
=== shadows is now known as Guest32987
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* ppisati goes to update his laptop to saucy...09:48
ogra_pfft ... laptop 09:56
ogra_update your *phone* to saucy :)09:56
ppisatiogra_: btw, out of curiosity, did we already choose how we will expose the internal of our mobile devices to the rest of the world? umass or mtp?10:02
ogra_well, tvoss did rebuild the android mtp server under ubuntu using libc .... not sure we will actually use it though10:03
ppisatiogra_: interesting, was it packaged?10:04
ogra_not yet ... 10:04
ogra_the prob is that M$ has it patented 10:04
ogra_so that will require some more discussion10:04
ogra_i personally prefer umass ... but that means to have a vfat partition in the back iirc 10:05
ppisatiactually m$ invented it (on top of pptp) but it was later standardized by the usb $whatever std commitee, and pretty much everyone is using it10:05
ppisatiogra_: right, and vfat means royalties to be paid too10:06
ogra_right, and paying the patent 10:06
ppisatibtw, my mtp experience in linux has been _really_ bad so far10:07
ogra_oh ?10:07
ogra_the few times i used it it just worked OOTB10:07
ppisatisync media files to an mtp-enabeld device? what did you use?10:08
ppisatii tried many different things10:08
ogra_nexu4 and my chromebook10:08
ppisatiamong which, rhythmbox, our music player10:08
ogra_and nexus4 with my desktop too10:08
ppisatiwhen i try to sync my mp3 library, it simply crashes10:08
ogra_ah, i didnt use RB ... only nautilus 10:08
ppisatiwell, but when you move media files around you need a sw that uses libmtp which in turn let you manipulate metadata too10:10
ppisatielse you stuff won't properly show on the device10:10
ppisatiright now i've the nexus10 attached to my desktop10:10
ppisatiand while it is mounted via gvfs (and thus i can copy files to it)10:10
ppisatirhythmbox says10:11
ppisati'unable to open the Google Inc Nexus 4/10(MTP+ADB) device'10:11
ppisatiso, now media sync for this10:11
ppisatianyhow, there's a new libmto in saucy10:11
ppisatiso i'll know in a bit if it fixes it10:12
ppisatisince the changelog explicitly mentions10:12
ppisatinexus4 support10:12
ppisatilet's see10:12
tseliotapw: do you happen to have an agp nvidia card that works with the 304 driver? http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/304.88/README/supportedchips.html11:34
tseliotor tjaalton ^11:34
tjaaltononly pcie gf8600gt11:35
tseliottoo bad11:35
tseliotI need to test my code...11:36
tseliotwith linux 3.1011:36
davmor2tseliot: I have  a laptop with optimus gfx I've not installed the nvidia element so don't know which driver version it uses, if that is of any use to you?11:39
apwtseliot, i am not sure i have, will let you know if i find one11:40
tseliotdavmor2: I assume that wouldn't be an agp card. If you want you can use optimus though. It's just a matter of installing nvidia-319 and the nvidia-prime package (if you want to try it)11:41
tseliotapw: thanks, as I'd like to know if I'm using the procfs correctly11:41
davmor2tseliot: I'll give it a go11:41
tseliotgood :)11:44
tseliotdavmor2: you won't have to do anything else, just install those packages and reboot11:44
davmor2tseliot: installling..............11:45
davmor2tseliot: rebooting................  What's the best way to test it all worked?11:46
tseliotdavmor2: unity should start and the system won't boot into a black screen ;)11:47
davmor2tseliot: OMG!!!!! splash screen I see a splash screen and a login screen that's a first on this laptop :)11:47
davmor2tseliot: effects seem faster too11:48
tseliotdavmor2: yes, you're using nvidia now11:49
davmor2tseliot: now it's up and running any tests you'd like run on it?11:58
apwrtg_, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/12:04
apwrtg_, the problem with britney is it runs before the publisher (as it does publishing) so it is possible a package gets published into -proposed after it has looked, and then picked up for migration the next run12:20
apw(so we may be suffering that lag)12:20
rtg_apw, yep, I'll just wait a bit12:20
apwrtg_, but britney just updated, and it is still there12:20
apwso ... i think that is a fail12:20
rtg_sounds like a job for infinity12:21
apw08:59:55*     queuebot | 05:59:55> New: accepted linux-grouper [armhf] (saucy-proposed) [3.1.10-4.12]                │ adam_g_12:24
apwrtg_, so it got accepted some very many hours ago, i have asked on #ubuntu-release12:24
tseliotdavmor2: not really, the fact that it works is enough, thanks :)12:54
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* ppisati goes out for a bit12:57
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davmor2tseliot: there is one thing the backlight doesn't look like it is turning off when the screen sleeps now, I'll dig into that a bit more though13:02
tseliotdavmor2: are you running Saucy?13:03
davmor2tseliot: Yeap13:03
tseliottjaalton: I thought the problems with the backlight were solved ^13:04
davmor2tseliot: there is definitely a glow from it it is very faint but is noticeable13:05
tseliotdavmor2: I thought we included a patch to make sure that DPMS works and the screen can be switched off13:05
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tjaaltoni ran it with -intel for a while, retesting with -modesetting..13:21
tjaaltonxset dpms force off works13:22
davmor2tjaalton, tseliot: ah hang on I think I see it now,  could it be that the backlight has a very slow fade to black.  before it was kinda a very dark purple now a few minutes latter there is no glow and it is a black screen,  I just wasn't letting it get to the black bit obviously :)13:28
