
EDocToorsarnold, so the gateway is supose to be the same on all machines00:00
SlybootsEDocToor, Is your gateway your router to the internet? (ADSL?)00:00
sarnoldSlyboots: 11 days seems like a looong time to just read a few terabytes and compute some parity bits. something sure seems off there. (Note that I've not actually tried this myself, but .. it ought to only take a few hours to read a terabyte of data, right?)00:00
Slybootssarnold, Well.. raid rebuilds take a while but that does seem pretty slow.  something else is a bit borked..  I was going to go with ZFS but thats a bitch to get going00:01
EDocTooryes, I have a DSL router that three computer are attached to...00:01
SlybootsAnd its IP address is?00:01
EDocToorSlyboots, I don't know how to figure that out00:04
sarnoldEDocToor: what address do you type into the address bar of your browser to configure your router?00:04
EDocTooron windows the IPv$ is
SlybootsOh dear.  Okay does your router device have a webpage you go to configure it?00:04
SlybootsRight okay00:05
EDocToorit is a dd-wrt00:05
SlybootsChange your broadcast to, your network to
SlybootsGateway is
Slybootsfor interface ETH000:05
EDocToorOMG.. I am crossing my fingers00:06
sarnoldand change your address to
sarnoldor either way, make sure the .1. is in there. :)00:06
Slybootssarnold, I honestly think he might be better off setting it to DHCP00:06
sarnoldSlyboots: there are definite advantages there.. :)00:06
SlybootsHe'll still have to setup nameservers and resolv.conf manually00:07
SlybootsBut I suppose everyone has to learn somehow00:07
sarnoldSlyboots: but getting this right is very useful to understanding IPv4 networking, so it's a useful exercise00:07
EDocToorthanks... and static is required .. I wish.. all this was in the background too...00:08
EDocToorbut it is not00:08
sarnoldI spent absolute _hours_ typing ifconfig and route commands until getting the exact right commands to add to my startup files, back in the days (and distros) before setting them up was just one configuration file....00:08
sarnoldbut those hours were how I learned the basics well enough to debug a lot of network problems.00:08
SlybootsEDocToor, Once you've done that.  Try "ping" and see if you get a result.00:08
SlybootsI enjoy networking, do it "professionally" for what thats worth heh00:09
Slyboots(very little these days it seems)00:09
EDocToorSlyboots, the ping goes on and I ctrl z to stop it.. is that normal?00:13
EDocToorand thanks.00:13
Slybootstry ping google.com next :P00:13
sarnoldEDocToor: use ^C instead00:13
EDocToorI am not afraid of reading a URL... but I don't know what URL applies to what I am doing00:13
sarnoldEDocToor: ^Z suspends the command instead of killing it.00:14
EDocToorhow to kill command00:14
EDocToorhow do I kill a command in process00:14
Willctrl c ?00:14
EDocToorThanks Will...bbbbbbbuddy00:15
EDocToorping google.com also goes forever00:15
SlybootsWhats it actually saying :P00:16
Slyboots(as long as its not saying something like result timed out, or unknown host)00:17
EDocToorworks exactly like ms dos ping but never stops00:17
sarnoldor no route to host...00:17
sarnoldit will never stop00:17
EDocToorlooks good00:17
SlybootsTTL expired in transit00:17
sarnoldit runs until you kill it with ^C :)00:17
SlybootsThats always a scary one :P00:17
sarnoldSlyboots: oh, I thought EDocToor said that. hehe.00:17
sarnoldSlyboots: yeah, if TTL expires on you, you've got work ahead of you :) hehehe00:17
SlybootsEDocToor, sounds like your good then.00:17
sarnoldI'm just glad it wasn't EDocToor, fixing routing loops over irc souds unfun.00:17
Slybootssarnold, we sometimes get that if a VPN link goes down, its normally a "Oh F*$%!"00:17
EDocToorWhy.. can I just give you my IP for the server... and you do it.. LOL00:18
EDocToorha ha00:18
SlybootsAnyway, Im off00:18
EDocToorI am going to test with apt-get upgrade00:18
EDocToorTanks Slyboots00:19
Willfinally! webim panel web server created :D00:19
EDocToorAwesome Will00:20
EDocToorand Slyboots and sarnold helped me with my /etc/network/interfaces configuration successfully00:21
Willwhat you using your server for?00:21
EDocToorI guess I'll be here for a week as they mentioned that I also have to <Slyboots> He'll still have to setup nameservers and resolv.conf manually00:22
sarnoldEDocToor: if you can ping www.google.com, you're probably all good to go.00:22
EDocToorthe apt-get upgrade IS WORKING.. thank you00:23
EDocToorWill ... I want to try an opensource package called "ofbiz" for a online store that also runs a POS point of sale cash register in a real store.. and therefore my very first time running/ruining a server00:26
EDocToorI am disabled ... so I have lots of time to learn00:27
Willinteresting, i only ask as i am curious what to do with my new server now00:27
Willjust wanted to make sure i could do it :)00:28
EDocToorI am not so sure that I can... but... I am giving it a try00:29
EDocToordo a web server first.. I guess00:29
Willshorewall the going firewall for protecting my previous new made server via virtualbox? :)00:38
sarnoldWill: ufw is probably easier to learn.00:38
Willthey not straight forward then?00:40
sarnoldWill: ufw is simpler; shorewall is intended for configuring just about any firewall setup, ufw is intended to make common configurations very easy. check out https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/firewall.html  and see if it meets your needs..00:42
EDocToorI bookmarked that... as I am sure I am going to want to read it after I edit my hosts file00:44
EDocToorand I have learned to # cp /etc/everyfile /etc/everyfile.org before I make a change... the hard way.. hee hee00:45
EDocToorhow do I test my /etc/hosts file is correct? I put in it localhost.localdomain  localhost ...... then edoc.icyourrc.com   edoc... I hope that sounds close00:49
Willyou mean view it?00:49
EDocToorI already edited it... with the above information00:50
EDocToorthe FQDN gave me a headache00:50
EDocToorWill you taught me Ctrl+C kills and Ctrl+Z suspends00:52
Willsarnold: thanks, had a read through and i don't think im going to bother with a firewall at all for the time being, i don't want to start restricting ports manually and such until i know more about what i need to protect i guess, for time being i will just test/play around with the concept and idea of what i actually want this server to do00:53
WillEDocToor, glad i could help :)00:53
EDocToorWill... Since there is not actual data to protect.. on my new box.. I am thinking that I will delay the firewall for now.. as well00:55
EDocToorI did bookmark/favorite it for later...00:55
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
WillIs there a reason why nano isn't working on via a putty ssh? vim works but to be fair i did install this, do i need to install nano or is that pre installed?01:00
Willi prefer to edit files with nano thats all ^^01:00
EDocToortry apt-get install nano01:00
EDocToorand see .. and tell me what you learned01:01
