
snap-lhowdy. :)00:13
snap-lAlso, that not being currently available: fuck that.01:41
rick_hsnap-l: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2f3uho6gzrlwhg/2013-06-12%2022.27.08.jpg02:58
snap-lrick_h: That's a lot of stiff03:03
rick_hso yea, first words out of my wife "what did you order?!"03:03
snap-lAlso, dog eye glow = A+03:03
rick_hI should take a pic of it sitting ont he dining table03:03
rick_hunpacked and all03:03
rick_hgot one of these at meijer today for our outside toy deck box http://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-1500iD-Combination-Assorted/dp/B002TSN4SQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1371092683&sr=8-2&keywords=master+lock+speed+dial03:05
rick_hkind of cool03:05
rick_hwouldn't trust my giant bars of gold with it, but for a box of balls and bats it's neat/simple03:05
snap-lHas versions of all of the Lois McMaster Bujold books03:05
snap-lGood morning10:31
brouschMaybe. I woke up at 4am from coughing and have been up since then. However I feel better since coughing up a nasty lugie10:37
snap-lum, yay?10:43
brouschMaybe I've turned the corner on this cold10:46
snap-lIf it's anything like the allergies JoDee's been fighting, you'll need to see a doc to help make that happen10:51
snap-lshe's been miserable for weeks now10:51
snap-lI'd like to think it's the allergies and not me. ;)10:51
brouschLinkedIn endorsements crack me up10:54
brouschPeople I barely know are endorsing me for RoR10:54
snap-lbrousch: Maybe they know future-you. ;)10:55
snap-lOr alternate universe you.10:55
brouschWould alternate universe brousch use RoR or C#?10:58
snap-lThere's plenty of alternate universes to have you using both10:59
snap-lheck, maybe even inventing both. ;)10:59
snap-lJoDee measured 1.9 inches of rain in our rain gauge.13:12
jjessewe got hardly any at my house13:12
rick_hgot a bunch here13:12
snap-lYeah, and it was still raining when she took the measurement13:12
snap-ljjesse: I think the cells formed as they moved across the state13:16
jjessemy phone went off with an emergency alert13:18
jjesseabout thee storms13:18
* rick_h feels like in college again... picked up a fluke multi-meter and having flashbacks to my awful Physics2 college class watching youtube videos about using it13:18
jjesseand then it was biscally nothing13:18
brouschjjesse: I'm surprised. There was a lot at 401 Hall St and by my house13:18
jjesselot of lightining in alger heights, some rain at 11pm but by 11:15 or so it was over13:18
brouschrick_h: How the heck did you have youtube in college?13:18
rick_hbrousch: :P13:19
jjessebrousch, it took him a loooooong time to get through college :)13:19
snap-lrick_h: Did you just pick that up on a lark, or was that part of the camping "plan"?13:45
rick_hsnap-l: part of the camping plan :) need to be able to check wiring and the batteries on the camper13:56
rick_hsnap-l: but I've kind of always wanted one for house stuff and the like13:56
brouschGoing camping? Don't forget your multimeter!13:56
rick_hWhile I'm kind of handy in some ways, and can do really basic wiring stuff around the house, my electrical chops are weak13:56
rick_hbrousch: definitely! part of the standard toolbag13:57
jjessewhich is why "camping" for me = fully furnished cabin13:57
brouschMust be a bag of holding13:57
jrwren_what model fluke did you get?14:04
jrwren_I think our parent  company also  owns fluke.14:04
rick_hI grabbed this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000O3LUEI/ref=oh_details_o01_s03_i05?ie=UTF8&psc=114:07
rick_hhighest end model of the low end stuff14:07
jrwren_wow, nice!14:10
jrwren_i went and got a $25 craftsman when I needed a meter :)14:10
rick_hyea, I was looking at some of the other things for the $30-$50 range but I've wanted to get a fluke since I was back in engineering school.14:15
rick_hand already encouraging me to try to figure out more to do with it than just check the V in my batteries14:15
rick_hlol https://plus.google.com/104919222657565747428/posts/88WaWhpSdCU14:16
brouschrick_h: It's kind of funny. I wouldn't have known what a multimeter was if 2 kids hadn't been playing with one at the GRMakers meeting last night14:16
jjesseubuntu tablet eh?14:17
snap-lthat Fluke looks similar to the Triplett model I have, though smaller.14:17
rick_hbrousch: orly? Man, when I was in college I kept looking forward to the classes with the cool kids hooking up oscilloscopes and such14:17
rick_hbut left and change degrees before I got there14:17
brouschI didn't get that far in CS/EECS14:17
brouschI'm just starting to pick it up now thanks to GRMakers14:18
rick_hvery cool14:18
rick_hyea, I need to hang around people and pick some of this stuff up. Youtube will have to do for now14:18
jrwren_i hear ya. Fluke is the best for sure. I just was not willing to spend the $$$ when I was at sears and all those cheap meters were staring at me.14:20
jrwren_I've been happy with my cheap one.14:20
