=== waltman_ is now known as waltman [09:07] Morning. [09:20] Morning [11:27] morning for 4th time [11:59] hi InHisName [12:00] Hi JonathanD [12:00] Morning! [12:00] :) [12:03] JonathanD: My HP TouchPad has two apps (fossdem and foss???) They don't do that much but provide schedules of upcoming events. I assume they will graduate newer versions that will someday include live access to meetings in real time plus more. I have't checked my IPAD but they probably have one of those too. [12:04] One was Europeon developers and other was Belgian location [12:17] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else [12:18] is everyone staying dry? [12:26] So far. [12:26] I'm sitting on the porch. [12:39] good morning to stay home [13:07] * jedijf is still damp [14:06] I somehow managed to avoid the rain on my commute [14:29] * InHisName never left home - still dry [14:36] I commuted a few feet to my desk at home. It didn't rain on the way. [14:56] ChinnoDog: if you ever get rain on that route, you've got a major roof repair problem. Or major plumbing repair. [15:01] or a guy with a garden hose and an open window. [15:04] the lawyers and lawsuits probably would cost more than the above. [15:10] it wasn't raining when I came in. [15:10] a little overcast though [15:10] I was also in the early morning haze === jackson__ is now known as jackson_ === [Keith] is now known as Guest46682 [18:54] It is raining outside now [18:56] yes [18:56] now it is === MutantTu1key is now known as MutantTurkey [20:16] started raining here again for 4 or 5th time [21:11] Don't let your turkeys drown under the downspouts