EDocTooras I am discovering all this too01:01
Willlovely :)01:01
Willits downloaded and installed the nano editor01:01
Willnow i can do nano filename01:01
Willeasier to use than vim, although i can use both, vim editor just makes me think too much01:02
EDocToorWill my Channel if you want to add is #diycnc01:02
EDocToorI am always there01:02
EDocToorI build my diy cnc on the sunny days so I can drill outside.. and server on the cold or rainy days01:02
EDocToorI use joe as my editor01:03
EDocToortry Youtube CNC Machine01:03
EDocToorI have a spare bedroom that has a very big CNC living there01:04
EDocToorthat I made myself from scatch with AL01:04
EDocToorit is seven foot x 4 foot01:04
Willyou setup your apache2 bits yet?01:05
EDocToorto join type /join #diycnc01:05
EDocToornot yet..01:05
Willwhat is it needed, apache2, phpmyadmin, anything else?01:06
Willoh, mysql01:06
EDocToorthis is my favorite01:06
EDocToorapt-get install joe gedit build-essential dctrl-tools unzip subversion libapache2-svn vim-nox01:07
EDocToorapt-get install joe gedit build-essential dctrl-tools unzip vim-nox01:07
EDocToorthe build-essential I mean't01:07
Willwithout installingit can i view it?01:08
EDocToorThere essentials... so it is a group of stuff that you will end up installing anyway.. one at a time01:09
EDocToorwhen you get the build-essential it gets a bunch of stuff that I am not sure of ..01:10
EDocToorI have been installing it since debian01:10
EDocToorsince I was a kid01:11
Willdone :)01:13
EDocToorWill configured the /etc/hostname  ....01:20
EDocToornow my back and my head hurts.. but mmust go on..01:20
EDocToorha ha01:21
EDocToorWill apt-get remove to remove build-essential01:22
EDocToorapt-get remove build-essential01:22
EDocToorWill... (pressing (Ctrl+Alt+del) works.. shutdown -P now works and so does # reboot01:24
EDocToorI guess rebooted and after where it says edoc login: is says01:25
EDocToor[  9.032455] [drm] nouveau  .... misalined reg 0x ..... [drm] nouveal ... misaligned reg 0x0060081D ====01:26
EDocToorI think I broke my server... AGAIN LOL01:26
EDocToorPressed enter.. and the edoc login appeared01:27
Willhmmm i have no idea what that is im afraid01:27
Willi need to get some shut up, 2.30am im tired, getting on! goodnight all01:27
EDocToorsee ya later01:27
EDocToorWill do you know how to see the page that zooms by pre Logon:01:28
EDocToorto see what the warnings are01:28
Willi dont sorry01:28
Willnight :)01:28
hi_351i been to like 100 rooma and they say their not ofr support is thi room for supprt i new user of UBUNTU02:21
EDocToortry /join #ubuntu02:23
EDocToorfor ubuntu02:23
EDocToorthis is for ubuntu server02:23
hi_351what this room for02:23
EDocToornew users of ubuntu server.. a server is generally command line02:24
EDocToorand ubuntu has windows like windows02:24
hi_351this is a commad libne question02:24
hi_351in a way i guess02:25
EDocToorthen you might ask it here... but try your best to use fully words.. or you might get half a responce02:25
hi_351is update ubuntu better off getting from APT -GET SYNAPTIC INSTALL or just getting updates from software and updates and software updater in side ubunut02:27
=== negronjl` is now known as negronjl
hi_351let me rephrase that what dose APT - GET SYNAPTIC INSTALL do02:32
EDocToorI am back02:39
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get install synaptic02:40
EDocToorinstalls a tools for downloading and searching for downloads02:40
EDocToorI am using your speellling of it.. as I don't know the exact spelling of it02:41
EDocToorI am a new Ubuntu user as well02:41
EDocToorbut if I can help I'll try.. if I fail... someone else will join the conversation02:42
EDocToorhi_668, did you miss my response02:42
EDocToorEDocToor> $ sudo apt-get install synaptic02:43
EDocToor<EDocToor> installs a tools for downloading and searching for downloads02:43
hi_668what dose APT - GET SYNAPTICS command do02:44
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get install synaptics02:44
EDocToorinstalls synaptics02:45
EDocToorapt-get has no space02:45
EDocToorand the apt-get needs a OPTION like "install" "remove"02:46
EDocToorand synaptics is a package02:46
EDocToorto use it..02:46
EDocTooryou would type02:46
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get install synaptics02:46
hi_668somone told me this will install my updates in ubuntu but in lite foemat02:47
EDocToorhi_668, it does exactly like the apt-get does but like windows02:47
EDocToorand apt-get is a command line downloader02:48
EDocToorand synaptics is a GUI or Window downloader02:48
EDocToorboth have a update option02:48
EDocTooram I make any sense to you?02:49
hi_668is it any different than me just lick on the ubuntu looking icon above the trash can02:49
hi_668on far left of the desktop i new to ubuntu02:49
EDocToorIt is safe...02:49
EDocToorwhy don't you try it02:49
EDocTooropen a terminal02:50
hi_668i know it safe02:50
EDocToorand type apt-get install synaptics02:50
hi_668but it like compressed verision of updates02:50
EDocToorI am on a server.. and I can't do it as it doesn't apply to command lines computers02:51
EDocToorThere the same thing.. just two different ways of getting and updateing software02:51
EDocTooryou can also update by02:52
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get update02:52
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get upgrade02:52
shodan45what's the right way to start/stop services at boot in ubuntu?02:52
EDocToorEXample : update-rc.d -f spamassassin remove02:53
hi_668someone said it save a lot more sapce doning it that way then me doning it from clicking on the udates ico inside02:53
EDocToorhi_668, I don't know that much.. so I can not debate or answer that one02:54
EDocToorit is my first day on a server02:54
EDocToorbut I have been using linux off and on for many years02:55
hi_668he the synaptic updates take up less space02:55
EDocToorI don't know.. how that could be true.. but I can not confirm nor deny it02:55
EDocToorif space is an issue.. consider pressing F6 when installing and02:56
hi_668it says th package is not available02:58
EDocToorif you had synaptic 's installed you wouldn't have an issue as it spells it for you02:59
EDocToorwhen you search.. it finds02:59
hi_668it says it missing or obsolate02:59
EDocToorit might be...02:59
EDocToorhi_668, why don't you try the #ubuntu channel and ask for "What is the current package manager; and the apt-get method of downloading it?"03:01
hi_668aomone just told tpyr that in it will update uubuntu itself but it would take less space  of you do the updates thugh ubuntu it take up more space03:01
hi_668i use 13,93 verision03:02
hi_66812.04 ubuntu03:02
hi_66813.04 sorry03:02
EDocToorhi_668, I am lost.. what is your question again?03:03
EDocToorHow to do updates is03:03
EDocToorapt-get updates03:03
hi_668i useing this as example03:03
hi_668thier a utorrent and their a u torrent lite03:04
EDocToorhi_668, if space is an issue.. use apt-get03:04
