
phillwhi, is there anyone here with  a dedicated GPU card ?01:14
ubot5Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code02:20
Noskcajis nano a default app for 13.10?02:20
NoskcajIS anyone online with a working 13.10 install?02:28
Noskcajif so, is nano still a default app?02:28
balloonsNoskcaj, nano a default app? well nano is command line :-)03:37
Noskcajballoons: one of the hardware test cases uses nano, i was wondering if we still ship it03:44
Noskcajdumb question03:45
NoskcajCan someone check the multiple hard drive part of the Entire disk install testcase. it is outdated and confusing04:15
Noskcajballoons, if you're online. i have another big merge comming up05:39
shadeslayerphillw: yep06:24
shadeslayerphillw: have a : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Seymour [Radeon HD 6400M/7400M Series]06:25
shadeslayerhmm ... when trying out otto + kubuntu I get : lxc container failed to recieve answer for command06:26
shadeslayeralso : lxc container failed to send command06:26
shadeslayerjibel: <shadeslayer> hmm ... when trying out otto + kubuntu I get : lxc container failed to recieve answer for command07:31
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> also : lxc container failed to send command07:31
shadeslayerI am unsure as to what command it's trying to send there ...07:35
shadeslayer( that is right after sudo bin/otto -d start saucy-otto )07:35
apwgema, i was asking for the sheet you do have09:58
gemaapw: I don't have a sheet11:52
gemaapw: I am trusting the driver implementation11:53
apwgema, i was asking for the sheet for the one you said you had a sheet for, i have since found it11:53
gemaahh, sorry11:53
gemaI thought you meant the nexus 411:53
DanChapmanGood afternoon :-)12:49
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phillwballoons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware is alive. Just need someone else to also check it, as Linda's link is wrong.....13:57
apwgema, this n4 driver, its remaining charge is calculated purely using the integer percentage, which seems utterly inaccurate14:50
gemaapw: otp14:53
balloonsphillw, :-)14:54
gemaapw: sorry, lost context completely15:06
gemaI am back15:06
gemaapw: I am not sure what you mean, it seems to me that full charge would be the result of doing something like calculate_fcc_uah - calculate_unusable_charge15:07
apwgema, i was saying in this n4 driver, the raw coulombs output are already exposed, and that the remaining_charge as calculated is simply made up from teh full capacity and the integer15:07
gemaand remaining charge should be charge now15:07
apwremaining charge is (full_charge * current_percentage)15:07
apwso it is woefully inaccurate15:08
apwi may be able to use the raw coulombs to make that more accurate but, thats not how it is now15:08
gemaapw: the state of charge is calculated based on charge now (which we don't have) not the other way around15:10
gemaapw: I think we are wasting more time discussing than it would take to just expose that15:11
gemaapw: then we can do the calculations if you want and see what's more accurate15:11
apwgema, the driver exposes percentages and raw coulombs, it uses raw coulombs and a significant amount of guess work to generate the percentage15:12
apwgema, it them makes its idea of charges internally using those percentages, at 1% resolution15:12
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apwexposing those is not going to give you any accuracy (even asuming for now that the device has accuracy)15:13
gemaapw: I'd like to be able to validate that empirically15:13
gemarather than argue each other to death15:13
apwgema, and i am working to expose them, and when writing the code and testing it, i can see how it is calculated15:13
apwgema, and i can see that the value i am exposing changes like every time the percentage changes, which is how i _know_ it is based on the percentage15:14
apwgema, and why am i asking if it is any use what so ever given your comment on the percentage from the GN15:14
gemaapw: what percentage are you talking about?15:14
apwthe driver as it stands is calculating its remaining_charge from its (estimate of full charge * 100) / current percentage15:15
apwits percentage charge remaining estimate.15:15
apwremaining_charge_uah = calculate_remaining_charge_uah() .... that is using:15:17
apw        return (fcc_uah * pc) / 100;15:17
apwie, it is taking estimated full and using the percentage previously reported, and returning some other estimate in 100's of the maximum capacity15:17
apwi am trying to get you to confirm that is of little use15:17
apwand that therefore i need to try and expose something more granular15:19
apwgema, ^^15:19
gemaapw: are you saying that there is a circular dependancy in the driver? (I haven't really seen enough of it to be able to pinpoint that) in any other case, I am pretty sure the value you are getting is a good start, I can run a test if you give me a kernel with it and figure out if it makes sense15:26
apwgema, i am saying the value you asked to be exposed is in 100th's of full capacity, i am asking if there is any value in that value, or do i need to work out how to make a better value15:28
apwgema, to my mind it is pretty clear it is useless as it doesn't change for 10s of seconds15:28
gemaapw: can you give me some example values15:29
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apwgema, the actual value would be like 2088105 and remains like that while the percentage is 91 (ish) and changes only when the reported percentage changes to 9015:31
