
raven_i just need the option to reset it then i would like to experiment ;)00:00
pragmaticenigmaraven_: What your doing is trying to send out a request on one connection, but expect the response on another00:00
danitowhich partition format is close to xfs or xcf or something like that. I cannot remember and I was told that may be the partition format I am looking for00:00
qinraven_: you can bind application to interface00:00
pragmaticenigmadanito: JFS is a close cousin00:00
alien64danito: nfs ?00:02
danitoalien64: no, definitely not nfs00:02
pragmaticenigmaalien64: NFS is for network file system, allowing a computer to use the file system on a remote computer00:03
pragmaticenigmadanito: there are a lot of file systems out there that are similar to XFS... it might help to tell us what specific features your looking for00:03
alien64pragmaticenigma: this i know00:04
Serpientesolved my issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12633884/squid3-cant-access-google-com-or-bing-com00:04
danitopragmaticenigma: I want a partition format that can hold files larger than 4gb and works as natively as possible with raid 1 arrays. I plan to use the raid 1 array as a storage server00:05
pragmaticenigmaalmost all mainstream linux file systems support files sizes over 4GB.  (Only really obscure ones don't)  Raid arrays, unless software driven (not recommended) are independent of the file system.00:07
keith_Hi. I play a game called Second Life. I have downloaded 3 different viewers for this game, and none of them are working. I am brand new to Ubuntu, and I don't know what I am doing. Can anyone help me, please?00:07
danitopragmaticenigma: i am using a netbook as a small server at home so my raid array was bild with mdadm00:08
SonikkuAmericakeith_: I've heard of Second Life. Probably one of the most brilliant pioneers of A-Life programming.00:08
SonikkuAmericakeith_: Which viewers are you using?00:08
keith_I have Firestorm, Exodus and The LL Official Viewers Downloaded. When I try to run them through the terminal, it tells me that I have to install the 32bit libraries. I am so confused. I havent done this much Command Line Stuff since DOS 6.22 lol00:09
jribkeith_: do you know what libraries...?00:11
keith_I can try to re run them again.00:11
jribkeith_: ia32-libs-multiarch is a package that install some pretty common ones.  If you don't mind installing more than exactly what you need, you can try that00:12
keith_I have exactly what it is telling me in the terminal window, if you would like me to post it in the chat I can, but it is about 20 Lines or so.00:12
jrib!pastebin | keith_00:13
ubottukeith_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:13
dehbohtawHis Holiness position on ubuntu and Facebook is well known but has He said anything about badoo?00:13
jribdehbohtaw: do you have an ubuntu support question?00:13
keith_Ok, I did, and this is what it told me.00:13
jribkeith_: url?00:14
keith_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:14
keith_keith@ubuntu:~/SecondLife$ sudo apt-get install telepathy-sofiasip telepathy-butterfly telepathy-idle libtelepathy-farsight0 python-tpfarsight00:14
keith_Reading package lists... Done00:14
keith_Building dependency tree00:14
keith_Reading state information... Done00:14
keith_E: Unable to locate package telepathy-butterfly00:14
FloodBot1keith_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
keith_E: Unable to locate package libtelepathy-farsight000:14
SonikkuAmericakeith_: When you !pastebin stuff, please copy and paste the URL of the !pastebin you are referring to. For an easier way to paste from the terminal, see !pastebinit00:15
keith_Here is the link to what it said. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5756656/00:15
keith_Ok, thank you Son.00:16
acovrigHas anyone gotten ubuntu 12 or 13 on a MacbookPro 9,? - I can't seem to get it to work...00:21
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages00:22
SonikkuAmericaacovrig: In most cases, we're talking Intel Macs (amd64+mac)00:24
acovrigSonikkuAmerica, that page doesn't help given I have a 9,? system, the page only goes up to 8,3; I am trying to boot from a ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amx64+mac.iso (via a DVD)00:26
acovrigMy system is a MacBook Pro 9,100:27
Fenbi have heard that nvidia driver support the hybrid graphics00:27
vithis there a way to get the Software Updater window to actually show the package names that it wants to update instead of vague titles?00:29
trismvith: gsettings set com.ubuntu.update-manager summary-before-name false; perhaps00:31
SonikkuAmericaacovrig: What happens when you try to boot up?00:35
viththat didn't seem to do it but i'm trying some of the other keys now00:35
acovrigI get a black screen with a single _ and the system doesn't respond00:35
SonikkuAmericaacovrig: From the Live image?00:35
vithhmm nope, show-versions didn't help either00:36
acovrigI had successfully installed with rEFIt, but am wanting to reinstall directly using EFI (instead of using rEFIt) because I currently can't use my integrated graphics, so my battery lasts 1/3 what it should...00:36
acovrigyes, from the liveCD00:36
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:36
acovrigbeen to that page, it isn't helping me00:37
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multi-di wonder what repo i need to have set up to download "lubuntu-core" with apt? Or where can I find the answer?00:38
SonikkuAmericamulti-d: Huh? The LXDE core or the Lubuntu desktop?00:39
multi-dlxde core00:40
SonikkuAmericamulti-d: [ sudo apt-get install lxde ]00:40
SonikkuAmericaacovrig: It's altogether possible that the rEFIt configuration is the only way to set up a 9,x. I can't be too sure, I can only tell you what the wiki says; I don't own a Mac.00:40
multi-dthank you, SonikkuAmerica00:40
SonikkuAmericaacovrig: If your Live image is Ubuntu with Unity, and you're concerned about power usage, try a Lubuntu Mac image.00:41
maelstormok i'm about to give up on ubuntu with an nvidia gtx460SE.  I've noticed if i don't load any drivers it's still doing this damn bug.  If i open firefox i can't click on anything in fire fox.  if i hit alt-h i can BUT i can't click on anything ealse. if i download a file or anything that pops up a new window on top the mouse clicks right throug it onto firefox.  this is massively pissing me off00:44
maelstormnow lol.  anyone know what it could be? i even tried without loading any of the proprietary drivers and it's still doing it.00:44
orangecatAnyone knows a good noob friendly guide on how to setup my home PC as a VPN using OpenVPN?00:44
multi-dSonikkuAmerica: doesn't installing the lubuntu-core automatically default to using LXDE as the desktop? I mean, what is a Lubuntu desktop if it is not LXDE anyway?00:44
jrib!openvpn | orangecat00:45
ubottuorangecat: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!00:45
SonikkuAmericamulti-d: You'd be surprised what's built on Lubuntu.00:45
jriborangecat: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN00:45
orangecatlubuntu desktop is a modified version of lxde.00:45
multi-dright.  :)00:45
rti^maelstorm I installed the ATI drivers and it killed my ubuntu install00:46
maelstormwell i dont' think ati drivers would work at all with a nvidia card00:47
Ari-Yangrti^, you mean flgrx?00:47
multi-dmostly I am talking about the set of programs and features that come with the metapackage called lubuntu-core00:47
Ari-Yangoh.... that might have been it. BUT wanted to say that fglrx drivers are horrible00:47
rti^I know, I'm just saying installing new gfx card drivers killed my install and made it buggy as hell.00:47
maelstormwell i even tried a fresh install again00:47
maelstormi blew out the partitions and everything.  still the stupid thing doesi t without loading any drivers00:48
Ari-Yangrti^, I tried fglrx, gave me A LOT of tearing. open source drivers are 100x better00:48
rti^Yeah these were closed source.. I was under the impression they were from the manu but I guess I should've read more closely.00:48
maelstormso anyone actually get ubuntu to play nice with an nvidia card and 12.04??00:49
multi-di just installed a base system with CLI only. when I tried downloading with this command: "apt-get install lubuntu-core", apt could not find it. so, i need to find the name of the repo that carries it and set it up for access first.00:49
maelstormmeh i think i'll give mint a try and if that doesn't work check back in another year see if it's been fixed then00:52
wilee-nileemulti-d, It is lubuntu-desktop00:53
wilee-nileehowever I see lubuntu-core in my 13.04 synaptic00:55
multi-dwilee-nilee: not according to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall. Look at the section labeled "Installation", in which there is a distinction made between them.00:55
minimecSorry to bother you with that. Is there a way to make (that 'horrible software') Rhythmbox play the Music lens results in 13.04. I mean the default music player should be able to play results of a default unity lens...00:56
multi-dwilee-nilee: can you tell me which repo that lubuntu-core is supposed to be in by looking at your program?00:57
wilee-nileemulti-d, Should be in the man repos00:57
hamzahello all, i think my graphics card may be overheating when playing steam games (doesn't do it on windows), how can i debug what's really going on?00:57
Ari-Yanghamza, what card you have?00:59
Ari-Yangati? nividia?00:59
Ari-Yangperhaps checking out either one's proprietary drivers (depending on what you have)?01:00
minimechamza: Do you have temerature information about your GPU? Otherwise it's probabpy good to install lm-sensors and run 'sudo sensors-detect'01:00
Traxie21Has anyone else ever had a Live USB get stuck at "Generating Locales" When booting?01:01
urbanslugHey you guys. Know if I can restore KDE to default without hurting the rest of my system. I have a problem with my themes. I installed a dark theme and now a few icons are hardly visible and Mozilla is showing web forms and the text I type in a way that's hard to see.01:02
hamzai have an intel chip01:04
gothpawif I am watching a stream in my browser on my TV via HDMI how can I keep the stream "FULL Screen" while I do stuff on the other workspaces? Every time I click on anything on a workspace that is NOT the TV the stream minimizes by itself01:06
minimecgothpaw: Flash?01:06
SonikkuAmericagothpaw: That's really only feasible using GNOME 3; do you have it?01:06
steveg__ok.. ubuntu 13.04.. this is driving me crazy.. have a HTC smartphone.. not paired with my laptop, bluetooth turned off.. but when my cell phone rings.. my laptop "rings" also.. nothing else.. no indicators flashing, no pop up.. juts a.. ring.. cell phone stops, ringoing on the laptop stops...01:07
gothpawminimec: I imagine a lot of them are flash.01:08
minimecgothpaw: This is still working in 12.04 - 13.04. You hack the flash library. I use that on my dual screen setup. http://www.ubunturoot.com/2011/07/fullscreen-flash-video-with-dual.html01:09
SonikkuAmericagothpaw: If you don't have GNOME 3.6 or higher, good luck. In gnome-tweak-tool you can set "Workspaces on primary monitor only" to on and have static environments in the rest of them.01:09
danitois there an advantage on ext4 over ext3 partitions for a file server?01:11
gothpawminimec: most excellent: Thanks01:16
minimecgothpaw: No problem, I ws As happy as you are right now, when I found that tutorial... ;)01:17
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:28
sunsonHow exactly does screen handle detach/reattach? When we do Ctrl+a+d, what exactly happens? When we do screen -d -RR, what happens? Any pointers? (a walkthrough mentioning key system calls being made will be helpful)01:28
vfwNot much of a show from here.01:28
Inv1s1blesunson, I think it uses sockets01:29
Inv1s1bleit creates a socket in /tmp and when you do a re-attach, it looks for those sockets and tries to attach to them01:29
Inv1s1blenot 100% about that01:29
LordSesshomaruHey all, is it possible to ditch Unity and give Ubuntu 12.04 the same look and feel as the older versions of Ubuntu?01:30
xangua!classic | LordSesshomaru01:30
ubottuLordSesshomaru: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity01:30
SonikkuAmericaxangua: That factoid is OH SO outdated.01:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:31
ZachNoodHow come linux mint took over ubuntu in popularity01:31
SonikkuAmericaLordSesshomaru: GNOME 3 Fallback is actually dead now, but it's still in the repos.01:32
xanguaSonikkuAmerica: then someone should remove it :P01:32
xanguaSonikkuAmerica: it was announced dead since gnome3 was released...01:32
LordSesshomaruYeah, I just upgraded from 10.10 on a new machine and Unity IMHO sucks01:33
SonikkuAmericaxangua: No, fallback was deprecated in 3.8, for classic mode.01:33
SonikkuAmerica!ot | ZachNood01:33
ubottuZachNood: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:33
vfwLordSesshomaru: Unity is one of several Desktop Environments.  If you don't like it, don't use it.01:33
Tex_NickLordSesshomaru:  with 12.04 you could use gnome classic desktop or xxce01:34
Tex_Nickxfce ^01:34
FastZI like Unity, personally. I have used Linux of different flavors since 2005 and always favored Gnome, but I've taken quite a liking to Unity.01:34
LordSesshomaruI'm downloading the gnome-shell package.01:34
LordSesshomaruFastZ: It reminds me too much of OS X01:34
FastZMaybe that's why I like it. My main computer at home is a Mac01:35
sarge1221I was wondering if someone knew away I could specify language locale settings inside a wine prefix?01:35
ZachNoodYou are all just puppets to Mark shuttleworths attempt at making money. Ubuntu is a fad that is slowely dying.01:35
vfwOur choices of Desktop Environments are a matter of opinion. I might like to wear a blue shirt while my neighbor likes his green one.01:36
FastZwhere did you hear that Mint is more popular than Ubuntu, ZachNood01:36
LordSesshomaruFastZ: yeah, I'm a PC man through and through.01:36
Tex_NickLordSesshomaru:  I used "Gnome Classic" on 12.04 & 12.10 ... I loved it ... 13.04 no longer supports "Gnome Classic" ... only "Gnome Fallbac" :-(01:36
FastZAfter being in IT for the past 10 years maintaining Windows machines, I tend to favor anything but PCs01:37
MasterShakeim trying to complie something from source but keep getting this error message, can anyone help?01:37
FastZwhat error, MasterShake01:37
MasterShakeFastZ: checking for EXTRA... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.6 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6 pidgin >= 2.0 purple >= 2.0) were not met:01:37
ZachNoodI heard it on the grape vine01:37
MasterShakei am trying to install a plugin for pidgin01:37
MasterShakeand when i ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install that's the error i get01:38
vfwZachNood: Ubuntu Support here (not grape vine).01:38
LordSesshomaru also does anybody know how to make the Dell Optiplex GX620 run resolutions higher than 1024x768 (preferably 1360x768)?01:38
vfwLordSesshomaru: xrandr01:38
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FastZMasterShake, if i remember correctly, you need to install the build tools. sudo apt-get install build-essential01:39
elisa87I am trying to use Linux Perf and I am receiving this error: file perf.data not owned by current user or root01:39
adamkLordSesshomaru: What GPU does that computer have?01:40
FastZor maybe i read your error message incorrectly, MasterShake01:40
sarge1221Anyone know how i can setup a custom language locale inside a wineprefix?01:40
shodan45is there a package that has the pxelinux.0 file? or should I just download it from (for example) http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/pxelinux.0 ?01:40
MasterShakeFastZ: i already have ran that command and installed successfully01:41
th0rMastershake: you probably need the -dev packages for the four things listed in the error01:41
LordSesshomaruadamk: an intel GMA, I think a 95001:42
MasterShakeokay, where are they /?01:42
ZachNoodI'm looking for a Gay rights ubuntu version flavour, is there one avaiable?01:42
th0rMastershake: should be in the repos01:43
adamkLordSesshomaru: And does 'xrandr' only list up to 1024x768?01:43
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MasterShakeso then i just apt-get update?01:43
Tex_NickZachNood:  'Gay rights" ???01:43
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:44
LordSesshomaruadamk: yes, and 800x600 as well as 640x48001:44
LordSesshomaruadamk: it is an intel GMA 95001:44
ZachNoodYes babe gay rights! like step up and make a junk version for fags like me01:44
vfwLordSesshomaru: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:44
th0rMasterShake: no, look for pidgin-dev, purple-dev (or libpurple-dev) etc01:45
sarge1221if only ubottu did links for any and all inquiries. >_>01:45
adamkLordSesshomaru: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.01:45
vfwLordSesshomaru: (See what driver you are using)01:45
MasterShaketh0r: yup, just did an apt-get install pidgin-dev and its installing, lets see what happens afterwards.01:46
vfwLordSesshomaru: Or, as adamk suggests show us.  pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log  #Show us URL01:46
sarge1221Anyone know how i can setup a custom language locale inside a wineprefix?01:46
MasterShakeUGH!!! "configure: error: The intltool scripts were not found. Please install intltool.01:46
LordSesshomaruvfw: pastebin.com/xmBC6JPu01:47
LordSesshomaruadamk: pastebin.com/xnBC6JPu01:48
adamkLordSesshomaru: Unknown Paste ID.01:49
vfwLordSesshomaru: lspci | pastebinit #Show us01:49
IsaacLewisI need some help fixing my computer01:49
wilee-nileesarge1221, Have you asked at #winehq01:49
sarge1221*it was wineHQ's idea to try here before anyone makes a snide remark or doesn't*01:49
IsaacLewisCan someone help me, please?01:50
adamkIsaacLewis: we can only help if you ask an actual question.01:50
etekDoes anyone have a fix for the 64 bit ubuntu 12.10 install disc? It always ejects it and restarts....01:51
LordSesshomaruadamk: hang on, I'm gonna switch from a TTY to a terminal01:51
Fenbare there anyway i can see what apps i have installed? im trying to clean my computer :]01:51
etekDash home...01:51
IsaacLewisMy package installer for ubuntu 12.04 isn't working01:51
LordSesshomaru1adamk: http://pastebin.com/xmBC6JPu01:51
IsaacLewiswhen I try to use it it won't install anything, it says that it is broken01:52
vfwFenb: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list01:52
IsaacLewisI mean the software center01:52
etekOr /usr/share/application01:52
vfwIsaacLewis: Is it giving some sort of error?01:53
adamkLordSesshomaru1: I asked for the full xorg log file.01:53
LordSesshomaru1adamk: let me pastebin it01:53
IsaacLewisyes, whenever I try to use it it says: Items cannot be installed until the package catalog is repaired01:54
vfwIsaacLewis: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?01:54
vfwIsaacLewis: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:54
minimecIsaacLewis: <ctrl><atl>t to open a terminal. then we first try to 'sudo apt-get update' the sources. Let's see if we get an error message.01:55
vfwIsaacLewis: Let us know if you get error(s).01:55
IsaacLewisdidn't have any errors01:56
IsaacLewisfrom sudo apt-get update01:56
LordSesshomaru1adamk: http://pastebin.com/UE8v3gXz01:56
vfwIsaacLewis: Good..01:56
minimecIsaacLewis: Ok then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'01:56
etek(etek) Does anyone have a fix for the 64 bit ubuntu 12.10 install disc? It always ejects it and restarts....01:57
IsaacLewisit says "E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f"01:57
etekUh then as01:58
etekAdd -f01:58
vfwetek:  So you think the ISO you have is defective?  If so, run a checksum against it and google it01:58
FastZIsaacLewis, run apt-get -f install01:58
wilee-nileeIsaacLewis, try sudo apt-get -f install the the update and upgrade01:58
minimecIsaacLewis: Ok. Now I would like to ask you a question. Did you add a ppa or install some software form other sources, before having the 'unmet dependencies' problem?01:59
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
etekPossibly...it will go down for reboot the second i hit install.01:59
IsaacLewisI upgraded the version of ubuntu to 12.04 and then software center stopped working and stuff like that01:59
FastZetek, you might want to check the iso you burned to disc against the checksum to make sure it downloaded properly02:00
minimecIsaacLewis: So you were on 11.10 and upgraded to 12.0402:00
vfwIsaacLewis: WHat happened when you ran  sudo apt-get -f install ?02:00
IsaacLewisno, I was on 10.0402:00
IsaacLewisvfw: didn't try it yet02:00
eteki burned the disk awhile ago...02:00
vfwIsaacLewis: Do it.02:00
Inv1s1blewhen using dpkg -b to create a package, how do I get it to not package .gitignore files?02:01
vfwetek: md5sum it.  Google the result02:01
minimecIsaacLewis: Ok. LTS upgrade is possible... Try to do the 'sudo apt-get -f install' option.02:01
IsaacLewisjsut a sec02:02
ajw0100whois ajw010002:02
jribInv1s1ble: try #ubuntu-packaging02:03
jrib!packaging | Inv1s1ble02:03
ubottuInv1s1ble: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring02:03
IsaacLewisvfw: it says "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)02:03
minimecajw0100: /whois ;)02:03
ajw0100yep my bad haha02:03
Inv1s1bleubottu, I've been through that. This is for an internal repo and won't be public. I still can't find anything in there on ignoring .gitignore files02:04
thurstylarkHow do I tell firefox how to handle a certain protocol?02:04
IsaacLewisvfw: it says "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)02:04
LordSesshomaru1Inv1s1ble: ubottu  is a bot02:04
vfwIsaacLewis: Is there more than one user ID on this system?02:04
minimecthurstylark: 'preferences' 'applications'02:05
IsaacLewisjust a different user?02:05
thurstylarkminimec: How about a vnc:// link?02:06
samuraibsdI'm having trouble getting broad com wireless working on an old iMac with 13.0402:06
somsip!bcm | samuraibsd02:06
ubottusamuraibsd: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:06
vfwIsaacLewis: Which user are you logged in as?  (The one that was created when you first installed?02:06
IsaacLewisyes, the one I created when I first installed02:06
samuraibsdTried that. I'm no noobs to linux02:06
somsipsamuraibsd: ah - I didn't expect the factoid to be so specific. Maybe doesn't apply02:06
minimecIsaacLewis: It should also give you the info, which package is missing dependencies.02:07
IsaacLewisminimec: it only does that on synaptic I think, and it's multiple packages02:07
minimecthurstylark: Never tried that, but once you chose the aoolication in the preferences, it should do.02:07
thurstylarkminimec: Yeah, but there's no option for vnc links02:08
minimecIsaacLewis: Do you have synaptic installed? can you open it. Maybe we can remove the 'broken' packages.02:08
IsaacLewisI do02:08
IsaacLewisand I'll try that02:08
IsaacLewissynaptic won't open02:09
vfwIsaacLewis: I think you need to give is more of the output.  Can you paste the full output, (the lines before what you gave us).02:09
minimecthurstylark: 'right click' on the link, then 'open with application'...02:10
IsaacLewisthere are a lot, it would spam the chat02:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:10
thurstylarkminimec: I don't have that option02:11
minimecIsaacLewis: I agree with vfw ... We need the output..02:11
IsaacLewishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5756877/ << this is the link for the paste02:13
minimecthurstylark: If you are in that 'application' section in the 'preferences', click the help button... It's 'open with:', they say ;)02:13
thurstylarkminimec: this is a link in a webpage in firefox that I'm working with02:16
minimecIsaacLewis: Ok. I guess we will get it done... your '/var/lib/dpkg/status' file is broken. Open the terminal and 'sudo nautilus --no-desktop /var/lib/dpkg'. You will find a 'status' and a 'status-old' file. Rename or delete 'status' and make a copy of 'status-old' with the name 'status'.02:17
minimecIsaacLewis: These files are created automatically by the package system. 'status-old' should be the 'last working' one.02:17
IsaacLewisso delete status?02:18
IsaacLewisand copy status-old?02:18
thurstylarkAnyone else know how to teach firefox how to handle vnc:// links?02:18
minimecIsaacLewis: Well it's broken.. still I normally just rename such files as 'status.broken' or so.02:19
minimecIsaacLewis: To be sure, also make a copy of 'status-old' with another name, maybe.02:19
IsaacLewisI just copied status-old02:19
IsaacLewisand renamed it as status02:19
phunyguyanyone know of a way in 13.04 to hide a tray icon? I have one that I want running in the background, but I wan't the icon gone to reduce confusion.  There is no way to tell it not to display a tray icon in the app itself (skype)02:20
vfwthurstylark: vncviewer02:20
minimecIsaacLewis: Ok. Now 'sudo apt-get update' again...02:20
phunyguyI use the Pidgin plugin, so I don't need skype visible02:20
IsaacLewisdid sudo apt-get update02:22
minimecIsaacLewis: Cross your fingers and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ...02:22
IsaacLewisI think it's already fixed02:22
kostkonphunyguy, try removing the sni-qt package, although by doing so you will disable indicator support for all of your qt based apps.02:22
IsaacLewisit doesn't show the error message02:22
thurstylarkvfw: ...what about it.02:23
SmrtzCan someone help me figure out how to install this of the git repo please? https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi.git02:23
phunyguykostkon: I don't want to do that02:23
SmrtzI'm getting error 2 at maek02:23
phunyguykostkon: probably not a good suggestion..... :)02:23
IsaacLewisit's upgradi ng02:23
phunyguySmrtz: would help to paste the error output02:23
phunyguy!paste | Smrtz02:24
ubottuSmrtz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:24
Smrtzpastebin.com/9CNeRmue, phunyguy, I was doing that, lol.02:24
minimecIsaacLewis: Can we assume that you are happy now?02:24
vfwthurstylark: http://www.tightvnc.com/02:24
IsaacLewisyeah :D02:24
vfwthurstylark: You'll find it in the package manager02:25
featurednetworkwhere are the file associated with huawei 3g modem in ubuntu02:25
kostkonphunyguy, do you have other qt apps that you definitely need their icon in the tray? sni-qt doesn't have any dependencies, so it's safe to remove02:25
phunyguykostkon: yes.02:25
kostkonphunyguy, which one :P02:26
thurstylarkvfw: dude, I know how to do vnc. I have a vnc viewer. I need to know how to tell firefox to use it to open a vnc:// link02:26
kostkonphunyguy, juyst wondering02:26
phunyguy(qt-based)  :)02:26
featurednetworkanyone know how to  check if your 3g modem is compromised ?02:26
phunyguyand hopefully Quassel gets fixed soon, the icon doesn't work for quassel currently in Unity.02:26
phunyguyWish it did :(02:26
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
kostkonphunyguy, u1 doesn't need sni=qt02:27
vfwthurstylark: Be specific.  (What vnc link?)02:27
Smrtzphunyguy, any ideas?02:27
phunyguy!patience | Smrtz, I am looking02:27
ubottuSmrtz, I am looking: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:27
kostkonphunyguy, it's a qt app yes, but it creates it's own indicator icon02:27
phunyguySmrtz: looks like you are missing som dev libs, like gtk, and the like.02:28
phunyguySmrtz: was there a howto for the app you are trying to compile?02:28
thurstylarkvfw: I'm not going to give you the IP address of my vnc server.02:28
vfw!vnc | thurstylark02:28
Smrtzyeah, but it's really basic:  http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Installation#Getting_the_Source_Code  phunyguy02:28
ubottuthurstylark: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:28
phunyguykostkon: I really just want to disable to Skype icon, not remove all qt indicators (even though I don't use many02:28
featurednetworkis it possible to run rkhunter in live cd02:29
vfwthurstylark: You don't do it with firefox, (you do it with vncviewer).02:29
phunyguySmrtz: I would target the author of the app for support.02:29
phunyguySmrtz: it is beyond the scope of this channel unless someone really wants to put in some time02:29
Smrtzok, thanks, phunyguy02:29
Ububeginhow to modify bash prompt... so that username@laptop:~ ...02:31
vfwthurstylark: /join #firefox02:32
dr_willisUbubegin:  Check the  bash prompt howto   at  tldp.org02:32
dr_willisUbubegin:  what is your prompt now?02:33
kostkonphunyguy, you'll only remove the qt tray icons that were converted to indicators by sni-qt, definitely not all the qt indicators. Many recent qt apps work just fine, they don't need sni-qt, they create their own indicator icon.02:33
phunyguykostkon: perhaps it is worth a try.  Worst case, I reinstall it.  Thanks02:33
phunyguykostkon: icon is still there... logged out and back in02:35
nhodgesis it possible to get libxcb-sync0 >= 1.6 on 10.04?02:35
kostkonphunyguy, did you restart it?02:35
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.02:35
nhodgesi see it here and add the ppa, but i can't update02:36
nhodgeserr, there's no available update02:36
phunyguykostkon: I logged out and back in02:36
kostkonphunyguy, hmmm02:36
phunyguynhodges: desktop or server?02:36
phunyguynhodges: see my bot trigger above02:36
phunyguy10.04 is EOL and not supported for the desktop side.02:36
kostkonphunyguy, that's strange02:36
orangecatHi there02:37
dr_willisnhodges: may be time to upgrade. or use the source.02:37
phunyguykostkon: tell me about it.02:37
orangecatI need a software that can turn PC into a VPN server(Just don't say Openvpn I can't damn configure it), Need something that works out of the box02:38
nhodgesi'm on a macbook air 2.1, don't want to update to 12 or 13 -- also since i'm on an MBA i don't have page up and can't scroll in irssi haha02:38
nhodgesis the bot trigger just a "10.04 is no longer supported" message02:38
phunyguynhodges: sorry, end of the road.02:38
nhodgesfor sure02:38
phunyguyugh I already triggered it so now it wont02:38
=== marco is now known as Guest72199
nhodgesno worries i get the point02:38
phunyguysorry bud.02:39
phunyguyany other ideas for hiding the skype icon>02:40
nhodgesit's all good02:40
Guest72199hey guys, i am having a horrible time here, i am hoping soeone can help.  i just installed ubuntu studio 12.04 lts (cant upgrade to .10 or 13 as it says the update is successful but the screen just turns on and off after reboot.... i could not install 12.10 or 13 before studio - just Ubuntu... I had to upgrade... but i cant upgrade with Studio... no matter - I think, I am ok with that)02:40
Guest72199SO, things were OK for a few hours02:40
=== danito is now known as danito1
vfw!LTS | Guest7219902:40
ubottuGuest72199: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)02:40
Guest72199than my screen began to flicker HORRIBLY lines, i was pretty worried... some kernal thing i found online to fix that... i really dont know what i am doing here... anyway, it comes back working ok, BUT, now i cant see my menus, specificall it seems white is messed up02:41
phunyguy!patience | orangecat02:41
ubottuorangecat: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:41
Guest72199so i changed to a very ugly dark theme just to see whats going on and come here for advice.02:41
phunyguyorangecat: unless someone knows of something obscure, openvpn is handy and nice, and the folks in #openvpn are gentle.02:42
Guest72199ubottu, thanks for the info but im not sure how that applies... again, appoligies, i am slow with this, somewhat02:42
ubottuGuest72199: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:42
orangecatI can't join #openvpn02:42
orangecatit sayd i'm banned02:42
vfwGuest72199: Fully updated?02:42
orangecattry for yourself02:42
phunyguyorangecat: hmmm...02:42
phunyguyI am in that channelm orangecat02:42
vfwGuest72199: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:42
phunyguymaybe you got a banned IP?02:42
CavalierPrimeguest72199:  I would reinstall unity02:42
orangecatI've a regged nick02:43
Guest72199there is no unity in Studio02:43
Tex_Nickorangecat:  if you have an old PC you might consider using it for your router ... a lot of software for that (Simplewall works great) that would provide a managed router, firewall & VPN to ypur delighrt ;-)02:43
Guest72199yes but i will check again on the update now02:43
phunyguyorangecat: that I would find out what you did to make them upset.  Perhaps #freenode can help?02:43
CavalierPrimethen whatever the window manager is02:43
Guest72199it was fine for hours02:43
vfwGuest72199: What Desktop Environment are you using?02:44
Guest72199the theme NOX i am using, it looks like crap, i can take a screen, would that help?02:44
Guest72199i think02:44
Guest72199standard with studio02:44
=== oh is now known as Guest5693
orangecatTex I just have one PC can I turn it into a router and use it as a VPN?02:45
vfwGuest72199: /join #ubuntustudio02:45
Guest72199awesome.  thanks.02:46
CavalierPrimeguest72199:  sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies02:46
orangecatWhats the official website for simplewall BTW?02:47
Tex_Nickorangecat:  that would not be a good solution ... generally you would not be able to use the dedicated router,firewall & VPN as a desktop enviornment02:48
phunyguykostkon: sni-qt:i386 was the package to remove02:48
kostkonphunyguy, ahaa interesting02:48
orangecatI don't need a DE02:48
orangecatI just need to connect to it from a remote place.02:48
Tex_Nickorangecat:  via the cloud with as a remote desktop?02:50
orangecatYep I have a lappy and I;m moving to place 2 I need to access the internet connection of my main PC at place 1.02:50
orangecatI will be connecting to unprotected WIFI at place 2 thats the reason.02:51
orangecatI hope thats clear02:51
Tex_Nickorangecat:  are you familiar with "Real VNC" ? ... it's free for individual use, has been around for years, works great02:52
phunyguyit is crystal clear, and openvpn is a great solution.  If you want to use a decent out-of-box router solution, Endian works well.02:52
phunyguyit has a good openvpn implementation02:52
phunyguyI used it for years.02:52
orangecatIs the realVNC connection encrypted?02:53
Tex_NickEndian is cool also ;-)02:53
orangecatI mean can the unprotected network that I'm connecting to sniff the data that goes thru realvnc?02:54
LordSesshomaru1try teamviewer02:54
Tex_Nickorangecat:  "Real VNC" has twoparts ... a client & a server ... encription is good02:55
Tex_Nickorangecat:  it's about as simple to set up as it gets02:57
orangecatBut I'm concerned if the unprotected netwoprk can sniff the data or not?02:57
Guest72199so no one is around in ubuntustudio02:58
SonikkuAmericaGuest72199: If it's not a problem with an Ubuntu Studio app you can try #xubuntu02:59
orangecatI think I have to activate ssh within realvnc?02:59
orangecatIs that doable?02:59
Guest72199What is xubuntu?  Ive yet to figure that out03:00
Tex_Nickorangecat:  when i try to sniff my gateway with wireshark "Real VNC" traffic is gibberish03:00
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I download a streaming movie on xmbc?03:02
Tex_Nickorangecat:  http://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc/features/03:02
=== MistaMike is now known as MistaMike|away
Tex_Nickmojtaba : i use ffmpeg to capture the desktop & audio if there is no other solution ... a LOT of the XBMC streams come from servers that will allow yoy to download directly ... check out, http://www.1channel.ch/ ... that is one of the most popular XBMC feeds03:08
mojtabaTex_Nick: Thanks03:08
Tex_Nickyou're welcome ;-)03:09
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
Inv1s1bleI can't get dpkg -b to ignore my .git and .gitignore files. If anyone knows the answer, you can get some rep on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17056734/when-building-deb-files-using-dpkg-i-cant-get-it-to-ignore-hidden-files-such-a03:17
lorddeltaHi, I'm trying to collect core dumps from apport, but apport-cli doesn't seem to be collecting anything on my segmentation fault?03:20
