
rti^When I ran Ubuntu from the boot CD to test it out, my iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1.4 would mount and I could sync it. However, when I installed Ubuntu I am no longer able to do this. Any idea why?00:12
Unit193!iphone | Never used an iPhone, but this page may help.00:13
ubot93Never used an iPhone, but this page may help.: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:13
ubot93rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!00:13
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lost-useranybody awake ?08:57
lost-userI've got coffee and cookies09:00
lost-userI'll ask my question so when ppl are afk and come back can reply if they can / like09:05
lost-userI am using ubuntu 12.04 . My problem is with the network ( read network manager) If I go to Applications - System Tools - Administration - Net work tools and start that up. Devices (Ethernet interface (et0) - configure - add IPV4 Settings everything is greyed out the has dfaulted to dhcp and I can not change anything.09:09
lost-userAlso if I start nm-connection-editor from a term the end result is the same all is greyed out. However I get the following error message: *(* (nm-connection-editor:2082): WARNING **: Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetowrkManager: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files (sorry for any typos)09:13
lost-useranybody any idea how to solve this pls ?09:13
lost-userwhen using : sudo NetworkManager ---no-daemon i can adjust NetworkManager and reset the network specs for eth0. However I need to keep that running otherwise I loose my connection again09:27
lost-useroption is: --no=daemon09:28
Unit193You could try sudo service network-manager restart, but I don't see that helping.09:29
lost-userHi an dthank you for that idea. I have the nm-applet back on top bar and I have a net work connection. Looking at this it seems like NM is not starting at boot09:31
lost-userok solved:)09:45
lost-useragain thank you for your idea to run: NetworkManager restart09:46
lost-userthat was a great help to me09:46
lost-userreason for the greyed out part is that there was to much noise inside the interfaces file. After removing that and leaving only : auto lo - ifacelo inet loopback NetworkManager could normally load without problems. Your idea helped me a lot thank you again Unit1923 !! :)09:48
lost-useroops Unit 193 I mean09:50
Unit193Ah, cool.  Glad you got it.09:50
lost-userbye and again thank you for your help09:51
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prasenE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:54
prasenplz help13:54
rgargentehi all14:24
rgargentei have a problem associating a program to a file type, i have tried many solutions without success14:24
rgargenteanyone can help?14:24
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yeehiI have a permission denied error when I try the following command: sudo cat isoimage.iso > /dev/sdX17:20
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