
hatchrick_h__: you around?03:46
rick_h__hatch: heh, yea03:46
rick_h__hatch: but barely03:46
hatchheh sucker03:46
hatchhttps://codereview.appspot.com/10019050/diff/1/app/views/databinding.js I don't know what you meant with the top comment03:46
rick_h__hatch: just spacing around the {03:47
rick_h__you have { return03:47
rick_h__but );}03:47
rick_h__the asymetrical-ness of it got my attention :P03:47
hatchohh - yeah ben wrote that, that might be his style, I've noticed it a few places :)03:47
rick_h__hatch: so yea, let me know if we need to do a hangout or something on my comments tomorrow03:48
rick_h__hatch: I wasn't clear on some parts and maybe I'm not getting it. 03:49
hatchsure - this is still under development so it's very likely some will change03:49
hatchit's gone through a few iterations already03:49
rick_h__cool, yea. After going through it maybe I just need to get told to hold on and wait and put my LGTM on there for now03:49
rick_h__but figured I'd do my best to bring 'fresh' eyes to it03:50
rick_h__since I'm not in all the meetings/discussions and just approaching it as a dude that can read some JS03:50
rick_h__and with that it's way past my bedtime after a LUG meeting night. Check ya tomorrow03:51
hatch:) have a good night thx for the review03:52
gary_posterIf anyone is interested in leading the charge of switching us from canonistack to ec2, please do.  this is not cool, and will be untenable with tarmac12:34
rick_h__gary_poster: so I'm looking at hatch's branch he put up and some of the things I comment on are "yea, that's not ideal and will get worked on more in the future". So should reviews kind of be "well, point this out" and let it ride as things shake out then?12:36
rick_h__gary_poster: I don't want to hold up things, but wonder which things to say "yea this should be tweaked" vs 'ok, pinky promise this won't hang around forever'12:36
gary_posterrick_h__, for this effort, behind a feature flag, yes.  For instance, it would be fine to say "please mark this with an XXX and a bug.  I'm fine with it landing behind the feature flag, but not with it staying."  Other variants/ideas welcome.  I want them to feel like they can merge incremental work to trunk for larger efforts like this.12:38
gary_posterlarger exploratory efforts12:38
rick_h__gary_poster: k, cool.12:39
gary_posterrick_h__, I can't get the serviceInspector flag to work, can you?12:43
rick_h__gary_poster: not tried, sec12:44
rick_h__gary_poster: yea, works here12:47
rick_h__http:// is the final url after I added a service and confirmed it12:47
gary_posterrick_h__, using sandbox?12:47
rick_h__gary_poster: yea12:48
gary_posterk trying again12:48
gary_posterstill not12:48
gary_posterwill try make clean?12:48
rick_h__gary_poster: yea, not sure. I just grabbed trunk, updated it, colo-branches, merged jeff's branch and make devel and it worked12:50
gary_postersounds exactly the same12:50
gary_posterrick_h__, and you add a service (I added mysql), confirm (ugh I keep forgetting to ask someone to fix the cancel button css), and then click on the service, click view, and...get taken to the old page12:51
gary_posterno, you get the right thing at the end :-)12:51
gary_posterhttp://localhost:8888/sidebar/:flags:/serviceInspector/ is my final url..12:53
rick_h__gary_poster: right, I added ceph, top of my sidebar list. Added it, confirmed, clicked on it and hit 'view' and got this floating panel up12:53
gary_poster:-/ ok thanks rick_h__ .  bztr status shows all the right stuff too.12:54
gary_posterI have call soon so will return to that later12:54
frankbangary_poster: it seems that suddenly ie is not able to click on DOM elements without disconnecting the webdriver :-/13:02
gary_posterfrankban, :-( so not canonistack?13:03
gary_posterfrankban, on call will check in with you after13:03
frankbangary_poster: I see that behavior in ec2. thanks13:03
benjiHas anyone else seen this?  I'm getting this error on a full test run, but not when the set of tests is run on its own: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5758147/13:09
rick_h__benji: is this updated trunk?13:15
benjirick_h__: it is on a branch, which hasn't been updated recently13:15
rick_h__benji: I fixed up some failing tests in trunk yesterday in browsers that didn't show in phantomjs. This looks like phantomjs though13:15
benjithis is Chromium13:16
rick_h__benji: ah, check out trunk. With CI not going we had things land that broke tests in FF/chrome but ran in phantomjs so they landed13:16
benjithanks, I'll take a look13:17
benjirick_h__: no change in test; thanks for the hint though13:29
rick_h__benji: :( ok nvm then. Not seen that directly then. 13:30
benjiI really wish we had a decent test runner; doing things like running a subset of the tests is painful.13:30
