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seb128infinity, cjwatson, wgrant: hey, do you know what are the disk space limitations on ppa builders? is there any way we could have libreoffice somewhat build on machines that have > 40G for free disk space?09:41
wgrantseb128: no, there's no way to do that. how can it possibly need suxh a ridiculous volune?09:44
seb128it's libreoffice, don't ask...09:44
seb128c++ objects are not small09:44
seb128webkit for example with a 5Mb source uses some 15GB of disk space to build09:45
wgrantsure, but it still seems implausible09:48
wgrantregardless, not something we can support. you would probably have to talk to IS09:49
infinityIS can't do much about it either, other than upgrade the world.09:52
infinityThis isn't exactly new.09:52
seb128well, hardware improve, you could think that 50G of disk space is not a lot by today's standards09:55
seb128there is no way we will make libreoffice smaller with our one maintainer09:56
wgrantseb128: we have multiple guests on a single host, and lots of old hardware that we are stuck with09:56
infinityseb128: It's not, but it's a matter of them either swapping hard drives in a bunch of old computers (which they don't want to do), or wait for the cloudified builder.09:56
seb128Sweetshark suggested turning off tests on the buildders to workaround the space issue :/09:56
infinityseb128: Turning off tests for PPA builds is fine, as long as he doesn't do it for archive uploads. :P09:56
seb128so archive builders don't have that space issue09:57
infinityI thought he was already mangling his PPA builds anyway.09:57
seb128I guess the ppa wouldn't either if it was devirtualized, right?09:57
infinityNo, archive buildds are fine in this regard.09:57
seb128he is mangling them09:57
seb128but that's becoming ridiculous09:57
seb128and that makes ppa builds different from archive builds09:57
seb128so not as good as a testbed for archive uploads as they could be09:58
seb128we had bugs in the mangled part before which meant archive builds failed09:58
infinityI remember, I fixed that once. :/09:59
* infinity wonders why britney hasn't britnized in 5 hours...10:04
ogra_"britnized" ?10:05
ogra_oh my10:05
infinityogra_: Britnified?10:07
ogra_i dont know, i kind of get a picture of a bold and suddenly chubby girl on drugs in my head if you say that10:08
infinitycjwatson: Has the autopkgtest integration caused britney to asplode, or...?10:08
cjwatsonUnlikely, since it's not committed yet.10:10
infinitySo process 15176 doesn't relate?10:10
cjwatsonThat's me trying to pdb things into existence - it shouldn't interact10:10
infinityAnyhoo, britney hasn't output anything useful in ~5h, I was just quickly finger-pointing without cause. :)10:10
cjwatsonI started that process more like 20 hours ago10:11
cjwatsonWell, 1910:11
cjwatsoninfinity: proposed-migration/log/2013-06-12/10:03:43.log shows a crash10:11
cjwatsonI'll need considerably more coffee if you want me to debug that :)10:12
* infinity shoves a coffee packet in the CD slot, and clicks 'brew'.10:13
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wgrantseb128: Do we know how much space libreoffice actually needs nowadays?10:23
seb128wgrant, I need confirmation from Sweetshark, the number he gave first were putting the build around 30GB ... but that's the disk space used at the end of the build, it seems to spike over that during the build (some objects are copied and then replaced by symlinks)10:29
seb128I asked him to join the channel when he reads my ping10:29
Sweetsharkseb128: joined, but I have to go to lunch, I have an appointment. Ill read the backlog though.10:32
seb128Sweetshark, ok, wgrant was asking for an estimate for the space you need for the build10:32
seb128Sweetshark, your number seems to be in range from 30GB to 100GB ... the second one seems a bit high, Laney managed to build in memory recently using 32GB iirc10:33
Sweetsharkseb128: so, I would estimate the peak of the work directory to be in the 30-35GB range. The 100GB figure was the whole pbuilder-root (to take into account the big set of deps that LO has).10:35
* wgrant wanders off to sob quietly10:35
Sweetshark110GB that is.10:35
czajkowskiGod lord 110GB!10:35
