
firefly5xwhen is Ubuntu touch going to be ported to the LG phones ???00:26
firefly5xI will take an answer from anyone00:27
firefly5xit was supposed to be stabe by the end of May.....how goes the progress00:27
firefly5xok...no one is going to answer00:31
firefly5xi will be leaving soon00:31
RAOFfirefly5x: I don't believe that we have any plans to port UT to LG phones, but the community may have already done it?00:38
RAOF(Other than the Nexus 4, obviously)00:38
firefly5xI just know RAOF that they have been  working on alot of phones by different people00:39
firefly5xWell i have to get off.....everyone have a good night.....00:40
firefly5xor day depending where you are00:42
bevodoes anyone know how close gsm data is?01:26
AskUbuntuQuestions about Ubuntu Phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/30708401:39
dejelloHey all, anyone know where I should start looking for fixing  a non-existant battery indicator?01:52
djcanadajeffI have google Nexus S I would like to try ubuntu phone is this possible? I am already rooted and have fastboot mode and clockwork mod recovery03:02
AskUbuntuPorting for Dummies how do I? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30711804:17
bevodoes anyone know how close gsm data is?05:14
djcanadajeffubuntu touch will have a full on bash terminal?05:42
dufludjcanadajeff: It has remote shell access right now via (1) adb shell or (2) ssh. I've also seen a prototype native (Qt) shell on Mir. So yes there will be options05:47
dufluBut not necessarily options available by default05:48
dholbachgood morning06:28
Mirvhmm, is something using the "qmlscene-ubuntu" executable from qtubuntu, or is it truly an 'example' as it's under such directory?06:31
Mirv(and what is it in the first place, some qmlscene with -platform ubuntu or something?)06:31
MirvI grepped through the device filesystem and found no direct users, so I guess it's safe to move it to an examples package07:47
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hckkidanyone able to install ubuntu touch on galaxy tab 2 P310008:15
hckkidi was able to for quantal rom but not raring one08:17
seb128ogra_, hey08:34
seb128ogra_, I think I read some weeks ago that you were working aggregating all the licenses infos from the touch image ... is that stored somewhere on the image?08:34
seb128if yes, "where?" ;-)08:35
ogra_seb128, nope, and i only ran a licensecheck across the android tree and sorted by licenses08:35
seb128hum, k08:36
seb128do you know if anyone is working on that/if that's planned?08:36
ogra_nope, i dont, i know that we will need that stuff for the android packaging08:36
seb128the "about this device" panel has a "software licenses" section that's supposed to "navigate to a single “Software Licenses” screen that consists of a single text view listing all the licenses for included software"08:37
ogra_if you just want a list of the licenses for installed apps, /usr/share/doc has the copyright files08:37
seb128no, I think we want an access to the licenses that are part of the OS08:37
seb128android has that as well, I guess it's a legal requirement08:38
seb128"settings -> about this device -> legal mentions" on android gives you an endless list of apk and licenses08:38
ogra_sure, but the only safe way would be to parse /usr/share/doc either at build time or at runtime08:38
seb128well, will our "base image" have all its licenses in /usr/share/doc?08:39
ogra_it currently does we dont have unpackaged software atm08:39
nik90ckpringle: ping08:40
ogra_and if it is püackaged it has to have a copyright file08:40
seb128ok, I though the base image might not be fully made of .deb in the futur08:40
seb128which is why I was wondering08:40
ogra_i think for assembling it we will always use debs08:40
seb128ogra_, I will start with that, thanks08:40
ogra_we might delete the package DB before publishing or such stuff08:41
h01gerwhats the container flip mentioning in the kernel team meeting minutes?08:41
ogra_but i thionk you can rely on debs as the initial base08:41
ogra_h01ger, i'm working on banning android into an lxc container and boot directly into the ubuntu rootfs08:41
h01gerogra_, awesome08:42
ogra_with a little luck we are done by end of the week with the developer image08:42
ogra_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ there are already pretty experimental ones08:42
* h01ger is personally mostly blocked by the lack of PIN support, my SIM has one...08:42
ogra_(boots on maguro and mako, the next build should also work partially on grouper (adb at least))08:43
ogra_you could disable the PIN in an android phone08:43
h01gerogra_, this android container is pretty pretty nifty08:43
ogra_well with the flip and udev running on the ubuntu side it produces a lot of headaches :)08:44
ogra_we are still fiddling on a proper solution for that08:44
h01geroh. didnt know that. (not that i have an android phone..08:44
h01ger(disable pin)08:44
ogra_android comes with a tool to change and unset the pin08:45
ogra_(and to set it again indeed)08:45
ogra_i assume we will have such a thing too at some point08:45
ckpringlenik90: hey08:45
ckpringlenik90: sorry I missed you yesterday08:45
h01gerogra_, well, i hope first there is PIN support :)08:45
ogra_haha, yeah thats kind of a requirement :)08:46
h01gerseems to be pretty simple with AT commands: http://www.dostmuhammad.com/blog/disable-pin-code-using-gsm-modem-at-commands/08:47
ogra_yeah, well, you need to talk directly to rild i think  ... and rild is a vendor distributed binary blob with not 100% defined api it seems ... so vendors can change behavior etc08:50
ogra_it was already problematic to get ofono to talk to both supported nexus phones in the same way08:50
ogra_(ofono sits on top of rild)08:50
h01geric. (+ouch)08:50
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Siddoanyone there?09:45
SiddoDoes anyone know what ram to install for samsung galaxy ace?09:50
cdesaiSiddo: try grabbing some RAM from http://www.downloadmoreram.com/09:52
Siddonot that RAM! to install ubuntu touch on my phone!09:53
ToroDid someone have instaled Ubuntu on Prestigio 4500 touch phone?09:54
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AskUbuntuHow to install ubuntu touch on my android phone? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30722309:57