rick_h__benji: +113:32
rick_h__benji: so looking at your error again I see it's in browser_charm_view and with us removing the browser subapp feature flag I wonder if this is a side effect? I thought I had gotten all that squared away with yesterday's tests updates though. 13:36
rick_h__benji: so let me know if it doesn't clear up and I can help look at hte branch and peek at it13:36
benjimaybe, but the tests pass on trunk and that set of tests pass when run independently; I suspect dirty global state13:36
rick_h__benji: completely possible. There's still fun with that these days. since the browser subapp isn't FF'd it's always in every App() instance and causes side effects sometimes. We've been working on minimizing that. 13:37
gary_posterfrankban, hi.  off call.13:44
gary_posterfrankban, so that means IE CI is completely broken until this is fixed, which is completely out of our control?  Maybe we simply need to move it to the end of the CI list?  That would mean that we would still see the effects13:45
gary_posterand tests would still fail :-(13:45
gary_posterbut FF and chrome would still have a chance to run13:46
gary_posterand hopefully pass13:46
sinzuiorangesquad: Do you have a few minutes to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/charm-model-updates/+merge/16881213:46
frankbangary_poster: I might have a workaround, testing now. Anyway, I was not able to find a specific ie driver bug, only a number of people complaining about weird behaviors in ie click(), more or less similar to this one13:46
gary_posterok thanks frankban 13:47
abentleysinzui: sure.13:47
frankbangary_poster: I also saw that the tests output in Jenkins is confusing, maybe stderr is printed before stdout? I am thinking about printing our messages (e.g. restarting API backend, etc..) to stderr13:48
gary_posterprobably fine13:49
frankbanok, I'll try that13:49
gary_postermorning hatch.  trying to finish up the rollup review.  can't get the demo to work, but rick did, so it's PEBKAC somehow13:58
hatchhmm that's concerning13:59
hatchany errors?13:59
rick_h__hatch: morning, thanks for some of the updates. I noticed that some of them in https://codereview.appspot.com/10019050/diff/1/app/views/service.js didn't have a reply so not sure if we're set or want to chat more?13:59
gary_posterno errors hatch13:59
hatchrick_h__: oh right sorry - I didn't comment on those other ones because that whole block is a prototype and will change a lot14:00
rick_h__hatch: gotcha, ok. 14:00
rick_h__sinzui: invite on the way14:01
hatchgary_poster: hmm that's very odd I'll have to step through it to see if there is somewhere where something could happen14:01
* gary_poster liked that code14:01
gary_posterhatch will ping in a few and we can try it out together in hangout?14:02
abentleysinzui: r=me with some suggestions in the comment.14:02
hatchgary_poster: sure can you give me 10? morning routine around here is still going on so it's a little hectic :)14:02
gary_posterhatch, np, still reviewing :-)14:02
hatchlooking at the comments14:16
gary_posterhatch, I have another call in 29.  Will try to get your demo working again for a few.  if you are up for hangout lemme know, but no pressure.14:31
hatchsure just replying to the last comment14:32
hatchok done that14:33
hatchrick_h__: I'll add XXX's to the codebase14:34
rick_h__hatch: yea cool. I know it's all balancing between moving forward with ideas vs making sure we don't leave things that could be better behind for later people to fix up/complain about :)14:35
rick_h__hatch: so take my feedback with a grain of salt and all that. 14:35
rick_h__this is kind of cool, missed this annoucement. https://plus.google.com/+GoogleChromeDevelopers/posts/644qQuBKZeL14:40
rick_h__editing files directly from the chrome dev tools should be kind of neat, especially with css/etc14:40
frankbanguihelp: could you please review https://codereview.appspot.com/10049046 ? This is my attempt to fix CI failures, thanks14:41
rick_h__http://opensas.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/live-hot-code-reloading-with-chromium-browser-on-linux/ for chromium notes on enabling it14:42
Makyofrankban, taking a look.14:42
adeuringorangesquad: could one of you have a look at this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charmworld/1163544-es-error-monkey-search/+merge/168971 ?14:55
* sinzui looks14:55
hatchrick_h__: definitely thanks for the review - normally I would want everything perfect before landing but in this case it's still a WIP15:01
hatchrick_h__: there is also a regression when deploying services from the browser - the ghost config doesn't show all the options15:02
hatchcan you get to this this morning?15:02
