopilot run unity.tests.test_hud -v -f xml -o /var/local/autopilot//junit//unity.tests.test_hud.xml08:24
didrockssil2100: yeah, we have an issue on the nvidia machine (the dbus hang and so on is due to no memory)08:24
didrockssil2100: I think we'll deploy with -r for now on saucy, but not on raring08:25
didrocks(as nvidia is used for raring only)08:25
didrockssorry for that run not having the video, but we needed to do that :)08:26
didrockssil2100: oh, for the packaging changes, before approving the stack (manually publishing them), please just poke me for a double check08:26
didrocksMirv: same for you ^ (cf the platform stack)08:26
didrocksI'll implement today the "ignore manual publishing mode for the QA stack" btw08:26
didrocksas it doesn't make sense to block on it08:27
Mirvdidrocks: ok, sure08:45
Mirvand that'd be nice (for QA stack)08:46
didrocksyeah ;)08:48
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seb128mardy, hey09:22
seb128mardy, just for info: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/0.1daily13.06.10-0ubuntu109:22
seb128mardy, ubuntu-system-settings is in saucy ;-)09:22
mzanettididrocks: if we release a package now, where does it end up?09:28
didrocksmzanetti: distro09:29
mzanettididrocks: saucy?09:29
didrockswhat else? :)09:29
ogra_didrocks, hmm, seems not all packages do ...09:29
mzanettididrocks: ^^ :P09:29
didrocksogra_: all packages under daily release09:29
didrocksas I guess mzanetti asks me, he's talking about those packages09:30
ogra_didrocks, well, saucy images builds fail due to platform-api discrepancy since some days09:30
mzanettididrocks: so you are saying I should not use the daily-build-next ppa in autopilot tests09:30
mzanettiok. I'll remove it09:30
didrocksmzanetti: no, this one should be removed09:31
didrocksogra_: discepancy?09:31
didrocksogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/platform-api/trunk09:31
ogra_didrocks, obsolete, hybris is in the archive ... but it seems not all  the transitional packages are09:32
mardyseb128: \o/09:32
didrocksogra_: define transitional packages?09:32
didrocksogra_: not really following you, can you be more explicit? :)09:32
ogra_ubuntu-platform-implementation-android for example09:32
didrocksogra_: rev 62 is in the archive09:32
didrocksogra_: what's this?09:32
ogra_the package all the -app packages seem to depend on09:32
ogra_its an arch all transitional package the platform-api source spits out09:33
didrocksnever heard about it, would be great that the teams keep us up to date when doing those transitions09:33
ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:34
ogra_ ubuntu-platform-implementation-android : Depends: libplatform-api1-hybris (= 0.18.1daily13.05.30.2ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1) but 0.18.1daily13.06.05-0ubuntu1 is to be installed09:34
ogra_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.09:34
ogra_thats what i get on my phone atm09:34
ogra_image builds fail on higer level in the dependency chain (location service .... )09:35
cjwatsondidrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt - wasn't julius being dropped to Suggests in julius-voxforge?09:35
didrockscjwatson: it is in trunk, but the stack is in manual publishing mode due to tests failing, it's waiting for cyphermox to look at this once he's around09:36
cjwatsonah :-/09:36
cjwatsondidrocks: not too sure why you wontfixed the julius-voxforge task ...09:37
cjwatson(on its MIR)09:37
cjwatsonI just moved it to main09:37
ogra_didrocks, and in fact http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/main/p/platform-api/ doesnt have ubuntu-platform-implementation-android (i see it in the unity-next ppa, it seems to just not have been published)09:37
didrockscjwatson: because we don't need it anymore09:37
cjwatsonwell, please don't move it back to universe in this publisher cycle or you'll confuse the publisher09:38
didrockscjwatson: ok, I'll let you handle it?09:38
didrocksogra_: next ppa is deprecated, so not sure what's this transition is about09:38
didrocksogra_: but whenever you are doing transition/adding/remove new components, please ensure to coordinate with distro :p09:38
ogra_didrocks, it is the package all -apps packages depend on atm09:39
* ogra_ sighs09:39
ogra_*i* dont do anything, that package is there forever, other packages depend on it09:39
didrocksogra_: what's the source of this package?09:39
didrocksogra_: I'm surprised, the apps stack here is installing fine09:40
didrockswithout that one09:40
ogra_install ubuntu-qtlocation-plugin or ubuntu-gps-service09:41
ogra_they are both deps of ubuntu-toumch09:41
didrocksogra_: we don't have those under daily release09:41
didrocksogra_: so not all apps, maybe just those components?09:41
didrockswhich would explain why we don't see that pb09:41
ogra_this ppa mess has to stop asap09:42
didrocksogra_: I agree with you :)09:42
didrocksok, so I apt-get source platform-api09:42
didrocksfrom distro09:42
didrocksand I see Package: ubuntu-platform-implementation-android09:42
didrockswhy apt-cache policy doesn't see it?09:43
didrocksit's like if it was in NEW09:43
ogra_yeah, but it isnt09:44
ogra_its arch all ...09:44
didrockswe cleaned NEW09:44
ogra_does that make it special anyhow ?09:44
didrocks(before declaring it being done)09:44
ogra_(did we not build x86)09:44
didrocksnot sure, we have other arch:all09:44
ogra_yeah, thought so09:44
didrocksok, let's see the daily-build ppa first09:44
didrocksogra_: seems to be around https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+packages?field.name_filter=platform-api&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=09:45
didrocksin the daily build ppa at least09:45
ogra_we still use daily-build-next in the images09:46
didrocksogra_: you shouldn't use any *next ppa09:46
ogra_yeah, i saw it there09:46
ogra_but it didnt end up in the archive09:46
didrockseverything is in distro09:46
didrocksand not daily-build-next ppa for a week at least (it's all in next for that long)09:46
didrocksI told it to sergio… :/09:46
didrocksgrrr, it's here, but not summary…09:47
ogra_sergio was off for a few days ...09:47
didrocksit was before he went on vacations09:47
ogra_might be that the IBS builds got updated, he didnt tell me the cdimage builds need updating09:47
didrocksbut nevermind about it, you should remove all *next ppas09:47