seb128wgrant, I think 30GB is a better estimate, 100GB was a du on a full pbuilder with the libreoffice build-depends installed (which seems to be like half of the archive)10:36
Laneythe one I managed to do in RAM was an arch-dep build only10:36
seb128wgrant, make it 40GB to be safe10:36
infinityseb128: 100ish sounds more accurate, then.10:36
Laneyarch+indep ran out of space10:36
dokocjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ seems to be outdated10:36
infinityseb128: The PPAs don't magically install build-deps on another disk, after all.10:37
infinitydoko: Yeah, it's crashing.10:37
seb128infinity, yeah, I guess if you count system + builddir10:38
infinityIf libreoffice and its build-deps keep growing, the archive buildds won't be able to build it soon. :/10:39
infinityThey're easier to justify upgrading but, still, that's insane.10:39
seb128well, we are not creating the situation10:39
seb128but yeah, it sucks10:39
infinityWe're not helpless pawns, either.10:39
seb128not sure what else to do though :/10:39
infinityI suspect things could be done, patches could be submitted.10:40
wgrantWhat takes up all the space?10:40
wgrantI actually cannot comprehend it.10:40
wgrantIt's insane.10:40
seb128Sweetshark, ^10:40
dokoSweetshark, split build!10:40
Sweetsharkinfinity: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60924 and followups might make split builds easier in the long run, but that still takes time ...10:40
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 60924 in Libreoffice "move libraries to autoinstallation in scp2" [Normal,New]10:40
infinityProbably the most obvious (but painfully time-intensive) win would be splitting the upstream source.  A lot.10:40
infinitywgrant: The fundamental problem is that it's a bunch of libraries with a bunch of build-deps and a bunch of binaries with a buch more build-deps, all in the same build tree.10:41
infinitywgrant: Imagine if all of KDE built in one go, instead of the hundreds of packages it currently is.10:41
wgrantwhat, like 4 years ago? :)10:42
infinityA bit longer than that. :P10:42
infinity4 years ago, it was in nice little related bundles, I guess.10:42
infinitykdegames, etc.10:42
infinityBut libreoffice is kinda like kdelibs + kderuntime + koffice + kitchensink10:43
Sweetsharkdoko: also note the irony of the thing causing us to run out of space is running the subsequenttests. and with a split build, that would need to be reconsidered anyway: subsequenttests can detect an error in any of the split packages, but can only run with all of them build.10:43
Sweetsharkdoko: so that would need reevaluation than anyway.10:44
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infinitySweetshark: Turn them into runtime tests instead of build-time tests, and they can be tested agaisnt the binary packages.10:44
infinitySweetshark: (For debian/ubuntu, that would be autopkgtest, but others have similar post-install test frameworks)10:45
Sweetsharkinfinity: I already did this cycle: http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/autopkgtests-for-adults/10:45
infinityIs it safe to click that link?10:46
* infinity is suspicious.10:46
Sweetsharkinfinity: here is the catch: they were also too big for the default autopkgtest images ;>10:46
Sweetsharkinfinity: its sfw10:46
* Sweetshark gotta run10:47
xnoxSweetshark: talk to unity/dx people, I think it should be fine to run on top of utah and or otto. With later being quite fast and caching/keeping dependencies pre-installed.11:13
xnoxSweetshark: looking at lp:auto-package-testing it does support resizing the disk image and thus you can have bigger disk for autopkgtest in jenkins.11:17
cjwatsonSorry for the delay in proposed-migration coming back; I'm still attacking it with gdb12:15
cjwatsonEr, pdb12:15
ogra_cjwatson, i assume it will still take a while ? (if so i'll disable the touch cronjob since i need the two last uploads in the next build)13:25
cjwatsonWhen would it fire?13:26
ogra_6 min according to my clock13:26
cjwatsonOh, there's no way you'll get new packages by then anyway - the publisher still has to run13:26
cjwatsonEven if I fixed it right now13:26
ogra_i'm fine doing a manual build later ... i just dont want it to run automatically and block for 90min13:26
ogra_no prob :)13:27
