
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
dholbachgood morning06:09
guschrenato_: still here?06:19
dpmmorning oSoMoN. I'm looking at this translatable string in the web browser app: "Open pages %1". Even after reading the translator comment, I'm not sure what it means, could you explain when you've got a minute?07:49
oSoMoNdpm: yeah, I guess it should be "Open pages: %1", or "%1 open pages", it’s not final anyway, there’s a design review happening today and that will probably change07:51
dpmok, thanks oSoMoN07:51
oSoMoNdpm: I based the original implementation on rough mockups, there was no final visual design at the time…07:51
oSoMoNdpm: I’ll be reviewing your MRs shortly, btw07:51
dpmoSoMoN, no worries, that makes it clear07:51
dpmah, cool, thanks!07:51
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
oSoMoNgusch: hey, I’ve got a trivial MR up for review, for when you have a spare moment: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/fix-uastring-regression/+merge/16913308:40
guschoSoMoN: ok08:43
guschoSoMoN: I might have one in a few minutes as well (this time really a small one ;)08:43
oSoMoNgusch: sure, just ping me when you have it ready08:45
guschoSoMoN: I like it, when it is more explicit, but why didn't it work (anymore)?08:51
guschoSoMoN: and here is mine btw https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-thumbnail-update/+merge/16913508:52
oSoMoNgusch: tbh I don’t really know, or rather, I don’t really know how it worked before…09:00
guschoSoMoN: anyway - I'll aprove it (without testing -ok?)09:00
oSoMoNgusch: yup :)09:03
oSoMoNdpm: got a couple of comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/rename/+merge/168982, otherwise looks good to me09:13
dpmoSoMoN, looking, thanks!09:35
AskUbuntuChanging text on a popover | http://askubuntu.com/q/30766110:03
popeywelcome penk ☻10:09
popeythe ratio of "People in Finland" to "People not in Finland" just went up a bit more10:10
penkmost of my colleagues here in Helsinki are going to have summer vacation in a week or two though10:11
guschoSoMoN: yes - unit tests would be nice. But with all those dependencies, it's hard to write some (I slowly start to introduce some first tests)10:45
oSoMoNgusch: yep, which is why I’m not requesting them now, but it would be good to keep those on the radar10:48
guschoSoMoN: as said - slowly trying to increase (and makeing it easier by reducing dependencies ;)10:50
guschoSoMoN: but thx10:50
nerochiaroom26er: hi, i need a bit of help when you have some time. there's this branch lp:~amanzi-team/ubuntu-ui-extras/ubuntu-ui-extras-initial that i'm really behind on, that has unit tests and autopilot tests failing for various reasons. it would be quite nice to get any help you can provide on it10:52
AskUbuntuHow to retract and develop a ListItem.Standard | http://askubuntu.com/q/30768010:53
om26ernerochiaro, looking10:57
nerochiaroom26er: i will be back later, thanks for starting to have a look11:06
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneygusch: So ... picking up from yesterday. If you can show me how to replace the ListModel in http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761199/ with an AlbumCollectionModel then I'll probably be able to take it from there (at least for a bit ...)11:52
guschLaney: is this inside of gallery, or your own project?11:55
Laneygusch: external11:55
guschLaney: no chance then - sorry11:55
LaneyIn the end it's going to be for this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Appearance#Phone11:55
Laneyoh. That's what I was trying to get at yesterday11:55
Laneycan these things be exposed?11:55
guschLaney: ok - let me see11:55
guschLaney: so in the end it's about picking an image, right?11:57
Laneythe spec there talks about interactions with the gallery11:59
guschLaney: that is something, that we are working on - picking a photo from gallery12:00
guschLaney: current plan is, that you will get an API, to call something like "getMeAPhotoFromGallery()"12:01
Laneygusch: oh, hmm12:01
Laneygusch: see the second mockup there - will it enable something like that to be written?12:01
guschLaney: and this will bring up the UI, and after you selected a photo, the UI will close, and you get the filename12:01