davmor2I can't see any light at all now examining the edges of the screen like I could before13:29
tjaaltonyeah seems to work fine here13:34
davmor2yeap just re-trying again it is currently dark purple with a faint glow from the edges of the screen13:36
davmor2and now it is off, no glow and a black screen  1 minutes 27seconds ish13:37
davmor2tseliot, tjaalton: mhh there is another issue, if you hit the brightness down button I get a black screen on minimum setting  I'll write a bug up for that though13:40
tjaaltonnot here13:41
tjaaltonwith t420s13:41
tseliotI guess that depends on the modesetting driver, not on the nvidia driver13:41
davmor2tjaalton: maybe hardware specific I have an ideapad Y58013:41
davmor2tseliot: and now I'm going to give it a quick stress test with oil rush13:43
rtg_jsalisbury, henrix: need to bounce gomeisa for openssl update13:47
henrixrtg_: ack13:47
tseliotdavmor2: sounds good13:47
jsalisburyrtg_, ack13:47
davmor2tseliot: gfx set to max and it is handling it with ease, that's a first :)13:50
tseliotdavmor2: excellent :)13:50
davmor2tseliot: it is however throwing out some massive heat so I think I'll switch it off now :)13:52
tseliotdavmor2: yes, the discrete gpu uses more power13:53
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* henrix -> back in 1514:15
bjfapw, still running your unstable kernel after 40+ hrs.; no wierd times in htop though it did appear to stop updating after 24 hrs.; a new htop instance is running fine14:19
* rtg_ bounces tangerine for openssl update14:26
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devoidhi all, I think I found a regression on the ixgbe driver, it looks like the driver option provided by this patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1065475 no longer does anything in 3.2, 3.5 and 3.8?16:19
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1065475 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Add patch for various SFP+ module support to ixgbe driver in kernel 3.2.0-x (12.04 Precise)" [Medium,Fix released]16:19
devoidcan someone point me to the source archive for 3.8.0-23?16:23
devoidthat way I can check the driver code and see if the relevant patch http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=8ef78adcb03b1fcb53c3bd62df4e96c1d2706c58 landed or was silently disabled16:24
rtg_devoid, git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git16:24
henrixdevoid: the commit is there (in all the kernels). something else changed in the meantime16:25
henrixdevoid: do you have a bug number?16:25
rtg_devoid, 81469917bcd677dd65363da61137bebacb932587 in ubuntu-precise.git16:25
devoidhenrix: i haven't filed a bug yet, there's some irc chatter about the option no longer working though.16:25
devoids/irc/linux-network-mailing list/16:27
henrixdevoid: ah, interesting16:27
henrixdevoid: so this is an upstream issue. i could actually still work on the ubuntu kernels, but would require some testing16:28
rtg_henrix, I see no patches to ixgbe_main.c afterwards that would affect it16:29
henrixrtg_: yeah, so we should be ok unless the regression was tagged with 'cc: stable@' :)16:30
henrixdevoid: so, have you seen this issue on any of the ubuntu kernels?16:31
devoidhenrix: yes, 3.2, 3.5 and 3.816:31
devoid(currently on 3.8.0-23)16:32
henrixdevoid: btw, when opening the bug, please make sure you provide the last version that worked for you. that should help figuring out which commit introduced the regression16:41
devoidhenrix: I haven't found a version that works. ;)16:41
henrixdevoid: at least the version that closed bug #1065475 should have worked16:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1065475 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Add patch for various SFP+ module support to ixgbe driver in kernel 3.2.0-x (12.04 Precise)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106547516:42
henrixdevoid: as the bug was verified16:42
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* henrix -> back in 1517:12
* rtg_ -> lunch17:23
bjflamont, are you still affected by bug 1170887 ?17:59
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1170887 in linux (Ubuntu) "OOPS generated during boot loading drivers" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117088717:59
lamontbjf: I'll look18:16
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* rtg_ -> EOD19:50
infinityapw: We can haz #1186932 fixed in saucy too?20:00
infinitybug #1186932 ... silly bot.20:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1186932 in linux (Ubuntu) "Regression: kernel 3.8.0-24 breaks WPA enterprise auth [iwlwifi]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118693220:01
argesjsalisbury: infinity : ok kernel works for me!20:16
argesalso did you target this bug against saucy? since it affected me in 3.9 as well20:17
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slangasekjsalisbury: hi, so bug #1190781 and bug #1190414 are probably duplicates of one another... and it looks suspiciously like suspend/resume is completely broken on my x201 in saucy23:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1190781 in linux (Ubuntu) "[LENOVO 3249CTO] suspend/resume failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119078123:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1190414 in linux (Ubuntu) "[LENOVO 3249CTO] suspend/resume failure" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119041423:18
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