
Mirvthe shortlived qmlrunner could be removed now.. https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/remove_qmlrunner/+merge/16885106:01
dholbachgood morning06:27
dpmgood morning everyone!06:58
guschoSoMoN: ping07:10
oSoMoNgusch: pong07:11
guschoSoMoN: how's the translation of the .desktop files supposed to work?07:12
guschoSoMoN: I thought the .dekstop file would then contain all the translations07:12
oSoMoNgusch: no, not in ubuntu07:12
guschoSoMoN: but I don't see them in the generated .desktop file07:12
oSoMoNgusch: in ubuntu, we have a patch to glib that dynamically loads translations for desktop files from langpacks07:13
oSoMoNgusch: as long as the desktop file has X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain defined, and that the strings to be translated are present in the langpack, then it will just work07:14
guschoSoMoN: ah - the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain is the trick07:16
oSoMoNgusch: yup, if you don’t know about it it really looks like magic…07:17
guschoSoMoN: this is the translation for gallery then https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-translate-desktop/+merge/16871807:20
oSoMoNgusch: I’m on it, thanks07:21
oSoMoNgusch: in the meantime, would you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/models-in-plugin/+merge/168861 ? it’s some long overdue refactoring07:21
guschoSoMoN: on it07:22
oSoMoNgusch: added one comment to address, otherwise looks good to me07:39
guschoSoMoN: your's looks good, but I found an issue when I try switching tabs07:47
oSoMoNgusch: interesting, what issue?07:47
guschoSoMoN: when clicking on the "upper" part of a tab, i seems to click on the (invisible) suggestion bar07:48
guschoSoMoN: clicking on the "lower part" where the toolbar is, it works07:48
oSoMoNgusch: known bug, already fixed in trunk :)07:48
guschoSoMoN: is this known?07:48
guschoSoMoN: ah - I thought so, I had one review like this07:48
guschoSoMoN: ok - I approve your's07:49
oSoMoNgusch: yep, you actually approved it :)07:49
oSoMoNgusch: looking at why I thought your pot file wasn’t up-to-date07:49
guschoSoMoN: I thought that's included in th current MR already - so I better asked07:49
guschoSoMoN: maybe because nothing changed (except the desktop stuff)07:50
oSoMoNgusch: when I merge your branch, if I then run "cmake ." and then "make gallery-app.pot", this is the diff I’m getting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5757415/07:51
oSoMoN_gusch: did I miss something? I got disconnected for 4mins07:57
guschoSoMoN_: no - just looking07:57
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
guschoSoMoN: I'll merge trunk, have a look (I removed the sorting, so there are less changes)07:58
oSoMoNgusch: if I were you I’d keep the sorting, it’s going to introduce quite a few changes now, but it will keep the file more stable in the future08:00
guschoSoMoN: hmmm - ok - then the changes now08:00
guschoSoMoN: but even after merging trunk, my pot file does not change (except for the date)08:01
oSoMoNgusch: that’s weird indeed, let me check if my trunk isn’t up-to-date, by any chance08:02
guschoSoMoN: the qml files didn't change for quite a while - so I'm confused08:02
guschoSoMoN: maybe on your computer the sorting is different? So sorting the files in cmake will fix that?08:03
oSoMoNgusch: I don’t see how it could be different, we both use western european locales08:04
guschoSoMoN: I pushed an update for sorting the files08:05
oSoMoNgusch: right, I just compared your CMakeLists.txt and the one in the browser, and in the browser I’m sorting the list of files in cmake indeed, hence the difference08:05
guschoSoMoN: ok - is then with my update :)08:06
oSoMoNgusch: yup, it now works, I’ll approve08:07
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Day Against Child Labour and happy Loving Day! :-D08:28
Laneyah, finally got crossfading working09:24
=== oSoMoN is now known as oSoMoN|afk
=== gusch_ is now known as gusch