orangecatHey there03:25
orangecatHow is HTTPS secure in the least when lots claim to sniff https packets with sniffers?03:25
lorddeltaorangecat: they sniff the headers03:26
clctoorangecat: you can sniff the packets, the data is just encrypted03:26
lorddeltaAnd yeah there is encrypted garbage in the middle03:26
orangecatI heard of a wireshark like soft that can decrypt the packets too on the fly03:27
clctoorangecat: get wireshark or something on your computer and try to sniff the https packets vs regular http03:27
clctoonly your packets sent03:27
clcto /received03:27
oddbetteris bitdefender for ubuntu a windows file scanner or ubuntu ?03:36
lngHi! I have addded repository and then removed it and issued apt-get update, but now I have:  php5-cli : Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6) but 5.4.15-1~precise+1 is to be installed03:37
xanguaIng by remove it you mean you used ppa-purge ¿03:39
TickleIf I use a different nameserver than the other devices on my network will that harm anything?03:39
vfwTickle: no03:39
lngxangua: add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ondrej/php503:39
oddbetterwhat's the odd or ubuntu suddenly become the world most popular OS and 99% of home users use it03:39
xangua!ot | oddbetter03:40
ubottuoddbetter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:40
clctooddbetter: 003:40
xangualng: had no idea about that, i always use ppa-purge since 200903:40
wo0falot great now Steam in on Ubuntu03:41
wo0fis on* (lol)03:41
lorddeltaNo one knows why my apport might not be registering my segv crashes?03:41
lngxangua: seams like it was removed before - Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ondrej php503:43
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=== root is now known as Guest43955
ruphosanyone using ubuntu on mac?03:51
oddbatterany anti virusssssssssssssssss for ubuntu03:52
xangua!virus | oddbatter03:52
oddbatterthe one that scan ubuntu filessssssssssss03:52
ubottuoddbatter: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:52
oddbatteri guess thats wrong to say that03:53
oddbatterthere are rootkit03:53
oddbatteri think there should be some antivirus for ubuntu03:54
oddbatterwho agree with me03:54
oddbatterplease stand up03:54
kostkon!antivirus | oddbatter03:56
ubottuoddbatter: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:56
clctooddbatter: i dont think there are many exploits that allow root access in linux03:56
clctocertain modules have some though03:56
psycho_oreosIt's hard to correct a habit of constantly doing everything as root when one is desperate. It's even more harder to correct ex-windows users who thinks there needs to be antivirus for linux.03:56
Tex_Nickoddbatter:  there have been a couple linux rootkits, however they have been patched quickly ... virus issues aren't much concern on linux03:56
oddbattertex nick , some user got trojan installed03:57
oddbatterfor a year03:57
ruphosanyone running ubuntu 12.04 on macbook pro bricked with kernel update 3.0.2-45? black screen w/ flashing cursor on boot thru rEFIt?03:57
oddbatterwithoutout knowing it03:58
clctooddbatter: sounds like his fault03:58
oddbatterclcto , if there's an antivirus scanner , he should have known it ealier03:58
Tex_Nickoddbatter:  if they didn't know it ... how did they know it ??? @^@03:59
oddbatter*he could have03:59
oddbatteram i right clcto03:59
oddbatterTex_Nick , whre do you get that if they didn't know it ..."04:00
shade34321is it safe to reference $HOME in my bashrc for my home directory if I never export it?04:00
oddbatteri don't understand what are you saying04:00
psycho_oreosThere are certain softwares out there that mimick what antivirus does to an extent. I'm sure if one wants to treat linux like windows, nothing will stop them. There was a software called tripwire.04:01
Tex_Nick<oddbatter> tex nick , some user got trojan installed04:01
Tex_Nick<oddbatter> withoutout knowing it04:01
clctoTex_Nick: he installed software from an untrusted source and it installed malware04:01
clctonot that hard to understand04:02
psycho_oreosIn other words, he was desperate and naive and had to pay the price ultimately.04:02
Tex_Nickclcto:  well some how they had to know it then @^@04:03
StylesI hate Microsoft Secure Boot shit04:03
clctoStyles: then disable it04:03
clctowhy not?04:04
StylesCROSSHAIR V FORMULA-Z wont let me04:04
StylesI can choose "OTHER OS" but it's still enabled and not working04:04
Styleser Linux wont boot04:04
Styleseven though it's installed on the drive04:04
clctoi dont understand. go to bios and disable secure boot04:04
Stylesclcto you can't it's not an option04:05
StylesIs there anyway I can get Grub2 to load with secure boot?04:05
psycho_oreosTex_Nick, when a computer is infected, one can see their computer is behaving in a weird/unusual way.04:06
clctoStyles: not easily04:06
h4v0kcshow do I identify myself?04:06
StylesFuck fuck and fuck04:06
StylesI hate Microsoft so much04:06
psycho_oreos!identify| h4v0kcs04:06
ubottuh4v0kcs: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.04:06
IdleOne!language | Styles04:06
ubottuStyles: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:06
StylesSorry ok so is there anything I can do? Basically I get "Missing Operating System"04:06
Tex_Nickpsycho_oreos:  that was my point ... anyway it's mute without details04:07
clctoStyles: us there an option Windows UEFI/Other OS04:08
clctoah i see04:08
clctosorry you said that already04:08
Tex_Nickpsycho_oreos:  actually ... sometimes a user see's it ... most user's NEVER know04:08
Stylesclcto yeah and it actually doesn't work which is absurd04:08
clctoid complain to ASUS04:09
treehau55theres something terribly funky going on with my system. it may or may not be related to xorg and compiz, also my wifi is acting screwy. All of this started happening for no reason. Is there any bugs with xorg?04:09
Stylesyeah but that wont get me booting up anytime soon clcto04:09
qinStyles: do you boot from usb?04:10
Stylesqin I'm able to, yes04:10
psycho_oreosTex_Nick, I'd say that depends on various factors but yes the bottom line is that most users are generally.. well you know the words I want to say :)04:11
Tex_Nickpsycho_oreos:  hey i hear ya man ;-)04:11
StylesThe primary drive is setup as follows: /dev/sda1 fat32 (boot sector) /dev/sda2 ext4 (Linux) and /dev/sda3 swap - because of secure boot it says the OS is missing. I did read that grub 2 was signed and such but how would I go about getting it to boot?04:11
clctoStyles: if it is signed you can copy the key to your bios settings04:15
clctobut you will probably have to change it everytime grub is updated04:15
StylesI just read that Ubuntu has grub2 signed04:17
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
devslashHas anyone here installed Ubuntu 13.04 on a Macbook uni body? I installed it on mine and it runs very very poorly. The graphics mess up after 5-10 minutes and the mouse becomes sluggish intermittently04:21
gadamsAny documentation on hosting an official repository ?04:22
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
wo0fgadams: mirroring one?04:30
gadamswo0f: Yeah I just realized ubuntu only uses AWS04:30
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:31
Coreydevslash: That any help? ^04:31
devslashThe problem is I can't even boot it up now04:31
devslashI mean it boots but the graphics are so glitched that I can't do anything04:32
gadamswo0f: I was hoping to setup a local repository in Florida for geographic DNS to grab from04:32
Ponch0holy-moly any sci-kit learn guys in here? I have a question.04:33
Guest18299is there a google talk for ubuntu ?04:34
devslashThis sucks04:35
Guest18299or is it just the ephany plugin, i tried to send a file with psi but won't let me04:35
wo0fgadams: i believe you have use apt-mirror04:35
Ponch0oops wrong channel haha04:35
gadamswo0f: gotcha04:35
devslashI give up04:36
devslashUbuntu isn't an option for me I guess04:36
kryptowhy is my ubuntu network installation failing with "Bad archive mirror "04:38
mogajI am getting internet constantly disconnected, my Os is ubuntu 12.04, but other systems in network which are windows sytems has no such problems what should do to rectify this http://pastebin.com/akQvMLjn04:39
wo0fgadams: http://apt-mirror.github.io/ \O/04:39
wo0fmogaj: are the rest of your networked devices using Google's DNS ( ?04:40
mogajwo0f: no ... i dont think so .. how can i check it04:41
wo0fmogaj: I imagine your Windows machines will be getting DNS from their nearest gateway, i.e. your router04:44
wo0fmogaj: however this is just a hunch, is your NIC actually diconnecting, or you are just unable to resolve web addresses?04:45
wo0fmogaj: maybe try pinging a local device04:45
wo0fipconfig /all in windows to check DNS btw04:47
dandamancan anyone help me troubleshoot this? Sometimes when I boot up, my sound doesnt work. I have no idea how to tell what is causing this as i have never troubleshooted audio before. The times it works when it boots, it works perfectly04:53
dandamanI'm on 10.04 LTS04:53
a-little-rabbitalsa problem?04:55
dandamana-little-rabbit: i dont know how to tell04:55
a-little-rabbitdandaman: oh04:55
dandamana-little-rabbit: any help?04:57
mogajwo0f: There are two DNS record two for eth2 and one for WLAN04:57
=== Sazpaimon__ is now known as Sazpaimon
tugrillohelp I'm xubuntu 13.1004:59
Tex_Nickdandaman:  10.04 is OLD ... have you considered upgrading to 12.04 LTS ?04:59
dandamanTex_Nick: i hate unity04:59
dandamanTex_Nick: and dont want to spend the time figuring out how to revert back to gnome 205:00
Tex_Nickdandaman: ahh ok ... with 12.04 you could use the "Gnome Classic" DE, it gives you the "old school" de ... just a thought05:01
styles_How are drivers for Ubuntu HD 7870?05:01
dandamanTex_Nick: well i dont really have the time to deal with that atm, can you give me some troubleshooting tips for right now?05:02
Tkinghi guys i need some help -- i installed Gnome 3 shell and cant get it out as i am logged into Unity i want to remove Gnome but it fails to install PPA PURGE from SC05:02
mogajwo0f: should i update resolv.conf with WLAN DNS ?05:04
gaelfxcan I use my ubuntu box as an audio device (as in speakers for a cell phone)?05:04
Tex_Nickdandaman: no sir wish i could ... i'm on 13.04 & couldn't begin to reproduce your pro0blem ... ask every 15 mkinutes or so ... you might find a guru that can help you :-)05:05
Tkinghi guys, Please i need some help -- i installed Gnome 3 shell and cant get it out as i am logged into Unity i want to remove Gnome but it fails to install PPA PURGE from Sofware center05:05
Guest18299how do i transfer file in pidgn, i am using  google talk05:06
jab416171how do I install 3.9 on raring?05:07
somsip_!info linux-image05:10
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB05:10
somsip_jab416171: so the supported version is as shown. Which means you need a PPA, but...05:11
somsip_!ppa | jab41617105:11
ubottujab416171: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:11
jab416171is it an "unsupported third party package" if it's hosted on kernel.ubuntu.com?05:11
somsip_jab416171: the clue is the 'ppa' in the url :)05:12
somsip_jab416171: and rc1? Up to you...05:12
jab416171yeah, I'd want rc8, right?05:12
jab416171do you know when 3.9 will be released officially?05:12
somsip_jab416171: Not sure what you want. I need stable but each to their own05:12
jab416171if I wanted stable I'd be on 12.04 :)05:13
somsip_jab416171: probably next LTS version but I'm guessing. And I am on 12.04 ;)05:13
jab416171but 12.04 was giving me a lot of issues, and I need Google's patches that are in 3.905:13
somsip_jab416171: fair enough. But you are at the bleeding edge and you might struggle to get support05:13
jab416171Phonom1992: the topic says "Official Ubuntu Support Channel"05:13
Ben64probably have to wait for 13.10 for official 3.9+ kernel05:13
jab416171I was going to install 3.9 on 12.04, but that required 12.04.3, which would be out in August05:14
Phonom1992sorry first time here :-) I need some help. can anybody please help me out?05:14
somsip_!ask | Phonom199205:14
ubottuPhonom1992: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:14
utfans05!ask | Phonom199205:14
jab416171so, sounds like I have to wait until August (or October) to have a stable 3.9 release?05:14
Phonom1992I am getting duplicate sources.list error05:15
utfans05Phonom1992: go ahead and just ask your question05:15
Tex_Nick!details | Phonom199205:15
ubottuPhonom1992: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:15
Ben64jab416171: you can have it now, you just can't have the support here05:15
somsip_jab416171: Ben64 suggest 13.10. I've not heard of 12.04.3 so...dunno to be honest05:15
Phonom1992This is the message05:15
Phonom1992Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-i386_Packages)05:15
Phonom1992W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems05:15
jab416171Ben64: an RC, by definition, isn't stable05:15
Ben64not really05:15
jab416171well, it's not a "release" version05:15
Ben64the r is for release05:15
jab416171release candidate05:16
Ben64<jab416171> if I wanted stable I'd be on 12.04 :)05:16
Ben64so go for it05:16
Guest18299hi all what can i use for google talk on my desktop to transfer files05:16
Phonom1992but everytime I run apt-get update, I get the same error05:16
jab416171Guest18299: google talk doesn't support file transfers, but the new version of hangouts (available on the web on google+ and gmail, and on android and iOS) supports sharing of pictures05:17
jab416171(hangouts is going to replace google talk)05:17
Tkingplease how can i uninstall gnome 305:19
Tkingplease how can i uninstall gnome 3 shell05:19
TkingDo people really get help from here? Or its just a loop of messages?05:20
Tm_TTking: patience05:20
Tex_NickTking:  what you see here is real time05:20
jab416171Ben64: do you know the difference between v3.9-rc8-raring/ and v3.9-raring/, on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/05:20
TkingTm_T, Tex_Nick 3days i waited for response i ended up formatting05:21
jab416171so, format, and you'll get rid of gnome 3 shell :)05:21
Tex_NickTking : why do you want to remove gnome 3 ?05:22
Tex_Nick!details |Tking05:23
ubottuTking: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:23
TkingTex_Nick, its a long story... when i was using stardict on ubuntu 12.04 back in the days it appeared on dash... but different laptop now using 13.04 stardict doesnt appear on dash but dock... online search say i should use gnome-3 shell, i installed it and didn't like it so now i cant remove it following tutorials05:24
TkingTex_Nick, steps to remove gnome 3 shell are as follows: 1. install ppa-purge, 2. sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 and i get dependency problem05:25
Phonom1992sorry I didn't provide full details earlier. noob me! I am running 12.04.1 with lts hardware enablement stack installed, so running kernel 3.5.0-32. I was adding vlc ppa and then ran apt-get update and got duplicate sources.list error like this- http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/gnome-3-8-ppa-for-ubuntu-gnome05:26
Phonom1992copied wrong lines. Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_binary-i386_Packages)05:27
TkingTex_Nick, cool to have dependency problem... i did sudo dpkg --configure -a  and sudo apt-get install -f after allowing all pp05:27
sereTking: http://askubuntu.com/questions/67764/how-to-remove-and-reinstall-gnome-305:28
sereTking: sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell05:28
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Phonom1992someone please help05:30
Ben64Phonom1992: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/05:31
Tex_NickTking:  at lightdm login, have you tried to select unity ... click on the icon by the login box ?\05:32
TkingTex_Nick, yes, i have unity selected05:32
TkingTex_Nick, https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb0qbh0b63o4oyr/Screenshot%20from%202013-06-12%2006%3A30%3A11.png05:34
TkingTex_Nick, this is screenshop of what i get when i do sudo apt-get install update or upgrade or even try to remove ppa-purge05:35
Tex_NickTking : ok that's beyond my knowledge ... hey man keep asking every 30 minutes or so ... there are gurus here that can make it a simple fix ... just need fo0r the right person to join ... wish i could help05:38
TkingThanks Tex_Nick for your concern05:39
Foshizzanyone about?05:40
kit-kathi i have used fbterm terminal emulator all the libraries have loaded for fbterm but it is not work there is nothing happend when the fbterm runs05:40
FoShizzAnyone on?05:41
SwedeMike!anyone | FoShizz05:41
ubottuFoShizz: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:41
FoShizzha lol05:42
FoShizz I have an old IDE ribbon cable with several connectors, can I simply cut off the ones I don't need?05:42
kit-katcan you please tell me what is that issues05:42
FoShizzFor a legacy hard drive. More of hardware than software.05:43
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=== Zou is now known as Gurty
suigenerisI've been trying to reinstall os since yesterday, and this time make startup disk button in startup disk creator is disabled05:59
suigeneriswhy is that?05:59
suigeneriswhy is it disabled?05:59
susundbergYou are doing something wrong, it works for everybody else. Maybe there is youtube tutorial on the issue06:00
suigenerissusundberg: me?06:00
susundbergsuigeneris: yes, sorry for missing your name on my comment06:00
reisiostartup disk?06:01
suigenerisreisio: yes06:01
reisiowhat's a startup disk?06:02
suigenerisreisio: one sec06:02
reisiowhatever it is, you don't need it, unless you're calling something a startup disk that is not a startup disk06:02
reisiowhatever a startup disk is06:02
goddardcan i run command on existing terminal windows from  another window?06:03
reisiogoddard: to what end?06:03
suigenerisreisio: http://imgur.com/V9o99fN06:03
reisiogoddard: don't cross post06:03
goddardreisio: i use terminator id like to execute a shell script to automatically do a few things and post it06:03
goddardreisio: what?06:03
suigenerisreisio: usb bootable06:03
guest-FDfgDwhi fellas, I switched to macos like 2 years ago, today I loaded my old ubuntu and I discovered I can't login to my user using GUI, and when I login to console I see dirs like "bin", "boot" and "home" in my home directory, and I don't have ideas how to access my files06:03
guest-FDfgDwls ~/home/user shows nothing btw06:04
suigeneriscan I create that using dd?06:04
reisiosuigeneris: you can dd an Ubuntu install image to a USB stick, yes06:04
reisiosuigeneris: just be quite sure you get the syntax and values correct06:04
susundbergguest-FDfgDw: try 'ls  /home/'06:04
suigenerisreisio: got an example that shows values?06:05
suigenerisreisio: I mean like bs and such06:05
guest-FDfgDwsusundberg, well, it's my user home there06:05
reisiosuigeneris: the bs doesn't matter so much, you can use bs=1M06:05
susundbergreisio,suigeneris: why not using the startup disc creator that is ment for making bootable images06:05
guest-FDfgDwthat contains "bin boot etc"06:05
reisiosuigeneris: what really matters is not overwriting the wrong device :p06:05
suigenerissusundberg: http://imgur.com/V9o99fN06:06
reisiosusundberg: obviously, because it's too complex for him06:06
susundbergreisio: and using dd from command line is easier?06:06
suigenerissusundberg: `make startup disk` button is disabled06:06
reisiosusundberg: infinitely06:06
reisiosusundberg: most people can manage a copy & paste06:06
reisioand the ones that can't, well, they're hopeless anyways06:06
susundbergsuigeneris: 1) you are really trying to make image from CD? 2) you dont have partitions on the usb stick?06:07
suigenerisreisio: no, it's not too complex for me. the fricking button is disabled06:07
goddard!ops reisio06:07
guest-FDfgDwdo you think loading from safe disk would help in my case?06:07
reisiosuigeneris: semantics, it wasn't an insult :)06:07
suigenerissusundberg: I am trying to make a usb bootable from an image, and yes I do06:07
goddardsuigeneris: its surprising because reisio has a knack for rubbing people the wrong way06:08
reisionah, people have a knack for being born rubbed :p06:09
susundbergguest-FDfgDw: you should see your files at /home/<here_your_username> on the simplest case. If you have /home on separate partition then you wont see any files there (not even the home directory). If you have encrypted homes then things get more complicated. I did not quite follow what you ment with having "bin" somewhere. You have directory 'bin' (etc) at  /home/username_here/?06:09
IdleOneenough from both of you. stick to support and follow the channel !guidelines06:09
goddardreisio: sorry i don't do rap battles06:09
reisiogoddard: that's good, 'cause I'm the hip-hop-o-potamus, my rhymes are bottomless, I...06:09
susundbergsuigeneris: but you have the cdrom drive selected on the screen capture, and i dont see the partitions on creator (not sure if that version does, but at least older versions displayed them). You can mount the disk ok?06:10
suigenerissusundberg: gparted shows it mounted, but df doesn't list it06:10
susundbergits removable stick? just unplug it count to 15 and replug it06:11
BlackDalekDoes anyone know what mouse/button/key combination in LXDE desktop causes the desktop switcher to come up?06:14
BlackDalekIt keeps switching the desktop while we scroll the mouse wheel and we can't work out why.06:15
suigenerissusundberg: http://imgur.com/QFfqZPa06:15
susundbergsuigeneris: are you able to mount the usb disk?06:17
suigenerissusundberg: yes06:17
suigenerissusundberg: fdisk -l output: /dev/sdh1   *        2048    15132671     7565312   83  Linux06:18
reisiohi :)06:19
suigeneriswb reisio06:19
reisiosuigeneris: :)06:19
suigenerisI'm dd'ing now06:19
reisiosuigeneris: gj06:19
suigeneristime sudo dd if=/media/ubuntu/04b5c779-0527-4e03-9519-18722b8db1f4/Kurulum/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdh bs=1M06:19
reisiosuigeneris: yup, as long as sdh doesn't have anything you care about on it, you're all set06:20
suigenerisI absolutely have no clue why the heck ubuntu started coughing on me yesterday in the first place06:21
susundbergsuigeneris: my startup disk creator shows device as /dev/sdb1 -- note the 1 there, afaik the /dev/sdh means the full disk not partition06:21
reisiosuigeneris: what'd you do yesterday?06:21
susundbergsuigeneris: and my disk has '/dev/sdb1   *          32    31506431    15753200    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)06:22
ShawnMcCoolsorry if my questions seem a bit rudimentary, but is the top panel in ubuntu part of unity? i'm not sure where gnome ends and unity begins06:22
reisioShawnMcCool: Unity is a reconfiguration _of GNOME_06:22
reisioShawnMcCool: you can't have one without the other06:22
suigenerisreisio: the computer froze, I rebooted and started getting messages like https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11918318/Foto%2011.06.2013%2016%2017%2056.jpg06:23
ShawnMcCooli upgraded to gnome 3.8 in 13.04 and i really like the improvements, now i'm wondering what it'd be like to use the gnome shell instead of the default super behavior in ubuntu06:23
reisioShawnMcCool: the way the menu items are up in the top bar is an Ubuntu hack, though, if that's what you're wondering06:23
reisioShawnMcCool: try it and cease wondering :)06:23
suigenerissusundberg: it does, and my usb disk showed sdh106:24
ShawnMcCoolyea, just trying to figure out what it means to do so and if i'd be breaking or gutting ubuntu06:24
ShawnMcCooltrying to figure out if i'm better suited by another distro to do so or not06:24
suigenerissusundberg: but in dd, you need to use the disk, not partition06:24
suigenerisand dd finished06:24
reisioShawnMcCool: IIRC you just install gnome-shell, log out, click on an icon and change it06:25
suigeneriswish me luck guys06:25
Tex_NickBlackDalek: see if this helps ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts06:25
reisioShawnMcCool: the bot has a factoid about it06:25
* suigeneris crosses reisio's and susundberg's fingers06:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.06:26
ShawnMcCoolinteresting, ok thanks06:26
reisioShawnMcCool: 'gnome-shell' being GNOME 3's _ordinary shell_ (as opposed to Unity, an alternative shell)06:27
reisioif you're using Unity, you already have most of GNOME 3 installed06:27
ShawnMcCoolthanks for the clarification, reisio06:27
Tex_NickBlackDalek:  also make sure the cursor is NOT in a panel or launcher when you use the mouse wheel06:27
tskorteHello! I'm a little curious - will installing a lot of KDE libraries (dependencies when installing Dolphin) have anything else to say but diskspace use in Ubuntu?06:29
reisiotskorte: that's quite hard to parse06:30
king_slayertskorte the system will be slow...06:30
IdleOnetskorte: they will take up some disk space of course, shouldn't affect performance really.06:31
reisioyes, if you run Dolphin with another DE, like GNOME, you'll have that many more processes going06:31
reisiobecause GNOME and KDE have all their own implementations of things06:31
king_slayerIdleOne: there are some kde daemons installed with those dependencies06:31
king_slayerhappened to me, the system started to be slow since I was using a hibrid between kde/gnome06:32
reisioimpossible to say whether you'd notice the difference, though; probably not on modern hardwaren06:32
reisioBluaoi: hi06:32
tskorteThanks, great answers! It all makes sense.06:32
Bluaoiim having a problem in ubuntu 13.04. after trying to install Gnome and it not working, then switching back to regular Ubuntu, my desktop doesnt work06:33
Bluaoii see my wallpaper, i can use the 'side bar' and anything, and when i navigate to the folder for the desktop i see the stuff that should appear, but doesnt06:33
BlackDalekTex_Nick, thanks. I worked it out and how to disable it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Mouse For some reason it keeps doing it even when the mouse pointer is in an app like browser or trying to scroll through files etc.06:33
tskorteToo bad Kate and Dolphin are superior to gedit/nautilus :/06:33
Bluaoii cannot right click on the desktop either06:33
reisiotskorte: what bits of KDE do you not find superior?06:33
reisioBluaoi: what happened when you tried to use 'GNOME'?06:34
Bluaoii selected Gnome at the log-in screen, entered my password and it just stays black-screen06:34
tskortereisio: The user interface. Personally, I think it's outdated.06:34
Bluaoii can access TTY1-6 but nothing ever happens on 706:35
reisiotskorte: in what way?06:35
Tex_NickBlackDalek:  hey GREAT that you worked it out ... and thanks for that link, i'll put in my data base for future reference :-)06:35
reisioBluaoi: huh, might check /var/log/Xorg*log for EE's06:36
tskortereisio: Well, to be honest - KDE is my favorite DE to use when I'm programming but when I'm not I like a nice, easy UI to work with. If I could switch between KDE and Unity I would be in heaven - but I've tried and failed.06:36
reisiotskorte: on demand, you mean?06:37
tskortereisio: Yah.06:37
reisiommm, you should be able to, but obviously that's another can of worms06:37
Bluaoireisio, i'm doing that right now :)06:37
king_slayerdoes kde have a "summary of windows" view as gnome 3?, I mean the view that shows all the windows when you press the windows key06:37
tskortereisio: Also I feel that the whole toolbar/"start"-button setup is just boring. I like innovative design.06:38
reisioking_slayer: as text or thumbs?06:38
king_slayerthe little windows06:38
tskorteBluaoi: Running KDE and Unity? "hot"swapping between those at need?06:38
TheriThe only way is just to log out and switch window managers there06:38
king_slayerthis http://www.gnome.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/window-selection-3-8.png06:38
reisioking_slayer: yes, IIRC KDE had it first06:38
TheriI have KDE and it's awesome06:39
reisioking_slayer: the 'present windows' plugin for kwin06:39
Bluaoireisio, no results (other than the 'key' at the top of the page) for (EE) in gedit for any of the xorg logs06:39
tskorteYeah, it is but I feel to truly enjoy KDE you need a KDE specific distro (or arch etc.). Installing KDE besides Unity has just been a plethora of problems for me.06:39
Bluaoitskorte, no, i just wanted to try gnome.06:40
reisioBluaoi: mmm, you could try disabling the DM and starting GNOME directly and looking for errors :)06:40
reisiotskorte: well, it needn't be, if you want to keep it in mind for later06:41
Bluaoireisio, how might i go about that? :)06:41
=== shantorn- is now known as shantorn
tskortereisio: Do you know of some guide to setting it up? (sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?)06:41
reisioBluaoi: mmm, well, you could possibly try without disabling the DM first, by switching to TTY2 and running what at least historically was always 'gnome-session'06:42
reisiotskorte: that should do it, though you might end up with cluttered menus06:43
ProximusHi folks!06:43
ProximusPardon me for little off-topic, but are here any engineers?06:43
tskorteThe menus never worry me as I never use them. I <3 the keyboard. I will give it one last try, heh. Here's to never giving up!06:43
king_slayerpresent, what's up?06:44
Jordan_UProximus: #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chat.06:44
thurstylarkI have a server, and I messed too much with the interfaces file and now I cannot connect to it. I need to access the interfaces file from another machine with the root drive hooked up as an external drive. How can I do that?06:44
reisiothurstylark: if it doesn't auto-mount when you connect it, use sudo blkid, and sudo mount06:44
thurstylarkIt's mounted, and I can see files, but I can't access the etc folder06:45
Jordan_Uthurstylark: sudoedit /mountpoint/etc/networking/interfaces06:45
segi_im trying to add my vpn connecting following instruction from my vpn provider at https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/#ubuntu_openvpn_installer but once I get to the last step after selecting lzo compression and click on ok, save is greyed out and i cant save the vpn connection06:46
segi_has anoyne had this problem where you cant save a vpn connection06:47
thurstylarkJordan_U: that gives me "input/output error"06:48
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
Jordan_Uthurstylark: What is the exact command you ran?06:49
thurstylarkJordan_U: "sudoedit /media/[device id]/etc/interfaces"06:49
thurstylarkJordan_U: "sudoedit /media/[device id]/etc/networking/interfaces"06:50
Jordan_Uthurstylark: And what is the complete error message / output?06:51
Bluaoireisio, tried running gnome-session in TTY2. Cannot open display and 'child process exited with code 106:52
reisiophillustine: 'lo06:52
phillustineshort for hello?06:52
Bluaoireisio if i can't use gnome that's fine, i just want to have access to my desktop back ^^06:52
reisio(hel)lo yes indeed06:52
thurstylarkJordan_U: "sudoedit: /media/[device id]/etc/networking/interfaces: Input/output error"06:53
phillustinenever seen that before.06:53
phillustineis this forum only for technical questions?06:53
reisioBluaoi: is nautilus running?06:53
reisiophillustine: as opposed to?06:53
phillustinei'm looking for a linux job.06:53
phillustinethought i might as well try everywhere.06:53
reisiophillustine: not here :)06:53
reisiophillustine: /msg alis list *job*06:54
phillustinealso: one never knows where one might find some life advice. :)06:54
reisiokrz: hi06:54
krzanyone used vim yadr before?06:54
reisiokrz: probably someone has06:54
aris_syup phillustine06:55
phillustinearis_s: thanks for the reference06:55
Jordan_Uthurstylark: So it never even opens a text editor?06:55
somsip_krz: maybe here? https://github.com/skwp/dotfiles/issues06:55
Bluaoireisio i did 'pidof nautilus' and got nothing in return, that's the only way i know to see if a process is running06:55
Bluaoisorry for being new06:55
thurstylarkJordan_U: nope. It does the same thing if I try to cd into ../etc/ or further06:56
aris_sphillustine, i don't know what do you talking about06:56
krzsomsip_, yea i installed it. but now what? how do i start using it?06:56
reisioBluaoi: run 'nautilus'06:56
phillustineoh sorry, i misread the msg06:56
phillustineit was from someone else06:56
somsip_krz: It' snot the sort of thing that's supported here. The instruction and the help forum are on github06:56
thurstylarkJordan_U:etc doesn't even show up until I do "sudo ls" or do ls as root06:56
aris_sphillustine, okey no problem. good luck06:56
Bluaoireisio window popped up that shows files, i could've clicked the 'Files' icon on the sidebar and gotten that06:57
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reisioBluaoi: and your desktop is still wonky?06:57
Bluaoiyep, i can navigate to the 'Desktop' folder and see all my stuff there, but nothing actually shows on my desktop06:58
Bluaoii cant right-click either06:58
BluaoiI can right-click and get stuff on the side and top bar, but the desktop is just a void except for my wallpaper06:59
reisioBluaoi: okay, you should be able to fix that from nautilus' prefs06:59
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Jordan_Uthurstylark: I had an extra 's' in the path, though that still shouldn't produce the symptoms you're seeing. Try "sudoedit /media/foo/etc/network/interfaces". Also, the UUID of the fileystem isn't something secret, so you might as well include it in your comments.06:59
Godricglowparam_ change apt.config file07:00
TKingPlease can someone help me here? I can't load to desktop? can't even see login screen just a blue screen like wallpaper after reboot. How can i reinstall ubuntu-desktop from grub or any fix?07:00
thurstylarkJordan_U: mmkay. I was just fuzzing it because it's long, and my IRC client is on a seperate machine.07:01
Bluaoireisio where do i do that?07:01
reisioBluaoi: it still has a menu, IIRC07:01
tskorte_TKing: Press ctrl+F1, log in, then run command sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop07:01
tskorte_*Press ctrl+alt+F107:01
Bluaoireisio if I click Files>Preferences i dont see anything that can remedy my desktop situation07:02
thurstylarkJordan_U: same result07:03
Jordan_Uthurstylark: What about "sudoedit /etc/fstab" as a test?07:03
thurstylarkJordan_U: that gets me an editor07:04
reisioBluaoi: check with the gnome-tweak-tool07:04
TKingtskorte_ thanks, but when i type the command it loads and return me to login07:05
Jordan_Uthurstylark: Odd, I'm not sure why it's not working with the other path. Getting back to the original issue, you should be able to run "gksudo gedit /media/foo/etc/network/interfaces" (or your preffered editor) but I like the fact that sudoedit doesn't run the editor itself as root.07:05
Bluaoireisio i turned 'Have file manager handle the desktop' to On and now my desktop is all Windows ME-ified... when i drag something it leaves an everlasting trail O_O07:06
thurstylarkJordan_U: if this helps at all, when I hit tab to autocomplete (like I do with long filepaths) the etc directory acts like a file instead of a directory i.e. it puts a space instead of a slash.07:06
tskorte_TKing: So after you log in and run the command a new login in prompt for a terminal is up, or is lightDM loading?07:06
reisioBluaoi: well that's another problem :p07:06
reisioBluaoi: try logging out and back in07:06
Bluaoireisio brb, and im uninstalling gnome after i get back on so i might be a while07:07
reisioheh, k07:07
TKingtskorte_ i dont see the login screen to enter user name07:07
Bluaoithanks a bunch man :)07:07
thurstylarkJordan_U: and that last command doesn't take at all. It doesn't open anything, or give any sort of message, it just gives me another $ prompt07:08
thurstylarkor whatever you call it :P07:08
* thurstylark is tires and frustrated07:09
TKingtskorte_ its installing now07:09
thurstylarkJordan_U: Any ideas or things to search for?07:17
TKingi used to see stuffs saved on desktop but after uninstalling gnome3-shell i can't right click or see items saved on desktop? please how do i resolve this07:18
Guest72069On startup I only see a single _07:19
=== histo_ is now known as histo
