
phillwhi kot00:21
phillwhi kotux00:21
kotuxhey phillw, what's the current plan for lubuntu manual?00:25
phillwhi kotux we seem to have decided upon the version of LaTex to use, Jonathan is going to start populating the bzr branch00:27
kotuxCool. Where can I find information to start helping?00:28
phillwkotux: I'm just waiting on Jonathan to publish the install script.00:28
kotuxoh ok00:30
phillwkotux: JasonO Jonathan is not on-line at the moment, I'll email him.00:33
kotuxphillw, has there been any activity around quickshot lately?00:36
phillwkotux: Thomas is looking into it. I have a python guy possibly available to assist, but have not been asked to get assistance.00:38
samgabbayhi i cant hear anything on my username but on others i can02:08
pittiGood morning05:14
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jibelgood morning06:51
jibelpitti, did you look at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=711209 in autopkgtest?08:57
ubot5Debian bug 711209 in autopkgtest "autopkgtest: build-needed restriction doesn't actually run tests in built tree" [Normal,Open]08:57
pittijibel: no, not yet; but I probably should, it seems my workaround in umockdev only works in run-adt-test, but not in Jenkins for some reason08:58
jibelpitti, okay, I'll see if I can fix it.08:58
pittiumockdev's debian/tests/upstream currently has08:59
pitti# work around broken "build-needed" behaviour (Debian #711209)08:59
ubot5Debian bug 711209 in autopkgtest "autopkgtest: build-needed restriction doesn't actually run tests in built tree" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/71120908:59
pitticd $ADTTMP/../../ubtree0-build/real-tree08:59
pittithat fails in jenkins08:59
pittibut I was hoping for a clarification what this flag should really mean09:00
pittijibel: it seems it conflates two distinct things: building the *tests* for running against the installed system, or building the package and installing the *built debs* to run the tests against09:00
Noskcajballoons, ping09:15
DanChapmanGood morning :-)09:47
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shadeslayerjibel: did you have a chance to look at the logs I left you on IRC?12:01
shadeslayerregarding otto12:02
jibelshadeslayer, hey, nope, sorry I didn't see you left logs on IRC. What are they ?12:03
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> hmm ... when trying out otto + kubuntu I get : lxc container failed to recieve answer for command12:03
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> also : lxc container failed to send command12:03
shadeslayerit does mount the ISO from what I could tell12:04
shadeslayerand also made the lxc container12:04
shadeslayerthat was on raring btw12:04
jibelshadeslayer, ah, that's a generic error and lxc logs nothing when using the API (bug 1181136) . lxc-start -n <container> should be more verbose.12:05
ubot5bug 1181136 in lxc (Ubuntu) "Empty log file when a container is started with the API" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118113612:05
shadeslayerokay, lemme try12:05
jibelbasically this message means that the container failed  to start :)12:05
shadeslayerI can see that :P12:06
shadeslayerI just couldn't figure out why because there was nothing in the log files12:06
shadeslayerjibel: is there a way to make it not kill my current X session?12:07
shadeslayerbecause whenever I ran sudo bin/otto start saucy-otto it killed my host lightdm and X12:07
jibelshadeslayer, not in the current state because it uses VT7, the same then lightdm. To make it not kill the current session, we'd need to add vt8 and make lightdm start on this VT inside the container. Patches welcome :)12:09
shadeslayerokay, will have a go at that12:09
shadeslayerjibel: http://paste.kde.org/772274/12:11
jibelpitti, did you already run umockdev testsuite run once successfully with autopkgtest and your workaournd?12:12
jibelshadeslayer, chroot: failed to run command ‘useradd’: No such file or directory12:13
jibelthere is no useradd command on the livecd ?12:14
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shadeslayerlemme check the manifest12:15
shadeslayermanifest says : passwd1:
shadeslayerso it should be there12:15
jibelthat's weird, from the trace the squashfs is not mounted12:15
jibelsounds like a bug12:16
pittijibel: yes, as I said it works fine locally; I tried run-adt-test -skPS file://`pwd` umockdev12:16
* pitti tries "run-adt-test -s umockdev", it's published now12:17
shadeslayerjibel: nvm, apparmor issue, I forgot to run the apparmor commands there12:17
shadeslayer+ chroot /var/lib/lxc/saucy-otto/rootfs useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash ubuntu12:18
shadeslayeruseradd: user 'ubuntu' already exists12:18
shadeslayerjibel: new log http://paste.kde.org/772286/12:18
shadeslayerlines 81 to 8312:19
jibelshadeslayer, for the error lxc-start: Error setting memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes to 2560M you'll need to enable swap resource control or remove this config paramter from lxc.defaults/config12:23
jibelshadeslayer, swap resource control will guard you against killing your host if something goes wrong with the test12:23
shadeslayerI have enough memory :P12:24
jibelto enable it set swapaccount=1 on the kernel boot command line (change it permanently in in /etc/default/grub then run update-grub)12:24
jibelshadeslayer, okay, I easily killed test machines with 8GB or more12:24
jibelyour pick12:24
shadeslayer8 GB's? :O12:25
jibelautopilot run -r -rd /tmp/videos unity12:27
jibelrun it twice and it'll use more than 10GB12:27
jibelshadeslayer, RELEASE is extracted from the image, I don't understand why it would fail. What's image are you using and what is its checksum?12:39
shadeslayerjibel: latest kubuntu saucy image12:50
shadeslayerjibel: got it to work12:50
shadeslayerlightdm starts, it shows the ubuntu user, but I can't input anything via the keyboard12:51
shadeslayerjibel: df68d11b44b23bbef8ac42af59196105 is the md5sum12:55
jibelshadeslayer, thanks, I'll try with this image12:55
* shadeslayer ponders how this will work on EC212:56
cjohnstonstgraber: pign13:25
stgrabercjohnston: pong13:26
cjohnstonstgraber: do you know how often the iso tracker updates its list of bugs?13:27
cjohnstonor, more accuratly, the bug data..13:27
