
nickgermainehey, i can't sudo, I get this error in my new user account: nickgermaine is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.01:02
madeinkobaiaGood evening or night to all :P01:18
zequencemadeinkobaia: hi01:22
zequencenickgermaine: add the user to the sudo group01:22
madeinkobaiaHi zequence ! You definitively never sleep ; )01:22
zequencenickgermaine: but since you can't use sudo, you'll need to do boot into recovery mode01:22
zequencemadeinkobaia: I just woke up actually01:23
zequenceI usually wake up at around 4.30 or so now, but I slept a lot yesterday :)01:23
madeinkobaiazequence : Really ? witch time is it in Sueden actually ?01:24
zequence3.24 right now. I suppose the same in Belgium?01:24
madeinkobaiaYep, I forgot that we're on same hour degre.01:25
madeinkobaiaWhat's new last few days ? 01:25
zequencemadeinkobaia: the guy who just logged out, Nick, is interested in working with php coding01:27
zequenceso, the WP theme in other words01:27
madeinkobaiaWP ?01:28
zequencealso, we have cub (Jimmy Sjölund on the mail list) who is starting to work on tutorial videos01:28
zequenceFor the tutorial videos, he was wanting a nice intro cover, with place for text about the tutorial01:29
madeinkobaiaGreat, all that sounds good, in the way to enlarge our team.01:29
zequenceYes, start to feel a lot more active around here for sure01:29
zequenceI don't think there's a big hurry with the tutorial video covers. Actually, might be nice to edit them, or re-edit them in time for 14.0401:30
zequenceOr, we could use the G+ cover somehow01:30
madeinkobaiaOk, about "nice intro cover" feel free to send me a detailed request with specifications.01:31
zequencemadeinkobaia: Ok. I'll talk about that with Jimmy next time I see him01:32
zequenceNow there are two of us from Sweden, if anyone is counting01:33
zequenceConsidering the size difference, we should have something like 20 Americans for each Swede :P01:33
zequenceAh, maybe not that much01:33
zequenceor, maybe yes. Well, anyway01:34
madeinkobaialol, fortunately we don't have quotas to respect :D01:34
OvenWerk1For those interested (I think they are both not here right now) I have moved kazam and recorditnow (recordmydesktop for kde) to the video production menu.01:50
OvenWerk1gtk-recordmydesktop was already there.01:51
OvenWerk1zequence: how many from China do we need then?01:52
zequenceOvenWerk1: Don't know if we can count in all of China. Probably only Hong Kong, considering many variables01:52
zequenceBut finding ones way here is at least being one in 5 million01:54
madeinkobaiaOwenWerk1 : In witch menu was recorditnow before ?02:23
zequenceusually any item that is not in our custom menu show up in the "Media Playback" menu02:33
OvenWerk1it was in media playback. The change is commited, but not yet released.03:02
madeinkobaiazequence, OwenWerk1 : ok.03:03
madeinkobaiaSee you later guys.03:03
OvenWerk1zequence: our menu has web browser, filemanager, terminal and gedit at the top. This does not make sense for most other DEs as many of them put "favorites" or recently used apps up there.03:05
OvenWerk1Also, we already put an extra pannel at the bottom with at least some of those things there already03:06
OvenWerk1Should we keep those things up there?03:07
OvenWerk1settings should not be a problem, I can put it there and it just won't show unless xfce is installed.03:08
zequenceHow dows Xubuntu do it?03:09
zequenceI kind of like having those applications there03:09
zequenceThey don't take up much space anyway03:09
OvenWerk1I can probably do that by having the desktop files for them in our settings package03:10
OvenWerk1I am looking at simplifying 03:10
OvenWerk1so that the menu just works with as many des as I can03:10
zequenceAh, I see03:10
zequenceWell, if there's a conflict, just drop them. 03:11
OvenWerk1There is nothing wrong with doing our showcase different from the rest. I'll figure it03:12
zequenceI'm going to start using virtual installations in a larger extent03:13
zequencemy server has 8GB of ram, but not that many cores atm03:13
OvenWerk1Xubuntu has different ones up there :) and xfce is different again03:13
OvenWerk1My server as of yesterday is a pentium 300 with 191 Mb :P03:14
OvenWerk1we lost two computers yesterday 10 hours apart.03:15
zequenceThat's really basic hardware03:15
