
magespawngood morning06:52
Kilosmorning magespawn and others07:37
magespawnhey Kilos, sleeping late?07:40
magespawnjust asking if you were sleeping late, it is good ifbnot well07:42
Kilosya just slept in somehow and then had to rush to get sheeps concentrates mixed07:43
Kilosso pc had to wait07:43
magespawnpc are good at that.07:43
magespawnthey are not impatient at all, and sheep need attention07:45
Kiloshyows things there magespawn ?07:45
Kiloshow too07:46
Kilosice in water here again07:46
magespawnbusy with a Department of Education meeting as a member of the SGB.07:46
Kilosah well hear what they ngotta say07:47
magespawndoes not bode well, was supposed to start at 09:0007:51
Kilosoh my07:52
charlgood morning08:13
charlMaaz: coffee on08:13
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:13
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!08:17
charlMaaz: thanks08:17
Maazcharl: No problem08:17
Kiloshi charl 08:18
inetprogoeie more Kilos08:28
Kiloslo inetpro 08:28
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:31
Kiloshi Xethron 08:37
charlhi Kilos 08:37
charlsorry connection dropped... seems like ipv6 on the wifi here is unstable08:38
charlit's a new thing though, they're probably still working on it08:38
Kiloscan only get better08:38
charlKilos: are you over the flu??08:40
Kilosnope charl but much better08:41
charlgood to hear08:41
Kilosstill the runny nose and cough08:41
charli have a stomach bug that has been bothering me for the last month08:41
charlit isn't serious but it just doesn't seem to want to leave08:41
charli need to go to a meeting, bbl08:42
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
Kiloshi tonberryE352  superfly 11:01
magespawnHey Kilos, looks like the net is still sick.11:05
Kilosis it twitter thats blocked the clients from working there 11:11
Kiloswhat would be the reason for that11:11
Kilosi wonder if that guy got the grub prob fixed11:12
magespawnwe can only hope so11:14
magespawnyes twitter on their side stopped the version 1 access11:14
magespawnthere could be all sorts of reasons for that11:18
Kilosi see there a new twitter app called birdie11:20
Kilosjust havent found when they said it was new yet11:22
magespawnmight be worth a try11:23
Kiloslooking at it now11:24
magespawndo not usually us the pc for that sort of thing, do it all through the phone and tablet11:24
magespawnhow is this for a dodgy site? http://getofficesuite.com/join.php11:24
Kilosarent there probs from them too11:24
Kilosyou opening it with windows11:25
Kilosanything not ms based is dodgy to them11:25
magespawnif you see that logo in the top left, that is the open office logo11:27
Kilosbut we libreoffice now11:34
Kilosopenoffice is old11:34
magespawni have clicked through to the payment area and it is actually for a product called novus office standard11:34
Kilosfirst time ive used that11:35
Kiloswhat are you trying to do11:35
magespawni got an email, and thought i would check it out11:41
Kilosbirdie connects now i gotta figure where to type11:44
Kilosyay magespawn birdie works but can only accept one account at the moment, they are still developing it11:47
magespawncool Kilos11:49
Kilosaw it crashed11:49
Kilosall gone11:50
Kilosrestarts easy enough11:54
magespawnthey are still working on it11:58
Kilosat least it gets in12:06
magespawnpick up kids time bbl12:10
* Squirm looks around12:12
* Squirm yawns12:12
Kiloslo there tired one12:13
Squirmso now I hear Google is giving websites with no mobile site a lower score :/12:58
Kiloseverything is pointing mobile direction methinks12:58
Kilosmore mobiles than pcs already im sure12:58
magespawnhey all13:08
Kiloshi  magespawn 13:22
charlgood afternoon13:24
Kiloshi charl 13:25
charlhi Kilos 13:25
charlhi magespawn, Squirm 13:25
magespawnhi charl13:25
charlSquirm: google mobile search prioritises what it believes to be mobile websites, that's an old thing13:25
charlSquirm: as for the rest, don't believe rumors, it's these seo-douchebags that keep going with it13:26
charlMaaz: coffee on13:26
* Maaz flips the salt-timer13:26
charli am really thirsty, been working too hard13:26
charlbeen doing some cool stuff with w3c dom in java and apache commons httpcomponents13:27
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!13:30
magespawncharl details or links13:34
Kilosmagespawn, of any interest to you?13:47
magespawnwill have a look13:48
charlmagespawn: ???13:48
charlsorry was busy writing a mail there13:48
magespawnno worries, was just interested in what you said namely been doing some cool stuff with w3c dom in java and apache commons httpcomponents13:49
charloh sorry, that13:49
charl1 sec13:49
charlsorry it's no longer part of apache commons, to correct myself13:50
magespawnty charl13:51
charlit comes from apache commons httpclient13:51
magespawnKilos that is not one that that i have used before, but it uses the avira engine which i have seen before13:52
Kilosi liked the bit that it does malware spyware and virus13:54
Kilosif it actually does that is13:54
Kilospoor windows peeps13:58
Kiloswhat a life13:58
charli run win8 inside a VM, mainly for office and one or two other applications14:02
charli just let security essentials do its job and don't worry about it further14:02
charlbut if i ever get problems with it, it would be trivial to revert to an earlier snapshot or even reinstall14:02
charlif you don't run IE as your default browser, don't install from untrusted sources, and have good server-side email filtering, there is minimal chances of getting malware on your pc14:03
