
bennishey, i installed firefox from the tar.gz file they give you, but i can't get flash (also from the tar.gz) to work... a lack of instruction in this regard i think. Anybody know a good tutorial for putting firefox/flash on ubuntu GNOME remix 12.10?03:30
jbichabennis: Ubuntu GNOME comes with Firefox, please don't use a .tar.gz to install it03:34
bennisinteresting, i don't see a firefox that comes with this... all i see is 'web'. which doesn't support flash according to several google searches... perhaps you are unclear as to what OS i'm running? ubuntu GNOME remix 12.1003:36
jbichaoh, 12.10 comes with Web, 13.04 comes with Firefox03:38
bennisyep, going to download 13.04 as soon as i've an opportunity03:38
jbicha13.04 is a bit easier to use as it also comes with Ubuntu Software Center which is an easy way to install software03:39
bennisjust doing this on a non-tech friend's machine, and he wants to watch youtube so i got firefox, downloaded the flash .so file, and dumped itt everywhere i found an so file in firefox's install directory :P03:39
bennisi've gotten used to apt-get03:39
bennisbut i didn't want to funkify the repos03:39
jbichasudo apt-get install firefox03:41
jbichasudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer03:41
bennisyeah, still doesn't work on 12.10 :P03:41
bennisthough it would if i added the conventional ubuntu 12.10 repo03:42
mister2hey, anybody know why flashplugin-installer isn't found in my current software sources on a live 13.04 session?07:01
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mister2Hi all! I have a wee issue installing the flashplugin-installer found in the ubuntu software center in ubuntu GNOME remix 13.04. It's listed as not in my software sources. I checked the universe under software sources, but i didn't see any apt lines under that tab...14:00
mister2rather, the tab next to it where the apt lines should be, just don't recall what it was called14:01
SonikkuAmericamister2: (We're not a remix anymore) Are you looking for the "Other Software" tab?14:02
mister2No, i don't think so.14:04
SonikkuAmericamister2: It's in Canonical Partners I think.14:04
SonikkuAmericamister2: The flashplugin-installer package anyway14:04
mister2hm, well i checked all except the experimental boxes on the software sources main thing, but under the Other Software tab (where the PPAs should be listed, right?) it's blank.14:05
mister2and it's listed in ubuntu software center, but apt doesn't see it at all14:05
SonikkuAmericaOh dear.14:05
mister2OH, i'm on a live thing. is that a problem?14:05
SonikkuAmericamister2: Live image? You'll need to manually enable it.14:05
bjsniderinstall the package adobe-flashplugin14:05
mister2lack of a hard drive adds issues14:05
bjsniderfrom partner14:05
mister2i'll look for it, but i haven't seen it, and i apt cache searched for adobe and flash with grep to filter...14:06
mister2sonikkuamerica how would i manual enable what now?14:06
SonikkuAmericabjsnider: He doesn't have partner in the Live image software sources for some reason... I think that's what he means.14:06
mister2yeah, i have no ppas listed, i was going to ask on the #ubuntu channel for the default ppas cause google brings up SO MUCH random not useful but interesting things.14:07
SonikkuAmericaTack these lines onto /etc/apt/sources.list (use gedit or nano with sudo): (a) deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner (b) deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner14:07
SonikkuAmericamister2: Except replace "maverick" with "raring"14:07
mister2excellent, exactly what i was looking for14:08
mister2thanks :D14:08
SonikkuAmericaThen run [ sudo apt-get update ] and then install the Flash plugin.14:08
bjsniderwhy is flash an issue if you're using a livecd?14:08
mister2because it's a permanent live cd14:08
mister2no internal HDD14:08
mister2i feel like we talked about this last night on #ubuntu14:08
bjsnideri don't know who "we" is14:10
SonikkuAmericaNeither do I; I wasn't here last nite14:10
bjsnideri hope you have permanent uptime with this kind of setup otherwise you'll have to do all of this again14:10
mister2we would be bjsnider, and yes, i have persistence enabled14:10
bjsnideri'm not in the channel you mentioned14:11
mister2alright, i said i thought14:11
bjsnideryou don't even have a flash drive for storage?14:12
mister2oh, no i'm using two usb drives, one for the OS one for personal files14:12