rick_hyea, I cheat my brain. "Search amamzon for fluke multi-meter...well this one isn't the most expensive or least expensive"14:21
jrwren_brousch: haven't you ever done any repairs on electrical system where you needed a meter?14:21
brouschNo. I have avoided hardware below the card or chip replacement level14:22
brouschI soldered once14:22
jrwren_but I mean home things.14:22
rick_hyea, I've got a bunch of outlet testers and such for common household things. Haven't really *needed* a meter14:22
jrwren_like elecrical on an appliance.14:22
jrwren_i use my MM to do outlet testing :)14:23
brouschI just use my tongue14:23
jrwren_I picked it up so I could check current flow on my electric water heater. it was very useful.14:23
rick_hyea, the $20 three prong tester with three lights on it was easier/cheaper14:23
jrwren_brousch: on 120v that sounds very painful. on 240v it sounds insane14:23
brouschNow you know where my hair went14:23
jrwren_definitely easier. not much cheaper than my $25 MM :)14:24
rick_hwoot! 220 in the garage for my bandsaw14:24
jrwren_you ran 220 there?14:24
rick_hI had it done because I wasn't sure about what needed to be done there. I have a 40A subpanel in the garage already14:24
rick_hso they just ran me a 200 line witha single plug for the bandsaw14:25
rick_hI hadn't messed with anything non-110 so was nervous about DIY14:25
jrwren_ah, nice. I'd love to run 240 to mine, but I look out how thick that copper is and I really don't want to route that myself.14:25
jrwren_understood, plus its not like it is just 120 but more, its phased differently, right?14:26
rick_hwell, honestly, it was the plugs that threw me off more than anything lol. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=220+plug+wire+end&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A220+plug+wire+end14:27
rick_hit's all different per Amps I guess. Camper is the same. Has 30A built in but you have to have different dogbones to go to a 50A or 15A14:27
rick_hbut for me it was like "wtf...I just want a 200 plug for my bandsaw when it arrives. Why is this so complicated?14:28
rick_h /200/22014:28
jrwren_and most of those are 240 :)14:28
jrwren_just like we still call it 110, but us service has been 120 for a very long time now14:28
jrwren_the thing I don't grok about 240v service is the 2 hot lines. I guess that EE part of my degree isn't very good ;)14:29
rick_hyea, well that's how they get it up there. so it's 4-wire I think and they run a hot onto two breakers.14:30
rick_hI thought they'd need to pull something new to my sub panel from my main panel to get me the 220, but they just wired it straight up to a new breaker that's 30A14:30
jrwren_its probably already 220 to the subpanel14:31
snap-ljrwren_: That's what cracks me up about Electricians vs EEs.14:31
jrwren_snap-l: oh, me too!14:31
snap-lIt's like the difference between Fluid Dynamics and Plumbing. ;)14:31
jrwren_err wait, I don't have any part of an EE degree. CS/CE, LOL14:31
snap-lYeah, CS is just useless. ;)14:33
rick_hhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/cgtdv057hvdkb6k/2013-06-13%2010.31.52.jpg jrwren_ yea, I had a guy that's a general handyman from the woodworking group help me out when I first ran that subpanel out to the garage14:34
rick_hso yea, it's got dual 110 up there into the box, then A/B are my normal outlets on two diff 20A runs. Then the sqD is the 20A 220 for the bandsaw dedicated outlet. The bottom two are not hooked up to anything. Just there for future expandsion14:34
snap-l Honestly, when it comes to home wiring I want someone who can pass an inspection doing the job14:35
snap-lNot going to cheap out14:35
rick_hyea, erica freaks out when I touch electrical. She had a heart attack when I installed the child-proof outlets around the house lol14:35
snap-lI don't need someone releasing the magic smoke in my walls14:35
snap-lThose are fine, but running 240 through the house is a different matter14:36
rick_hyea, I didn't do this myself for sure.14:36
rick_honce the box was in place thogh I ran the wiring/outlets through the garage14:36
rick_hthat's easy stuff14:36
jrwren_for basic 120v home wiring, I'll do it myself. its damned easy.14:37
jrwren_i'm of the opinion that I can try anything a couple times, and if it requires more skill or i just hate it, i'll pay someone else14:38
rick_hand I'm one of those sucky customers that wants to look over their shoulder as they do it so I can learn :)14:38
snap-lYeah, I'm not going to pay someone to install a light switch14:39
brouschrick_h: I think they don't mind if you're friendly while you do it14:39
snap-lThey get really mad if you try dry humping their leg, though14:39
snap-ljust FYI14:39
jrwren_me too! I had a guy running a gas line for me, working black pipe, and I just said "don't mind me, I want to watch"14:40
brouschWould've been better: "I like to watch"14:43
snap-lalternately "it's been a while since anyone has been down here. Y'know, since 'the incident'".14:45
snap-l"The voices like you"14:45
snap-l"I like you"14:45