stgrabercjohnston: every 10 minutes for milestones marked as testing, every hour for milestones marked as released and once a day for disabled/archived milestones13:28
cjohnstoncool. thanks13:28
cjohnstonstgraber: is the script gaining anything by being authenticated?13:31
stgrabercjohnston: yes, the script comments on bugs and add tags, so if you use that feature, it needs a valid auth token13:32
cjohnstongotcha.. ty again13:32
stgraber(for ISO bugs we add iso-testing and add a comment with a URL back to a tracker page listing all results related to the bug number)13:32
gemaapw: I finally got to install your kernel today, I am not completely convinced the saucy image I have works, but anyway13:50
gemaapw: do you have any insights on this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761460/13:51
stgrabergema: tried apt-get -f install? The error says you're missing wireless-crda so running apt-get -f install should install that for you and finish installing the new kernel13:58
gemayep, I did13:59
gemaand i still don't see what apw added on sysfs, so I am not sure what I am missing13:59
apwgema, you don't install kernels in the image anyhow do you to use them, you have to abootimg them into the boot partition13:59
gemaapw: ok, do you have any instructions on how to do that?13:59
gemaapw: (I rather not break my n4 by doing something silly)14:00
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ePierreHi guys!14:09
gemaapw: if you don't have time I can get help from ogra on this one14:18
apwgema, ^^ is hwat i use, the bit about abootimg14:22
gemaapw: thanks14:23
=== alesage|afk is now known as alesage
ePierreGuys, a few questions regarding manual tests14:37
ePierre1. who is going to run the manual tests written by the community?14:37
ePierre2. I cloned the bar repo on my hard drive, and there are only manual tests for a handful of applications14:38
balloonsePierre, hello. We as a quality community team run the manual testcases14:38
ePierrefor instance, no tests for Gimp for the moment14:38
balloonswe run them normally on a regular basis during the cycle14:38
ePierredoes it mean no one as ever written manual tests for Gimp before?14:38
balloonsePierre, yes there isn't one for gimp but you could help add one14:39
ePierrethere is not one for 13.10?14:40
ePierreor there never were any, even for previous versions?14:40
balloonscheck out the bugs list to see all of the needed testcases14:40
ePierreyes, I am checking this page right now :) that's why I pointed out Gimp14:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1183009 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed: Gimp" [Undecided,New]14:41
balloonsyes it means nothing exists for gimp -- not just for 13.10.14:41
ePierreoh wah14:41
ePierrebut when did you start making this quality process then?14:41
ePierre(no reproaches or anything, I'm just curious)14:42
ePierreand in that case, shouldn't we add the version number in the test case?14:42
balloonsso you can see the repository of tests has grown a lot since earlier this year, but still has needs :-)14:42
ePierreso that someone willing to update the tests would know against what version this test has been written14:42
balloonsePierre, you mean a version number of the package in question?14:43
ePierreyes for instance14:43
ePierrecause for instance14:43
balloonswhen a package changes the test fails and we update it14:43
ePierreGimp is not installed by default14:43
balloonsthe tracker retains the old testcase and old result14:43
balloonson ubuntu gimp is not installed by default14:44
ePierrebut how do you know what version was used to write and run the test?14:44
ePierresorry yes, on the original flavour :)14:44
balloonseverything listed on the bugs list is a default application for at least one flavour14:44
balloonswe started by getting tests for all the default ubuntu apps and now are branching out to get the flavors too14:44
ePierreok I see14:45
balloonsthe version that was used to write the test? we always write the first version against ubuntu development14:45
ePierrebut say I commit a test case today14:45
ePierreand it's not updated anymore for 3 months14:45
ePierreand in those 3 months, Gimp sees one or two updates14:45
balloonsI do see point for concern about versioning but it's not been an issue14:46
balloonsePierre, yes indeed that could happen14:46
ePierresay current version is 2.8.1, and after 3 months it's 2.8.314:46
balloonsand odds are your test won't be broken14:46
ePierrethat's why I was proposing to write the version number somewhere in the test case14:46
ePierreok I see14:46
balloonsif gimp decided to re-write everything then perhaps14:46
ePierreso when people run this test again in three months14:46
balloonsit will still work, but they will be testing a newer version14:47
ePierreif it fails, it's either because there is indeed a bug in Gimp, or there is an issue with the test case itself14:47
ePierreok I see14:47
balloonswe have had major UI changes on a default app14:47
ePierreso manual test cases are to test pretty simple steps for the moment, right?14:47
balloonsthe nautilus testcase had to be updated. however it served us for a couple cycles and the new one is likely to do the same14:48
balloonsonce a test is written we endeavor as a team to keep it up to date and add to it if needed14:48
balloonsePierre, we try and have our manual tests hit the big stuff of the application14:48
balloonsor something that has caused regressions/bugs in the past14:49
ePierresince Gimp is still test-free, I'll start with the big features14:49
ePierreand how can I know about the most annoying bugs/regressions for Gimp in the past?14:50
ePierre(for Gimp or for anything in general?)14:50
balloonsif you don't know, then you can ask as you are doing, or check the buglist on gimp. i can't remember gimp ever giving us specific regressions or trouble so i think your fine14:51
balloonsbasically when we hit a nasty bug during the cycle for gimp we might decide to add it if we think it could occur again and us testing something would prevent it14:51
balloonsthis isn't a common thing persay, just something we can do14:52
balloonsas far as developing an initial version of a test you needn't worry about it ;-)14:52
balloonsget the big features in there14:52
balloonsthanks ePierre ! let me know if you need anymore help14:53
ePierrethanks for your clarifications!14:54
