
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
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argessmoser: I didn't see qemu-kvm in http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ when I checked02:02
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infinitydoko_: Fixed binutils uploaded (for libiberty, and restoring the lost changes from vorlon and pitti), so you don't have to worry about it.03:04
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OdyXtkamppeter_: I'll prepare a 1.7 branch for you today and keep you posted.05:17
dholbachgood morning06:27
pittiGood morning06:35
pittiinfinity: cheers06:35
Noskcajjbicha__, ping06:44
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tkamppeterOdyX, OK.07:00
tvossdidrocks, ping07:22
didrockstvoss: pong07:23
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sil2100Wellark: ping10:07
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zygapitti: ping10:40
pittizyga: pong10:40
zygapitti: my google foo and memory are failing me, could you please point me to some place that explains the changes to dbus session bus, I recall reading that some kind of new bus type is coming (user bus?)10:41
pittizyga: that hasn't landed yet; I'm not sure when that's being planned upstream (or whether it's systemd specific)10:41
pittimaybe it also got obsoleted with logind, I'm not sure; in any way it's been a long time since I've heard about it10:41
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* pitti asks desrt10:42
zygapitti: so it's not something super defined yet, ok10:42
zygathank you10:42
pittizyga: I asked Ryan, but probably he's asleep10:43
didrocks@pilot in11:09
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: didrocks
* dholbach hugs didrocks11:09
* didrocks hugs dholbach back, couldn't do my shift the other day with unity7/touch apps and so on :)11:10
dholbachno worries :)11:10
infinitydoko: Does the binutils shlibs need to be so painfully restrictive?  We're going to have to reupload every kernel that builds a tools package for every new binutils snapshot...11:14
dokoinfinity, there is no abi11:14
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dokosometimes even if I keep it, and add a patch, it doesn't build anymore. maybe you do remember ...11:15
infinitydoko: Yeah, I get that.  I guess this is something we get to suffer with if we use snapshots.  I hope you don't plan to upload a bunch of them before 2.2411:15
infinityNot that I mind a bunch of mini-transitions, it's just a bunch of mini-transitions involving rebuilding a bunch of kernels could get annoying. :)11:16
dokotoo late, just uploaded. but yes, trying to keep this soversion as stable as possible11:17
pittiinfinity, doko: any chance that the "Depends: build-essential" fix can get committed to Debian as well, to avoid losing it again? (also, it's necessary for Debian, too)11:17
dokoso why did the kernel needs this?11:17
dokoI thought that was just for libiberty?11:17
infinitydoko: "too late, just uploaded", as in you uploadd a new snapshot again? :/11:17
dokopitti, debian binutils never had the autopkg tests11:18
pittidoko: ah, ok; I thought it was a victim of merging; so, nevermind11:18
infinitydoko: britney claims that linux and linux-grouper, at least, depend on binutils.  I'd have to look at why.  My assumption would have been libbfd.11:19
dokois this gperf?11:20
infinity(saucy-amd64)root@cthulhu:~# ldd /usr/bin/perf_3.9.0-5 | grep bfd11:21
infinitylibbfd-2.23.52-system.20130611.so => /usr/lib/libbfd-2.23.52-system.20130611.so (0x00007fbaa6cea000)11:21
infinitydoko: Oh, bah.  This is a direct result of the libiberty-gone-missing oops.11:24
infinitydoko: I'll get it fixed up with the kernel team.11:25
infinitydoko: perf only needs bfd in the alternate linkage case rtg forced because iberty was gone.11:25
seb128infinity, just curious, what's the status of the unity SRU for raring?11:26
dokoinfinity, I asked wookey to build a libiberty-dev package from a separate source11:26
infinityseb128: I was waiting for someone to figure out how to upload a package with a fixed changelog, but I've given up on that.  I'll re-review today, and reject the one(s) I don't like.11:29
seb128infinity, thanks11:29
dokoinfinity, there is still libiberty_pic.a11:31
didrocksinfinity: AFAIK, Mirv is preparing/have a bamf with a fixed changelog (it's the only one I know about)11:32
infinitydoko: Well, there's both now.11:33
Mirvdidrocks: I put it into the google doc, https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/sru/+files/bamf_0.4.0daily13.05.31%7E13.04-0ubuntu2%7Etest1.dsc11:34