rick_h__hatch: looking15:12
sinzuiadeuring, I replied with a question? I don't see the unbalanced quote case tested15:12
rick_h__hatch: did that get fixed before? /me doesn't remember what ever happened with that.15:13
adeuringsinzui: it is tested like the other characters: 'foo %s bar' % '"'15:13
hatchrick_h__: yeah I was sure someone fixed it before15:13
rick_h__hatch: k, filing a new bug/card. Will see.15:13
hatchit must have gotten overridden in a merge or something15:14
sinzuisorry adeuring15:14
adeuringsinzui: no problem ;)15:14
sinzuiadeuring, r=m with my suggestion to represent the the special chars as all-caps constants.15:14
adeuringsinzui: thanks15:15
rick_h__hatch: files as #119026515:15
_mup_Bug #1190265: adding a service does not load all config <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1190265>15:15
hatchthanks rick_h__15:30
hatchI have a spare (rather powerful) server hanging around doing nothing, I wonder if I can instlal openstack on it and run local juju instances15:39
hatchcan I run openstack on a single machine?15:39
rick_h__hatch: I think they're working on that but it's not there yet15:43
rick_h__hatch: but don't quote me on it15:44
hatchI don't really want to spend to much time on it, so if I can't `apt-get install openstack` I'm not really interested :)15:44
gary_posterbenji oops!15:47
gary_postercoming back :-)15:48
sinzuiadeuring, did you manually merge? I am looking at jenkins15:53
adeuringsinzui: no, I did not.15:54
sinzuiokay, thank you. We are going to wait and see if tarmac does its job15:54
gary_posterjujugui call in 615:54
gary_posterkanban now15:54
gary_posterfrankban gave you a second LGTM15:58
frankbangary_poster: thanks, submitting15:59
gary_posterjujugui call in 115:59
gary_posterbenji starting without you (teknico got your message)16:01
sinzuiadeuring, I QAed your fix while verifying tarmac was up16:14
adeuringsinzui: thank you16:14
rick_h__orangesquad, hatch, Makyo anyone up for some review of a nice small one please? https://codereview.appspot.com/1022704516:16
rick_h__orangesquad: heads up that kanban is acting nuts. I'm taking the bug #1190063 card next but kanban won't shot it atm. 16:18
_mup_Bug #1190063: going into a category and then hitting back does not re-render the editorial <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:In Progress by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1190063>16:18
rick_h__ /shot/show16:19
Makyorick_h__, looking.16:22
rick_h__Makyo: ty16:22
hatchrick_h__: looking16:25
* gary_poster feels embarrassed he didn't know about bitnami16:26
hatchrick_h__: done, just one q16:27
hatchI didn't know about it either :)16:28
hatchlooks pretty cool on the surface16:29
gary_posterand like the primary closed source and pre-existing competitor to juju16:29
hatchyeah although it appears to be taking a different approach16:30
hatchto the same problem16:30
hatchonce we have bundles done I think our approach is better16:31
gary_posterstacks in particular16:31
hatcher yeah, stacks16:31
hatchI get the two mixed up :)16:31
gary_poster:-) yeah16:32
* gary_poster runs to lunch for a bit...16:32
rick_h__hatch: replied16:32
rick_h__hatch: basically hasStateChanged is a question, not mutating16:32
hatchgotcha thx16:33
teknicohatch: fixed tests in devel and debug, still the same "not a constructor" error in prod :-/ lp:~teknico/juju-gui/add-cookies-usage-banner16:43
hatchbut it works in devel?16:43
teknicoyes, under "make test-server" and " make debug"16:43
hatchok looking16:44
rick_h__so something isn't making it into the combined js file :/16:44
hatchteknico: ahh it's missing from the bin/merge-files ln8916:45
teknicohatch: ooh, right16:46
hatchtry that out - if that doesn't work then I'll dig further16:46
teknicotoo many moving parts :-P16:46
hatch""jenkins is back to normal"" yay!16:46
hatchyeah our build process is too complex16:46
teknicohatch: now it doesn't find Y.Cookie?!?16:47
teknicohatch: does it have to be added to the list on line 74?16:48
teknicoyeah, that did it :-P16:49
hatch:/ I really don't understand that16:49
teknicome neither :-/16:49
hatchthose scripts should not need to be manually added into the reqs16:49
hatchwhat if you add 'cookies' into app.js as a requires16:50
hatch(curious to see if that works)16:50
teknicohatch: do you mean "cookie", and without adding the line "reqs.push('cookie');" to merge-files?16:51
teknicohatch: yep, it works16:52
teknicowhich one is better?16:52
hatchthe latter (in app.js) imho16:52
hatchthat means that our parsing script is not working properly16:53
gary_posterI think those problems are because the YUI loader isn't designed to be used this way17:01
gary_posterMaybe we could find some nice improvements if we reviewed it though17:01