didrocksI'm more afraid about that one though09:47
ogra_that doesbnt solve the above issue though09:47
didrockscjwatson: do you have any idea about what happened?09:48
didrockscjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/platform-api/0.18.1daily13.06.05-0ubuntu1 seems that some packages are not published from platform-api source09:48
didrockslike ubuntu-platform-implementation-android09:48
didrocks(and we can see this No summary available)09:48
didrocksjust checked, it was in the daily-build ppa09:48
cjwatsonOne moment09:48
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veebersHi all, I flashed my nexus seven earlier today (using phablet-flash) and I've encountered some issues. Where would I check to see if they are already known and following that who would I bother about it?09:50
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/i386/ubuntu-platform-implementation-android shows it as superseded by itself; some kind of weird copy accident.  Let me see if I can resurrect it09:50
* didrocks dpkg-deb -c and -I against https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+files/ubuntu-platform-implementation-android_0.18.1daily13.06.05-0ubuntu1_all.deb and it seems fine09:50
didrockscjwatson: thanks! :)09:50
didrocksogra_: ok, so no miscomunication on that one, "just" a bug09:50
ogra_right, well, still some miscommunication though09:50
didrocksand being able to clarify that next shouldn't be used anymore, at least, it's something :)09:50
didrocksogra_: for next?09:50
ogra_but i think serguiens is back today09:51
ogra_didrocks, right, on our side, not on yours09:51
didrocksah ok :-)09:51
didrocksogra_: basically we had daily-build-next -> next while saucy wasn't opened09:51
didrocks(it should be used only when the distro is frozen)09:51
ogra_if there are changes to the IBS images i need to know about it .... i either missed a ping or didnt get one09:51
didrocksthen, on a normal time, it's daily-build -> distro09:51
didrocksbut switching was hard as you noticed this release :p09:52
veebersogra_: ping09:52
ogra_so let me be brave and remove daily-build-next for one build at least09:52
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/i386/ubuntu-platform-implementation-android  there we go, should publish next cycle (possibly to wrong component but please wait for a publisher cycle and c-m output before touching that)09:52
cjwatsonI suspect that this was overridden twice in one publisher cycle09:53
ogra_currently the component doesnt really matter09:53
ogra_(as long as it isnt multiverse :) )09:53
cjwatsonunfortunately you have to be careful to avoid doing this, right now09:53
didrockscjwatson: same for others from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/platform-api/0.18.1daily13.06.05-0ubuntu1?09:53
cjwatsondidrocks: yeah09:53
cjwatsondidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5751129/09:53
ogra_veebers, just ask09:53
didrockscjwatson: yeah, that's possible that happened, looking at the list of the components and pings, I maybe override it twice, sorry about it09:54
didrockscjwatson: thanks!09:54
veebersogra_: sure, on the nexus 7 I'm not getting an onscreen keyboard, as well as having issues starting apps09:54
veebersogra_: is this a well known issue (i.e. where should I look for the bug) or should I submit something?09:55
ogra_veebers, you could look into /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session/logs if there is something intresting int the maliit log ... beyond that i guess you should ask one of the OSK guys09:55
veebersogra_: excellent thanks09:56
cjwatsondidrocks: I've put doing something about that bug on the agenda for the release engineering sprint next month09:56
cjwatsonIn case nobody gets to it first09:56
didrocksogra_: tell me if you see any other components in that case, I saw in my bashhistory that I launched one command with a lot of binary packages twice (maybe as well this -proposed -> release pocket depromotion), so this source is maybe not an isolated case09:56
didrockscjwatson: FYI ^09:56
didrockscjwatson: ah ok, geat! :)09:56
ogra_didrocks, will do09:57
cjwatsonI have no good way to scan for those at the moment, unfortunately09:57
cjwatsonIf you can check against the list of binary packages you see (e.g. run them through rmadison -s saucy and look for missing ones), that wouldn't be a terrible plan09:57
didrockscjwatson: no worry, we'll probably just poke you again (apart if I can do it myself?)09:57
FunkyPenguinhi, trying to flash the latest image to my nexus4 and im greeted with http://slexy.org/view/s2wguTFqSd09:58
veebersogra_: heh, one more question, who are the OSK guys? :-)09:58
FunkyPenguinis this as a result of deleting some of the sample content?09:58
FunkyPenguinand how do i get a new image onto the device?09:58
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ogra_veebers, hmm, not 100% sure, i think tmoenicke09:59
ogra_seems he's not around atm09:59
veebersogra_: much appreciated09:59
cjwatsondidrocks: You can, as an archive admin - copy-package -s saucy --to-suite saucy -b <source package name>09:59
cjwatsondidrocks: This is a swiss army chainsaw though, use with care09:59
cjwatson(In particular, you're bypassing proposed-migration)10:00
didrockscjwatson: ok, will only run it if we see more issues arising. I'll have a quick check for the one that were doubly promoted10:00
cjwatsonYou might actually be able to safely use '--to-suite saucy-proposed' there, maybe10:00
didrocksah ok, will use that then!10:00
cjwatsonBut I'd be a bit careful, e.g. try it on one package as an experiment rather than lots10:01
didrocksyeah, duly noted :)10:01
FunkyPenguinoh great so after following the wiki my nexus4 is now a shiny brick that fails to boot :(10:05
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archyhello folks10:27
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archywhen is the next preview for ubuntu touch releasing ?10:40
ogra_we release daily10:41
MinsteHi. Is it possible to get special caracters like æ ø å on the ubuntu touch keyboard? I'm norwegian and uses those letters all the time when texting..10:44
penkMinste: do you have adb access? try replace en_us.xml with /usr/share/maliit/plugins/languages/no.xml ?11:05
