
swexhello all00:07
swexgoogling for an hour but still cant get00:07
swexis there any way to map one key to multiple keycodes in linux?00:07
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MannyVelHelp: I have a HP C7180 multifunction printer scanner. On the same workstation, the scanner works on Ubuntu but does not work on Kubuntu. Any ideas why it doesn't work on Kubuntu. Both OS's are 13.04.04:40
thunder1212I have a usb pendrive and its not showing up the out put of lsusb is< Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1f75:0916 > and also when i open disk utility the device is there and when i format drive with mbr i get this error<Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error>  my os version is 120404:47
vyrgozunqkmorning guys05:05
vyrgozunqki got this strange problem with Konsole, when i type for example dmesg and press Space bar, when it leaves the empty space it looks like it's visually remembered, so when i continue typing | grep and etc. everytim the marker goes one space furter but only visually05:07
vyrgozunqkso at the end the marker line looks like i've pressed space 5 times, but actually act's like it's where it was05:08
thunder1212I have a usb pendrive and its not showing up the out put of lsusb is< Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1f75:0916 > and also when i open disk utility the device is there and when i format drive with mbr i get this error<Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error>05:29
FluxBox23_Good Morning and Hi @ll05:33
ashesi uninstalled kwallet on my sister's laptop, because kmail kept asking to set up a password05:56
ashesis there any unexpected consiquences to this?05:56
valorieashes: she'll have to put her password in everywhere, over and over again06:15
valorieI can't see how email will work if passwords have to continually put in manually06:16
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MDgdHey guys10:38
MDgdQuick question, does anyone know of a way to restrict access to the system's resources per process?10:38
MDgdLike, limiting the available processor's capacities so that a process can never use more than 90% of a CPU.10:39
MDgdThere's no reason for a 12% gain in speed when the tradeoff is the system locks up10:39
hateballMDgd: I think you might be able to use ulimit to achieve what you want10:59
hateballMDgd: I don't know the proper syntax tho10:59
MDgdhateball, thanks for the pointer. I'll look into it10:59
hateballMDgd:Perhaps you can set similar options using sysctl as well, not sure11:00
MDgdI found a page detailing both. It seems to address CPU time, though not load.11:01
MDgdStill it's a step forward if that means any process that hangs the PC is killed11:02
BluesKajHiyas all11:25
DFrostedWangWell that's dumb12:00
DFrostedWangStill banned from offtopic12:00
d-eggby god, the distribution upgrade stops to ask me for configuration changes?  Can't that be done afterwards?13:41
BluesKajd-egg, what configuration changes ?13:43
d-eggWould that be gone when I install 'unattended-upgrades'?13:43
d-eggBluesKaj: kismet13:43
d-eggand something about gnome defaults13:44
d-eggso far13:44
BluesKajdo you have ppas in your sources13:44
d-eggBluesKaj: yes, two small ones I believe and the kde one is off.13:44
BluesKajwhat's the default option ?13:45
d-eggthe default option?13:45
d-eggah another one. runsvdir13:46
mpratdoes anyone here use Yakuake? is there anything wrong with downloading it from the software center rather than installing it manually?13:47
BluesKajdoes it give any choices to reject , add , or accept defaults?13:47
BluesKajthe default is usually to accept and hit enter13:47
d-eggI get a gui with two buttons Keep/Replace, but no option for upcoming ones13:48
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BluesKajmprat, there's no need to download it if t's already installed13:48
mpratsorry, my question was more whether the software center automatically pulled the newest versions13:49
BluesKajd-egg, have you made any changes in the sudoer file for example , then keep your settings13:49
BluesKajmprat, not the newest , just the most stable newest13:50
BluesKajnewest isn't always best13:51
mpratBluesKaj: that's a good point =). Thanks!13:51
d-eggBluesKaj: That might be.  I guess otherwise it wouldn't ask.  I guess my question is if there is a way to defer those dialoges to the end of the upgrade13:51
BluesKajd-egg, dunno never tried that , it usually goes by very quickly13:53
d-eggWell, it's probably taking 2-3 hours. I mean a distribution upgrade13:53
BluesKajthe only halt in the install procedure is those non-default settings I mentioned above13:54
BluesKajd-egg, upgradiong to ?13:54
d-eggBluesKaj: 13.0413:55
BluesKajd-egg, right ..depends on your method ...over the internet can take a while depending on your internet connection13:56
d-eggBluesKaj: it is installing not downloading13:56
d-eggDid no one ever complain about this so far?  Is that a totally new problem?!13:57
BluesKajd-egg, well , i can say i haven't seen it before ... I meant installing over the internet not downloading13:59
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razor1101What's the difference between this and Ubuntu and xubuntu?14:59
razor1101lubuntu and nubuntu*15:00
palassorazor1101, Kubuntu uses KDE, Ubuntu uses Unity, Xubuntu uses Xfce, Lubuntu uses Lxde,15:03
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razor1101So what makes each one so special from KDE?15:04
palassoThey are different Desktop Environments developed by different communities/commercial entities having different goals and feature sets with different pros and cons15:06
palassorazor1101, You may learn more about them at http://kde.org/ http://unity.ubuntu.com/ http://xfce.org/ http://lxde.org/15:09
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mpratI'm having some problems with my ld linker for gcc/g++ - it keeps trying to use the linker stored at /usr/local/bin rather than the one stored at /usr/bin - any ideas how to fix that?15:28
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murthyhello everyone15:41
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ahoneybunmurthy: sorry, hello!15:49