didrocksMirv: ah, good! so infinity: bamf fix on the way :)11:34
didrocks(in this patch pilot shift)11:34
Mirvso it could be uploaded, although I'm not sure with which version since the ubuntu1 sync request is in the queue11:34
didrocksMirv: reuse the same version, I'm going to reject the one in the queue11:35
* soren realises that pxe-kexec can be used to trigger d-i in the cloud and falls out of his chair11:35
Mirvdidrocks: ok, well take that ubuntu2~test1 and upload as ubuntu1 instead.. since it's a dget from a superseded daily-build PPA content, I don't have any bzr or such anyhow11:35
didrocksMirv: ok, will do!11:35
* infinity gets soren a seatbelt for his extreme computing.11:35
didrocksthanks to you :)11:36
stokachuwhats the best way to get a BuildID from a kernel image?11:43
stokachufor example i can get it from a binary with file11:46
stokachu/bin/zsh4: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x336c8162902093067f2186b7e6ac233b74d7ce77, stripped11:46
stokachuif i do a eu-readelf there is a section in .notes about a GNU_BUILD_ID though not sure if that is the same thing11:50
cjwatsonstokachu: use scripts/extract-vmlinux from the kernel source tree to extract the uncompressed vmlinux (scripts/extract-vmlinux /path/to/vmlinuz >vmlinux)11:52
stokachucjwatson: ah nice ill check that out11:52
cjwatsonIt doesn't have a .note.gnu.build-id section though; I wonder where file gets it from11:53
stokachucjwatson: should i use the eu-readelf instead?11:54
stokachuthere is a build id in the .notes section but nothing about .note.gnu.build-id like the others11:54
infinityI'm vaguely confused by file's output there anyway...11:55
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ file /bin/mv11:56
infinity/bin/mv: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xe438743eb3051f02aff0dd6e051e7ad7d035c286, stripped11:56
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ readelf -a /bin/mv | grep Build11:56
infinity    Build ID: 3e7438e4021f05b36eddf0afd77a1e0586c235d011:56
cjwatsonwell, just readelf would do11:56
stokachui think ill stick to readelfs build id11:57
stokachueu-readelf -n /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-45-generic11:57
stokachuthat gives me a build id11:57
cjwatsonlike I say, readelf will do and is more widely installed11:57
stokachusounds good to me11:58
cjwatsonthe build IDs printed by readelf and file are the same, just byte-swapped11:58
cjwatson(flip four-byte chunks, you'll get the same answer)11:58
didrockspitti: mind marking https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ubuntu/raring/gnome-shell/lp1064584/+merge/165828 as merged?12:08
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OdyXtkamppeter: pushed the master-experimental branch to cups.git, feel free to push nicely isolated commits on there; no need to include paths for all commits, remember ;) .12:25
OdyXtkamppeter: beware, the master-experimental branch is based off master, which has the staged changes for jessie/unstable.12:25
pittididrocks: done12:45
didrockspitti: thanks :)12:45
=== _salem is now known as salem_
pittiwhere would I file a bug against the kernel that is running on the phablet image? the chroot doesn't have a kernel package13:03
ogra_pitti, linux-grouper for nx7, linux-maguro for galaxy nexus, manta for n4 and mako for n1013:03
ogra_they are all in the archive13:04
pitti"no open bugs"13:04
pittiwow :)13:04
* pitti is going to add the first one then13:04
ogra_well, its pretty new13:04
pittiI stumbled over a reboot command without any confirmation or security checks :)13:05
pitticat /sys/devices/platform/tegra-i2c.4/i2c-4/4-006a/reg_status13:05
pitti(as user)13:05
ogra_note that HW bugs you might experience can be android bugs ... :)13:05
ogra_ah, well, sysfs cat reboot sounds actually like kernel, yeah13:06
pittifiled, thanks13:07
=== tgall_foo is now known as Dr_Who
RoyKhi all. any clue about bug 1189567?13:48
ubottubug 1189567 in xfsprogs (Ubuntu) "xfs_repair fails to repair filesystem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118956713:48
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
roadmrhello folks! I used to be able to rsync rsync://old-releases.ubuntu.com/old-releases/ but as of this morning I can't (@ERROR: Unknown module 'old-releases'). Does anybody know what changed, or who should I ask about this?13:56
Laneyroadmr: IS might be a good first port of call13:58
roadmrLaney: thanks, I'll ask over there13:58
xnoxsmoser: did you get a chance to test cloud-init in saucy with updated upstart? are there saucy daily or weekly cloud-init images available somewhere for me to try?14:04