cjwatsonIt's something complicated in the undo logic for rolling back failed hints, I think13:27
ogra_yeah, no worries13:28
cjwatsonAh, I think I might see the problem ...14:00
cjwatsonI bet undoing changes in reverse order would improve things14:00
Sweetsharkxnox: well, yeah. I already resized the autopkgtest image locally -- it works. Otherwise I wouldnt have blogged "it works" ;).14:02
xnoxSweetshark: yeah there is a -S size option in prepare-testbed in that branch. Maybe talk to qa or pitti about bumping the size for libreoffice or bumping the size in general.14:04
cjwatsonargh argh argh.  reverse the undo list and I get a different crash14:13
jibelSweetshark, xnox  I increased the size to 12GB. Will it be enough for LO?14:19
xnoxjibel: doesn't it need something like 40GB?14:20
jibelxnox, if the test builds the package, probably.14:23
jibelxnox, currently it crashes because it downloads 2GB of dependencies which uses 5G of disk space after installation, let see how far it goes with the bump.14:28
chrisccoulsoncan someone please approve that flash upload? ^^14:40
cjwatsonPhew, I think I've fixed proposed-migration14:55
cjwatsonRunning now14:55
cjwatsonThere we go.  Next publisher run should do it14:59
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infinityjbicha_: ^-- Do you really mean it this time?17:05
jbicha_infinity: yes :)17:05
infinitychrisccoulson: You might want to kick the -0precise1 habit in favor of - before we wrap around the alphabet. ;)17:10
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chrisccoulsoninfinity, won't support for flash have ended by the time we roll around? ;)17:30
chrisccoulsoni can't remember when they announced the 5 years of security updates for the current version17:31
infinitychrisccoulson: One can hope so.  It's more about breaking the habit in general. :)17:31
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bdmurraycjwatson: with the phased-updates work how would you imagine sru-release working since it should set the phased update percentage to something low?17:38
cjwatsonyes, I was expecting it would crank the PUP on the copy in -updates down to something low17:39
cjwatsonhowever I wonder if that's possible without waiting for the copy to actually take place ...17:40
infinityNot if it's an override.17:40
infinityThe copy job needs to happen, then you can override in the queue before it actually publishes.17:40
infinityWell, not in the "queue", per se, since it has a pending publishing record at that point, but you know what I mean.17:41
bdmurrayso perform the copy then use changeoverride to set the PUP low?17:43
cjwatsonright, the problem is copies are async and you have to wait; right now an expected wait of a little over 30 seconds +/- 30 seconds17:44
cjwatsonI was wondering if copyPackage(phased_update_percentage=blah) would be sane17:45
infinityOverrides are inherited on copy, why don't we just set it in proposed, then copy?17:45
cjwatsonI guess that would work too17:45
cjwatsonDoes it copy pending override changes?17:46
infinityOh, probably not.17:46
infinityI meant set it earlier.17:46
cjwatsonTry it on dogfood I guess17:46
infinityBut I guess that's undesirable.17:46
cjwatsonIt might, I just don't believe any particular property about copies until I've seen it17:46
infinityWe want it 100% in proposed, but something < 1 in updates, I guess?17:46
cjwatsonYeah, that's the thing, dropping the PUP in -proposed might inhibit the testing we get17:47
infinityHow long are these phase cycles meant to be in general, anyway?17:47
infinityI get antsy when the cool kids get a google app a day or two before me, a week would be lame. :P17:47
bdmurrayAlso regarding "trying it" - I don't have the proper permissions to use changeoverride iirc17:48
cjwatsonYou could on dogfood17:48
cjwatsonIt has independent team membership17:48
bdmurrayIs dogfood staging?17:49
infinityNo, it's dogfood.17:49
cjwatsonHowever, if sru-release is going to need to change overrides, you'd need those permissions on prod17:49
cjwatsonSo let's see if you have them already17:49
bdmurrayWhen we were testing checkbox last week I didn't.17:50
infinityYay, more permissions and more potential for subtle archive breakage. :/17:50
cjwatsonLooks like you need launchpad.Append on the archive, and it's not per-series.17:50