charlthe rest is just unnecessary worrying14:04
Kilostell that to the peeps with crashed pcs14:24
Kilosthank heavens for ubuntu14:25
charlwell if you install random binaries on ubuntu you might also end up with some malware14:26
charlbut the chances are minimal14:27
charlmost malware authors target the most popular platforms, windows #1 and osx #214:27
charlmost popular desktop platforms, i should say14:27
charlif gnu/linux was a popular desktop operating system it would have been targeted too14:27
charlmostly only linux-based servers are targeted though14:27
charlbecause it's probably the world's #1 server o/s14:28
charloh and android-based phones14:28
Kilosoh my them too14:29
Kilosi actually find IE on win7 much better than the old ones14:31
Kilosgive the devil his due, they have improved some14:32
charli still would not use IE for the life of me, but you are correct, it has improved14:42
charlit is so bad they actually made a self-ridiculing site http://www.browseryoulovedtohate.com/14:46
charlhen they replaced it with a new campaign http://www.beautyoftheweb.com/14:46
charlhowever their market share continues to drop http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp14:47
charlchrome continues to rise and all other browsers continue to fall, google is taking over the web14:48
Kiloscan someone explain this http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5997514:52
Kilosis it on cells only the free bit14:53
charl"This morning, at G-South Africa, in Cape Town, 8ta announced “Free Zone powered by Google” - a service that gives people access to mobile Web search and feature-phone-friendly versions of Gmail and Google+ with zero data charges."15:00
charlmobile web search is the mobile site15:01
magespawni think it was anything that used an 8ta sim like a tablet or phone but not for the modem on a pc15:01
charltypically only accessible from a mobile web browser like the type you have on a mobile phone15:01
charlyup that makes sense magespawn 15:01
magespawnand it was only the search and the first linked page of the search15:02
charlyou could perhaps fool it by using a mobile web browser inside an android emulator (for example) on a tethered pc15:02
magespawnmaybe you could past it if you could get a mobile browser on the pc15:02
charlno guarantees though15:02
charlthey say great minds think alike magespawn :)15:03
charlnot sure about dumb ones though :(15:03
charlit also seems to count for mobile apps15:03
magespawnindeed, they also say something else, that slips my mind at the moment15:03
charli don't know how they calculate the billing, it's hard to know how they differentiate unless you have technical knowlege of the implementation15:04
charlhave an outrageously good evening all :)15:05
Kilosya man nokias use opera15:05
Kiloshey magespawn we min here man15:24
magespawnyup 31 15:31
Kilosmaybe ill get G+ free if i use opera then i can go there15:33
Kiloshere be more info15:33
magespawnKilos: not sure if that would work, i think is only google search15:34
Kilosthey say in there the g+ is a free thing too15:34
Kilosand the internet seems to recognise opera as a mobile browser15:35
Kilosmaybe you gotta join their freezone first15:36
* Kilos looks15:36
KilosShare and search on your phone with no data charges15:37
magespawnsounds like a deal15:37
Kilosbut no english the apart from philipines and sri lanka15:37
Kiloswhich of them is close to za english15:39
Kilosi also want free data and all15:39
Kiloswont work thats for location15:41
magespawnnot sure Kilos, experiment15:52
magespawni am off home, later15:53
Kilosgo safe magespawn 15:53
Kilosended up at my broadband but dont understand their random question15:54
KilosPlease give the name and surname in the following list which are the odd ones out (sample answer like: Johan Pretorius): Akhona, Buhle, Celiwe, Diliza, Entla, Fundani, Gabhaza, Hloniphile, Isiwelwa, Jabulile, Khwezi, Louis, Mangaliso, Neziswa, Othembela, Phaphama, Qedusizi, Reneilwe, Schoeman, Thonjeni, Unathile, Veliswa, Wonga, Xabaquba, Yawilweca, Zondlile15:54
Kilosah maybe now15:55
Kilosi dont read to well15:56
Kiloswhat a schlep15:57
inetprogood evening17:02
Kiloshi inetpro 17:03
Kilosbirdie works17:03
inetproKilos: good for you17:04
inetprobut it sounds like an old thing that I tried some time ago17:05
Kiloswill use till you say choqok is working17:05
Kilosits still under developement so i dunno17:05
Kilosno frills they say17:05
inetproKilos, magespawn: that g+ 8ta freezone thing is no more17:06
inetprolook at the date17:06
inetprothen read the later date story at: http://mybroadband.co.za/news/internet/79371-free-zone-powered-by-google-is-no-more.html17:07
Kilosi got to the mybroadband thing and waiting for a confirm email17:07
inetproit was stupid to start with anyway17:07
Kilosaw its gone?17:08
* inetpro wbb17:08
Kilosoh well17:08
Kiloswb Xethron 17:45
Kiloswhew its cold again17:58
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
zerefherro ubuntu-za19:18
inetprogood evening zeref19:25
superflyohi zeref19:41
inetprosuperfly: how are uou today?19:56
inetproyou as well19:56
superflyinetpro: meh.20:08
inetprohmm... whatever that means?20:09
inetprosounds like you have lost the interwebs20:10
zerefanybody tried wicket?20:21
Butch_What's that?20:25
Butch_Apache Wicket?20:25

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