gary_posterfrankban, thank you very much for Jenkins fix! yay!17:02
teknicolint fixes, merge from trunk, test again, propose, yadda yadda :-)17:04
teknicohatch: proposed again, how about another review? :-) https://codereview.appspot.com/996704417:06
teknicothanks for all the fish, btw :-)17:06
hatchsure give me a few minutes and I can get on it17:06
teknicono hurry17:06
hatchjcastro: is the idea to replace askubuntu with discourse?17:13
jcastroAU is for q+a17:14
jcastrodiscourse is for watercooling17:14
jcastro"How do I configure Juju to do foo?" goes on AU. "I like Juju let's talk about it." goes on Discourse17:15
hatchahh gotcha - I wonder if the two can be integrated at all17:17
hatchlink from one to the other for example17:17
jcastroyeah I have some ideas17:17
jcastrofor oneboxing and making it more seamless, as I'm sure there will/is confusion17:17
hatchdiscourse confuses me to start with but I'm sure I'll get used to it :)17:18
jcastroit's a fresh start. Brave new world.17:18
jcastroburning of ships.17:18
hatchI don't like new things...17:18
* hatch goes back to sit on his porch yelling at the neighbour kids17:18
jcastro<rick_h> Even I like it, and I hate everything17:18
teknicoburning of RAM and CPU, more than anything...17:18
rick_h__jcastro: :P17:19
hatchbtw rick_h__ what's with all the underscores?17:19
rick_h__hatch: must have been reconnecting at some point17:19
=== rick_h__ is now known as rick_h
jcastrorick_h: we should finish up your blog post17:22
rick_hjcastro: yea, good call. I'll poke at it tonight at CHC17:22
hatchteknico: review done with a few comments (LGTM'd)17:27
sinzuiDoes anyone on orangesquad have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/charm-model-fixes-views/+merge/16817517:30
sinzuiI think kanban is on read-only mode17:35
rick_hsinzui: yea, it's borked. Yellow had issues on their call today as well17:36
gary_posterI don't even get that far17:36
sinzuiyeah, I get loading errors sometimes17:36
rick_hah, loads but as soon as I *do* something it undoes it and yells at me17:36
hatchgary_poster: so is your only issue with trello that it doesn't do wip limits?17:37
rick_hhatch: and you've not written lp-trello to replace lp-kanban17:37
* rick_h does use trello for outside of work stuff though heh17:37
hatchdo we need lp-kanban? It was down for the longest time and I didn't even notice :)17:38
gary_posterhatch, no, I also want greater flexibility in arranging the swim lanes than trello provides.  17:38
hatchrick_h: yeah so do I haha17:38
gary_posterlp2kanban is less important as we use fewer LP bugs17:38
hatchgary_poster: ahh ok - I'm a +0 in the matter anyways but just curious17:39
gary_posterhatch I looked up WIP limits in trello earlier.  whatzizname the big blogger who is part of the company that makes it says that wip should be social anyway.  It is social, but don't agree that this means that visually highlighting WIP is unimportant17:40
gary_postersomebody has a chrome plugin I think17:40
hatchthat one? :)17:41
hatchyeah - that response sounds like an arrogant one17:41
gary_posterprobably.  didn't look closely17:41
hatch"we aren't going to add a counter.....because I don't believe in it....yeah that's it"17:41
hatchaccording to this it's done?17:42
gary_posterhatch stared at that but couldn't make much sense of it.  Looked for wip before.  https://trello.com/board/trello-development/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c is trello dev board17:45
hatchyeah the comments are....out there... but it was in the 'done' category heh17:45
sinzuihatch, I agree with gary_poster that WIP limits are fundamental to the intent of kanban. I am glad to see a rival to leankanban though17:46
gary_posterbut of what board, hatch?  does that actually have anything to do with trello dev?  I don't see any wip-style config in "list actions"17:46
hatchon the trello-development board under 'Live' there is (5/31) possible WIP limit?17:49
hatchI agree, I don't see it in the config either17:49
hatchoh that's probably a date17:51
hatchgary_poster: I think here is the feed you were taking about https://twitter.com/spolsky/status/30671990824541798417:53
gary_posterhatch, yup, that's it.17:54
gary_posterhatch, where's that "possible WIP limit" thing?  don't see it in https://trello.com/board/trello-development/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c17:54
hatchyeah I don't either17:54
hatchI'm not sure what that other thing was from then17:54
gary_posterah ok17:55
hatchI'm going to take off for lunch, bbl18:03
jcsackettsinzui: got a moment to chat?18:07
sinzuiI do18:09
sinzuijcsackett, ^18:12
gary_posterOTOH, if leankit doesn't get their act together, I will be tempted to find other alternatives :-/18:35