EDocTooris that your question03:05
hi_668synaptics  was supose to work as a lite lite mean less sapce03:05
hi_668i dont know im new to ubuntu03:05
hi_668lite mean taling less space in your hard drive03:05
EDocToorI don't know.. what to say but that person that you were talking to must know more than I03:05
hi_668ok whok i dont i lost too lol03:07
EDocToorI would help you,, but I just don't know.. I do understand .. but I don't understand why space is an issue03:07
hi_668i like this better than windows os itself03:07
hi_668it going to be some getting ust to i guess03:07
EDocToorif space is an issue UBUNTU has a MINI install .;;; Press during install and press F6 then choose mini03:08
EDocToorbut it is way more complicated and you should find a web tutorial to expain the steps03:08
hi_668he said it you save you sapce03:08
wo0fhi_668: all Debian based distros use .deb03:09
EDocToorI get frustrated and put Ubuntu on the shelf every year.. as installing a package sometimes require tech knowledge03:09
EDocToorand i give up03:09
wo0fand apt-get is a core too for accessing the distro's repository of .debs03:09
wo0fdpkg installs the .debs03:10
hi_668it so better graphic are better than windows03:10
wo0fits the same03:10
EDocToorthanks for stepping in wo0f03:10
wo0fsynaptic just uses apt-get underneath03:11
wo0fif youre looking for a cli tool, i use aptitude03:11
wo0fsudo apt-get install aptitude03:11
EDocToorwo0f, what does cli tool mean?03:12
wo0fcommand line interface03:12
hi_668he said thie was a differnt way to install updates for ubuntu03:15
hi_668by puting in that synaptic command03:16
EDocToorhi_668, yes three ways: synaptics which is a front-end for apt-get... apt-get or aptitude which is a command line interface03:17
EDocToorI think he is asking the correct method of installing synaptic using the apt-get install... so I am guessing that synaptic is spelled differently; is this correct03:18
wo0faptitude is a tool that runs at the CLI ;P03:18
hi_668like if the update in ubunut is a lot bigger and take up more sapce and the command will save you space like the dollar menu at mcdonalds03:18
wo0fits also a frontend for apt-get03:19
EDocToor$ sudo apt-get install synaptics03:19
wo0fhi_668: if you have a desktop GUI installed (like Unity) its not going to save any space03:19
EDocToorhi_668, how you obtain the download/software doen't change its size03:20
wo0fits doing the exact same thing, which ever way you update03:20
hi_668the verision i have 13.0403:20
hi_66812.04 better than 13.04 ubuntu03:20
wo0f12.04.2 is the LTS release03:21
hi_668o new i used ubumtu for like 3 days03:21
EDocToorso 12.04.2 is more stable03:21
EDocToornot uBUMtu03:21
wo0fya, its supported for longer03:21
wo0fLOL ubumtu03:22
EDocToortoo funny03:22
hi_668yo could give me a virus command and say type it in i would be stupid enoughf to put it in and gibe my self a virus03:22
EDocToorhi_668, you want 12.04.2 or the LTS ... that is for sure03:22
hi_668not the 13.0403:23
wo0fhi_668: if youre looking for something for light-weight, disk wise, you might want to try Xubuntu03:23
hi_668what the difference between the 12 and the 1303:23
wo0fwhich uses Xfce03:23
wo0f12 is the Long Term Support release03:24
EDocToorThirteen is on digit higher ... just kidding.. I am getting tired sorry03:24
hi_668i have like a ten year old dell03:24
hi_668made 2 months b4 vist came out03:24
wo0fwhat specs does that have?03:24
EDocToorthat is old.. is it a laptop03:24
EDocToorthen put back | track03:25
EDocTooron it03:25
hi_668what that03:25
EDocToorcop software for spying03:25
hi_668like i said you could give a command that would give me a virus and i be dumb seoughf to type it in03:26
EDocToorthen stay away from the backtrack channel or website.. that is what they did to me03:26
EDocToorso don't feel bad03:27
hi_668im talking about you03:27
EDocToorI wouldn't do anything to harm anyone.. I am only here for good reasons03:27
hi_668tell me to put this command in and i would not know it would be a virus03:28
EDocTooras are the Ubuntu tribe03:28
hi_668i know im joking03:28
hi_668with you i never used linux b403:28
hi_6684th day03:29
hi_668in life03:29
hi_668i will belive what ever you all say03:29
EDocToorhi_668, why don't you ask for a good tutorial.. to get the basics03:29
EDocToormaybe someone will answer03:29
wo0fya, this really isn't the channel for it, someone will probably get annoyed at some point03:30
hi_668command are like ms dos form when i was little03:30
EDocToorI learned on a site called debain.org or something that sounded like that03:30
wo0f#ubuntu is where you want to be03:30
EDocToorthat is true..03:30
wo0fROFL are you flaming03:31
EDocToorthis channel is for SERVERS..03:31
wo0fDEBAIN... lol03:31
hi_668i use the copy mether like in school find th ecommand and click and past it03:31
hi_668copying from you papper03:31
EDocToorwo0f, I am not knowing what flaming is.. if I am I guess I am sorry03:32
EDocToorhi_668,  you actually should watch the #ubuntu channel... just type03:33
EDocToor /join #ubuntu03:33
hi_668like have you ever copied off somone school papper when you where in school03:33
wo0flol- yes hi_66803:34
hi_668i google how to do this or that in google and copy and past03:34
hi_668 lol03:34
wo0fthats what everyone does ;P03:35
hi_668in termianl is my methode03:35
hi_668of ubuntu03:35
hi_668let them  do the work03:35
wo0f...and get paid for it :P03:36
wo0falternatively RTFM!03:36
hi_668lol yeo03:37
hi_668so you al want me to ge rid of thse files by rite click to trash casn and will that delete from the usb drive permently03:40
hi_668ok i downloaed ubuntu on to a  USB STICK03:43
hi_668you wont me to downloaded 12.04 lts and then go to unetbootin and download the WINDOWS OS BOOT and it will take sourgeforge websiite to download03:46
wo0fommm, just follow this guide: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:47
wo0fUbuntu generally has quite good documentation, and its only a Google away ;P03:48
hi_668ii know hhow to use the software03:52
hi_668vecuase i downloaded it  ubuntu from the usb stick but im going to get rid of the fiklesby high lighting  and send to trash can03:54
hi_668i going to high light them all rite cly click to send to  trash can03:55
EDocToorsilly joke question: when I type /etc/init.d/mailman start  does the init.d stand for "In It Deep"?04:48
EDocToorwell it helps me remember the init.d04:49
nigelbI used to use lxc fairly regularly, lately, I've noticed that the lxc networking isn't getting configured correctly.06:19
nigelbI haven't touched the configs.06:19
nigelbAnd I ahve this in my syslog http://www.privatepaste.com/74c9c6f09606:19
nigelbThe only major change I've done is switch from using unity to lxde.06:20
nigelbAny ideas on what's going wrong?06:20
EDocToorQuick Question ;-) I hope;;; Is there a command that shows the partition with the mount point /06:29
EDocToorI have done this .. just can not remember... stab.. or something06:33
sarnoldEDocToor: 'mount' will show you the current mounts06:35