tchebbDoes Ubuntu Touch currently use X or Mir? The documentation on the site seems extremely poor with regards to the core components in use.09:58
ogra_it uses surfaceflinger and will switch to Mir soon09:58
tchebbogra_: I see. Thanks.10:00
alfonsojonAnyone here familiar with the ARM Chromebook?10:13
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alfonsojonI noticed it's EXTREMELY similar to the Nexus 10, and I was wondering if I could get Ubuntu Touch on my chromebook10:14
alfonsojonconsidering they have the same GPU, CPU, and board.10:14
ogra_you would need a properly working android port first ...10:15
ogra_and then you would have to live with a touch UI on a device without touchscreen ...10:15
alfonsojonI know10:15
alfonsojonI want to do this as a "just because" kind of thing10:15
ogra_additionally there is no cursor support ... so you would have to navigate blind10:16
alfonsojonwell then10:16
alfonsojonokay nevermind.10:16
alfonsojonAnother question10:16
ogra_you can run the normal ubuntu arm on a chromebook ... with a desktop install10:16
alfonsojonActually, I can't because it cannot initialize the graphics10:16
alfonsojonso x11 can't even live10:17
ogra_xfbdev should just work10:17
alfonsojonI tried that10:17
ogra_(completely unaccelerated indeed)10:17
alfonsojonPlymouth refuses to load10:17
alfonsojonand I hate the idea of unaccelerated10:17
ogra_and there is an armsoc driver that should work too10:17
alfonsojonThis brings me to another question10:17
ogra_but only partially accelerated10:17
alfonsojonWhat display driver is Ubuntu Touch for the Nexus 10 using?10:17
alfonsojontotally different display server10:18
ogra_best is to talk to "hrw" in #ubuntu-arm .... he does a lot of the chromebook stuff10:18
alfonsojonI'll head over10:18
ogra_ubuntu touch uses androids surfaceflinger currently10:18
ogra_and switches to Mir soon10:18
alfonsojonwhcih means no accelerated graphics, yay :D10:19
alfonsojon(on the desktop version)10:19
ogra_well, armsoc kind of works with the chromeos GLES libs10:19
aryo_adhiHi all!10:19
alfonsojonHey aryo10:19
alfonsojonI heard that there's an accelerated driver in the 13.10 repos?10:20
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om26erthere is a regression in the shell, starting an app from commandline does not bring that app to the front...11:32
om26erif there is an already running and focused application then the newly start app from terminal comes to the front11:32
alfonsojonFile a bug report :)11:37
ogra_om26er, i think the first one was always like this ... you should see it in the apps lens in the running apps though11:38
om26erogra_, that was if the --desktop_file_hint parameter was not provided, but I am using dektop_file_hint as well11:39
om26erso its clearly a regression, it was working a few days ago. It makes autopilot testing problematic because our app does not come to focus in its test run..11:39
ogra_ah, yeah11:40
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popey /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory appears to be eating the CPU in my phone12:18
popey  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND12:18
popey 2062 phablet   20   0 98916   9m 5696 S  94.4  0.5   8:16.46 evolution-addre12:18
* popey wonders where to file that12:18
davmor2popey: evolution-addressbook-factory ;)  iirc correct device specific issues were being filed against the device so I would say file it against nexus4 and write the bug out in full12:29
pmcgowanpopey, did you file that against the preview image?12:49
popeypmcgowan: was about to, yes12:50
seb128hey qml guys, what's the recommended way to add some empty spaces between elements in a column?12:50
penkseb128: "spacing"12:51
penkseb128: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-column.html#spacing-prop12:51
seb128penk, sorry, let me reformulate "between 2 specific elements"12:51
seb128like I've element1-2-3-<want a break>-element-3-4-512:52
seb128I tried adding a rectangle, but that feels hackish and it has a background color which is not the same as the column background12:52
popeypmcgowan: bug 119021812:52
ubot5bug 1190218 in touch-preview-images "evolution-addressbook-factory eating cpu after bootup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119021812:52
penkhmm in column I don't know any best practice12:53
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seb128Kaleo, Saviq: can you help me? ;-)13:00
Saviqseb128, wassup?13:00
seb128Saviq, I'm trying to figure the recommended way to add some empty space between 2 specific elements of a column13:01
seb128Saviq, should I just dump a rectangle with empty background color or something (that feels hackish)13:01
Saviqseb128, adding an Item { } is the usual way13:01
seb128Saviq, thanks ;-)13:01
Saviqseb128, as Column doesn't take margins into account, you either need to expand the items themselves13:02
Saviqseb128, or add a spacer Item { }13:02
seb128Saviq, spacer Item {} seems good, I was looking for a "real widget" and tried using rectangle, I didn't think about going back one step and simply use an Item {} ... thanks ;-)13:03
Saviqseb128, cheers13:03
mhall119popey: it's Ubuntu Touch Clinic time13:03
t1mpmhall119: is that here in this channel?13:04
* popey tweets13:05
popeyyeah, we encourage people to come here at this time, so they can get familiar with everyone, ask questions etc13:05
mhall119t1mp: yup13:05
jcastroooh, count me in!13:05
popeythis time was chosen as it's useful to have US people awake ☻13:06
popeyI managed to get my nexus 4 to spontaneously reboot today, can't reproduce it now13:07
popeyis there some likelyhood it's logged somewhere?13:07
cdesaipopey: could check /proc/last_kmsg13:08
ogra_popey, well, have a look at the logfiles ... *especially* on their size13:08
penkhello guys, what's the best way to turn off auto dim of screen on device? :D13:08
ogra_popey, i only fixed it in the flipped images yet, but syslog and powerd.log got filled within 2h to 2GB here13:08
jcastroI was going to flash today but I saw ogra saying that saucy is coming so I held off13:09
ogra_(/var/log/upstart/powerd.log that is)13:09
* popey looks13:09
seb128Saviq, ok, since I'm in ping mood and you have been nice to me, one last question for today ... is there an easy way to get the value of the space between the red lines on http://ubuntuone.com/1ALvTtqkzOOrP4uwJ3GJDq ?13:10