ePierrecan I assign the Gimp issue to me in launchpad?14:54
balloonsePierre, yes indeed go for it14:54
balloonsDanChapman, howdy siir14:54
balloonshow's the new laptop?14:54
ePierreto name the test cases, do I do it myself? like gmp-001 etc.?14:56
ePierreor will it be done automatically?14:56
balloonsePierre, yes you can number each one inside the file if you wish14:57
balloonsthe testcase itself will be given an id automatically14:57
balloonshave you see the wiki guide?14:58
ePierreyes I'm reading it at the same time14:58
ePierreI knew about the test case ID14:58
ePierrewas not sure about inside the test case :)14:58
dpmballoons, can you put this one on reddit? ;)  http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/06/help-making-the-ubuntu-touch-core-apps-rock-solid/15:01
ePierreballoons: when writing the test steps, should I write prerequisites too?15:02
balloonsdpm,  sure15:02
ePierrelike for Gimp, say I want to test opening a big file15:02
ePierreI may want to put an URL to the file for reference15:02
balloonsePierre, I was speaking of this reference for style guidehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/ManualStyleGuide15:04
balloonshopefully your questions are addressed there.. if not, I'll expand that page :-)15:04
ePierreok, I'll have a look, thanks!15:04
balloonsePierre, what do you mean for prereq's too?.15:04
ePierresay my test is to make sure Gimp can open an image15:06
ePierreif I just say open an image15:06
balloonsmorning chilicuil15:06
ePierrethe guy running the test may open a 32x32 pix image, and everything works fine15:06
ePierrebut I may open a 50 MB picture15:06
ePierrethat may crash Gimp15:06
ePierrein both cases15:06
ePierrewe would have followed the same test steps15:07
ePierreyet different result15:07
ePierreif I specify the prerequisite is this 50MB picture15:07
ePierrethen everyone will run the same test15:07
ePierreyou know what I mean/15:07
balloonsePierre, yes I understand15:07
knomeePierre, i'd imagine big images could have their own test15:07
ePierreor am I being too picky here?15:08
ePierreyes, true15:08
ePierrea first test could be to open an image15:08
ePierreand another test would be for instance opening a very big image over the internet15:08
ePierre(cause there is such a feature in Gimpa after all)15:08
balloonsePierre, you could certainly specify opening a big picture if you wish.. however, part of the community testing of the testcase means that we'll all have slightly different setups15:08
ePierreok ok15:09
ePierreI'l start with more simple tests15:09
ePierrewe can always refine them later on15:09
balloonsePierre, yes indeed.. iterating is the way to go15:10
balloonsknome how are you today?15:11
balloonsfeeling better now I hope15:11
knomeballoons, fine - let me get back to you after our meeting :)15:11
elopioballoons: I'm going to take this one15:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188732 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test opening a directory" [Undecided,In progress]15:31
balloonselopio, excellent15:31
ePierreballoons: My first Gimp test is to check I can open an image15:31
ePierreit's called gmp-00115:32
balloonselopio, if possible have a look at the emulator I tried to make for these and let me know your thoughts15:32
ePierrein a lot of following tests, I will need to have an image open15:32
elopioballoons: is it on the filemanager branch?15:32
OrangerHello everybody ! Is someone here working on a testcase for Ubuntu-Docviwer-App ?15:32
balloonselopio, lp:~nskaggs/+junk/ubuntusdk_autopilot_emulator15:32
ePierrecan I just say, in my gmp-002 test case for instance: Run gmp-001 --> gmp-001 passes.15:32
elopioballoons: ack. I will.15:32
ePierreand then proceed to the rest of gmp-002 test steps?15:33
balloonselopio, the full details are here: https://plus.google.com/104307250302998042813/posts/XCaRM6W4Cnx15:33
balloonsty :-)15:33
balloonsOranger, hello!15:33
Orangerballoons: Hey ! :)15:33
balloonsOranger, no one is working on ubuntu doc-viewer atm15:34
balloonsI was just sharing the emulator for these qml tests if your curious to write one.. check out the g+ link I pasted15:34
Orangerballoons: Ok :) Because if someone do, I can help15:34
Orangerballoons: Oh good, yes I will have a look15:35
balloonsePierre, yes you can say the pre-req is to have run an earlier test15:35
balloonsePierre, in general the tests are run in order so it's not an issue :-)15:35
balloonsalso, if you need a specific image to test with you can check out the example content.. or even have people screenshot there desktop and create one15:36
elopioballoons: the emulator looks really useful. But how would we share it between projects?15:42
balloonselopio, well that's an open question. I wanted to have some folks try using it and get feedback on what might be missing and see if it's useful, etc15:42
balloonsatm we've just branched it and put it into the sourcetree of the project using it15:43
elopioballoons: I'll copy the parts I will use in this test15:43
elopioand when we have it in a common project, just let me know and I'll update.15:43
balloonselopio, so if you take a look you can incorporate it into the test setup so it's just a file you can update15:43
DanChapmanHey balloons it still hasn't arrived!!! :-( So im trying to do it on an old box I have, but its a bit to old for the job I think :-) will keep battling with it. ANd keep an ear out for that delivery man aswell ;-)15:44
balloonsthe question is -- is having a versioned file you can pull to update at any point enough./15:44
balloonsDanChapman, ohh sorry to hear mate!15:44
balloonselopio, so for instance nik90 and I added it to ubuntu-clock and he's using it there15:44
balloonsyou modify the __init.py__ to include it and through it in the emulators folder along with something like your main_window.py emulator, etc15:45
DanChapmanI was gonna get my self a thinkpad would have arrived on monday, but thought no i'll get myself a sputnik, regretting it at the moment, hope the wait is worth it15:46
balloonsthen all he has to do to get a new version is re-pull the branch15:46
elopioballoons: yes. I'm on it. It will make things a lot easier than I thought :)15:46
balloonsOranger, so have you ever tried writing an autopilot test for ubuntu-docviewer?15:48