Laneyor will the last three entries have to be "Gallery images" or something?12:02
Laneympt: ^^^ we're discussing one of your designs (the appearance panel in system settings)12:02
guschLaney: I don't know about the exact UI atm. - but it will rather look like the gallery (as gallery will start, and be on top of your app)12:03
Laneyso no API to get at the gallery's data directly12:03
Laneyis there something I can subscribe to?12:03
Laneybug or BP12:03
guschLaney: currently it's more like ideas floating around - but let me see12:04
mptLaney, I drew that only because I couldn't find a design for the "content picker" yet. It is a slight superset of the image mode of the content picker, in that it lets you choose from shipped art as well as from your own photos.12:04
Laneympt: right, so it sounds like for this we instead will just ask the gallery to do it for us12:05
LaneyI don't know anything about the Ubuntu Art stuff though12:05
Laneyis that just going to be some well-known directory that we list?12:05
guschLaney: just ignore that mockup - that most likely will be my part to implement ;)12:05
LaneyI'll just have a stub for now12:05
KaleoLaney: mpt: gusch: the design of the content picker is not being worked on at the moment, so we are working from older specs12:05
KaleoLaney: mpt: gusch: nonetheless the API has been defined on paper12:05
KaleoLaney: mpt: gusch: and we will have a prototype in a few weeks12:06
Laneyso tell me which part I am interested in from the perspective of someone implementing the settings panel :P12:06
Laneylike what does the content picker do for me?12:06
guschKaleo: guess who's doing the gallery part ;)12:06
Kaleogusch: I know :)12:06
KaleoLaney: well, it let's you import pictures from the gallery, ie. copy them into the folder of the settings app12:07
guschLaney: you call an API function (pickAPhoto() - I don't know the name)12:07
guschLaney: then gallery kicks in12:07
LaneyOK, so it's just the gallery part?12:08
guschLaney: and you get the result (as filename I guess)12:08
LaneyNot the stock artwork bit (or is that handled by the gallery too?)12:08
KaleoLaney: API looks like12:08
Kaleopeer = ContentHub.defaultSourceForType(ContentType.Pictures)12:08
Kaleotransfer = ContentHub.import(ContentType.Pictures, peer)12:08
Laneyso there could be a ContentType for the other stuff too12:08
KaleoLaney: possibly, what's the other stuff?12:08
guschLaney: all the UI, artwork etc. is done by gallery12:08
Laneyso if I essentially don't really have to care about that screen, then yay12:09
guschLaney: correct ;)12:09
Laneycool beans12:10
Laneythanks guys12:10
guschLaney: happy hacking with the rest of that stuff ;)12:10
Laneythis makes it rather more simple :P12:11
KaleoLaney: don't forget to use the ui toolkit12:11
LaneyKaleo: Right, I am mostly - I did write a component to handle switching between images in an UbuntuShape though12:12
Laneymostly because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/118988412:12
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1189884 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[UbuntuShape] Images assigned by a variable don't get rounded corners" [Undecided,New]12:12
Laneythe title is a bit more narrow than the bug actually is12:14
KaleoLaney: switching images in an ubuntushape was something cimi asked about a while back12:14
KaleoLaney: maybe he has some code12:15
LaneyI wanted to do crossfading too, which doesn't seem well supported in qml at all currently12:15
* Laney goes to #-touch to ask12:16
KaleoLaney: crossfading works fine in QML12:16
Laneywell, by transitioning the opacity out and in on two Images12:17
KaleoLaney: sounds good12:17
KaleoLaney: what was wrong with it?12:17
Laneyjust seems a bit of an awkward way to do it12:17
Laneyrather set the source and have it done automatically12:17
KaleoLaney: sure, that's why people tend to write CrossfadeImage components12:18
Laneyand I don't know how that would interact with the UbuntuShape either because you set the opacity on the shape, not the image contained12:18
KaleoLaney: which IIRC there is one in the shell12:18
KaleoLaney: correct12:18
KaleoLaney: there are 2 ways to tackle that12:18
Laneythe thing I wrote crossfades between two UbuntuShapes12:18
KaleoLaney: either 2 UbuntuShapes that you crossfade12:18