sarnoldEDocToor: /etc/fstab shows you what will be mounted at reboot06:35
EDocToorSargun, Thanks.. that it06:35
EDocToorAre you still here... sarnold... you would be surprised how far I am not.. finished mail and now working on FTP wrapped in TLS sessions06:37
EDocToorAll thanks to you... you are awesome06:37
sarnoldEDocToor: ooof. ftp is a horrible, crufty protocol. do you have to support it? :)06:37
EDocToorand the others on this channel06:37
sarnoldEDocToor: hehe, no, you did all the work, I just make suggestions. :)06:37
EDocToorThis is a play box for learning.. nothing more06:37
sarnoldah, good. then you'll find out that ftp is a horrible crufty protocol in a safe, fun, environment. :)06:38
EDocToorha ha ha ha ha06:38
sarnoldnigelb: I don't know what exactly is wrong.. but the audit_printk_skb shows that not all apparmor messages are being logged; if you install auditd, the log messages will go to /var/log/audit/audit.log, and you'll be able to at least see what was being rejected06:39
EDocToorI really can not thank you guys enough.. I would be so lost reading these tutorials without a hint every now and again06:39
nigelbsarnold: aha, thanks, I'll try that.06:40
sarnoldnigelb: some of the lxc containerization is enforced via apparmor, so I wouldn't just blindly add the rules to your profiles, but it might be something to consider06:40
sarnoldEDocToor: hehe, yeah, there's nothing quite like a helpful hint at the right place and the right time :)06:41
EDocToorI have done a lot of work on my own.. it just doesn't make any sense to me yet..06:41
EDocToorbut I have always loved command lines...06:42
EDocToorI was a MS-Dos batch code nut when I was a kid...06:42
EDocToorWell I got to get back at her..06:43
sarnoldEDocToor: the command line is pretty awesome; there's nothing quite like being able to piece together a dozen nice little tools to solve a huge variety of complicated problems06:51
sarnoldand the design is simple enough that adding new programs into the environment is pretty easy06:51
nigelbsarnold: hah, so this worked -> echo 1|sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward07:02
nigelbI believe that forced the containers to use ipv4.07:03
sarnoldnigelb: ha!07:03
sarnold.. wonder why.07:03
nigelbI think I had set it before07:03
nigelband something recently changed it.07:03
sarnoldstill, seems odd.07:03
nigelbso, I just set it in /etc/sysctl.conf07:03
EDocToorsarnold, I have a question... that I have always wondered...07:03
sarnoldnigelb: it might be worth filing a bugreport or asking hallyn when he returns (probably a few hours)07:04
nigelbI will :)07:04
EDocToorWhen the Ubuntu Server Boots.. a page of infomation FLICKERS BY... is there any way to read it.07:04
EDocTooror see it.. like # history -w history.txt07:05
sarnoldEDocToor: you can find most of it in /var/log/ somewhere -- /var/log/boot.log and /var/log/dmesg07:05
sarnoldEDocToor: you might be able to hit ^S to stop the terminal, and ^Q to resume the terminal, but that's a big guess on my part. I have'nt done that in a decade or so..07:06
sarnold(haven't done that at boot recently; I use ^S and ^Q every five or six months. hehe. :)07:07
sarnoldanyway, bedtime :) have fun07:07
EDocToorme too ... 3 am07:08
EDocToorI can't this is way to exciting07:08
EDocToorWhat time is it for you sarnold ?07:10
thurstylarkI have a server that I messed up the interfaces file on, and now I can't access it any more. I need to access the interfaces file through another machine with the root drive hooked up externally. It will mount, and I can see folders, but I cannot access the etc directory. Is there something I'm doing wrong?07:26
NilliI can give users sudo permissions easily by "sudo adduser johndoe sudo" but how do I revoke sudo permissions if I only want to give them temporarily?07:26
greppyNilli: an easy way is to edit /etc/group and remove them from the sudo group.07:27
Nilligreppy: oh, that's all? nice07:27
greppyNilli: I haven't ever used it, but I think deluser can be used the same as adduser as well to remove them from the group.07:28
Nillithanks, deluser seems to be what I was looking for07:31
rbasakyolanda_: bug 1189986 refers to real breakages such as segfaults - I'm not sure they should be Wishlist07:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1189986 in php5 "Please backport fixes" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118998607:42
yolanda_i see, it's set as important in Debian07:44
yolanda_what do you think, maybe a medium priority?07:45
rbasakI'd go with Medium unless there's a particular reason to do anything differently.07:47
rbasakI'd also like to understand whether any of these would be fixed in a microrelease update. I think PHP should have a microrelease exception, but I haven't looked into it.07:48
maxbrbasak: It doesn't: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions07:56
rbasakmaxb: yeah. I think maybe it should :)08:08
rbasak(depending on whether it meets all the criteria)08:08
maxbWell.... I'm not sure PHP's micro releases are strictly has bug-focussed as usually considered appropriate for a MRE08:08
rbasakThat's interesting. Do you have an example?08:09
maxbNo, just a vague opinion formed from a general perception of PHP :-)08:10
maxbI don't suppose PHP have a policy document for what's allowed in a microrelease?08:10
rbasakThat's what I want to investigate.08:13
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yolanda_jamespage, zul: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/python-cinderclient/havana/+merge/16841608:20
Willmorning all09:37
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_nbk_hello all,10:05
_nbk_maybe someone can help me with MAAS enlisting nodes?10:05
rbasak!ask | _nbk_10:06
ubottu_nbk_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:06
rbasakAlso, if you don't get an answer here, try #maas10:06
_nbk_ok, thanks <rbasak>10:07
ThothCastelI am trying for the first time to install and configure ldap on my server10:13
ThothCastelfor ldap configuratin, if my hostname is server.procopio.local then my settings will be dc=server,dc=procopio,dc=local or dc=procopio,dc=local10:13
otaku_coderhey, has anyone used the chris lea nodejs ppa? For some reason it doesn't keep older versions of 0.10.x around, only tracking upstream. This makes it difficult to use in our cfm tool (puppet) as teh version strings keep expiring10:13
ThothCastelalso, if I setup the hostname after installing the ldap package, will this interfere negativelly in anything?10:14
yeatsotaku_coder: you would need to contact the PPA maintainer about that10:14
otaku_coderyeats: sure, will do10:18
ThothCastelhelp pls10:20
ThothCastelif my hostname is server.procopio.local then should my settings in the LDIF file be dc=server,dc=procopio,dc=local    or dc=procopio,dc=local  ?10:21
ThothCastelfollowing this https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/openldap-server.html10:21