reisioTKing: that you bluaoi?07:21
histoGuest72069: startup of what?07:22
histo!details | Guest7206907:22
ubottuGuest72069: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:22
TKingreisio no07:23
Japexmashlol:^C2,11 Goatse Security raked in a record profit this year of ^B$0^B, to learn more join ^B#arab^B on ^Birc.arabs.ps^B07:23
Japexshmoon:^C10,0 Goatse Security raked in a record profit this year of ^B$0^B, to learn more join ^B#arab^B on ^Birc.arabs.ps^B07:23
JapexSmedles:^C4,9 Goatse Security raked in a record profit this year of ^B$0^B, to learn more join ^B#arab^B on ^Birc.arabs.ps^B07:23
Japexlahwran:^C0,1 Goatse Security raked in a record profit this year of ^B$0^B, to learn more join ^B#arab^B on ^Birc.arabs.ps^B07:23
JapexInv1s1ble:^C2,1 Goatse Security raked in a record profit this year of ^B$0^B, to learn more join ^B#arab^B on ^Birc.arabs.ps^B07:23
FloodBot1Japex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:23
reisioTKing: mmm, you and he have the same problem, kind of07:23
reisioTKing: reinstalling ubuntu-desktop would probably take care of it in your case07:24
histoTKing: files should be in /home/tking/Desktop/07:26
histoTKing: check out your lightdm log files and /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:26
TKingreisio, i wasn't able to boot to desktop but07:27
TKingreisio, so i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop using ctrl+alr+f1 to go terminal and installed it07:27
TKinghisto how do i check the logfiles and set things to lightdm07:28
manoloHi ! Does somebody use Hotot ?  Couldn't connect, upgraded it, and it still doesn't work.07:28
histoTKing: it should be set to lightdm unless you changed the default login manager to something like gdm,kdm, or slim07:28
histoTKing: /var/log/lightdm.log or /var/log/lightdm/.... I'm not ubuntu now to check but should be in there.07:29
TKinghisto i changed it to gdm when installing gnome-shell but now i removed gnome07:29
TKingneed the prompt to reset things to lightdm07:29
histoTKing: well look at gdm's logs then07:29
Guest72069What are the best AMD drivers?07:30
reisiokaushal: hi07:30
histoTKing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm07:31
histo!ati | Guest7206907:31
ubottuGuest72069: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:31
thurstylarkI have a server, and I messed too much with the interfaces file and now I cannot connect to it. I need to access the interfaces file from another machine with the root drive hooked up as an external drive. I can mount the drive, but I cannot access the etc directory. everything I do results in a "Input/output error" can anyone help?07:31
histothurstylark: how do you have it mounted?07:31
histothurstylark: sudo mount /dev/of/external /to/some/path/user/has/write/to07:32
thurstylarkhisto: how: ubuntu mounted it automatically. Where: /media/[device id]/07:33
TKinghisto done sudo reconfigure lightdm and rebooted pc to see if it works? didn't work07:33
histothurstylark: check your cable you shoulnd't be getting IO errors07:33
histoTKing: you could do that or figure out why GDM isn't working.07:33
histoTKing: at the login screen make sure you select the proper session of unity or gnome-shell or whatever DE you are using now.07:34
kaushalI have installed unity-pidgin-lens on ubuntu 13.04. Any clue on how to use it in dash?07:35
thurstylarkhisto: mmkay07:35
histothurstylark: where are you seeing io errors in dmesg?07:36
TKinghisto am wanting to use lightdm not gdm though? so i still need to check why GDM is not working right even if i do not need it?07:36
TKinghisto my login screen has not options to be selected07:37
thurstylarkhisto: I try to run "sudoedit /media/[device id]/etc/networking/interfaces" in a terminal07:38
TKinghisto i have gone to select all ppa in software updates and done sudo upgrade  and its loading about 174mb space needed07:38
djaporunning the dd command with no arguments does no harm right, acidently ran it in my etc/pam.d directory ... worried07:39
histothrasher194: okay well edit isn't a command sudo nano /media/wherever/etc/network/inerfaces07:39
histoTKing: No don't figure out why gdm isn't working if you aren't going to use it. Did lightdm come up to the login screen?07:40
shadowmancerHey all, so I think to save on typing here is my issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work, I was here last night and still fighting it07:41
TKinghisto yes lightdm came up with login screen, also i noticed when i opened a folder all the icons for folders by the left are not displayed correctly like the icon image is missing a black icon with red * in the middle to represent i con of Home, Documents, Music, Computer folders etc07:42
histoshadowmancer: md5sum your installation media and your downloaded iso.07:43
histoTKing: So it logs into desktop what are you trying to fix now?  I'm confused by the issue changing.07:43
shadowmancerhisto: might if I ask how would I do that on the live disk07:45
TKinghisto i can see everything on my computer but normally, i have folders saved on my desktop?  but when i boot i cant see them no more and i can not right click on the desktop07:45
histo!md5sum | shadowmancer07:46
ubottushadowmancer: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:46
TKinghisto while its possible to browse to folders from file icon close to Unity Icon, i want to easily see things on my desktop when all windows are minimized and i can right click? that is my issue07:46
Nafishhow can i find a text in vi editor when i am in server?07:46
histoTKing: so nautilus is not working?  Nautilus should be what controls the desktop unless they switched to some other file manager. Do your files still exist in /home/username/Desktop ???07:46
histoNafish: /07:47
TKinghisto yes my files exist there07:47
Nafishthanks histo07:47
histoTKing: ps aux | grep nautilus07:48
manoloOk, so Turpial AND Hotot can't connect. Sad day for twitter clients :/07:49
AD7sixHi, after just reinstalling 13.04 - I find that when I switch my monitors from 3 mirrors to 3 individual monitors the launcher and menu bar of unity disappears (infact all menu bars disappear). It looks like this http://ad7six.com/dump/unity-borked.png. This didn't happen when I upgraded from 12.04->12.10->13.04 previously. I've already tried `unity --distro` and deleting config files - the best this achieves is giving me 3 mirrored monitors. Where ...07:49
AD7six... should I look to correct this error?07:49
histoTKing: or open a terminal and "nautilus &"  see if that brings your icons back07:50
histoAD7six: possible resolution issue when this is happening?  like stuff being of off the screen?  Try seeing what xrandr is showing as your output res when it happens07:50
kaushalreisio: hi07:51
kaushalAny clue to my query "have installed unity-pidgin-lens on ubuntu 13.04. Any clue on how to use it in dash?07:51
histoTKing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84908907:52
TKinghisto ps aux | grep nautilus  output - 2569 0.0  0.0  13632 pts/1 S+ 08:49 0:00 grep --color=auto nautilus and nautilus & brought the icons proper07:52
TKinghisto only probs now is right clicking on desktop doesn't work and i cant see stuffs on the desktop except i go to /home/username/desktop07:53
diverdudeI can set jumboframes on my NIC using /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 8192 but when i restart it has reset to 1500. How do i keep it between restarts?07:54
CalimeroTekniksay, can one use scripts or something to make ubuntu packages?07:55
sIRwa2can anyone shed some insight on these weird characters? cp: cannot stat â/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pangoâ: No such file or directory07:56
arminCalimeroTeknik: there's some package with tools in debian that will make this super easy for you.07:56
Name141When should and shouldn't I have backports on ?07:56
CalimeroTeknikit's more "reproducible" that I'm looking for07:56
CalimeroTeknikwrite a package recipe07:56
CalimeroTeknikand reuse it for next version07:56
CalimeroTeknikor to build for different architectures07:57
CalimeroTeknikwhat would be the name of the package to do something like this, if any? (if none I'll just make package building scripts)07:58
AD7sixhisto: xrandr shows me exactly what I expect to see - there's nothing offscreen07:58
espartacoque tal estais ?07:58
CalimeroTeknikin fact the ubuntu wiki seems to point that there is some repository for contributing packages to ubuntu07:59
CalimeroTeknikhowever it seems so over-engineered08:01
CalimeroTeknikis it deb-helper you meant to talk about, armin?08:02
shadowmancerhisto: both seem to match the checksums08:02
AD7sixnow.. my tty7 is just a blinking cursor - wooty08:02
CalimeroTeknikcompletely normal I'd say08:02
CalimeroTeknikmost distributions have login shells on ttys 1 to 608:03
CalimeroTeknikand nothing on others08:03
arminCalimeroTeknik: devscripts08:04
arminCalimeroTeknik: includes rmadison, debuild and stuff like that.08:05
CalimeroTeknikbut I only need something like makepkg08:05
CalimeroTeknikwhy all that stuff?08:05
arminCalimeroTeknik: if you know it fits your needs, carry on. no worries.08:06
CalimeroTeknikwait, makepkg is for arch linux08:06
CalimeroTeknikI'd like to know how to make ubuntu packages ^^08:06
llutz!packaging | CalimeroTeknik08:06
ubottuCalimeroTeknik: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring08:06
broMonrrHelp, Startup DIsk creator does not work on 13.04 , so how do I install 12.04 LTS if I can not create a USB boot drive with the ISO file? also I am not the only one getting the Erno5 error in out08:07
CalimeroTeknikI've precisely read that08:07
CalimeroTeknikthere is nothing like a package recipe files in these pages08:07
CalimeroTeknikI don't understand even, *what* they say to push to a bzr repo08:07
CalimeroTeknikbinary package files??08:07
CalimeroTeknikthat'd be huge!08:07
broMonrralso 13.04 is running like a thousand daemons at once and killing my machine , how do i dtop this monster?08:09
CalimeroTeknikuse another distro, ubuntu is like that08:10
broMonrrcan not change distro if can not creat a usb start up disk08:10
k1l_broMonrr: no need to change the distro o_O08:10
broMonrryes 13.04 is hell on earth08:11
k1l_broMonrr: if your system is quite old or slow you can try another more lightmweight desktop like lxde (lubuntu)08:11
broMonrrk1l_: can not change distro because 13.04 will not Satrtup Disk Creator dont work08:12
broMonrrhow to change to lxde ?08:12
CalimeroTeknikwhat are the specs of your machine?08:12
k1l_broMonrr: you could install the metapackage: lubuntu-desktop08:12
Name141er oops08:12
k1l_and then choose lubuntu (lxde) on the loginscreen08:12
broMonrrName141: how to lubuntu?08:12
CalimeroTeknikwhat are the specs of your machine? > broMonrr08:13
broMonrrName141: your rambling incoherently08:13
aladdinheyyoo! anyone tried installing steam and played games on it? how did you feel and go? :)08:13
broMonrrCalimeroTeknik: not sure , its a little Samsung Netbook08:13
tskorte_aladdin: Just awesome08:14
broMonrrCalimeroTeknik: not much under the hood may be the prob with 13.04 not sure but i hate this distro for sure08:14
CalimeroTeknikrun lscpu;free -m and paste the output broMonrr08:14
CalimeroTeknikadd the output of df -h to that08:14
tskorte_aladdin: I don't really play much but I <3 the love Linux is getting from Valve08:14
Name141broMonrr: yes, my typing is rambling incoherently.08:14
aladdintskorte_: did you install through software centre or through a command line?08:14
Jordan_Uthurstylark: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"? Can you also try "gksudo gedit" alone, then open the file from Gedit's menus?08:14
k1l_broMonrr: 13.04 is running fine on my 1st gen atom samsung netbook08:14
tskorte_aladdin: Software center08:14
broMonrrArchitecture:          x86_6408:15
broMonrrCPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit08:15
broMonrrByte Order:            Little Endian08:15
broMonrrCPU(s):                208:15
broMonrrOn-line CPU(s) list:   0,108:15
FloodBot1broMonrr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
broMonrrThread(s) per core:    108:15
aladdintskorte_: ok, i wanna give a shot to Portal 2. Mind teasing game. what is "<3"08:15
k1l_broMonrr: use a pastebin :/08:15
CalimeroTeknikI said pastebin, broMonrr08:16
CalimeroTeknikgotta watch for newbies here… not on archlinux chans anymore x.o08:17
broMonrrsorry guys I dont even know what paste bin is so i need to just go buy a mac book and be done with this madness08:17
Jordan_UbroMonrr: If you want to post something more than one line, post it to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com then give us just the link.08:17
reisiobest reason ever to buy a mac08:17
k1l_broMonrr: stop that nonsense ranting and flaming08:17
tskorte_aladdin: Good luck, it'll probably be awesome. Hehe, "<3" is according to my niece a way of displaying love.08:17
thurstylarkJordan_U: I've been talking with someone else, and checked my connections, and he lead me to do fsck08:17
tskorte_Get a mac and install Ubuntu :D08:18
thurstylarkJordan_U: turns out I had a lot of errors08:18
reisiobroMonrr: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu08:18
CalimeroTeknikdoesn't understand what pastebin is → buys a mac? what kild of logic is that08:18
SinnerNyxfrom command line if I do "mv .* /dest/" it tries to copy "." and "..". How can I specify to copy all hidden files not including "." and ".."?08:18
Jordan_UPlease everyone stop with the offtopic chatter and keep things to support.08:18
histobroMonrr: dd if=some.iso of=/dev/of/usb08:18
CalimeroTeknikSinnerNyx, there is an imperfect solution to this; it's .??*08:19
diverdudeWhy is MTU (seen via ifconfig) set to 16436 when i in /etc/network/interfaces have specified it to 8192 like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757486/ ?08:19
CalimeroTeknikdoesn't copy .a08:19
=== multiply is now known as Multiply
SinnerNyxCalimeroTeknik: I guess that's good enough for me.08:19
SinnerNyxthanks CalimeroTeknik08:19
histoSinnerNyx: find . -typef -iname '.*' -exec mv {} /dest +08:20
CalimeroTeknikhisto, does that not find . and .. ?08:20
aladdintskorte_: aha, she is smart :). did you go throug update process as well? it bugs me a lot with an update and fails to update. maybe it is because of worst internet connection all around australia hehe08:20
Jordan_UbroMonrr: Be *very* careful with dd, as it will completely wipe whatever device you pass so you want to be sure you don't accidentally pass your internal hard drive or something else which still has data you want.08:21
histoCalimeroTeknik: SinnerNyx yeah if you "-type f" i typoed it up earlier08:21
tskorte_aladdin: Yah, the update part bugged a lot. Got these "No network connection"-type errors. I just clicked "ok" and Steam was working :)08:21
CalimeroTeknikah indeed. only files then, not folders08:21
Jordan_Uhisto: Please always accompany dd commands (and possibly dangerous commands in general) with a warning.08:21
kuprasethi yall08:22
tskorte_broMonrr: Find your usb disk first with lsblk. Then check it again with lsblk /dev/<your usb device> to make sure you've got the right one.08:22
broMonrrlook , if someone want to be an Ubuntu pro , answer this, why is it that so many people are having this In/Out error with usb Startup Disk Creator essentially making it impossible to create a USB boot drive with any other distro from within 13.04 ? simple question yes?08:22
kuprasethas anyone problems with playing urban terror on ubuntu?08:22
histo!usb | broMonrr08:22
ubottubroMonrr: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:22
histobroMonrr: not too many people having issues. I don't use startup disk creator as you can just use dd as mentioned being carefull.08:23
broMonrrhisto: no way , i have spent all day on line reseaching this issue and no one knows what is going on .08:23
broMonrrhisto: have no idea what dd means08:23
broMonrrhow to change from 13.04 to lubuntu from within 13.04 is we can not create a iso boot usb ?08:24
histobroMonrr: Please read the link from ubottu about the "proper" directions for creating a usb installation media08:24
histobroMonrr: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop08:24
k1l_broMonrr: again: isntall the lubuntu-desktop package08:24
k1l_broMonrr: if you dont listen to the answers and just want to rant in here stop asking08:24
broMonrrk1l_: OH OK08:24
broMonrrso i type that into the teminal and get lubuntu ?08:25
CalimeroTeknikyeah, it's packages08:25
k1l_you will get the more lightweight lubuntu desktop, yes08:25
CalimeroTeknikhowever it being a netbook I assume you have a single-core 1.6GHz proc and 1G ram08:25
CalimeroTeknikubuntu isn't quite the thing for such machines08:25
broMonrrhisto: hey man , i am serious , i read all that stuff already and lots of people getting this In/Out error not due to RAM but they seem to think thats its a RAM issue when its not .08:25
broMonrrCalimeroTeknik: i guess, maybe like 1.6 RAM or something08:26
aladdintskorte_: yeah. cool. went okay this time. cheers08:26
histobroMonrr: if you are getting IO errors it's probably due to an issue with your device... e.g. it's going bad08:26
tskorte_aladdin: Sweet, enjoy :)08:26
k1l_CalimeroTeknik: stop that! ubuntu 13.04 runs fine on my 1st gen atom netbook08:26
CalimeroTeknikbroMonrr, this is nonsense, what is 1.6 ram ?08:26
broMonrrCalimeroTeknik: its what i thought man sorry08:26
CalimeroTeknikokay but explain, what is 1.6 ram ?08:27
Jordan_UbroMonrr: Please run "dmesg" in a terminal, copy and paste the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, and post the link to the output here.08:27
broMonrrCalimeroTeknik: let me try this lubuntu, Hope my netbook isnt going to pot08:27
histobroMonrr: that is fine for ubuntu... however for more perfomance you can run ubuntu with a lighter de like lxde or xfce.  lubuntu-desktop is lxde based xubuntu-desktop is xfce based. the choice is yours it's all free08:27
broMonrrJordan_U: sorry man i dont know paste bin.08:27
histobroMonrr: he just told you how to use it08:27
=== kriss__ is now known as Kriss3d
broMonrrhisto: ok cook then imma try that08:27
histobroMonrr: you could also sudo apt-get install pastebinit then just dmesg | pastebinit08:28
broMonrrhisto: quantum physics to me man08:28
broMonrrthanks again eyem out bbl i hope08:28
pwlodarzHi, I'm having problems with using pam_tally2 and gdm. Each time I switch a user on the login screen the failed login count gets up by 1, because gdm attempts nopasswdlogin. How can I prevent gdm from attempting to nopasswdlogin?08:29
TKingis it possible to rewind my ubuntu? just like system restore in windows? removing the gnome shell 3 fucked my ubuntu graphics is bad folders with many files drags when i scroll down08:30
Jordan_U!language | TKing08:30
ubottuTKing: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:30
histoTKing: just purge gnome-shell08:30
king_slayer*If you purge gnome-shell, you're going to have a bad time*08:30
callenI'm having problems with my upstart job in /etc/init, service/initctl/et al don't seem to see the job. status: Unknown job08:30
callenhttps://www.refheap.com/5471cb430dda4d0e426aa86ab this is the script, I don't see any relevant logs in /var/log/upstart either.08:31
histoking_slayer: he has unity installed08:31
TKinghist purge doesnt work08:31
callenis there something I've seriously misunderstood? I'm running service as root, the conf in /etc/init is owned by root:root08:31
histoTKing: Please describe your current issue... Let's take care of one at a time. You kept jumping all over the place earlier when I was helping you.08:32
TKinghisto, all issues are caused by install and removal of gnome-shell? i can not right click on desktop or see shortcuts on desktop08:33
Sefid_ParI have installed wrong version compat-drivers. The linux version is 3.8.0-22-generic but I installed compat-drivers-3.8.3-2; And now ubuntu does not boot in normal mode. How can I fix it?08:33
histoTKing: if you open a terminal and type in     nautilus &      is your desktop fixed?08:33
histoSefid_Par: boot in recover mode and remove the drivers08:33
coolstoriyofucking bastard!08:35
coolstoriyoI fucking hate this shitty os08:35
TKinghisto it is not fixed08:35
=== administrator is now known as Guest10552
Jordan_Uphillustine: Hi. Welcome to #ubuntu!08:45
phillustinein order that your msg comes up on my screen do you use the "/msg" function?08:46
bekksOnly for a private query.08:46
TKingplease cna someone help me check into this problem, i have explained in details? i cant right click on desktop http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757527/08:46
Guest10552have  xubuntu 12.04 nvidia drivers and no sound via hdmi kernel 3.2.08:46
boytoyHi, what does kill -USR1 and kill -USR2 do?08:46
bekksphillustine: In here, just put the name of the person you want to address in front of what you want to write to him/her.08:46
phillustinebekks so08:47
phillustinebekks and that popped up on your screen08:47
ActionParsnipboytoy: check the man page for kill08:47
boytoyActionParsnip: I don't have access to it, I tried searching for it online08:47
tskorte_I have this Asus EEEBox (1501P) with the ION2 chipset, I installed 13.04 and things are very slow. Is this due to the hardware of the box or is there perhaps a problem with the harddrive? (I've rund hd tests and they all went fine). Installed the Nvidia drivers as well.08:47
llutzboytoy: it sends those signals (USR1/2) to the process08:48
bekksphillustine: It didnt pop up, but it was displayed hilighted, in the normal flow of this channel, so I noticed it.08:48
boytoyllutz: Interesting08:48
ActionParsnipGuest33987: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload08:48
phillustineaha. because it popped up on my screen?08:48
phillustinebekks: do you work in any ubuntu capacity?08:48
boytoyllutz: So those signals are only understood by the process then and has nothing to do with the kill or the OS?08:48
llutzboytoy: i.e. if you send USR1 to a running dd-process, it answers with a status output08:48
bekksphillustine: No.08:48
ActionParsnipboytoy: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?kill    you have access, the man pages are available online....08:48
phillustinebekks: just a fan08:48
ActionParsnipboytoy: not thought of that?08:48
boytoyActionParsnip: thank you08:49
llutzboytoy: well, not every process understands all those signals. so yes, its mainly process-dependend08:49
boytoygreat, awesome08:49
mac_hy all.. i have some sys crash.. only known issue is -> cant run gpart.. after password check.. nothing happens08:50
llutzboytoy: kill -HUP   ... forces some processes to reread configs etc.pp. no general rule for those i guess08:50
mac_please help08:50
boytoyllutz: hmm yeah..08:51
histoTKing: have you removed the ppa and installed ubuntu-desktop meta package?08:52
histo!ppa | TKing08:52
TkingActionParsnip, please can you look into this http://paste.ubuntu.com/575752708:52
ubottuTKing: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:52
histoTking: there is a reason ppa's aren't supported. it could have installed newer versions of certain software that is causing issues.08:53
phillustinebekks: why does your handle appear in a different colour to the rest?08:53
histophillustine: did he highlight your name?08:54
bekksphillustine: Because I am hilighting you :)08:54
bekksCompare it to this post.08:54
ActionParsnipTking: I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer08:54
phillustinebekks: how does that work?08:54
mac_hy all.. i have some sys crash.. only known issue is -> cant run gpart.. after password check.. nothing happens - > please 4 prvt msg08:54
histo!repeat | mac_08:55
ubottumac_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:55
bekksphillustine: Your client knows what your nickname is, and hilight everything that is addressed to you.08:55
ActionParsnipt_kjaergaard: you have added a 3rd party package source to your OS, what do you expect. Why not stick with the packages intended for your OS which are known to work....?08:55
histomac_: after password check where?08:55
phillustinebekks: me sees now.08:55
histoand wth is "some sys crash..."08:55
phillustinehisto: thanks.08:55
t_kjaergaardActionParsnip: Huh?08:56
ActionParsnipt_kjaergaard: wrong target, sorry08:56
ActionParsnipTKing:  you have added a 3rd party package source to your OS, what do you expect. Why not stick with the packages intended for your OS which are known to work....?08:56
t_kjaergaardActionParsnip: np :)08:56
broMonrrcan onyone see that08:56
broMonrrthat is my issue right there08:57
histobroMonrr: yes we can see it08:57
broMonrrwhen i tried to format my usb to FAT 32 it created this08:57
Jordan_UTKing: ppa-purge might help you.08:57
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: what are you trying to do?08:57
Jordan_U!ppa-purge | TKing08:57
ubottuTKing: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html08:57
histobroMonrr: is this a wubi install?08:57
MonkeyDustwubi :(08:57
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: what causes the exception?08:57
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: +108:57
broMonrrActionParsnip: that did that by itself , i just formatted the usb in preparation to create a bootable usb using Starupdisk Creator08:58
histobroMonrr: that looks like you have the usb installer mounted.. I though you were trying to fix your drive?08:58
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?08:58
broMonrrno i am trying to create a 12.04 distro install usb and it put those folders on there why ?08:58
broMonrrwhy did Ubuntu put those folderso on my usb drive08:58
broMonrrboot /casper etc/...08:58
Jordan_UbroMonrr: Could you please run "dmesg" in a terminal and pastebin the output?08:58
k1l_broMonrr: that is needed for the live-usb-system to work.08:59
TKingJoran_U can u give example of ppa-purge? is it like ppa ubuntu-name.com/subdirectory09:00
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: try using unetbootin, those files you see are what makes the liveUSB work09:00
Jordan_UTKing: The link from ubottu includes examples.09:00
TKingActionParnship? there is nothing like restore to older date in Ubuntu?09:00
broMonrrActionParsnip: can i use unetbootin in Ubuntu 13.04?09:01
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=== jagger|away is now known as jagger
MonkeyDustbroMonrr  you can use it to install 13.0409:01
ActionParsnipTKing: the link in your pastebin has a section called "Uninstalling Gnome 3.8"  did you see it09:01
broMonrrMonkeyDust:  i think thats what i already did09:01
phillustineDoes anyone here use their Ubuntu knowledge in any professional capacity?09:01
ActionParsnipTKing: its all there for you?09:01
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: yes it is in the repos09:02
MonkeyDustbroMonrr  havent followed, what's the issue?09:02
ActionParsnip!info unetbootin | broMonrr09:02
ubottubroMonrr: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 575-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 281 kB, installed size 834 kB09:02
histobroMonrr: [  108.574963] attempt to access beyond end of device  this is an issue09:02
broMonrri am simply trying to create a bootable usb drive hre with 12.04 LTS on it and no i never did MD5 my iso09:02
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: you should otherwise yuo have no way of knowing if the file is complete and consistant09:02
Anonehey guys09:02
mac_freezed :(09:02
histobroMonrr: well md5sum /path/to/some/ubuntu.iso09:02
broMonrrhow to MD5 my 12.04 iso and how to download a new good one from whre is best ?09:03
shadowmancerhmmm just going to kinda bump my http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work?noredirect=1#comment386867_307163, which to add also confirmed my md5 hash09:03
histo!md5sum | broMonrr09:03
ubottubroMonrr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:03
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: the source doesnt matter in any way, as long as the hash matches then it is fine09:03
histobroMonrr: I also would use unetbootin if you are unfamiliar with dd.. This ofcourse after verifying your iso with md5sum09:03
broMonrrwhat is good link for 12.04 lts dl ?09:03
Agd_ScorpI need some serious help.09:03
Agd_ScorpbronMonrr, please09:03
ActionParsnipbroMonrr: you could download it from the dirtiest warez site youcan find, if the hash is identical then it is as good as one downloaded from an official source09:04
Agd_ScorpI need help09:04
Agd_ScorpAnone, please09:04
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
Agd_ScorpActionParsnip, please man.09:04
Agd_ScorpI need help really fast.09:04
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: try details rather than spamming the channel with garbage09:04
Agd_Scorpcan you all stop everything for a moment and help me?09:04
Agd_Scorpok so09:04
Agd_Scorpmy wifi09:04
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp:  whats the question09:04
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: use one line and give as many details as possible09:04
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  start with a question and wait09:04
Jordan_UAgd_Scorp: Nobody is going to stop everything they're doing to help you. The best way to get a quick and useful response is to ask a good question.09:05
Agd_Scorpmy wifi is not working.09:05
k1l_!details | Agd_Scorp09:05
ubottuAgd_Scorp: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:05
MonkeyDust!details | Agd_Scorp09:05
Agd_ScorpMy wifi was working perfectly a few days ago, now it stopped.09:05
Agd_Scorpwlan0 is disabled09:05
Agd_Scorpi did "rfkill unblock all"09:05
Agd_Scorpbut it still shows me this:09:05
Agd_Scorproot@bt:~# rfkill list09:05
Agd_Scorp0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN09:05
Agd_ScorpSoft blocked: no09:05
Agd_ScorpHard blocked: yes09:05
Agd_Scorp1: hp-bluetooth: Bluetooth09:05
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
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Agd_Scorpwhy is everyone so quiet now09:06
Jordan_UAgd_Scorp: Please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com for anything more than one line.09:06
reisioAgd_Scorp: 5am09:06
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: please use a pastebin for multiple lines09:07
Agd_Scorpsorry for the nuisance09:07
Agd_Scorpi will paste09:07
MonkeyDust!wifi | Agd_Scorp and read this09:07
ubottuAgd_Scorp and read this: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:07
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: also add the output of:  cat /etc/issue; lsb_release -a; uname -a09:07
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: note the host name ;)09:07
sIRwa2i have a paste that i like someone to look at. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757437/09:07
oddie-hello all, Anyone know a nice easy way to clean up /boot. I cannot install the latest update as it is full09:08
Agd_Scorpproblem: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5757561/09:08
shadowmancerany thoughts as to my issue guys?09:08
Agd_ScorpActionParsnip: please see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5757561/09:08
reisiooddie-: what've you got in there?09:09
Jordan_Uoddie-: Uninstall old kernel packages. Why do you have a separate /boot/ partition at all?09:09
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  it's backtrack, that's not supported here09:09
Agd_Scorpbacktrack runs ubuntu09:09
oddie-thx all09:09
Agd_Scorpand i am in #ubuntu09:09
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  type /join #backtrack-linux09:09
bekksAgd_Scorp: backtrack doesnt run ubuntu.09:09
Agd_Scorpnobody will help me in #backtrack-linux09:09
Agd_Scorpits outdated now09:09
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp:  backtrack isn't ubuntu, it has similarities but is not ubuntu09:09
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: backtrack is not supported here. Lucid is also EOL on the desktop so using it is a futile exercise09:10
tskorte_Agd_Scorp: Try rfkill unblock all09:10
Agd_Scorptskorte_, i did09:10
DJonesAgd_Scorp: Backtrack isn't a supported version of Ubuntu, its only supported in its own channel09:10
Agd_Scorpit doesn't work09:10
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: #backtrack-linux will support you09:10
Agd_Scorp* #backtrack-linux :Cannot send to channel09:10
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  wrong channel09:10
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: you aren't using ubuntu, so not supported here09:10
Agd_Scorp#backtrack-linux is closed.09:10
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: then ask in #freenode for why09:10
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: ubuntu is based on Debian, but if you ask for ubuntu support in #debian you will be supported here09:11
Agd_Scorpbut any idea09:11
DJonesAgd_Scorp: Please join #freenode to find out how you can connect and talk in the backtrack channel09:11
Agd_Scorphow can i fix this09:11
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: you are CLEARY new to the OS so why not start with a distro with a bit more support and uses the OS right, at least ti you become familiar with the OS09:11
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  consider installing ubuntu, instead of backtrack, you'll get much more support09:11
broMonrrso I just decided to download a new iso for 12.04 lts. and do i still need to do a md5 sum on it anyway ? everytime i gotta do this ? in terminal i type the command for md5 sum and the path to the iso and it will tell me the sum, but then what ? what do i compare the sum to? am still confused sue to lack of understanding09:11
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: you aren't supported here09:11
DJonesAgd_Scorp: Please stop asking here, this channel only deals with support queries for the official versions of Ubuntu09:11
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  and ubuntu is more userfriendly than backtrack09:12
Jordan_U!md5sums | broMonrr09:12
ubottubroMonrr: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.09:12
histoAgd_Scorp: do you have a physical switch to disable/enable wifi?09:13
broMonrrJordan_U: everytime you post that link i click it and it opens a blank abiword document on my desktop , i am confused more now09:13
Agd_Scorphisto; nope.09:13
histoAgd_Scorp: rfkill unlbock 009:13
ActionParsniphisto: please support in PM if you must09:14
histoAgd_Scorp: /join #kali-linux09:14
shadowmanceranyone have any generalized solutions for when kernel panic init not found issue occurs as described http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work09:14
Agd_Scorphisto; please come to #kali-linux so we can talk there.09:14
histo!md5sum | shadowmancer09:14
ubottushadowmancer: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:14
Agd_Scorphisto; http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5757561/09:14
histoAgd_Scorp: I'm already there09:14
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  backtrack-linux, kali-linux, now really.....09:14
Jordan_UbroMonrr: I have no idea why that's happening, but you can always copy and paste the URL into the browser.09:14
shadowmancerubottu: been there and confirmed the md5 is right09:14
broMonrrJordan_U: maybe becausee i got a download going on . i cant click links on here anymore they open this abiword thing09:15
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: I suggest you install precise, you will benefit from the huge Ubuntu community rather than the tiny backtrack one09:15
Jordan_UbroMonrr: Let's stick with one problem at a time. Just copy and paste the URL into your browser to work around that issue for now.09:16
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: I was right :)09:17
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  you're the greatest!09:18
SteveBellmorning, I'm trying to setup shared access to an ex hdd I have connected to ubuntu. so I installed samba and enabled folder sharing in the file manager for that drive. trying to access that drive from os x results in: I can copy files from that drive. I can play them (so access is fine) but I can't delete them from OS X. it says the file would be in use. any ideas what I can do about that?09:18