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Minstepenk: okay, thanks, will try :)11:11
mzanettididrocks: ping11:20
didrocksmzanetti: pong11:21
mzanettididrocks: hey, after removing the daily-build-next ppa all the build fail because of missing dependencies11:21
mzanettididrocks: most likely becuase the mediumtests run on raring still11:21
didrocksmzanetti: yeah, you're right, if they still use raring, that's wrong, we should move them to saucy11:22
mzanettididrocks: ok... I'll see how fast we can update them.11:22
didrocksmzanetti: right now, for otto, we had to install raring and dist-upgrade11:22
mzanettididrocks: in the meantime, is using daily-build-next + package pinning the only way or is there a ppa that does not mess with version numbers like the daily-build-next?11:23
dakerhey oSoMoN anyidea on bug #1186611 or just tell me to upgrade :p ?11:24
ubot5bug 1186611 in webbrowser-app "Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118661111:24
didrocksmzanetti: it should be "next"11:24
didrocksmzanetti: but any of them are updated anymore, we are full saucy, so until someone breaks the API… :p11:24
didrocksmzanetti: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/next is the equivalent of distro until we switched to distro11:24
mzanettididrocks: ok. thanks11:25
oSoMoNdaker: sorry, I’ve run out of ideas on this one, so yes, I’m tempted to tell you to upgrade, although I understand it’s not a satisfactory answer11:25
didrocksyw :)11:25
FunkyPenguinto get a terminal on the device do i just install gnome-terminal or is there a specific touch temrinal?11:28
ogra_there is a terminal you can start through the apps search11:30
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asaccyphermox: did you get an idea about the battery issue?11:33
asaclog felt like looping in suspend/resume11:33
asacmaybe iuntroduced by wifi being in scanning mode or something?11:33
asacwhat is left before phablet-flash will start picking up saucy images?11:38
dakeroSoMoN: ok, i'll install a 13.04 VM to test11:49
FunkyPenguinogra_: thanks, i couldn't work out how to get the app search to work - resolved now11:49
davmor2ogra_: if you install an app from a repo on touch is it meant to remain if you do phablet-flash -l do you know?  I installed vim to run through vimtutuor and it has been removed by the look of the bash: vimtutor: command not found11:56
popeyasac: was that on a nexus 7?11:57
popeyasac: I saw looping suspend (feint blinking of backlight) on Nexus 7 last night11:57
ogra_davmor2, no isnt meant to remain ... we only preserve the homedir11:57
davmor2ogra_: that's why then thanks11:58
popeydavmor2: I have a script which i use to reinstall apps post-flashing11:58
popeydavmor2: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper/view/head:/add_apps.sh11:58
popeydavmor2: you could add whatever you want to that script and just run it after doing a phablet-flash (which is what I do)11:58
davmor2popey: I only have vim-full installed so it isn't a biggie I just wanted to make sure it was expected behaviour before writing a bug11:59
popeydavmor2: just modify the "apt-get install" at line 5511:59
davmor2popey: if you open the terminal and let the device sleep, when you come back to the terminal is there a ? now present?12:00
asacpopey: its bug 118306512:00
popeyhow did you come back to the terminal?12:00
ubot5bug 1183065 in touch-preview-images "Occassional severe battery drain" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118306512:00
asaccheck ricks log12:01
davmor2popey: press the button on the device to wake the phone/tablet and then swipe the welcome screen,  I think it is the power button press that adds the ?12:02
popeydavmor2: doesn't on the nexus 412:02
popeyah hang on, i didnt have terminal focussed with kb open12:02
davmor2popey: I have the galaxy nexus and the nexus 7 it is on both of those12:02
popeynow when I do I get a blank added, a space12:03
popeyso yes, confirmed12:03
ZDmitrydavmor2, yes, it's power button. Caused by bug 1183866.12:04
ubot5bug 1183866 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Application active state is not changes when application goes to background" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118386612:04
davmor2ZDmitry: ah thanks12:06
ZDmitrydavmor2, np12:06
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penkhi, any idea about font fallback (say, Droid Sans for CJK) on QML? # https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/118935212:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1189352 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Font fallback doesn't work " [Undecided,New]12:46
penkI can load fonts and get it displayed by using FontLoader {}, but not phone-shell12:47
popeypenk: confirmed12:50
penkpopey: cool, thanks. I'm working on input method support for maliit-plugins # http://i.imgur.com/0kd0Vp0.png12:51
pmcgowanpenk, thats great!12:51
penkpmcgowan: the layout and logic will all be in QML/JavaScript12:52
seb128mardy, how do you test system settings panel? is there any way to run the .qml from qtcreator? or do you need to overwrite the system on, run the system settings app and enter the panel you want every time?13:03
asacnice. connected to my wifi through UI :)13:04
mardyseb128: yes, unfortunately you must always install it13:12
seb128mardy, can you make the loader take an option path or local in the current dir before the system dir?13:12
Laneyand then name of a panel as first argument? :-)13:13
seb128that as well13:13
seb128we will probably need that anyway to be able to open a specific panel from other parts of the system13:13
mardyseb128: that could be done, I guess13:14
LaneyI just symlinked to the system dir13:14
mardyLaney, seb128: yes, we'll need that13:14
seb128mardy, I will see if I can come with a merge request for that if you want13:15
mardyseb128: that would be greatly appreciated13:15
seb128mardy, alright, adding to me todolist ;-)13:16
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cyphermoxasac: no, no idea. sforshee was looking into it. it didn't feel to me like it was caused by wifi though13:36
sforsheecyphermox, asac: I don't think the logs tell us what caused the unusually high drain. I see some issues that need to be addressed, but they seem to be "normal" for our nexus 4 images right now.13:38
victorphey even13:38