jazzkutyanewer usb hard disks above 2TB use 4kbyte logical sectors (probably physical too). I need information on from what version of ubuntu are these drives supported?10:42
rbasakjazzkutya: AIUI, they need no special support. However, on certain disks aligning partitions up to the newer sector size is needed to avoid a loss in performance. I'm not sure when the partitioner started doing this by default.10:49
rbasakIt might be easiest for you to try the version of Ubuntu you want to use, and then examining the partition table to see if it's suitable aligned.10:50
jazzkutyano, this is not advanced format which only needs aligned partitions10:51
jazzkutyaand i need this info to know what to expect on different boxes we have before buying this drive10:52
rbasakIf it helps, I'm running (internal, SATA) 3TB drives on a 12.04 machine. They work fine.10:53
jazzkutyathat probably reports 512byte logical sectors so it is more compatible with linux than these usb stuff i talk about10:54
rbasakI did need some GPT magic to make the system boot off it though. But presumably for external USB drives this doesn't apply to you.10:54
jazzkutyathese usb drives switched to 4k logical sector sizes to allow compatibility with mbr partition tables10:54
jazzkutyaresult is compatibility with winxp but much worse compatibility with linux10:55
rbasakI see. Yeah - logical block size is 512.10:58
rbasakSounds like you need to find out which kernel version supports what you need.10:58
jazzkutyathat could help, yes10:59
rbasak12.04.1 ships with 3.2. 12.04.2 ships with the quantal stack IIRC.10:59
rbasakSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack for details of using newer kernels on 12.04.11:00
rbasakhttps://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_4_KiB_sector_issues#L-1._Kernel_support suggests that you'll be fine on USB11:01
jazzkutyayes for 12.04 lts it seems so11:08
smbrbasak, jazzkutya I would say that support should be in at least since 3.2 (probably earlier).11:08
jazzkutyai would say we have a lot older boxes also but at first info on 12.04lts is fine for me :)11:08
smbas long as "blockdev --getpbsz <dev>" returns the hard serctor size11:08
jazzkutyayou know what is funny about these usb disks? they use normal 512byte logical sector internal hard disks and they developed an usb controller for this that translates to 4k logical sectors11:09
jazzkutyaso the driver translates from 4k to 512b then the usb bridge translates back to 4k11:10
jazzkutyaall this for compatibility with winxp...11:10
smbActually for winxp I would say you have to present 512 logical sectors because that is so old there were not any 4k drives around11:12
jazzkutyait seems not to be the case11:15
jazzkutyait seems winxp can use 4k very well or maybe i don't remember some detail of this trick for winxp compatibility11:15
jazzkutyabut im sure they use 4k logical sectors to allow usage of mbr partition table explicitly for winxp11:16
Danielamallocciciao a tutti11:18
yolanda_jamespage https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/swift/havana/+merge/16892211:37
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ThothCastelwhy am I not able to ping the hostname of amy host machine?12:11
mardraumfix your dns?12:12
ThothCastelmardraum: my dns seems to be working just fine outside the vm12:26
mardraumit;s great you are giving so much information about your setup </sarcasm>12:28
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zuljamespage:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/12:50
frojndHi there.12:51
frojndI was about to configure mail server and I was trying to enable amavis antivirus. I was about to integrate postfix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNew#Postfix_integration but I keep getting postfix: fatal: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 69: missing '=' after attribute name: "smtp-amavis     unix    -       -       -       -       2       smtp        -o smtp_data_done_timeout=120012:52
frojndThis is /etc/postfix/main.cf12:56
frojndIt's a syntax error12:56
frojndAny ideas what am I missing here :)12:58
frojndThat or wiki is outdated :P12:58
frojndAny ideas? :)13:33
frojndDidn't find out what's the cause of the problem13:33
mdeslaursoren: happy birthday :)13:36
rbasakfrojnd: try looking at the documentation for the syntax of main.cf.13:39
rbasakActually, isn't that line supposed to be in master.cf?13:39
frojndrbasak: omg13:40
frojndyeah I rered again wiki and I just noticed /etc/postfix/[main.cf|master.cf] :o13:40
frojndI have to set higher value for monitor brightness13:41
frojndI wonder what else did I missed, going to read again13:43
zulyolanda_:  is this the errors you are getting with ceilometer https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/113457513:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1134575 in devstack "CRITICAL nova [-] 'module' object has no attribute 'packs'" [Undecided,In progress]13:50
yolanda_zul, yes13:51
yolanda_i marked my bug as a dupe13:51
zulyolanda_:  ok kombu isnt the problem its another dep which ill update13:51
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yolanda_i just solved upgrading kombu, but maybe it was related with another module13:52
zulyolanda_:  nm i was wrong13:52
ThothCastel_is there a difference in configuring a client with dns using the /etc/resolv.conf and using the /etc/network/interfaces with the dns-search and dns-nameservers  ???13:57
ThothCastelis there a difference in configuring a client with dns using the /etc/resolv.conf and using the /etc/network/interfaces with the dns-search and dns-nameservers ???14:09
pmatulis_since 12.04 resolv.conf should no longer be hand-edited ThothCastel14:10
pmatulis_it's now a symlink:  /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf14:11
pmatulis_if you want to, make it a regular file and you will get back the traditional way of hand-editing14:11
ThothCastelpmatulis_: ok, so I should dd dns settings to the /etc/network/interfaces   as in https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution14:12
pmatulis_otherwise, use interfaces file14:12
ThothCasteldd = add    sorry14:13
pmatulis_yes, use the interfaces file14:13
ThothCastelpmatulis_:   ok, many thanks14:14
yolanda_hi lamont, can we talk about bind9 issue? so you expose your opinion14:39
lamontthe basic question I have is: who is the intended audience for a changed version.bind?  and how will it be used?14:39
yolanda_zul, Daviey ^14:40
zulyolanda_:  its mostly stats gathering but Daviey can say more14:40
lamontif I was going to do it, I'd use something based on [ -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ] && lsb_relaese -si || echo Debian/GNU inside of configure (and configure.in)14:40
zullamont:  i tend to agree14:41
lamont(in the debian package, I really don't want to fork it for ubuntu unless there's a really really good reason to)14:41
lamonthistorically, version.bind has been about the version, not the packaging, so adding a distribution.bind to the namespace would be less likely to produce the same kind of ire.14:41