shadowmancerthis issue is kinda getting me bummed cause i've never had an issue with a ubuntu distro yet, and now i can't even run it, and this laptop is a backup which had windows fall over and die and i thought ubuntu would save it09:18
Agd_Scorpshadowmancer; breath, bro, breath.09:19
datahi, i have a problem with mouse cursors in gtk applications, or so I currently think. They just don't appear, only in certain kinds of applications. T I have changed cursor themes and am at a loss09:19
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp: coming from the dude who kept single lining, flooding the place, and freaking out going i need this solved now and all this stuff :P09:19
mac_hy all.. my gnome looks like ubuntu 2d panel... any ideas?09:19
mac_plase prvt msg me09:20
SteveBellalso I can copy files over to the target drive fine as well. so all that'S missing to make me happy is the ability to delete files on the target drive from OS X.09:20
Agd_Scorpshadowmancer; I'm going on a vacation, so my problem had to be solved.09:20
Kartagissusundberg:  at last I was able to reinstall ubuntu (suigeneris here)09:21
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp:  and I have been working at this issue for 3 days, have next to no computer except for the fact that I am using a live usb, and have a 500gig hdd which is essentially just storage as I can't use it with ubuntu. I can technically do my studies on it, but I would like to not rely on the usb09:22
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: its still not supported here09:22
broMonrrJordan_U: so when i go to do step 2 , from my terminal within the Download directory , the command that i run is "md5sum ubuntu-whatever distro.iso" ? is this correct or is the exaample provided corect ?09:22
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp: I am not being condescending or saying your issue is smaller then mine09:22
SteveBellscratch that. just managed to delete a file. so all seems to be fine. sry for the noise.09:22
shadowmancerAgd_Scorp: I am just saying that we all have issues09:22
ActionParsnipshadowmancer: none here :)09:22
aladdinpossible to remove movie player? and how to? i did sudo remove pkg movie player09:22
shadowmancerActionParsnip: hahaha well I was being philosophical smarty pants :P09:23
SteveBellcorrection: this is a little flakey. could delete one file but not another. so maybe a rights issue?09:23
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: I suggest you wipe out what you have and do a clean install of Ubuntu 12.04 i is LTS and supported til April 2017, it will also give you ful Ubuntu community support09:23
Jordan_UbroMonrr: You run "md5sum name-of-iso-file.iso"09:23
mac_can any1 please help me out over my ubuntu 12.04 lts?09:23
DJonesmac_: Just explaion your problem in details in the channel, that way you get the benefit of multiple users able to offer help and if its a problem affecting more than just you, others can learn as well09:23
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: why did you install backtrack?09:23
broMonrrJordan_U: ok09:23
mac_my gnome 3 looks like ubuntu 2d panel09:23
tskorte_aladdin: sudo apt-get autoremove movie player09:24
phillustineDoes anyone work in any Ubuntu-ing capacity?09:24
Agd_ScorpActioParsnip; pentesting stuff09:24
ActionParsnipmac_: can you give a screenshot please, use imageshack or similar to make a URL of the image09:24
broMonrrJordan_U: am downloading a new iso from verified link now09:24
mac_i dont know how...09:24
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: I see, then you will still need to ask in the backtrack / kali / whatever channels09:24
ActionParsnipmac_: how do you do it in Windows?09:24
aladdintskorte_: noah, did not work09:25
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  you're not in the right channel for support09:25
Jordan_UbroMonrr: Was the md5sum of the old iso incorrect or did you not check it?09:25
mac_i dont use windows09:25
ActionParsnipmac_: or in MacOS...print screen button on the keyboard...?09:25
mac_can u please prvt msg me? cant afford to miss the instructions09:25
tskorte_aladdin: what movie player is it?09:25
Simson-sanhey, I accidently removed the first 8MB Sectors of one of my harddrives in my server that was configured with LVM2. So the LVM Header and Partitiontable is removed I think. Is there a way to recover the LVM and Partition? I know exactly how the LVM and Partitions was configured and i have the lvm backups in /etc/lvm/backup and /etc/lvm/archives . I hope someone here can help me :-)09:26
ActionParsnipmac_: I will highlight you09:26
Jordan_Umac_: You can use "/lastlog mac_" to display all messages that have been sent to or from you, if you have a decent client.09:26
aladdintskorte_: the default on09:26
shadowmancernot wanting to sound critical to any of my other channel goers, but it seems alot of people here are making things unneccessarily difficult, posting in wrong channel, asking for private messages when going on the channel is easier ... just an observation09:26
mac_did it work?09:27
ActionParsnipmac_: ok what is wrong with it?09:27
ActionParsnipmac_: yes, looks decent09:27
tskorte_aladdin: Have you tried to uninstall it from the software center?09:27
mac_it looks like a ubutnu 2d panel!09:27
ActionParsnipmac_: that's the classic session, what were you expecting?09:28
mac_gnome 309:28
Jordan_Umac_: You probably have driver problems preventing you from having proper 3D acceleration, and thus GNOME is falling back to gnome-fallback.09:28
mac_as i loged in09:28
Simson-sanplease send me a pm if you want help me ;-)09:28
ActionParsnipmac_: that is gnome3, its the classic session but it will be gnome 309:28
aladdintskorte_: hehe, it worked. i simply want to develop a habit of using command line to look coolish moolish09:28
ActionParsnipSimson-san: ask in here, more eyes = more answers09:28
joosseehow do i make ubuntu use a proprietary driver? amd with ati radeon ...?09:28
ActionParsnipmac_: Gnome3 has been the default for a while now09:28
mac_apt-get report no update09:29
ActionParsnipmac_: it may look like Gnome2 but its all using Gnome309:29
mac_additional driver, updated one driver..09:29
ActionParsnipmac_: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue09:29
Agd_Scorpmac_: what's your problem?09:29
Agd_ScorpActionParsnip, do you believe in God?09:29
mac_\n \l09:29
Simson-sanActionParsnip, have already asked but noone answered...09:30
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: that is offtopic here09:30
mac_Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l09:30
ActionParsnipSimson-san: give it a little while, then reask09:30
tskorte_aladdin: Hahaha, know the feeling ;)09:30
ActionParsnip!info gnome-session precise | mac_09:30
Agd_ScorpDo you guys use Facebook?09:30
ubottumac_: gnome-session (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu8 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 205 kB09:30
Agd_Scorpmy account got disabled09:30
Agd_Scorpby facebook since09:31
Agd_Scorpi found a sqli-vuln09:31
Agd_Scorpon m.facebook.com09:31
Agd_Scorpthey got pissed09:31
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:31
ActionParsnipmac_: gnome 3.2.1 in precise09:31
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  facebook is offtopic here09:31
mac_ubottu what?09:31
ubottumac_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
Agd_ScorpMonkeyDust: who is the creator/main developer of Ubuntu?09:31
aladdintskorte_: it is actually sudo apt-get remove totem (this is the name of the movie player)09:31
Jordan_UAgd_Scorp: This channel is *only* for Ubuntu support. Please stop with the offtopic comments. This is your last warning.09:31
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  please, you're not in the right channel09:31
ActionParsnipmac_: if you are missing the Unity shell, log off and change session to Ubuntu (use the ubuntu logo near your username)09:31
mac_and than?09:32
tskorte_aladdin: I suspected that, 'autoremove' removes all the dependencies as well. That's why it didn't work :)09:32
MonkeyDustAgd_Scorp  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of questions09:32
joosseehow do i make ubuntu use a proprietary driver? amd with ati radeon ...? i have the driver ibstalled but it says "this driver is activated but not currently in use"..?09:33
joossee64 bit AMD ubuntu 12.04 lts09:33
shadowmancerThis is my question http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work09:33
ActionParsnipjoossee: which radeon gpu?09:33
ActionParsnipjoossee: sudo lshw -C display    will show you if you are unsure09:34
mac_in ubuntu 3d09:34
shadowmancerwhoops sorry for repeat asking just actually read the code of conduct >.<09:34
shadowmancerI guess I just really am out of ideas09:36
ActionParsnipmac_: all ok now?09:36
ActionParsnipmac_: so what is the issue?09:36
mac_i need gnome as it was ..back.. :(09:37
histoshadowmancer: did you perform an md5sum yet of the iso and the installation media?09:37
phillustineDoes anyone here use Ubuntu in their job?09:37
Jordan_U!ot | phillustine09:37
ubottuphillustine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:37
shadowmancerhisto: just the installation media, and it seems to match if I checked it (did it by eye) didn't bother doing the iso as the installation media would I would assume match the iso09:38
phillustinetold off.09:38
AD7sixphillustine: a huge number of people do09:38
histoshadowmancer: true09:38
Agd_Scorpphillustine; meet the god, strangle the god.09:38
phillustinei'll go with my unwanted questions elsewhere09:38
histoshadowmancer: no idea I would try searching for your specific hardware on askubuntu or in the forums09:38
SteveBellwhen I change the folder access rights in file manager, should all subfolders be changed as well?09:38
histophillustine: /j #ubuntu-offtopic09:38
SteveBellI'm on 12.04 LTS09:39
histoSteveBell: not unless you tell it to.09:39
ActionParsnipmac_: how should it look then...maybe you could find an example online09:39
SteveBellhisto, how'd I do that?09:39
AD7six"Sorry, the application compiz has stopped unexpectedly" after submitting the crash report - can I see/find it somewhere?09:39
joosseeActionParsnip, product: Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320] and ty09:39
shadowmancerhisto: As well I have done both with the 32 and 64 bit build and the issue appears to still be consistent09:39
k1l_phillustine: this is a technical support channel. we have a social chat channel for noon technical questions. just use: #ubuntu-offtopic09:39
aladdintskorte_: okay mate :)09:39
histoshadowmancer: Yeah I read that.09:39
joosseeActionParsnip, its a zotac nano ad11 ..09:40
shadowmancerwhen it says it cannot locate the init file, does it mean initrd.img or does it mean a .conf script09:40
histoshadowmancer: is this a uefi system?09:40
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: It means PID 1, upstart, which is nothing like an initrd or a ".conf script".09:41
=== Simson-san is now known as Simson-san|away
mac_am... on the left.. upper corner.. there is "activities" button? black panel over the screen, roundet corners..09:41
shadowmancerhisto: Nope plain old BIOS09:42
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init09:42
mac_clock in the middle..09:42
=== Simson-san|away is now known as Simson-san
shadowmancerJordan_U: hmmm I thought that as well and tried directing it to sbin/init which it didnt agree with either, and as I said in my question, it doesn't seem to want to save the output to any log09:42
SteveBellwhen trying to change subfolders I see the message: "restricted to only sharing directories we own. ask the admin to add the line "usershare owner only = false" to the global section of the smb.conf"09:43
joosseeActionParsnip, the forums seem to say that the lightweight ubuntus work best...? i like lubuntu anyways09:43
shadowmancerJordan_U:  thanks for the link on the Init, never knew that, guess the more you know ey09:44
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: You're welcome.09:44
ActionParsnipjoossee: run the command I gave, what Radeon chip do you use?09:45
shadowmancerJordan_U: doesn't really solve my problem but useful info :P09:45
ActionParsnipmac_: ohhhh gnome shell?09:45
ActionParsnipmac_: then select that from the login screen, if you don't have it then reinstall the gnome-shell package09:45
mac_but now.. it looks like an ubuntu 2d.. can we try to fix that ?09:45
ActionParsnipmac_: why didn't you say gnome-shell ?09:46
mac_cuz.. i am newb?09:46
joosseeActionParsnip, Radeon HD 632009:46
mac_ActionParsnip, what to do?09:47
mac_and there is another kind of problem... no wi-fi?09:48
shadowmancerbeen reading through the grub2 documentation, and it gave me an idea09:48
mac_ActionParsnip, ?09:50
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AD7sixhmm that's interesting if I use only two monitors... unity does not crash09:50
Sefid_Parhisto: Would you guide me how to remove the drivers?09:50
ActionParsnipjoossee: under system settings you should see additional drivers, or try running jockey-gtk09:50
ActionParsnipmac_: instal the package then log off then log in to the gnome-shell session09:51
mac_help to do this?09:51
MonkeyDustmac_  logout, click on the ubuntu logo, change, login09:52
mac_will extensions remain?09:52
mac_i am inside ubuntu09:52
joosseeActionParsnip, "this driver is activated but not currently in use"09:53
mac_MonkeyDust, i am inside ubuntu shell09:54
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell09:54
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 269 kB, installed size 932 kB09:54
ActionParsnipmac_: sudo apt-get --renistall install gnome-shell09:54
ActionParsnipmac_: I have no idea about extensions09:54
ActionParsnipjoossee: reboot to apply09:55
mac_E: Command line option --renistall is not understood09:55
ActionParsnipjoossee: I assume you read the !ati factoid09:55
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AD7sixif I unplug one of my 3 monitors, and use the guest login - I automatically have 2 working monitors with two working launcer bar things. If I use all 3 monitors, when I login as guest there is a delay and it uses all 3 monitors as mirrors. Where could I fid the log file which would possibly/probably indicate why that is?09:55
ActionParsnipmac_: typo, --reinstall09:55
joosseeActionParsnip, know what/where is the factoid??09:55
DJonesmac_: Correct the typo in the command --reinstall09:55
AD7sixif after logging in with 3 monitors plugged i I choose to disable mirror displays - the launder disappers when the desktop redraws.09:56
ActionParsnip!ati | joossee09:56
ubottujoossee: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:56
mac_it is procesing...09:56
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mac_am.. and there is another kind of problem.. no wi-fi card? but i am sure laptop has a wi-fi09:57
ActionParsnipmac_: sudo lshw -C network     will show the wifi chip09:58
kensan_chunky monkey09:58
ActionParsnipmac_: if you log off and log in to the gnome-shell session09:58
haikongi can't install the gnome-shell extensions09:59
mac_got it in terminal09:59
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mac_going.. to try gnome10:00
ActionParsnipmac_: can you expand on that. Saying 'no-go' tells us nothing at all10:03
mac_gnome shell still looks like ubuntu 2d10:03
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ActionParsnipmac_: try presing ALT+F2 and run:  gnome-shell --replace10:03
AD7sixhmm.. .xsession-errors with 3 monitors plugged in gives some insight as to what's happening http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757699/10:04
mac_nothing happens on alt-f210:04
ActionParsnipmac_: or in a terminal10:04
mac_terminal ready.. what to put in?10:04
ActionParsnipmac_: the same command......10:05
mac_result is inside prvt msg.. sorry 4 it10:06
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية10:06
ActionParsnipmac_: use a pastebin and put the link in the channel10:06
simbrownCan anyone explain why a Precise 32 bit system (not PAE) only reports 2GB of RAM when 4 is installed?10:07
ActionParsnipsimbrown: do you use onboard video?10:07
simbrownBooting a 64bit build reports the correct amount.10:07
ActionParsnipsimbrown: can you pastebin the output of:  free -m; uname -a     Thanks10:08
simbrownno discrete Nvidia, but it's a low end card10:08
ActionParsnipsimbrown: can you make the pastebin please :)10:09
simbrownActionParsnip: Yes the box is booting10:09
ThothCastelif my hostname is server.procopio.local then my settings will be dc=server,dc=procopio,dc=local or dc=procopio,dc=local10:09
ThothCastelfor ldap configuration10:10
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mac_ActionParsnip, do u have a teamwiever?10:10
ActionParsnipmac_: no, sorry. I'm all CLI10:10
ThothCastelI am trying for the first time to install and configure ldap on my ubuntu server10:11
mac_cli? no worries.. will google cli10:11
ThothCastelis this the right step by step guide I should follow?10:11
ActionParsnip!cli | mac_10:11
ubottumac_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro10:11
ActionParsnipmac_: do you have 3D accelleration in your OS?10:11
mac_dont know10:11
dgaI am trying to install Ubuntu 13.04 on a Lenovo B570 laptop and when GRUB comes up and I try to either install it or try it, it says "error: could not open sector.. " and I get a kernel panic. any ideas? I've read around google and it seems to have something to do with UEFI or something.10:12
ActionParsnipmac_: can you pastebin (no need for an image, just the text is fine) the output of  sudo lshw -C display10:12
ActionParsnipmac_: http://pastie.org10:12
ActionParsnipmac_: paste it there and when the page changes, copy the new address in the address bar and paste that in here10:12
MonkeyDust!uefi | dga10:12
ubottudga: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:12
madratis this greater than or less than >= 5.5.1310:12
ThothCastelfor ldap configuratin, if my hostname is server.procopio.local then my settings will be dc=server,dc=procopio,dc=local or dc=procopio,dc=local10:12
MonkeyDustThothCastel  try #ubuntu-server10:13
dgaMonkeyDust: Step 2 doesn't apply to me because my BIOS doesn't have either of those options10:14
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ThothCastelMonkeyDust: thank you10:14
dganor do I have any option that lets me disable Secure Boot10:14
MonkeyDustdga  it's BIOS or UEFI10:15
aladdinhow to find out the wireless chipset manufacturer name on my machine?10:15
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DJonesaladdin: lspci should give you that info10:15
AD7sixwhat's a ~/no-launcher.profile file used for/by?10:15
ActionParsnipmac_: you have a hybrid GPU, this can be painful and I have zero experience of it. This link is all I know: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics10:16
mac_what is with wi-fi? usses the same technologie?10:17
ActionParsnipmac_: no, wifi depends on the chip10:18
shadowmancerSo i'm back ... and can't figure out the issue still :P10:18
shadowmancerfor those of you not apprised http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work10:18
mac_aha.. i got wi-fi in comp.. but no bluetooth.. what computer found was bluetooth, but no wi-fi10:18
aladdinDJones: thanks10:19
sanjoyHi I have a samsung laptop series 5 NP550P5C with Nvidia Optimus graphics card.. But I am not able to find any drivers for this GPU on 12.04 any help?10:19
ActionParsnipmac_: sudo lshw -C network    will show you the wifi chip. It is the product line10:19
simbrownActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/575773210:19
ActionParsnipsimbrown: wow, 8Gb swap. Quite large10:19
MonkeyDusti have larger swap :)10:20
ActionParsnipsimbrown: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae10:20
simbrownActionParsnip: It's whatever the installer chose10:20
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: for 4Gb RAM though?10:20
shadowmanceralright guys no need to compare swap, this isn't a competition10:21
ActionParsnipmac_: I love when it says that :(10:22
ActionParsnipmac_: if you run:  lspci   do you get more details?10:22
simbrownActionParsnip: My peripheral is incompatible with PAE10:22
ActionParsnipmac_: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Network+controller%3A+Ralink+corp.+Device+3290&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a    gives http://rricketts.com/installing-ralink-rt3290-wireless-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-04/10:25
ZenoArrowHi. Having problems with huge lightdm logs. Is there any way to disable logging (or alter the log level)?10:26
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santhoshhai i am installing nsclient ++ in windoes machine tio connce nagios server but it getting an "failed to fetch information from server"10:27
ActionParsnipsanthosh: can you ping the server?10:27
santhoshfrom windows host10:28
santhoshit is pinging10:28
yugandharHi, I want communicate two different ips in the case of single NIC. Please let me know10:28
ZenoArrowAlternatively, any way to change vino logging, as this is also a problem.10:28
ActionParsnipyugandhar: you can setup subinterfaces in linux10:29
yugandharActionParsnip : How can we make ubuntu linux box as static router10:31
MonkeyDustyugandhar  is this useful http://askubuntu.com/questions/88029/use-ubuntu-as-router10:32
ActionParsnipyugandhar: do you wnat to use your Ubuntu install as a router?10:33
ActionParsnipyugandhar: then where does 'static' come into it?10:34
ActionParsnipyugandhar: what is 'static' in this context?10:34
yugandharmy ubuntu box is KVM and also having some instances. Need to connect from instance to office LAN10:35
yugandharso that, i wish to make a my ubuntu box as static router10:35
ActionParsnipyugandhar: its just a router. There is no 'staic' about it10:35
ActionParsnipyugandhar: sounds like you are confusing it with 'static routes' which you use to shape traffic10:36
yugandhari want make it as a router10:36
Ben64little bit of advice... it's easier and more efficient to get a router10:36
ActionParsnipBen64: +110:36
ActionParsnip!ics | yugandhar10:36
ubottuyugandhar: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:36
ActionParsnipyunyou will also need to configure your firewall for security10:37
ActionParsnipyugandhar: ^10:37
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ActionParsnipyugandhar: its tricky but fun10:37
yugandharActionParsnip : Yes10:38
jazzkutyanewer usb hard disks above 2TB use 4kbyte logical sectors (probably physical too). I need information on from what version of ubuntu are these drives supported?10:42
santhoshhow to connect nagios in ubuntu machine10:42
MonkeyDustjazzkutya  i guess the latest would be the most obvious, 13.0410:43
jazzkutyaMonkeyDust: i need to know what version started support for this10:44
jazzkutyaMonkeyDust: you know for servers we only use lts releases10:45
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Ben64jazzkutya: 4k sectors have been supported for a long time10:47
shadowmancerstill can10:47
shadowmancernot get past the kernel panic stage10:47
shadowmanceranyone have any idea how to get grub2 when you use the debug command to save the output10:48
jazzkutyaBen64: please note 4k logical sectors, not physical10:48
jazzkutya4k alignment of partitions is not enough10:48
Guest59180I installed ubuntu 13.04 to sda2, and I can see the ext4 filesystem but I can't boot into it because there are no options at boot. So I ran boot-repair from the liveUSB and it says to enable a repository containing grub2 packages in the sources of Ubuntu (sda2).10:49
Ben64jazzkutya: what do you mean10:49
Guest59180what do I do?10:49
jazzkutyaBen64: advanced format drives use 4k physical sectors but report logical sector size as 512bytes. this is good for compatibility10:49
Ben64ok, still works fine10:50
jazzkutyaBen64: now usb hdd manufacturers for supporting windows xp went for dropping this 512byte sector size compatibility10:50
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone .. Quick question : I want to add some more wallpapers to my 'buntu.. but for some reason the wallpaper "changer" refuzes to see them.. wallpapers added in /usr/share/backgrounds, /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-wallpapers,/usr/share/doc/ubuntu-wallpapers-raring and no joy.. when i go Right-click on desktop > select "Change Desktop Background" under the Wallpaper section the custom wallpapers i aded are nowhere to be seen ... Any ideas guys? C10:50
jazzkutyaand they report logical sector size of 4k which is not supported by older linux (but still supporting advanced format drives)10:50
jazzkutyaBen64: still my question is: since what version are they supported?10:51
Guest59180I installed ubuntu 13.04 to sda3, and I can see the ext4 filesystem but I can't boot into it because there are no options at boot. So I ran boot-repair from the liveUSB and it says to enable a repository containing grub2 packages in the sources of Ubuntu (sda3).10:51
contrapunctusGorilla_No_Baka - Try copying them all to a folder in your home, see if that helps.10:51
Ben64jazzkutya: a long time ago10:52
contrapunctusGorilla_No_Baka - Although in your case this might not help - when I used this all the wallpapers were in other partitions, and apparently the partitions were auto mounted after the wallpaper changer looked for the files, so this fixed things.10:52
jazzkutyaBen64: thanks for trying but it seems you can't help me10:53
Guest59180anyone want to help me with my boot-repair problem?10:55
paramhello, when i make any new php page on my ubuntu and open in browser , it doesnot get opened, rather it gets download10:56
paramhow to fix this issue10:56
Gorilla_No_Bakacontrapunctus: as in?? I already have a folder in my home.. the thing is  ubuntu made it ridiculously complicated to change the wallpapers.. if  i try to open them manually no probs.. i can browse to the specific location and load them...But that's me.. I am setting this machine for my old mad... let's just say he is computer challenged... If the pictures he is trying to set as wallpaper does not have that nice thumbnail previews like the "ubuntu a10:56
NimbleGuest59180, looks like you're getting a 404 trying to connect to the repository10:56
Nimbleare you connected to the internet on the device?10:57
Guest59180Nimble: but I am connected right now10:57
Guest59180online from the liveUSB10:57
compdocparam, might be better to ask in #apache10:57
Nimblecan you do "sudo apt-get update"?10:57
Nimblewhat happens?10:57
Guest59180it updates normally10:58
Nimbleyou don't get any 404 messages?10:58
Nimbleoh I see10:59
MonkeyDustjazzkutya  12.04 LTS => http://jaysdesktop.blogspot.be/2012/05/ubuntu-1204-good-bad-not-so-ugly.html      "Install and format process was very fast, even on the 2TB drive."11:00
Guest59180Nimble: what do you see? Is it some EFI shenanigans?11:00
NimbleGuest59810 when I browse to the url shown there is no file named packages..11:01
Nimblewhen I go to the us version there is11:02
Nimbleno file, you get a 40411:02
Nimblebut there is a file here11:03
Guest59180oh I ned to use the S repositories?11:03
Nimbleso it's reading from a file at /etc/apt/sources.list11:03
NimbleI think so11:03
Nimblewhat country is pk?11:03
jazzkutyaNimble: thanks. 2TB desktop drives are not a problem. usb drives above 2TB are different to internal drives above and around 2TB11:03
jazzkutyaMonkeyDust: thanks. 2TB desktop drives are not a problem. usb drives above 2TB are different to internal drives above and around 2TB11:04
Guest59180:D that explains it, doesn't it?11:04
Nimblelol well I would expect that the packages would be there no matter what country11:04
Nimbleyou could try a closer country11:05
Nimbleso you're not pulling stuff from halfway across the world11:05
Guest59180I changed it in Software and updates to downoad from United States11:05
Guest59180should that fix it?11:06
Guest59180nah, I used to use the US server all the time in my previous install11:06
Nimbleoh ok11:06
Nimbleyou changed it in boot-repair?11:06
Nimbleor for the live session sources.list?11:06
Nimbleor on your installation of ubuntu?11:07
Guest59180no, in the setings of this ubuntu running in a liveUSB11:07
Nimbleoh ok11:07
NimbleI think it does a chroot to your installation11:07
Guest59180yeah, seemed like that to me too11:07
Nimbleso you might have to change it by hand on the sources list on your harddrive11:07
shadowmancerAlrighty who wants to help someone on their last thread of sanity with http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work11:07
Guest59180ow woud I change the repository link there?11:07
Nimblechange any line that says "deb http://pk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ <something here>" to have "us" instead of "pk"11:09
Guest59180in what file11:09
Nimbleon sda211:09
NSA-Boti spy with my little PRISM11:15
withnale_anyone know how to disable to ssh passphrase dialog in ubuntu so that key management tasks are done in the shell?11:16
ActionParsnipwithnale_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys11:18
Guest59180Nimble: I think it's working, there's no progress bar but system monitor shows consistent downloading11:18
NimbleI'm gonna go brew some tea so I'll be back shortly11:19
phillustineyeah, i need to get some lunch.11:19
Danielamallocciciao a tutti11:20
shadowmancerJordan_U: So if it isn't grub, what might it be in your opinion11:21
bazhangwrong channel for that monk11:21
bgardner!it | Danielamallocci11:21
ubottuDanielamallocci: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:21
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: I don't know specifically.11:21
shadowmancerJordan_U: alrighty, and that wasn't a stab at you btw11:22
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: I didn't take it as such :)11:22
Danielamallocciok grazie11:22
* monk smirks11:23
ubottuDanielamallocci: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:23
bazhangmonk, got any actual ubuntu support questions?11:23
Guest59180Nimble: it asked me to remove grub then install it to a hard drive, or a partition but the partition is not recommended, so i installed it to sda11:23
monkbazhang, yeah...why does ubuntu push unity? its crap11:23
bazhang!notunity | monk have a read and a change11:24
ubottumonk have a read and a change: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.11:24
ActionParsnipmonk: you don't have to use it11:24
Guest59180monk: unity forced me to switch to xfce11:24
ActionParsnipmonk: I think firefox is equally 'crap' but I don't use it11:24
monkGuest59180, i moved to mint on the debian side11:24
k1l_monk: stop that. this channel is not for ranting11:25
monkk1l_, stfu, im not ranting...im making a point11:25
bazhang!mintsupport > monk11:25
ubottumonk, please see my private message11:25
ActionParsnipmonk: could have just install gnome-shell and used that, Cinammon is also now in the Ubuntu repos11:26
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: or do what I do, ditch the DE and just use Fluxbox <311:26
bazhangActionParsnip, he's gone11:26
oalThe unity launcher started to hide behind other windows, so I did unity& disown as explained here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60698/how-do-i-stop-the-unity-launcher-from-hiding-behind-other-windows but now my default cursor is a black X. Why?11:34
Guest59180Nimble: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5757893/ tell me if I should try to boot from HDD now, boot-repair seemed happy.11:34
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NimbleGuest59180, it detected all of your OSes correctly?11:39
NimbleI think you should be fine then11:39
Guest59180thanks a lot11:40
Nimbleno problem11:40
Guest59180if you don't hear from me again, it means it worked11:40
Nimblegood luck in your future endeavours11:40
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=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
shadowmanceris there anyway I can upgrade all the packages on my hdd from the liveusb (as in i bootup on a live usb, and somehow run sudo apt-get upgrade) I have tried through chroot though that didn't seem to work11:43
ActionParsnipshadowmancer: if you chroot you can manipulate the installed OS, if you just run it without chroot you will upgrade the live USB11:45
Jordan_Ushadowmancer: Yes, but you'll probably need to bind mount /dev/ /proc/ /sys/ and /dev/pts/ within the chroot, and you'll have problems with upstart trying to upgrade some packages in a chroot on older version of Ubuntu (I don't remember which release fixed that).11:45
ActionParsnipshadowmancer: omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub   which shows a simple chroot how-to11:45
CalimeroTekniksay, how do I add an user with ubuntu ? the useradd command doesn't exist, and neither does the shadow package11:51
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo11:51
CalimeroTeknikthis is a script, I don't need that11:51
CalimeroTeknikbut wait, in that page there is useradd11:52
CalimeroTeknikI just debootstrapp'd ubuntu 12.0411:52
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: yes, thats why I gave the link...try reading it...11:52
k1l_the ubuntuway is to use adduser11:53
CalimeroTeknikso how do I install useradd ?11:53
CalimeroTeknikI don't have adduser anyway11:53
k1l_install adduser11:53
ActionParsnip!info adduser11:54
ubottuadduser (source: adduser): add and remove users and groups. In component main, is required. Version 3.113+nmu3ubuntu1 (raring), package size 164 kB, installed size 644 kB11:54
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:54
CalimeroTeknikoh, it's a PATH issue… sorry11:55
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: the commands are in the default PATH11:55
CalimeroTekniker… hem… my PATH is /usr/bin, if you know about the merge initiated by systemd…11:56
CalimeroTeknik"default" you say…11:57
k1l_CalimeroTeknik: are we talking about ubuntu here?11:57
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:57
CalimeroTeknikchrooting into ubuntu, we are.11:57
CalimeroTeknikmy fault anyway, apologies11:57
k1l_ubuntu doesnt use systemd11:57
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CalimeroTeknikbut the host system does11:57
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: can you please run the command I gave n a terminal, you can paste it here as it is a single line11:57
CalimeroTeknik /etc/issue's contents are : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l11:57
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CalimeroTeknikactually cat: command not found because my PATH is /usr/bin11:58
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: thanks, your PATH should be a bit longer than just /usr/bin11:58
CalimeroTeknikbut that's solved by adding all other bin and sbin dirs to it, sorry for the trouble!11:58
CalimeroTeknikyeah well, not on arch linux. all binaries are there11:58
ActionParsnipCalimeroTeknik: arch isn't supported here11:59
histoCalimeroTeknik: the systemd merge has to do with arch linux11:59
bhaveshIf I install wine from Ubuntu 13.04 Liveboot DVD and then take the DVD to another computer and install it there, will even wine get intsalled on the other computer?11:59
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ActionParsnipbhavesh: no, the DVD is a WORM11:59
ActionParsnipbhavesh: Write once read many11:59
=== cubix``914 is now known as cubix`
ActionParsnipbhavesh:  you can copy the debs to a USB stick etc and transfer those11:59
histo!offline | bhavesh12:00
ubottubhavesh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD12:00
spobatif i install a webserver (apache) where is the httpdocs folder by default?12:00
bhaveshActionParsnip: Thank you :D12:00
CalimeroTeknikActionParsnip, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I thought the command wasn't there but it was me not setting a valid PATH; I don't need arch support ;)12:00