KaleoLaney: or you write a CrossfadeImage component12:18
KaleoLaney: that you stuff in the image property of the UbuntuShape12:19
KaleoLaney: and of course there is a twist for that to work12:19
KaleoLaney: since UbuntuShape.image only accepts Image and ShaderEffectSource12:19
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
KaleoLaney: and CrossfadeImage is not an Image12:19
KaleoLaney: so you can wrap the CrossfadeImage in a ShaderEffectSource12:19
Laneyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/306868/how-do-i-get-an-ubuntushape-to-transition-fade-between-different-images BTW12:20
KaleoLaney: IIRC that's the advice I gave to cimi12:20
Laneyprobably not the best qml that's ever been written12:20
KaleoLaney: lp:unity/phablet Components/CrossFadeImage.qml12:21
LaneyKaleo: /me gets12:22
KaleoLaney: there is unit tests too12:22
KaleoLaney: and documentation12:22
Laneyshouldn't (something like) this be in the ui toolkit?12:23
KaleoLaney: if we find another user, +112:23
KaleoLaney: let's imagine we found another user12:24
KaleoLaney: +112:24
Laneywell I'd use it from the panel12:24
KaleoLaney: yyep12:24
KaleoLaney: wanna do your first MR to the toolkit? :)12:24
KaleoLaney: copy/paste from the shell :) with sanity checks :)12:24
LaneyIf you think that looks like a decent interface for a reusable component then sure12:25
LaneyI'd like to do one for that contained in an UbuntuShape per your earlier guidance too12:26
Laneywill try to get to that, thanks Kaleo12:26
KaleoLaney: actually it's not12:27
KaleoLaney: the API is wrong :)12:27
KaleoLaney: but easy to fix12:28
KaleoLaney: property bool crossFade & property bool fadeInFirst are not used by anybody and should be removed (and default values should be false for both)12:28
KaleoLaney: property url source should be documented12:28
KaleoLaney: and properties starting with __ should be moved into a child QtObject12:29
KaleoLaney: to make them really inaccessible12:29
KaleoLaney: for the ShaderEffectSource, here is the documentation: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-shadereffectsource.html12:29
Laneynoted, ty12:30
t1mpzsombi: the next small step in the Action changes: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/actionItem/+merge/16903912:40
t1mpzsombi: where is ActionSelectionPopover.target used?13:06
t1mpI don't see a use-case.13:07
kenvandinewelcome seb128!13:58
seb128join I autojoin that one as well? ;-)13:59
dpmoSoMoN, nice work! :-) http://www.iloveubuntu.net/ubuntu-touchs-webbrowser-app-landed-ubuntu-1310-ubuntu-software-center14:00
oSoMoNdpm: cool, thanks for the link14:01
dpmseb128, yeah, I think you should join the party and mark this channel as autojoin ;)14:06
seb128let's see if that channel qualify, I will ask a question and see if I get an useful reply :p14:07
seb128in system-settings we some14:08
seb128ListItem.Standard {14:08
seb128    icon: Qt.resolvedUrl(model.icon)14:08
seb128    text: model.displayName14:08
seb128can I make the icon: a relative path?14:08
seb128I would like to install it in the same dir as the qml14:08
seb128when model.icon is just a name, it's looking in the theme directories14:09
seb128e.g /usr/share/icons/{gnome,hicolor}/....14:09
seb128or it seems from a strace look14:09
seb128(it's not respecting the theme in use btw, seems like a bug)14:09
seb128if I use "./icon.png" it fails to find the icon14:09
seb128if I use /usr/share/...../icon.png that works, but I would prefer hardcoding the /usr/share in there14:10
dpmseb128, this should work: Qt.resolvedUrl("img/text.png")14:13
dpmas in:14:13
dpm                    ListItems.Standard {14:13
dpm                        id: itemQrText14:13
dpm                        text: i18n.tr("Text")14:13
dpm                        icon: Qt.resolvedUrl("img/text.png")14:13
dpm                        onClicked: pageStack.push(pageQrText)14:13
dpm                        progression: true14:13
dpm                    }14:13
dpmThat's a snippet I'm using on an app I'm developing14:14
dpmdoes that pass the seb128 channel autojoin test?14:14
seb128dpm, not really, as said I tried " if I use "./icon.png" it fails to find the icon"14:15
seb128dpm, but I think mardy might have added some magic there14:15
dpmhm, weird, it works for my app14:15
seb128because the model.icon seems to be a gicon:path14:15