apwgema, never mind, i am taking an executive decision that these values are too low resolution to be useful15:32
apwgema, and i am going to figure out how to get more accurate values out15:32
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gemaapw: ack, thanks15:32
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Noskcajballoons, about my merge proposal19:43
Noskcaji think you should let this one in as the hardware tests are less agonistic currently and netboot has a glitch where dd was dt and vice-versa19:45
balloonsNoskcaj, howdy20:08
balloonsI like your changes, although I'm on the fence about the is vs should be stuff20:10
balloonsbut yea, there still needs to be some work done on some of them.20:10
balloonsI can't merge everything as-is.. that's why we like the smaller merge proposals that are more on point..20:10
Noskcajballoons, i did all this at school. i can't make merge proposals on the school laptop20:11
balloonsNoskcaj, ahh.. well, your editing all those files right? Just make several branches20:12
balloonsdoes that make sense?20:12
balloonsmake a branch, fix netboot20:12
balloonsmake a branch fix is vs should be20:12
Noskcajmakes sense20:13
balloonsmake a branch fix hw tests20:13
balloonsthen it's 3 mp's, but it can be reviewed easier20:13
Noskcajballoons, i've just fixed netboot. uploaded. could you explain you issues with "should be"20:20
samgabbayHi I have a laptop with a broken screen and i wanted to know how i can install ubuntu on it20:20
samgabbaywrong room20:21
Noskcajsamgabbay, you might have to replace the screen. tht's pretty simple though20:21
balloonsNoskcaj, well, I'm wondering about how it reads20:22
samgabbayNoskcaj,  but the laptop is too old for that20:22
Noskcajsamgabbay, then plug an external screen in20:22
samgabbayyea but when i do i dont know what key it is to choose what to boot and like i want to make the external monitor the default20:22
Noskcajballoons, we need a wording that is constant, so do we want "should" or "is"?20:23
samgabbayis there a way to make like the external monitor input like the main one20:23
samgabbayjust on like desktop pcs20:23
Noskcajsamgabbay, should be, once you're in ubuntu20:23
Noskcajbut it can't be too old to replace the screen20:24
samgabbayit is its like 6 years old or so20:24
samgabbaylike how do i know what key to press on boot20:24
samgabbaycause on the external monitor it wont display like when you first turn it on and it  says dell for example and it shows like f1 is bios20:24
elfyNoskcaj balloons I'm not sure what you're talkign about exactly - but if it's testcases - then there shouldn't be should - it either is and a pass or it's a fail20:25
Noskcajelfy, the wording of <dd>20:26
balloonsNoskcaj, in theory you should read the test as do this, expect that. it should be written as fact.. so we don't want should, might, could, etc in there20:26
Noskcaji have to go, i'll be back later20:26
samgabbayguys anything i can do to make the external monitor primary so i can see when it first boots and know the  boot keyu20:26
balloonshowever when I explained it to you, yes, the result is what should happen, else it's a back :-)20:26
elfysamgabbay: you need a support channel - try #ubuntu20:26
samgabbaybut like no one is responding :20:27
balloonsit's a non-ubuntu problem to be fair.. and laptops are laptop specific.. likely no one can help you but yourself, google, and trial and error20:27
balloonsi will say ubuntu has a screenreader mode that will talk to you during installation.. but again, without a screen there's no point.. and it's impossible to know what's going on20:28
balloonshello elfy !20:28
elfyhi balloons :)20:28
* elfy is back for a week again :)20:28
balloonscan you make the hackfest tomorrow?20:29
elfyso get ready for the next installment of how do I upload this again ...20:29
samgabbayballoons,  like im gonna be using the computer with an external monitor, keyboard, and all i just wanna get it working until i get a new pone20:30
elfyballoons: eventually - got some r/l to attend to and a xubuntu meeting20:30
elfyballoons: but if it's autopilot then I'll wander off :)20:30
Noskcajballoons, so we want it worded as "this happens" ?20:34
balloonselfy, it's for everyone.. we've just specifically invitied new folks who might want t hack on autopilot for qml20:34
balloonsdon't be scared ;-)20:34
elfyso that's 2 things that I'll go pfft at then20:35
Noskcajballoons, let me know if there's a hackfest i can attend20:35
elfyI thought qml was a downmarket sports shop chain ...20:35
elfyballoons: and of course the other thing being that 99% of anyone will be fiddlign with ubuntu things too ;)20:37
balloonsNoskcaj, there is tomorrow20:37
balloonsit runs through this time, so if your around as normal, you can be a part :-)20:37
Noskcajballoons, i mean a time when i'm not sleeping20:37
Noskcajok, i'll try and attend20:37
balloonsNoskcaj, tomorrow at this time we'll be finishing up, so you can attend :-) However, we can try something later on a weekend and see if more folks from down-under and asia can make it20:38
elfyI shall be attending my own hackfest and working away on xubuntu testcases20:38
balloonselfy, lol.. just know I'll be dedicating my time to helping whomever get testcases in20:38
Noskcajelfy, let's have an official xubuntu test hackfest20:38
balloonsall day long you'll get me20:38
elfyballoons: I know :)20:39
elfyNoskcaj: afaik there are 2 people working on xubuntu testcases20:39
elfythough I think sergio is working on gnumeric20:39