balloonsI see there is a basic setup for autopilot on your project already.. Care to give it a whirl with me? I'll help :-)15:49
Orangerballoons: No I don't, I didn't have the time for ^^'15:49
Orangerballoons: Yes of course :)15:50
balloonsOranger, alright.. so looking over the buglist, let's see15:50
balloonsOranger, can we try something simple like opening a file? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/118875715:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188757 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test opening a text file" [Undecided,New]15:53
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Orangerballoons: Yes :) This testcase will change soon because the way docviewer is opening a file is temporary, but for training why not !15:54
balloonsok great.. So let me branch the code and see how it works.. then we'll automate it :-)15:55
balloonswell actually I don't think the branch has been updated since my last pull :-015:55
Orangernope :)15:56
Orangeri'm currently working on the update, but it's a big update, that's why nothing was added ^^'15:56
elopiodo you know where can I get this package from?16:04
balloonsis it in qtdeclarative5-*?16:05
ePierreok balloons , I have pushed my Gimp tests to my repo, and proposed it to be merged16:06
ePierreit's rev 12316:06
balloonsePierre, excellent I'll review in a moment16:06
balloonsOranger, ok I think I'm all setup16:06
ePierre(I tested the file against the tidying up script and it's clean)16:06
balloonsePierre, perfect :-)16:06
ePierreit's time for bed here, but I'll keep doing this later16:06
balloonsePierre, thanks mate!16:07
Orangerballoons: Ok :)16:07
elopioballoons: I have that one installed. But I get file:///home/elopio/workspace/ubuntu/ubuntu-filemanager-app/trunk/ubuntu-filemanager-app.qml:20 module "org.nemomobile.folderlistmodel" is not installed16:07
ePierrein the meantime, should I just de-assign the bug from me, or should I keep it?16:07
balloonselfy, see 2 manual tests in already today ;-p16:07
elfyxubuntu ones?16:07
knomeePierre, keep it if you're definitely getting back to it16:07
balloonselfy, one xubuntu one16:08
ePierreok then I'll keep it for the moment16:08
balloonsand the next could be yours16:08
elfyballoons: cool :)16:08
elfymy what?16:08
knomeballoons, btw, give elfy all the permissions he asks for :P16:08
balloonsknome, elfy scares me.. of course he gets what he wants16:08
ePierreI'm off for tonight. Bye everyone!16:08
balloonsePierre, night!16:09
balloonsok Oranger, so how can I open a text file.. do I have to pass it as an argument?16:12
Orangerballoons: For the time being yes ! But you have to pass it as an absolute path16:13
OrangerThis is something I have to fix..16:13
balloonsohh, that's why it failed :-) Ok16:14
Orangerballoons: Ahah, sorry. I should write it on the README ^^16:15
balloonsOranger, odd it doesnt' like  me16:19
balloonsI remember using it before16:19
balloonsI'm trying to open the README from the branch using doc-viewer16:19
elopiosomebody knows the Arto Jalkanen's nick on IRC?16:19
Orangerballoons: It should work :)16:20
balloonsOranger, qmlscene ubuntu-docviewer-app.qml path/to/file16:24
Orangerballoons: Nop. ubuntu-docviwer-app path/to/file16:24
balloonsahh :-)16:25
Orangerlike every core apps, you don't have to use qmlscene :)16:25
balloonsok perfect16:25
balloonsOranger, ok, so I think what we'll do is write a test to open the file, but function out the file open as a common function because we'll need it later16:33
balloonsin addition since we have to use absolute filenames, I'll generate a temp file for us to use16:34
balloonsthat way we have the absolute path16:34
Orangerballoons: Sound good :)16:36
Orangerballoons: But we really need to generate a temp file to use absolute path ?16:36
balloonswe could include test data.. but how are we to know where the test is being run from16:37
balloonswe're stuck copying it to /tmp16:37
balloonswell, I'm being silly16:37
balloonsyour right16:37
Orangerballoons: Ok :) So, how can we start writing it .?16:42
balloonsOranger, ok so I've made some small tweaks to your base setup with autopilot16:42
balloonsso we commit those, then share a pad to hack on?16:43
balloonshello Vasudevan !16:44
VasudevanHi balloons, good morning16:45
balloonsOranger, so I'll hack away in here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/VHU5Nu253n16:45
balloonsjoin in :-)16:45
balloonshello SergioMeneses16:48
balloonsso Vasudevan how's nautilus treating you?16:48
Vasudevanno luck yet - I will copy the code to past in a minute16:48
SergioMenesesballoons, hi! how's everything?16:48
VasudevanI tried to use a tool called gtkparasite, does not run on saucy16:49
Vasudevangoogle code had some patch for it - tried to apply that  (both #5 and #6)and still did not work16:50
balloonsVasudevan, I'm not sure why you need that tool?16:50
Vasudevanballons, it is supposed to dump out the props of a gtk child window for quick debugging16:51
Vasudevanwhen you click on a widget , it will show its  internal id, label, name  etc16:52
balloonsahh.. probably needs accesibility stuff anyway16:53
balloonsyou can use the vis tool, but I agree it's cubersome at times16:53
balloonsSergioMeneses, not too bad, yourself/16:53
elopiois there a way to inspect with the vis an app running in qmlscene?16:55
SergioMenesesballoons, still working but all fine here :D16:55
balloonselopio, there is16:55
SergioMenesesok guys see yoo soon, lunchtime here16:57
balloonsautopilot launch -i Qt qmlscene /path/to/file.qml16:58
balloonsautopilot vis16:58
elopiothanks balloons.16:58
balloonsOranger, I'm hacking on the init.py to make setup behave17:00
Orangerballoons: ok :)17:01
VasudevanHi DanChapman17:03
balloonsbah, the only horrible thing about copy paste python17:07
balloonsspaces matter :-(17:07
samgabbayBALLONS :P17:08
elopioballoons: that shows me just a QQuickView, not the whole app tree :(17:11
balloonsmmmm.. not sure what you need that might be missing, but the folks on #ubuntu-autopilot might be able to point you further.. if not, bug filing time17:12
balloonssamgabbay, hello17:12
balloonsbroccoli, howdy17:12
balloonsOranger, bah, this is annoying17:13
balloonsI'm not sure off the top of my head how to get this call to work properly17:13
Orangerballoons: I'm doing some research to find out how to make it work too..17:13
