
=== jbicha is now known as Guest32183
=== Guest32183 is now known as jbicha_
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: ##fix_your_connection ?01:15
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: I'm allowed to reboot, right? ;)01:21
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: :)01:21
SonikkuAmericaYeah. Th'Almighty hath seen fit to pardon thee for thy sin of rebooting. Thy penance is my having to see all the join/part/quit crap in the channel, which I hath deliberately elected to view.01:22
jbicha_gnome-session 3.8 might not be fully compatible with Unity in Saucy... at least I'm having trouble logging in with it01:24
jbicha_rebooting didn't help and there wasn't a difference between gdm and lightdm that I could see01:24
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: Most of the stuff they're working on in Saucy involve Mir according to http://status.u.c01:24
SonikkuAmericaAt least until now anyway01:26
jbicha_yeah they're working hard on Unity 8 and merging mobile with desktop01:35
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: we need the new gnome-session for the new GNOME Classic mode to work01:36
SonikkuAmericaAnd if it doesn't we're dead in the water after one release?01:39
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: no, it's just a nice feature for the next release02:02
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: do you ever run the alpha releases?02:02
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: I would if I had a machine with the resources... :\02:03
SonikkuAmericaDoes the GNOME 3 PPA have Classic mode packaged for 13.04?02:03
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: I ran the Raring alpha.02:03
darkxstjbicha_, I have not seen any problems logging in to unity with g-session 3.802:05
jbicha_darkxst: have you tried since the 100 scopes landed?02:07
darkxstnot sure, will check02:08
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darkxstjbicha, logged in fine (w/ 100 scopes)02:24
bjsniderdarkxst, i've got a process here gobbling up a lot of memory: gvfsd-metadata02:39
jbichadarkxst: do you an ssd?03:06
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=== Guest48606 is now known as jbicha_
jbicha_darkxst: I got another problem to think about04:05
jbicha_I'm not sure if Ubuntu wants the Sharing panel but let's say they do04:05
jbicha_it would be the 8th item in the System category, adding an extra row which isn't good but they have space in Personal04:06
jbicha_GNOME though has extra panels in Personal and there isn't room for Sharing04:06
jbicha_we can't just add a new .desktop like we did in previous g-c-c versions, can we?04:07
darkxstjbicha_, no ssd05:02
darkxstjbicha_, not without modifying the external panels patch05:05
darkxstbut it would be easy enough to say have ubuntu-*-panel.desktop that can override the gnome-*-panel.desktop files05:05
darkxst(based on XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)05:06
darkxstbjsnider, I don't know, file a bug and/or perhaps try pitti05:11
Dark_lightAre there plans to ever solve this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1040193 ?10:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040193 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Redundant ubuntu-online-accounts and gnome-online-accounts panels using a session other than Unity" [Low,Confirmed]10:50
meetWhen I start my computer , chrome opens up with about:blank and I also get a tray message like unable to connect to google account.13:42
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=== jbicha is now known as Guest15484
=== Guest15484 is now known as jbicha_
joerg1702englisch channel?16:11
bjsniderbody of water separating the uk from mainland europe16:12
SonikkuAmericabjsnider: lol16:14
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=== Guest12501 is now known as jbicha_
bigbluehatis it possible to "upgrade" from a standard Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu Gnome 13.04?18:45
bigbluehatI'm already using Gnome Shell 3.618:45
jbicha_bigbluehat: just install ubuntu-gnome-desktop18:54
bigbluehatjbicha_: k. guess I'm good to go then :)18:55
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: I think I understand why you didn't want to put GNOME Boxes in the pre-installed application set.19:49
jbicha_darkxst: what do you think about whether it's worth participating in Alpha 1 next week? !schedule21:12
ubot5A schedule of Raring Ringtail (13.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule21:12
jbicha_darkxst: I figured out my issue with Backup not showing in GNOME's Settings but in Unity; it still had the -ccpanel.desktop naming22:29
darkxstjbicha_, oh right, I made some symlinks while testing locally, forgot to remove them ;)22:30
darkxstjbicha_, not sure there is much point doing alpha1 from a testing perspective, but might be good for a bit of free publicity?23:16
jbicha_it's not free ;) but I'm not sure how high the QA requirements will be23:19
jbicha_today's i386 daily installed fine in VBox here23:20

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