ActionParsnipspobat: /var/www12:00
spobatActionParsnip, saved my life, thank you! :)12:01
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=== broken is now known as Guest72824
superPqualcuno ha mal di pancia????????????12:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:03
marcan_bhavesh: not a dvd.. but a usb key (with persistence enabled ) might do the trick..12:03
shadowmanceralrighty so ... thanks Jordan_U for that video, tried to do that with doing a sudo apt-get update first, though it saying failed to fetch ... an saying something wicked happened12:04
k1l_shadowmancer: please show the output and errorsmessages in a pastebin so the helpers in here can have a look at12:05
shadowmancerk1l_:  actually nvm i found out why it did that, i didn't bind all the files from the live usb to the hdd, it fixed itself right up after is bound usr12:05
tocacarHello all.  I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out permissions in my Ubuntu 12.04 VM.  I hope someone can help me.  I ssh into my VM and have, as an example, a /cache directory:12:11
tocacardrwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant   102 Jun 12 12:07 cache/12:11
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tocacarwhen I create a directory inside /cache, called /dev, it gets these permissions:12:12
tocacardrwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 68 Jun 12 12:07 dev/12:12
tocacarHow can I make the 'group' as well as the 'owner' have write permissions on any subdirectories of /cache?12:12
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CalimeroTekniktocacar, you want to change your umask12:15
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  I changed it to 00212:15
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CalimeroTeknikthat'd good12:15
tocacarI did, but it doesn't make any difference :(12:16
bgardnertocacar: Where did you change it?12:16
CalimeroTeknikhow did you?12:16
CalimeroTekniktype umask12:16
CalimeroTeknikyou'll see12:17
tocacarI did it in... one sec and I'll find it12:17
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  when I type umask I get 000212:17
CalimeroTeknikperfect then, your files will be created with rights rw rw r12:17
tocacarCalimeroTeknik: but I need directories to have those permissions, and currently they don't12:18
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:   If I have this directory:12:18
tocacardrwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant  102 Jun 12 12:07 cache/12:18
CalimeroTeknikwell that should work as well12:18
tocacarand create /dev inside it, I get this:12:18
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:   drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 68 Jun 12 12:07 dev/12:18
CalimeroTeknikit's a bad idea to set rights 777 on a directory.12:18
CalimeroTeknikwell… if it's like /tmp it's fine12:19
tocacarI know, but its just a development VM for me.  And I need my webserver to be able to write to the /cache and /log directories12:19
CalimeroTekniktype umask and check it outputs 0002 ; then right after, mkdir something12:19
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  I did that.  I've posted the results here already for you12:19
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  and when I type 'whoami' I get 'vagrant'...12:20
CalimeroTeknikhere tocacar, look: http://sprunge.us/YAcA12:21
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  I've just made some more directories in various levels and here is one ls -l output:12:21
tocacardrwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant    68 Jun 12 12:20 test/12:21
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  I'll repeat exactly what you did there and we'll see what I get - thanks :)12:21
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:   I'm getting exactly the same output as you.  Now I'll do it in my application directory and see if the same happens there.  One sec12:23
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:   in /tmp, I get this:  drwxrwxr-x 2 vagrant vagrant 4096 Jun 12 12:22 test/12:24
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  in my application directory, I get this:  drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 68 Jun 12 12:23 test2/12:24
* praveen___ i was trying to 0install12:24
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  my application directory is shared with my Mac OSX - maybe that's the problem?12:24
CalimeroTeknikwhich network filesystem?12:25
jony_easyriderhow can I find out the IP address of a wireless antenna if it's on fix IP?12:25
histotocacar: what happens when you touch somefile in your directory?12:25
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  Erm.. sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.  It is a vagrant/ puppet thing12:25
histojony_easyrider: ifconfig12:25
tocacar(and I'm far faaar from being an expert in these things)12:25
tocacarhisto:  I'll google how to touch a file and let you know in a sec :)12:26
CalimeroTeknikthere is something connecting that /cache folder to a folder on another machine. what is its name?12:26
histotocacar: just "touch newfile"12:26
praveen___i was trying to install ubuntu along saide windows 7, but now i am directly geting booted into ubuntu 12.04.  also i am not able to locate one of my directories. please help.12:26
histo!grub | praveen___12:27
ubottupraveen___: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:27
CalimeroTeknikpraveen___, you can access your windows partition's contents in the file manager12:27
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  are you familiar with vagrant at all?  its a config setting in the Vagrantfile that lets you share a folder:  config.vm.synced_folder "/Library/WebServer/Documents", "/var/www", id: "vagrant-root"12:28
jony_easyriderhisto, but it wont give me IP... it's DHCP server is disabled12:28
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  Unfortunately I don't know much more than, I'm sorry :S12:28
tocacarhisto: when I do 'touch filename' nothing happens, I just get another command prompt12:29
CalimeroTeknikthis is virtualbox FS sharing, I see. it seems it uses the umask on the host.12:29
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  so I should change my umask on my Mac?  OK, I'll do that now.  One sec12:29
tocacar(I'm going to be sooo pleased if you've just fixed this for me!!)12:30
CalimeroTeknikbe sure to change it for virtualbox12:30
histotocacar: now ls -l filename to see it's permissions12:30
tocacarhisto:  it comes out as:  -rwxrwsr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 141 Jun 12 12:28 AppCache.php*12:31
histotocacar: so the issue is with the umask for mkdir12:31
=== urk is now known as Agd_Scorp
Agd_ScorpI just wanted to say something to you all.12:31
Agd_ScorpThis might be offtopic but this must be said.12:31
Agd_ScorpLinux, has changed the world.12:31
Agd_Scorpand you have helped me perfectly so far.12:32
Agd_ScorpI thank you, #ubuntu!12:32
praveen___actually i have also lost some valuable data while installing  ubuntu.  how to retrive that.12:32
tocacarI'm so glad you guys are helping me, I really appreciate it.  I'm just running vagrant reload now in a fresh terminal window to make sure my new Mac umask setting of 002 is going to be used.  Should be a few minutes12:32
Agd_Scorptocacar, these guys helped me too12:32
Agd_Scorpthey are nice!12:32
Agd_Scorpthey help everybody12:32
CalimeroTeknikpraveen___, do you mean you erased your windows install?12:33
Agd_Scorppraveen____, please post output of /cat/issue12:33
tocacarAgd_Scorp:   they are!  I was humiliated a little bit yesterday in #puppet.  Felt like a real dunce when I left12:33
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Agd_Scorptocacar, I had a massive WIFI problem and these guys stuck with me for hours trying to fix my problem.12:33
Agd_Scorpthey are nice.12:33
Agd_Scorptocacar, can you kindly paste output of /cat/issue?12:33
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  its great to get that help just when you need it :)12:33
tocacaryep, one se12:34
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  on my Mac or in my VM?12:34
Agd_Scorpyour VM.12:34
Agd_Scorpdo this:12:34
Agd_Scorpcat /etc/issue12:34
Agd_Scorpin your terminal.12:34
Agd_Scorpand paste the output here12:35
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
tocacaraah :)  ok, one sec12:35
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  it says:  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l12:35
Agd_ScorpI see, what's your problem?12:35
tocacarCalimeroTeknik:  :(  unfortunately, I get the same output when I create a new directory in the shared folder drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 68 Jun 12 12:35 dev2/12:36
tocacareven though its parent folder has drwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant   170 Jun 12 12:20 cache/12:36
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histotocacar: how is this directory shared? via what means?  how is it mounted?12:37
Agd_Scorptocacar, histo is the man who helped me.12:37
tocacarAgd_Scorp:   I'm using Vagrant and Puppet to set up a VM for dev work.  I've got my code on my Mac OS and I'm sharing the folder with the VM, but the permissions won't let my webserver write to my /cache and /logs directories12:37
Agd_Scorphe'll help you too.12:37
tocacarAgd_Scorp: :)12:37
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=== Guest94748 is now known as Vivek
tocacarhisto:  Its a setting in my Vagrantfile, one sec and I'll paste it12:38
Agd_Scorphisto should get operator around here12:38
tocacarhisto:  config.vm.synced_folder "/Library/WebServer/Documents", "/var/www", id: "vagrant-root"12:38
Agd_Scorpwho is the owner of this place12:38
Agd_Scorpgive op to the poor guy histo12:38
tocacarhisto:  I generated the code to create the VM with this site:  https://puphpet.com/12:39
tocacar(not that that helps, but I thought you may be familiar with it..maybe)12:39
Agd_Scorptocacar, turn off SELinux security using this:12:40
Agd_Scorpecho 0 > /selinux/enforce12:40
tocacarok, I'll try that now Agd_Scorp12:40
Agd_Scorpif you dont want to turn off selinux, you can do this:12:40
Agd_Scorpcd your/symfo/app12:40
praveen___Calimero Tenknit: no i havent ereased my windows install. i was trying to do it along side windows. but when i restarted my laptop there was no windows.12:40
Agd_Scorpchcon -R -t public_content_rw_t app/cache12:40
Agd_Scorpchcon -R -t public_content_rw_t app/logs12:40
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
Agd_Scorpsetsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write 112:40
Agd_Scorpand that might fix your problem.12:40
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  ok, I'll try those commands now.  The first one you pasted outputs this:  -bash: /selinux/enforce: Permission denied12:41
Agd_Scorptry to turn off selinux first, and see if that fixes it.12:41
tocacar:)  I'll try your suggestions now12:41
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  I'm getting this chcon: failed to get security context of `app/cache': Operation not supported12:42
Agd_Scorpcan you give me the output of "id"?12:42
tocacarAgd_Scorp:   uid=1000(vagrant) gid=1000(vagrant) groups=1000(vagrant),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),110(sambashare),999(admin)12:42
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  I tried to give the vagrant user the same uid as my Mac user id, but it wouldn't let me12:43
Agd_Scorptry doing those with root.12:43
Agd_Scorpdo "sudo"12:43
Agd_Scorptry to do "sudo echo 0 > /selinux/enforce"12:43
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  ah :) ok.  One sec12:44
tocacarAgd_Scorp: still says -bash: /selinux/enforce: Permission denied12:44
tocacarbut I'll do the other one now12:44
praveen___Agd_Scorp:   sir i am not able to figure out your suggetion12:44
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  yep, same 'operation denied' output12:44
Agd_Scorppraveen___: what's your problem? :)12:45
llutz"echo 0 | sudo tee /selinux/enforce"      redirection and sudo won't work12:45
tocacarI'm going to throw this Vagrant manifest away and generate another one using the NFS shared folder type and see if that makes any difference.12:45
tocacarllutz:  I'll give that a bash now quickly12:45
tocacarllutz:  that said:  012:46
llutztocacar: sure it did, "man tee" to see what it also did12:46
Agd_Scorptocacar: this problem occurs is when your webserver does not the permission to write in the folder to which the project belongs, actually changing the owner of cache & logs does not always help, because you may want to run some tests or console commands, which are executed from your user (php-cli/phpfprm), as a result, cache or logs will be created from your current user and web-server user will not have access to it.12:46
Agd_Scorpmy proposition is either to add web-server user (which is probably www-data) to your user group or run web-server from your user and you'll forget such problem forever.12:47
Agd_Scorptry to run these:12:47
Agd_Scorprm -rf app/cache/*12:47
Agd_Scorprm -rf app/logs/*12:47
Agd_Scorpsudo chmod +a "_www allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/logs12:47
Agd_Scorpsudo chmod +a "`whoami` allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/logs12:47
tocacarAgd_Scorp: I already made sure that www-data was in the group 'vagrant'12:47
tocacarok, I'll try that now12:47
shadowmancerhey all I don't know if this would help with my original problem to those who remember but here is my attempt at updating my ubuntu hdd through the live usb http://paste.ubuntu.com/5758084/12:47
Agd_ScorpDelete the content of your app/cache and app/logs folders:12:48
praveen___Agd_Scorp:  actually i was trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 7. but after booting it when i restarted my lapy there was no windows and i am directly getting booted into ubuntu. also i am not ale to locate  one of my drive out three which was previously there while i was working in windows. please help.12:48
Agd_Scorpand give all permissions (reads and writes) to your app/cache and app/logs folders.12:48
BluesKajHey all12:48
Agd_Scorpthere are also other solutions (with a greater difficulty) like giving permission to the specific Apache user and group and using ACLs for fine tuning12:48
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  I get this:  chmod: invalid mode: `+a'12:48
Agd_Scorptocacar; change that to -a12:49
histoshadowmancer: your install is obviously botched12:49
SyntaxerrorDid you hear about trollthensa.com?12:49
tocacarAgd_Scorp:  That gives me:  chmod: invalid mode: `-a'12:49
Agd_Scorpwhat the.12:49
Agd_Scorptocacar; your /bin/ directory is screwed up.12:50
DJonesSyntaxerror: Not really a topic for a support channel12:50
Agd_Scorpyou need to reinstall your current distro.12:50
napstermy swap doesn't get swapon while booting. Since the swap was created after the installation. How can I make this laptop do swapon while booting automatically?12:50
tocacarI think I should scrap this and regenerate the vagrant manifest with NFS shared folder type.  see if that fixes it12:50
Syntaxerrorok, I'm gone already. bye :)12:50
Agd_Scorpnapster, please paste output of cat /etc/issue12:51
tocacarAgd_Scorp, histo, CalimeroTeknik and llutz  Thanks ever so much for trying to help me.  I appreciate your time.  I'll drop by again later and say whether or not the NFS shared folder type fixed it.  Thank you!  :D12:51
shadowmancerhrmmm how do i configure a Kernel12:51
napsterAgd_Scorp: Linux Mint 15 Olivia \n \l12:51
Agd_Scorppraveen___, windows is already gone, you're probably either new to linux or you screwed something up in the installation process.12:51
shadowmancerwhen I am trying to update my ubuntu its giving me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5758084/12:51
Agd_Scorpnapster, go to Linux Mint's IRC.12:52
DJones!mint | napster12:52
ubottunapster: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:52
praveen___Agd_Scorp:  so wats the next step. what shuld i do?12:52
Agd_Scorppraveen___, your linux distro is working right now, right?12:53
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Agd_Scorpyou lost your windows partition unfortunately and it is nearly impossible to get the data back.12:53
praveen___Agd_Scorp:  yes12:53
cariverihi . is there a programm which makes visible what my keys are currently mapped to? a key recognition?12:53
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walltenderGot a shutdown/sleep/reboot problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/306920/networking-prevents-system-to-shutdown12:54
walltenderIt's upstart related.12:54
Agd_Scorpcarivei: "keyfinder"12:54
Agd_Scorpanyways, im off.12:55
Agd_Scorphisto shall keep ya'll fearless.12:55
Agd_Scorphisto, get on the job12:55
histo!grub | praveen___12:56
ubottupraveen___: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:56
histopraveen___: ^^^ link will help you restore12:56
Zippsiter54I'm currently running Xubuntu 13.04 on my box, I want to swap to ubuntu 13.04 for numerous reasons. How can I backup all my dot files, my code is safe with git. How can I backup all my homefiles and restore them later on? I have 1TB attached to a machine which I can access via SSH - should I use rsync?12:57
Zippsiter54and my home files12:57
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=== urk is now known as Agd_Scorp
histoZippsiter54: yes rsync your home12:59
Agd_ScorpHisto: how do I poop.13:00
Agd_Scorpwhats the command for it, histo13:00
Agd_Scorpor poolan0?13:00
Zippsiter54histo: can rsync fetch my files too? They're both on the same network. The 1TB drive is attached to a Raspberry Pi on my LAN.13:00
Agd_Scorpzippsiter54, do rm -rf /13:01
Agd_Scorpthat helps.13:01
Zippsiter54very funny13:01
Agd_Scorpit really does.13:01
Zippsiter54I'm not that gullable13:01
CalimeroTeknikbah, it doesn't do anything, that command13:01
CalimeroTeknikwait, I'll run it as root13:01
Zippsiter54I'll run it on windows machine.13:02
histoZippsiter54: it can push and pull13:02
CalimeroTeknik[root@eeepc901 ~]# rm -rf /13:02
CalimeroTeknikrm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'13:02
CalimeroTeknikrm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe13:02
Zippsiter54histo: okay, thanks13:02
CalimeroTeknikanyway, requesting ban of user who mentioned this.13:02
llutzAgd_Scorp: stop giving stupid advices here13:02
BluesKajAgd_Scorp, are you looking to get banned , joke ort not13:03
histo!dangerous | Zippsiter54 referring to Agd_Scorp's command13:03
ubottuZippsiter54 referring to Agd_Scorp's command: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:03
Zippsiter54ubottu: I know.13:03
BluesKajubottu, is a bot13:03
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.13:03
Agd_Scorpubottu is a bot, zippsiter5413:03
ubottuAgd_Scorp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:03
Zippsiter54Agd_Scorp: run mv /home/* /dev/null13:04
CalimeroTeknikZippsiter54, I'd be doing a gzipped tar directly on the shared folder13:04
Agd_Scorphisto, what does this command do: run mv /home/* /dev/null13:04
=== urk is now known as lol
histoAgd_Scorp: stop13:04
lolmy wifi is fucked up13:04
lolhow do i fix it13:04
lolplease, help13:04
histo!language | lol13:04
ubottulol: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:04
lolit's not enabling13:04
=== lol is now known as Guest76187
Zippsiter54CalimeroTeknik: It's probaly easier to use rsync. I could use Amazon S3 - but my home file is quite huge.13:05
histoGuest76187: what chipset?13:05
histoZippsiter54: you can compress it as well13:05
Guest76187histo; i dont know13:05
Guest76187how do i check my chipset, histo13:05
histoGuest76187: lspci | grep Network13:05
Zippsiter54Guest76187: can you try ifconfig13:06
Guest76187my wifi is not enabling, rfkill is not working, it is screwed up, please help!!!13:06
ch4k4do rm -rf /13:06
Guest76187ok wait13:06
Zippsiter54DO NOT DO THAT COMMAND13:06
Zippsiter54you changed your name?13:07
Zippsiter54Great work.13:07
Agd_Scorpdjones, ch4k4 & guest were me. I got bored, so decided to troll13:07
Agd_Scorpyou guys13:07
Agd_Scorpare great13:07
Agd_Scorpyou care for people <313:07
BluesKajAgd_Scorp, nothing funny about that , so stop encouraging  others13:07
Agd_Scorpdjones is a savior.13:07
Zippsiter54Agd_Scorp: no, it clutters the IRC and makes real questions harder to answer.13:08
Agd_Scorpand sorry about that, folks!13:08
llutzcould anyone pls show Agd_Scorp the door?13:08
Zippsiter54whois llutz13:09
Agd_Scorpzippsiter54 is whois-fying you, llutz13:09
Agd_Scorphe needs to know more about your suspicious personality.13:09
Zippsiter54Can someone please kick Agd_Scorp13:09
Agd_ScorpHello ActionParsnip13:10
Agd_Scorphow are you (:13:10
Agd_Scorpthanks for the help today.13:10
DJonesAgd_Scorp: Enough, stay on topic13:10
ActionParsnipAgd_Scorp: hi13:10
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
shadowmanceralrighty ... just tried to update my ubuntu on my hdd from my liveusb though it seems none of the changes worked. I mounted the drive, and did --bind to all the system files, and then chrooted into the mounted hdd and did sudo update and all that though it seems none of my updates were applied13:10
shadowmanceri am confused13:10
Agd_Scorpshadowmancer, please paste your output of cat /etc/issue13:10
Agd_Scorpand cat /proc/version13:11
GunArmmaybe a dumb question, but does memtest 86 test all the functionality that the same hardware would have running a 64 bit OS?13:11
Agd_Scorpgunarm: no.13:11
GunArmorly, is there a special version for 64 bit?13:12
histoAgd_Scorp: please stop asking people to post the /etc/issue13:12
Agd_Scorphisto, im tryna help13:12
Guest18299hi all, can i get some help? i am tring to get google talk or a plug-in so that i can send and recieve files, i have tried psi but will always error out with something to the effect of this happens when the cient didn't respond or cannnot understand your reqest. i have tried pidgn  but when i try to connect to gmail  the connection fails to connect,13:12
histoAgd_Scorp: they are running ubuntu. You weren't earlier that's why you were asked.13:12
Zippsiter54histo: please kick him!13:12
Guest18299i have also tried the instant messenger included with ubuntu but do't see an option to send files13:12
histoAgd_Scorp: plus you joined as another user lol and Guest76... asking for the same trollish help as earlier13:13
urknetwork-manager is not loading13:14
Zippsiter54If we compile our own kernel from kernel.org - can we still reports bugs to connoical/ubuntu? Or should it all be reported up-stream?13:14
MonotokoZippsiter54, I usually report upstream if it's to do with the kernel... I have a ubuntu kernel too in order to test if I'm unsure13:14
GunArmGuest18299: it would have to be through a protocol that can send files which i dont think google talk can, AIM could (occasionally), how about just uploading the file to google drive and sharing it, or skydrive or something like that13:14
urkHow to use binding sources to bind across multiple data tables?13:15
Zippsiter54Monotoko: okay, thanks.13:15
urkCan anybody help?How to use binding sources to bind across multiple data tables?13:16
ActionParsnipZippsiter54: upstream as the kernel you have is not the ine from the Ubuntu repos13:16
DJonesurk: Agd_Scorp Enough trolling13:17
GunArmAgd_Scorp said memtest86 doesn't work on 64 bit machines, was he lying?13:17
Monotokohe was, it works fine13:18
GunArmwikipedia seems to imply it does13:18
GunArmok thanks13:18
shadowmancerI am wondering if my Kernel panic issue would be caused by an issue with the actual kernel13:18
sk1pperhi all, can i see skype history on ubuntu??13:18
Zippsiter54ActionParsnip: I know. I have an ubuntu kernel and two unstable kernels for testing.13:18
MonotokoZippsiter54, if it goes wrong with the Ubuntu kernel, then just submit it to Ubuntu bugs :)13:19
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Zippsiter54Monotoko: will do.13:20
hi_hi how to change folder to download hit browse and nothing happens13:21
meetIs it that ubuntu 32 bit variants are less buggy than 64-bit variants?13:21
Zippsiter54the 64bit version should use more memory, but it has access to more.13:22
mhrcan I reboot a remote machine on my LAN/VPN using ssh single command?13:23
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Guest18299GunArm: google talk use to , and you can still send file in the google talk stand alone from windows13:23
meetZippsiter54: uses more memory.. why?13:23
frojndHi there, I'm trying to set-up amavis for mail server, I am at the step where I add smtp-amavis into /etc/postfix/main.cf https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNew#Postfix_integration ltierally copy pasting from this wiki, and I get syntax error for a line smtp-amavis     unix    -       -       -       -       2       smtp The complete error is: postfix: fatal: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 70: missing '=' after attribute name: "smtp-amavis     unix An13:24
Zippsiter54meet: because it allocates in 64bit chunks If I'm correct. Double check that though.13:24
frojndHere is my master.cf file: http://sprunge.us/XFJi13:24
SwedeMikemeet: http://blog.tune-up.com/windows-insights/32-bit-vs-64-bit-more-bit-more-performance/ "All memory addresses are now 64 bits long instead of 32 bits. This results in a larger memory footprint for Windows and applications. We've seen 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and 7 taking up 200-350 Mbyte more RAM than 32-bit versions."13:25
econdudeawesomeHowdy everyone. I am using zipinfo and piping the output to grep to find a specific pattern. How would I also get this to print the file name when matches are found (and NOT when matches are not found)?13:25
meetbut then performance wise they are same ..right?13:25
GunArmGuest18299: i dont see that option in my gchat windows.  maybe the standalone has some proprietary functionality.  But sending files through IM has been shady for a decade.  even when it's "supported" (rarely) I expect it to fail 9 times out of 10.  Sorry.  It's amazing that in 2013 direct sending files is still a hassle.  Your best bet is to share it off cloud storage, (assuming its too big to email)13:26
econdudeawesomeWhat I have so far: for i in $(ls *.zip); do zipinfo $i | grep "2000"; done13:26
Zippsiter54meet: 64bit is usually faster by ~10%. In 32bit you have PAE so it usually evens out.13:26
Zippsiter54frojnd: do it what it tells you to do. Add the '='.13:27
SwedeMikemeet: from what I've read, some 32bit apps are quicker than 64bit, and some the other way around. It depends.13:27
histoecondudeawesome: can you paste.ubuntu.com the output of zipinfo on a file so we can try and help.13:27
sdfanone know how to scan usb modem for malware?13:27
histo!64bit | meet13:27
ubottumeet: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit13:27
SwedeMikemeet: http://askubuntu.com/questions/7034/what-is-the-difference-between-32-bit-and-64-bit-and-which-should-i-choose  says for instance that since 64bit has a larger memory footprint, you get more cache misses, thus lower performance.13:28
tocacarYay, it's working now.  Looks like it needed to be an NFS folder share all along.  Thanks again for all your help folks13:28
frojndZippsiter54: and th eattribute name is 'smtp-amavis' in this case?13:28
frojndZippsiter54: attribute*13:28
sdfall these 3g modem has memory and can be used to store software13:28
histosdf: clamav with clamav-unnofficial-sigs ???13:28
econdudeawesomehisto:  output from the command in the appropriate folder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5758216/13:28
econdudeawesomehisto: Out of 3000 files there are maybe a dozen that match and two total that I care about13:29
meetif I am not a heavy application user, is it ok if waste some of my RAM. like I have 6gb of mem but 32 bit will work with 4gb only.13:29
econdudeawesome(which I can parse this list by my eyes alone without a problem)13:29
histoecondudeawesome: so you are trying to grep 2000 in the filename column?13:30
SteveBelldamnit! my harddrive took a dive from my table. it sounds like all is good but is there a way to test an ext2 drive for failure in ubuntu 12.04?13:30
SovereignHi, I have installed a wireless printer Lexmark Prospect Pro205 it was assigned an ip but will not print on 12.0413:30
GunArmmeet: the times when 64 bit is "faster" are too technically nuanced and complex to get hot and bothered over.  Mostly imagine they are more or less the same, but 64 bit is the only way to use modern quantities of RAM13:30
histo!fsck | SteveBell13:30
ubottuSteveBell: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:30
econdudeawesomehisto: within the zip files only, and when a pattaern match occurs I'd like to knwo the zip files name13:30
Zippsiter54meet: there's no such thing as wasting RAM - if you have extra RAM the kernel uses it. see:http://www.linuxatemyram.com/13:31
meetZippsiter54: even if it is 32 bit?13:31
histoecondudeawesome: ask in ##linux as we are getting way offtopic for this channel. But you may want to look into using awk13:31
SteveBellhisto thx for that. but it's an external harddrive. does that tip then still apply?13:31
econdudeawesomehisto: thanks much!13:32
sdfthose security expert said all huawei modem is vulnerable13:32
histomeet: if you have a 64bit cpu use 64bit13:32
sdfbut the offer no solution13:32
sdfhow lame13:32
Zippsiter5432bit it will allocate upto the 32bit'th address or more if using PAE. If you have 6GB throw a 64bit kernel onto your machine.13:32
histoSteveBell: you can follow the instructions from ubottu about fsck'ng then13:33
sdfubuntu user interface is getting worst even scrolling seem to be a problem now13:33
histo!notunity | sdf13:34
ubottusdf: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.13:34
Agd_Scorphisto: can I connect to wifi networks if they require password (if I have the password)13:35
sdfi have installed gnome 3 , whatever shortcut i put on top panel will be there forever cos there's no delete function13:36
histoAGoodName: yes13:38
MonkeyDustsdf  if you don't like it, you may want to try some other DE13:38
=== jack is now known as Guest72299
shadowmancerI am currently using chroot with a live usb, to treat my hdd as the main mount point to update all the packages, though finding I cannot access the internet through this, any thoughts?13:44
larry2What program can I use for backing up files with stores checksums for auto correction (sort of PAR2 functionality)?13:44
SteveBellhisto so I unmounted the drive. and entered sudo fsck /dev/sdc1 which is the drive that fell down. I get the msg taht it couldn't be read in one go.13:45
MonkeyDustlarry2  rsync -a       <-- -a means archive, stores properties13:46
mhrI am currently trying to connect my Ubuntu 12.04 server to the wireless network, and I am getting these lines continuously. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5758260/   xxxx is MAC address. why is it so?13:46
larry2MonkeyDust, but will it compare the data in the source with the backup ? How will it know the source was changed and not corrupted?13:47
zludeHello! i'm using lubuntu in a Mac G5 and trying to install googleearth-package, i generated the deb file but when try to install i get the follow up error: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs-gtk (Using Lubuntu :/)13:48
MonkeyDustlarry2  with --delete, or --delete-after     I use it for my backups13:48
larry2MonkeyDust, yeah, but how does it "know" which is the true copy?13:48
MonkeyDustlarry2  -- delete deletes the files in the backup that are no longer in the original list13:49
DWSRIf I rsync a remote directory using the archive flag, does rsync pull things from the remote directory solely based on the changes to the remote directory, or does it bother to look at the contents of the local directory as well?13:50
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
larry2MonkeyDust, but when a file changes in the source not because of an error, will it replace the copy in the backup, or will it create a new copy? How is it decided it was changed and not corrupted?13:51
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MonkeyDustDWSR  it looks at everything, but says "is up to date" if no changes were made13:51
shadowmancerwhat if i don't umount things I have mounted13:51
koramatiHi All13:52
MonkeyDustlarry2  not sure13:52
koramatihow remove sqldeveloper ,dbvisualiser in ubuntu 13.0413:52
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wNSimson-san|away: yes. you can recover LVM, however 8MB into yoru disk is pretty far. you probably blew away your superblock for your FS also.13:52
BluesKajzlude, install lsb-core and ia32-libs13:53
DWSRMonkeyDust: I'm trying to use rsync to regularly download recorded TV shows from a file server. I have a local temp directory set up to pull them into so that they can be sorted into my library, but I want rsync to only pull everything that's changed in the remote directory. Will --archive accomplish this or no?13:53
MonkeyDustlarry2  DWSR use rsync -avv --progress --delete to see what happens13:53
larry2MonkeyDust, well there is no way to know, so the only solution is to use an algorithm which traces the changes... is it called alpha backups?13:53
larry2*delta backups13:53
koramatihow to remove sqldeveloper ,dbvisualiser in ubuntu 13.04.these are not coming under ubuntu software center and it is available in menu13:53
MonkeyDustlarry2  never heard of that kind of backup13:54
clctoisnt rsync delta13:54
koramatithank you .bye13:56
clctoi guess they call it "differential" but same difference. unless delta keeps all the changes like git13:56
NewbGrasshopperI use CTRL+SHIFT+T to start a terminal or command prompt window. How do I start one with a name? I think it needs a name so I can send commands, or am I way off?13:57
clctoway off13:57
=== dean|away is now known as dean
zludeBluesKaj, but how to install it in lubuntu powerpc running in a mac g5?13:57
clctoyou can just type and run commands, like echo "this is a test"13:57
MonkeyDustNewbGrasshopper  from the man-pages: use -t [title]13:57
NewbGrasshopperahh, I did not explain my issue well. I need to send REMOTE commands from putty13:58
clctoa little confused. you open putty and type the server name/ip then it asks you for your username and password, then you are fine13:59
mhrI am currently trying to connect my Ubuntu 12.04 server to the wireless network, and I am getting these lines continuously. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5758260/   xxxx is MAC address. why is it so?14:00
NewbGrasshopperThanks clcto. I think I am close, but with several terminal windows open, commands seem to be going to the wrong windows. I thought naming them would allow me to choose which window gets the command.14:00
clctoi dont understand14:01
clctomhr: did you use wpa_passphrase to create /root/wpa.conf?14:01
mhrclcto, yes14:02
nakaoridid anyone ever configure xorg to use the onboard graphics AND the pcie card?14:02
BluesKajzlude, not familair with lubuntu issues on macs , perhaps the next time you can expalin your issue first without wasting our time lookinmg at a url post14:02
=== Sec is now known as Guest48224
zludeBluesKaj, i said it before to post the link14:04
zludeBluesKaj, <zlude> Hello! i'm using lubuntu in a Mac G5 and trying to install googleearth-package, i generated the deb file but when try to install i get the follow up error: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs-gtk (Using Lubuntu :/)14:04
BluesKajI wasn't here14:04
Guest48224I have a problem with my ubuntu reliably freezing up when i start a specific flash game in chrome. Any Ideas on how to debug this?14:04
MonkeyDustGuest48224  maybe it's not an ubuntu issue, but a chrome issue -- use chromium instead, it's in the repos https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome14:07
ThothCastel_is there a difference in configuring a client with dns using the /etc/resolv.conf and using the /etc/network/interfaces with the dns-search and dns-nameservers ???14:07