balloonsthe executable isn't working17:14
Orangerthe executable ?17:14
balloonscan't we just use qmlscene?17:14
Orangerit won't start ?17:14
balloonsautopilot is throwing up on me17:14
Orangerballoons: Currently not, in a near future yes. Ubuntu-docviewer use a modified qmlscene :/17:15
balloonsOranger, yes launch_test_application fails17:15
Orangerballoons: With qmlscene, it will not work, that's sure17:16
Orangerballoons: This is the ubuntu-docviewer-app binary that send the file to open to qml17:17
balloonsright but autopilot can't find it17:20
balloonsit's not there17:20
balloonsin the root folder of the branch, what's providing the binary?17:21
balloonsyou see I'm just passing ubuntu-docviewer-app as the app to start and it fails17:21
Orangerballoons: Yes I see it17:22
Orangerballoons: Hum.. You compiled by "hand" ?17:23
DanChapmanHey Vasudevan :-)17:28
balloonsOranger, what do you mean by hand?17:29
balloonsI'll push the whole branch :-)17:30
elopioballoons: my suggestion for the sdk emulator is to make it an abstract parent for the real view emulators17:30
balloonsthe real view emulators?17:30
Orangerballoons: I mean maybe the binary is located somewhere else ? I don't know ^^17:31
elopioballoons: on your currency example, if the MainWindow class could inherit from ubuntusdk17:31
balloonsI didn't compile anything17:31
elopioI could do thinks like main_window.open_toolbar17:32
balloonselopio, ahh yes.. I messed around with trying to make it integrate better, but didn't have success17:32
balloonsif you can do it, go for it and share ;-)17:32
balloonsOranger, lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-docviewer-app/autopilot-hacking17:32
elopioballoons: I can try. But tell me what when wrong with yours, so I don't repeat it :)17:33
Orangerballoons: Oh, because you have to compile the "special" qml scene :)17:33
Orangerballoons: thanks :)17:33
VasudevanHi Dan, please review the code - I am trying to get the widget props for right side pane  with in nautilus - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762109/17:33
balloonselopio, ahh I simply had trouble getting everything lined up sanely. namely mainwindow has non-abstractable things in it17:33
balloonsOranger, yes help me out :-)17:34
balloonsthe test does nothing atm, just trying to get the launch to work.. that's the hard part in this case lol17:34
balloonsthe rest will be easy17:34
Orangerballoons: apparently yes ^^17:34
elopioI think the problem would be to define what things will be shared by all the views. I need to dig more on the sdk, so don't expect anything soon ;)17:34
balloonselopio, at the same time you need to integrate somewhat with __init__.py17:34
DanChapmanVasudevan ok will take a look17:35
VasudevanDanchapman , thanks17:35
balloonsI would very much like to simplify the default setup.. I dislike making lots of files and folders for things17:35
balloonsbut not everyone agrees I'm sure ;-) heck, I don't like using underscores etheir :-p17:36
balloonsI prefer the camelCase17:36
balloonsOranger, so what needs to happen to get this launched?17:36
balloonsI can go to the root of the tree and run ubuntu-docviewer-app, presumably from the desktop file.. ahh hmm17:38
Orangerballoons: Hum not, you don't need to do that normaly17:44
Orangerballoons: Wait few minutes ;) I finish my work on poppler, and i'm to you !17:44
Orangerballoons: You know, with the alpha oncoming I have a lot of things to finish ^^'17:48
elopioballoons: can you give me a hand? I can't get the buttons on the filemanager app.18:05
balloonselopio, sure thing18:05
balloonscan you push what you've got and I'll take a look/18:05
elopioI thought that was all I needed.18:06
elopioballoons: sure, one second.18:06
phillwOranger: you can heave a sigh of relief, the Alpha1 is going to be knocked back a week. The release team are just re-scheduling https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule as it has some errors (e.g. there will be no A3)18:06
phillwI'm just awaiting the revised version to be completed :)18:06
Orangerphillw: June 20th ? This is the new date ?18:08
elopioballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix1188732-test_open_directory/18:08
phillwOranger: those dates still have to be altered, I've been watching (and involved with) the discussion on -release. Expect an email soon with the new details18:09
phillwI'm just pulling in the new lubuntu with Ffox instead of chromium etc which has just built. The -release team will get the new dates edited in soon :)18:11
balloonsphilipballew, finally rescheduling :-)18:12
Orangerphillw: Ok :) I thought the alpha-1 was for the JUne 16th18:12
Orangerphillw: But that's good, I'm waiting for the poppler team to commit my patch for displaying pdf on docviewer-app18:13
balloonsphillw, so did elfy end up chatting with them/18:15
elfynot yet18:15
balloonsok elopio so you can't get to the buttons?18:16
elopioballoons: nop. It fails here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix1188732-test_open_directory/revision/37/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_filemanager_app/emulators/main_window.py18:16
balloonsmine doesn't seem to launch18:17
phillwballoons: IDK, inifinity realised he hadn't updated it from vUDS. A quick chat was had, and it is to be edited with A1 going a week later, dropping A3 and moving A2. That's the news so far. I await the edited version so that we can tell people about it (and I reschedule the lubuntu general meetings)18:17
balloonsI get the lovely: module "org.nemomobile.folderlistmodel" is not installed18:17
elopioballoons: I had to get the branch and make install18:19
balloonsphillw, yea I had been waiting on him and noticied her never did change it18:19
balloonswhy does filemanager want it though18:19
balloonsso weird18:19
balloonselopio, so how can I get it?18:20
elopiothere's a read me inside.18:20
elfyphillw: dropping a3 ?18:20
elopioI was looking for ajalkane to ask about the package, because according to the debian folder there's one.18:20
phillwelfy: indeed, the schedule *should* have been more like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule18:21
elfyas far as I know it's exactly like that :D18:22
elfya3 included :p18:22
phillwelfy: raring did not have A318:22
elfythat wiki ^^ does :p18:23
balloonselopio, bah I can't run it18:23