lamontfrom those who ire.14:41
lamontOTOH, it produces a different kind of ire from those who believe that chaos/bind belongs to upstream en toto.14:42
yolanda_zul, what do you think?14:44
lamontzul: Daviey: highlight me so I notice, eh?14:44
zullamont:  oh im highlighting you, :) i totally agree with you  should be done in the debian package14:45
lamontzul: my take is "should be in the debian package if done at all, now help me understand why"14:47
lamontzul: (the highlight comment was more of a "I'm going to wander off and do things I should be doing right now" comment)14:47
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zullamont: if its going to be done it should be in  the debian packaging14:49
zulso yolanda_ , so yeah prep something and let lamont have a look since lamont maintains it in debian14:50
lamonthrm.  that reminds me, I think I'm supposed to upload something for bind914:52
lamontsomething for this evening, to be sure14:52
lamontlike, 9.9.3-P1, say14:55
hallynhm, who's our newest motu?15:05
hallynsmoser: do you mind pushing http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libcgroup-symlink/libcgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu11.dsc (for precise SRU)15:06
smoserhallyn, i can do that for you. will also work on utlemming's sru15:06
smoserhallyn, but i can't do it until you fix 40415:07
hallynwhat the...15:08
hallynoh, i see, a pcc feature i hadn't considered15:09
hallynsmoser: fixed15:09
hallyn(trailing '/', so it pushed the .dsc without the directory)15:09
zuladam_g_:  png15:14
rbasaklamont: talking about bind, can you look again at bug 1090593? If not, please could you upload my proposed SRU if we're not going to get anything better? Assuming it's not out-of-date now.15:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1090593 in bind9 "D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET changing January 3rd 2013" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109059315:16
smoserhallyn, shoot.15:19
smoseryour version number wasnt right.15:19
smoserand i uploaded.15:19
smoserDaviey, you're a archive admin, can you reject my libcgroup upload to precise-proposed ?15:19
hallynoh effing quantal15:19
hallynvery sorry15:20
smoserwait. you wanted preicse-proposed15:20
hallynlemme fix and repush15:20
smoseryou used '0.37.1-1ubuntu11', better would have been '0.37.1-1ubuntu10.12.04' or '0.37.1-1ubuntu11.1'15:20
hallynsru acceptor should catch that though.  i15:20
hallyni know15:20
hallynif daviey's not around i can go tell infinity what i dumbass i was15:20
smosererr.. ubuntu10.115:20
smosermake sure you add my name too15:20
smoseras i just did the upload :)15:21
hallynno wait, isn't quantal on a newer version #? (0.38)15:21
hallynyeah no, the precise version # should be fine...15:21
hallynchecking history15:22
hallynsmoser: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libcgroup-symlink/libcgroup-symlink/libcgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu10.1.dsc15:25
smoserhallyn, right.15:26
hallynsmoser: thanks.  you can go ahead and push, no need to wait for the other to be kicked15:27
smoserit wasn't specifically wrong.15:27
smoserjust more obvious as sru with the version number.15:27
hallynsmoser: and recommended as such by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation15:27
hallynbased on memory, I was thinking we only did .1 if the newer release shared the version #15:28
hallynbut it's actually recommended to always do it.  makes sense too15:28
smoseryeah, its better with the .1, but here woudn't cause upgrade issues.15:28
smoserUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):15:29
smoser  Uploading libcgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu10.1.dsc: done.15:29
smoser  Uploading libcgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu10.1.debian.tar.gz: done.15:29
smoser  Uploading libcgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu10.1_source.changes: done.15:29
smoserSuccessfully uploaded packages.15:29
smoserutlemming, ping15:30
utlemmingsmoser: pong15:30
smoserin lp:~utlemming/ubuntu/raring/isc-dhcp/64bit_time.lp1189571 (https://code.launchpad.net/~utlemming/ubuntu/raring/isc-dhcp/64bit_time.lp1189571)15:31
smoserthe changes differ from those in saucy15:31
smoserwas that by design ?15:31
smosersaucy: isc_interval_set(&interval, sec, usec * 1000);15:31
smoserraring-branch: isc_interval_set(&interval, sec & DHCP_SEC_MAX, usec * 1000);15:31
smoseryour quantal branhc is same as raring branch15:32
utlemmingsmoser: looking....they should be the same, afaik15:32
hallynsmoser: thanks again15:33
geniiZentyal install seems busted for me on 64bit. Does it need multiarch or something?15:33
smoserhallyn, as i look at utlemming's changes, i see that both jdstrand and mdeslaur uploaded full number ubuntuX in the isc-dhcp package to quantal.15:33
smoserso its probably "ok", and we/I should have probably just left it.15:34
utlemmingsmoser: okay, I'm lost...I just diff'ed the branches and I don't see a difference.15:36
utlemmingsmoser: I didn't change the isc_interval_Set(..)15:36
smoserbut you should have15:37
utlemmingsmoser: yeah, I see that....crap15:39
lamontrbasak: wilco15:40
smoserutlemming, so if you dont mind, could you re-do those branches with15:40
smoser * the same patch (including patch header) as went into saucy15:40
smoser    (refreshed if needed)15:40
smoser * the same patch *name* as in saucy15:40
smoser * test the build output on azure15:41
utlemmingsmoser: yeah, I can do that15:42
Davieysmoser: yes16:06
smosernever mind. we're settled.16:06
Davieysmoser: ok16:07
Davieysmoser: libcgroup doesn16:07
Davieysmoser: libcgroup doesn't need rejecting?16:07
smoserwell, i uploaded 2 version16:09
smoserubuntu11 and ubuntu10.116:09
smoserthe 11 could be rejected, but in the end either is actually fine.16:09
smoserbut there are 2, so one needs rejecting16:09
EnichIn the ubuntu kickstarter file, there is the option %post     Is this executed after the machine has installed and has been rebooted ?  or am i totally wrong ?16:10
Davieysmoser: looks already rejected?16:10
virusuyhowdy gents16:11
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streulmahi, I have an openvpn-server and virtualbox vboxnet0, how can I route traffic to the vboxnet0 network ?16:37
jdstrandsmoser: I am lacking context, but the SECURITY UPDATE versions to quantal were still before quantal was released, so we used standard ubuntuX versioning for the dev release as opposed to ubuntuX.Y, which we employ on stable releases16:48
smoserthat makes sense then.16:48
smoserthank you for clearing that up.16:48
smoseryou seemed to do fine without context :)16:49
jamespagesmoser, how exactly is the automatic mirror resolution mean't to work n cloud-init?16:54
jamespageI'm trying to hack an openstack cloud to use a local mirror by providing a suitable dns entry16:55
jamespagebut I can't get it to work16:55