ogra_the upstart job needs serious reworking ... (and to drop the G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all)13:10
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popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5758154/ is my /proc/last_kmsg, no giant log files in /var/log13:11
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch running on Fairphone - are there agreements? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30729413:11
seb128Saviq, that's "(height of ListItem.Standard - height of Label in it)/2" ... not sure how to express that, I can add an id to a listitem to have its height, is that the right way to go? (and I'm not sure how to get the embedded text height then)13:11
ogra_popey, well, the watchdog kicked off the reboot ... no idea why though13:12
popeyi was rotating the phone and unlocking at the same time13:12
Saviqseb128, what's the use case?13:12
Saviqseb128, do you want a separator of that height or something?13:13
ogra_popey, ah, k, thats indeed out special reboot command setup ... like the three finger salute :P13:13
seb128Saviq, the usecase is for the UI in that screenshot13:13
seb128Saviq, mpt wrote "<mpt> seb128, hm, neither of those seem good ways of defining spacing ... It should be exactly as much as between the top of "Legal:" and the line above it, for example. It's part of the overall "Software:" group."13:13
ogra_(not ... )13:13
seb128Saviq, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutThisDevice?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-about.png13:13
cdesaipopey: btw, anyone with whom I could talk about the emulator?13:14
seb128Saviq, there is some spacing between the "check for updates" button and "Legal:" since those are separate sections13:14
mhall119penk_: I think there's a dbus call you can make13:14
Saviqseb128, what you need is a Header item, really, right?13:14
popeycdesai: I'd recommend asking whatever specific questions you have here and we can poke the right people13:14
Saviqseb128, that both Software: and Legal: would be13:14
cdesaifor a start, I would like to get my patches in / some repositories forked13:15
mhall119ogra_: do you know if apps can programatically call the screen brightness setting?13:15
popeysergiusens: have you seen cdesai's patches on the ubuntu-phone list?13:15
ogra_mhall119, i dont ... but you can indeed just talk  to sysfs driectly (which would likely be an api viiolation but work)13:15
sergiusenspopey: going to today or tomorrow13:16
sergiusenspopey: once freed from saucy13:16
sergiusenspopey: but I did look at them13:16
Saviqseb128, there's a "grouped list" usecase in the SDK lists already13:16
ogra_will be curious to see if that emulator stuff  works at all with the flipped images13:17
seb128Saviq, hum, ListItem.Header has less spacing apparently and it's more aligned on the left ... that doesn't exactly match the design13:17
seb128Saviq, but I guess we could argue that the design should be updated to use standard widgets13:17
Saviqseb128, yes please13:17
Saviqseb128, and modify the standard widgets to match, if the decision is made so13:17
cdesaiogra_: it should if we modify the ramdisk, since all it does it load the images13:17
Saviqseb128, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples13:18
seb128Saviq, thanks, I will open a bug about that so we have a place to have discussion13:18
netcurliis there a way to start a qml app with translations in a specific language?13:18
ogra_cdesai, the flipped container images boot into a plain ubuntu and then start android in an lxc container later13:18
Saviqseb128, install that, run "Ubuntu UI Toolkit Gallery"13:18
Saviqseb128, there's a "List Items" item13:18
sergiusensogra_: sorry to dissappoint http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-power/phablet/view/head:/src/ib-brightness-control.c <- mhall11913:18
Saviqseb128, and there's a "Grouped list" at the bottom13:18
sergiusensline 5113:19
seb128Saviq, yep, got that13:19
cdesaiogra_: not sure how well would that work in QEMU, but if that doesn't work, we could use virtualbox13:19
mhall119sergiusens: what am I looking at?13:19
ogra_sergiusens, well, i can still write a  C++ plugin that talks directly to sysfs if i want13:19
popeycdesai: there's benefits to the android emulator though..13:19
ogra_we dont do anything to prevent that13:19
sergiusensmhall119: brightness control from the indicator13:19
popeylike sensors triggering/13:19
cdesaipopey: I'm not 100% sure, but AFAIK the emulator doesn't emulate any sensors13:20
seb128Saviq, http://ubuntuone.com/5E43IdpvxlyxT16jdZLF4b is how it looks with Headers use13:21
seb128mpt, ^13:21
mhall119sergiusens: hmmm, so there won't be anything exposed to apps?13:21
seb128mpt, does that work for you (Software: and Legal are Header elements there)?13:21
sergiusensmhall119: that's a bzoltan question13:21
Saviqseb128, yup13:21
seb128mpt, Saviq: if that's not good I will open a bug on the toolkit that Header look need to be tweaked13:22
bzoltanI am here13:22
sergiusensmhall119: there should though13:22
seb128Saviq, thanks again ;-)13:22
Saviqseb128, cheers13:22
Saviqseb128, remember, that's the last one for today! ;)13:22
bzoltan sergiusens: mhall119: what was the question?13:22
seb128Saviq, no worry, I will ping Kaleo for my next question :p13:22
* seb128 hides13:22
mhall119bzoltan: will there be an API for apps to control screen brightness13:22
sergiusensbzoltan: do you know if anyone is working on exposing brightness and general sensor apis or the sdk?13:22
bzoltansergiusens: not as I know13:23
tvossbzoltan, why can't we use qtsensor with the platform api?13:23
sergiusensbzoltan: ok, I'll talk about it with my team13:23
Saviqseb128, don't worry, he's not up yet, probably, slacker!13:23
bzoltantvoss: I see no reason not to13:24
mptseb128, yeah, I think the headers, non-headers, and buttons should all line up horizontally (i.e. their left edges should all be the same)13:25
tvossbzoltan, cool then, I think jhodapp might be the right person to talk to13:25
bzoltantvoss: yes, he made the orientation adaptation ... so he should know the details13:25
tvossbzoltan, yup13:25
FunkyPenguincan someone advise on the enterprise connection plans for touch?13:25
bzoltantvoss:  I ping him13:26
jhodappbzoltan, need me?13:26