phillwelfy: soz, wrong link... it *should* have been more like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule18:23
balloonselopio, anyways if that button is a toolbar button you can use the emulator to get it18:23
phillwdarn copy & paste!18:23
elfyI blame joeb18:23
balloonslet me just look at the code18:23
elfyphillw: so xubuntu just had a meeting and agreed to not do a1 but do both a2/a3 :)18:24
elopioballoons: ah, right.18:24
balloonselopio, ahh yes it is. I see it in FolderListPage.qml18:25
elopioballoons: I tried that, but the tooldbar is of type ToolbarActions18:25
balloonselopio, ok so the emulator failed you.. let's fix it :-)18:25
elopioballoons: yes, now I see the rest of get_toolbar_button will work.18:26
balloonsif you want to click it, click_toolbar_button18:26
balloonsso the get_toolbar should probably be modified actually18:26
balloonsperhaps not.. I'm wondering if a name should be passed or not18:27
phillwelfy: I sent out all our monthly meetings based on the milestone releases..... These things happen! (we weren't going to do A2 as our testers asked for one full suite per ~month)18:29
elfywe do fortnight meetings at the moment18:29
phillwwe're going to ~monthly based on the milestones as that is when 'things happen' :)18:30
* phillw is glad he did not book -meetings room :D18:30
balloonselopio, things working ok now?18:33
phillwelfy: I've just poked infinity. As long has he does not kick-ban me, he should get onto it real soon :)18:33
elopioballoons: haven't tried yet. I'm going slow because I have to do stuff for my job, you know ;)18:33
balloonslol, that thing!18:34
elfyphillw: well I'm subscribed to the page so I'll find out :)18:34
balloonsjust ping if you get stuck again18:34
phillwelfy: " infinity: phillw: It'll be done this afternoon/evening."18:35
phillwUSA time, I assume18:35
elfyballoons: tomorrow I need to try and tie up a couple of things - will you be about?18:36
Letozaf_balloons, Hi18:37
balloonsLetozaf_, hello18:37
Letozaf_balloons, what are you guys hacking on ?18:37
balloonsLetozaf_, we had a couple manual tests this morning and now we're hacking on autopilot qml apps18:38
balloonselopio is working on file manager and I was working with Oranger on doc-viewer..18:38
Letozaf_balloons, good yesterday I was trying out the ubuntu_calendar_app18:38
Letozaf_balloons, what is Oranger18:39
phillwLetozaf_: it is *who* is Oranger :)18:40
OrangerLetozaf_: Yes ? :)18:40
Letozaf_Oranger, oh! sorry thought your were a sofware of something like that :D18:40
OrangerLetozaf_: Ahah I can be ! :D18:41
phillwlmfao :D18:41
Letozaf_Oranger, pleased to meat you18:41
balloonsLetozaf_, Oranger lol18:41
phillwthat's as bad as people on lubuntu keep thinking unit193 is a bot :)18:41
balloonsI'm just a helium filled toy18:42
balloonsLetozaf_, calendar app sounds like a good plan.. how'd you do?18:42
balloonsThere's an emulator for autopilot to make things easier.. care to share your branch?18:42
Letozaf_balloons, I get stuck after opening the new event window18:43
Letozaf_balloons, emulator ? cool, thought I read something quickly on that but I always got little time18:44
Letozaf_balloons, sure I will share what I did, I will push it , just a second18:44
balloonsLetozaf_, we'll get you hacking in no time.. :-p18:46
Letozaf_balloons, great !18:46
Letozaf_balloons, I pushed the calendar app18:47
balloonsLetozaf_, grabbing it18:51
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks :)18:51
balloonsk 2 tests ;-)18:51
balloonsso let's have a look.. what test where you trying t odo18:52
balloonsahh test new event I see18:52
Letozaf_balloons, with autopilot vis I see the "visible" attribute, but instead I get an error saying it-s not there18:52
balloonsthat's odd.. I think there might be a bug on one of those attributes.. that might be it18:54
Letozaf_balloons, if you comment line 55 you get an error on the self.pointing... line, to me it looks ok, do not know where the error is18:54
balloonsbut it shouldn't be an issue at all18:54
balloonsI'm gonna make some edits to add the emulator I made and push it18:55
Letozaf_balloons, looks like everything is in the new event window is spooky18:55
Letozaf_balloons, great! (I mean for the emulator)18:56
balloonsok, running and pushing it back19:00
balloonshehe..I broke it Letozaf_19:04
balloonslet me push so you can see though19:04
Letozaf_balloons, :-) sure19:05
balloonsso inside the emulators folder you'll see a file called ubuntusdk.py19:05
balloonsit has some utility functions making life easier19:05
* Letozaf_ is looking at ubuntusdk.py19:07
elopioballoons: I'm peeking at the sdk, and this looks like a good place for your emulator: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/files/head:/tests/autopilot/UbuntuUiToolkit/emulators/19:10
balloonselopio, that does look great, thanks!19:10
elopioor somewhere up, in testing/autopilot/19:10
balloonsright right19:10
balloonsso Letozaf_ where did you get stuck on calendar anyway?19:11
Letozaf_balloons, after opening the new event window, not only line 55 with the assertion give me problems, if I comment that then I get stuck on line 57 trying to click on any filed in the new event windos19:14
Letozaf_sorry window19:14
balloonslike         #self.pointing_device.click_object(people_field)19:14
Letozaf_balloons, yes but also the event_name_filed19:15
Letozaf_balloons, I've kind of tried them all, but I get errors so I commented them19:15
balloonsok what error do you get?19:16
balloonsI've changed things now and broken it19:16
balloonsohh.. LOLOLOLOL19:17
balloonsI was modifying the wrong file !19:17
Letozaf_balloons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/576242519:18
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh so when you see those errors it means you failed to get an object19:19
balloonsso event_name_field is blank19:20
balloonsso get_new_event_name_input_box must not be working19:20
Letozaf_balloons, also the others seem to not work :(19:21
balloonsdid you check the qml to make sure newEventName is degined/19:21
balloonsahh I see it19:21
Letozaf_balloons, yes19:22
balloonsit's in NewEvent.qml19:22
balloonslooks like it's a popover19:22
balloonsso you can use the popover stuff in the emulator to help (I hope)19:22
balloonsso let's see19:22
balloonsself.ubuntusdk.set_popup_value("popover" ...)19:24