guschtmoenicke: are you up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-show-video/+merge/16888409:57
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
dpmkalikiana, ant managed to fix the order of the breadcrumbs via CSS, but it seems on some pages there are still extra breadcrumbs, such as the "Basic QML Types" on this page. Is this something that can be fixed (i.e. removing extra breadcrumbs)?10:19
dpmkalikiana, http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/resolution-independence.html10:19
dpmThe breadcrumbs are ok on the theming page, though: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/theming-components.html10:21
kalikianadpm, yes, that can be removed, it was on purpose as a way to navigate between the different topics10:21
kalikianathough they aren't strctly related10:21
kalikianadpm, if you can give me the CSS needed I'll bring it all together along with fixing the overview10:23
dpmkalikiana, it's on the e-mail ant sent us10:24
dpmthe scratch.css attachment10:24
kalikianaoh, my bad, found it10:24
dpmnp, you can simply replace the existing scratch.css with that one10:25
dpmlet me know when the branch is updated, and I'll put the docs online for a final test10:25
kalikianaawesome, I'm on it right away10:25
kalikianadpm, sadly the css doesn't work on component pages, eg http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/qml-ubuntu-components0-action.html10:32
dpmkalikiana, yeah, you're right. Let's get the branch updated first and then we can ask ant if he can have a look at it.10:35
dpmkalikiana, can the breadcrumb to the root page be added to http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/qml-ubuntu-components0-action.html too, or is qdoc playing tricks there too?10:36
kalikianaI'll push the branch shortly, I already made some commits10:39
kalikianaI'm taking a look at that case now10:39
=== oSoMoN|afk is now known as oSoMoN
kalikianadpm, I just realize the problem with the navigation to QML Items on individual components. qdoc hard-codes the page name, we can't actually pick one there10:44
kalikianaI can try to do a search-and-replace to make it use the toolkit page instead10:45
kalikianaI'll let you know shortly if that's possible10:45
dpmgreat, thanks kalikiana10:47
kalikianadpm, pushed10:53
dpmkalikiana, and docs updated: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/overview-ubuntu-sdk.html10:57
dpmkalikiana, ok, after looking at the docs, I think the only remaining issue that I see now are the still reversed breadcrumbs on http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/sdk-docs/breadcrumbs-fixed/qml-ubuntu-components0-button.html - I'll forward that to ant. Have you spotted anything else?11:01
t1mpgusch: I have gallery-app on desktop, I commented out HUD stuff in GalleryApplication and some FORM_FACTOR references, and when I start it from qtcreator, I do not get past the Loading screen11:02
t1mpgusch: any ideas?11:02
t1mpgusch: ok I needed to remove more HUD stuff and then it runs from commandline (not qtc)11:05
om26ergusch, Hi! I fixed switching to albums tab in autopilot tests for the phone. https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/fix_tests_on_phones/+merge/16890711:05
kalikianadpm, I think it's looking good apart from the reversed bread crumbs11:09
guscht1mp: so works now?11:09
guschom26er: ok - looking at it11:09
dpmkalikiana, excellent. I've asked ant if he could have a look. I think once that is fixed we should be good to go11:10
t1mpgusch: yes it works now11:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
om26eroSoMoN, hey!11:25
t1mpgusch: I'm making some changes in the implementation of ToolbarActions in the UITK, and I have a question about its use in gallery-app11:26
t1mpgusch: in a few places you define properties like property ActionList overviewTools: PhotosToolbarActions {... }11:27
oSoMoNom26er: hey11:27
t1mpgusch: is there a reason that the property is of type ActionList, and not ToolbarActions (the superclass of PhotosToolbarActions)?11:27