benjidebug prints (that raise exceptions) left in tests make Benji cry18:50
jcastrogary_poster: I am in the process of rating a bunch of charms18:55
gary_posteryay! thanks jcastro :-)18:55
gary_posterjujugui, orangesquad, ding dong the witch is dead, or something.  leankit appears to be back.18:56
sinzuithank you for your diligence gary_poster18:57
rick_hjcastro: comming on your MP, I think there's a wire crossed18:57
gary_posterlol, I can reload web pages with the best of 'em18:57
jcastrorick_h: what do you mean?18:58
rick_hsorry, jcsackett ^^ not jcastro 18:58
rick_hjcastro: you carry on, rate away kthx :)(18:58
jcastroI like how you guys made you guys not landing ratings now blocking on us instead of you guys18:58
jcastrowell done sir.18:58
* rick_h goes to look for anything else we can shove off on someone else18:59
jcsackettrick_h: my understanding was we used icon internally, and had the link used by clients of the API.18:59
gary_posterjcastro, :-P :-)18:59
rick_hjcsackett: I thought icon was gone. it's no longer an attribute18:59
rick_hor was going away, abentley can you verify? 18:59
* benji read that as "shave off of"18:59
rick_hjcsackett: I thought sinzui was removing it from the model because it had no use18:59
jcsackettrick_h: could be; i missed that, if that's the case.19:00
rick_hbenji: I've got my merkur safety razor ready and willing19:00
sinzuiicon is gone from staging charm data and will be gone from production data in the next deploy19:00
rick_hjcsackett: ^^19:00
jcsackettsinzui: i'm running off a fresh ingest, so icon is still being brought in somewhere.19:01
sinzuijcsackett, migration 7 cleanup devs and staging, migration 8 cleans up production19:01
jcsackettand by fresh, i mean: i had no data before running this ingest this morning.19:01
* gary_poster crosses fingers and toes on Makyo's behalf19:01
MakyoCrossing everything, over here.  Fingers, toes, the dogs' tails..19:02
jcastrorick_h: hey something to think about wrt. bundles19:02
jcastroso I want to rate "logstash"19:02
jcastrobut it's a series of like 4 charms19:03
jcastromaybe we should think about rating the entire thing as a whole19:03
jcastroI think people will want a general view of quality of the entire service, not just the indexer, the webfront end, etc.19:03
rick_hjcastro: hmm, not sure what's up with bundles at this point. I know we talked about forming a 'meta charm' format and getting it into the store like others and you'd just rat the 'meta charm' 19:03
jcastrooh ok19:04
rick_hjcastro: so it would work just like it does now for you if that goes through, but I don't think we're doing that any more so not sure what the story is19:04
jcastrowell whatever we call them19:04
rick_hjcastro: maybe gary_poster or sinzui  can better fill you in what checklist to toss that onto19:04
sinzuijcsackett, charmworld/charmworld/ingest only knows two things about icons. 1 ICON_FILENAME which can be removed (it is unused) and a test verifying icon is not in the charm data19:04
gary_posterjcastro I'll be sending an email out to juju-dev about bundles in the next few days19:05
gary_posterjcastro, I'll include that use case19:06
benjithe beginings of Go sandbox branch is up for review: https://codereview.appspot.com/1023504519:06
gary_posterand you can follow on as you think makes sense.  Does that sound good?19:06
jcastrogary_poster: excellent, I will chime in as necessary19:06
gary_posterthanks jcastro 19:06
jcastroI hadn't thought about it until I started rating19:06
jcastrothen it's like, who cares about the logstash-indexer charm outside of it's stack19:07
rick_hjcastro: yea, I know we talked about it from a charmworld POV in oakland19:07
benjiI should have taken a vacation day tomorrow.  I'm getting a new mixing board and I can't wait to play with it.19:07
rick_hbenji: woot, what did you get?19:07
benjiBehringer x32 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5v-JnAvipw)19:09
rick_hwhoa, nice19:09
MakyoI have a Behringer Xenyx 1222.  Love it :)19:11
MakyoBoy howdy is that one nice, though, benji 19:11
rick_hyea, I was thinking like a little 8input board but that's crazy19:11
abentleyjcsackett: by "icon is still being brought in", you mean the base64-encoded contents of the icon?  That should be impossible.  We don't even import base64 anymore.19:13
benjiI have 22 inputs but only a 16 channel board now, so the 40 inputs of that guy will be very nice to have; plus I get compression and a nice parametric EQ on each channel and 8 FX slots, so I can stop using over half of the stuff in my rack19:14
jcsackettabentley: i mean right now, i can do img src="data+xml/svg,{$charm ... }" to get an image in a template. 19:14