didrocks pitti: and to be marked as merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu/precise/compiz-plugins-main/fix_755842/+merge/162934 that will be the last for today, I can handle the other ones :)14:10
pittididrocks: done14:10
didrocksthanks :)14:15
didrocks@pilot out14:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
smoserxnox, still around ?14:48
xnoxsmoser: yeap.14:48
smoserwe had issues yesterday.. it seems that the upgrade isn't working as i had desired.14:49
smoserdid you see that info ?14:49
xnoxsmoser: no, i didn't see that. Where, what?14:49
smoserit seems to me that the problem is that during the upgrade, upstart thought it *was* at runlevel 2.14:50
smoseras i understood it, the idea was to only restart upstart if runlevel 2 had been reached (or suitable older version found)14:50
xnoxsmoser: correct, so it must have been at runlevel 2 already. It performed stateful re-exec, and rightfully did not preserve "pending" / "blocked" events if old upstart was still running as pid 1.14:52
xnoxsmoser: is there a way for me to execute cloud-init image in an lxc container with upgrade to see how it behaves and what's wrong?14:53
stgraberxnox: yes, that's how I've been doing testing of those14:54
xnoxsmoser: do cloud-init jobs actually block runlevel 2 event? reaching runlevel 2?14:54
smoseryou can probably recreate with 'lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud'14:54
xnoxright, ack.14:54
smoserxnox, they dont' block runlevel 214:54
smoserthat is what i noticed.14:54
xnoxhm. but I need to use some old image.14:54
xnoxsmoser: =(((((( we assumed that cloud-init does all of it's stuff before runlevel 2 is emitted.14:55
xnoxwell reached.14:55
smoser$*%#ing parallelism !14:55
smoserrc-sysinit.conf is : start on (filesystem and static-network-up) or failsafe-boot14:55
smoserand cloud-config.conf is: start on (filesystem and started rsyslog)14:56
stgraberxnox: IIRC what I did was create a new cloud container (lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n p1 -- -r raring), then chroot into the container, downgrade some stuff, then make sure /var/lib/cloud is empty except for /var/lib/cloud/seed, then start the container.14:56
stgraberxnox: oh, and you need a userdata file (or whatever it's called) to set the update flag, otherwise cloud-utils won't apply updates at boot time14:57
smoserbut basically, nothing is going to stop rc-sysinit from running.14:57
smoseri'm not sure if its a bug or not that rc possibly runs parallel to cloud-config.conf. its not ever been a problem itself.14:58
stgraberxnox: unfortunately I didn't really take much notes about this, I mostly did that based on directions from jibel and smoser and removed the container from my machine a week ago (otherwise I'd just have given you a compressed version of it)14:58
xnoxsmoser: so which of the jobs runs dist-upgrade, cause that's the one that should be either running after everything else cloud-initish is done? or it should run whilest runlevel 2 has not been reached.14:59
smoserxnox, kvm recreate is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/110388114:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1124384 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Saucy) "duplicate for #1103881 Configuration reload clears event that others jobs may be waiting on" [High,Confirmed]14:59
xnoxsmoser: k, thanks.14:59
smoseryou cnan just download a few-day-old saucy14:59
smoserxnox, i'm not sure how to do this well.15:00
smoserwell... one way (possibly hackish)15:01
smoseris to say "if cloud-config is running, do not upgrade"15:01
smoserer... do not re-exec15:01
smoserthat'd solve this specific problem15:01
xnoxsmoser: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/saucy/ only has back to 20130609.15:01
smoserxnox, that has upstart 1.8-0ubuntu415:02
smoseris that not old enough ? otherwise you'll have to downgrade15:02
smoseri can show you how i'd do that if you needed.15:02
xnoxsmoser: nah, that has full serialisation already.15:02
xnoxsmoser: must downgrade. or start raring container and dist-upgrade =)))))15:03
smoseryeah. so you should be able to reproduce this in lxc or in kvm. but either way will require you to downgrade.15:03
smoseri use: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/backdoor-image/revision/15#mount-callback-umount15:03
smoserto "mount - run some code - umount" of a qcow image.15:03
smoserbetter link: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/backdoor-image/view/head:/mount-callback-umount15:04
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xnoxk, thanks. I'll try that and get back with better fix.15:12