om26eroSoMoN, sometimes many of the autopilot tests for the webbrowser would fail with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757909/11:27
oSoMoNom26er: that’s because one previous test run didn’t terminate cleanly11:28
guscht1mp: not that I know of - that's more or less still your code I think ;)11:28
t1mpgusch: ToolbarActions is currently a subclass of ActionList, but I may be changing that11:28
oSoMoNom26er: killing the process of the previous test run should fix it11:28
om26eroSoMoN, yeah, that probably happened11:29
t1mpgusch: okay, good. If I change the type to ToolbarActions, it works with my experimental UITK branch. Doesn't seem to cause problems, so probably I will propose a small MR for gallery to be compatible with my new implementation11:29
guscht1mp: ok - tell when I should the review11:29
t1mpgusch: do you have daily builds for gallery-app that are automatically included in the newest phone image?11:29
guscht1mp: well - currently not, becauso of saucy11:30
guscht1mp: but in theory there should be a daily release afaik11:30
t1mpgusch: how do I ensure that my proposed changes in gallery-app go in the next image? I need it there before updating the UITK (gallery with changes will work with both old and new UITK implementation)11:30
t1mpgusch: okay. I'll propose an MR for gallery-app today, and before applying the changes in UITK I will check that it works with gallery-app in the latest phone image.11:31
guschom26er: I reduced the size of the gallery (40x30 gu size), not it hangs when trying to switch tabs11:32
om26ergusch, how can I try that ?11:34
om26erthe hang probably means it was not able to switch the tab11:34
guschom26er: might be that it hangs when trying to switch to photos - so the same mechanism is needed there11:35
guschom26er: I was setting the size in src/gallery-applicaion.cpp (form_factors_ in constructore, and view_.setMinimumSize() in create_view)11:36
om26ergusch, how can I reduce the size of the app window? directly in code or is there a way to start the app with a given geometry11:36
t1mpgusch: the MR is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/gallery-app/newTools/+merge/16892311:44
guscht1mp: ok checking it11:44
t1mpgusch: thanks!11:44
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
t1mpgusch: thanks for the approve. will it be merged automatically?12:20
guscht1mp: yes, once jenkins approves as well12:21
t1mpgusch: great, thanks.12:21
guscht1mp: but no idea when it's gonna be released12:22
t1mpgusch: ok. before merging the changes in UITK I test it with the then-current image so I'll notice whether it is ready12:22
guschoSoMoN renato_ tmoenicke review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-show-video/+merge/16888412:37
oSoMoNgusch: I can take it, but later this afternoon13:05
guschoSoMoN: thx13:06
renato_gusch, oSoMoN I can take this now :D13:10
guschrenato_: even better :)13:11
oSoMoNrenato_: be my guest! thanks13:11
renato_gusch, how do you get the thumbnail for videos?13:15
renato_gusch, because I created a image provider on mediaplayer application and I think this can be usefull for you13:15
guschrenato_: atm it's just one dummy image13:15
guschrenato_: you are my man!13:16
renato_gusch, basically you do : Image { src: image://thumbnail/<video-file>:<time>13:16
guschrenato_: but there are at least 2 more steps to take before ...13:16
guschrenato_: hehe - now in C++ please ;)13:17
renato_gusch, are you returning a QImage to qml? how do you show the thumbnail?13:18
renato_gusch, just return the thumbnail url as: "image://thumbnail/<video-file>:<time>"13:18
renato_the QML will knows how to handle that13:18
guschrenato_: that would create the thumbnail everey time - not so nice13:19
guschrenato_: but anyway - that's something for a later MR13:19
dpmoSoMoN, when you've got a minute, could you give me a hand reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-weather-app/desktop-file-i18n/+merge/168946 ? I've figured out how to extract strings from a qmake-based project, but I'm not an expert in qmake syntax and it'd be good to have some sanity checking13:19