ogra_jeu to you too victorp13:38
victorpI keep randomly fiding a device settings menu with airplane mode on it, but I never know how to actually get to it13:38
victorpdoes anyone know?13:39
victorpJohnLea, ^^13:39
victorpogra_, hellloooo!!13:39
ogra_tap the clock13:39
asacsforshee: well, it seems to loop though, right?13:39
cyphermoxasac: otoh I did see wakeups in powertop from the wifi driver; I'm trying to reproduce the issue now13:39
asacdo you think thats expected behavioru?13:39
ogra_i get it when tapping on the clock in the panel13:39
asacand not a symptom of the drain?13:39
ogra_pretty reliable13:39
oreneeshyvictorp: hi13:41
oreneeshyvictorp: the device view of indicators has been deprecated going forward13:41
victorporeneeshy, ahhh13:42
victorpat least I know I am not crazy13:42
oreneeshyvictorp: at the current build  you tap on the menu bar13:42
sforsheeasac, what do you mean? We're enabling kernel autosuspend, so the kernel keeps trying to suspend and something keeps waking it up, yes.13:42
seb128kenvandine, mardy: can you approve me in https://launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch ?13:42
oreneeshyvictorp: current as of Friday13:42
kenvandineseb128, already done13:42
sforsheeasac, but that seems to be typical on our nexus 4 images atm. It doesn't explain the unusually high battery drain being reported.13:43
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-) happy monday btw, did you have a nice w.e?13:43
kenvandineyeah, and you?13:43
victorpbzoltan1, ping13:43
sforsheeasac, I suspect that what I saw hast to do with sensors. I probably need to work with ricmm to get that resolved.13:43
sforsheericmm, I'm pretty sure now that the wakelock and wake up events I'm seeing on the nexus 4 are associated with sensors. The related device is named smd_sns_dsps, and that device node is referenced in the sensors.qcom blob.13:49
kenvandineseb128, do we want some of the plugins to be in ubuntu-system-settings, core ones?   or do we want all of the plugins to be separate like we did online-accounts?13:53
seb128kenvandine, source or packaging?13:54
seb128kenvandine, I would say similar to gnome-control-center, let's not create sources where not needed13:54
kenvandineonline-accounts is a separate source13:54
seb128kenvandine, if for some reason it makes sense to have a panel living with its upstream source code, let's do that (like online accounts), but for the simple ones we can as well keep them in u-s-s13:55
kenvandineperhaps we should merge that in... or maybe keep some of them out13:55
kenvandineit is a separate upstream source of it's own right now13:55
seb128kenvandine, I've no strong opinion, I think g-c-c is nice, easier to work on/have review/track bugs13:55
* kenvandine agrees13:55
seb128kenvandine, but we can split some of the more complex out if people feel the need13:55
kenvandineaccounts is more complex for sure13:55
kenvandineok, we agree then :)13:56
kenvandineseb128, i'm reviewing your branch now13:56
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-)13:57
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seb128kenvandine, it doesn't look great, text is a bit small and some of the spacing is suboptimal, but it's a start13:58
kenvandineyeah... i am considering that in the review13:58
kenvandinenot looking for final product :)13:58
seb128kenvandine, I'm wondering if I should do merge requests for trivial stuff, like changing the default geometry to have a bit of extra vertical space13:59
seb128 height: units.gu(90)14:00
seb128instead of 6014:00
seb128the current one is a bit too "square" for a phone and force scrolling when not needed14:00
ZDmitrymhall119, ping14:01
kenvandineseb128, yeah, we should :)14:02
kenvandineeasy approval though14:02
mhall119ZDmitry: hey there14:03
ZDmitrymhall119, seems there was many things for time of my absent.14:04
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mhall119ZDmitry: there's been some, yeah14:05
mhall119Terminal is now in the daily images :)14:05
ZDmitryyeah, it's cool14:05
mhall119ZDmitry: we also got a new icon submitted for it, if you can take a look at that merge proposal14:05
ZDmitrymhall119, I looked it. Seems nice. So we can approve it?14:06
Minste3g connection aren't available? When I try to copy my network setting trough qt creator it says: /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/device_network_clone: line 19: gksudo: command not found.. If I try to adb I get uknown command for adb. What am i doing wrong??14:06
mhall119ZDmitry: yup, if you're happy with it just mark it as approved and jenkins will take it from there14:08
ZDmitrymhall119, okay. Next, today I fix plugin bug #1182503: lp:~hiroshidi/ubuntu-terminal-app/plugin-text-display-fix .14:10
ubot5bug 1182503 in Ubuntu Terminal App "Command does not appear until enter is pressed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118250314:10
didrocksrenato_: hey! how are you?14:12
ttoinehey, is it possible to put an azerty keyboard on ubuntu touch ?14:13
ttoinehey didrocks how are you ?14:13
didrockshey ttoine, good, thanks! Yourself?14:13
oSoMoNdidrocks: hey, would you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/i18n-pot-target/+merge/164937 soonish?14:15
didrocksoSoMoN: hey! yeah, it's planned before EOD :)14:16
ttoinedidrocks, fine, thank you. It's definitive, I move at Grenoble this summer ;-)14:16
didrockssweet ;)14:16
ttoinedidrocks, yes!14:17
ZDmitrymhall119, so if it fits good and we can approve it, then minimum version should be 1.1.2 at lp:~mhall119/ubuntu-terminal-app/set-minimum-plugin-version .14:17
ttoineso, can someone tell me if an azerty keyboards is available for ubuntu touch, or only the qwerty one at the moment? the latest video from Jono Bacon is impressive, and I am considering moving my nexus from android to ubuntu14:18
h01gersim cards with pins still dont work?14:18
ttoineoh, and is there a way to sync contacts with google ?14:18
didrocksttoine: I would say only qwerty for now. Syncing google contacts is possible using syncevolution: http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html14:19
renato_didrocks, good thanks :D14:19
pmcgowanttoine, manual method here http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html14:19
pmcgowanttoine, you could look at other keyboards for maliit you can enable14:19
