
ubottuIn #ubuntu, somsip said: !ops _nothing__ is trolling repeating the same question despite receiving replies00:56
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (_nothing__ is trolling repeating the same question despite receiving replies)00:56
ubottuIn ubottu, histo said: next is Another satisfied customer! NEXT!03:01
=== Dave2 is now known as Dave
DJonesHmmh, I wondered why 'penos' sounded familiar, a couple of bantracker entries for trolling11:27
k1l_he starts to visit us since some weeks11:28
k1l_i told him to stop trolling and sticking to the guidelines in query. but no respons11:34
DJonesHe seems to have stopped anyway, maybe your pm and me telling him to stop in channel have made him aware he's being watched11:38
k1l_i think he is just taking a breath to start again. but anyway, we will see11:39
elkyyeah he's an ongoing issue11:48
Tm_Trings my bells, and that comes from relatively long time ago11:50
ubottuSonikkuAmerica called the ops in #ubuntu (WE HAVE A SPAMMER!)15:10
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangyeah. why not just say: 1 gb ram, intel video card or whatever16:51
=== Dave is now known as Dave2
bazhangtroll detected17:35
bazhang<Ilhami> Hey why is Ubuntu so bad?17:36
bazhangserver side of ubuntu is closed source?17:40
bazhangor is that trolling a troll17:40
jbroomewhat constitutes "server side"?17:41
bazhangDJones, ^17:41
DJonesI misread the question, I thought they were asking about Ubuntu One17:41
DJonesAh well, troll the troll :) even if it is accidently17:41
DJonesWonder how long they'll spend trying to track that info down17:42
bazhanganyone who calls the bot bad deserves  a b17:48
bazhangcrunchbang is like a less flexible lubuntu17:49
PiciThat bot is so annoying. I wish it would stop giving me the information I need.17:49
bazhangif you make the smallest change to crunchbang, it's screwed17:49
bazhanglxde/openbox yeah, but very rigidly set17:50
DJonesIlhami> do they have a channel? ..... Its questions like that when I think it should be allowable to say "Have you googled it?"17:51
bazhangwe have the !alis command for that one17:52
bazhangchangeover seems to be a puppy dev or something17:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ilhami)17:54
bazhangif he's told about the -dev channel, he will just spam that17:58
bazhanghow many lines of spam are in #ubuntu from me before I get removed?17:58
bazhang<Ilhami> get a new computer18:07
bazhangbrilliant support advice18:07
DJonesHas your troll detector gone off yet19:24
bazhangit's on overdrive, so unreliable at this point19:25
bazhangsufficiently clueless users are indistinguishable from trolls19:26
bazhangparaphrasing Arthur C. Clarke19:27
geniiI think he he's on his phone and hits Enter when the text starts disapppearing on the left as he types19:29
bazhangyet he never once acknowledged any of the many many warnings given19:32
bazhangmore than half a dozen19:32
bazhangautoremove accepts arguments?19:41
geniiDunno, never tried to feed it any before19:42
geniiMy piece-o-crap router is overheating and cutting out.19:59
bazhangmine is acting up as well19:59
bazhangit's odd that IRC keeps working when dns fails19:59
bazhangie using Firefox or the like19:59
tsimpsonyou don't need DNS once you're already connected to the network, it's a constant connection20:05
tsimpsonor even once it's in your DNS cache20:06
bazhang<anominoususer> woooohoooooo!  is this the actual Ubuntu IRC?  and what are floodbots?  those dont sound good20:08
bazhangthanks tsimpson20:09
DJonesWhy do people join and ask what are floodbots without seeing them in action, I can only assume that its somebody who already knows and is trolling, its not as if they stand out in amongst the other 1600 user20:11
bazhangyeah that was odd20:11
PiciDJones: Because they're opped and they show up at the top of the userlist on some clients.20:12
tsimpsonthey are +o many clients do show that20:12
DJonesThere's been a couple of people done that in the last couple days or so, all asking what are the floodbots when they join20:12
geniiFor someone new that all they generally know is that the bots they've heard about aren't all that great, like adbots or callbots etc, one named floodbot sounds like it might start suddenly raining bots20:44
bazhang<ihelpsu> "dont think I would follow any guide from 2007" -- the bot gave that guide, the bot is outdated -- i say we break it21:06
bazhang<ihelpsu> break the bot, its the crap i couldnt tell from quality i was referring to earlier21:07
bazhangthats way past +b imo21:07
geniibazhang: I do think the tinyurl link from !install should be gotten rid of, that's the 2007 instantfundas link. Since we have "installing without a CD" as part of the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  page22:24
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:24
geniiubottu: install is <reply> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall -  See also !automate22:25
ubottuBut install already means something else!22:25
geniiubottu: no install is <reply> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate22:25
ubottuI'll remember that genii22:25
Unit193If you're looking at factoids, there were some recommendations in -irc yesterday.22:26
geniiUnit193: I was going through them ages ago and making a list, but then I got busy at work for a long time, it went dormant, etc22:27
bazhangyep looks good22:34
geniiUnit193: In fact, I just found the page again: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/FactoidCleanup22:35
Unit193genii: Nice!  Just note that number of calls doesn't include ubot# just ubottu.  (Going through it now.)22:37
geniiUnit193: If you have a log of the recommendations, could you email them to me and I can maybe append the wiki list22:45

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