
garrettkajmowiczashams: Greetings! Are you here?22:36
ashamshey garrettkajmowicz o/22:37
garrettkajmowiczWould you happen to have a few minutes to give me a few pointers on a boot issue? I've worked with the #ubuntu folks over the past few days and the people who've tried to help are stumped.22:38
ashamsgreat, go ahead22:38
garrettkajmowiczI just upgraded my server from 10.04LTS to 12.04 LTS. On boot, I am now dumped to the busybox shell (more on this in a moment). However, if I boot a kernel from the previous release, everything boots fine.22:39
garrettkajmowiczThe only thing odd about my configuration is that my bood device is a multi-disk device using RAID1.22:39
garrettkajmowiczWhen I get to the busybox shell, typing "mount /dev/md0 /root" works just fine.22:40
garrettkajmowiczI've tried passing in rootdelay=30 and I'm dumped to the shell within 5 seconds of boot.22:41
garrettkajmowiczI'e tried setting the option to allow a degraded array to be assembled to no avail. (The array isn't degraded, but there is an Ubuntu page that talks about that as a solution to a vaguely similar issue)22:42
garrettkajmowiczI've tried copying/expanding the initramfs image for the working kernel, overwriting the modules with the one from the new kernel and booting with that. This gets further along and then fails in a non-descriptive fashion I didn't bother trying to debug.22:43
garrettkajmowiczAny thoughts on what to try?22:43
ashamsI haven't experienced such a problem before22:46
garrettkajmowicz(And yes, the power supply is plugged in  :-)  )22:46
ashamshaha ;)22:46
ashamsman, you need to get that question to askubuntu.com22:47
ashamslooks like you have tried all possible workarounds22:47
garrettkajmowiczIs there any good way to find out *which* test in the script caused me to be dumped to the shell?22:50
garrettkajmowiczI've looked at the init script and it looks like there's a whole bunch of stuff which will cause the boot script to bail. I've tried passing in debug on the kernel command line, but the log of what happened gets wiped out by the list of modules being loaded, details of the graphics driver resizing, etc.22:52
garrettkajmowiczPosted: http://askubuntu.com/questions/307509/upgrade-to-12-04lts-dumps-to-busybox-on-boot23:09
garrettkajmowiczCopy and paste from here.  :-)23:09

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