cjwatsonSeems to me that ought to be tied into the per-series permissions for other things.17:50
infinityPerhaps, except that as long as only ubuntu-archive had the permission, no one cared.17:51
cjwatsonAnyway, by way of testing, you're in ~ubuntu-archive on dogfood now.17:51
infinityHonestly, expanding that one scares me a bit in general.  Bad override mangling can cause very hard-to-debug behaviours.17:51
cjwatsonWell, let me put it a different way.  If ~ubuntu-sru stop being able to use sru-release, that would be bad.17:52
cjwatsonI agree override mangling can be a problem, but it's a problem even today, realistically ...17:52
infinityCan we not just have a default PUP, and ask AAs to twiddle if your package is a unique snowflake?17:52
cjwatsonDefault just for copies into -updates?17:53
cjwatsonIt's all a bit magic.17:53
infinityIt's absolutely a problem today, I agree, I just fixed a bunch of overrides in post-release pockets this morning.17:53
infinityI'd just prefer to limit the number of fingers in that pie.17:53
cjwatsoncopyPackage(phased_update_percentage=) would allow sru-release to control this without opening overrides in general.17:53
infinityWould it?  Wouldn't that still require them to have the permission?17:54
cjwatsonDon't see why.17:54
infinityWell, the copy already does.  I suppose the other bit could skip a permission check, sure.17:54
infinityThat might be the path of least scary, then.17:54
cjwatsonThe permission check is on the BPPH.changeOverride interface, but the copier has to create a new BPPH anyway and it could just set it up in the desired state to start with.17:55
infinityThat's a fair point.17:55
infinityI like that proposed solution, then.17:55
infinityIt means ubuntu-sru can't alter the PUP post-release, but that's probably not a big deal.17:56
cjwatsonThat was all going to be done by a cron job anyway, IIRC17:56
cjwatsonI guess we'll see whether the LP guys think it's too magic ...17:56
cjwatsonOr too specialised17:56
infinitySure, I meant if someone felt they messed it up or needed to force a new value.17:56
infinityBut asking an AA to intervene there seems fine.17:56
bdmurrayif that means incrementing and setting to 0 for a cronjob, then yes I'm working on that17:57
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ScottKAt least if it was 0 in proposed we'd get fewer complaints about regression in proposed.18:33
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bdmurrayinfinity / cjwatson: so uing change-override with -l dogfood should be okay then?19:55
infinitybdmurray: Should do.  Given that you don't have access to mess up the primary archive anyway. ;)19:56
bdmurrayI'm getting a httplib2.CertificateHostnameMismatch: Server presented certificate that does not match host api.dogfood.launchpad.net: error19:57
stgraberhaha, yeah, classic problem, the certificate is for *.launchpad.net which doesn't cover *.*.launchpad.net and so covers dogfood.launchpad.net but not api.dogfood.launchpad.net19:59
stgraberso maybe there's an environment variable or option you can pass to bypass the SSL cert check, otherwise I'm affraid you may have to patch your local copy of lazr to skip the check...20:00
bdmurraydid I say great already? ;-)20:01
stgraberinfinity: can you add me to ~ubuntu-archive on dogfood looks like the DB import is a bit old20:02
stgraber(and the TB doesn't own that one for some reason)20:03
infinitystgraber: Done.20:04
stgraberbdmurray: LP_DISABLE_SSL_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION=True change-override ...20:04
stgraberinfinity: thanks20:04
stgraberbdmurray: obviously, that's usually a very bad idea to set that env variable so make sure that it's not persistent :)20:05
bdmurraystgraber: right of course.  thanks!20:11
bdmurrayHrm, now I'm getting a "Cannot change overrides in suite 'quantal'" error20:22
infinitybdmurray: Because you can't, it's stable.20:29
infinitybdmurray: Did you mean quantal-updates, perhaps?20:29
bdmurrayinfinity: ah yeah, I'd used -s quantal no -s quantal-updates20:32
wgrantcjwatson: Copies don't preserve PUP, do they?23:47
wgrantI'm pretty sure there's a comment in copyBinaries saying that there's no point23:47
cjwatsonYou may be right23:47

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