bjsniderwell, that's permanent storage isn't it?14:13
bjsnidersince you can download stuff you can just directly download the adobe-flashplugin deb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/
mister2did i say it wasnt?14:13
mister2meh, having a repo setup could be useful in future14:13
mister2it's not my computer, the person using it might need some sort of program and not be able to install it due to no repos14:14
mister2also is there a way to disable the fancy boot up graphics and just have the standard text output like the older linuxes used?14:16
mister2i'm just not sure where to look for the setting14:16
SonikkuAmericamister2: In /etc/default/grub, put a stick of dynamite near anything that says "quiet splash", save it, and light the darned thing with [ sudo update-grub ]14:18
mister2awesome, thanks :D14:19
bjsniderstrange request14:19
SonikkuAmericaThe dynamite is that Backspace key on your keyboard of course :)14:19
mister2oh, i was thinking it was a #14:19
SonikkuAmericaWell you could comment the line out, but if there's any other command param listed there it also goes up in flames (it's not common to though)14:20
SonikkuAmericaDoes the "install alongside" option still not work in the stable Live images? The bug mentioned on the site says it's for 13.04 Beta 2.14:29
mister2i've no idea, haven't tried to install anything myself.14:30
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: as far as I know bug 1164592 is still unfixed15:34
ubot5bug 1164592 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity freezes in Install Alongside screen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116459215:34
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: Well looks like I'll be running a test of my own. Ubuntu GNOME is broken beyond repair and I also have a Fedora that doesn't work in another partition... I'mma try it tomorrow.15:35
jbicha_SonikkuAmerica: will you be trying Saucy or Raring, we definitely know that Raring is broken for that option15:36
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: I can try both if you want, I'll have time to grab and deploy both images15:37
jbicha_if it doesn't work, you can try if the advanced partioner works to resize15:37
SonikkuAmericaAll right.15:37
jbicha_and if that still doesn't work, you can probably boot a Ubuntu live image and use gparted to set up the partitions the way you like (in case it's resizing that doesn't work)15:38
jbicha_and then try Ubuntu GNOME15:38
SonikkuAmericajbicha_: I might actually do the gparted resizing in Fedora, because it recognizes the ext4 partition there.15:38
SonikkuAmericaBut first I have to fix Fedora.15:39
SonikkuAmericaI'll also try both via Grml Rescue System and dd'd media.15:40
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levelahiho guys18:32
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aamerhello room, Application menu in gnome classic: (I'm using compiz and cairo dock),  the gnome classic application menu has those two arrows (on top and bottom) that will show the rest of the menu items on mouse-over, i just want to increase the menu length. anyone?19:28
SonikkuAmericaaamer: Frankly, I've never seen that problem with the Apps menu.19:29
aamerSonikkuAmerica I'm seeing it in different ways each time i change the theme, should i send you a screenshot?19:30
SonikkuAmericaaamer: I guess, if you think it would help...19:33
aamerSonikkuAmerica can't take a screenshot  while the application menu is active!19:39
SonikkuAmericaYou can't hit the PrintScreen button?19:40
aamerI mean when another window is in focus, i can take screenshots but  not when the menu is in focus, yes I can hit the PrintScreen button, but usually when I hit it i get a camera click effect and get the screenshot saved to the pictures directory, but when the menu is in focus nothing happens, and I tried to paste in GIMP but it said there's no image data in the clipboard.19:42
SonikkuAmericaHmm. Let me check somethign.19:42
SonikkuAmericaaamer: That's odd, I can't do the same thing either.19:44
SonikkuAmericaaamer: What's your screen res?19:44
SonikkuAmericaOK that shouldn't be a problem then... I have a 1024x768 res...19:44
aamerSonikkuAmerica: running a vm?19:45
SonikkuAmericaI'm not19:45
SonikkuAmericaThis is a frugal install.19:45
aamerwell, linux is not just frugal it's also a really good OS19:47