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hallyninfinity: would you mind kicking the libcgroup precise-proposed upload for version 0.37.1-1ubuntu11 ?15:26
* hallyn lost the version number choosing game again15:26
infinityhallyn: "kicking" as in rejecting from the queue?15:27
hallyninfinity: yes15:27
infinityhallyn: Done.15:27
hallyninfinity: thanks15:27
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tvosscjwatson, ping15:59
cjwatsontvoss: hi15:59
tvosscjwatson, can you join us on https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a0a4f88494fc4074198be533bd959ae80e43303a15:59
cjwatsontvoss: what's the topic?15:59
tvosscjohnston, an app centric world16:00
cjwatsonum, ok, that sounds like marketing ... ;-)16:00
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cjwatsonstgraber,xnox: is there anything preventing us cherry-picking the apparmor patches to upstart into saucy?16:36
xnoxcjwatson: well it was aimed to be part of upstart 1.9 release for saucy once jodh comes back.16:37
xnoxcjwatson: it could be uploaded to saucy soonish. But I was hoping to fully resolve "full-serialisation & cloud-init bug" in saucy & SRU into raring first.16:38
cjwatsonhm, ok16:38
cjwatsonjdstrand: ^-16:38
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cjwatsonthe serialisation thing is indeed best to sort out before the next upload16:38
xnox(if i will have luck with lxc/cloud-init containers tomorrow, and sru goes through quickly, we can look into getting apparmor into saucy friday going on next week)16:38
jdstrandwaiting til jodh comes back is ok with me16:45
jdstrandwe can work with ppas/etc in the meantime16:45
slangasekjdstrand: in that case, you can probably take the upstart upstream daily-build ppa?16:49
jdstrandslangasek: does that have armhf enabled?16:49
slangasekI believe so16:49
jdstrandslangasek: thanks, I'll look into it16:49
slangasekhmmm nope, not that one16:50
slangasekat least, there's no armhf there16:50
jdstrandand no saucy16:50
slangasekjdstrand: ah, here we go. https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/upstart-daily16:51
jdstrandslangasek: nice. would you be able to enable saucy build there too?16:52
slangasekjdstrand: it seems to be built for raring, but it's still the right code and should be installable on saucy.  Moving it to build for saucy means changing the recipe build, I guess16:52
slangasekI'm not sure I know where that lives16:52
jdstrandI thought it was just a checkbox16:52
slangasekstgraber: ^^ do you know where the upstart daily recipe build is?16:53
jdstrandlet me see if I can conjure up a url16:53
stgraberslangasek: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+recipe/upstart-daily-nonvirt16:54
* jdstrand was >< close to giving that :)16:54
jdstrandslangasek: under Distribution series, you should have a way to enable saucy and any other releases you want16:55
slangasekhmmm, so it's under code.launchpad.net, but is not a branch, ok16:55
slangasekchanged to saucy going forward16:55
slangasekstgraber: does this recipe pull in the Ubuntu packaging delta?16:56
slangasekah, it does16:56
stgraberslangasek: right, the recipe is owned by ~canonical-foundations but we're using the ~upstart-dev branch as the source. We had to move the recipe to ~canonical-foundations so it could use the non-virt PPA16:56
slangasekbut it uses the raring packaging :)16:56
* slangasek moves this to lp:ubuntu/upstart16:56
stgraberslangasek: I'm pretty sure I had that set to lp:ubuntu/upstart back in raring, I suspect LP is very good at changing all references when we create the new series and so we'll have to keep on updating it every time a new series open16:57
slangasekah, fiddlesticks16:58
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geserdoes somebody know if/when we get apache 2.4 into saucy? there is a bunch of packages waiting on dh-apache2 from apache2-dev17:56
mterry@pilot on17:57
udevbot(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.17:57
mterry@pilot in17:57
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mterry
cjwatsonIt was waiting for the libgd2/net-snmp transition to clear, but that's done now.  However, I'd request that if you're doing this you try to work out *first* whether enough of the transition is done in Debian that we could clear it through -proposed in Ubuntu within a week or so17:57
cjwatsonOtherwise it gets even harder to land changes17:57
cjwatsonSome of these transitions are started in Debian and then not pursued as aggressively as would be ideal (I had to fix a fair bit of libgd2 myself)17:58
RoyKbug 1189567 seems to be easy to fix - anyone into xfs here?17:59