seb128that's maybe a special object and not a plain url14:15
dpmaha, gotcha14:15
seb128dpm, btw, do you have an example of po.pro that I can copy that does full work (build .mo and install them)?14:16
seb128dpm, I copied the one from ubuntu-weather-app, that gives me a "make pot", but not the .mo part14:16
dpmseb128, I don't. I put the install part in debian/rules as suggested by pitti14:21
seb128dpm, hum, why is that better?14:22
dpmseb128, I think the idea was that in the packaging qmake was not used anywhere else (the core apps are pure qml and js), so it'd be easier to write the install rule in debian/rules than hooking up qmake with the packaging14:23
dpmBut if there is a better way, I'd be happy to change it14:23
seb128dpm, system-settings has cpp code, it's not pure qml14:23
kenvandineand uses qmake14:24
kenvandineseb128, look at signon-ui14:24
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:25
dpmseb128, right, I was just talking about the usage for core apps. For system-settings it makes sense to have all the rules in .pro files14:25
seb128kenvandine, ah, signon-ui is what mardy copied for system-settings, that one does have a "make pot" or any way to generate a template14:25
seb128kenvandine, QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += potfile14:26
seb128when I've that in a .pro14:26
seb128where does the target ends up?14:26
seb128should "make potfile" works? (it doesn't)14:26
kenvandineyou mean where does it get installed?14:26
kenvandinei think it should work... but i've never really figured out how qmake handles it14:27
* seb128 googles what QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS means14:27
kenvandinewell that adds a target to build14:27
kenvandineso potfile must be a standard qmake target14:27
kenvandinebut not included in the build by default14:27
seb128I see14:28
kenvandineok, look at friends-app14:29
kenvandinethat is probably a better example14:29
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:29
kenvandinethere is a po/po.pro14:29
kenvandinei don't recall where that came from... it might have been from dpm :)14:29
seb128ok, I've a similar one14:30
seb128I copied most of https://github.com/VictorThompson/ubuntu-music-app/blob/master/po/po.pro14:30
seb128which I find with google :p14:30
kenvandinei am reasonably sure the one in friends-app does work14:30
dpmkenvandine, seb128. I think the initial po/po.pro came from the SDK guys, and then I modified it for the core apps. So I'd recommend using the one from the core apps, which supports internationalization of the .desktop file14:31
dpmactually, wait, the .desktop file support is still pending review on a mp14:32
kenvandinesomeone should add that to friends-app too :)14:32
dpmkenvandine, seb128, actually, it's been merged. So you can take the po.pro file from the weather app: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/trunk/view/head:/po/po.pro14:33
seb128dpm, that's what I started from, make pot works great14:33
seb128but I want "make mo" and "make install"14:34
seb128e.g something that actually build the .mo and install them14:34
seb128dpm, the part you hacked in debian/rules for the weather app :p14:34
kenvandineseb128, friends-app has a generate_mo.sh script14:35
kenvandineand it gets run by qmake14:35
* kenvandine thinks qmake should have better integration than this... but oh well14:36
seb128seems easier with cmake14:36
seb128I looked at gallery, since I assumed that was the most polished app14:36
kenvandinemaybe... but i find cmake more frustrating than any build system i've ever used14:36
seb128they have a 10 lines CMakeLists.txt14:36
dpmseb128, I'll see if I can add build support in the po.pro file14:37
seb128kenvandine, I hate all build systems :p14:37
* kenvandine does too14:37
seb128dpm, I'm on it, I will bounce that to you for review14:37
dpmwe're all in agreement, then14:37
dpmseb128, super14:37
kenvandineqmake is my 2nd favorite though... behind autotools14:37
kenvandinebut yes, they all suck14:37
kenvandineseb128, while you're at it... why don't you add that desktop file translation stuff to friends-app :)14:38
* kenvandine hides14:38
seb128kenvandine, rrrriiiight14:38
nerochiaroom26er: did that branch make any sense to you ?14:45