dpmsorry, I meant how to extract *desktop file* strings from a qmake-based project13:19
renato_gusch, yeah right now my image provider creates the thumbnail every time, but we can change it to create cache on disk this will be good for media-player too13:20
oSoMoNdpm: I’m not fluent in qmake either, but I’ll sure have a look13:20
dpmexcellent, thanks oSoMoN13:20
renato_gusch, why your function name is: "isCameraVideo" only videos from camera will appear on the gallery?13:21
guschrenato_: yes13:22
om26ergusch, could you approve that albums tab fix, I'll make another branch later for the 'Photos' case13:47
guschom26er: ok13:48
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|food
looldholbach: Did a pass on the fat packages topic15:19
looldholbach: (see list)15:19
renato_oSoMoN, I have updated the share-app translation MR,15:30
renato_I tested on the device and works nice15:30
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oSoMoNrenato_: cool, I’ll review it now15:31
oSoMoNrenato_: that’s a detail, but the pot file should be regenerated, since the qml file changed, line numbers are not matching anymore15:35
oSoMoNrenato_: just run "cmake . && make share-app.pot" and then bzr commit15:35
oSoMoNrenato_: otherwise it looks good to me15:37
renato_oSoMoN, ok15:38
oSoMoNrenato_: let me know once that’s done, I’ll approve then15:38
kalikianaoSoMoN, line numbers are not relevant to localization15:41
kalikianajust to avoid misconceptions15:41
oSoMoNkalikiana: I know they aren’t15:42
oSoMoNkalikiana: still, it’s a good practice to update the pot file when source files change15:42
kalikianaoSoMoN, well personally I find it a flaw in launchpad to require manual maintenance of the pot file in general15:43
kalikianait is a generated file15:43
kalikianait's not general practise in the gettext world15:43
kalikianawell, you might agure one more commit doesn't add to the overall ton of noise15:44
oSoMoNkalikiana: with what we’re setting up for apps, manual maintenance won’t be required any more, we’re integrating with dh_translations that should take care of regenerating the pot file when creating langpacks15:45
kalikianaoSoMoN, I'd love to see that. imho too many people take it for granted to update it by hand which wastes hours doing that same thing15:48
oSoMoNkalikiana: yeah, well it’s being implemented in all apps as we speak15:49
oSoMoNrenato_: nevermind, that was really minor, I just approved to speed up the process15:55
renato_oSoMoN, I am trying to generate the new po file but is not working, the strings inside the desktop file are ignored16:07
oSoMoNrenato_: how do you generate it?16:09
renato_make share-app.pot16:10
renato_oSoMoN, first I fixed a problem that the files inised of debian dir was getting translated :D16:10
renato_oSoMoN, if you build the package the qml files are copied to debian and the glob_recursive was listing this files16:12
renato_oSoMoN, the command that cmake is using is that:16:12
renato_cd /home/renato/Projects/phablet/share-app-i18n/build/po && /usr/bin/xgettext -o /home/renato/Projects/phablet/share-app-i18n/po/share-app.pot -D /home/renato/Projects/phablet/share-app-i18n --from-code=UTF-8 --c++ --qt --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --keyword=tr --keyword=tr:1,2 --package-name=share-app --copyright-holder='Canonical Ltd.' main.qml share-app.desktop.in16:12
renato_humm I think I now the problem16:13
oSoMoNrenato_: so it’s parsing only main.qml share-app.desktop.in, there shouldn’t be a problem16:14
renato_oSoMoN, this was after my fix16:15
renato_oSoMoN, another thing that I discovery I was already using in the mediaplayer-app is the flag "-s" which already sort the output16:16
renato_we do not need to sort the files on cmake16:16
renato_oSoMoN, Fixed16:17
oSoMoNrenato_: nope, that would be the -F flag16:17
oSoMoNrenato_: feel free to replace the sort in cmake by the -F flag, but do not remove it altogether16:17