ubottubug 1189567 in xfsprogs (Ubuntu) "xfs_repair fails to repair filesystem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118956717:59
geserconsidering that there is RC-bug on apache2 to prevent it from migrating to testing, it seems more modules need to transition first before it gets cleared18:01
geserlets hope it gets done soon before we (the ubuntu release team?) decides to stay with 2.2 and we need a solution for those build-depending packages on dh-apache218:03
infinitygeser: Feature Freeze is a looong way out, I think we'll be alright holding off a little bit.18:12
ogra_heh, feature freeze18:12
geserinfinity: yeah, just noticed it too, that FF is end of August18:13
cjwatsongeser: well, *a* solution is to leave them in -proposed18:13
cjwatsonobviously not necessarily ideal if we need to change them18:14
geserwould it be possible to SRU a package if a newer version it stuck in -proposed till after release?18:17
cjwatsonWell, we'd move it to <next>-proposed after release18:17
infinitygeser: We'd remove it from -proposed if it never migrated (as we did last release)18:17
infinityWell, s/remove/move/, as Colin says.18:17
cjwatsonBut I'm not sure whether LP will forbid -proposed from going backwards18:17
infinityHrm.  It probably does.18:18
infinityThat could be fixed, though.18:18
cjwatsonLooks like the relevant ancestry check only looks for PUBLISHED and PENDING.18:19
cjwatsonSo it should work.18:19
cjwatsonYou just don't get to *reuse* a version.18:19
geserso it's still nice to resolve all those FTBFS and DEPWAIT in -proposed till release but as important as in last releases (before the introduction of -proposed migration) for SRUs and security updates?18:20
infinityI feel like that sentence might have been missing some words.18:21
cjwatsonWe have a bit more flexibility, at least.18:21
cjwatsonOnce I get round to fixing a bug in the LP copier, I plan to start demoting stuff from release to -proposed when it's sufficiently broken.18:21
geserinfinity: ... but not as important ... (I hope I didn't miss any more words)18:23
infinitycjwatson: I'm still trying to sort out when that would be a good idea.18:23
infinitycjwatson: We can't force users to downgrade afterall, so removing a package from the release pocket doesn't really remove it from the wild in any meaningful way.18:23
cjwatsonWe remove packages in other cases ...18:24
infinityWe remove because we're removing things completely, sure.18:24
infinityBut that's a bit different from a "temporary demotion" that should usually just be someone fixing it.18:24
cjwatsonAlso, there's still a handful of sources with no binaries for one reason or another that got into release pre-proposed-migration, but where I'd rather not remove the source entirely because they still ought to get fixed.18:24
infinityThe exception to that being the group of packages with only source in the release pocket, but that's a one-time fix.18:24
cjwatsonAnd of course there's a chunk of uninstallables in the release pocket.18:24
cjwatsonEach of those has the effect of making proposed-migration a bit less reliable (because it only checks for lower uninstallable count, not a strict subset)18:25
cjwatsonAnyway, I do expect it to be rare-ish, but I'd like to have the option18:25
infinitycjwatson: Do we have britney output for the full archive somewhere readable?18:26
=== jbicha is now known as Guest12501
cjwatsonI don't think so.  It's years since I tried, but I gave up after six hours18:26
infinitycjwatson: saucy_probs being main-only is a bit unhelpful for clearing up the remaining uninstallables.18:26
cjwatsonMaybe it'd be faster now, dunno18:26
cjwatsonFeel free to have a go and see if it completes in finite time nowadays18:27
=== Guest12501 is now known as jbicha_
infinityI'd probably be happy to manually run it a few times over a few months while we fix and/or demote what's still broken.18:27
infinityCause after that, other than people forcing things in (ugh), we should be able to stay clean.18:27
geserubuntuwire has a debcheck page but it isn't updated anymore since Nov 201218:39
smoseri'm looking at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/SHA256SUMS19:08
smoserwhat is "gtk" there?19:08
smoserin things like 'cdrom/gtk/initrd.gz'19:08
smoserwhat does that indicate ?19:08
psusihrm... debian seems to have added a new X/gtk frontend to d-i... I wonder if that's it19:13
jpdssmoser: Well, booting its mini.iso brings up a little GTK installer.19:15
psusiI've been wondering why we haven't adopted that in our cds yet19:16
psusilast time I set up a debian vm with it, it was quite nice19:16