mhall119FunkyPenguin: anything specific you hve in mind?13:26
bzoltanjhodapp: yes :) desperately13:26
FunkyPenguinmhall119: the items that spring to mind are exchange connectivity, and 802.1x EAP wifi connectivity13:27
jhodappbzoltan, what's up?13:27
FunkyPenguinboth prevent me from using it with work13:27
bzoltan jhodapp:  it is about wiring up the platform apis to the qtsensor13:28
mhall119FunkyPenguin: exchange connectivity is something we're discussing, specifically for email, but getting that working in non-MS software has been notoriously difficult13:28
mhall119wifi stuff I don't know about, do we not already support that on the desktop?13:28
FunkyPenguinmhall119: true, but if one takes evolution as an example, their implementation of exchange web services work very well13:29
mhall119do they now?  I haven't tried in a few years, and back then it was awful13:29
jcastroQ: What's the status on the GUI for data over 3g?13:29
popeywhat's wrong with nmcli! :D13:30
* mhall119 kicks popey 13:30
FunkyPenguinyeah, unfortunately i cant use it on Ubuntu as 12.04 doesnt have ews, but it works fine in the other distros i use (primarily openSUSE)13:30
pmcgowanpopey, was that bug the first time after you synced or just a random boot13:30
seb128mpt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119023413:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190234 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ListItem.Header should be horizontal aligned with standard elements" [Undecided,New]13:31
popeypmcgowan: my phone randomly rebooted, so that may be the first reboot since syncing13:31
FunkyPenguinpopey: last time i checked your fingers weren't that dainty, how in sauron's name do you get by using the terminal for so much on the phone?!13:31
bzoltantvoss: we got the bp for the alarm api -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/sdk-system-alarm-api I guess/hope you have some thoughts about how the backend part is coming together. I have checked today the Meego's timed code and it look useful for as...and it comes with gpl13:31
popeyFunkyPenguin: i have a script ☻13:31
popeydrag up to see previous commands, press enter13:31
popeyI have lady-like hands btw ㋛13:32
mhall119FunkyPenguin: have you tried the terminal on the phone? zdmitry has done an amazing job on it13:32
FunkyPenguinah, i wondered how one got previous commands, thanks13:32
popeythe terminal app is pretty awesome13:33
tvossbzoltan, @backend: I proposed to push the functionality into the date/time indicator, which would have the benefit of being able to provide a UI to users13:33
tvossbzoltan, the API would hide that of course13:33
FunkyPenguinyeah it is indeed pretty good, how does one add an app to favourites?13:34
bzoltantvoss:  would that work as a queue  what any app and system service could use?13:35
tvossbzoltan, queue as in?13:35
mhall119FunkyPenguin: that's not been implemented yet13:35
FunkyPenguinah, ok thanks13:36
bzoltantvoss: like a daemon13:37
kramer654I wonder about the same as jcastro does: how is the GUI for 3g data going?13:37
mhall119the Favorites on the Dash will probably be picked based on your usage history13:37
mhall119the Launcher you should be able to add and remove stuff manually though13:38
tvossbzoltan, similar, yes. the indicator-service's lifetime is limited by the session lifetime, but it exceeds the lifetime of apps13:38
mhall119tvoss: Saviq: who's working on the network indicator?  I assume that's where we're going to put the 3g switching GUI13:39
Saviqmhall119, UI - us / dednick, backend - thostr's team, tedg?13:40
FunkyPenguinmhall119: how does one pin an app to the launcher then?13:40
mhall119jcastro and kramer654 would like to know what the status is on that, do we have mockups, working code, anything?13:41
FunkyPenguinor remove one even?13:41
pmcgowanSaviq, renato_ implemented something in the UI that did not land if its useful13:41
mhall119FunkyPenguin: also not implemented yet :)13:41
FunkyPenguinheh, ok13:41
mhall119FunkyPenguin: right now the list is hard-coded in a QML file13:41
bzoltantvoss: that is a viable solution. Do you think a timed like service would be something to consider? http://gitorious.org/meego-middleware/timed13:41
Saviqpmcgowan, yeah, we have that in queue, apparently waiting for drivers to land13:41
FunkyPenguinmhall119: could that be edited, as a work around?13:41
Saviqpmcgowan, depends on https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/indicator-server/device-switch/+merge/16630013:42
tvossbzoltan, for inspiration: definitely...I just want to keep the number of services as low as possible. And the alarm functionality is a good fit for the date-time-indicator13:42
mhall119FunkyPenguin: yes, you'll need to edit /usr/share/qml-phone-shell/Applications/applications.js and /usr/share/qml-phone-shell/Launcher/Launcher.qml13:43
FunkyPenguinmhall119: ok thanks13:44
mhall119applications.js is keeps a list of app launcher meta-data that Launcher.qml looks at, instead of looking for .desktop files, unless they've gotten that working since I last tried to modify the launcher13:44
bzoltantvoss:  good point, taken13:45
bobweavermhall119,  is there any plans on making it (launcher) to have items in based on mimeType or application id or something like that ?13:45
tedgtvoss, We should probably map those upstart events.  We have "desktop-start" and "desktop-end", and "indicator-start", etc.  Perhaps we should have an application region or something like that as well.13:45
mhall119bobweaver: I don't think so, as fas as I know it will behave just like the desktop Launcher13:45
bobweavermhall119,  like unity-2d launcher13:46
tedgtvoss, Guarantee a specific setup/take down to make things simpler.13:46
tedgmhall119, Network indicator is mine...13:46
mhall119tedg: how far are we from a GUI for switching over to 3g?13:46
tvosstedg, not entirely sure I'm following you :)13:46
tedgmhall119, Weeks at least.13:46
tedgtvoss, Just say "yes" then :-)13:47
tvosstedg, nope :) default answer if I don't understand: nope :)13:47
tedgtvoss, I'm just saying that we have upstart events right now that basically associate to regions of login/shutdown.  But they're relatively ad hoc, we should be more explicit about them.13:47
mhall119bzoltan: can we get those alarm API work items set to a milestone, so we know when to expect them?13:47
