
dholbachgood morning06:09
ajmitch_morning dholbach06:12
dholbachhi ajmitch_06:12
gesergood morning dholbach, good afternoon ajmitch_06:28
dholbachhi geser06:28
jaaltoWhom can aswer about the property right of this icon? /usr/share/winetricks/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/winetricks.svg08:59
jaaltoI'd like to include it in Debian package, but I need clear copyright and author information08:59
jaaltoRelated to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70819809:00
ubottuDebian bug 708198 in winetricks "Use a .desktop file and icon for easier winetricks launching" [Normal,Open]09:00
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geserjaalto: I'd point you to YokoZar (Scott Ritchie) but you've already mailed him in the bug10:02
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=== jbicha is now known as Guest30774
=== Guest30774 is now known as jbich_
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=== medberry is now known as med_
jaaltogeser: I thought to ask him too. Thanks.16:12
mfischa former colleague now at a haberdashery company suggested that MOTUs need this shirt: http://shirt.woot.com/offers/meowster-of-the-universe17:34
mfischcan someoen show me the LP page where I can see a package I dput being built?18:00
mfischI'm familiar with how it works for my team but not for something like saucy18:00
mfischI have this page, is that right?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=18:00
Laneymfisch: There's http://launchpad.net/builders and http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yourpackage(/yourversion)18:02
Laneythose are the main two pages i use18:02
Laneyoh, and the Accepted email you get back has a link18:02
jbichamfisch: from https://launchpad.net/~ click Related Packages and then click the version number you want18:02
Laneyand there's,  yeah, ~/+uploaded-packages18:03
LaneySO MANY WAYS18:03
ogra_mfisch, click the link in the mail you got from the upload18:03
mfischLaney: thansk18:03
mfischLaney: its a bit different in my org in Canonical18:03
LaneyI have a firefox quick bookmark thingy to ubuntu/+source18:04
mfischlooks like it built, so thats good18:04
Laneythat's the one I use most often18:04
ogra_oh,, Laney said that above18:04
Laneye.g. lp gnome-terminal, click the link under latest upload18:04
mfischyay my first motu dput18:04
* ogra_ hugs mfisch 18:04
ogra_congrats !!18:04
* Laney plays some Civ V in celebration18:05
* ogra_ remebers his first upload still .... nicotine ... :) 18:05
* Laney does not18:06
mfischso glorious18:06
* Laney went to the end of his LP mailbox and found a load of ia64 ftbfs mails18:06
Laneygood days18:06
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=== Guest23438 is now known as dk
=== Rcart is now known as Rcart_afk

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