[10:23] hi guys [10:24] has anyone had any issues with streaming radio since latest shipped kernel? [10:29] I can't say I use radio streaming much [10:29] so I don't think I will be of assistance sorry [11:10] jea are you there? [11:10] yep [11:11] just cut out briefly [11:11] me too [11:13] would mind giving streaming a shot please....I am sure it's kernel coz it's fine on a win box i have in my house [11:15] interesting [11:16] i found ext stream works but not internel [11:16] so this needs to be latest version of kernal for which version? [11:16] yet int stream works in win box [11:18] 3.8.0-23 [11:20] oh, is this 13.04? I just realised i don't have it installed [11:20] I can get it set up though [11:20] working again so strange [11:20] wasn't working for a few days [11:21] unusual [11:22] isp said everything looked good on there end when i reported [11:23] thats why i thought something maybe changed in the kernel [11:23] happy again now [11:24] good to hear [11:24] even better when it just fixes itself :) [11:24] thanks anyway mate [11:25] no worries [11:25] have good night [11:26] you too