jcsackettabentley: but it doesn't matter. i'll take it on faith that i've got something unusual going on and i'm going to change the branch.19:14
abentleyjcsackett: You can look at the contents of the charm by accessing /charms/precise/wordpress/json .  If there's a member named "icon" in there, I don't believe that was fresh ingest.19:19
abentleyat least not with trunk r245 or a descendant.19:20
hatchbenji: cool mixer :) I just got back from lunch....bought a new kiteboard lol19:28
hatchwent out for lunch, forgot about lunch, bought a kiteboard....how does that work?19:28
benjidistracting hobbies are distracting19:28
hatchhaha yup19:29
hatchr u in a band?19:29
gary_posteryou've heard of zz top?19:30
gary_posterhe has a beard wig19:30
hatchit's called 'benji top' and it's a cover band?19:30
benjihatch: I am the tech director (and primary mixer) for my church: 2 guitarists, keys, piano, drummer, and five vocalists19:31
benji(the base player will be back in the fall; mission trips, the bane of church music programs ;P)19:32
benji[wow, misspelling "bass" is a new low, even for me]19:33
hatchit's alright I figured he wasn't the guy everyone stood on :P19:33
gary_poster"bass," "new low," get it?  get it?19:33
hatchinteresting email on ubuntu tech about git19:35
hatchand I mean't canonical tech19:35
gary_posterbenji lgtm with questions19:35
* benji looks at questions.19:35
hatchoo I think I have finished this panel removal19:37
hatchannnnnd I spoke to soon19:38
hatchwho needs tests anyways!19:38
hatchthese tests are driving me bonkers19:47
rick_hjcsackett: ping, just a double check. Did you make sure that hasIcon isn't dumped in the API and might cause front end issues?20:32
hatchdoes anyone know off the top of their head what causes the ghost services to be removed on cancel?20:32
hatchoh hmm20:32
hatchwith my new iteration on canceling a deployment the ghost sticks around until the next delta20:33
gary_posterhatch, I think I knew at one point.  Makyo should know.20:33
MakyoOne sec.20:33
Makyohatch, When the charm configuration panel is removed.20:34
hatchohhh I forgot to fire 'update'20:35
hatchthanks :)20:35
hatchI just needed that 'click' I guess heh20:36
hatchMakyo: the ghost placement is a little odd though20:36
hatchonce deployed it bounces to the proper place though20:36
hatchknown issue?20:36
Makyohatch, That was a content-free statement :)  What's 'odd' mean?20:36
sinzuiorangesquad I have another branch of for review. This one is a drive-by fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/complete-promulgated-queries/+merge/16905220:37
hatchit's about 6" to the right of where it 'bounces' to after deploying20:37
Makyohatch, new as of yesterday *shrug*  Was fine when I landed my branch.20:37
gary_posterI've seen it for awhile actually20:37
gary_posterdidn't bother me too much20:38
abentleysinzui: looking20:38
gary_posterhappy to have a bug, but bigger fish to fry atm20:38
MakyoWill look.  Maybe it's quick.20:38
hatchMakyo: it does it on uistage20:38
MakyoThat code hasn't changed since it was written, really.20:38
hatchwhen deploying from the charm browser20:38
hatchyeah it may have done this forever, I just noticed it today though :)20:39
MakyoWorks locally, will check uistage.20:40
MakyoWorks on uistage, too.20:41
MakyoSo...I don't know?20:41
hatchlol that's odd...so it doesn't jump to a different place than the ghost on deploy?20:42
gary_posterMakyo, to be clear, it works but it jumps briefly.  So, you make a ghost, you drag it somewhere, and then you press confirm.  After that, placement changes briefly but it bounces back20:42
gary_posterto where you had dragged it20:42
gary_posterhatch or I can demo20:42
gary_posterbut also, I didn't raise it because it was not a high priority for me.  basic behavior is good enough for now20:43
abentleysinzui: r=me.  Maybe we don't need to worry about searchTasks, if as you say, being subscribed is enough.20:43
MakyoOh, that's from turning on transitions.20:43
Makyogary_poster, ^^^20:43
MakyoThe x/y coords aren't set until it gets the annotations.20:43
MakyoAnd when they're set, it jumps.20:43
gary_posterCan we manually set x/y, maybe?20:43
gary_posterbefore annotations really come in?20:44
gary_posterso, manually set annotations?20:44
MakyoMaybe?  I mean, the code is the same code that moves the service if another client drags it, so that you have a visual cue to see that something moved.20:44
MakyoI can poke around at it sometime, I'm sure.  We have the pending flag, so we can have conditional code.20:45
gary_posterright cool.  also my idea was that we already know what the annotations are supposed to be20:45
