
=== prp^2 is now known as prpplague
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alfonsojonhrw: Hey, olga_ sent me here10:18
alfonsojonnot olga...10:18
alfonsojonsorry ogra10:19
alfonsojonhonest mistake10:19
alfonsojonogra looks like olga10:19
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alfonsojonso ogra_10:22
alfonsojon(not olga)10:22
alfonsojonIs that rumor true or no?10:22
ogra_what ?10:22
ndecogra_: not sure you look like this ...  https://www.google.fr/search?q=olga&source=lnms&tbm=isch...10:22
ogra_well, i kind of have a similar haircut10:23
alfonsojonWhat I'm referring to is that I think phoronix or some other site said that 13.10 is bringing better support for the ARM Chromebook with an accelerated graphics driver10:24
ndecif phoronix said it, it must be true.10:24
ogra_well, i think hrw uploaded the armsoc driver ...10:24
ogra_but you still need to get the GLES libs manually in place10:25
ogra_iirc they cant be packaged due to missing licensing10:25
hrwand we have too old kernel for current ones10:25
ogra_(but my info might be ouotdated, hrw is really the better person to answer this)10:25
alfonsojonoh hi hrw10:25
hrwno change for opengles10:25
alfonsojon= no minecraft / games / anything10:25
hrwI have decided to not work on packaging them at all10:25
* tgreer puts a brick through his tegra 2 board10:26
ogra_hrw, the nexus10 ones work as well, btw10:26
hrwalfonsojon: I find your lack of faith disturbing10:26
alfonsojonminecraft: pi edition could be ported10:26
ogra_so pepole can just download the android GLES package from google10:26
hrwogra_: my chromebook went to repair10:26
ogra_yeah, i saw10:26
alfonsojonActually, couldn't the surfaceflinger driver be ported or is it proprietary?10:27
hrwogra_: does it has any useful license?10:27
hrwalfonsojon: feel free to do it10:27
alfonsojonI know nothing but shell10:27
alfonsojonI would if I could :/10:27
hrwI decided to help getting base stuff working. will not work on opengles, openmax etc stuff10:27
ogra_hrw, it is a shellscript merged with binary data ... as all these android driver packages ... you have to agree to the scripted eula before it even unpacks to disk10:27
hrwno binary blob related stuff10:28
hrwogra_: eula or 'google terms of service'?10:28
ogra_the latter i think10:28
hrwI do not consider it license10:28
ogra_isnt that the same thing, just with different name ?10:28
hrwogra_: ask ubuntu archive maintainers10:28
ogra_well, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130612/10:29
ogra_(the legal notice)10:29
hrwogra_: opengles for chromebook got rejected from NEW with g-t-o-s used as license10:29
ogra_we will have to have the N10 blobs in the archive after all10:29
ogra_for touch10:29
hrwogra_: if they will work on chromebook then small package providing symlinks and we are done10:30
alfonsojonHere's what I'm getting out of this (I'm not very technical compared to you guys)10:30
ogra_they will likely be shipped inside dteh packaged android ...10:30
ogra_and you dont want the container running on a real chromebook10:31
alfonsojonThe display driver for the samsung display driver is not open source10:31
hrwalfonsojon: o rly?10:31
ogra_so i guess some hackery will be needed10:31
alfonsojonBut the one for android is, but that runs on display flinger?10:31
hrwalfonsojon: define 'display driver for the samsung display driver' please10:31
ogra_(installing the container, but not running it and have a postinst that sets the links for xorg)10:31
alfonsojonI feel I'm getting confused10:31
alfonsojonhang on10:31
hrwogra_: get it into archive and then we can take a look10:31
ogra_GLEs isnt depending on the display server10:32
alfonsojonthe mali t60410:32
hrwalfonsojon: so please explain to my why I have both text console and X11 running on my FOSS chromebook?10:32
ogra_well, it is ... but less than you think :)10:32
alfonsojonto my why I have10:33
hrwalfonsojon: start 13.04/13.10 on your chromebook10:33
hrwalfonsojon: then get x11 working10:33
alfonsojonI have a blinking cursor on 13.04 and 13.10, nothing else. Plymouth just dies and I can't even get to tty10:33
alfonsojonPlymouth "takes over" tty10:34
hrwalfonsojon: you will still do not have any binary blob (other then ones in linux-firmware)10:34
rbasakThere's a plymouth bug10:34
ogra_remove the plymouth upstart jobs10:34
alfonsojonNo but even without plymouth xorg dies10:34
alfonsojonI did that10:34
alfonsojonxorg dies10:34
rbasakbug 108274210:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1082742 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouthd: ply-terminal.c: 611 ply_terminal_open: Assertion `terminal != ((void *)0)' failed." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108274210:34
ogra_rbasak, well, its more of a console-setup race :)10:34
alfonsojonthat's it10:34