Letozaf_balloons, ok let me try19:25
balloonslet me figure out why the toolbar functions don't seem to like this app19:25
balloonsit's growing pains for the emulator :-)19:25
balloonsworks great on the other apps I've tried19:25
balloonsLetozaf_, the trouble is you need to define a button19:26
balloonsand it's a little different than the original intent of the function.. but we should be able to craft something new to help you and others I hop19:26
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:27
balloonslet me push an update I think might owkr19:27
balloonsLetozaf_, perhaps -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762467/19:30
balloonsadd that to the ubuntusdk.py file19:30
balloonsthen call it with19:30
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:31
balloonshowdy Noskcaj19:42
balloonsLetozaf_, hmm.. no fine19:42
Noskcajmorning balloons19:42
balloonsyou always like to find the problematic stuff eh? :-019:42
Letozaf_balloons, it looks like19:43
Letozaf_balloons, I'm also having trouble here :)19:43
balloonsLetozaf_, yea no fun.. If you want something that is working well, check out the clock app19:44
balloonsbzr branch lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/sdkemulator19:45
balloonsfor what it's worth.. looks like I've got some more hacking on the emulator to do to figure out why it's not working19:45
balloonsand also to add support for your popover text fields19:45
balloonsthat was part of the plan today.. glad you found the holes :-)19:46
elopioballoons: it's not working. I can get QQuickLoader, though.19:46
elopioI don't understand this part of your code. Can you please explain it to me?19:46
Letozaf_balloons, ok I will take a look at the clock-app  :) well let's say you dont' get bored with my stuff :)19:46
balloonselopio, I'm noticing that isn't working with the calendar app for some reason :-(19:47
balloonselopio, however it's intended to check the list of buttons found on the toolbar19:47
balloonsyou match based on the button label19:48
Noskcajballoons, when you have a second, you need to give a final decision on "this should happen" vs "this happens" because we need the same format across all testcases19:48
elopioballoons: but get_objects expects an objectName as the second parameter19:48
balloonsNoskcaj, we decided it should be 'this' happens19:49
elopioand what you are passing is a QQuickLoader19:49
balloonselopio, it may very well be broken ;-)19:49
balloonslet's see19:49
Noskcajballoons, ok, i'l convert stuff to that and edit the wiki if you haven't already19:49
balloonsty Noskcaj19:49
Letozaf_balloons, nice the clock-app I mean :-)19:50
balloonselopio, ok yes I see I have a QQuickLoader19:50
elopioballoons: that's my first problem. The second is that get_objects does self.app.select_many("Actions")19:50
elopioand that doesn't anything here.19:50
balloonswhat's wrong with the select_many?19:50
elopioballoons: I don't know. It just seems it's not finding any actions elements.19:51
balloonselopio, yes that's the issue in the calendar app also19:51
elopioballoons: I'll ask on the autopilot channel.19:52
balloonsso I'm going to try changing how we get stuff19:52
balloonselopio, just grabbing buttons instead of the quickloader19:53
elopioballoons: with buttons, do you mean actions?19:53
balloonselopio, I'm introspecting to have a deeper look19:56
balloonsQQuickLoader has a Button child19:56
elopioballoons: are you introspecting the files app?19:58
balloonselopio, no the calendar19:59
balloonsI think I can simplify the original code20:00
elopioI'll take a look at the calendar to see why I can't introspect the others.20:01
balloonselopio, I only have QQuickView20:03
balloonsI'm not sure what your expecting to see20:03
elopioballoons: the children of QQuickView20:03
balloonsclick them they are there20:04
balloonsI can't run filemanager so I can't check :-)20:04
balloonsbut yea, I've never had issues with seeing things20:04
elopioballoons: ^ is that what you see?20:05
balloonselopio, ahh no.. that expands for the whole tree20:06
balloonselopio, http://imgur.com/DemSzqx20:07
elopio:( I've tried the calendar with the same result. So it must be something in my machine.20:08
balloonsi'm on saucy20:08
balloonsI used the launch tool and vis20:09
balloonsit *should* work.. sadly thomi is out ;-(20:09
balloonsgot it.. fixed the toolbar button20:12
balloonsthis is what happens when you take shortcuts kids20:13
elopioI'm on raring20:15
balloonsboom, perfect answer20:18
balloonsblame raring :-)20:18
elopioI can upgrade later.20:23
elopiostill, that doesn't solve the problem of the actions.20:23
elopiowell, maybe it does :)20:23
elopiotomorrow I'll let you know how it went.20:24
balloonsthe actions?20:24
balloonsthere will be an update to the emulator.. I fixed some things20:24
balloonsand I've got more to add for Letozaf_20:24
elopioballoons: yes, here self.select_many("Actions") return nothing.20:24
balloonsin the emulator or just in general?20:24
balloonsthe function in the emulator is fixed now as soon as I push it :-)20:25
elopioballoons: in the files app. It works with the calculator.20:27
balloonselopio, the files app author is around20:31
elopiohello ajalkane.20:31
elopioajalkane: where can I get the qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugins-folderlistmodel package?20:33
elopiothanks popey!20:34
ajalkane^ what popey said about the packages. If sources are needed, then it's an answer with more multitude of options20:35
ajalkaneBut basically if this is about autopiloting the FileManager app, only that package is needed20:36
elopioajalkane: yes, I don't need the source.20:36
elopioI'm having some problems, but we will blame raring for now20:36
elopioso if everything works on saucy, I'll have a couple of tests tomorrow.20:37
* Letozaf_ will be back tomorrow evening to see the new things you have found o/20:37
ajalkaneThat's great. You can of course do some copy-pasting on the problem, and I can tell immediately if I have an idea what it's about20:37
elopioajalkane: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix1188732-test_open_directory/20:38
elopiothat's what I have.20:38
elopioautopilot select_many is not finding the action elements20:38
ajalkaneelopio: right on. Unfortunately anything relating to autopilot I'm no good on just yet :)20:39