pmcgowannot sure14:19
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didrocksrenato_: did you see my email about touch in distro with the pastebin?14:20
didrocksrenato_: there are some small license issue to fix before we can get the media apps into distro14:20
renato_didrocks, these ones: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/mediaplayer-app/fix-license/+merge/16845914:21
didrocksrenato_: nice timing! :)14:22
ttoinedidrocks, pmcgowan thnaks. I will have to sync it sometimes, it will not be done each time I add contacts, true ?14:22
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didrocksttoine: no, it's a manual process for now (when running --sync)14:23
ttoinedidrocks, and I guess I have to remove sim card security before flashing ?14:23
didrocksttoine: not sure about that one, but I always remove the sim card :)14:24
didrocksand yeah, no PIN14:24
ttoinedidrocks, it is a phone, I want to phone with it ;-)14:24
ttoineI think I will do that this evening14:24
ttoineI let you know14:24
didrocksrenato_: any reason you want those under LGPL?14:25
didrocksrenato_: components that are going to be reused in other apps?14:25
Firensonic I have a question if you install ubuntu on the nexus 7 can you call people then?14:26
h01gerhm. PIN support is not even on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+milestone/ubuntu-13.05 :/14:27
diwicFirensonic, ehm, nexus 7 does not even have a SIM slot?14:27
FirensonicIf you buy one with sim card14:28
didrocksrenato_: small fix needed: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/mediaplayer-app/fix-license/+merge/168459/comments/37378614:28
h01gerdiwic, it does, depending on the model14:29
user82is there a way to use dlna/upnp yet?14:30
diwich01ger, ah ok, I must have the one without then14:30
h01gerFirensonic, if the SIM card does not need a PIN, you can...14:33
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FirensonicSo if i have a sim card that don't need a pin code will it work then?14:37
renato_didrocks, fixed14:39
didrocksrenato_: approved14:39
renato_didrocks, thanks14:40
roman2861Who knows about Mir on Nexus 10?14:41
ogra_rotry #ubuntu-mir14:41
ogra_roman2861, ^^14:41
roman2861ogra_, thanks)14:42
asacsforshee: in powertop on GN in suspend mode with adb connected i see:14:46
asac            60.8 ms/s      24.0        Timer          tick_sched_timer14:46
asac             99.3 ms/s      0.00        Timer          cpufreq_interactive_timer14:46
asacpretty much on top... i assuem thats understood and correct?14:47
oSoMoNdidrocks: thanks for the approval :)14:47
didrocksoSoMoN: yw, sorry it took that long, but I'm progressing on my TODO :)14:48
oSoMoNdidrocks: yeah, no worries, you’re a busy man :)14:48
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Guest87171I tried installing Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 7, and now when I try to boot it, it shows either a battery or the Google logo.14:50
Guest87171I have it in the boot loader right now.14:50
Guest87171anyone there?14:51
MirvGuest87171: did you both open up the fastboot and enable usb debugging in android before flashing?14:51
Guest87171I unlocked and enabled usb debugging.14:52
MirvGuest87171: if so, I don't know what went wrong but you might check the adh push commands from the "Manual Installation" section in recovery mode to push the two files downloaded by phalet-flash14:52
Mirvresetting back to android is also always an option, but I've recovered myself from the "only battery loading or google logo boot loop" just via the 2 x adb reboot recovery + adb push14:53
Mirvsadly I don't remember anything exact from my experiences..14:53
Guest87171so run "adb push"14:54
Guest87171(This is my first time doing this.)14:54
MirvGuest87171: I meant these instructions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Installation14:55
Guest87171oh, so just follow them14:55
Guest87171oh yes, and adb devices does not show my device14:56
Mirvok, that's a problem, did you boot into the recovery mode from the booth menu?14:56
Mirvit should recognize it while in recovery mode14:56
Guest87171now, I pressed vol up and down and the power button while it was off14:57
Guest87171I could not get into it while it was on14:57
Guest87171(well, showing google logo)14:57
Guest87171tried sudo adb devices again, no devices found14:57
Mirvyou should get the boot menu, then press down or so to get the recovery mode selected, then power once to boot to the recovery mode (Android robot visible on its back)14:58
Mirvthe boot menu (vol up + down + power) is not enough yet alone14:59
sil2100Mirv: errrm15:00
sil2100Mirv: Timo? In your review of my python-upa packaging-review, I think you reviewed something other than my branch15:01
Guest87171what the15:01
Guest87171I have no idea what happened.15:01
sil2100Mirv: since you said COPYRIGHT is missing, but it's there (big diff), debhelper switched to 9, priority optional15:01
Guest87171It is showing the Ubuntu symbol with a couple of options.15:01
sil2100Mirv: everything you pointed out was always modified ;p15:02
Guest87171And it is showing up on the computer again!15:02
Mirvsil2100: ok, a copy-paste error is possible :)15:02
sil2100Mirv: I only made 1 commit into that branch and it has all the things you pointed out already ;) Probably the diff was wrong?15:02
Mirvsil2100: I checked out, didn't look at the diff15:02
Guest87171But still not booting.15:02
sforsheeasac, hontestly I haven't been looking at powertop analysis at this point. Suspending and turning off the system are bigger power wins, and those problems aren't fully solved yet.15:02
Guest87171(Afraid to hit an option without knowing what to hit.)15:03
MirvGuest87171: that's the recover mode, Ubuntu version of it, at that point you should be able to adb push there15:03
sforshee*turning off the display15:03
Guest87171Can control with volume and power button.15:03
asacsforshee: just hoped you knew what those processes did :)15:03
Guest87171Oh, and it says "autodoploy.zip not found" at the bottom15:03
almaidinajadCould someone help me with the intallation of ubuntu touch on the HTC One X?15:03
asacnot saying its a potential power saver15:03
Mirvsil2100: cool :)15:03
MirvGuest87171: you should find the autodeploy (not doploy) files phablet-flash downloaded for you, probably in the Downloads folder15:04