om26ernerochiaro, the problem is cmake no copying any file to the build-area only folders are being copied so import does not work14:46
om26ernerochiaro, I don't have much experience with cmake so we may need a bit help14:46
nerochiaroom26er: ok, maybe i can take care of poking someone more experienced with cmake, but i've seen elsewhere in other projects folders being installed, i think it's just a different command14:47
nerochiaroom26er: in the meantime, maybe you can have a look at the autopilot tests, these were more troublesome14:48
om26ernerochiaro, when I start the Browser.qml it gives me an error14:48
om26ernerochiaro, how do I run the Ui ?14:49
nerochiaroom26er: you don't, it's just a component14:50
nerochiaroom26er: there's a test file i put in the autopilot tests dir14:50
nerochiaroom26er: caller runner.qml14:50
nerochiaroom26er: that will instantiate the component14:51
om26ernerochiaro, is Ubuntu.Components.Extras normal ?14:52
om26ersorry, "Ubuntu.Components.Extras" is not installed14:52
nerochiaroom26er: you need to make sure when you run it you pass -I path_to_src (path_to_src is the path to the src directory in the source tree)14:56
nerochiaroom26er: that should allow it to run even uninstalled (which is what you do in some cases in the autopiot tests)14:56
om26ernerochiaro, I'll be back in two hours and then I'll look into the autopilot issue..15:14
nerochiaroom26er: ok, thank you15:15
guschrenato_: ping15:24
guschboiko: ping15:47
oSoMoNgusch: hey, would you be available for a review?15:55
guschoSoMoN: sure15:55
oSoMoNgusch: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/remove-forward-button-on-narrow-screens/+merge/16924015:56
guschrenato_ boiko ping15:56
oSoMoNdpm: have you seen my comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/rename/+merge/168982 ?15:58
oSoMoNpenk: hey, any idea how to (painlessly) get a thumbnail off a given webview? afaik such a functionality is not exposed, maybe you have some experience with that?16:04
penkoSoMoN: back in WebKit1 API days I was using something like webview->page()->mainFrame()->render()16:06
penkoSoMoN: but I have never done that on WebKit2 API16:06
oSoMoNpenk: ok, I’m gonna look into that, looking forward to having actual thumbnails instead of just empty placeholders16:07
penkoSoMoN: I recalled snowshoe has thumbnails in their TabsModel too, if you haven't look on that16:08
oSoMoNpenk: they don’t, I just checked the code and it’s the same static hardcoded thumbnail for all the pages16:08
boikogusch: pong16:09
guschboiko: about a review - but tmoenicke is lookign into it (right?) https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-video-playback/+merge/16923716:10
oSoMoNpenk: interestingly the "screenshots" on the front page of snowshoe.cc show thumbnails, but I suspect it’s just marketing16:10
boikogusch: ok, in case he isn't ping me again :)16:11
penkoSoMoN: yeah maybe, and you can always fallback to javascript/canvas ..16:11
penkwhich has some existing libraries16:11
guschboiko: I'd need renato_ for another review ...16:11
guschrenato_: would be cool if you could today continue reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-show-video/+merge/16888416:12
oSoMoNpenk: interesting, I hadn’t though of that, do you reckon I could grab a capture of the page with a userscript, or were you suggesting something different?16:14
penkoSoMoN: yeah in userscript, something like http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/ might do the job16:14
dpmoSoMoN, sorry, I was in calls. I saw your comments, thanks for the thorough review. They make sense, I'll merge the two changelog entries into one, that was a mistake16:16
oSoMoNpenk: cool, that looks very promising, I’ll experiment with that (sounds way more fun than writing a custom QML element that renders a webview into an image)16:17
oSoMoNlooks like it has a good number of limitations though16:20
penkoSoMoN: I'll just use QQuickWindow::grabWindow() and cut the chrome :P16:23
penkbut I think thumbnail is too overrated16:24
oSoMoNpenk: mmm, I don’t like the look of "Warning: Calling this function will cause performance problems." in grabWindow’s documentation…16:28
guschoSoMoN: approved16:29
oSoMoNgusch: thanks16:29
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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