Guest48224MonkeyDust: still it should not be able to crash the whole computer14:08
ThothCastelis there a difference in configuring a client with dns using the /etc/resolv.conf and using the /etc/network/interfaces with the dns-search and dns-nameservers ???14:09
MonkeyDustGuest48224  true, try chromium to get rid of these crashes14:09
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Guest48224MonkeyDust: I want to debug it, not sidestep it. The laptop freezes about once a week even when no chrome is running. I just found a case were i can reproduce it quickly.14:10
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MonkeyDustGuest48224  you can also report a !bug in launchpad, if you don't get an answer here14:12
=== q_ is now known as Phryq
BluesKajThothCastel,  the interfaces and resolv.conf work together with nameservers , you can add the same entries in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base and the interfaces file to make the dns snameservers stick14:13
ThothCastelBluesKaj: ok, thank you14:15
admin0hi al14:15
admin0is there any tool/way to find out which interface is cross-connected . when the IP is not known14:15
BluesKajThothCastel,  assuming you aren't using network manager14:15
ThothCastelBluesKaj: what is network manager? a GUI app?14:16
th0radmin0: cross-connected?14:16
BluesKajThothCastel, yes14:16
admin0connected to each other using a cross-over cable and not via switch14:17
ActionParsnipadmin0: in a P2P link, you need to manually set IPs as there is no DHCP server14:19
samgabbayhow do i configure openvpn on 13.0414:20
ThothCastelBluesKaj: no, I'm using command line14:20
EaglemanI am using Duplicity to backup to several locations (local, samba and Rackspace Cloud Files), however, Duplicity only supportes backup up to one location, i could set up a backup to my local disk and use swifty to send the files to rackspace cloud files, but the main problem when using this method is that when files get deleted at the local folder, it will not get deleted at rackspace cloud14:21
Eaglemanfiles. Is there a method that can synchronise instead of only uploading to cloud files?14:21
Doobie420is it possible to add another hard drive to an encrypted LVM?14:21
BluesKajThothCastel, the NM gui is default on ethernet and wifi on ubuntuntu installs , so it still overwrites the resolv.conf settings14:21
samgabbayHow do i configure openvpn on 13.0414:21
zergutgood evening14:21
Kaapahey guys. I'm trying to install icedtea plugin version i386 for raring14:22
Kaapabut... when I open chrome or firefox it´ s not on the list14:22
Kaapaam I missing somehing here?14:22
ThothCastelBluesKaj: ok, how about if the gnome isn't installed (ubuntu server)14:22
ThothCastelowuld it have the ntwork manager as well14:22
Kaapaupdate-alternatives --list mozilla-javaplugin.so points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/i386/IcedTeaPlugin.so14:22
BluesKajThothCastel, ok , then you should be fine14:23
phillustinecan i get kubuntu support here too?14:24
acerimmerphillustine, yes.  ask.14:25
ubottuphillustine,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:25
BluesKajphillustine, for kubuntu specific support . join #kubuntu14:25
=== azend_ is now known as azend
TKingplease someone help me i did " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop " and got the following packages have unmet dependencies Ubuntu-gnome-desktop: Depends gnome-sushi but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages14:27
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acerimmerTKing, try sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:28
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phillustinethinks i'll join kubuntu14:28
MonkeyDustTKing  it says here "sushi is extra", maybe you can remove it first and try again14:29
phillustinej/ #kubuntu14:29
mhrKaapa, see if this helps http://blog.manoharbhattarai.com.np/2013/05/14/how-to-enable-java-applet-in-the-browser/14:29
jasper22Could someone help me with wireless adapter in Ubuntu ?14:29
* acerimmer ... sushi?14:29
phillustinej\ #kubuntu14:29
Kaapamhr: reading14:29
acerimmerjasper22, possibly.  is it a broadcom wifi chipset14:29
MonkeyDustphillustine  it's /join #kubuntu14:29
acerimmerphillustine, that would be /j #kubuntu14:29
jasper22acerimmer,  no no - basic setup14:30
phillustinemonkeydust: thanks. being immeasurably dense again14:30
jasper22acerimmer,  I followed tutorial here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/180733/how-to-setup-a-wi-fi-hotspot-access-point-mode14:30
acerimmerjasper22, sorry.  That tech level is over my head  ...14:30
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TKingMonkeyDust sudo apt-get remove sushi --- said not installed14:30
jasper22acerimmer,  And now my Android phone sees the wireless network but I could not get to any web page14:30
MonkeyDustTKing  it's gnome-sushi14:31
jasper22Somebody could help me with wireless adapter setup ?14:31
jasper22Basic setup14:31
jasper22Somehow I can not get to any web page from android :(14:32
neyderHi there I have a serious problem, i'm working in a remote server wich it's its own nameserver, now when in my local machine I start apache, this domain goes to localhost, and if apache is stop this domain goes to remote server14:33
MonkeyDustjasper22  try #android14:33
jasper22MonkeyDust,   I guess something wrong in dhcp setup14:34
jasper22I see wireless network14:34
jasper22I can connect14:34
jasper22I can see that android phone getting IP address14:34
jasper22I guess there's no routing inside Ubuntu box14:34
jasper22somehow I have to route all wireless network to my eth0 card14:35
jasper22that already connected to internet14:35
jasper22the android phone could not 'resolve' DNS14:37
jasper22or didn't receive DNS address14:37
=== sandeep is now known as Guest28319
jeevanushai, need a help in suspending - it says not authorized for my user, how to authenticate? take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749477/ please help14:43
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jeevanus_hai, need a help in suspending - it says not authorized for my user, how to authenticate? take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749477/ please help14:46
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MonkeyDust!repeat | jeevanus_14:46
ubottujeevanus_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:46
Doobie420does anyone know how to add another hard drive to an existing encrypted lvm?14:48
jeevanus_MonkeyDust: I logout of the section, hence repeated, im not able to google out this issue14:49
shadowmancerHey all I solved my issue, and you'll see the answer come up on http://askubuntu.com/questions/307163/fresh-install-doesnt-appear-to-work though can't post it as it won't let me for another little while14:58
ZephHi, I'm struggling to find a guide to help me setup simple FTP that I can make separate users for and dump them all in one directory, not the users home ubuntu directory. Any tips or links would be appreciated.14:58
=== beethoven2 is now known as beethoven8201
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
OrochikakuAnyone here willising to help an absolute idiot setup Ubuntu on a external hardrive?15:04
Doobie420do you want to be able to boot from the external?15:05
rti^I am currently running the latest version of Ubuntu. How do I get my system to restart and boot from a CD?15:05
Doobie420and you currently run ubuntu or windows?15:05
bekksrti^: Reboot and select to boot from CD in the boot menu of the BIOS.15:05
Doobie4200rochikaku, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/15:05
OrochikakuAllready done that15:06
OrochikakuJust want to setup the partitions right15:06
rti^How do I get to the BIOS? Ubuntu automatically loads. I have an HP-2000 notebook.15:06
Orochikakurti^: spam F10 when you are booting.15:07
rti^Thank you.15:07
OrochikakuJeez join and leave spam on this channel.15:07
OrochikakuSo Doobie420 can you help me with partitioning it?15:07
Doobie420i was under the impression that pendrivelinux handled everything and didn't have any partition prompts15:08
Doobie420it's been a while since i did it though15:08
Doobie420wait, hold on15:09
craigbass1976Is there a vnc client that allows me to scale the window?15:10
Orochikakudang, I just want a simple secure drive as far as I understand all I have to do is sellect the drive format it, +a encryption ,+ a / directory in ext 4, + a 2GB swap partition, 10GB tmp in ext4. in that order all primary except tmp?15:10
Orochikakudang, I just want a simple secure drive as far as I understand all I have to do is sellect the drive format it, +a encryption ,+ a / directory in ext 4, + a 2GB swap partition, 10GB tmp in ext4. in that order all primary except tmp? - Doobie42015:11
Doobie420you should encrypt everything except your /boot, inside the encryption should be your /, /home, and swap. i'm not sure what the purpose of a separate /tmp would be15:12
mattaf123i've been reading up on .bashrc and .bash_profile, but there's one thing that's mentioned several places yet never explained. currently i have only one line in my .bashrc which sources my .bash_profile. this has been working fine for me. however, i've read several places that you should only source .bashrc from .bash_profile and never the other way around. anyone know why?15:12
OrochikakuK thanks Doobie42015:12
vltHello. How can I log out a user?15:14
kurcinahi i have in my PC ati 4650 and i want to put 8600gt my question is will ubuntu automaticy stop using  drivers of ati (i installd in addonitanal driver ) and start using nvidia drivers?15:14
kurcinai will remove  465015:14
krzdoesnt ubuntu have iterm2?15:14
kurcinahi i have in my PC ati 4650 and i want to replace it whit 8600gt my question is will ubuntu automaticy stop using  drivers of ati (i installd in addonitanal driver ) and start using nvidia drivers?15:15
adamkkurcina: You don't need to ask every minute.15:15
adamkkurcina: You should uninstall the proprietary AMD driver.15:16
kurcinai refrazed my question15:16
kurcinahow to unistall proprietary driver15:16
adamkkurcina: Through "additional drivers"15:16
kurcinaok ty i just now sowe remove booton ty ans sorry for spam15:17
k1lkurcina: uninstall the fglrx and install the nvidia-current15:17
BabyCathey folks.. I just got a scare and I"m trying to find out what channel I can look to ask someone about cell phone privacy.. I walked into a store yesterday that I never walked into before and sure enough, I get an e-mail from them!!!!!!! WTF!!!! Anyone know where I can find out what the hell this is, why this happened? It's an Iphone 3 and 415:17
kurcinaok got it ty an bay15:17
geniikurcina: Because you installed the proprietary drivers, you will need to keep your first card in long enough to uninstall those first. Then the xorg.conf won't have the wrong driver line in it. After removing the proprietary driver, shut down, swap card, boot, install nvidia driver15:18
DJones!alis | BabyCat: Not really an Ubuntu question, however the alis bot may help you find the right channel to ask in,15:18
ubottuBabyCat: Not really an Ubuntu question, however the alis bot may help you find the right channel to ask in,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:18
kurcinai will unistall driver, restart, shutdown, pull out card place new, power on, install new, restart15:19
kurcinaBabyCat: i think it hes to do you turning you wifi constant on15:19
kurcinaBabyCat:  so it connects instant to free wifi in your market15:20
rszI have dual booted system with ubuntu 12.04 and windows. I am facing trouble with the mouse scroll, the scroll is about 4-5 times slower as compared to windows. and I am unable to find where to configure it system wide.15:20
kurcinasystem setings imput15:20
csarvenIf I know the pid, how can I find out the script which executed it?15:21
mjaykhaya all15:24
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swampfoxCan someone tell me how to get Cricket Broaband AC3781 working/setup/found on ubuntu 12.04?15:27
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=== marco is now known as Guest40950
plumaI keep on getting Perl locale errors when using git on my vagrant ubuntu box for de_DE, but /etc/defaults/locale is all set to en_US and I've exported env vars for that too15:36
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest88704
TKingdue to uefi in by bios, i can not boot from live cd no matter what i press on keyboard. Ubuntu is my only OS right now, i cant boot to BIOS settings with F2 i have to hit escape to get grub menu and choose system setup. But i really need help to boot to USB or CD even if i change the boot order it doesnt take effect rebooting still loads ubuntu straigt not any usb or cd is seen this means i can not format PC any help please?15:37
=== Guest88704 is now known as djono
TKingActionParsnip -- sorry to bug you but you happen to be guru with all my problems please see below15:38
TKingdue to uefi in by bios, i can not boot from live cd no matter what i press on keyboard. Ubuntu is my only OS right now, i cant boot to BIOS settings with F2 i have to hit escape to get grub menu and choose system setup. But i really need help to boot to USB or CD even if i change the boot order it doesnt take effect rebooting still loads ubuntu straigt not any usb or cd is seen this means i can not format PC any help please?15:38
djonoI just bought a new notebook and did a windows install first but gparted recognizes my hdd as unallocted15:38
jephbhi everyone, i would like to ask how can I know the name of the service which is running on the given port if i know the port15:41
MonkeyDustjephb  sounds like a lsof thing15:41
OaI'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a usb. It asks me for login and password. I obviously have neither. Help!15:42
kboodujephb: If it's a "standard" service it may be listed in /etc/services and grep for the port15:42
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
contrapunctusFolks? How does one read from a text file (so I may assign it to a variable in bash) using the CLI?15:45
TKingdue to uefi in by bios, i can not boot from live cd no matter what i press on keyboard. Ubuntu is my only OS right now, i cant boot to BIOS settings with F2 i have to hit escape to get grub menu and choose system setup. But i really need help to boot to USB or CD even if i change the boot order it doesnt take effect rebooting still loads ubuntu straigt not any usb or cd is seen this means i can not format PC any help please?15:45
Guest18299using pidgin 2.10.3, and conversation --> send file is grayed out befor and after i initiate a chat, can someone assist? do i need to install any plugins15:47
umib0zuhello, how do I find out what level of home folder encryption I have?15:48
kbooducontrapunctus: Try variable=`cat filename`15:48
umib0zuI'm using ecryptfs15:49
kbooducontrapunctus: Just be careful of reading large files. ;)15:49
contrapunctusOh, yeah, cat, totally forgot. Thanks, kboodu :)15:49
contrapunctuskboodu - cat filepath/filename | variable would also work right?15:51
ActionParsnipTKing: i have zero knowledge of uefi and will be avoiding it as much as possible in my future systems15:51
contrapunctusActionParsnip - I'm interested in hearing how anyone is supposed to do that, that trash is there in all hardware, it seems. :(15:52
kbooducontrapunctus: I don't think so.  I don't think bash would know that is a variable.15:52
ActionParsnipdepends on the rig :)15:52
ActionParsnipcontrapunctus: or just disabling it and installing as usual :15:53
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: I wish you good luck on the former.15:54
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: UEFI is the future of computing.15:54
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tomreynhi, i'm trying to run memtest86+ (the one 12.04 installs automatically) on an old acer laptop. sadly it freezes (I assume it does, because it doesn't start printing test patterns and tested memory areas) immediately when the memtest86+ screen is drawn.15:54
tomreynany idea why?15:55
tomreyn(or what else to try)15:55
razor996hello all15:57
gaauudhi all, ubuntu is running in low graphics mode in virtualbox. should i increase video memory?15:59
SonikkuAmericaWe really need the !hi flag in here, not just in #xubuntu16:00
SonikkuAmericagaauud: Probably a good idea; VBox only gives 12 MB of video memory by efault16:01
al_laI want to update from 12.10 to 13.04, but the software updater says everything is up to date even though I'm on 12.10.  In updater settings, I have 'notify of any new release'.  How else can I upgrade?16:01
SonikkuAmerica**whatever that word is16:01
gaauudthanks SonikkuAmerica. I'll try it16:01
SonikkuAmericaal_la: You're probably running the wrong command.16:01
contrapunctusSonikkuAmerica - You mean power and money prevailing over common sense and general good is the future of everything =(16:02
MonkeyDustal_la  try do-release-upgrade16:02
EnichIn the ubuntu kickstarter file, there is the option %post     Is this executed after the machine has installed and has been rebooted ?  or am i totally wrong ?16:02
SonikkuAmericacontrapunctus: Sir, UEFI is open-source. :)16:02
al_laMonkeyDust: Thanks, it's running now.16:03
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:03
contrapunctusSonikkuAmerica - and makes hell for the very same open source people. :\16:05
contrapunctusSonikkuAmerica - By the way, I never quite understood the final outcome of the UEFI brouhaha - can I install _any_ Linux distro on a UEFI machine, or just Ubuntu?16:05
SonikkuAmericacontrapunctus: Hopefully by the time they get the whole mess sorted out you should be able to run just about anything.16:05
Laurencebcan anyuone help me with latex?16:06
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX16:06
Laurencebi need to install a sty file?16:06
Laurencebwhere is the path?16:06
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MonkeyDustLaurenceb  200+ people in #latex16:12
TKingdue to uefi in by bios, i can not boot from live cd no matter what i press on keyboard. Ubuntu is my only OS right now, i cant boot to BIOS settings with F2 i have to hit escape to get grub menu and choose system setup. But i really need help to boot to USB or CD even if i change the boot order it doesnt take effect rebooting still loads ubuntu straigt not any usb or cd is seen this means i can not format PC any help please?16:13
contrapunctusI see, good to hear, SonikkuAmerica.16:13
TKingUbuntu is a problem lol16:14
MonkeyDustTKing  it's either uefi OR bios, which is it?16:14
SonikkuAmericaIam_th0r: (Pass. Try !ping)16:15
MonkeyDustTKing  is it a windows 8 pc ?16:15
TKingMonkeyDust i am using uefi and ubuntu installed as uefi mode but now i cant access16:15
MonkeyDustTKing  uefi is a pain for linux, blame microsoft for it16:16
Jordan_UTKing: Try disabling "Fast Boot" if it's enabled. You can also use grub to boot from an external drive, though if your only way of booting successfully is via grub on the internal drive you'll have to be careful about re-installing.16:16
TKingMonkeyDust, seriously if i talk about how i remove windows 8, i would cry now! I tried to dualboot16:16
TKingJordan_U how do i boot from external drive using grup?16:16
MonkeyDustTKing  removing windows would not change uefi16:17
MonkeyDustTKing  uefi is the pain, not ubuntu16:17
Jordan_UTKing: What OS are you trying to boot from the external drive?16:18
TKingMonkeyDust, true i removed windows8 and cant install it back no matter what, cos i formated all drives even catche drive? that is how i ignored windows and moved to ubuntu only.. but now i cant access bios with F2 unless i do escape and grub menu shows up16:18
TKingthen i use system setup option for it16:18
TKingfor bios16:18
MonkeyDustTKing  "thank you microsoft!"16:19
TKingJordan_U iam using ubuntu 13.0416:19
TKingi want to run live cd from grub16:19
TKingJordan_U i can get to bios but changes to boot order doesn't work and it never boots from USB live cd so am thinking of go via grub any solution?16:20
dhcireconfiguring my xorg.conf and I notice that there is a line in /var/log/Xorg.0.log that devices are being added automatically. is there a way to turn that off so that only the devices I specify are attempted? my x session is ending cleanly straight away, according to the log file, which seems odd.16:21
Jordan_UTKing: So you want to boot a LiveCD from grub? What distribution?16:21
gurtejpsinghI just download firefox-21.0.tar.bz2 I need exact step by step instructions on how to install please.16:22
TKingJordan_U am in grub now, how do i boot live cd from here?16:22
gurtejpsinghhey pablo01 please help16:23
TKingJordan_U ubuntu 13.0416:23
gurtejpsinghI need exact step by step instructions on how to install firefox-21.0.tar.bz216:23
Jordan_UTKing: Run "ls -l" to see if the CD is listed as a device.16:23
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  firefox is in the repos, you don't need a tar file16:23
k1l!info firefox16:24
Jordan_UTKing: Just "ls" for the list of devices without extra information about each one.16:24
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 21.0+build2-0ubuntu0.13.04.2 (raring), package size 24894 kB, installed size 51769 kB16:24
k1leven version 21 in raring16:24
SonikkuAmericagurtejpsingh: Run [ sudo apt-get install firefox ]16:24
geniiSonikkuAmerica: Perhaps before that: sudo apt-get update16:24
SonikkuAmericagurtejpsingh: What genii said above.16:25
Honvaii need help16:25
Jordan_U!pm | gurtejpsingh16:25
ubottugurtejpsingh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:25
MonkeyDustHonvai  let's hear it!16:25
Jordan_UTKing: In case you didn't know, you can press 'c' at the grub menu to get a grub shell.16:26
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sh3llc0d3rhello world16:27
SonikkuAmericash3llc0d3r: lol16:27
Honvaiasus fonepad system is down and i do not know if they fix my phone in store because i remove all screws.16:27
schoppenhauerhello. how is it possible to change the console keymap?16:27
schoppenhauerdpkg-reconfigure console-config does not provide an option.16:28
Jordan_UTKing: If the CD is listed as a device then run "root=(DEVICE)", where DEVICE will likely be something like (cd) or (cd0), then run "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg".16:28
gurtejpsinghhey jordan_u help please16:28
k1lgurtejpsingh: why dont you just: "sudo apt-get install firefox"16:29
greyganHi guys. I have yet another problem. I booted my computer this morning and my Log in screen had changed to the dotted background and after logging in there is nothing but the background color and an error came up saying the Gnome Shell was no longer installed (Or something to that effect)16:29
TKingJordan_U am checking am seeing hd0 hd1 etc16:29
OerHeksgurtejpsingh, why would you want to install FF 21 manually, it is in the ubuntu repo's16:29
TKingJordan-U am trying to figure out the sizes to tel which is which16:29
greyganMy question is how would it just be "gone" and how do I get it back?16:30
OerHeksgurtejpsingh, we do not support those kind of installations, as you don't get security updates.16:30
dkpiIs there anybody who has succefully install node-fibers in ubuntu 13.0416:32
TKingJordan_U it returned grub16:32
TKingas in grub>16:32
jhutchins_wkgurtejpsingh: You were already told how to install firefox.16:32
wilee-nileegurtejpsingh, firefox 21 is in the repos.16:33
jhutchins_wkgurtejpsingh: If you insist on installing a package from Mozilla, you must obtain instructions/help from them.16:33
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  type sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install firefox16:33
Jordan_UTKing: That's expected. What devices were listed? (again, just "ls" will give you a concise list)16:33
contrapunctusgurtejpsingh - Kya aap hindi bolte hain? :)16:34
TKingls listed as follows:     (hd0) (hd1,gpt1) hd(2) (hd1,gpt3) (h21,gpt1)16:35
gurtejpsinghcontrapunctus - yea16:35
Honvaiasus fonepad system is locked. i need help16:35
Jordan_UTKing: Do you have only one hard drive?16:35
TKingls listed as follows:     (hd0) (hd1,gpt1) hd(2) (hd1,gpt3) (hd2,gpt3) (hd2,gpt3)16:35
gurtejpsinghSOMEBODY HELP16:35
TKingJordan_U i have SSD drive and HDD inbuilt16:35
th0rgurtejpsingh: stop shouting16:36
gurtejpsinghLion King style16:36
k1lgurtejpsingh: enough"16:36
contrapunctusgurtejpsingh - Why do you want to install FF from the site? The main way is to use apt-get or synaptic or some other package manager.16:36
Honvaii need key to open asus fonepad.16:36
k1lgurtejpsingh: if you dont like the answer dont ask. you were already told several times how to get firefox16:36
gurtejpsinghI don't know any of those methods16:36
gurtejpsinghI am totally new to ubuntu16:36
cak099all caps means that you are shouting16:36
gurtejpsinghand I don't know programming16:37
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  type            sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install firefox16:37
gurtejpsinghsorry about that16:37
cak099just ask the question if someone can help they will16:37
Jordan_UTKing: Then given that there are three drives, one of them is probably the CD/DVD. Did "ls -l" list anything with an iso9660 filesystem?16:37
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  that's the easiest way16:37
k1lgurtejpsingh: you have no problem with ubuntu, you have a problem with reading what people are suggesting to you16:37
gurtejpsinghWell Monkeydust I do understand your solution sir16:37
acccgurtejpsingh: then use the ubuntu software center16:38
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  simply enter it in a terminal and see what happens :)16:38
gurtejpsinghbut I was just wondering how to do it manually16:38
TKingJorda_U smallest in size is hd0 sizes is 8116416 sectors with all drives showing no known filesystem detected16:38
acccu dont do it, u give the command and the package manager do it16:38
gurtejpsinghI think (I'm not sure) the solution you are providing will only be applicable to software otherwise available in the ubuntu software central16:38
k1lgurtejpsingh: manually is not supported since you dont get automatic updates.16:38
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  copy that command and paste it in a terminal, there's no simpler way16:39
k1lgurtejpsingh: so stop making the drama here16:39
TKingJordan_U that case hd0 is the bootable usb i guess16:39
gurtejpsinghOkay let me put it this way16:39
gurtejpsinghsuppose my friend has compiled a .tar.bz2 file16:39
Jordan_UTKing: You've said that it's a LiveCD and you've said that it's a LiveUSB; Which is it?16:40
gurtejpsinghhow do i install that16:40
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  start with the basics16:40
gurtejpsinghdo i still use the sudo-apt install xxx command16:40
th0rgurtejpsingh: then he would be the only one who could tell you how to install it16:40
TKingJordan_U sorry its a Live USB pc didn't come with CD ROM i use the term interchangably16:41
gurtejpsinghIf he has compiled it with a install.txt file ?16:41
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  ask your friend how to install it16:41
geniigurtejpsingh: tar.bz2 and similar are just an archive. Whatever's in them is whatever the creator put in there. Could be binary files could be source code, could be anything. So you need to contact who created it to find out how to use what they put in there.16:41
Jordan_UTKing: OK, how did you create the liveUSB?16:42
k1lgurtejpsingh: software code comes with a readme most times. read that or aasak the one who gave you the code16:42
MonkeyDustgurtejpsingh  why do you want to use a tar file, if there's a much easier way? it makes no sense16:42
k1lgurtejpsingh: but again: you will lose all the good things of installing it from the ubuntu repos16:42
TKingcreated from windows and using universal usb bootable software make16:43
TKingJordan_U created from windows and using universal usb bootable software. I used this same LiveUSB to install this Ubuntu so i think it works16:43
GreyganOK, I simply reinstalled the Gnome shell and I am running again. But still would like to know what might have caused this. I noticed when rebooting it was showing UbuntuKylin I am running the Gnome release of Ubuntu 13.04. Where did Kylin come from???16:47
Jordan_UTKing: Can you post a picture (with a camera) of "ls -l", or at least try to be more careful in correctly transcribing the output of plain "ls"?16:47
MonkeyDustGreygan  kylin is the chinese ubuntu fork16:47
SonikkuAmericaGreygan: Did you get the wrong image? You can find the official GNOME flavor (Ubuntu GNOME) at http://ubuntugnome.org/16:48
GreyganMonkeyDust: How would it have gotten installed on my machine and how would Gnome shell simply vanish?16:48
MonkeyDustGreygan  no idea    http://www.engadget.com/tag/kylin/16:49
SonikkuAmericaGreygan: The Chinese Communist government...? Who knows.16:49
GreyganNo I installed the Gnome release and have been running it for days. This morning i boot up and Gnome is gone16:49
GreyganHacked??? possible?16:50
SonikkuAmericaGreygan: Possible...16:50
SonikkuAmericaHard to do, but possible16:50
TKingJordan_U this is the image https://www.dropbox.com/s/exrtgbgngsdoq34/2013-06-12%2017.49.24.jpg16:51
Greyganjust weird...16:52
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TKingJordan_U its hd0 right?16:57
MonkeyDustGreygan  beats me, no idea16:58
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GreyganMonkeyDust: yeah me too, it is the weirdest thing I have encountered to date... LOL16:59
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Jordan_UTKing: Possibly, or possibly (hd1,gpt1). Try running "insmod part_msdos" then run "ls -l" again and you should see any partitions on (hd0) listed. If the USB drive is using an msdos label then that might explain why your firmware has some trouble booting from it.17:01
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TKingJordan_U: hd0 says msdos1: Filesystem type fat - Label PENDRIVE UUID 1c04-1b47 partition start at 26417:06
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TKingJordan_U so what do u advice? to fix the msdos1 partition17:09
richq ondas17:13
richalguen por ahi?17:14
GreyganOK, whatever the cause of this fiasco it has left me with 2 problems. Mainly when I get to my login screen it is not in a mirrored display mode which I need back. Once I get into the Gnome desktop it is mirrored just not my login screen. And on reboot it shows UbuntuKylin which I would like to remove17:14
richque hable español xD17:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:15
GreyganAny ideas on how to get my login screen back to a mirrored display configuration or at least switch it's default monitor?17:23
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Jordan_UTKing: Sorry, I got disconnected.17:25
Eagleman7I am using Duplicity to backup to several locations (local, samba and Rackspace Cloud Files), however, Duplicity only supportes backup up to one location, i could set up a backup to my local disk and use swifty to send the files to rackspace cloud files, but the main problem when using this method is that when files get deleted at the local folder, it will not get deleted at rackspace cloud17:27
Eagleman7files. Is there a method that can synchronise instead of only uploading to cloud files?17:27
AlexPortableHi, Ubuntu can apply my display resolution17:29
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AlexPortablemy monitor is 1920x1080 16:9, but when I click apply I get: the selected monitor configuration cant be applied.17:30
AlexPortablecan't apply the settings for CRTC 43417:30
AlexPortableubuntu 10.04 lts17:30
k1lAlexPortable: ubuntu 10.04 is out of support. oldest desktop release is now 12.0417:31
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AlexPortable10.04 is lts17:32
k1lAlexPortable: the desktop is out of support for 10.0417:33
k1l!eol | AlexPortable17:33
ubottuAlexPortable: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:33
AlexPortablebut i still get updates17:33
AlexPortableand it must be easy to solve17:33
dryicebombAlexPortable: look at post #6 on this forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186555917:33
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AlexPortablei'm not stuck at 1366x76817:33
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k1lAlexPortable: not for the deskop. thats it17:33
awaadWhat is the latest version of Ubuntu?17:38
GreyganAny ideas on how to get my login screen back to a mirrored display configuration or at least switch it's default monitor?17:38
dryicebombawaad 13.0417:38
auronandaceawaad: 13.0417:38
PinguHey guys17:40
Pingubit of a problem, my ubuntu system is seriously overheating my laptop17:41
yebyendoes anyone know if the defaults in fstab changed on the way to raring (maybe in quantal?)17:41
Pingueven when I'm doing absolutely nothing on it17:41
yebyennagios has warned me that I'm seeing different mount options, we used to have barrier=1 now we don't17:41
kaddihi? How do I download an album form amazon with ubuntu? Is there a way to use the amz files?17:41
yebyenis that because barriers are the default now?17:41
kaddiI tried pymazon and clamz and got error on both17:41
yebyenor performance reasons17:41
NedMan74long time no here... i am looking for a decent cd burner ... ubuntu says it doesnt support my mp3 files....17:42
PinguAnyhow if anyone knows the overheating issue solution with ubuntu on laptops PM me17:42
GreyganPingu: your fans and or heatsink is most likely covered in dust. I suggest disassembly / cleaning.17:43
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dryicebombPingu: I agree with Greygan, its more likely a physical issue17:43
Pinguthe laptop is fairly new17:43
Pinguso I higly doubt it17:43
Pingualso it runs cold on Win717:44
Pinguso it's most likely not17:44
Greyganlol OK...17:44
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PinguI'd say it needs some configuring or that it probably did not find the correct drivers or loced the CPU at max freq17:45
statlPingu: EIST resp. CnQ enabled?17:46
GreyganPingu: your other option is to download a fan speed control software.  (Possibly config issue like u say... but I cant help with that).17:46
geniiProbably an Nvidia17:47
Pinguhave any one you'd recommend17:47
Pingunope I don't use Nvidi17:47
NedMan74MP3 to Wav converter anyone?17:47
PinguI am aware of the Nvidia issued with linux17:47
sereNedMan74: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/convert-mp3-files-to-wav-files-in-linux/17:48
seretoo slow17:48
Pingua simple google search can produce wonders eh sere17:49
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serePingu: Yep. i would so lost without google17:49
Greygansere: How r u today? Been in here long enough to see my latest fiasco? LOL17:50
guest_zehexxi'm use ubuntu , if have another distro in ISO file, can we install it in our ubuntu folder without configure partition?17:51
sereGreygan: hey buddy! doing good just woke up :).. u?.. oh no what happend?17:52
Eagleman7How can i sync a local folder and ftp?17:52
Greygansere: I got up this morning and my gnome-shell was gone... I reinstalled it but not sure where it went. AND when I reboot now it says UbuntuKylin17:53
dryicebombEagleman7: I'd probably use lftp for that, take a look at this little howto http://old.marconijr.com/content/syncing-files-lftp17:53
xanguaguest_zehexx: you mean a virtual machine¿17:53
sereGreygan: you've been robbed :x , i dont even know what Kylin is :/17:54
Greygansere: it is the chinese distro of Ubuntu17:54
guest_zehexxi mean. i have a another distro ISO file , example : xxxxxxxx.iso . so how to set in ubuntu grub.cfg?17:55
sereGreygan: i see.. so is that what your using by default?17:55
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GreyganI didnt install it... I am on the gnome ditrobution of 13.0417:56
samgabbaycan someone please tell me if i can run team fortress 2 on my ubuntu pc http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&docname=c0261876517:56