sforsheeasac, I'm not sure about cpufreq_interactive_timer, but I'd assume it's related to the cpufreq governor trying to determine system load or something like that15:04
sil2100Mirv: I'll just remove the README from debian/, as this one thing I did not do15:04
Guest87171I found the zip15:04
sforsheeasac, tick_sched_timer is what does the system tick15:04
Guest87171Should I push it again?15:05
sforsheeasac, i.e. periodic scheduler processing15:05
Mirvsil2100: rechecked15:05
asacok. lets look powertop closer once you feel suspend/resume works well15:05
Mirvsil2100: and the needless commented lines in debian/rules + adding some headers to each of the code files15:06
nik90mhall119: ping15:06
MirvGuest87171: yep, you might already have the "+devicename" zip pushed, so you could maybe simply push the bigger file (with 'phablet' in the name)15:06
Guest87171that is what I am pushing15:07
sforsheeasac, ack. The plan is to start with the biggest wins and work our way down.15:07
Guest87171The command is not giving any response anywhere. Is that a good thing?15:07
sil2100Mirv: the lines I removed, at least some of them, let me re-check15:07
Mirvsil2100: the "this is a sample file" wouldn't be needed15:08
sil2100Mirv: as for the source lines, well, I was thinking maybe upstream should do that - for now I added COPYRIGHT15:08
Mirvsil2100: isn't Canonical upstream anyway, so I thought you could add those as well as anyone?15:08
Mirvbut the main COPYING file is about enough anyway15:09
sil2100I can do that indeed, you want me to do that now or later?15:09
sil2100Pushed the fix for the debian/rules leftovers ;p15:09
Mirvsil2100: later would be probably enough, more problematic is though that I wasn't able to build it.. does bzr bd work for you?15:10
MirvI get dh: No packages to build.15:10
sil2100Mirv: you need armhf15:10
sil2100It's an ARM-only package, so an armhf chroot is needed ;)15:10
Mirvsil2100: right, that explains that mystery, I'll try in a pbuilder :)15:11
Guest87171trying sideload option15:11
sil2100Mirv: me and didrocks had a similar problem once in the past, took us some time to notice that some packae was armhf-only15:11
Mirvsil2100: yeah I've been here as well, banging head to the wall about how it can complain that there's no package to build :) it'd be slightly nicer to mention something about "not for your architecture"..15:12
* didrocks remembers that one :p15:12
asacsforshee: wonder... with adb attached I probably change the suspend behaviour?15:12
MirvGuest87171: adb pushing should take some time, but if no errors then adb reboot recovery might do the necessary magic to run the autodeploy.zip15:12
sforsheeasac, it won't suspend with adb connected ;-)15:13
asace.g. does adb create a wakelock that keeps things going?15:13
sforsheeasac, yes15:13
asacsforshee: cool. so what triggers wake up? usb connection, phone call incoming, button, ... timer-service?15:13
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Guest87171I will wait for it to finish though, is that good.15:13
asacso i guess when i see battery going down rapidly it means that suspend didnt work well...15:14
MirvGuest87171: yes, waiting for anything that seems to be in progress to finish is good :)15:14
Mirvcommands waiting, animations running on the screen etc15:14
Guest87171When I get this working, will it update itself like regular ubuntu?15:14
MirvGuest87171: it will, although the development is moving to 13.10 in the coming weeks, and the current image is based on 13.04 (with a lot of updates)15:15
sforsheeasac, those things and more. It's complicated, some parts are under userspace control and some aren't.15:15
Mirvdist-upgrading is possible, but at some point a reflash might be needed especially with the big saucy changes under the hood15:15
Guest87171up it seems to be happy now15:16
ckingasac, also wakeup events are very low power consumers  - so we should be fixing the big issues first, when we have cycles free we will focus on the lower consumers of power15:16
Mirvsil2100: thanks for updating the maintainer address as well, reading my thoughts :)15:16
MirvGuest87171: "happy" as in "running Ubuntu" happy?15:16
Guest87171it says deploying Ubuntu Touch15:17
Mirvthat sounds good15:17
Guest87171among other things15:17
Guest87171such as "Sentience Error: Destroy all humans"15:17
mardyseb128: the Flickable works if you set "flickable: null"15:18
mardyseb128: looks like a bug in the Ui toolkit15:18
Guest87171how long should it take before doing something else15:21
mardytimp: hi! are you familiar with the Page component?15:21
Guest87171from Deploy Ubuntu Touch15:21
sil2100Mirv: also fixed some typos I made again15:21
Guest87171Because I would think it would spit it how its progress is going15:21
mhall119nik90: pong15:23
MirvGuest87171: 5-10mins is at least entirely possible, 30mins is probably too long. indeed a better indicator could be nice.15:23
Mirv(I've no experience on nexus 7 specifically)15:23
Guest87171so it would do anything during that time15:23
ZDmitrymhall119, can we merge fix or should leave it. MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~hiroshidi/ubuntu-terminal-app/plugin-text-display-fix/+merge/16836515:23
nik90mhall119: I had some questions about your uread app (since I use the same principle for the world clocks -> reading xml lists)15:24
Mirvgeneric idea thrown into the air: fill https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install with screenshots of what user should see at various stages of install15:25
Guest87171You got me this far.15:25
timpmardy: yes, I am15:25
mhall119ZDmitry: I'll take a look, in the mean time can you review om26er's autopilot MP?15:25
MirvGuest87171: after adb reboot recovery, if it's deploying, it should autoreboot itself at the end into a Ubuntu idle screen15:26
mhall119nik90: ask away, though uReadIt uses JSON not XML, should still be pretty similar15:26
nik90mhall119: I am reading a xml list. However I need to wait for it to complete loading before performing another task. How do I go about doing this?15:26
nik90mhall119: I tried using a while loop but it just froze the app15:26
ZDmitrymhall119, ok. I'll review om26er's MP.15:27
mhall119ZDmitry: line 37 and 38 of your diff should probably remain, since the qt version #if is still there15:28