rbasakWorkaround is to disable plymouth. My chromebook-plymouth-hack package in the PPA does it for you10:34
ogra_we have one open since 2 years or so for it10:34
alfonsojonin which PPA?10:35
hrwalfonsojon: arm-chromebook one10:35
ogra_the proper workarounf is to use an initrd with FRAMEBUFFER=Y set10:35
hrwogra_: we do not have initrd10:35
ogra_if you cant use an initrd, just add overrides for all plymouth jobs10:35
hrwanyway once I will get speakers replaced (which may take weeks) I plan to move to U-Boot instead of signed kernels10:36
rbasakAlso, you need to fire a plymouth-started event or something like that for lightdm to start. My package does all of that :)10:36
ogra_after all someone needs to fix the race ... console-setup needs to be executed before plymouth starts, then everything is fine10:36
alfonsojonU-Boot :D10:36
ogra_but if you hardcode that it will delay the boot10:36
ogra_which is why nobody worked on a fix yet10:36
alfonsojonokay so I tried arch arm10:37
ogra_s/delay the boot/delay the boot for non affected systems/10:37
alfonsojonhated it10:37
alfonsojonthere was nothing to work with except pacman10:37
alfonsojonbasically, it's like getting debian with the GNU utilities and apt-get10:37
alfonsojonnothing else10:37
alfonsojonSo will I be able to get unity up and running with the plymouth workaround?10:38
ogra_i run it here ... thogh i'm still using the chrubuntu install10:38
rbasakAIUI, Unity won't work, due to Google's supplied GLES stuff not supporting compositing. Or has somebody managed to get it to work?10:38
alfonsojonI used Chrubuntu10:38
ogra_and dont expect it to be fast10:38
hrwunity on chromebook?10:38
ogra_yeah, worls fine10:39
alfonsojonOgra, did you install Chrubuntu 12.04?10:39
hrwogra_: on mesa I think?10:39
ogra_hrw, half half it seeems10:39
rbasakI worked out my own install instructions yesterday based on 13.04 Ubuntu Core10:39
hrwalfonsojon: you want ubuntu on chromebook? 13.04 or later10:39
hrwrbasak: https://github.com/jay0lee/chrubuntu-script/commits/master10:39
ogra_some bits seem to be accelerated, for some it seems to fal back to mesa10:39
alfonsojonoh boy :D10:40
ogra_if it would be fully accelerated it would fly on that HW10:40
alfonsojonit should10:40
alfonsojonthis is a beast of an ARM-based machine10:40
ogra_Mir will solve that for us ...10:40
hrwogra_: add "--use-gl=egl" to chromium browser and check how it will display10:40
rbasakI've not tidied it up yet but will post when it's ready.10:40
ogra_but desktop Mir is still two releases away10:40
hrwogra_: 14.10?10:40
rbasakhrw: thanks. I didn't know that existed. I'm doing it differently - setting up an SD card on a host machine.10:40
ogra_hrw, it does fine, thats what i'm using10:40
ogra_just cant use flash10:40
ogra_that collides with compiz' compositing10:41
hrwogra_: I had too many issues with opengles on chromebook so decided to skip it10:41
alfonsojonFlash is just10:41
hrwrbasak: jaylee created that repo on my request10:41
hrwrbasak: check amount of changes done after that d:10:41
ogra_well, apart from the "x crashes if you switch ttys" i have no issues at all here10:41
hrwrbasak: but it supports all chromebooks10:41
ogra_and thats not a GLES issue but something with the Xserver10:42
alfonsojonhrw: have you considered bitbucket?10:42
alfonsojonjust curious10:42
hrwalfonsojon: for hosting git?10:42
hrwalfonsojon: for public stuff I use github cause it is popular and works well. for private I have own server10:42
rbasakhrw: my approach is to minimise dependencies on Chrome OS. Enabling developer mode, USB boot and grabbing binaries - that's all I want to do there.10:43
hrwalfonsojon: I do not care is their backend open or not10:43
rbasakThen it's easier to test and develop, since I can automate everything.10:43
hrwrbasak: I plan to open case, remove write protect, flash uboot, use as any arm device10:43
rbasakI don't want to open the case :)10:43
alfonsojonIf it is uboot-based, could I boot off the USB 3.0 port?10:43
hrwalfonsojon: no10:44
alfonsojonI have a 32 GB USB 3.0 flash drive, and I can't even use its full speed10:44
hrwalfonsojon: but you can load kernel from emmc/sd/usb and boot to usb3 rootfs10:44
alfonsojonunless I do a chroot10:44
alfonsojonIs it normal to say "umount: device busy" right before it repartitions the SSD?10:46
alfonsojonI just want to be sure partitioning doesn't go wrong. It's worked fine before but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be there10:46
alfonsojonhrw: I'm using your modded chrubuntu script10:46
hrwalfonsojon: ?10:50
hrwalfonsojon: I never had such one in public place iirc10:50
alfonsojonIt's not your script specifically10:51
alfonsojonIt happens with the normal chrubuntu script too10:51
alfonsojonworks fine though10:51
* hrw afk10:52
alfonsojon_hrw: I got Xubuntu working11:56
alfonsojon_The performance is terrible though11:56
