
Skymontis there a file tree program i can use so i know what is taking up so much space on my hdd?00:12
jmurrib21can't install lubuntu01:03
jmurrib21aborts the install01:04
jmurrib21installing Lubuntu 13.0401:07
jmurrib21in an old laptop: Everex onestep note01:08
jmurrib21100.680748 longhaul01:08
meerkatI need some help figuring out what's going on. When I right click a file and select 'compress' nothing happens. I'm running lubuntu 12.10.09:19
meerkatThere is no new entry in the log if I try to.09:20
Unit193meerkat: Edit > Preferences > Advanced   what's listed?09:24
meerkatarchiver integration: xarchiver09:25
Unit193And is that installed?  file-roller is generally a better choice, though.09:25
meerkatnope. not installed09:26
Unit193There you go.09:26
meerkatyes! file roller! That's what used to pop up back in the day. Thank you :D09:26
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
djonohello all. im move my finger around on the touch pad and lines follow the cursor like i was in paint15:06
holsteindjono: i would look at the graphics driver15:08
djonoit happened after i turned the elantech pad to ps/215:09
holsteindjono: then, revert the changes, and test15:09
djonoi did. on elantech its normal but ps/2 it has the line. i prefer the ps/2 cause i can keep index on the the left bottom and middle to scroll15:11
holsteindjono: i would look for, and apply all upgrades.. i would try a live CD with a different graphics driver.. an easy way to try that is "nomodeset"15:11
djonooh i c. i thought the graphics card drivers were included haha15:13
holsteindjono: they are15:14
holsteindjono: and you are using one.. im suggesting you use another one, to test15:14
holsteindjono: is that the issue? i have no idea, and likely, no one will be able to volunteer any helpful information for you without you doing some troubleshooting15:14
holsteini would elaborate.. "im using this *specific* mouse connected to lubuntu 13.04 32bit, and it produces *insert screenshot*"15:16
holstein"when i use another ps2 mouse, this happens".. "i have upgraded the softare", or "i have not"15:16
holsteindjono: have you applied all upgrades? have you tried "nomodeset" ?15:17
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:17
djonoOkay. i have this new system. the touchpad sucks. the lubuntu sees it as elantech. i hate it cause no multifinger touch.( two fingers stops the pointer from moving) when its at ps/2 im free to do what i want. now when i click and drag the pointer becomes a draw line like on paint15:19
holsteindjono: with *any* and *all* ps2 mice? have you applied upgrades?15:20
djonodoin it now15:20
djonomy touch pad is recognized as ps/2 instead of the being recognized as elantech15:21
holsteindjono: have you tried another mouse? can you try another mouse? do you have a USB mouse?15:21
holsteindjono: are we troubleshooting the pad? or the mouse?15:21
djonothe pad. the pad is recognized as ps/215:21
holsteindjono: then, you need to start over15:22
holsteindjono: i thought you said "the pad works, but the ps2 looks bad"15:22
holsteindjono: apply upgrades, and reboot.. then take a screenshot15:23
djonothe pad works. at first its recognized as elantech. then i ran sudo modprobe -r psmouse15:24
djonosudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps and now its recognized as ps/215:24
holsteindjono: ok.. so undo your changes, and test15:24
holsteinalso, take a screenshot... i dont know if you are talking about a cursor or graphics issues15:25
djonocursor isues15:29
holsteindjono: what commands did you run? and why?15:31
holsteindjono: and, did you apply all upgrades?15:31
djonosudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps. i ran those because multifinger didn't work when recognized as elantech. as ps/2 im able to use index to click and middle to move the pointer15:33
djonodid u see the red line?15:34
holsteindjono: why did you use that command? where did you get it? can you revert?15:35
djonogot it from there15:36
djonoforgot to mention when i use unity no prob but reboot to lubuntu this happens15:37
holsteinto lxde15:38
holsteinso, you installed ubuntu? and added lxde? or lubuntu-desktop ?15:38
holsteindjono: i dont see a red line15:38
djonolubuntu then unity15:39
holsteinwhat would i do? undo those changes, and let me, and the other volunteers know if you have applied all upgrades?15:39
holsteinhave you applied all upgrades? have you reverted those changes and tested?15:39
djonodont know how to revert15:40
holsteindjono: have you applide all upgrades?15:40
djonoyes just got done15:41
holsteinso, reboot to the latest kernel, and test15:42
n-iCehi guys16:52
n-iCehow can I move the bar windows?16:52
changeoverhello all. how do i enable finger resting on an integrated touchpad?17:40
n-iCedon't even know what it is17:44
changeoverim one of those click with the index and move pointer with middle finger type users. when i rest my index on the touch pad i cant move the pointer with the middle finger17:45
n-iCepreferences -> key and mouse ocnfigurations?17:51
changeovernothing there17:51
changeoverit works on windows but on lubuntu none17:52
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
jjoshhi, is there a tool to install fonts on lubuntu19:55
n-iCehi jjosh20:05
n-iCejjosh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202733120:06
serehello all20:29
serequestion : im on lubuntu 13.4 and prefer to use fluxbox as my window manager..however i cant browse my installed apps through pcmanfm .. so everytime i need to find a command to an app recently installed or already been on my system i have to logout and start lubuntu/ldxe20:32
n-iCeHost 'nice', running Linux 3.8.0-23-generic - Cpu0: Intel 800 MHz Cpu1: Intel 800 MHz; Up: 4:53; Users: 3; Load: 0; Free: [Mem: 282/3824 Mio] [Swap: 3962/3962 Mio] [/: 269692/296426 Mio]; Vpenis: 219.4 cm;20:34
n-iCetha'ts shitt20:34
sereVpenis:  219.4 cm; ? lol20:34
w30When I click on go and networkdrives in pcmfm I see the network drives but they don't mount. What do I install for that?21:09
jjoshthanks :-) n-iCe21:10
jjoshhave a good day21:11
w30I tried fuse, samba, cifs, mount, stuff No go?21:11
w30the gvfs debs don't help either.21:12
w30If I mount them myself then I start getting "no end point " errors when using a graphical file manager21:15
w30terminal works ok with my own mounts21:16
w30I have installed several times because of all the extra garbage I have tried with no success.21:17
max1I made it21:18
w30Xubuntu, Unity, work with no problem but matching the logical matching debs doesn't help Lubuntu21:18
max1I'm having problems with my Lubuntu machine. The audio keeps having static problems21:19
max1This is cool21:21
w30max1, try shutting off (muting) mic and head phones etc.21:21
max1I reboot the computer and it works21:21
max1then if I put it to sleep for a while I wake it up for "suspend" and there is audio problems21:22
w30max1, I get a roar with mic or headphones maxed out21:22
Unit193w30: Got gvfs-backends I'd assume?21:22
w30Unit193, nope, tried that. Several times21:23
w30Unit193, you would think so but something else needs to be done21:24
w30on my other xubuntu box I get /home/w30/.gvfs/smb-share:server=dixbox,share=dick_public for a directory21:27
w30nothin' for Lubuntu21:28
w30what creates those mounts?21:29
max1its very quit21:29
w30quite quiet21:30
Unit193w30: Don't know what to say, it's working for me, but I use mount anyway as it avoids the overhead of gvfs.21:30
w30Unit193, do you use cifs, gigolo, fuse etc?21:31
Unit193(And sshfs, but that's different. :P )21:32
w30I would think cifs and smbclient would be needed but it don't make pcmanfm or nautilus mount the shares even though it sees them....21:34
w30I always loose my end points when using a graphical share file cruise like changing back a directory. I can't visit twice.21:38
w30this is hissing me off.21:39

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