zequenceAre you getting a new one?03:15
OvenWerk1I had a 1.4ghz celeron for the server. I hope to get something better03:15
OvenWerk1My wife's netbook bricked as well. She will get a desktop I think.03:16
OvenWerk1I had the old MB around and it worked... but boy is it slow. Network traffic is ok, and terminal stuff like this. But accessing my mail or web site is slow.03:18
zequenceAnyone have a Precise installation who would like to quick test the latest lowlatency kernel in -proposed?06:55
zequenceOvenWerk1: I had a look, and the usb driver patch is in deed in the current 3.8 kernels06:58
zequencewe should probably start doing audio device testing with each new release of a kernel, to make sure all work: pci, usb and firewire06:59
zequencehad some real problems getting precise installed07:22
cubWhat happened?07:23
zequenceI tried using a mini.iso, the netinstall, a bunch of times07:25
zequencetwo different ISOs07:25
zequenceon virtual machine, as well as on my laptop07:26
zequencewasted a lot of time 07:26
zequencefinally I installed Ubuntu Studio07:26
zequencethat worked07:26
zequenceThere was a regression in the latest kernel, and it was really bad timing07:26
zequenceI was just reorganizing my machines, so I had not tools to build it, or to test it07:27
zequenceI had to do a quick update for linux-lowlatency on the three releases we have it on07:27
cubAah one of those spending many hours to get back to square one07:30
zequenceI hate it when one is wanting to solve problem A, but before being able, one has to solve an entirely different and unrelated problem B07:31
zequencecub: madeinkobaia dropped by during the early morning. He said for us to send specifications on a intro page for the tutorials07:33
cubah cool07:33
zequenceI'm thinkin all we really need might be the text and the CoF (Circle of Friends)07:34
cubAny thoughts? I was thinking quite simple with the logo + ubuntu studio, title of the tutorial, & "This tutorial was made using ubuntu studio xx.xx"07:34
zequenceI guess the G+ cover could be used. Just move the text07:34
cubyeah if one could move it upwards, also make it 1280x720 to fit the 720 format07:35
cubI made a mock up on my way to work, need to boot up that laptop though07:36
zequenceMaybe we should call them "Ubuntu Studio Tutorials"07:37
cubmakes sense07:37
cubwhat about the questions in the email thread about what apps to do tutorials for? Someone asked about Lightworks I think, or should we aim for "default" apps only?07:38
cubimho we should include other stuff as well as long as it has been tried out on ubuntu studio07:38
zequenceWe should only use free software as far possible though07:39
zequenceLightworks is not exactly free software07:40
zequenceBesides, we only need very simple tools07:40
zequencerecord the full desktop, do some simple editing - including zooming07:40
zequencenot sure if OpenShot already has enough features07:40
zequenceKdenLive should do the job at least07:40
zequencefor editing, that is07:41
zequenceI'd rather go with the simplest tools possible07:41
cubyes, but if someone has the time and want to use OpenShot and do a tutorial we could just include it?07:41
zequenceThe simpler the tools, the easier for more people to use them. that's how I'm thinking07:42
zequenceI've never added subs/text so don't know how that works. Would be great if we could create a template for that, and then it would be as simple as typing in the text for each sequence07:43
zequenceSo, we need a standard for font and fontsize basically07:44
cubme neither. I aiming to try one out and see how it's done. I haven't used recordmydesktop before either so07:44
cubI noticed that the preferred font for the web page was Droid Sans07:46
cubUS doesn't include a ftp client in the default installations?07:47
cuba gui one I mean07:47
cubmock up intro page: http://www.sjolund.se/pix/tutorial-intro-pic.png07:49
zequencecub: I just sent madeinkobaia an email. also added the link to your mockup08:02
zequenceI'm sure he'll come up with something that works well for us08:02
cubI'll continue today and try to work out how to add subtitles. t08:32
cubThere's an advantage with voice over since you can write and explain waht you are doing quicker than putting everything in writing08:33
cubthen again, you have a good point about the spoke english08:33