alfonsojon_hrw: Okay, Minecraft's working12:13
alfonsojon_At one FPS12:13
hrwoh, ah12:13
alfonsojon_but it's something12:14
alfonsojon_I'm using a fresh Xubuntu install with your chrubuntu script12:14
hrwalfonsojon_: one thing: it is not my script. I just did few improvements12:15
alfonsojon_No I know12:15
alfonsojon_I'm just saying it's "yours" because I don't want to refer to it every time as "the script that you modified"12:16
alfonsojon_lazy typing12:16
alfonsojon_Also what would be the optimal /etc/X11/xorg.conf?12:17
alfonsojon_hrw: *poke12:21
hrwalfonsojon_: 'chrubuntu script' is best name12:21
hrwalfonsojon_: copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ dir from chromeos12:22
alfonsojon_also what libs should I copy?12:22
alfonsojon_will this result in some acceleration?12:22
hrwI assume 13.0412:22
alfonsojon_right now I can get Minecraft at one-two FPS12:22
alfonsojon_if I do this, will that break?12:22
alfonsojon_(implying OpenGL is working, but not accelerated)12:23
hrwalfonsojon_: if you throw chromebook from 16th floor it will get some acceleration before hitting the ground.12:23
hrwthat's the only acceleration I can offer12:23
hrwalfonsojon_: http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2013/04/15/hardware-acceleration-on-chromebook/ is still up to date12:26
hrwogra_: consider alsa-lib from Debian into Ubuntu - ucm profiles are no longer delta12:27
alfonsojon_sorry to sound dumb but how do I go about pulling the kernel from Chrome OS?12:31
alfonsojon_in order to get the GPU acceleration12:31
ogra_hrw, cool12:32
suihkulokkihrw: awesome :)12:32
hrwalfonsojon_: what makes you think that kernel differ?12:32
hrwalfonsojon_: read my blog post please12:33
alfonsojon_this one?12:33
hrwit is nearly 2 months old but still uptodate12:36
alfonsojon_Wait this is a deb12:40
alfonsojon_just unpacked12:40
alfonsojon_hrw: Isn't this just an unpacked deb?12:45
hrwalfonsojon_: ?12:46
alfonsojon_the git repo for this12:46
hrwalfonsojon_: it is source version of package12:46
hrwalfonsojon_: not maintained anymore12:47
alfonsojon_so what now? :/12:47
alfonsojon_he ashams12:48
hrwalfonsojon_: feel free to take care of it12:48
alfonsojon_just bring in the new files from chrome os and repackage?12:49
hrwalfonsojon_: git has whole history how it was done12:49
hrwalfonsojon_: I just refuse to do anything with it anymore.12:49
hrwalfonsojon_: so please change subject of this discussion12:49
alfonsojon_You know12:50
alfonsojon_I have an idea12:50
alfonsojon_Ridiculous and just off-sounding12:50
alfonsojon_What if we got a hold of someone at Google12:50
alfonsojon_some how some way12:50
alfonsojon_And asked what license it's under?12:50
hrwalfonsojon_: as long as you will get it officially etc12:51
tassadar_I would imagin he'd respond something like "How did you get into my house at 2AM?"12:51
hrwalfonsojon_: I can only say that Samsung licenced OpenGLES driver from ARM and then sublicensed it for Google to use with ChromeOS.12:52
alfonsojon_So google is the licensee of the licensee in this case?12:52
hrwalfonsojon_: that's kind of answer you can get from Google people in corridor talks12:52
hrwalfonsojon_: note "for Google to use with ChromeOS"12:53
alfonsojon_Sometimes I love google, sometimes I hate them12:53
hrwalfonsojon_: so Google is allowed to distribute it with ChromeOS.12:53
hrwalfonsojon_: it is not Google's fault12:53
alfonsojon_I know12:53
hrwthis is how licenses work12:53
alfonsojon_It's just12:53
alfonsojon_a pile of crap12:53
alfonsojon_licensing and licensing12:53
hrwalfonsojon_: check my git repo and decide which way to go12:54
hrwalfonsojon_: it already covers two ways12:54
alfonsojon_I'll take a look12:54
hrwhttp://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/mali-drivers-0.45-r106.run is latest available publically version12:55
hrwchromeos may have newer one anyway12:55
alfonsojon_if it works it works12:56
hrwit does not with 3.4.0-5 kernel12:56
hrwthat's also mentioned on my blog12:56
alfonsojon_what kernel does this work with?12:57
alfonsojon_I  would assume 3.212:58
hrw3.4.0 but from R25 or newer branch.12:59
hrwguess what? that's on a blog12:59
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alfonsojon_oh :/13:00
alfonsojon_sorry if I'm getting on your nerves13:00
hrwfar from it13:09
hrwhave to go anyway13:11
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alfonsojonhrw: Okay I think I got acceleration (LightDM works now), but no sessions load14:17
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martin-aa6eIs anyone running Ubuntu 13.04 on BeagleBoard Black?22:43
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martin-aa6e(glitch here) still looking for anyone using U13.04 with BeagleBoard Black22:49
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun

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