jpdssmoser: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/gtk/mini.iso19:16
infinityarges: \o/19:18
infinityarges: Yay for a simple patch for that instead of backporting madness.19:18
infinityarges: (re: qemu qcow2 issues)19:18
qenghoHi all.  I am trying to use pbuilder-dist to build some package for armhf.  It complains that it can't satisfy "cdbs" build dependency, even though I see it as installable if I "pbuilder-precise login" and "apt-cache policy cdbs".  I can install it manually, too. My debian/control has no version specified for cdbs. I think I need help debugging it.19:26
argesinfinity: thanks! yea i was happy about it too19:34
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slangasekpsusi: hi, if you're going to do triage work on acpi-support bugs, it would be more useful to assign them somewhere else entirely :)20:33
slangasekpsusi: because the acpi-support package is legacy and contains only a handful of event handlers in saucy, all of which we want to see moved elsewhere as we find places to land them20:34
alesagefginther, ted had a question about where he should assign his new project21:03
alesagesorry tedg :) ^^21:03
alesagewhere tedg's new proj probably belongs in a couple of stacks--how should one choose, fginther?21:04
fgintheralesage, tedg, you mean which stack should it go into?21:04
alesagefginther, yes21:04
tedgfginther, Yes, it needs to get into the phablet PPAs but I'd rather do the standard distro targets.21:04
fgintheralesage, it comes down to if it has any dependencies that need to build first and if it needs to be built with anything...21:05
tedgfginther, No, none of those.21:05
tedgfginther, Eventually Unity 7 and 8 will dep on it, but not yet.21:06
fginthertedg, the phablet stack files are really just a crutch until things are in distro. So if we can put it under 'head' all the beter21:06
tedgfginther, Sounds fine to me21:07
tedgfginther, It's the phablet guys that don't like hearing that their builds are a demoware ;-)21:07
alesagetedg stop rattling cages jeez ;)21:07
alesagecan't we all just get along21:08
alesagethx fginther for your advice21:08
tedgalesage, That's no fun!21:08
fginthertedg, I'm looking at the stack dependencies. Right now unity.cfg might be the best answer.21:08
tedgfginther, I put it in misc for now.21:09
fginthertedg, the integration team will need to review, they may have a better answer21:09
tedgfginther, I figured that was easier to get started.21:09
anon^_^is there a preferred method of contact to reach the admin of packages.ubuntu.com21:09
fginthertedg, works for me21:09
tedgfginther, alesage, thanks guys!21:09
alesagetedg np!21:09
anon^_^it doesn't appear that the website is reflecting updates/security updates over the past month to multiple Ubuntu releases21:10
sarnoldanon^_^: indeed, at least libx11 is missing raring's security update21:12
anon^_^yeah the entire package db looks like it hasn't been updating since late april21:12
sarnoldanon^_^: ah, at the bottom there's an "email rhonda@ubuntu.com". can't hurt as a place to start. :)21:13
anon^_^i'd prefer irc21:13
anon^_^maybe i'll just wait for cjwatson to appear21:13
cjwatsonqengho: If you mean building armhf packages on an x86 host, I doubt you'll get far using pbuilder for cross-building - as far as I know it hasn't been taught how to do it.  Use a recent version of sbuild instead, as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrossBuilding21:17
cjwatsonanon^_^: I have no control over packages.ubuntu.com21:17
cjwatsonanon^_^: Try #canonical-sysadmin21:17
anon^_^rhonda's online just not in chan21:17
anon^_^sending her a pm21:18
sarnolddon't forget that freenode isn't only ubuntu..21:18
qenghocjwatson: I figured it out. eatmydata works for native, but for qemu-emulated architectures, it fails, in a weird, weird way:  Can't satisfy cdbs build-dep. Obviously.21:20
chiluksmoser mterry can you guys look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1083186  ?21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1083186 in unity (Ubuntu Quantal) "icaclient windows "dancing" when decorated" [Undecided,New]21:34
* mterry looks21:34
chilukthe sru is seriously stalled.21:34
chilukand I'm not sure how else to push on it .21:34
slangasekchiluk: unity and compiz packages were uploaded to precise-proposed just today; you can reasonably expect them to be accepted into precise-proposed sometime this week21:36
chilukthanks slangasek21:37
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mterry@pilot out22:49
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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