SonikkuAmericaLinux isn't an OS; it's a kernel :) Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, Fedora, Red Hat - they're all really Linux19:47
aamerwhich ubuntu r u running?19:48
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu GNOME 13.0419:48
aamerand fell back to gnome classic?19:48
SonikkuAmericaWho, me? Not really; I keep GNOME Classic (shell extensions) for historical purposes but I usually use the shell19:49
aamerI wish i could enable the dash on gnome classic it's a lot better19:49
SonikkuAmericaIt's still there...19:49
aameryeah but i couldn't find a way to run it from gnome classic19:50
SonikkuAmericaApps > Activities Overview or stick the mouse in the upper-left corner19:50
SonikkuAmericaaamer: Oh, wait... are you using 3.6?19:50
aameronly the shell, not the launcher19:50
aamerSonikkuAmerica: GNOME 3.419:51
SonikkuAmericaaamer: Are you using 12.10?19:51
aamerSonikkuAmerica: 12.04 LTS19:51
SonikkuAmericaOh wow. Then you still have Fallback mode. I have 3.8 from the PPA19:52
aamerSonikkuAmerica: yes I have that feature of sticking the mouse on the top-left corner, but not in gnome classic session, but in GNOME.19:53
SonikkuAmericaOK. I see where you're going. Are you having the problem you're having in Shell mode or Fallback mode then?19:53
aamerfall back19:54
SonikkuAmericaI don't really think we can help you then... meantime, try Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 with the GNOME 3 PPA added so that you have 3.819:54
aamerI can update GNOME to 3.8 and still use 12.04 LTS can't I? however, I prefer the GNOME Classic it's a lot faster and I don't want any of the features provided in the new GNOME Shell, because I'm using 3rd. party apps to get the rest i.e. compiz, cairo-dock... SonikkuAmerica.19:57
SonikkuAmericaIf you prefer GNOME Classic, maybe you should give the MATE desktop a try. http://mate-desktop.org/19:59
SonikkuAmericaThe fact is, though, that fallback mode is dead to the GNOME people.20:00
aamerSonikkuAmerica: no lol I tried it last week and decided that I should never use mint again, i even deleted the iso, although i kept open-suse, ubuntu 12.04, 13.04 and more than 10 other distros...20:01
aamerSonikkuAmerica: take a look at this, and tell me what u think20:01
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu with MATE != Linux Mint... lol20:01
SonikkuAmericaOther options might be Cinnamon or XFCE.20:02
SonikkuAmericaWhat's "this"?20:02
aamerSonikkuAmerica: i used LMDE, I tried Cinnamon and didn't like the menu, in LMDE I think things are messed up in the Synaptic Package Manager, I think ubuntu is a LOT better.20:03
aamerafter all, ubuntu is built on Debian, so why do ppl say Debian edition is better?!20:04
SonikkuAmericaaamer: LMDE is closer to Debian though...20:04
SonikkuAmericaDebian isn't a commercial distro like Ubuntu is.20:04
aameryou're right...20:04
SonikkuAmericaAnd a lot of people think Ubuntu is trying to become the Microsoft Windows of Linux.20:05
aamerbut for a newbie like me, or say a desktop user, I liked ubuntu20:05
aamerI think ubuntu is closer to the Mac than to Windows20:05
SonikkuAmericaLinux itself is; both are UNIX-based20:05
aameru know, not only the unity menu, but the simplicity, the elegance,20:06
aamerthat's one of the reasons why...20:06
SonikkuAmericaI can't say it's hard to get used to. I just tried Fedora for the heck of it and it's almost as easy as Ubuntu, but (a) it isn't as software-intensive and (b) it uses gnome-packagekit, which is every GNOME user's hell.20:06
aameryesssssss that's why i didn't like it toooo!20:07
aameru know what20:08
aameri think open SUSE with KDE is something20:08
aamerthat's closer to Windows, but better I think20:09
SonikkuAmericaI think we're getting a little !ot here though... let's try #ubuntu-offtopic20:09
ubot5#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:09
aamerSonikkuAmerica: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8697/screenshotfrom201306132.png20:22
SonikkuAmericaOh that's right, you're using cairo-dock.20:24
SonikkuAmericaYou might ask in there.20:24
SonikkuAmerica/join #cairo-dock20:24
aamerSonikkuAmerica thank you man20:25
aamerApplication menu in gnome classic: (I'm using compiz and cairo dock),  the gnome classic application menu has those two arrows (on top and bottom) that will show the rest of the menu items on mouse-over, i just want to increase the menu length. anyone?21:38
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