zequencecub: I think the visual in itself already tells you most of what you need to do, so subs would just enhance it by the use of correct terms08:41
zequenceWhat you can't do with subs is give talks08:42
zequenceLike, explain the motivation why you are doing something08:42
cubzequence, for the tutorials we talked about zooming in on specific details. I can't find a good way to do this. Have you done this before?10:24
zequencecub: No, but I'm assuming that it might be a necessary editing feature for many tutorials, when things get really small10:25
zequenceAnother just came to mind - highlighting. Like a square showing which button to press10:26
cubexactly. I've seen several that use that feature. But I can't find anything in recordmydesktop to do it and not in Xfce either10:26
zequenceyou don't need to any editing with recordmydesktop10:27
zequencejust record it10:27
cubsuch highlighting can be done in kdenlive while editing10:27
zequencedo all the editing either with openshot or kdenlive10:27
cubperhaps kdenlive will do the zooming as well10:27
zequenceI would think so10:27
cubI just thought it would be nice to do as much as possible while recording to cut down on editing time10:27
cublike a keyboard shortcut to zoom in on the cursor10:28
zequenceIt may be a little hard to do that kind of stuff live10:28
zequenceand get it right10:29
zequenceBetter just record, and keep things as simple as possible. Simple tutorials. simple instructions. Simple editing10:29
cubI'll make a try run during lunch today10:30
cubsooo annoying. I was trying to do a recording of setting up LEMP. But apt-get purge or through Synaptic complete removal seems to only work randomly11:30
cubso halfway through my tutorial something was already configured in a previous installation11:31
cubstart over..then mysql didn't ask for root password. start over. Oh the php5-fpm directory was not created11:31
cubgaah, my whole lunch went by and still no recording. End of rant.11:31
zequencecub: I've recently started using virtual machines for things like this. You can take a snapshot of it, and return to it as many times as you want11:32
zequencevirtual machines don't work all that well with realtime audio though, and a few other things11:33
cubI might have to start doing that11:35
cubstrange though how a directory for the php.ini had changed since I did my screenshot tutorial on Saturday11:36
cubare you using Virtualbox then?11:39
zequenceI've been so far11:40
zequenceI'm going to give KVM a try11:40
zequencekvm can't start jack, at all it seems13:32
ttoinehey !14:13
zequencettoine: Hi14:17
zequenceHow's the progress with the shop?14:18
ttoinezequence, I will do it this week, I think14:18
zequencettoine: we have a youtube channel now. Nothing on it yet. cub is working on making tutorials for it (as will hopefully more peopl)14:19
ttoinemy trial period is ending, and I will move this summer with my family. I will have internet at home again14:19
ttoinezequence, I know, I follow the mailing list. I will try to make a demo of mixbus with Kazam14:20
zequencettoine: You are not staying where you are?14:20
ttoinezequence, did you get the credentials of twitter?14:20
zequencenot yet14:20
zequenceI still need to ask Scott for some other stuff too14:20
zequenceI will make a list of all of them14:20
ttoinezequence, I work in grenoble, and my family was still in Lyon. We were waiting for the end of the trial period to move14:21
ttoinezequence, I would like to get the @ubuntustudio account for us. And I need the credentials14:21
zequencettoine: Ah. That's tough. I didn't realize that. 14:21
cubI wondered about twitter, is there a twitter channel?14:21
ttoinenow that we have @ubuntustudio.org emails, it shoudl be easy14:21
ttoinecub, ubuntustudio1, I think14:21
zequencettoine: We have the account, but it's Scott who has the details14:22
zequenceThat's the picture I've got anyway14:22
cubdidn't come up in a search but when I type the address it's there @ubuntustudio14:22
ttoinezequence, oh yes, hge did it alreday!14:25
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Noskcajthe xubuntu and studio links in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/#QA_related_teams are broken21:57

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