
wrstwb Omnifrog20:03
wrstand hello chris4585 :)20:03
chris4585hey wrst20:07
wrsthowdy chris458520:07
chris4585I just ordered my third ssd last night20:12
chris4585this one is going to a friend though20:12
wrstyou are a believer in ssds chris4585? :)20:13
chris4585well yeah, lol20:13
chris4585before the only problem was I didn't have a job20:13
chris4585now $100 isn't a thing20:13
wrstthat makes  a difference20:13
wrstget married with kid then 100 bucks will be a thing again, just be warned20:14
Omnifroglol, yep20:23
wrstOmnifrog: you know!20:24
OmnifrogI have 3 kids20:24
wrstoh me you know 3 times what I know Omnifrog20:26
wrstjust one here20:26
Omnifrogyeah. fortunately only one left at home though20:28
wrstthat's enough20:28
wrstwe have a 2 year old20:28
wrstshe appears to be a high maintenance one at that :)20:28
Omnifrogoh! she's still in the fun age stage20:29
wrstshe really is20:29
wrsttalks all the time and you never know what is coming next20:29
Omnifrogmy youngest is 13 and moody20:29
Unit193First is supposed to be easiest, to convince you to have a couple more.20:29
wrstUnit193: well that's not working20:31
OmnifrogI dunno if I mentioned in here yet but my oldest son informed me that I'm gonna be a grandfrog in 8 months or so20:51
Omnifrogit's not a planned pregnancy :\20:57
Unit193That was what the question mark was for. :/   But at least they're having it!20:59
wrstOmnifrog: i'm sure it will still be good to be a grandfrog21:03
Omnifrogyeah. they are both young and it's sort of a rebound relationship21:05
Omnifrogshe's 21 and they've been together for all of 4 months21:05
wrstyouth has a way of doing things some times, but many times it works out very very well also22:38
Juzzyhaha grats22:57
OmnifrogI tend to be of the "it's going to all be OK" camp in general23:02
chris4585wrst, yeah, well I'm glad I still live with my parents23:03

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