
Noskcajshouldn't our topic now have the saucy or raring release schedule. quantal is old05:58
NoskcajUnit193, shouldn't our topic now have the saucy or raring release schedule. quantal is old05:59
NoskcajUnit193, can you fix it or do we need knome? 06:09
elfyjust need someone with ops in the channel06:09
elfybut it's hardly important ;)06:10
elfyif people don't know they're probably in the wrong channel ... 06:10
NoskcajAnd who are they? 06:10
Noskcajelfy: it annoys me, so i will get someone to fix it.06:10
elfyas you get older you find that getting annoyed at little things is a waste of time :)06:11
Noskcajelfy, i'm not older yet, so i will get annoyed by this and then my brothers (all 4 of them) singing about minecraft06:12
elfyochosi: I just found that using the greeter from your ppa fixes the shutdown error I've been getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/117837306:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178373 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Restart spawns a password box" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:13
Noskcajalso, to whoever put the little dots in the background of the installer wallpaper: we can't  see the dot's, you wasted your time06:13
Noskcajelfy, yay, a bug fiix06:13
elfyapparently so :)06:16
elfyshall send mail to list today about testing for alpha106:20
Noskcajok, looks like we've got a few bugs already.06:21
Noskcajtwo of which are from a strange hate of sydney06:22
Noskcajit's only partly a joke. 06:24
ochosielfy: when is a1 due?06:25
ochosi(and good to hear the greeter works as expected, although i'm not sure this behavior was the greeter's fault in the first place)06:25
elfyochosi: as far as I know - and the release schedule is all wrong - but the cadence week 1, which matches a1 is the 15th06:26
ochosicause it'd be nice to get an upload of artwork stuff that happened since R to saucy06:27
elfyochosi: the bug was with the default greeter (or some other package tied up with it) I added the ppa to this install yesterday ansd shutdown worked06:27
ochosiok nice06:27
elfyI assume that your greeter is going to be default06:28
Unit193Is it a major UI change?06:29
elfyI might write a testcase up for it so we've got something to test it with06:29
elfyUnit193: well I got lost :)06:29
elfyochosi: and it's going to be in Saucy? if so I'll do a bug for testcase and assign it to me 06:30
Noskcajochosi, have you got xscreensaver working with a less scary image yet?06:31
ochosielfy: yes, as soon as someone uploads it there, it'll land in saucy06:31
elfyok - I'll do this but now then06:31
ochosiNoskcaj: we have a replacement in the works, but it's only 90% finished (suspend and hibernate need to be fixed, the rest works)06:31
Noskcajochosi, ok. do you think it will be out in time for 13.1006:32
ochosiNoskcaj: i dunno, i have a lot of work to do in RL in the next weeks, we'll see06:32
ochosidepends, maybe someone else can add the missing 10%06:32
ochosigotta make coffee, bbl06:33
elfyochosi: cya06:33
Unit193ochosi: Have a good drink.06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186825 in Xubuntu "Screenshot help menu failed" [Undecided,New]06:55
ochosiNoskcaj: this bug has been reported upstream already, i linked to it (it's nice to always check in upstream's bugtracker whether a bug is already known so you can link to it or check whether it has been fixed there yet)07:27
Noskcajochosi, thanks. i didn't know what the screenshot program was called, and the xfce bug tracker scares me07:28
ochosiNoskcaj: it really isn't that scary at all, you can use the browse-mode to check components (the search function doesn't always return what you want in my experience)07:31
* Noskcaj doesn't believe ochosi 07:32
Noskcaji just tried to use the tab button to make the word "believe" *facepalm*07:32
GridCubeits there an agenda for tomorrows meeting?13:16
GridCubeso... no?16:06
pleia2GridCube: agenda is always at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings16:08
GridCubebut theres no agenda there16:08
pleia2yes there is16:09
pleia2lots of things under "New and emerging items"16:09
pleia2LTS, new greeter, testing16:09
GridCubeoh i see :)16:09
GridCubethnks pleia2 :)16:27
pleia2you're welcome16:28
rowboatnickwhen is 15UTC?16:32
rowboatnickOh, right. Nvm16:32
skellatAdded a couple tiny agenda items17:54
=== elfy_ is now known as forestpiskie
skellatGrumble grumble grumble: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/119040623:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190406 in pidgin-microblog (Debian) "pidgin-microblog: Plugin is not Twitter API 1.1 Compliant" [Undecided,New]23:33

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