jamespageI *think* it might be a problem with the config-drive datasource but I'm not 100% sure16:55
smoserjamespage, you're trying to feed data in via cloud-config ?17:01
smoseror trying to have it discover it via dns17:01
jamespagesmoser, no - I'm trying to hack http://$ac.cloud.archive.ubuntu.com17:01
smoserjamespage, it doesn't look like its possible with config-drive17:02
smoserwait. it should work.17:04
smoserbut note, its going to look for17:04
smoserjamespage, ^17:06
zuladam_g_:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/17:28
adam_g_zul, +117:30
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EDocToor!seen Will17:45
ubottuI have no seen command17:45
EDocToor!spoke Will17:45
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here know of a tutorial for properly getting an image from http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/ pulled into a devstack deployment?17:49
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EDocToorGood Morning/day/night Ubuntu Server Channel18:29
virusuyEDocToor: hi!18:41
n00b123hi guys, need help here. I'm having permissions problems on a ubuntu 12.04 server. The system is under raid 1 lvm and one o the lv is /cameras. I have chown to the cameras:cameras user and chmod -r 666 but when I am the user cameras I can not cd int /cameras (permission denied) and when I ls --l /cameras it says d????????? ? ? ? ?     folder-name, for all folders. But when I sudo su and cd goes normal, no problems19:00
sarnoldn00b123: to 'cd' into a directory, the directory's mode needs to include the executable bit -- typically, mode octet 5 or 7 ...19:02
sarnoldn00b123: you might want to run a command like find /camera -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;     or 777 if you would really rather allow everyone on the computer to read / write / delete all the data19:03
n00b123what about sudo chmod -R 777 cameras ?? is it ok to19:05
n00b123trying it19:05
n00b123read and write for all for test first19:05
n00b123got better19:05
sarnoldn00b123: mode 777 is dangerous, that'd allow anyone to write any data into any of the files and then allow someone else to execute, perhaps accidentally, any of those files. that's dangerous. :)19:06
n00b123that's. my nickname says it all19:06
n00b123I know that sarnold, thanks for the advice. Because I was having the permissions problem i tryed 777, and 666 before, now going back to 75519:07
EDocToorWow.. I can see how that could be dangerous19:07
virusuy777 in unix permissions is like 666 , the number of the beast19:11
EDocToorDumb question ... if i used edoc.icyourrc.com as my FQDN within my Ubuntu Server the www.icyourrc.com is only accessable locally until I get it linked to a nameserver... Am I lost, or am I close?19:11
virusuyto resolv that domain you will always need a DNS server19:12
virusuyif you want to resolv locally, just put in your /etc/hosts file19:12
EDocToorThat was my very first. BRIGHT LIGHT moment.. for you it may be obvious19:13
virusuylol, don't worry19:13
virusuynobody knows everything19:14
sorenmdeslaur: thanks!19:17
EDocToorand something large groups of people think they know; Ex; Global Warming, will happen anyway as the Earth natural Orbit will naturally move so close to the sun that all life will on land will die; this is known as there is a two foot CRISPY layer found deep down in our Earth crust.. Also when the Earth Orbit moves TOO far way from the sun the Earth gathered a layer of dust.. it wasn't an astorode that killed the dinsoures it was19:19
EDocToorthe Earth moving into space as it will do again. IMHO19:19
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shodan45pros/cons to using nginx from the nginx.org repo vs normal ubuntu repo?19:43
hallynroaksoax: bug 1185261 , is that a supported use case, do you know?20:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1185261 in maas "MaaS nodes being enlisted with multiple network cards fail to commission" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118526120:36
roaksoaxhallyn: not that I know of20:38
roaksoaxsmoser: around?20:42
roaksoaxsmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/118526120:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1185261 in maas "MaaS nodes being enlisted with multiple network cards fail to commission" [Undecided,New]20:42
roaksoaxsmoser: does commissioning bring up both interfaceS?20:43
smoseri think i told this person to open this bug.20:43
smoseri think it is valid usecase.20:44
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah, but not at the same time20:44
smoserbut in this case, maas is going to have to know something about the network interfaces.20:44
roaksoaxsmoser: because commissioning will contact the maas server for apt_proxy20:44
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah20:45
smoserwell, ideally maas could be told that the apt_proxy was elsewher.e20:45
smoserand that would pass on through20:45
smoserthe reason this is hard is that we can't just say "dhcp all interfaces"20:45
smoserbecause if we did that we'd either have to20:45
smosera.) wait for a response on all of them [indefinitely]20:45
smoserb.) background and just go on20:46
smosera. results in hang if there are no dhcp servers on other nics20:46
smoserb. results in race conditions20:46
hallynok - thanks, so i'll mark this triaged low priority20:46
smoserso the only solution is to have maas know that its supposed to tell commissioning to wait on eth1 (and even *that* has to be done probably by MAC)20:47
roaksoaxsmoser: but that doesn't change the fact that cloud-init could configure all interfaces to dhcp from20:49
roaksoaxsmoser: because in this case, he isusing 1 isolated network to do stuff, and a second network for internfet20:49
roaksoaxbut the second network is not being brought up at all20:50
roaksoaxnot even for DHCP20:50
roaksoaxso in this case20:50
roaksoaxMAAS shjould not care how many network interfaces the node has20:50
roaksoaxbut cloud-init should just bring up all of them20:50
roaksoaxwhat do you thinkl?20:50
smoserroaksoax, it can't.20:50
smoseror one of a or b are still relevant20:50
smoserie, i can't just say "always dhcp on all nics"20:51
smoserbecause you either wait for all nics, or go on. if you wait, then you wait possibly forever.20:51
smoserif you go on, possibly 'apt-get update' happens before eth1 (in this case) has gotten an address.20:51
roaksoaxsmoser: right but you wait for a few seconds, if not, then no need to keep on waiting right?20:51
jcastroroaksoax: any feedback from people wrt. MAAS via SRU?20:52
jcastrogood or bad?20:52
smoserwhat is the right value for "a few seconds"20:52
roaksoaxjcastro: haven't heard any20:52
roaksoaxsmoser: well in maas don't we set 200somthing for d-i?20:52
smoserso you would delay *all* boots by 200 seconds ?20:53
smoserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/861866 for refernece.20:53
smoser(60 seconds was found to be too low)20:53
roaksoaxsmoser: ok so make that the same case for all interfaces20:53