elopioI'm not that good at autopilot either. But I have weird behaviors that the people on saucy are not having.20:40
elopioso, I'll first try saucy.20:40
balloonselopio, we can blame raring for that too hah!20:40
balloonsthe point is if autopilot vis can't see it, neither is running autopilot going to work20:41
ajalkaneelopio: but if you're trying to do some specific test, can you update (if it's possible) this page: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-filemanager-development20:41
elopioballoons: that's a weird thing, because autopilot sees some other stuff, like ActionSelectionPopover20:41
elopionot the vis, but on the test case.20:41
balloonselopio, ahh.. your just special.. I would try and run it on my box.. but I couldn't before20:42
ajalkaneThere's "work items for coreapps-13.10-month-3" with the test cases... just put it to INPROGRESS with your nick so that I or someone else does not try to duplicate the work20:42
balloonsI guess popey gave us the package so I would try again20:42
balloonsso I'll install, and I'd be happy to run your filemanager test to try it on saucy20:43
ajalkaneAh hum... people are already on saucy? :) I just recently upgraded to raring as everyhing started breaking on 12.1020:43
elopioajalkane: done.20:43
ajalkaneelopio: thanks!20:43
balloonsajalkane, we're always running ubuntu development20:44
elopiook, I'll break for a while.20:44
elopiohere it's raining like it's the end of the world. The perfect moment for a nap :)20:45
balloonselopio, if you have something for me to try ping20:45
ajalkaneballoons: aah, but you're some hardcore canonical hacker ;)20:45
balloonsenjoy your nap :-)20:45
Noskcajballoons, i've pushed a fix for all the dd issues20:45
balloonsajalkane, lol not really.. the quality team all does20:45
elopioballoons: I will. Please push your changes to the emulator so I can use them too.20:45
balloonselopio, sure thing20:45
balloonsNoskcaj, thanks20:45
balloonsI'll review and merge in a few mins20:46
balloonsthanks for iterating on all those tests20:46
balloonseverything is so much nicer, but when you crack open the box and find a mess sometimes it turns out to be bigger than you thought20:46
balloonsbut hey since you opened the box, we needed to fix it all :-)20:46
balloonsweird apt doesn't see the package even though i've had that repo tha whole time :-(20:47
ajalkaneGlad there's some people in the frontlines making it safer for the rest uf ;)20:47
balloonsohh it's qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugins-folderlistmodel20:48
balloonsgrumble grumble20:48
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
Noskcajballoons, why does testcase 1521 test wireless a? i doubt anyone still uses that21:31
balloonsNoskcaj, it still exists and is supported21:31
balloonstechnically b is the most unused21:31
balloonsit's a,g or n21:31
Noskcajballoons, ok, then why don't we test n or ac?21:32
balloonswe should test n :-)21:32
Noskcajoops, just saw that. why don't we test ac?21:32
balloonsc doesn't exist21:32
Noskcajac does21:32
Noskcajalso, a lot of touch testcases still need numbers21:32
balloonsahh yes21:32
balloonsno one is likely to have ac, haha.. but yea once it's supported in network manager we should add it21:33
NoskcajIf network manager doesn't support it, that a pretty big bug21:36
Orangerballoons: Ok, I have watch your code, and it don't work for me too ^^21:39
balloonsNoskcaj, I don't know if it does or not21:39
Orangerballoons: I'm trying to find how to fix it :)21:39
balloonselopio, et la, the new version of the emulator is pushed21:39
balloonsOranger, ohh the doc view app21:42
balloonswell I fixed 2 apps today now.. heh, let's go back to it I suppose21:42
balloonsi only have a couple more mins21:42
balloonsfirst I must merge Noskcaj's changed21:42
Orangerballoons: Because you had the same problem with other apps ?21:43
balloonsNoskcaj, whew, ok small fixes21:47
balloonstime to push ;-)21:47
Noskcajshould i start converting all the testcases to "this happens"21:48
balloonsNoskcaj, I would prefer it just happens naturally21:48
balloonsmeaning, if you edit an old testcase bring it up to date21:49
balloonsit's easier and saner for everyone that way ;-)21:49
Noskcajmakes sense21:49
balloonsthe linux kernel has a similar thing about trailing spaces21:49
balloonsohh a new case.. 1485 is gone now.. so interesting21:53
Noskcajballoons, which was 1485?21:53
balloonsneed to gut it on the tracker21:53
NoskcajYou said we should delete t21:53
balloonsyes yes your right21:54
balloonsi'm saying deletion are not automated in the sync21:54
balloonsfor sanity purposes :-)21:54
balloonsso i have to manually do it21:54
balloonsNoskcaj, k all done and synced21:57
balloonsNoskcaj, you see the diff?21:59
balloonsDiff against target: 3088 lines (+1098/-1352) 40 files modified21:59
balloonsthat's insane!22:00
balloonsthanks to everyone who hacked today22:04
* SergioMeneses coffee time22:04
balloonsI'm starved, gotta find some food22:04
balloonsthanks again everyone.. lots of good merges :-)22:04
SergioMenesesIm going to hack to night22:04
balloonsSergioMeneses, try and keep up with Noskcaj :-) He just got a 3k line merge in22:05
SergioMenesesballoons, are you kidding me?22:05
* balloons notes this is NOT a line contest. His brain will explode22:05
balloonsSergioMeneses, lol.. please don't send a merge that big22:05
balloonsbut yes he did :-)22:05
SergioMenesesAudacity is abig test but i dont think it'll be so big22:06
SergioMenesesballoons, where can i find more information about this new site or project?22:40
SergioMenesesreferent about #community conversation22:41
balloonsSergioMeneses, it's a little thing called discourse22:41
balloonsumm, let me see22:41
balloonsSergioMeneses, test.ubuntu-discourse.org/t/lets-kick-the-tires-aka-the-feedback-thread-read-me-first/22:42
balloonsI really like :-)22:42
SergioMenesesballoons, perfect, I read more about this to night :) it sounds pretty good - imho22:43
balloonsfeel free to join in.. it's another discussion platform but has some niceties22:43
SergioMenesesit is something like askubuntu but nice22:44
balloonsmade by the same folks who made trello22:44
* SergioMeneses runs22:44
SergioMenesesok balloons see you later!22:56
SergioMenesesIm going out from work22:56

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