gary_posterMakyo, somewhat relatedly, at some point if you have any thoughts on this, we will need multiple ghosts simultaneously soon, for bundles as well as other use cases.  If you had any deep thoughts on that I'd love to pick your brain.  If not np.  We will figure it out20:46
hatchsorry I wasn't bringing this up to have it fixed now... :) it was more of a 'didjaknow?' :D20:46
Makyogary_poster, Sure, I'll think about it, though I'm sure it'll be trivial; they're stored in the DB with the same data that will be stored server-side, so multiple services can have pending flags.20:47
sinzuithank you abentley20:47
Makyohatch, no worries, I was just missing the drag part.20:47
MakyoIf you start with one service, it looks okay :D20:47
gary_postercool Makyo thx20:47
hatchremoval of the right charm search panel is proposing now20:48
gary_posterthx hatch, lemme know when ready and I'll jump on it.  Would be great to have for Huw.20:49
hatchI've noticed that proposing/submitting seems to be taking longer than usual20:50
hatchI wonder if our tests are hitting that critial mass where my mini is just not fast enough :)20:50
MakyoIt's the new usual, hatch \o/20:50
hatchhaha ok so it's not just me then?20:51
MakyoI dunno, I was mostly joking.  last propose was in core-land.20:52
hatchoh I bet those take forever20:52
MakyoThey're reasonably fast, since they don't depend on tests running, but the tests do take quite a while, and lock up my ocmputer in the process.20:53
hatchI bet they use a multi threaded test system don't they? :)20:53
hatchgary_poster: https://codereview.appspot.com/10241043/  qa please :)20:54
MakyoHah, I have no idea.  I joked before that testing was "go build ./... && go test ./... && go get a cup of coffee and maybe a snack"20:54
hatch-1000ln diff!! w000t20:54
hatchMakyo: if you wouldn't mind I'll need another review of the above link :)20:55
Makyohatch, sure.20:55
hatchthank yas20:56
hatchrick_h: I see you are working on the configuration issue - It's past your EOD now?21:07
gary_posterthe jump to place does not work with improv at all anymore21:08
gary_posterat least with large21:09
gary_posterhatch, placement of the service is broken in improv in your branch21:11
gary_posterIOW, 21:11
gary_posterif you start with improv (I used large fwiw)21:11
gary_posterand then deploy a charm21:11
hatchok let me see21:11
gary_posterthe ghost will go one place21:11
gary_posterbut the new confirmed service will go someplace else21:11
gary_poster(works properly in trunk)21:12
gary_posternotifications work well21:13
gary_posterso that's the only qa issue I found21:13
gary_poster(I'm a bit worried about the configuration issue in this context; I hope this does not confuse rick's issue too much)21:13
gary_posterHopefully it will be easy enough to work out21:14
hatchhmm this placement thing is a little odd21:14
hatchI'm not sure how my removal of code could have messed that up21:14
hatchwill look into it21:14
gary_posterthank you21:16
hatchbenji: review done see comments :)21:16
Makyohatch, The notifications icon is now white with white text.  Is that a known thing?21:16
hatchMakyo: yeah it's only like that when there are no alerts21:16
gary_posterhatch, that's only if there are no errors, right?21:16
hatchit turns red when there are21:17
Makyohatch, alright.  Doesn't show connection status anymore?21:17
hatchI didn't know that it did...21:17
MakyoBlue was connected, yellow disconnected.21:17
gary_posterah yes21:18
hatchyes....that's a bug21:18
hatchnice catch!21:18
gary_posterthat is a regression, but not from this branch21:18
gary_posterbut also21:18
hatchinadvertent issue caused by my bootstrap changes21:18
hatchI can fix that21:18
gary_posterthe next branch in this path is to re-style the top21:18
gary_posterbut cool, if it is easy that is great21:18
hatchyeah it should be21:18
MakyoYeah, it can go wherever!  Just a useful indication sometimes.21:19
hatchhonestly I had no idea haha21:19
hatchI've never seen it yellow21:19
MakyoLGTM with Gary's positioning item, though.21:19
hatchhmm It acts the same on uistage for me (positioning)21:20
hatchit bounces to the 'middle' then back again after deploy21:20
Makyouistage isn't running improv though, right?21:21
hatchoh I thought it was21:21
gary_posterhatch, I would try trunk with large.  I can probably dupe with uistage with enough instructions21:21
gary_posterit used to be running improv21:21
gary_posterI disabled it because of the script kiddies21:21
gary_posteryesterday, I think21:21
hatchI get identical 'bouncing' but because the deltas are longer on improv it takes longer21:23
hatchsure this is caused by my branch?21:23
hatchwill try on trunk21:23
gary_posterhatch, I don't think you see what I'm trying to show.  one sec, getting different instructions21:23
hatchok sorry :)21:24
gary_posternp!  was not clear21:24