tvosstedg, that sounds sane to me, basically "marking" important events in the system/session lifecycle (rephrasing to make sure I understand what you are saying)13:48
tvosstedg, would help in testing, too13:48
tedgtvoss, Yup, I was more worried about session, but you can worry about system too :-)13:49
bobweaverQuestion I am making a app in c++/qml and can not figure out how to expose the c++ to the qml.  Here is a example of main.cpp  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5758277/      but when I call homePath in qml it shows (console.log) file://home/user/Videos what is up with that ?13:49
tedgtvoss, I don't think system needs as much work because we'll inherit the upstart setup there.13:49
tvosstedg, yup, agreed13:49
* tvoss thinks we should draw some fancy lifetime diagram13:49
tedgtvoss, initctl2dot13:50
* tvoss also thinks that tedg will use inkscape for that ... again :)13:50
tvosstedg, ;)13:50
kramer654Another question: whatsapp-support is one of my three must-haves. I know there has been some work on an open source client called Whosthere, but the activity seemed to have stopped (last activity 3 months ago) and on launchpad it says it is discontinued. Will there be any support from Canonical for (a fork of) this project or any other alternative whatsapp implementation?13:50
bobweaverNM I see the error13:51
bobweaverarg(moviesLocation.first());   should be arg(homesLocation.first());13:51
bobweaverI think ....13:51
mhall119kramer654: I spoke with the whosthere developer, and his main problem was WhatsApp changing their authentication system13:52
mhall119is sounds like he's been having to reverse-engineer something to work with their service, and it keeps changing13:52
netcurlihow can I start a qml app with translations on the phone in a specific language? or is this not possible at the moment?13:58
nik90netcurli: it is possible13:59
nik90ensure that you have a language installed on your system13:59
nik90and then LC_ALL=ar_AE.UTF-8 qmlscene ./ubuntu-clock-app.qml13:59
nik90where you replace ar_AE with language of your choice14:00
netcurlithanks nik90, I will try that14:01
kalikianaarrr clearly stands for pirate language, used in barbados14:02
kramer654mhall119: Thanks for your answer. I do hope that Canonical somehow can put energy in Whatsapp since it is for many a definite must-have on a phone. Maybe lobbying with whatsapp themselves is an option. Anyhow; I love the work that's being done on UTouch and I regularly check for updates. Looking forward to be flashing my phone with it, or even better, throw my money at the first Ubuntu phone that arives in stores.. :)14:03
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popeykramer654: we're certainly in touch with the devloper14:05
ogra_i thought he turned his stuff into a telepathy plugin14:05
ogra_or do i misremember14:05
mhall119ogra_: I think he did, but was still not able to get it working with their protocol changes14:06
kramer654popey: the developer of whosthere or the official developers of whatsapp?14:06
kramer654mhall119 mentioned that, but also that he isn't able to continue the app because of the chaning authentication system14:09
bobweaverQuestion: I want to set up a C++ thingy that works like this in qml. openMimeType(setmimetype , file )   how would one do this ?14:11
mhall119bobweaver: ricmm and loicm were discussing implementing that part of the Platform API14:12
mhall119which would make Qt.openUrlExternally() work14:12
bobweaverso I could say do something like   Qt.openurlextrenael(openMimeType(video, "http://www.myvideo.com"))   so this way a browser does not open that14:13
bobweaveryeah mhall119  the thing is is that alot I mean 3 tbs full of my movies and tv shows come from a server via xhttprequest14:13
bobweaverso when I go to open it with qt.openurlextrenal("http://fooo,com") It opens the browser and either starts to Download or opens yet anpother video player14:14
mhall119I think openUrlExternally() won't call the browser if it doesn't need to, but I could be wrong14:15
bobweaverSo I think that I have to make a c++ plugin that I can set the mimrtyoe for xdg to read14:15
bobweavermhall119,  you are wrong14:15
mhall119it happens every once in a while :)14:15
bobweaverit reads via xdg14:15
bobweaveronce in a while ....I am wrong all the time lol14:15
popeyanyone see this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/119025214:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190252 in webbrowser-app "Share/Save/Copy menu orientation incorrect" [Undecided,New]14:16
bobweaverpopey,  suggestions use qt.indow 5.0 and read the scrren size     if width > height foo else upways14:18
bobweaverso it flips it automaticly14:18
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kalikianabobweaver, sounds like the same issue on the desktop, for performance http:// isn't usually checked the same as local files14:23
bobweaverdo you all think htat it would just be better to make a QProcess runner ?  that looks for default media player ?  just a bash script attached to qml14:23
bobweaverI hate giving users out side access though :(14:24
bobweaverkalikiana,  I dont follow what do you mean ?14:25
bobweaverOh I see for xdg14:25
bobweaveryeah I tried adding file:// but no go14:25
bobweavervideo://  also14:25
bobweaverHere I will show example14:26
kalikianabobweaver, assuming glib g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri doesn't work the same as g_app_info_get_default_for_type for remote locations14:28
bobweaversee how it launchs the browser first it is because I am using                                     Qt.openUrlExternally(DataBase.ipAddress()+":"+DataBase.port()+"/Content/GetVideo?Id="+id)14:28
kalikianait can be arbitrarily slow to check if an http:///.... is a video or what else14:28
kalikianayou don't want to wait 5 minutes14:28
kalikianabobweaver, so in glib you have a way to get an app for its type, not the url14:29
kalikianaand that's probably the direction you want to go14:29
bobweaverkalikiana,  so using GConf14:30
kalikianabobweaver, no, just .desktop files these days14:30
kalikianathere is MimeTypes=14:30
kalikianaand for browser there is a pseudo mime type for http14:30
kalikianawhich reinforces the point that http is a carte blanche regardless of file type14:31