om26erZDmitry, thx15:28
mhall119nik90: are you using XmlListModel?15:28
rickspencer3nik90, don't know if this helps, but here is some code for downloading XML and doing something with it when it is done downloading15:28
nik90mhall119: To provide some context, I am reading a xml list which returns the city's timezone info. Only after I get that can I write into the local storage.15:28
ZDmitryom26er, np15:28
nik90mhall119: yes I am using xmllistModel15:28
rickspencer3nik90, I think in your case, there are events on the ListModel you can use15:29
nik90rickspencer3: so I insert the xmllistmodel into the listmodel and then check the events on it?15:29
mhall119nik90: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/cookbook/mobile/currency-converter-phone-app/2/ has an example of performing an action when the XmlListModel state changes to Ready15:29
rickspencer3nik90, I think mhall119 has the right content for your use case15:30
rickspencer3it's best to keep it declarative if you can15:30
mhall119ZDmitry: also, upstream might want to keep the MAC check in there15:30
nik90mhall119, rickspencer3: thnx15:30
mhall119no problem15:30
nik90mhall119: I am 50% done with the world clocks :-)15:31
ZDmitrymhall119, true. lines 37 and 38 should remain.15:34
ogra_nik90, is that horthern or sourthern hemisphere ?15:34
nik90ogra_: hehe..a user can search any city in the world and can see the time there15:34
nik90ogra_: I am using an online api for the data15:35
ogra_ah, nice15:35
ZDmitrymhall119, and #ifdef Q_WS_MAC originally  set force integer font metric only for Mac. But we have same problem. So that is unnecessary  #ifdef.15:36
mhall119ZDmitry: but that doesn't mean upstream will want it turned on for other platforms too, and we want to get these changes accepted upstream15:39
mhall119so maybe it's best to define Q_WS_UBUNTU or something like that, and check for either15:40
ZDmitrymhall119, that unusual15:41
ZDmitrymhall119, but can help15:41
ZDmitrymhall119, I defined Q_WS_UBUNTU and wrapped all forced integer font metric which I added.15:57
mhall119ZDmitry: are the extra checks necessary?  The ones at lines 39 and 66 in the diff?15:59
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ZDmitrymhall119, upstream keeps original font metric, then yes, they are necessary. But our platform should force integer font metric in that case too.16:04
Guest16322okay, I am in Ubuntu, but the apps don't work16:05
Guest16322(Except for the browser, and only for ubuntu homepage)16:05
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HellTigerwhere can i findout if my android kernel supports "loop devices"? its quite hard to google for me. my kernel is: "kernel version 3.0.8+ jackie@ubuntu #68". one soulution would be to look into /proc/config.gz but i dont have this (its rooted)16:55
jdstrandover the weekend I got installed Ubuntu on my nexus 4 by following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install17:00
jdstrandthat went reasonably well, except that I had to run 'adb start-server' under sudo to get it to work17:01
jdstrandthis tripped me up for a bit and thought that the wiki page should be updated, but I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be able to run without sudo or not17:02
jdstrand(without running under sudo, the device always showed as 'offline' and I wouldn't get a prompt for the host key on the device)17:03
sforsheeawe, do you know if there's an ofono signal for when a call is answered? Right now we start using the proximity sensor as soon as the call is received, which can cause the screen to turn off because your hand is near the screen to press the answer call button.17:07
sforsheeit's awfully annoying17:07
pmcgowansforshee, have the phone answer before turning the screen off, then we have Samsung wave to answer done17:12
sforsheepmcgowan, ;-)17:13
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robotfuelis there a dbus signal I can send to com.canoncial.powerd to turn the screen off and on?18:06
AskUbuntuUbuntu and Recoveries | http://askubuntu.com/q/30653818:09
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kalikiana_robotfuel, why would you do that, in addition to making users hate you? :-)18:14
robotfuelIt's for testing, I need to turn on the phone screen18:14
robotfuelkalikiana_: ^18:14
sforsheerobotfuel, not today. Display requests will be landing soon, but won't support forcing the screen off18:15
robotfuelsforshee: ok thanks, for now I am just running powerd as a background process. I thought their might be a better way to do it.18:16
sforsheerobotfuel, you will be able to support requesing that the screen stay on18:17
sforsheethe code is currently available in lp:~sforshee/powerd/display-request18:17
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jdstrandfyi, I went ahead and updated the wiki18:23
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mdeslauris there any way to enter accented characters with the ubuntu touch keyboard?18:37
rtg_rsalveti, I uploaded linux-maguro 3.0.0-2.3 with new perf packages and config changes (homogenized with mainline distro), but my Nexus is bricked at the moment, so I have not been able to test.18:45
rsalvetirtg_: cool, can give it a try once it's built18:45
rsalvetirtg_: thanks18:45
rtg_rsalveti, grouper has perf as well.18:45
rsalvetigreat, but can't test that one18:46
rtg_rsalveti, grouper was just tools, should it shouldn't regress anything18:47
rsalvetieven better18:47
nik90does anyone know how to get the current UTC time in qml?18:47
nik90At the moment, I am getting the locale time using new Date()18:48
davmor2_popey: do you have a n7 if so if you let it sleep and put it somewhere shaded does the screen flash?18:52
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mhall119davmor2: yes it does19:13
davmor2mhall119: Yay not just me then woohoo!  now to figure out what is the cause so I can report a bug19:14
mhall119davmor2: I already reported it19:14
mhall119not sure what the cause is though19:14
davmor2oh nice where the bug I'll sub to it19:14
mhall119davmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+bugs?field.tag=grouper19:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1187867 in touch-preview-images "Screen doesn't stay powered off on suspend" [Undecided,New]19:15