hatchoh I don't get the bouncyness on trunk21:26
hatchit deploys right to where I drop the ghost21:26
hatchok something is right messed up :/21:27
hatchthe layout is different on trunk than on my branch21:27
hatchwith identical rapi setup21:27
gary_posteron trunk it is different but also messed up :-(21:27
gary_posterah ok21:27
gary_posterthat's not good21:27
gary_posterI have a different problem21:27
gary_posterah!  but it is not in your branch.  some kind of horrible race condition21:28
* Makyo dogwalks quickly.21:28
hatchI'm a little confused here21:28
gary_posterlet me see if it happens using the old charm adder21:29
hatchI don't understand how the layouts could be different21:29
gary_posternope still hosed in old adder21:31
gary_posterMakyo, when you get back, I see a problem in trunk (can dupe on uistage) that you can dupe by adding four services in a row21:51
Makyogary_poster, just got back.21:51
gary_postercool thanks21:51
gary_posterthe first three go to the right place21:51
gary_posterthe fourth ghost never appears21:51
gary_posterand then when you confirm it goes in the center of the canvas rather than where the ghost would have gone21:52
MakyoCan't reproduce in hatch's current branch.  Which browser and any speed requirements?21:53
MakyoGot it on uistage.21:54
hatchin trunk on sandbox, can't reproduce the 4th ghost issue now....21:55
gary_posterI did have race conditiony experiences in here somewhere21:56
hatchUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of undefined d3.v2.min.js:421:57
hatchwhen it doesn't show....that error is in the console21:57
gary_posterah ok21:57
hatchtraceback https://gist.github.com/hatched/0bdebc1a94512730c54e21:57
MakyoI hate having minimized code in development.22:02
MakyoMinified, whatever.22:03
hatchgary_poster: when I use my branch on rapi-large I get an error in the rapi console logs on reploying the new wordpress22:03
gary_posterhatch...no idea.  sure this is not trunk?22:04
hatchthen when I delete I get another error22:04
hatch2013-06-12 16:03:54,828 juju.rapi.delta:ERROR An error occurred 'result'22:04
hatchI'll compare with trunk22:04
hatchoh I get the same failurs in trunk they just don't make the same representation in the UI22:06
Makyod3.geom.hull fails when vertices form a line.22:09
gary_postersilly geometry22:11
gary_posterhey hazmat, could you make ~juju-gui a member of https://launchpad.net/~charming-devs, and whatever else is necessary so that I can be an editor and approver of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/charmworld/+spec/s-cloud-jujucharms-site-authors-api please?22:15
Makyogary_poster, hatch http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5759656/ fixes it22:16
hatchthe 4th ghost bug?22:17
gary_postercool Makyo thanks.  hatch, can you fit that in?22:17
hatchcertainly thanks22:17
gary_postercool thank you22:17
hatchI still can't figure out what my other bug is caused by22:17
hatchwht is 'defaultSeries' ?22:17
Makyohatch, ie: precise, quantal, etc.22:18
hatchok nope that's not it22:18
rick_hhatch: yes, past my EOD. Will try to get a fix in tomorrow. 22:45
gary_posterhow goes it hatch23:44
hatchoh I gave up23:45
hatchI'll be back at it later on23:45
gary_poster:-) ok23:45
hatchfresh mind, fresh eyes :)23:45
gary_posterhey huwshimi.  I might have a chance to talk briefly later, or might not23:45
gary_posterhatch has a branch that rips out the right hand side23:46
gary_posterit has one qa issue that he is trying to resolve23:46
huwshimigary_poster: Ah great23:46
gary_posterbut it would not affect the header23:46
huwshimigary_poster: Should I base my branch off that then?23:46
gary_posterso you could in theory use it as a base for your work if you had time and you thought that would work23:46
gary_posterhuwshimi, lp:~hatch/juju-gui/remove-charmsearch23:47
gary_posterwe discovered two qa issues23:48
gary_posterfirst, on trunk and in the branch, if you add four services in a row and don't drag them, the fourth ghost doesn't show up.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5759656/ from Matt fixes, and Jeff will include it in his branch23:49
gary_postersecond, when you add a new ghost and confirm, the real service position is wrong23:49
gary_posteruntil the annotation comes back23:50
gary_posterthat's what he is going to fix later23:50
gary_posterotherwise, the alerts are still as broken as before23:50
gary_posterbut the unneeded stuff on the right is gone23:50
gary_posterok, need to go read books to children23:51
gary_postermaybe back later :-)23:51
huwshimigary_poster: OK thanks. What do you mean by alerts are still broken?23:51
huwshimi(I'm guessing you mean that you can't open the alerts panel...)23:55

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