Jordan_Uguest_zehexx: It depends on the distribution, not all distributions support loop booting, and unless they ship a /boot/grub/loopback.cfg on their iso configuring it to boot is distribution specific.17:57
Greygansere: no idea where it came from...17:57
samgabbaycan someone please tell me if i can run team fortress 2 on my ubuntu pc http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&docname=c0261876517:57
Eagleman7I have somehow broken my apt-get: http://pastebin.com/aDKJqzRD  what can i do to make it work aigan?17:57
k1l!patience | samgabbay17:57
ubottusamgabbay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:57
samgabbayteam fortresss and couter strike source17:58
sereGreygan: hmm .. if you want we can remove that distro package and check if it gnome3-shell got delted17:58
geniisamgabbay: http://www.teamfortress.com/linux/17:58
samgabbayyes but i wanna know if i can run17:58
guest_zehexxJordan_u i will try to understanding it,17:58
Eagleman7I have somehow broken my apt-get: http://pastebin.com/aDKJqzRD  what can i do to make it work aigan?17:58
xanguasamgabbay: asking for permission or is something stopping you¿ ;)17:59
Jordan_Uguest_zehexx: What distribution are you trying to loop boot (boot from an iso file)?17:59
Greygansere: that would be awesome. The weird thing is it doesnt show up on my login options. Only my reinstalled gnome-shell17:59
samgabbayxangua,  whuuttT?????? i havent installed it yet i just wanna know if it would run fine17:59
geniiEagleman7: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/python-memcache_1.48-1_all.deb17:59
Mage_DudeI've added an entry to the iptables to allow connections on port 69 for tftp, but doing nmap from a separate client shows that the state is closed. Can anyone help me figure out why that would be the case.18:00
geniiEagleman7: Then after: apt-get -f install   ...once more18:00
Eagleman7genii, thanks a lot18:00
dryicebombMage_Dude: did you do -p udp in your iptables?18:00
geniiEagleman7: I'd give you a lecture about runnning as root but perhaps you've done sudo -i   ;)18:01
k1lEagleman7: you have a PPA on?18:01
Eagleman7genii, sudo su18:01
sereGreygan: can you actauly login to it?18:01
Greygansere: also is there a log file somewhere that would show how or when it was installed and Gnome removed? This PC is in my house and I am the only one here that knows ANY linux...18:02
Mage_Dudedryicebomb: I don't believe I did. I'll remove the entry and add it again with that flag.18:02
Greygansere: no it only shows Kylin on the log off screen18:02
sereGreygan: what do you use as a package manager?18:04
guest_zehexxwhat is loopback?18:04
Greygansere: what is a package manager? LOL18:04
deadmundIs there a linux equivalent of MS libraries or OS X labels ( new name: tags )  ?18:04
Mage_Dudedryicebomb: No go. State still closed. And oddly after rebooting the tables were clear even after doing iptables-save18:05
Greygansere: is that the software updater? if so I am using the default in Gnome.18:06
sereGreygan: it manages aplications like to install, remove... a few are dpkg (command like), synaptic, software-center (default in gnome i believe)18:06
dryicebombMage_Dude: so it just shows accept all then? then it should be accepting anything that is listening. is there a tftp server running?18:06
Mage_Dudedryicebomb: Connecting from localhost works fine. Any remote client (still in same network) cannot18:07
Mage_DudeYup, shows ACCEPT anywhere and DESTINATION anywhere with udp dpt:tftp18:08
Greygansere: it is just calling it "Software Updater" not sure how to get more info on it.18:09
Mage_DudeI could see if maybe it was a forwarding issue, but the port should still be open when scanning it.18:09
SmicheI can't boot my ubuntu since i changed all of the folders permissions in File System18:10
dryicebombMage_Dude: what tftp server are you using?18:10
SmicheSome1 knows what are the vital permissions for folders in order to have it back to running again?18:11
Mage_DudeThe one that's running for the MAAS (cluster controller) service18:11
Smichehttp://sysadminnotebook.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-reset-folder-permissions-to.html this would work?18:12
sereGreygan: if im not mistaking the software updater is for actauly updating your system or certain packages.. maybe it was an update that did this to you18:12
Greygansere: but it is the Gnome default as I have not installed one.18:12
dryicebombMage_Dude: what does sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 69 show?18:12
sereGreygan: lets check the installed log, try this : less /var/log/apt/history.log18:13
Greygansere: if it were a new update wouldnt this channel be flooded with peeps with the same problem?18:14
Greygansere: k sec18:14
Eagleman7dryicebomb, i am using lftp, but it is uploading every file aigan, when starting a sync job18:15
sereGreygan: yea i would think .. i know would be.. i dont know mandarin :o18:15
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Mage_Dudedryicebomb: http://apaste.info/0V6r18:15
Greygansere: me either LOL I know NOTHING Chinese LOL18:17
dryicebombMage_Dude: the second line in your paste is the issue, that python process is only listening from the local machine, its not accepting connections from the outside. there must be a config file somewhere to change to fix that, but i'm not sure, i don't have much experience with that maas stuff18:17
Greygansere: That command gave me a MASSIVE amount of output that I can not select all of...18:17
Mage_Dudedryicebomb: Ok, so I need to change the config so that it's listening to all incoming (not just local), or, do you think I can forward all requests from outside to local?18:18
Greygansere: here are the bottom lines. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5759024/18:19
TKingcan i format disk with grub?18:19
sereGreygan: thats the install log the you mentioned earlier.. try to scroll up/down and see when gnome-shell was removed or kylin was installed18:19
kbooduTKing: Grub is for partitioning.  You'll still need to do a "mkfs" as root if you're doing it from the command line.18:20
dryicebombMage_Dude: yes, it would be best to change it through the config somehow18:20
TKingkboodu, i can't boot to my USB to run LiveUSB and due to UEFI i cant do anything18:21
Mage_Dudedryicebomb: Thanks, I'll check it out.18:21
kbooduTKing: That's a different issue than the question you asked.  I don't know enough about UEFI to help with that.18:21
TKingkboodu so i want to partition the drive to be smaller than ubuntu space needed or format the drive since i cant run ubuntu liveUSB or even make boot order take effect18:21
Jordan_UTKing: Please run "insmod part_msdos" and post a picture of "ls" and "ls -l" again.18:22
sereGreygan: did you install gnome-shell this morning?18:22
dryicebombEagleman7: you mean its re-uploading the files that it has already uploaded? are you looking for somethign that will only upload files that are new or recently changed? if so, that will require a different solution, or possibly a little shell scripting.18:22
dryicebombMage_Dude: No problem, good luck.18:22
Eagleman7dryicebomb, i am looking for that, yes18:22
deadmundI find nepomuk which works great cause I run linux18:22
Greygansere: I see it. I think it happened when I tried to remove "dconf editor" and yes I had to reinstall the gnome shell this morning to get back in to the gui18:22
TKingJordan_U this is the image https://www.dropbox.com/s/exrtgbgngsdoq34/2013-06-12%2017.49.24.jpg18:23
deadmundi mean, I run KDE :P18:23
Eagleman7dryicebomb, i am trying to sync with rackspace cloud files and a local folder, i dont want to reupload several GB's of data with every sync18:23
TKingJordan_U: hd0 says msdos1: Filesystem type fat - Label PENDRIVE UUID 1c04-1b47 partition start at 26418:23
qwebirc95415Hey guys, newbie here. I was running Ubuntu 12.04 from a Live USB, trying to reset the Administrator password for Windows on that machine. I downloaded the chntpw tool, and ran it, but it didn't seem to work. I've set a persistent file size on the USB drive. Here18:23
qwebirc95415's my problem18:23
Greygansere: I removed dconf editor via the ubuntu software center. looks like it removed my gnome-shell as well18:23
qwebirc95415when I restart Ubuntu, it asks me for a username and password. Just pressing enter doesn't work18:24
dryicebombEagleman7: I've found this, its an rsync like application for cloud sync, I've never tried or used it personally, and the project appears to no longer be updated, but maybe it will work for you. https://code.google.com/p/cloudfiles-sync/wiki/Instructions18:25
sereGreygan: i believe that a dconf editor dependency of gnome18:26
Greygansere: yup looks like it. still not sure about kylin but o'well I am however left with 1 problem. My login screen is no longer using a mirrored display configuration. do you know how to get that back or at least switch the login's default monitor.18:28
Jordan_UTKing: OK, then hd0 is the drive you want, and your computer might successfully boot from it if it used a GPT label rather than an msdos label, but to boot it from grub just run "root=(hd0,msdos1); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg".18:29
sereGreygan: im trying to locate the kylin distro package in my repo but its nowhere to be found which makes me think that the reason why your getting the kylin on your login screen is it created a sym link for kylin when gnome-shell was installed18:30
Greygansere: the kylin logo on shutdown was there from the moment gnome-shell was removed. b4 the reinstall18:31
khamerTrying to figure out how to change an application's icon (as in, the icon used to represent an open window)18:32
khameron XFCE, so not Unity18:32
Greygansere: maybe the Gnome distrobution of 13.04 was built on top of Kylin???18:32
TKingJordan_U comand didnt work18:34
Jordan_UTKing: Please post a screenshot of the command and output.18:34
sereGreygan: possibly but it should have been there.. if your seeing a shutdown screen then you actauly got some kylin apps install18:35
sereGreygan: shouldnt18:35
Eagleman7dryicebomb, its not working for me, this is becoming a mess18:36
Greygansere: well there was an app I installed the other day that the software center said was a tweak tool but turned out to be a chinese calander. I removed it afterwards though.18:37
dryicebombEagleman7: sorry, Keep asking your question every 10 minutes or so, and hopefully someone will join and see it, and be able to answer it better.18:37
Eagleman7dryicebomb, i am forced to setup a windows server only for making backups to cloud files18:38
berdarioHi, anyone has any idea how icons are picked when a .desktop file is not present?18:38
Eagleman7nothing is working on linux for cloud files18:38
tgm4883Eagleman7, why not rsync?18:38
Eagleman7tgm4883, becuase cloud files dont support rsync18:38
Greygansere: the only apps I have installed are Deluge, VLC player, and Guayadeque music player.18:39
tgm4883Eagleman7, I'm unsure what you are using, since I just came back from a meeting18:39
berdariothere're some other people asking this thing... but no one showed up with the answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/245875/how-do-i-get-high-resolution-icons-in-unity-for-my-application-without-a-deskto18:39
Eagleman7tgm4883, i want to sync a local folder with rackspace cloud files, which is impossible to do, been trying it for a few days18:39
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tgm4883Eagleman7, really?  http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/backing-up-your-files-with-rsync18:40
sereGreygan: can you please pastebin the history.log :  gedit /var/log/apt/history.log18:40
micheleHi everyone. I have a Canon Pixma mx340 printer.  Is there any way to install this under Raring Ringtail? I've googled and googled, but nothing works so far.18:40
qwebirc95415Guys, I need help with the chntpw tool18:40
Eagleman7tgm4883, a combination of rsync and rackspace does not results in a correct answer18:41
Eagleman7tgm4883, In this example, I am going to backup my main Cloud Server home directory to another server.18:41
Eagleman7Which has nothing to do with cloud files at all18:41
Greygansere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5759096/18:41
tgm4883Eagleman7, I'm sorry, I thought it had something to do with cloud files since you said you wanted to sync a local folder to cloud files18:41
tgm4883<Eagleman7> tgm4883, i want to sync a local folder with rackspace cloud files, which is impossible to do, been trying it for a few days18:42
tgm4883I suppose I misunderstood what that meant, which apparently is that you don't want to sync a local folder with rackspace cloud files18:42
Eagleman7i do18:42
Eagleman7tgm4883, so what is he doing in that example?18:43
sereGreygan: ahh found it :) ubuntukylin-default-settings18:43
tgm4883Eagleman7, it would appear that he is rsyncing a local directory to cloud files18:43
tgm4883Eagleman7, but I've not done that, so I'm just guessing based on what I skimmed18:44
root__join /themindbenders18:44
* tgm4883 doesn't use rackspace cloud files18:44
Eagleman7tgm4883 ok he is not doing that at all, he is rsyncing to another server, not cloud files18:44
qwebirc95415So, when I boot up into Ubuntu Live USB, it's asking for a username and password. I've never set any username and password. Simply pressing Enter doesn't work. Neither does 'ubuntu'. Any ideas?18:45
kaddihi? How do I download an album form amazon with ubuntu? Is there a way to use the amz files?18:45
sereGreygan: lets try to remove the kylin but check the output and make sure it doesnt delete anything else before you hit yes18:45
OerHeksqwebirc95415, name: ubuntu pass: <empty>  i think18:46
sereGreygan: sudo apt-get remove ubuntukylin-default-settings18:46
tgm4883Eagleman7, I've not read all the backlog, but I see 2 projects that say they can do that18:46
qwebirc95415OerHeks - that doesn't work. It shows me some red error messages.18:46
tgm4883Eagleman7, eh, one says it's no longer maintained, the other is http://storagemadeeasy.com/?p=static&page=LinuxDrive&redirectedfromold=y18:47
Greygansere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5759104/18:47
micheleIs there any way at all to install a Canon mx340 printer under Raring?18:47
tgm4883Eagleman7, you could also mount cloud files locally, then use rsync   http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/mounting-rackspace-cloud-files-to-linux-using-cloudfuse18:48
friendlyfoedoes ubuntu have a cli only version cant find a link anywhere18:50
sereGreygan: sudo apt-get remove ubuntukylin-theme  .. is that installed?18:50
tgm4883friendlyfoe, you want ubuntu server18:50
DJones!text | friendlyfoe18:50
ubottufriendlyfoe: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:50
friendlyfoeoh so just remove the gui?18:50
tgm4883friendlyfoe, I would just install ubuntu server, then add on what you need from there18:51
friendlyfoeah thnx18:51
Greygansere Yup :)18:51
sereGreygan: awesome :)18:51
gordonjcpfriendlyfoe: what are you trying to do?18:52
sereGreygan: that should fix your login bootsplash and remove the sym link18:53
bindiare there any good solutions for listening to music on youtube, controlling it from an android tablet? i want something that runs on the background18:53
Greygansere: awesome Thank you again. You rock :)18:53
mirakis the tearing of the videos with hardware acceleration fixed in Unity ?18:53
miraki am forced to use mate, since i can't use composite extension18:54
mirakotherwise xbmc have tearing18:54
mirakor si ubber slow18:54
Greygansere: BRB rebooting to test18:54
sereGreygan: anytime :) reboot if you want check it and see if you got your TwinView screens working18:54
sereGreygan: hehe ok18:54
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[OS]CazazoHi all18:56
[OS]Cazazoi need some help with Clam anti virus...18:57
marina1hi! Please tell me why cant i access mysql folder in /var/lib/mysql i get permission denied18:57
[OS]Cazazofreshclam ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log).18:57
ozzywhat's a ubuntu webapp?18:58
sere[OS]Cazazo: do you have another instance of freshclam running18:58
[OS]Cazazosere: I've checked the processes and there is nothing..18:59
kboodumarina1: You need to be the "mysql" user to prevent unauthorized access to the data in the database.18:59
sere[OS]Cazazo: something is locking that up it sounds like.. did you try a reboot and re-run the program19:00
Greygansere: Well it got rid of the Kylin logo but still have the login issue. The problem is the second monitor is shared (2 inputs) and not facing me for login... lol19:00
[OS]CazazoI did a log out...19:00
[OS]Cazazothat should do it, isn't it?19:00
sereGreygan: what do you mean not facing you?19:01
[OS]CazazoI'll reboot and if the problem is still there I come back!19:01
[OS]Cazazojust a sec19:01
TKingJordan_U, my system rebooted - right now i have done a new LiveUSB so the command is and i followed your instruction only for it to return to a refreshed grub command line see screenshot:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/xt227mfqpm5i23p/2013-06-12%2020.01.09.jpg19:02
Greygansere: I have to get up walk over to where the shared monitor is and use it to log in19:02
abhi_Hi guys. I just downloaded the game "Sonic the Hedgehog.zip" which once extracted has a .smc extension file inside it. I also have installed a the emulator ZSNES. But when i load the .smc file nothing hapens. Please help...19:03
jhutchins_wkabhi_: I would expect /usr/share/doc/zsnes/README.* to have information on how to use it.19:04
ThothCastelwhat linux distro is ubuntu based on?19:05
geniiThothCastel: Debian19:05
TKingJordan_U according to screenshot? when i do enter key it takes me to screen with  nothing above or under                grub>  _19:05
genii!debian > ThothCastel19:06
ubottuThothCastel, please see my private message19:06
Greygansere: the "shared" monitor has 2 inputs and is connected to 2 computers. It is not facing my desk, it is my wife's second monitor she uses.19:06
sereGreygan: how is it being shared.. through hmdi ?19:07
Eagleman7Is it in anyway to setup multiple locations using duplicity?19:07
ThothCastelubottu: thank you19:07
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:07
jhutchins_wkGreygan: Simplest fix might just be to swap cables.19:08
Greygansere: It has 2 inputs one DVI and 1 VGA and can switch between the 219:08
sereGreygan: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/08/ubuntu-tips-how-to-setup-dual-monitor/19:08
daftykinsGreygan: call me crazy, but why do you have a second screen connected that doesn't face you? :) is it so you can drag things over to show your wife or something?19:08
TKingJordan_U are you there?19:09
sereGreygan: movies?19:09
Jordan_UTKing: Yes.19:10
Jordan_UTKing: Try pressing escape once and hopefully you'll be at a new grub menu (one for the Ubuntu on the LiveUSB).19:10
Baribal_Hi. Are MacBook Pros "normal" PCs in regard of the boot sticks to use? I'm currently forced to use a MacBook, as my Asus laptop had a headcrash. Now that I replaced the HDD I have to make a (USB install) boot stick, but the tutorial I found implies that it's meant to work on a (then former) Mac.19:10
Greygansere: Yes I have it mirrored and works fine once in the GUI its just the login screen that is no longer mirrored. But I think jhutchins is right I should just swap monitor cables on my card to make mine the default at login.19:11
sereGreygan: ah i see.. i had that same problem.. your mirror affect is taking affect to late .. in gnome startup probably19:12
Eagleman7Is it in anyway to setup multiple locations using duplicity?19:12
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Greygansere: yeah, just odd that it worked before the gnome-shell removal fiasco19:13
sarge1221I need help with this error message> "ko_KR.UTF-8... hash collision (1701936715) ko_KR.utf8. es_CO.utf8 failed" how to resolve?19:14
Jordan_UBaribal_: Macs are quirky when it comes to booting from USB, and the quirks can varry from model to model. These instructions http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx should work with any model, though I'm not sure what to do if you don't have a mac to prepare the USB drive with. Booting from DVD is much simpler on intel macs.19:15
sereGreygan: that would be an easy fix .. the hdmi will have better quality .. if your watching movies you probably want the hdmi for movies and vga for monitor.. depending on your tv / resolution wanted 720p, 1080p etc19:15
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sarge1221How to get around language pack installation issues?19:16
=== s is now known as Guest48009
Greygansere: My video card only has DVI outputs. The wife's has the VGA that is connected to the monitor. I will just swap my 2 DVI out cables making my monitor the default at log in19:17
sereGreygan: oh yaah.. swap those suckers19:18
Greygansere: yup yup I just got hung up thinking of the cause... and wasnt thinking physical fix... LOL19:18
sereGreygan: it is possible to have both screen mirrored as soon as X starts if needed19:19
Greygansere: I have been a computer tech too long. LOL19:19
Eagleman7Is it in anyway to setup multiple locations using duplicity?19:20
sereGreygan: i know what you mean lol..ive spent days on problems when i forgot to plugin it in or put a cd in19:20
Greygansere: LOL same here.19:21
TKingJordan_U it didn't work or go to new grub menu? u have really tried for me19:21
sarge1221Does noone seriously have a recommendation on how to get around this issue? It won't show the korean language pack when I do locale -a and I need to be able to switch the locale for software on wine. >_>19:21
TKingJordan_U maybe i need to get an external drive and do it19:21
Baribal_Jordan_U: It's the other way around. i've got a Mac on which I want to prepare a stick for an Asus laptop. Also, CD/DVD isn't really an option, I don't have spare blanks lying around.19:22
mamedhello guys now i am reading a article about ubuntu mir . is it true??19:23
Jordan_Umamed: It depends on what the article says, but either way that's a discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic rather than here.19:24
micheleIs there any way to install a Canon Pixma mx340 printer under Raring?19:24
djonohey are there any touchpad tweaks??19:24
sereGreygan: im glad your up and running buddy, i will bbl. im going to go get a bite to eat.. see ya soon have a good one :)19:24
Jordan_UBaribal_: Ahh, then I think Unetbootin is available for OSX, or you can just dd the iso image to the drive (carefully, as dd will completely wipe whatever drive you pass to it, including the internal drive). And since this is being done for a PC you shouldn't need to do the extra diskutil conversion as that guide has you do.19:25
Greygansere: u 2. enjoy the food :)19:26
sarge1221I need help with this error message> "ko_KR.UTF-8... hash collision (1701936715) ko_KR.utf8. es_CO.utf8 failed" how to resolve? Korean language pack fails to show using locale -a in terminal. (this will be reposted every 30 secs until a solution is offered... ^_^)19:26
=== Zou is now known as Gurty
kboodumichele: Did you see this link?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154319119:27
sarge1221 I need help with this error message> "ko_KR.UTF-8... hash collision (1701936715) ko_KR.utf8. es_CO.utf8 failed" how to resolve? Korean language pack fails to show using locale -a in terminal. (this will be reposted every 30 secs until a solution is offered... ^_^)19:27
sarge12211>  I need help with this error message> "ko_KR.UTF-8... hash collision (1701936715) ko_KR.utf8. es_CO.utf8 failed" how to resolve? Korean language pack fails to show using locale -a in terminal. (this will be reposted every 30 secs until a solution is offered... ^_^)19:28
djonohey are there any touchpad tweaks? im index finger on the left button and scroll with the middle. but two fingers on this touchpad stops  the pointer19:28
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[OS]Cazazoguys could you help me with anti virus ClamAV19:29
minimecdjono: 'settings -> mouse/touchpad'19:29
Jordan_Usarge1221: Repeating your question every 30 seconds will not get it answered sooner, and is rude. If nobody knows the answer to your question, nobody will answer. Please wait at least 5 minutes between re-posting, and try searching or posting at searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/.19:30
djonominimec im using lubuntu19:30
michelekboodu, I think I tried this before and it had broken dependencies, but just in case I'm downloading it.19:30
albechcreated a selfsigned certificate with CN = *.domain.com. All subdomains display the cert as being valid, but when accessing domain.com it fails.. Any ideas?19:31
minimecdjono: I do not ... ;)19:31
kboodumichele: You might have to watch logs for any errors that fly by.  maybe 'tail -f' a couple log files in other terminals.19:31
Guest96707ho un problema con l'audio di ubuntu studio19:32
minimecdjono: /join #lubuntu19:32
[OS]Cazazowhen I try to update the virus definitions... it doesn't work... tries to connect several times with not success... http://pastebin.com/qFH5xBH619:32
FloodBot1sarge1221: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:32
DJones!it | Guest9670719:32
ubottuGuest96707: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:32
kboodumichele: What version since there are different instructions for Lucid 64-bit out there too19:32
michelekboodu: I tried this file but it has broken dependencies.19:32
djonoth‎is new computer is killing me. its one of those intergrated touchpads19:32
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=== comrad is now known as comradzilla
michelekboodu: it's Raring 64-bit. I'll run it again and tell you just what I get.19:33
Guest96707i have a problem with audio,19:33
kboodumichele: This page talks about dependency issues (but it's Lucid, not Raring): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518425&page=519:34
olanipekunanyone wana chat with me19:35
Ben64!ot | olanipekun19:35
ubottuolanipekun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:35
Eagleman7Is it in anyway possible to setup multiple locations using duplicity?19:36
olanipekunam having problem using ubuntu but i like the OS19:36
strixUKi have a fairly recently installed VM running ubuntu server.  aptitude.log is telling me that several packages, including rsyslogd and several mysql packages are marked HOLD.  any idea why, and whether it's safe to go ahead and upgrade them?19:38
strixUKolanipekun: please keep to the channel unless you have something specific19:38
strixUK(and off topic for the channel)19:39
michelekboodu: it says it can't install because cnijfilter-common depends on libpopt0 (>= 1.7) - which is no longer in the repositories.19:39
kboodumichele: Hmm.  What about the second link I sent?19:41
kboodumichele: This one - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518425&page=519:41
kboodumichele: Sorry.  Never mind.  That won't work either because of the dependency on cnijfilter19:42
kboodumichele: Try this link.  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2122200.html19:45
kboodumichele: It doesn't look TOO bad..but the write-up is a little confusing.  But you should be able to follow it.19:46
michelekboodu: I'm reading it now...I'll let you know how it works out.19:46
shodan45pros/cons to using nginx from the nginx.org repo vs normal ubuntu repo?19:47
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
trijntje_How can I install ubuntu server on a system that lacks a monitor?19:48
daftykinsshodan45: standard concerns with any external repo, if their package depends on any additional packages, if the ones a new nginx relies upon aren't in the ubuntu ones, you might get installation issues if they don't both keep 'in line'19:48
ki9ahi. since one of the last apt-get upgrades my xbmc doesn't give sound anymore and says (no audio device); if i kill -9 the xbmc* tasks and it automatically restarts it works fine.19:48
ki9aERROR: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "@:CARD=SB,DEV=0" << is the error when it fails hte first time19:49
Jordan_Utrijntje_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13106/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-on-a-headless-machine19:50
ki9aif it makes any difference, pulseaudio is started after xbmc (has a later pid)19:51
trijntje_Jordan_U: cool, thanks!19:51
Jordan_Utrijntje_: You're welcome.19:52
Ben123I have a pb with mount my usb drive19:55
=== Zou is now known as Gurty
hanasakihow can a directory or subdirs or induvidual files be monitored to see when a file is opened/closed/created/deleted/changed?19:56
Ben123anyone around?19:56
Ben123i have 12.04 server edition19:56
Ben123and installed vnc4server19:56
Ben123I'm getting a Not Authorized19:56
Ben123when I tried to mount19:56
Ben123I think it has to do with groups issues19:56
Ben123I think I need to had the mounter into the sudoer group19:57
Ben123but idk which is what19:57
michelekboodu: Halleujah! It worked! Thank you so much. If I were single I'd marry you! :)19:57
kboodumichele: lol.  Ahh, ok.  It's just my google-fu worked today.  <blush> But thanks.19:59
Jordan_Uhanasaki: The inotify system call allows you to do this, and there are terminal based utilities for using inotify in the package inotify-tools.20:00
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roo9anyone happen to know if there is a way to disable a dependancy for a package, X requires Z but doesn't actually need it to function and Z conflicts with Y20:03
Fuzzlesif i install windows to one HD amd ubuntu to another HD will grub show both OS's?20:03
khyrawhat is the command to make sure my firewall is not blocking any of the standard mail ports (25, 465, 587, 110, 995, 143, and 993)? What should I write in my /etc/iptables.firewall.rules ?20:05
Jordan_UFuzzles: Yes (though if it's a UEFI based Windows install you'll have to add the Windows entry manually).20:05
FuzzlesJordan_U, nar its not, what if i did that and unplugged one drive will it auto boot the connected OS20:06
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Jordan_UFuzzles: Not by default, but you can configure grub to fallback to a given entry when booting the default entry fails.20:07
BadDesignDoes anyone have this problem with Skype when you are unable to send messages? I have Skype and I get "This message is not delivered yet" when I try to send a message to someone who is offline20:07
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astropriatehow can I enable ptrace for debugging? I changed /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf  value to 0  but   /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope  still says 1.  I already rebooted20:08
FuzzlesJordan_U, how would i do that?20:08
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noiroanyone know a good screen capture + record software + video editor?20:09
astropriatei was working on a sick GUI for ffmepg a couple of months ago:  https://github.com/mansoor-s/Screencast20:09
astropriatebut got bored and never finished it20:09
gotwigGuys I love you20:11
noiroI'd be primarily doing Let's Play videos.20:11
gotwig13.10 is going to be sooo hot20:11
gotwigI can just search for my favorite free-song artist, and can directly hear songs of it, in the dash!20:11
MonkeyDustastropriate  such gui exists, it's called WinFF20:11
MonkeyDust!info winff20:12
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0~beta-1 (raring), package size 152 kB, installed size 1323 kB20:12
Jordan_UFuzzles: I assume that you want Windows to be the default with Ubuntu booting if the drive with Windows isn't connected? (If the Ubuntu drive isn't connected you won't get a grub menu).20:12
kostkon_noiro: all in one, otherwise check out kazam, vokoscreen, also the one presented on webup8.org, don't remember its name; and openshot for an editor.20:14
astropriateMonkeyDust, yah but it was ugly and I was bored20:14
astropriatethere are a few others out there20:14
astropriateall equally ugly20:14
kostkon_noiro: forgot the ?20:14
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FuzzlesJordan_U, so if 1 of the 2 isnt connected e.g. unplug ubuntu, windows will boot and visa versa windows unplugged and ubuntu will boot20:15
noirokostkon: which recorder is best for capturing openGL output (like FRAPS), and capturing microphone input simultaneously?20:17
Jordan_UFuzzles: The easiest way to do that would be to just leave grub at its default, booting Ubuntu, and make sure that grub's boot sector will only be installed to the MBR of the Ubuntu drive. That way the Windows drive has its MBR which will just boot Windows, and the Ubuntu drive has its MBR which will load grub which will boot Ubuntu by default but allow booting Windows also.20:17
noiroI'm a newbie with video so idiot-proof is preferred20:17
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Mage_DudeCould a rule be added to the iptables that would forward the eth0 traffic for a specific port to the same port on the lo device?20:18
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FuzzlesJordan_U, Thanks, is it ok to install each OS why both drives are in20:19
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praveen___how should i connect my laptop to my desktop via a cross over cable for transfering my data20:20
Jordan_UFuzzles: If the drives are easy to remove then remove the Windows drive before installing Ubuntu, then run "sudo update-grub" in Ubuntu post-install (with the Windows drive plugged in). That way you don't have to do manual partitioning (if you use automatic partitioning in Ubuntu's installer you don't get to choose which drive grub's boot sector will be installed to).20:20
samgabbayHi I have a laptop with a broken screen and i wanted to know how i can install ubuntu on it20:21
samgabbayHi I have a laptop with a broken screen and i wanted to know how i can install ubuntu on it because i cant see when it shows the make and then it says what key it is to choose what to boot first20:21
praveen___hello all..how should i connect my laptop to my desktop via a cross over cable for transfering my data. please help20:22
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Jordan_U!patience | praveen___20:22
ubottupraveen___: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/20:22
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kostkon_noiro: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/simplescreenrecorder-powerful-screen.html20:25
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praveen___ubottu:  i have gone to sites and have done the things that are written over there but still m not able to connect the two.  please explain this statement...put the mac address of the interface you will be configuring.....because there are two different mac address for the two machines.20:27
ubottupraveen___: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:27
samgabbayHi I have a laptop with a broken screen and i wanted to know how i can install ubuntu on it (like i dont know what key to press to boot to dvd or usb and like is there a way to switch the external monitor as primary so i can know or something cause i dont know what key it is)20:27
Jordan_Upraveen___: Ubottu is a bot. I am still typing a response to your original question (which I started after you first asked it).20:28
a111is there a way to disable the spyware for amazon/canonical ?20:28
tgm4883a111, not sure if this is what you mean, but there is a way to disable the shopping lens20:29
noiroThanks kostkon_  I'll give it a wirl when I get home20:29
strixUKfor a public-facing VM, is it worth permitting unattended updates for 'updates' (as opposed to security)?20:30
Jordan_Upraveen___: Connect the two computers physically, then in nm-connection-editor (which you can get to by clicking the network-manager icon and choosing "Edit connections...") go to ethernet and either create a new connection by clicking "Add" or edit the existing connection. That will bring up a new window where you can see multiple tabs. Open the "ip4v Settings" tab and select "Shared to other computers", then the Windows machine should20:32