jrwren_mental note: never allow snap-l into my home :)15:08
greg-gjrwren_: oh you poor soul15:29
jrwren_https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/galu1  looks SWEET!15:37
jrwren_still not as small as a mac book air, but looks to be the best linux ultra i've seen.15:37
greg-ghere's one link I have http://www.pubpat.org/ampsctdecision.htm15:38
rick_hjrwren_: yea, 4# isn't ultra-light imo15:38
rick_hreally not a fan of that build look15:38
jrwren_nor I15:38
rick_h1080p though!15:39
rick_hbut a 14" screen :/15:39
rick_hlots of ports love is cool15:39
jrwren_supreme court missed a huge opportunity here. they SHOULD have invalidated all patents on genes.15:39
greg-gjrwren_: yeah, agree, but at least all "natural" (or whatever) genes aren't patentable15:40
greg-gnot just human15:40
jrwren_agreed, there is the "at least"15:40
brouschGalu does looks nice15:52
brouschToo bad I don't need a new computer yet15:53
greg-gI thought everyone who wanted a macbook air but not apple got the Dell XPS 13?15:54
greg-gtoo bad good ole "project sputnik" is having kernel issues :)15:54
jrwren_TIL: pep8 doesn't mandate a space between a quote and an and15:55
jrwren_if x == 'wow'and y == 'crazy':15:55
rick_hjrwren_: I expect a patch by EOD :)15:55
brouschmmmm, pegging all 4 cores now15:57
brouschGoing to peg these suckers for 30-45mins16:02
brouschI hope it doesn't melt16:02
greg-gbrousch: what you doing?16:03
brouschConverting 500 badly formatted 36"x48" PDFs to TIFF16:04
brouschI broke them into 4 pieces so I could run them in parallel16:05
greg-gso, there are now 3 extra kids in the house (2 two year old twins and 1 four year old). They're here half-time (their mom lives here now, split from dad). I feel bad, but I needed to put my headphones/RATM on to block out the noise today (working from home).16:48
rick_hgreg-g: yea, when my wife/boy are home on thurs I head out of the house. Can't do it16:51
* greg-g nods16:54
greg-gyeah, I might do that in a bit. Had my 9am call but it might be time for a coffee shop trip.16:54
greg-gbut I'm enjoying air drumming to RATM right now ;)16:54
jrwren_i stopped working at home as soon as the girl could crawl, because she would crawl up to me and want to play.17:04
brouschThat would be hard on the kid, too. Having to tell her it's not play time17:05
brouschGo away kid, Daddy is on his computer!17:05
greg-gyeah, it has been with Rowan. :/17:07
greg-gI dont' work from home much anymore (this is probably the first time since I started at WMF in Feb) so it isn't bad anymore17:07
greg-gbut at CC I wfm Wed/Fri every week.17:07
rick_hI don't know. It's good for the boy imo. Same thing with cooking dinner. Sometimes he has to play while I cook on stuff. Sometimes he can participate in the cooking.17:07
jrwren_kids understand.17:08
jrwren_the thing is, I WANT to play with her :)17:08
snap-l^ Not unsurprising17:08
greg-gyeah, we got one of those "learning tower" things for the kitchen for cooking time. really helped out.17:09
snap-lAlso, this batch of Supreme Court decisions is extremely surgical in their decisions17:09
rick_hyea, we let him climb up on a chair when it's something he can help with. Sometimes it's just boiling water and best to keep out.17:10
jrwren_i've never heard of learning tower.17:11
greg-gthey're pretty neat17:11
rick_hyea, if Michael was younger I'd be all over it17:11
rick_hhe's old enough now that just a chair works out ok.17:11
greg-grick_h: how old is he now?17:12
rick_hgreg-g: 317:12
jrwren_ha! is that seriously just a step stool with sides just in case a kid falls?17:13
jrwren_a $200 step stool! wow.17:13
snap-ljrwren_: Not just any step stool; a step stool that has liability insurance tacked on for when the kid defeats the saftey.17:14
snap-land all of the kid testing to pass all of the certifications17:15
greg-gjrwren_: we got ours used, only way to go with baby/kid stuff17:15
greg-g$40 I think, iirc17:15
jrwren_ah, cool.17:16
snap-lThe System76 laptop refresh seems nice.17:24
brouschahahahah. I ran out of disk space from those conversions. Apparently imagemagick is creating a 1.2GB temp file for each PDF17:38
greg-guse vips17:41
greg-gwe're switching to it from imagemagick because it is better on ram/disk/cpu17:41
greg-gbrousch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VIPS_%28software%2917:42
snap-lApparently JoDee's sense of smell is returning because she said Pixel dropped a deuce so bad they're clearing out Downtown Royal Oak.17:48
snap-lWell, that's a bit of a habit, now isn't it.18:11
snap-llogged into my machine, and instantly typed "irc".18:11
brouschHm, I was wrong about the 1.2GB files. Apparently it was just the conversion of one specific file that created about 40 1.2GB files. Insane18:31
jrwren_what happened to her smell?20:26
snap-ljrwren_: She had allergies going pretty strong20:36
snap-lso she was having difficulty smelling / tasting things20:37
jrwren_wow, them is some bad allergies.23:25

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