Noskcajthen mabe a hackfest is wasteful20:40
elfyballoons: do I remember us having a conversation about the dates on the release schedule staying as they are even though they are patently wrong?20:41
balloonselfy indeed..20:42
balloonsping in #ubuntu-release about it20:42
elfybut cadence week dates are right?20:42
elfyballoons: ^^20:44
balloonselfy, what do you mean?20:44
elfythe dates on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Cadence/Saucy are right ?20:44
elfyI need to talk with xubuntu about what we're going to do and when20:45
Noskcajballoons, you have more stuff to merge20:45
balloonselfy, yes I don't plan to change them unless we discuss first and have a reason20:46
* elfy thinks it's absolutely ridiculous that release schedule is wrong because someone in the past set them up and no-on can be assed to deal with it now things have changed 20:46
elfyballoons: k - just need something concrete to work with20:47
balloonselfy, there was a note and action item to change the release schedule rpoperly20:47
balloonsbut again, I haven't seen any changes20:48
elfywell - if it doesn't get soon it can be marked as invalid :p20:48
balloonsI have to work on getting our first week ready :-)20:48
balloonsthat's my concenr20:49
elfyI understand that - that'll be your job :)20:49
elfyI don't suppose it matters much as long as we get 'week' with the same image to test20:50
elfyanyway - I should be about at some point tomorrow - now I am off20:51
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balloonsNoskcaj, ok, let me go look at th enew mp20:53
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam | Hackfest June 13th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hackfest/20130613
balloonsNoskcaj, so what's this? https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4panel/+merge/16885821:15
Noskcajballoons, i re-based that, it's enough for the guy to merge into ubuntu-manual-tests21:16
balloonsNoskcaj, ok21:16
balloonsi'm re-merging your branch :-)21:16
Noskcajballoons, there's more changes, tell me when you want them21:19
balloonsok on testcases/hardware/1480_USB Mouse I think the bit about creating a file is a bit silly. we can just ask them to test left, right and dragging21:19
balloonsNoskcaj, you can push whatever you have :-)21:20
* balloons just realized he has media keys on the top of his keyboard21:21
balloonsNoskcaj, I'm curious about this one: <dt>Press the Search key</dt>21:21
balloons 21:21
balloons    <dt>The tracker desktop search tool should open</dt>21:21
Noskcajballoons, i don't know what that is, it was already there21:21
balloonsright.. I wonder what "search" tool they could mean21:22
balloonsthere is no more tracker21:22
balloonsgo ahead and remove it if you would :-)21:22
balloonsall the new changes look better21:22
balloonsI saw up to rev 12321:22
Noskcaj124 is uploading now21:23
Noskcaji made the search test agnostic21:24
Noskcajballoons, you have merges waiting21:38
* balloons looks21:39
balloonsNoskcaj, (might be call "monitor" or "display") to might be "called"21:41
Noskcaji approved slickymaster's one, but it needs merging21:41
balloonsall those changes look good21:41
balloonsI'll merge his21:41
balloonsso I think the only thing left is the is -> should be stuff right?21:41
Noskcajballoons, that and the wireless networking test21:42
balloonsNoskcaj, this https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu-manual-tests/xfce4panel/+merge/168858 has to be done by david21:43
balloonsohh nvm, I see it ;-)21:43
Noskcajballoons, the last upload is going now. i think that's all the hardware tests21:49
balloonsi'm looking over21:54
balloonsok, everything looks good21:55
balloonslet me do a full review again Noskcaj21:55
Noskcajok, ty21:55
balloonsNoskcaj, :-( This is still using unity stuff for no reason..21:58
balloons/home/nskaggs/projects/ubuntu-manual-tests/testcases/hardware/1477_Builtin Keyboard21:58
balloonscan you make it generic?21:58
Noskcajone sec21:58
balloonssure.. I'll just keep rambling my thoughts here21:58
Noskcajballoons, uploaded22:02
balloonsNoskcaj, another small tweak..     <dt>Insert a media card into the reader.</dt> <dd>A suggestion window should open for the card</dd>22:05
balloonsI'm not sure we can assume or need to assume a suggestion window will appear on every flabor22:05
balloonsthis is from 1484_Internal Data Card Reader22:06
balloonsyou can simplify the whole thing and just say open the card up with a file manager22:06
balloonswe want to test the read and writing to the card, etc22:06
balloonsin the suspend and resume, you don't need to mention using firefox specifically22:07
balloons1486_Suspend & Resume22:07
balloons    <dt>Open a few applications in on the desktop, including Firefox</dt>22:07
Noskcajpushing now22:07
balloonsok, the final tweaks I see22:09
Noskcajballoons, can you explain test 1399_unity startup? it seems to have a translation part22:09
balloons1300,1301,1302,1465,1504,ubuntu touch/1518 and ubuntu touch/1519 all should drop the 'should be' language and keep the 'is' language. The other tweaks in those files are good22:10
balloonsNoskcaj, let me look at it22:10
balloonsohh right22:11
balloonsthat was imported from the old unity manual tests22:11
balloonsessentially it's just a gut check that unity starts up and the desktop loads22:11
balloonsincluding translations..22:11
NoskcajI just updated it so it made sense, but i doubt it will every be looked at22:12
* Noskcaj leaves for school22:16
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