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Jordan_U!adlense | a11120:34
Jordan_U!adlens | a11120:34
ubottua111: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ20:34
praveen___Jordan: thanks Jordan. let me try this20:35
roxyWhat you all think of this ->  iBook 12 inch G3 800 MHz processer / 128 ram / 20 GB HD / DVD reader <--- do you think that would be able to handle Ubuntu?20:35
strixUKroxy: it'll run linux fine, but X will struggle20:36
strixUKat least, with modern WMs20:37
skraitohi all20:37
TKinghello guys, i am having problem connecting my Ubuntu to my school wireless it keeps asking for password? but my windows connect perfectly any reason why?20:38
roxystrixUK: All I need it for is my school work which is typically just typing documents.20:40
kostkon_roxy: ram is way too low, the cpu is powerpc20:40
roxyThat's what I was refeering to20:40
ubotturoxy: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:40
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roxySo basically I should back down to20:42
roxySo basically I should back down to Lubuntu?20:42
Jordan_Uroxy: Lubuntu would definitely be better than standard Ubuntu for that machine.20:42
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podocnjakdid anyone here work with php  *20:45
strixUKroxy: if you're happy to use text-based editors I can't see why not (although as kostkon pointed out, it's PPC based so you'll have fun with a lesser-used arch)20:45
Jordan_Uroxy: You'll also need to use the alternat install CD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO20:45
DONKEEZhow do i make document viewer print the doc when i click the printer icon instead of asking me which printer to use first?20:47
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strixUKroxy: if you don't own it yet, buy an x86 based machine with more memory20:47
shankstaBytescan i uninstall software updater?20:47
kostkon_shankstaBytes: why?20:47
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shankstaByteskostkon_: because ever time i do an apt-get update it pops up20:47
strixUKroxy: you can get new laptops for $400, possibly less if you look around20:48
kostkon_shankstaBytes: strange20:48
strixUKroxy: you will spend more time futzing with that PPC based machine than actually using it20:48
shankstaByteskostkon_: not strange that is the intended behavior20:48
shankstaByteskostkon_: i just use xfce and dont care to use unity20:48
fusionneuranyone tried pv ubuntu on xen ?20:49
DONKEEZanyone know how do i make document viewer print the doc when i click the printer icon instead of asking me which printer to use first?20:49
kostkon_shankstaBytes: actually you are right, but it only happens when there are security updates available20:49
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nyRednekhey, i have an ubuntu server vps and i'm wanting to turn off the root login. how do i do this?20:50
kostkon_minus available*20:50
Rileyhey guys i was messing around trying to compile the 3.9.5 kernel from kernel.org but it refuses to boot is there an easy way to remove it20:50
strixUKnyRednek: main thing to do is to disable root logins in /etc/ssh/ssd_config20:50
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nyRednekstrixUK, i want to disable it altogether20:50
kostkon_shankstaBytes: if you are using xfce i guess it is safe to remove it20:51
nyRednekstrixUK, ssh or otherwise20:51
shankstaByteskostkon_: you guess ? haha20:51
strixUKnyRednek: even console?  you might regret that20:51
nyRednekstrixUK, there is no console20:51
kostkon_shankstaBytes: :-\20:51
scarrshello all, I am trying to set up a game server for my chat channel so we can frag in our spare time. I am choosing darkplaces-server. I have constructed a script for /etc/init.d/darkplaces server and installed a switch for the script in /etc/default/darkplaces-server the script stalls when the switch is off and fails to load when it is set to 1 (enabled) the server runs fine with the command darkplaces-server -basedir/usr/share/games/quak20:51
nyRednekstrixUK, i have a sudo user20:51
nyRednekstrixUK, and if i need it bad enough, i can always sudo -i20:52
strixUKnyRednek: my VM has a console i can get to via SSH (not shelling into the VM, of course)20:53
strixUKnyRednek: and you're sure that root can actually log in at the moment?  look in /etc/shadow (as root) to check it's not disabled20:53
nyRednekstrixUK, there's a console for this one, but said console doesn't work20:53
nyRednekstrixUK, the way it was set up, they enabled root and set a password for it20:54
Rileyi tried to purge it but its not doing anything20:54
nyRednekstrixUK, i'm logged into it as root at the moment20:54
strixUKnyRednek: via.. sudo, su, ?20:54
nyRednekstrixUK, root login via ssh20:54
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strixUKnyRednek: right, so disable that in /etc/sshd_config20:54
strixUKnyRednek: also recommend disabling password authentication altogether (but be sure you have an ssh pubkey auth working first!)20:55
Rileyseriously i need help with this grub tries to auto boot it everytime and its getting really annoying20:55
cannonballHi all, I have 12.04.2 LTS.  I am attempting to write an app linked against libmemcached (not libmemcache), but the version available to me is only libmemcached-0.44.  It seems like I should be able to add some repository to get a later version.  How can I add or update the repositories to get a newer version (1.0 or 1.1 version of libmemcached) ?20:55
Jordan_UnyRednek: passwd --lock root20:55
strixUKnyRednek: if you do that, and for some reason you lose access to your sudoer account, you are buggered20:56
Jordan_URiley: Did you try holding shift during boot (or pressing escape about once per second if you have a UEFI system)?20:56
strixUKnyRednek: without a console, anyway, and even then you have to do some hackery to get a root shell with a disabled root20:56
Rileyi have uefi disabled20:57
Rileyi have to manually select
Jordan_UstrixUK: This channel doesn't support having a root password set, please don't encourage users here to set one (or discourage them from locking the root account again).20:57
strixUKJordan_U: fair enough.  just warning of the consequences, given that he has no console access /at all/.20:58
strixUK(fwiw, my root account is locked, but it's also forbidden by ssh)20:59
Rileyokay can anyone help20:59
Rileyi tried apt-get purge linux-image-3.9.5 but that did nothing20:59
Jordan_URiley: How exactly did you install this kernel image?21:00
Rileymakepakg install21:01
Jordan_URiley: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" and "ls /boot/".21:02
auronandace!checkinstall | Riley For future reference21:02
ubottuRiley For future reference: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:02
Rileywait i did make install21:03
Rileyi was watching linux4unmes video21:03
meganerdRiley: it is better to use make-kpkg (apt-get install kernel-package first) as this will generate a .deb that is easy to install and uninstall21:03
Rileybut didnt work at all lol21:03
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meganerdRiley: you should be able to manually  delete the kernel files, then re-run update-grub21:04
Jordan_URiley: If you used "make install" then run "make uninstall" in the same source directory or manually delete the image from /boot/.21:04
Rileyso cd to usr/src the make uninstall then update grub21:05
geniiRiley: If no "make uninstall" then try "make clean" or "make dist-clean"21:09
Rileyokay clean is running21:10
Rileyi deleted the 3.9.5 folder from /usr/src21:10
Rileygenii u think that did it21:11
Rileyim going to reboot21:11
nyRednekok, root over ssh disallowed21:11
nyRedneknow to possibly change the port21:11
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strixUKnyRednek: not unreasonable, but somebody determined can still find it.  better to forbid password authentication altogether and stick to pubkey auth21:12
nyRednekstrixUK, not quite sure how to go about that21:13
strixUKnyRednek: that way you're only in trouble if your machine gets stolen (or you lose your laptop with your private key on it)21:13
strixUKnyRednek: set "PasswordAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:14
nyRednekstrixUK, wouldn't it be a really good idea to have key-based auth set up first?21:14
strixUKnyRednek: but be sure that you have working pubkeys first :)21:14
strixUKnyRednek: yes :)21:14
nyRednekstrixUK, yeah, i don't know how to do that21:14
nyRednekstrixUK, do you have a link to a guide?21:15
strixUKnyRednek: there are loads online.  google 'ssh pubkey howto'.21:15
strixUKnyRednek: eg https://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~dhsu/ssh_public_key_howto.html21:16
w4veThat should help you, thats the one i keep bookmarked21:16
Willdude123Hi. I'm a noob and have just installed ubuntu alongside windows, after the post-installation restart, it just boots windows. I've heard of this grub thing but it sounds confusing.21:16
nyRedneki'm a bit of a noob when it comes to server stuff like this21:16
nyRednekalso, how would this affect my ability to scp stuff over?21:16
strixUKnyRednek: also i recommend you use a passphrase on your private key, and configure an ssh agent21:17
strixUKnyRednek: exactly how you do that (ssh agent) depends on your workstation OS21:17
nyRednekstrixUK, workstation is xubuntu lucid21:17
Willdude123I'll try reinstalling tomorrow21:18
nyRednekstrixUK, is there a way to use gpg keys for this?21:18
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wilee-nileeWilldude123, What release is the windows?21:18
horse_how come everytime i do /etc/init.d/networking restart my server goes off line for like 5 or 10 minutes :-(21:19
strixUKnyRednek: you'll want an ssh agent askpass or something similar http://hnygard.no/ubuntu/setup-of-ssh-agent-in-xubuntu-11-10-to-get-password-less-authentication-with-use-of-public-key/21:20
wilee-nileeWilldude123, Often people use an bootrepair, it will generate a bootinfo summary with a url, to diagnose with, you can that first and post it if you like.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:21
strixUKnyRednek: no, i don't think you can use gpg keys for ssh21:21
Willdude123I will do tomorrow thanks.21:21
horse_& for how long will it stay down ...21:21
djshotglasshow many of the x86 packages will run under arm?21:22
Jordan_Udjshotglass: I would guess 99% of Free Software packages.21:23
MonkeyDustdjshotglass  just not wine, some other guy came here for it and it didn't work21:25
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Mage_DudeI thought I had setup the correct iptables rules to forward incoming traffic (I even tried for everything from eth0) from and incoming IP:port to an internalIP:port... and it's not working. I setup logging and the requests are hitting the server, but it appears they're not being routed properly.21:38
ahmed_sherifhello every body21:38
ahmed_sherifcan any one help me with my problems21:39
Mage_Dude I want all incoming traffic for the DST IP of the server ( and a given port (69 for TFTP) to reroute to the 'lo' device with the same port. Anyone got any thoughts of what to try?21:39
meganerdMage_Dude: is the tftp daemon not listening on the actual interface?21:40
auronandaceahmed_sherif: can't really tell yet since we don't know what your problem is21:41
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ahmed_sherifMy browser is continuously crashing21:42
ahmed_sherifI'm trying to open zynga.com to play with a game and suddenly it crashes21:43
ahmed_sherifI'm using google chromium21:43
ahmed_sherifcould u help me auronandace21:43
auronandaceahmed_sherif: i tend not to play flash games in chromium21:44
Jordan_Uahmed_sherif: Please start chromium from a terminal and pastebin the output after such a crash.21:44
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ahmed_sherifhow to pastebin21:45
auronandace!pastebin | ahmed_sherif21:45
ubottuahmed_sherif: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:45
ahmed_sherifI'm new in every thing here21:46
greyHow can I upgrade ubuntu server edition from the command line, from 12.04 to 13.04? I see references to a do-release-upgrade script but that seems to rely on update-manager which would mean installing all the x11 bulk?21:49
Sirisian|Work_So root user uses sftp to a server. Is there a simple flag I change to make it so I'm not locked to the home folder?21:49
XaysiaI receive this error when booting: file'boot/grub/i386/pc/normal.mod) not found'21:49
XaysiaI just made a fresh install of ubuntu 12.0421:50
EDocToorQuestion: I have just installed a Tripple boot box, xp, ubuntu 10 need for linuxCNC as they compiled the 10 and an UPGRADE will kill their system; and the Current Ubuntu.. however the new current Ubuntu boots up to a colourful screen.. with no OBJECTS.. it is just a image.. and hangs.. is there HOPE?21:50
Xaysiahow come this error pops up?21:50
greyahh, I see that I can install update-manager-core21:50
Mage_Dudemeganerd: The connection works fine using the lo IP by itself. When you try using the eth0 IP, it fails both locally and trying by a remote.21:51
XaysiaI just made a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 and I receive this error when booting after the installation has finished - error: file boot/grub/i386/pc/normal.mod) not found.'. What can I do to fix this issue?21:52
GreyganXaysia:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-12-10-grub-error-file-boot-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found-4175451815/21:53
nyRednekwell, that failed miserably21:54
XaysiaGreygan: I saw this topic earlier when googling for the error. However, no solution was given (other than a fresh install of the os made it work again)21:54
GreyganXaysia: If you are on a "fresh install" as you say. Why not just reload?21:55
XaysiaGreygan: I just can't seem to understand how a new fresh install will help - the file will not exist if it wasn't there the last time21:56
XaysiaI tried one reinstallation already and it didn't work. There must be a workaround for this issue21:56
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GreyganXaysia: Did you check this out? http://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found21:56
seedehCan I have help with something?21:57
seedehCan I have help with something?21:57
XaysiaGreygan: Where are you suppoed to install the grub2? On windows or via linux?21:58
seedehI cant login to root21:58
seedehI cant login to root21:58
seedehI cant login to root21:58
seedehI cant login to root21:58
seedehI cant login to root21:58
FloodBot1seedeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
GreyganXaysia: It is installed via the Linux install.21:59
XaysiaGreygan: How am I supposed to install it if I can't boot linux?21:59
GreyganCan you not get the TTY1 terminal up?22:00
XaysiaI am not able to get on linux at all. I receive the error when booting22:00
XaysiaCtrl + alt + f1 doesn't work, tried several times without any success22:01
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GreyganXaysia: Give me a minute I will look into it further. If someone else knows the answer feel free to help.22:01
XaysiaGreygan: Thanks man, greatly appreciated!22:02
horse_if I do a /etc/init.d/networking restart on a server. How long will my Internet stay down for? the server is in tx, and I am in ny22:03
bekkshorse_: Some seconds, hopefully. Why do you need to restart networking?22:03
praveen___hello all... how to tranfer data between two ubuntu systems via a cross over cable. i have already established the connections as well as installed sambha. but fail to get the folder in destination system. please help.22:04
hliHi. I'm trying to backport a tool called Graphite (launchpad.net/graphite) to ubuntu, and it's conflicting with a file called __init__.py, which is installed by python-twisted-core, one of the required packages for Graphite. Does anyone have a way around __init__.py?22:04
GreyganXaysia: boot to the install disk and run a live session from there (Try Ubuntu).22:04
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XaysiaGreygan: Yeah, I am doing it currently22:04
XaysiaGreygan: I was thinking of mounting the partition and install it on the hdd from there. Do you think we might have any success in this?22:05
GreyganXaysia: then follow the instructions here. http://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found22:05
_nothing__what is different between /bin and /sbin?22:06
horse_bekks: I am adding a 2nd ip22:06
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meganerdpraveen___: it might just be easier to scp or rsync+ssh the data22:06
wilee-nileeXaysia, This app should fix it with the recommended repair, save the url generated of the bootinfo summary. You can run this from a live cd. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:06
bekkshorse_: You dont need to restart networking for doing so. You could just use ifconfig22:06
horse_bekks: using http://morecode.wordpress.com/2008/11/04/adding-an-ip-address-to-debianubuntu-linux/22:06
horse_how do I add a new ip using ifconfig bekks for the future22:07
meganerdhorse_: ip addr add <CIDR notation> dev <device>22:07
meganerdhorse_: so for example "ip addr dev eth0"22:08
genii!fhs | _nothing__22:09
ubottu_nothing__: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier22:09
horse_ty :-)22:09
meganerdhorse_: if this is to be your default route, then you also need to run "ip route add default via" assuming that is the gateway IP in this example22:09
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meganerdhorse for multi-homed system (that is more than one route out to the Internet, look at http://lartc.org22:10
user82hi. there is a bug where adding a facebook account just opens a website in firefox. i know for a fact it has been reported but i do not manage to find the report in launchpad. does someone know where it is?22:12
EnichAnyone in here got experience with libreOffice not generating the table of contents correctly ?.. i have giving headings 1 to 4 and so forth.. but it does not generate all of them.22:12
praveen___meganerd:  what is that?....i mean what is scp or rsync+ssh the data?22:12
trismuser82: bug 1180297 ?22:13
ubottubug 1180297 in Ubuntu UX "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118029722:13
meganerdpraveen___: they are programs for transferring data, pretty common22:13
user82trism, thank you! that is it22:13
meganerdpraveen___: scp /path/to/somefile.tar.gz user@hostname:/path/on/destination22:14
kboodupraveen___: You should do a man scp or man rsync to get some familiarity with these commands.22:15
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meganerdpraveen___: there is a ton of documentation on those commands out there22:15
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meganerdpraveen___: there are so many ways of transferring files from one machine to another, that without more info on what you are trying to do it is hard to provide some direction22:17
praveen___how to use scp for transferring a folder?22:18
gordonjcppraveen___: scp -r22:18
gordonjcp-r for recursive22:18
meganerdpraveen___: it is worth noting that you need an ssh server on the destination for this work, easy as "apt-get install openssh-server"22:19
kboodupraveen___: Be aware that will copy all sub-folders (and their contents) and everything below that as well22:19
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nyRednekthe ubuntu guide worked like a charm for ssh key auth22:24
praveen___meganerd:  actually i want to tranfer about 80 GB data from my laptop to my desktop and i dont have any external hard disk for that.  how should i do that22:24
gordonjcppraveen___: wired network22:24
gordonjcppraveen___: 80GB will take ages22:24
|x7|praveen___: use a 9000000000000000 gb flashdrive22:25
gordonjcppraveen___: if you're not scared of screwdrivers, remove your laptop's hard disk and hook it to the PC22:25
|x7|praveen___: 80 gb of what?!?!?!?!22:25
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|x7|i am a hacker lmao22:29
praveen___hehehehehe.... i know this is wiered but i need to do it. i am trying it with wired from past 2 hours failde to transfer not even a single file.22:29
sethjpraveen___: Have you seen this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59906/how-do-i-connect-my-desktop-and-my-laptop-using-an-ethernet-cable-to-transfer-fi ?22:30
sethjYou'll need Samba22:30
praveen___yes... from there only i was trying22:30
sethjYou might be able to use SSH too... but 80GB is an awful lot..22:31
sethjOr rather SCP22:31
isset_I have a fresh ubuntu installl on a vserver22:32
isset_syslog-ng fails with the following message: http://pastebin.com/ZmSfaQQt22:32
sethjpraveen___:  Where does the trouble start?22:33
sethjMake sure you have samba installed.22:33
khyraI have my own email server on Linode using postfix and dovecot. I don't seem to be able to recieve mails nor connect to my mail via mail client. This is the mail.log > https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5769602 Can anyone help me please?22:34
praveen___i have installed sambha.22:35
sethjpraveen___: So where does the trouble start? You said you've been trying for the last two hours..22:35
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
isset_solved by commeting out SYSLOGNG_OPTS="--no-caps"22:36
praveen___i have transfered the file from the source system but while accesing it on destination it is showing me the error in the file manager22:36
anew_does saving to sites-available automatically write to sites-enabled?22:36
sethjHmm. What was the error?22:36
praveen___the comment was saying that try a new viewer,22:38
praveen___after running nautlis . i go to this location smb://  and the permission was denied22:40
sethjpraveen___: This error? http://askubuntu.com/questions/227591/unable-to-mount-smb-share-please-select-another-viewer-and-try-again22:41
praveen___Error: Failed to mount Windows share22:42
praveen___Please select another viewer and try again............. this was the error22:42
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=== Logan_ is now known as Eating
citricis there a way to force kill a process?22:43
alexbligh1citric, kill -9 PID22:44
jgcampbell300i am trying to install samba4 with Bind9 and i bleave apparmor is jacking with me ... is there a way to turn apparmor off for a while to test22:44
citricalex88, uhmm, how do i know which to kill? how can i show process?22:44
praveen___sethj: currently i am trying that only.22:44
Nicklescitric, to find the PID, use ps - ef | grep processname22:45
cjosephsonHi, I'm using 12.04, and I just installed the compizconfig settings manager, and there doesn't seem to be an icon in the system settings menu or an associated executable (that I could find)22:45
sethjpraveen___ Do you have all the boxes checked in the sharing settings? Like this: http://i.imgur.com/jxd1lCR.png22:45
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alexbligh1jgcampbell300, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor22:45
praveen___sethj:  thanks for your time and suggetions.22:45
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alexbligh1citric, pgrep [processname]22:45
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alexbligh1or if you prefer, ps auxxwg | fgrep [ThingYouAreSearchingFor]22:46
cjosephsonany ideas why installing compizconfig-settings-manager doesn't create an exectuatable?22:46
khyraI have my own email server on Linode using postfix and dovecot. I don't seem to be able to recieve mails nor connect to my mail via mail client. This is the mail.log > https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5769602 Can anyone help me please?22:46
sethjjgcampbell300 sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop22:46
praveen___sethj:  no not all only the first one22:46
sethjAnd then jgcampbell300 and then /etc/init.d/apparmor start to start again22:47
TKingJordan_U are you there?22:47
sethjpraveen___ You'll need to check them all I think. Try that.22:47
TKinggive Tking | ubuntu22:47
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citricalexbligh1, is there an easier way? i dont know how to read all that stuff22:47
citricalexbligh1, im new22:47
praveen___sethj:  ok let me try that one also then.22:48
TKing!Tking ubuntu22:48
sereTKing: what are you trying to do22:48
alexbligh1citric, if you are using a desktop graphical interface, the answer is "probably".22:48
TKing!Tking uefi22:48
alexbligh1citric, but I only do CLI22:48
k1l!bot | TKing22:49
ubottuTKing: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:49
citricok so anyways, Anyone know how I can kill a process in ubuntu ??????22:49
alexbligh1citric, PID = first column22:49
TKingkll thanks22:49
cjosephsoncitric: ps -A | grep "procname"22:49
TKing!tking | uefi22:49
cjosephsonalso, killall works22:49
alexbligh1cjosephson, he thought pgrep was too hard.22:49
TKing!uefi | Tking22:50
ubottuTKing, please see my private message22:50
citricis there a way i can kill a process from the ubuntu GUI?22:50
praveen___sethj:  No bro...its still giving me the same error.22:50
citricnot terminal, because i dont know the name of the process or anything22:50
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serecitric: xkill22:50
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TKingI am wondering all this people that solve problems here how do you people manage to know all the commands and tend to follow up with latest commands for new distros? i majored in computer science and know little? any where to start from?22:53
kbooduTKing: Always reading.  Supporting on the forums and on here (I learn from other people's problems and other people's answers)22:54
k1lTKing: just sit and watch and try to help where you can. its learning by doing in most cases22:54
sereTKing: second kboodu's comment22:54
kbooduTKing: There are also lots of good sites to read as well as learning how to use google.  Plus "breaking" your own system and fixing it.22:55
kbooduTKing: VMs are great for "breaking" and "fixing" with software you wouldn't normally use.  Or delete a key util and then "fix" it.22:55
kbooduTKing: Also, everyone brings something to the table.  If only it's a bad example or solution some days.  ;)22:56
serekboodu: you do that for fun? pew22:56
Mage_Dudekboodu: Agreed. Breaking and then fixing is always a good way to learn. How much fun would it be if things worked correctly in the first place...22:56
kboodusere: I have about 20 VMs at home... several are spun up 24x7 across a couple "servers" (older desktops with lots of RAM)22:57
sethjpraveen___ Hmm.22:57
TKingkboodu lol, am just laughing, make me remember this pc i just shared tears with joy? UEFI ruined me from using windows8 right now? anyways i dont use it that much? now i have to run it on vm22:57
kbooduTKing: IMHO, that's a GREAT way to run Windows.  Especially Windows without an X in front.  lol22:57
geniiTKing: Also if you browse http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi you get a sense of the most common issues and their recommendations22:58
serekboodu: oh wow :).. i got four i never use :x I need to step up my game apparently22:58
cjosephsonit would be great to have some sort of way of cataloging which commands are associated with the program you just installed22:58
sasha-O hai22:59
kboodusere: One runs Splunk.  One runs apt-cache-ng.  A couple run various versions of Postgres (for replication and diff versions).  One should be running puppet.22:59
cjosephsonlike compizconfig-settings-manager is ccsm and it took me forever to figure that out...22:59
sasha-Is anyone here good with wget?22:59
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TKingspent 1 week fixing this uefi thing to dualboot windows8 and ubuntu, never get it to work so no need for windows on as host pc so i now am installing ubuntu and to run windows on vm22:59
sasha-I'm trying to download photos from a website which displays the photos in a flash gallery22:59
sasha-I sniffed out the url for the photo through wireshark22:59
sasha-and I tried wgetting the entire directory23:00
sasha-but it gives me a 404 not found error23:00
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sasha-and when I actually open the directory in my browser, instead of showing a file list, it shows me a 404 page23:00
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TKingkboodu, seriously if i ever open an IT tech company, and was asked to come and do dualboot with ubuntu and windows on UEFI i would quick tell the customer sorry contact manufacturer of OS :)23:00
kbooduTKing: Why do you think so many people make money supporting Windows?23:01
sasha-all of the photos are in the format of http://somewebsite.com/directory/directory/%12345/photoa.jpg23:01
kbooduTKing: But now we're starting to get OT.  ;)23:01
kboodusasha-: It sounds like they're using the Flash to protect the pictures.23:02
genialHello! I've mounted some NFS's. From the NFS-mount I've mapped a few directories with bind - but I get: "rpcbind cannot open '/run/rpcbind/rpcbind.xdr' file for reading" on boot, and it halts because it cant bind the folders. I'm guessing NFS isn't mounted before the request for bind is sent?23:02
sasha-kboodu: I guess23:02
sethjpraveen___ That seems to be a rare error..23:02
sasha-but you can get to the actual jpeg's, I just want to automate the process23:02
genialDisregard my question. Seems like if I give it 15-30 secs when it halts, it manages to bind because NFS is available.23:08
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shankstaBytescan i uninstall software updater?23:14
XaysiaUbuntu really fucked my windows ssd up23:14
XaysiaHow do you restore the windows boot manager if the gnu grub somehow took advantage and raped your ssd?23:14
k1l!language | Xaysia23:15
ubottuXaysia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:15
XaysiaYeah you need to watch my language23:15
XaysiaIt's very offensive for minors who use linux23:15
nafg_+1 to ubottu23:15
k1lXaysia: insert a windows cd and repair the windows bootloader. but you should know fro the start, that the win bootloader will not boot a linux23:16
XaysiaThat's not my concern. I just wish to restore my windows bootlaoder, as it seems like the gnu grub took over the windows bootloader23:16
k1lwhich is abolutly fine23:16
XaysiaI do have the windows cd, but there is no such thing as repair, it goes directly to install it23:16
XaysiaIs there no other option?23:17
k1lif you want to boot a linux you cant use windows bootloader23:17
XaysiaI am not trying to boot linux23:17
XaysiaI am trying to purge it from the ssd23:17
Xaysiabut if I purge the bootloader, it will not help23:17
k1lso before using foul language and ranting about ubuntu you should have informed yourself23:17
XaysiaDont worry23:17
IdleOnefor help with fixing windows boot loader try ##windows.23:17
XaysiaI know how to use ubuntu23:17
XaysiaA friend of mine just told me to use the "install alongside windows"23:17
k1lyes and again: you need the to install the windows bootloader from the winds cd23:18
Xaysiawhat the installation did not mention however23:18
Xaysiawas that it would install on the ssd, even though you specified differently (another hdd partition)23:18
Xaysiathat was not the intention, and totally screwed everything up23:18
XaysiaI tried inserting the windows cd - it simply doesn't work, there are no restore options23:19
XaysiaIt goes directly to the installation menu23:19
k1lXaysia: ask in ##windows for that support23:19
XaysiaAreere no other options?23:20
genialXaysia: http://gallery.techarena.in/data/519/02_win7_repair_4.JPG that's what you should be looking for when booting your computer with the Windows CD23:20
XaysiaThanks man, but as I said, that menu never shows up23:21
XaysiaIt goes directly to the "Install now" menu23:21
k1lthen ask the ##windows guys whats going wrong there23:21
XaysiaI have23:21
XaysiaI dont think all of you are incompatible either of answering this23:22
genialXaysia: You'll be prompted with install-language/time/keyboard stuff first - before that screen appears23:22
XaysiaSomethings really weird lol, that's for sure23:22
XaysiaNo no, there are no such things on the boot menu23:22
XaysiaOr do you have to make a fresh copy first of the installation?23:23
k1llast time: ##windows is the channel for windows support23:23
XaysiaK1l - I am speaking with genial23:23
XaysiaThis is in regards to ubuntu anyways23:23
jackson34443i am very new at using ubuntu and linux (first day) I am trying to install flash on a 64bit machine.23:37
jackson34443I am using the instructions i found here http://ubuntuguide.net/install-adobe-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu-12-04both-3264-bit23:37
jackson34443I got to the final step "make a link for browser plugin" however i cannot figure out how to do that/get flash working in firefox23:37
jackson34443I got to the final step "make a link for browser plugin" however i cannot figure out how to do that/get flash working in firefox23:38
jackson34443jeff@ubuntu:/usr/lib/flash-plugin$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so ln: failed to create symbolic link `./libflashplayer.so': File exists jeff@ubuntu:/usr/lib/flash-plugin$23:38
jackson34443again i am extreamly new at this and need to be treated like a three year old!!23:38
sethjjackson3443 I wouldn't do it that way.23:40
wilee-nileejackson34443, You can just run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and get flash, ms fonts and other codecs23:40
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sethjYes, do it the way wilee-nilee says. That's what I did on 64 bit and it works just fine.23:40
sethjAny guide that says to run `sudo nautilus` has me suspicious.23:41
sethjNot suspicious... just.. concerned.23:41
jackson34443well im trying to stay away from that.  i am a web developer who has done all of my work on windows, i really want to learn the terminal so i refuse to use that23:42
rti^How come my iphone 5, running ios 6, was able to sync when I ran ubuntu in test mode but not when it's actually installed on my laptop?23:42
jackson34443thanks for your help23:43
sethjjackson3443 You want to learn the terminal so you don't use it?23:43
sethjIs that what you meant to say?23:43
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sgt-peppersJebus christ.23:44
sgt-peppersI /list:ed.23:45
sgt-peppersNever again.23:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:45
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virusuydoes anyone knows how good is gmails-webapps ?23:50
cpscarface1who here has the square vps hosting a kl23:51
=== Eating is now known as Logan_
shankstaBytescan i uninstall software updater?23:53
HexagoniteIs anyone using fglrx-experimental or xorg-edgers driver for AMD/ATI?23:54
HexagoniteSo no one?23:55
shadowsI've used GNU/Linux for years and just now am trying to wrap my head around some basic permissions concept ;   Can I interact with root-owned files in my own non-root user directory?23:55
trismshadows: you can't write to them but you can delete them since you own the directory23:57
shankstaBytesHexagonite: i tried them and it failed to work for me23:57
shankstaBytesHexagonite: but you can always just give it a try23:57
Hexagonite:( I'm trying to make the brightness work.23:57
shadowstrism: okay so rm and mv but not chmod ?23:57
jmurrib21hello. what linux distro would be good for an old laptop with via processor?23:57
kboodushadows: Depends on the permissions for the "other" class from "ls -l"23:57
kboodushadows: Probably not chmod/chgrp since you aren't the owner.23:58
xanguakboodu: Lubuntu is the lighest ubuntu flavor23:58
cpscarface1need an ssh server or vps to host some screens have someone there??23:58
xanguajmurrib21: Lubuntu is the lighest ubuntu flavor23:58
shadowsincredible that I've been at this for 20 years and don't recall having run into this yet!23:58

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