SirSkidmoreI think I'll flash my Galaxy Tab 2.0 tonight14:43
SirSkidmoreany other users here?14:44
Eetmoranyone know if someone is working on a SGS3 d2att version?14:47
Eetmorlooks like the person that was doing some work before jumped ship14:48
davmor2mhall119: do you ever see this http://ubuntuone.com/7FbNCd0qS80SwzKnksMoh1  forgive the video being on it's side but I haven't got time to look for a tool to change the orientation.14:51
mhall119davmor2: me too, all my phone videos are sideways14:54
mhall119downloading the video now14:54
davmor2mhall119: oh also forgive the shocking quality I was holding a phone while trying to capture the video not the best bet.14:55
ogra_why has nobody written a screen recorder for the phone yet ?14:55
Saviqyikes u1 is slow...14:55
Saviqogra_, because you'd have to talk to sflinger14:56
Saviqogra_, everything will be possible when we switch to Mir :D14:56
ogra_haha, yeah, that time ...14:56
mhall119davmor2: what build number is that?  I thought we'd fixed that issue15:03
mhall119Saviq: I'm assuming apparmor will prevent screen recording/screen shots unless the user gives an app extra permissions15:03
davmor2mhall119: I did a phablet-flash -b today incase it was a home setting15:03
Saviqmhall119, ass-u-me?15:04
davmor2mhall119: I have a 160 in my download folder15:04
Saviqmhall119, but yeah, you'll need to talk to Mir to be able to screenshot / record, so we'll protect it in one way or another15:04
mhall119davmor2: we had that problem with the keyboard dropping events through to lower components early on, but it was fixed several weeks ago, so maybe this is a regression15:04
davmor2mhall119: I got it yesterday so thought a -b today might resolve it, no issues on my galaxy nexus though which is odd15:05
mhall119Saviq: s/assume/I put the requirement in the original appdevuploadspec/15:05
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pfcodehey, i started clockworkmod recovery on my android tablet and want to test ubuntu via running it from adb shell. I've chrooted to SD, where i unpacked generic binary from armv7 and when i try to run 'unity8' or 'tst_shadervideonode' i get QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display \ Aborted .15:16
pfcodeWhat should i do to run graphics on it. It has mali-40015:16
pfcodeand cortex A9, 512mb ram15:17
ogra_you need the adjusted android image too15:17
ogra_just running a graphical app wont work15:17
pfcodedoes it use XServer or sth?15:18
ogra_it uses libhybris to talk to the modified android which runs surfaceflinger15:18
ogra_apps wont start if the connection to libhybris isnt up15:19
pfcodei can mount system mtdblock15:19
pfcodebut what should i run first? :)15:19
ogra_you need a ported android image first15:19
ogra_see the porting wikipage (link is in the channel topic)15:19
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sergiusensmhall119: popey what community core app would you choose as a candidate for a click package for integration in the image?16:08
sergiusenspreferably one that isn't part of the image already :-)16:08
mhall119sergiusens: core apps or collection apps16:09
sergiusensmhall119: core apps for now... I'll take care of everything, just wanted you to pick the app16:10
mhall119sergiusens: do you want something very simple, or something to test the boundaries?16:10
sergiusensmhall119: good point, give me two, one to get the feel of it and also the complicated one16:12
popeycalculator and file manager would test both ends imo, what do you think mhall119 ?16:14
mhall119yeah, calculator is simple, file manager (or terminal) need separate C++ plugins *and* extra system access16:19
sergiusensmhall119: popey great, so system access isn't in place yet, but it would be good to use as guinea pigs... those two are already in the image though16:21
popeyoh, you want something not already in the image via debs?16:21
pmcgowanbfiller, when does friends-dispatcher run16:22
bfillerpmcgowan: not sure, friends-service starts on startup, kenvandine ^^^16:23
pmcgowanbfiller, kenvandine I ask because I found it was gobbling cpu during a call16:23
popeysergiusens: / mhall119 which case something like minesweeper-touch from the collection ppa for simple... not sure we have something more complex. perhaps remove calc and file manager from the image in order to test this?16:23
popey(and use those)16:23
kenvandinepmcgowan, friends-service or friends-dispatcher was gobbling cpu?16:24
pmcgowankenvandine, dispatcher16:24
pmcgowanwhat causes that to run?16:25
kenvandinepmcgowan, can you turn on debugging , and file a bug with the logs next time it happens16:25
sergiusenspopey: ack, I'll figure it out16:25
kenvandinewell every 15 minutes it'll refresh the feeds16:25
kenvandinepmcgowan, and that should be the only time the process is even running16:25
pmcgowankenvandine, where do I turn on debug16:25
kenvandineone sec16:26
pmcgowankenvandine, it may be but I noticed the UI was slow looking at indicators, so I did a top16:26
kenvandinegsettings set com.canonical.friends debug true16:26
pmcgowanand it was around 405 cpu, seemed ot run for some timte16:26
kenvandinepmcgowan, i just had a thought... it could have been the avatar cache expiry16:26
kenvandinewhich we are in the process of removing :)16:26
kenvandinefrom time to time it'll cleanup all the avatars it has cached on disk16:27
kenvandinebut we are dropping the cache completely16:27
pmcgowanok, maybe I will try to reproduce on new images then16:27
kenvandinebecause it actually makes scrolling faster, to access the avatars remotely16:27
kenvandineit's slow to load the images from the disk because of the number of files in the directory16:28
kenvandinewe'll let qml do the caching for us16:28
kenvandinemakes scrolling much nicer... and doesn't chew up disk space16:28
kenvandineand we can drop a couple hundred lines of code :-D16:28
mhall119sergiusens: facebook app might be a good candidate, it has dependencies on Friends and Online Accounts16:28
sergiusensmhall119: sounds good, added to lis16:29
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davmor2popey: is dog fight more complex or drop letters maybe?16:39
mhall119they are both pure-QML16:43
mhall119they include sound and particles, but I don't think that will make much difference to Click packaging16:44
