
=== shadows is now known as Guest32987
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=== shadows is now known as Guest64954
roastedhello friends14:30
roastedI reported a bug a week or so ago. I just received an update from bugbot that the tag "resolution" was added. Is this referring to screen resolution, or that an actual resolution to the bug is in the works?14:33
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
gotwigI want that the pc does not suspend when I close my lit, when I already told the computer it should shut down. Where can I report this issue16:42
roastedgotwig: bugs are reported on launchpad.net16:59
gotwigroasted, I know16:59
roastedgotwig: you can also report it via ubuntu-bug in terminal, but I am not sure what package it would be filed under16:59
gotwigroasted, I ask for the specific software project16:59
roastedthat I am not entirely sure of offhand16:59
ubuntu-ttgotwig: whats the problem there is a wikipage about finding packages17:04
=== shadows is now known as Guest53561
ubuntu-ttdid you see that page as yet?17:04
roastedI'd like to see it for future reference. got a link?17:05
ubuntu-ttsure one sec17:05
ubuntu-tt>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage17:05
ubuntu-ttthere is also some debugging pages that can be helpful17:06
gotwigroasted, have you read my problem17:25
gotwigroasted, what do you think, which package is that17:25
gotwigor which software17:25
roastedI am not sure. That link explains how to find the package name for GUI apps, not something that isn't a GUI app such as a failed suspend.17:26
gotwignot failed suspend17:26
gotwigI wish the PC does not suspend17:26
gotwigwhen I close the lid, when I before that have taken the action to shutdown my pc17:27
roastedand your settings in the power menu are correct I assme?17:31
roastedthere's independent controls between whether or not AC is plugged in as well17:31
gotwigroasted, I know what you mean, but I want that it automaticly manages this17:34
gotwigroasted, maybe upstream :X?17:34
gotwigsometimes I have to rush quick, as a student, and I just press shutdown, clap the notebook together and run away (to get the bus, lol)17:35
gotwigand than ubuntu just suspended it, and it generates heat, in the notebook case, and it didnt shutdown..17:35
ubuntu-tti think you may need to get it to shutdown when you shut the lid then17:39
ubuntu-ttinstead of filing a bug17:39
ubuntu-ttbecause other people may be fine with it sleeping when the lid is down17:39
ubuntu-tttake a look at this gotwig http://askubuntu.com/questions/265800/shutdown-when-laptop-lid-closed17:40
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=== shadows is now known as Guest17165
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