mhall119davmor2: we're using the device codenames for tagging when it's a device-specific issue like this19:15
davmor2mhall119: good to know19:16
belak51Any idea when an official release will be made?19:19
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mhall119belak51: in October19:27
davmor2mhall119: when does daily move over to saucy?19:27
belak51I know there are previews now… when will those be feature complete? The last 3 builds I've tried have just had test data and have been mostly non functional.19:28
belak51Not even feature complete… when will they stop shipping the test data (or has that happened and I missed it)19:28
davmor2belak51: you need to run phablet-flash -b to remove a lot of the test data.  the bulk of that apps that ship now are mostly usable but not quite complete see mhall119 blog posts on the core apps for more info19:30
belak51As long as I can connect to wifi and play with the apps, I'll be good19:30
mhall119belak51: some of the test data has already been removed, I don't have a schedule for when the rest will be19:32
belak51I don't have ubuntu on my desktop… what would I run in stead of the phablet-flash -b19:32
mhall119davmor2: no idea on saucy, but I know saucy images are being tested19:32
mhall119belak51: you'll need to download the .zip files and use adb to push them to the device19:33
mhall119belak51: but I don't have step-by-step instructions for doing that from a non-Ubuntu host19:33
belak51I mean, that part is listed under Manual Installation on the wiki19:33
belak51But is there anything I'll need to wipe to get it to work?19:33
salem_rsalveti, ping19:39
rsalvetisalem_: pong19:40
salem_rsalveti, hey, I was trying to set up my 3g data connection and got this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/92471/ . I followed the instructions in your g+ post. Have you seen this error before?19:41
rsalvetisalem_: hm, no, it seems it failed to connect19:44
rsalvetisalem_: mind enabling debug in ofono and trying that again?19:44
rsalvetiadd -d in the ofonod line19:44
salem_rsalveti, sure, just a sec19:44
rsalvetireboot and try again, and paste the log from /var/log/syslog19:44
barkatthemooncan use phone and sms on nexus4?19:47
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salem_rsalveti, same output: https://pastebin.canonical.com/92473/19:50
salem_rsalveti, well, I see syslog being flooded with these messages: https://pastebin.canonical.com/92472/19:51
salem_rsalveti, not sure if it's the expected behaviour.19:51
rsalvetisalem_: right, but did you enable debug?19:52
salem_rsalveti, yes19:52
rsalvetiexec ofonod -d --noplugin=atmodem ?19:52
rsalvetiwell, we should have more debug messages there19:52
rsalvetihm, your date is also wrong19:52
rsalvetijan 119:53
rsalvetinot sure if that would affect anything19:53
salem_rsalveti,  I did ofonod --noplugin=atmodem -d19:53
rsalvetisalem_: hm, right, should be enough, but mind pasting the log since you booted it up?19:54
salem_rsalveti, ok, just a sec19:55
salem_rsalveti, https://pastebin.canonical.com/92474/ , ofono starts at line 147720:00
Skymontso with Ubuntu Touch, will Ubuntu have remote access to your device just like how Google Android has remote access for "emergency purposes" with Google Services?20:03
nuovodnahi, i'm on mako device and i'm trying the manual installation howto to install saucy build on my device. The procedure doesn't work! any suggestion? Thanks in advance20:07
Skymontlol the project is going to take 10 years20:10
SkymontUbuntu Touch needs to really recruit some graphic designers to the team, because holy crap! lol20:12
alesagetrying to install on Nexus 10, keep being interrupted by "Unable to mount Nexus 10" modal, "protocol failure"; any clues?20:16
rsalvetisalem_: weird, wonder why it keeps requesting the data registration state20:23
rsalvetiawe: https://pastebin.canonical.com/92474/20:23
rsalvetisergiusens: isn't this kind of the same you had when roaming?20:23
rsalvetilot of messages with RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE20:24
rsalvetieven before you requested the connection20:24
salem_rsalveti, hm, that might be the case, my phone is always in roaming here.20:24
rsalvetisalem_: hm, why that?20:25
salem_rsalveti, well, it's an issue with the operator, it's working like this for 5 years now20:26
rsalvetigot it, then it's probably similar to what sergiusens had, which awe is investigating already20:26
rsalvetigood we can easily reproduce at least20:26
rsalvetiwith your help :-)20:26
salem_rsalveti, yep, if you or awe need any info to debug this issue, just ping me.20:28
rsalvetisalem_: bug 118840420:35
ubot5bug 1188404 in touch-preview-images "ofono between 30% and 40% CPU usage when roaming" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118840420:35
netcurliis it possible to change the language of the phone with the current image so that I can see translations of apps?20:37
salem_rsalveti, awesome, it worked. also 3g data connection20:42
alo21hi... my nexus is dead... after I copied all files with adb into my phone, I got black screen. I wiped all data, and now I do not know what to do. I still have a black screen. Can someone help me, please?20:47
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
awersalveti, ping21:10
rsalvetiawafaa: pong21:10
rsalvetiawafaa: sorry21:10
rsalvetiawe: pong :-)21:10
aweso... it keep requesting the DATA_REG state because we keep receiving VOICE_NET_STATE_CHANGED events21:11
=== Wellark_ is now known as Wellark
awersalveti, the log you pasted it a bit misleading... this is why I wanted sergiusens to use my new debug package for tracing21:13
rsalvetiawe: right, well, salem_ might be able to reproduce it easily21:13
aweyea, I saw his offer for help above21:14
rsalvetihe's in brazil, but his chip behaves as it's roaming21:14
awehe's not online currently... that said, we should ask him to look at sergiusens's bug, and try the test deb21:14
awersalveti, you have time for a quick mumble?21:14
rsalvetiawafaa: sure, give me just a min21:15
rsalvetisorry, was for awe again :-)21:18
AskUbuntuinstall ubuntu touch on a Hisense Sero 7 | http://askubuntu.com/q/30661921:37
Minste_Are 3g enabled in build 158? I can't get 3g connection at all :(22:17
DerTeufelhi, anyone here developing for n7105?22:18

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