renato_oSoMoN, I have pushed the changes16:21
renato_oSoMoN, I change the mr state to "needs review"16:21
oSoMoNrenato_: ok, let me check16:21
oSoMoNrenato_: I really don’t understand why you need this regexp to exclude files from the list of sources16:25
oSoMoNrenato_: could it be that you ran the make share-app.pot target on an unclean tree?16:26
renato_oSoMoN, for example, if you run dpkg-builpackage, this will make copy of you installable files16:26
renato_inside of debian dir16:26
renato_after that if you try to run make share-app.pot this will get these files16:27
oSoMoNrenato_: d’oh, you shouldn’t run the target on the branch when it’s not clean, you’re working around a non-problem16:27
oSoMoNrenato_: just ensure the tree is clean before running the target, and done16:28
renato_oSoMoN, this is a problem for me16:28
oSoMoNrenato_: running "bzr clean-tree" is a problem?16:28
renato_oSoMoN, this does not make sense :D16:28
renato_why we can not avoid this kind of re-work?16:28
oSoMoNrenato_: I don’t understand, what kind of re-work?16:29
renato_in the media-player you can run make mediaplayer-app.pot at any moment even if you work dir is not clean16:29
oSoMoNrenato_: on a related note, if you check the pot file, you’ll see that the strings are not sorted by file16:29
renato_oSoMoN, they are sorted by alphabetical16:29
renato_like the media-player16:30
oSoMoNrenato_: nope, there is main.qml, then the desktop file, then strings belonging to main.qml again16:30
renato_which make sense for translator16:30
oSoMoNah, right16:30
oSoMoNsorry, I didn’t notice16:30
oSoMoNmakes more sense to me to have them sorted by file, but ok, it’s a personal preference16:31
oSoMoNrenato_: please remove the hack to exclude files from debian/ though, this is ugly and useless16:31
renato_oSoMoN, ok16:31
oSoMoNrenato_: you also left over a message(…) log, please remove it16:31
renato_oSoMoN, done16:34
oSoMoNthanks, checking16:35
oSoMoNrenato_: I’m running make share-app.pot, and I’m getting the following error:16:40
oSoMoNmake share-app.pot16:40
oSoMoN/usr/bin/xgettext: --sort-output and --sort-by-file are mutually exclusive16:40
renato_oSoMoN, sorry, let me fix it16:41
renato_oSoMoN, done16:43
oSoMoNrenato_: approved, feel free to top-approve yourself once the CI job is successful16:50
renato_oSoMoN, thanks16:50
Laneywho's involved with the gallery app?16:52
oSoMoNLaney: gusch is16:53
LaneyI'd like to know if it includes any externally usable QML API for accessing the data16:53
Laneyfrom poking at the source I can't see that it does16:53
guschLaney: in GalleryApplication several Types are exposed to QML16:54
Laneygusch: ah16:55
Laneydo you know of any example?16:55
guschLaney: example for what?16:56
LaneySomething external to gallery-app which is reading its data16:57
guschLaney: how to use "extend" QML with custom C++ types?16:57
guschLaney: hmmm - not sure what you mean - reading what data?16:58
LaneyLet's say I want to display a list of albums16:58
guschLaney: see in rc/qml/AlbumOverview.qml - the the custom item "AlbumCollectionModel" is used as model17:01
guschLaney: you could assign this to a ListView.model, and a delegate then read the albums data (title)17:02
guschLaney: in gallery in the end a GridView (inside Checkerboard) is used to display the albums for example17:03
Laneygusch: Yeah I can see it. I think my failure is knowing how to get at it from my code. I'm knew to QML so I don't really know how the module/import system works yet.17:04
LaneyI managed to ascertain that qmldir files have something to do with this but gallery-app doesn't have one of those17:05
guschLaney: in case of gallery no module (plugin) is imported. QML knows the datatypes because of GalleryApplication::registerQML() registeres the types17:05
guschLaney: what are you trying to do? maybe I can help?17:10
Laneygusch: Got to go now - I'll get back to you tomorrow17:12
Laneythanks for your help so far :-)17:13
guschLaney: ok17:13

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