roaksoaxsmoser: so not just configure eth020:54
roaksoaxbut configure all20:54
smoserbut then you have to wait [for how long?] for each one.20:54
roaksoaxthat doesn't mean that cloud-init will have to wait 5(interfaces) *120 seconds20:54
smoserand, for the record, it doesn't wait for "eth0"20:54
smoserit waits for BOOTIF20:54
roaksoaxsmoser: right (but in this case I'm assuming it is eth0)20:55
smoserbut by waiting up to 120 seconds, and then going on, you're delaying boot of the current "just works" case by 120 seconds!20:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 861866 in cloud-init "cloud-init-nonet does not wait for dhcp" [Medium,Fix released]20:55
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roaksoaxsmoser: right, aren't you already doing that with BOOTIF?20:55
roaksoaxsmoser: what i'm saying is make /etc/network/interfaces configure all interfaces to dhcp and let it be20:56
roaksoaxsmoser: right now we can wait the 120 seconds for BOOTIF, but *also* configure the rest of the interfaces to dhcp20:57
roaksoaxbut *not* wait for them to get dhcp20:57
roaksoaxthis would solve this case20:57
roaksoaxthis in reality wouldn't make it a maas bug after all then20:57
roaksoaxsmoser: is this the same case for the installer?20:59
roaksoaxsmoser: so in this particular case, it is not really up to MAAS to know/configure the second network during the commissioning environment21:05
smoserroaksoax, we wait indefinitely on BOOTIF21:05
smoserbecause, for maas we know that BOOTIF has a dhcp response on it.21:06
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah, but if a physical node has 2 network interfaces (eth0, eth1), bueing eth0 BOOTIF. Cloud-init waits for for eth0 DHCP to come up and once that happens, it contacts the MAAS server right?21:07
roaksoaxsmoser: but at this point eth1 has not being configured at all right?21:07
roaksoaxsmoser: so what I'm saying is continue to do what we do, which is wait for BOOTIF, and if it gets a DHCP address, then continue with what it should do, but *also* make sure eth1 is set to DHCP, but we don't care if eth1 got an IP address or not21:08
roaksoaxsmoser: that shoulod cover the case scenario where we have a different network for internet21:09
roaksoaxbecause up until this point, we assume that MAAS will always have external network access21:09
roaksoaxand that's how we've been working all along21:09
smoserroaksoax, but all you're doing is exposing yourself to a race condition21:10
smoserwhere BOOTIF ocmes up fast, cloud-init runs 'apt-get update', eth1 comes up , blamo!21:10
smoser"doesnt work ever" is arguably better than "works sometimes on thursdays"21:11
roaksoaxsmoser: ok fair enough21:11
smoserthe solution si for MAAS to know something about networking21:11
smoserwhich is something you were asking for anyway21:11
smoserin order to support the vlan case21:11
roaksoaxsmoser: then we should simply say that MAAS managed network needs to have external network access for it to work, (or an aaccessible mirror)21:11
roaksoaxsmoser: the vlan case was really being able to tell eth1, to be configured to dhcp for vlan 2020, eth0 for 2021, etc, etc21:12
smoserif maas knows about the expected networking, then it can tell the commisioning environment "you'll need to configuer MAC=AA:BB:CC as dhcp and wait"21:12
smoserright. but maas has to know to tell the nodes that.21:12
roaksoaxsmoser: it doesn't have to *know*21:13
roaksoaxsmoser: it simply has to allow me to define that I want in cloud-config format and allow cloud-init to do it21:13
roaksoaxsmoser: or allow me to have a post install shell script that does that for me21:13
smoserit has to know "this machine" (or possibly all machines) are configured like this21:13
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roaksoaxsmoser: right, but that's why it is by machine, and that's easy to do21:14
roaksoaxyou only "import" what's been set for a "particular" machine21:14
roaksoaxand you handle that via templating21:14
roaksoaxso each machine would have their own node.post_inst_params for example21:14
roaksoaxso node.post_inst_params would be different for each if set differently21:14
roaksoaxsmoser: having specific knowledge of what network interfaces there are and tell it how you want them to be configured would be a nice feature too21:15
roaksoaxbut that still would require maas to tell some cloud-config code or shell for d-i post instll21:16
smoserthe simplist solution is really to just allow a network-interfaces file to be shoved down21:16
smoserand that to be used then21:17
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah21:17
roaksoaxsmoser: the only thing though is that we would always have to prevent overriding the manual configuration for BOOTIF21:21
EDocToorsarnold, Thanks I have now finished my Ubuntu Server with (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3) installed and configured... all thanks to you... I would never in a million years known that I would have had to put a "1" in my static address
EDocToora million times X Thanks21:32
sarnoldEDocToor: hehe, glad to have helped :)21:32
EDocToorI have a question sarnold ; I already have a host ; hosting www.icyourrc.com and I setup my UBuntu Server as icyourrc.com can I switch the DNS nameserver information and start hosting from my Practice icyourr.com Ubuntu Server Play Box.. if so, what URL or Google keywords would provide me with a good tutorial to do such a thing?21:36
EDocToorLETS GO LIVE hehe21:37
sarnoldEDocToor: it's complicated because you'd need to configure your router to perform port-forwarding for all services you wish to run on your machine21:38
EDocToorI can do that21:38
sarnoldEDocToor: you'd then need to update your NS records with your router's IP address, and wait for the old data to expire out of DNS caches all over the world..21:38
EDocToorI have a dd-wrt hacked router21:38
EDocToorI can do that21:39
EDocToor;-) But should I?21:39
sarnolddepends upon your ISPs Acceptable Use Policy :)21:40
EDocToorgood point21:40
EDocToorsarnold, now I am off to the ubuntu channel to in install and configure a another Ubuntu Box for GUI .. actually I am think about Kubuntu.. thanks again ;-)21:45
sarnoldEDocToor: have fun :)21:46
EDocToorYou know it !!!21:46
EDocToorQuestion: I have my Ubuntu Server attached to my dd-wwrt router and another ubuntu standard attached as well.. but when I go to the standard ubuntu box and click on file browser: Network the server doesn't show? do I have to edit a file on the Server to tell the server that it can share a folder or something?22:33
sarnoldEDocToor: in what way do you want to share files? NFS? SMB? something else?22:33
sarnoldEDocToor: okay, then apt-get install samba on the server and configure the smb.conf to export the directories you want :)22:35
EDocToorCake... this is so exciting... ha ha haaaaa22:36
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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