davmor2mhall119: almost certainly not I was just wondering if they may of been more complex than mind-sweeper16:45
mhall119davmor2: not as much as you would think by playing them16:46
popeydavmor2: more complex in what regard?16:48
davmor2<popey> sergiusens: / mhall119 which case something like minesweeper-touch from the collection ppa for simple... not sure we have something more complex. perhaps remove calc and file manager from the image in order to test this?16:49
davmor2popey: I was wondering if the other two apps might of been more complex :)16:50
popeyno, they're not really16:50
popeyhmm, phone-app is eating my phone cpu16:50
popey  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND16:51
popey 1777 phablet   20   0  314m 109m  39m R 100.3  5.9  22:48.97 phone-app16:51
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pfcodesoo, i have next little problem, i flashed my tablet with boot/system maguro images17:11
pfcodeand if i try to run any adb command, like adb shell, it results with not fount /system/bin/sh17:12
pfcode*not found17:12
ogra_why did you do that ?17:13
ogra_the maguro image will only run on maguro devices (the galaxy nexus phone)17:13
ogra_you need an image that was created specifically for your tablet .... everything else will not work17:14
salem_awe, ping17:15
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tassadar_how the hell did it even started the adb daemon with maguro images Oo17:15
awesalem, pong17:16
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pfcodeogra_, that should run17:25
pfcodethe same processor17:25
pfcodedrivers shouldn't work17:26
pfcodebut system should boot up17:26
salem_awe, hey, yesterday I managed to create an mms context on ofono and use mmsd. apparently no changes are necessary to ofono to support mms.17:26
pfcodeand it boots, there's sshd runned17:26
pfcodebut it disallows me to conenct17:26
awesalem_, wow...that's good news!17:27
awewould you mind writing up a short description of your testing and send it to the mailing list?  I know renato_ has been looking at mmsd recently, as we will require some upper layer changes.17:28
awesalem_, what phone did you use for your testing?17:29
salem_awe, sure, I will do some more tests today still. galaxy nexus17:29
awesalem_, there is code within ofono to do the actual interface configuration once the mms context is activated.  I just wasn't sure whether or not RILD would also try and configure it too, leading to a conflict17:30
awethanks much!17:30
salem_awe, also, I am still unable to show the mms contents on the other phone, but I think this is not ofono related.17:30
salem_awe, probably the image format is incorrect or something.17:31
awesalem_, yea... could be17:31
awesalem_, also you mentioned that other day that you're always roaming.  Could you take a look at sergiusens's bug description and maybe give my debug package a try?17:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188404 in touch-preview-images "ofono between 30% and 40% CPU usage when roaming" [Critical,In progress]17:31
salem_awe, sure, let me try17:31
awesalem_, thanks!17:32
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salem_awe, https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1188404/comments/518:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188404 in touch-preview-images "ofono between 30% and 40% CPU usage when roaming" [Critical,In progress]18:04
awesalem_, thanks18:06
awesalem_, did you see my comment about running with & without the "-d" switch?18:07
awesalem_, ah never mind18:08
aweI see you attached both18:08
aweone question... did you see any difference in CPU utilization with logging disabled?18:08
salem_awe, no, ofonod always consuming 10% and rild 15%, with or without -d.18:13
pfcodehm.. what should i do if i lost /proc/mtd content and want to recover old partitions? i have a backup from clockworkmod.18:13
salem_awe, but they are back to 0% once I set roaming enabled.18:14
awesalem_, OK, can you add that as a comment to the bug?  Not sure if sergiusens's numbers are the same ( his title makes it seem as if ofono is using 30-40% by itself )18:17
awesalem_, I suspect there might be something happening with regards to how we're handling netreg events, and that the code is generating extra REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION messages when roaming.18:18
sergiusensawe: well top says it's ofono... mine went up a bit higher but maybe because I was in a vehicle in movement for the larger numbers18:19
awesergiusens, hmm... you don't mention anything about a vehicle in your description!18:19
awesalem_, did you use top as well for your measurements?18:20
salem_awe, yes, top -m 10 -d 118:20
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PaoloRotolojoin #ubuntu-it-press19:03
ogra_awe, there is mail on the ML for you :)19:12
awethanks ogra_19:12
sergiusens\o/ archive finally updated!19:15
sergiusensogra_: just triggered the machinery19:16
jaywinkugh .... I feel really stupid now ... but for some reason I cannot seem to get passwordless public key login to my nexus that has ssh server running etc ... the normal stuff, done it gazillion of times for servers. any issues regarding this kind of thing, is it even possible? :)19:16
ogra_sergiusens, awesome19:16
ogra_so thats what, 90min ?19:17
sergiusensogra_: yeah :/19:17
sergiusensogra_: I could actually make it faster by not doing a full android build, ... hmmm19:17
ogra_well, its is safer to do a full build i guess19:17
sergiusensgoing the safe route19:22
Minsteare people lens disabled? I synced contacts from google, and they appears in my contacts, but not i people lens. have tried to search for them, but no results.19:29
jaywinkMade a post-flash script for installing some stuff after a daily flash ... if anyone is interested :) Any similar scripts out there? https://github.com/jaywink/ubuntu-post-install/blob/master/ubuntu-touch-post-flash-script.sh19:54
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MinsteOli: Can I use the same method to get 3g connection in the flipped saucy as I did in raring? Cause in saucy my connection wont show when I type "nmcli dev". I have both ID an uuid, but it seems like the connection to /ril_0 are missing?21:19