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you?15:51
ahoneybunlordievader: howdy fine, yourself?15:52
lordievaderahoneybun: Doing good too :)15:52
ahoneybunlordievader: check the trello lately?15:57
lordievaderahoneybun: At times, why?15:59
ahoneybunno reason15:59
ahoneybunhows work on the Getting Involved page?16:00
lordievaderahoneybun: Haven't worked on it lately, busy with other things.16:00
ahoneybunoh ok16:00
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asraniel_hi. i have a serious problem. libreoffice writer is randomly crashing. I have no idea how to solve this (kubuntu 13.04). is there a way to install openoffice? from what i remember it didn't crash16:03
murthyasraniel_: how much ram do you have?16:06
asraniel_4 GB16:06
murthyasraniel_: swap enabled?16:07
asraniel_yes, about 4 gb swap space16:07
murthyasraniel_: have you tried starting libree office from the terminal and check if there was any error messages?16:08
murthygoing for a restart brb16:14
asraniel_there where no error messages, problem is its random and i might have to wait an hour16:14
asraniel_for the crash to come16:14
asraniel_murthy: i found a possible cause for the bug16:23
asraniel_some people suggested it might be because of the intel gpu16:24
asraniel_to fix it, one has to disable anti aliasing in libreoffice16:24
murthyasraniel_: try that16:24
murthyasraniel_: do you have the crash log?16:24
asraniel_yes i did. the problem is on my gfs computer, so i'll have to wait and see if it worked16:25
asraniel_no.. i couldn't find any16:25
asraniel_for future reference you know where one might be? i also disable java, but it crashed at least once after that16:25
murthyasraniel_: a window will popup when a crash occurs , it will get you the crash log16:26
murthyasraniel_: check back here if the solution doesn't work16:26
asraniel_that window does not popup on every crash. perhaps 1 in 316:26
murthyasraniel_: do you have chromium installed?16:27
murthyasraniel_:  i mean the browser?16:27
sebastianohi, do you know of a quick way to change the album tag of an mp3 file? so far I do it with amarok...16:27
murthyasraniel_:  can you check if soundcloud works for you?16:28
murthyasraniel_: try playing this and see if it works in chromium16:29
murthyasraniel_: https://soundcloud.com/andrewbird/sets/andrew-bird-116:29
asraniel_murthy: does not work16:30
murthyasraniel_: ok thanks, the chromium bug is confirm16:30
murthyheh rekonq works fine with soundcloud, may be ubuntu should use rekonq as the default browser of 13.1016:32
asraniel_i wouldnt want to miss my chromium, simply to sync my bookmarks easily with chrome on my phone16:33
murthyasraniel_: bookmark sync in chrome/chromium is the best16:34
ahoneybunmurthy: for me FF is faster then rekonq16:35
murthyahoneybun: with FF everything works fine, but fat UI16:37
BluesKajrekonq still has too many issues with important sites like banks and other financial institutions16:37
ahoneybunBluesKaj: I would not log into a bank with it16:37
murthyahoneybun: BluesKaj can we take this to offtopic ?16:38
BluesKajchromium refuses to integrate all of it;s GUI with gtk settings16:38
ahoneybunmurthy: true16:38
BluesKajrekonq is a legit topic for this chat ...even tho it's hopeless16:39
ahoneybunlordievader: still there/16:39
ahoneybunBluesKaj: I would not say hopeless16:39
BluesKajit is for my purposes16:40
murthyBluesKaj: I am afraid to do online transactions using rekonq16:40
apacheloggerbikeshed is not a legit topic for this channel btw16:40
murthyapachelogger: hi sentinel16:40
BluesKajapachelogger, bikeshed ?16:45
murthyBluesKaj: you dont know bikeshed?16:45
BluesKajI have one , but it's in my back yard16:46
murthyha ha ha16:46
murthyBluesKaj: thats the same i know :D16:47
BluesKajalong with lawnmowerand gardening tools etc16:47
BluesKajam I supposed to know about "bikeshed" in Linux ?16:49
sebastianohi, do you know of a quick way to change the album tag of an mp3 file? so far I do it with amarok...17:39
tsimpson!info kid3 | sebastiano, I use this17:46
ubottusebastiano, I use this: kid3 (source: kid3): KDE MP3 ID3 tag editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-2 (raring), package size 692 kB, installed size 2129 kB17:46
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TurntechTerminalis anyone else having a problem with system time shifting?18:19
Dummies_freelancwhere can download kubuntu with plasma active18:33
geniiDummies_freelanc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/releases/13.04/release/18:37
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Dummies_freelancgenii:  for 64bits sso ?18:39
geniiNo, only comes in 32bit18:39
genii( but will work on a 64bit system too)18:40
Dummies_freelanci need fast for 64bit18:41
sebastianotsimpson: thanks a lot19:04
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SorenHolmAnyony running kubuntu 13.10-daily. I'm having issue with suspend to ram to being available. 'echo "mem" > /sys/power/state' works, so it is supported on my system.19:30
geniiSorenHolm: #ubuntu+1 for Saucy please19:35
genii( and yes, it's for all the *buntu )19:35
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SorenHolmgenii: ok, thanks20:01
therazrDoes anybody here use ibus input method in kubuntu?20:05
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BluesKajtherazr, ask in #kubuntu-devel20:20
BluesKajyou'll probly get a quicker answer20:21
jayseeI have a dual monitor setup and have been playing around with kde a bit. One thing i liked about unity is that i had the global menu at the top of whatever screen i was using the app on. So naturally I tried to set the same idea in kde, but seem to have run into a roadblock. It seems only the first window menubar widget actually picks up on whatever application is running, with the other just sitting with it's generic file -> close. So I was w20:32
jayseeondering, is it possible to have both of those pick up on my current app? Screenshot of issue: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51261980/Snapshots/Stack%20Overflow/snapshot1.png20:32
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