
isuckassatubuntuwhat is the difference between updating useing the software already installed in your UBUNTU SOFTWARE & UPDATES or  SOFTWARE UPDATER or using the  SYNATICS updates00:07
isuckassatubuntuhi dark00:10
isuckassatubuntuanyone here00:10
=== jimerickson is now known as jje
bjsniderno difference02:06
=== Dr^Fets is now known as dh0ks
BluesKajHey all12:48
Touhou11join #ubuntu-mir12:57
Touhou11join #ubuntu-mir12:57
=== azend_ is now known as azend
=== TheLordO- is now known as TheLordOfTime|EC
=== TheLordOfTime|EC is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
AlanBellwell I upgraded to saucy and gnome shell works brilliantly, unity is a bit of a mess though. Logs in to a blank screen, running unity from a tty gives me unity, but nothing gets unpainted22:16
AlanBellmaybe a ccsm workaround for repainting full screen will help  . . .22:18
AlanBellnope, doesn't help22:20
AlanBellgnome-shell it is for now then22:20
shadowswhy are python gtk apps saying "gtk-close" and stuff instead of the normal menu items?22:21
shadowshappened on upgrade from 13.0422:22
shadowsnot a Python programmer.22:22
=== Logan_ is now known as Eating
=== Eating is now known as Logan_

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