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rickspencer3mhall119, you might be interested in this for your apps collection ppa:22:02
rickspencer3it's barebones, but a great time killer if you have data22:02
jcastroooh, please be a picture viewer for reddit22:02
mhall119rickspencer3: simple, yes efficient22:03
mhall119jcastro: that's quite literally *all* it is22:04
jcastrothat's really all I want22:04
mhall119you can spend hours just swiping sideways through reddit pictures22:04
rickspencer3well, realistically, it's for imgur22:04
mhall119only imgur links?22:04
rickspencer3it uses the imgur api22:04
mhall119y u no quickmeme?22:04
ChickenCutlasseveryone -- update your phablet-tools.  Saucy is published22:04
rickspencer3for each subreddit22:04
jcastrothe covers most of them22:04
jcastroChickenCutlass: updating as we speak!22:04
mhall119ChickenCutlass: does saucy work on nexus 7 (grouper) now?22:05
ChickenCutlassmhall119, not yet22:05
ChickenCutlassworking on it22:05
rickspencer3ChickenCutlass, will I get the new tools if I dist-upgrade?22:05
* rickspencer3 assumes yes22:05
ChickenCutlassrickspencer3, you should22:05
rickspencer3oh, I get it, not everyone is on saucy, so they don't upgrade daily22:05
jcastroI just got the update via saucy22:05
mhall119rickspencer3: you should make reddpics a launchpad project so I can submit the packaging files as an MP22:05
rickspencer3mhall119, ok, but I should probably rename it22:06
jcastroChickenCutlass: flashing now! I am expecting glorious explosions22:06
rickspencer3I found out there is a web site called "reddpics"22:06
ChickenCutlassjcastro, hopefully it will be uneventful22:06
jcastroI trust you!22:06
ChickenCutlassjcastro, should be a good game tonight22:07
mhall119rickspencer3: after you rename it, go to Build->Ubuntu Touch->Create Application package22:07
jcastrothis upgrade will be as uneventul as our team's post seasons22:07
mhall119that will generate some pretty good packaging files to get you started22:07
ChickenCutlasstell me about it22:07
rickspencer3mhall119, what do you want me to do with it after I create the Application package?22:08
rickspencer3I already used Qt Creator to install it on my phone, fwiw22:08
mhall119rickspencer3: put it in a branch so I can build it locally and push to the PPA22:09
rickspencer3mhall119, probably tomorrow22:09
mhall119rickspencer3: ok22:09
mhall119rickspencer3: I was all set to do it for you, but if you're going to rename it there's not much point22:10
rickspencer3mhall119, here's the question ... what do I name it?22:10
mhall119don't ask me, I stink at naming22:11
jcastroChickenCutlass: nearly done, I'll have an answer for you wrt. upgrade in about 5 minutes on a Galaxy Nexus22:11
* genii ponders reddsee22:12
mhall119rickspencer3: you should put all your various image browsing apps together and call it super-productivity-booster22:12
jcastrorickspencer3: touchr22:12
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rickspencer3I just discovered that this app is *made* for /r/gigs22:23
rickspencer3r/gifs *22:23
jcastroChickenCutlass: upgrade success!22:24
jcastrolooks like the circle widget thing on the home screen works22:24
ChickenCutlassjcastro, double tap on it22:25
jcastroI mean, it looks like a real thing now22:25
jcastrohah, hot22:25
ChickenCutlassjcastro, also notice the scrolling on the luancher22:25
jcastrothe launcher comes out way smoother too22:26
jcastrogmail now goes to some html fallback mode instead of mobile browser22:28
ChickenCutlassjcastro, regression22:29
jcastroyeah so pretty uneventful22:29
jcastronice job!22:29
rickspencer3jcastro, does it make and receive calls and sms ?22:30
mhall119jcastro: real data?22:30
mhall119that's awesome22:30
jcastrorickspencer3: I need to resync my contacts, in process now22:31
mhall119ChickenCutlass: please get grouper working so I don't have to listen to jcastro tell me how awesome the new stuff is :(22:31
MinsteAnyone know how to change input language? I have found the file no.xml in /usr/share/maliit/plugins/languages. but how can i get norwegian keyboard?22:31
popeyanyone else seen this.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/119038822:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190388 in touch-preview-images "qml-phone-shell crashes when rotating (and unlocking)" [Undecided,New]22:32
popey(see screenshot)22:33
popeynot sure if there's any logs I can get from the device right now, I can adb shell into it, so can grab log files22:33
popey/usr/bin/ubuntu-session: 53: /usr/bin/ubuntu-session: cannot create /proc/1910/oom_adj: Directory nonexistent22:34
popeythat looks like oom killer?22:34
jcastrovoice works22:34
jcastrosending SMS works22:34
jcastrotesting receiving SMS next.22:34
jcastroalso, my contacts are in the dialer already, so I didn't have to redo those.22:34
jcastro... and receiving texts works22:35
jcastroChickenCutlass: should I file bugs or give you guys a few days to shake it out?22:37
mhall119ChickenCutlass: do we have an announcement about the switch to Saucy I can post to G+?22:38
popeyooh, phablet-flash now brings in saucy22:41
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* popey flashes with extreme prejudice!22:41
* mhall119 grumpily downloads the last of the raring images22:41
jcastroLet me video it for you22:42
mhall119wait,if infographics work on your phone.....that means they should work building unity 8 from source!22:43
tchebbAre there any prebuilt images available for download that can be run in a VM or Android emulator?22:43
mhall119if anybody needs me, I'll be eating enchiladas and compiling22:43
mhall119tchebb: no, only device images22:43
rickspencer3mhall119, I shudder to think what "compiling" is a euphemism for22:44
popeyOMG OMG OMG!22:47
popeythis is lovelyt22:47
mhall119no spoilers22:48
popeyI am _totally_ spoiling right now on G+22:48
jcastroI made you a video mhall11922:48
mhall119jcastro: I'm about to watch it22:48
mhall119jcastro: does your message indicator actually flash, or is it just the video quality?22:50
mhall119oh, nvm, you just said it was a bug22:50
jcastroyeah it goes nuts22:51
mhall119man those infographics look slick22:52
popeyuser agent of Mozilla/5.0 is probably why we're not getting mobile versions of sites anymore22:53
popey(i.e. we're no longer pretending to be an iphone22:53
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